Wed.. IXceinbcr 2. 19J5 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE door:--''Eiiter the same way. with knocking; Wove , TORONTO LINE, NORTH Published on CoUingwood Street, FI«8herton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1100. Price in Canada |t.£0 per year; in U.S. A. I2.0U per year; |2.00 per year when not paid in advance. W. H. THURSTON. - Editor F. J. THUK.STON' - Asst. Editor 1 Our nieohants can be helped and the ! wheels of commerce lightened to the I advantage of all, if Advance reuderx {will litudy the tfclvertist^nents and make pun'haseti uf Christinu.s pres- ents as speedily as possible. CANADA'S WOMAN .MEMBER COlNTINt; OUT INWAKANTEI) It is well that the decision uf the | (Canadian Farmer) Thouifh We do not see eye to dye : with Mis» Agnes Macphail in many 'things, we are heartily glad that she . 1 is back in the House of Commons. _ , ^. , â- 1 . . ; She has practised the ethics that she County Court of judges, to so count :,j^_^ preached, and surely, if women the voti's polled in the late Donilnion ^y^, j„ politics for any one thing, they Election in North Huron, as to giv<.' are there to strenKhen the moral sido the .scat to the candidate polling the j ''1 the different issues that come be- , , ., tore the/ Government. If all tno fewest votes, hrts been api>ealed to the , ^^.„,„,.„ „,h„ ^111, no doubt, follow higher Ciiurt. We believe the Judge. Miss Maci)hail into ofl'ice in the years erred -wlMn he threw out the ballots 'to come stick to their guns as cour- that had the counterfoil attached, ll aK<-""sly. as she has stuck to hers ami , keep their womanlmess as well as shf was the duty of the lieputy-returninp j,^^ j„„,,^ â- ^^ ^j,, j^^ ^ g^^j tjjing j^^ officers where these irregularities | the country, took place to remove these counter-, â€" • foils, but if he did not the ballots I SPECIAL DECORATIONS should have been counted by the judge whether they were few or many The law so provides ballots deposited by the deputy-re- turning officer in the box with count- erfoils attached shall lie counted if they have been "inadvertently" so Aiealt with. The dictionary definition of the Word uklack of thoughtfulness or inattentiveness, negligence, heed- lessness or carelessness. And as neither at the official count in the polls or at the recount before the County Judge was it allcvrt'd that the failure to remove the counterfoil (tliough a wrong act) in any moasure invalidated the secrecy of the surely they should have been counted by the judge and the returning offic- er conftiMned. There is no <iuestion as to the intention of the law in this respect; the trouble is with the inter- pretation of the statute. It would be an outrage to seat W candidate in a minority of over -'iOO votes because of the blunder of those charged with the conduct of the polling. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever are visit- ing with their daughter, Mrs. Gerald Morgan, at Moorefleld and friends at Brussells. Mr. »i\d Mrs. C. Stewart and Mr. and Airs. K. Wickens spent a day in Owen Sound last week. Mrs. Tuplin, who has been in Flesh- erton for the past couple of weeks' visited with Mrs. A. Stewart before returning to her home at Feversham. On .Monday evening L.O.L. 50y, Orcjijge Valley, >held their Regular meeting when the officers for the following year were elected. Miss Catherine Davidson, Barhead, visited with her friend, Miss S. Alcox, a short time. .Mr. and Mrs. K. Richardson spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. G. Pritchard at Vandeleur the pa*it week. The stores in town are being dec- It enacts that ' "'"'•''^ ^°'' ^^*^ Christmas season and some especially nice displays are being noticed. W. A. Armstrong &. Son are to be complimented upon tlieir artistic display of Victor Radio machines in their ^^^dow. It cer- tainly pays well to have displays in the window that will catch the eye of the pas.sor-by. 'ONWARD" NEWS .Mr. and Mrs. A. I). Irwin visited friends in Cedarviile last week. Onward U.K.Y.P.O. held a meeting last Thursday evening with a good crowd nrfli^ent. Miss Kate MiMillan b.illots, i oi.