^ SEASON'S GREETINGS m S. E. DeCUDMORE INSURANCE BONDS REAL ESTATE I'liMii;- 21-1 FLESHERTON, ONT. r Xmas Cheer WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS, OUR PROSPECTIVE ONES AND ALL THOSE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE, A MERRY XMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR IN 1926. Then, ri-mi'iSibfr. day by tiny. .Iiisl t(i MiittiT sffds (tf UiiidncHii As you |>"ss aloii); tin- way; For th«' plt-aMircs of Ihr many May b«- (iflinu'-> tract'd to oiH'. As th«' hand that plants tht> acorn Shelters arniirs from the sun. THOS. W. FINDLAY I'urniliiro Dialtr. and I'mural Dircclnr FLESHERTON, ONT. GREETING We take this opportunity of wish- ing our many Customers and friends a Very Merry Cfiristmas and Pros- perous New Year. H. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS ;!2^?^2^2^?^2^?^?^?^?^«?eS BEST WISHES i g g ^ THE HOME OF - - • Perfect Wool Products Wishes its Many Customers the | compliments of the Season & ^ continued happiness & pro- | sperity through 1926. m Flesherton Woollen Mills J. NUHN, Proprietor Greetings to Our Many Friends and Customers \Vf wish til takf this opportunity of exprWHidK to you, that wo apprvciati- more than wi- can »»y your c«»- operation i-nd friendship which it has been our priv- ileKe tn enjoyi Yuur nis>ny fa^on extended to um dur- inn the year wanants ..our ..h'.'artiest thanks. We tht're(«ire 'pxtend to you the Kreetinjjs of the season with our sinrere winh for your prosperity durinK 1926. '.» Hespeet fully youVs, W. J. Stewart & Sons Klimi-, I'l't.l, Sei-«-., (irotiiies and t (•nltcliimery FLESHERTON, ONT. Our Wish That Christmas 1925 may be one of the happiest you have ever spent; and that the corning year may bring to all our customers and friends con- tinued prosperty. mm "the peoples GROCERY" W. G. KENNEDY FLESHERTON We wish to take this oppor- tunity to express to our many customers and friends the sea- son's compliments, hoping that everyone will experience a Joy- ous Yuletide and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Yours respectfully, W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton The Season's Greetings - - PERMIT ME TO EXTEND TO YOU MY BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY ClISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. mm W. A. HAWKEN IMIoro .\RTIST .\ND MLSIC DEALER ,^ \ V A. y y M