[.upic(I the chair. The niniti topic was a debate resolved -'that Bobbed haired Girls make better copipunions for the Farmer than long Haired Girls." "The affiimative side won. .Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oli\ or and family also Ml. and Mrs. J:>:«. Turned spent last Friday evening at I). McPhail'.s. Geo. Banks threshed his grain stacks last week. .1. .Ander.soii is visiting his parents in Mount Forest. The aged couple are very ill at present. Jas. Turner disposed of his largo (lock of geese last .Saturday afternoon by way of a shooting mati h. PIMSHMENT OF CRIME The prevalence of crimes of a ser- ious character and the best means for combating lawlessness is again engaging the attention of the author- ities in fUinada as well as in the ad- joining republic. Our neighbors in the roads, the United SUtes are really suffering •^''- Sherman Ottewell and family :.. »i,; ..,.„.... I *., „,r, u . of Feversham have moved into this in tnis regard to a much greater ex- • • •. • .i i , h «-••• 1 ^ vicinity again, occupving tiie house tent than we are and they have been owned' liv Mr. ^ LADY BANK (liast week's items) The Ladies' Aid held their bazaar in Feversham on .Saturday evening of last week and it proved to be a success, considering the condition of en(|uiring v.-hy crime i: prevalent within their borders than itj Canada. We belieye the oxpRina- tion is the greater certainty that the law will be ju.stly administered with- out fear or favor. Nevertheless, there is far too much serious crime in this country and good reason for considering how best lawlessness can be. put' down. The great extension of crimes undetaken by armed bandits. with the aid of automobiles is puzzl- ing the authorities, and seriously proposed that should be used in the punishment of , those found guilty of crimes of this nature. Mayhap it should be given a trial. We know of no one who has been whipped for this brand of crime or foi- otJ-,v.«'t's against women and cl}iUii»1»fi who again come into the ''clutches of the law for a similar offence. In any case, the Courts will do well to extend the utmost vigor of the law to the criminal found in possession of a murderous weapon when arrest- ed for crime. Such a one might not have actually slain his victim, but thete is no doubt that tho possesion of a gun, ilagger, stiletto or other ddadly weapon proved that he had murder in hi.i heart and meant to cdmmit it, should it be necessary to do so in order to accomplish his pur- pose or to escapo punishment for his misdeeds. owned by much more known althe Ferguson farm. Ed. Ilarboltle, once .Miss .\loda Feighen of Sunlight College school. East Mountain, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Semple over the week end. Master Harry Allen of East ?vIoun- tain visited with Ernie Semple and took in the big bazaar at Feversham. Mr. Stewart Mc.Mullen has returned home after spending the summer months in the West. His brother, William, also accompanied him. The Ladies' Aid of Providence church will hold their December meet- ing at the home of Mrs. John Ottewell t is being Jr. on Wednesday the 9th. the lash "^^^ Indian must have died and for- gotten to have left his order for his summer to come to us this fall. 4TH LINE AND VICINITY .Miss Jessie Hooper of Egremont is visiting at the home of Mrs. K. Purdy. Mr. Albert Hazard and son, Cha.s., returned from the West after a suc- cessful business and pleasure trip. Mr. Harry Pedlar leUves Tuesday on a pleasure trip for a few weeks. Mr. R. F. Purdv ci!,ptured a fine owl. Folks interested i,n wild birds should see this fine specimen. Mr. Geo. Hazard is hired at Mr. R. Whittaker's for an indefinite term. Mr. Ben .McKlmizIc left Tuesday for Florida to ioin his son. Bill. W. A. .Armstrong & .Son are offer- ing Columbia records at 39c. eaidi. This is a real bargain. EDITORIAL NOTES Nickly one, do not despair. Remem- ber that the sun has a sinking fit every ni((ht, but it comes back strong in the morning. • • • A good sign for every home front DEPENDABLE Auctionee Service ' When an auctioneer travels over more than one section of the County he can make you a better sale because the scope of acquaintance and confi- dence is correspondingly increased. List your Purebred or Farm Stock Sale with me and be assured of the benefit of a life of experience along these lines. Terms moderate. First Class Merchant Tailoring Plain and Fancy Serges and Worsteds Scotch and Canadian Tweeds Bird's Mackinaws. Stocking Legs & Yfirn Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts Odd Pairs of Pants, alterations free H. ALEXANDER FKVRRSHAM THE MAGIC CARPET Bank off Montreal Leaves The Advance is sOrry to announce that the Bank of Montreal has been ' forced to close its doors in F'lesher- 1 ton on account of business not warr- anting keeping open any longer. The ' decision was q^ade a couple of weeks ' ago and took effect on Monday last. All accounts have been transferred ; to the Standard Bank, notice of which | waa sent to all the customers of the . Bank of Montreal. We are also i sorry to lose Mr. W. B. A. Cross, the manager who has been here for i nearly tv/o yoars, and who has been a i very obliging head of the local branch. | Mr. has received a move to Guelph and he, with his family, will move their household effects from, here. Mr. Gould, teller in the bank, leaves tor Granton, while Miss Ferris junior, will remain at her home here. The Bank of Montreal took over the Merchants Bank of Canada, which^ had been established here in 1919, and about six managers of the bank have been here in that time. Once upon ii time in the mystic land of Persia, there was found am- ong the treasures of a king, a won- derful carpot. One had only to sit ! o:i it, wish to be somewhere, and away the carpet would fly till the wished-for-place was reached. For hundreds of years it carried kings and princes upon the most amazing adventure.s. No one knows what fin- ally became of it, but it may be that its tsla threads went into the make- up of hte first Youth's Companion. For, like the magic carpet. The Companion for 1920 carries you U> the land of your heart's desire â€" up y into tht: Maine wood.s of the lumber- jj Fi.ESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL The Staff of Life CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS. IN FUTURE. INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR FINDER'S BREAD AND GEl' THE BEST. INDER'S r^ERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery -â€" -1 Uh Class â€" A. Heard, J. McFadden, M. Fenwick, E. Fen wick, G. Sled, M. Bibby, E. McMullen, A. Lever, A. i Ii-win, B. Phillips, L. Batty, B. Patton i Sr. 3 â€" S. Preston, O. Stuart. E. ' >'isher, W. Colgan, G. McMaster, A. Clements. Jr. ;iâ€" E. Ferris, H. Best, B. Patton, F. Welton, B. Sled, B. Castle, J. Gib- son, K. McKillop, E. Freeman. Sr. 2â€" M. Ferris, D. McFadden, D. McMullen, \V. Preston, A. Warling, A. Laughlin, B. McEachnie, M. Stuart McMaster, J. Gibson, W. Laughlin, ,, . , . , , ^. Kerton. men; out on the western plains where j,, gâ€"R. Talbot, G. Boyd, E. War- the warlike Nnvaho Indians live; far ,;„;,, ej. Patton, II. Bibby, H. Croft, up into the gold regions of Alaska; (; Qih^on. B. Welton. and away on the .Southern Seas in, y,. | j^_ McEachnie. H .seaivh of tre.i.«ures ami lost island.s. ; -w. Littiejohns McKillop. A. Turney./' E. .Ml you net<d for such extraordinary' j,._ j p_ Qjb.son. adventui-'?.-! Is a young heart and aifigp^p^tg Youtii'.s C<.mpanion. Don't lose tinie| p,. ij_Lf;. Brown,' E. Burnett, A. m getting started; subscril)e now and; L.j,,.,.,,nce, C. Talbot, F. Pafton," H. Laughlin. Pr. Aâ€" F. r.2 is- reeeive: I. The Youth's Companion .-^uos in l92Cf, and :.'. The remaining issues of 192.5. All for only S2.00. .'!. Or include McCall's Magazine, the monthly authority on fashions. Both publication.--, only $2..")0. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION .S N Dept., Boston, Mass. Su'nscriptions received at this office. Lawrence. D. Stuart, E. Croft. R. Semple. B. Murray. G. Gib- son. II. DeCudmore. Pr. Câ€" D. Kerton. J. Poole, A. Mc- Killop, D. Kerton. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shaw and children of Lions Heiid motored down on Saturday and spent the week end with Mrs. .Shaw's parents. Mr. and -Mrs. W. H. Thurston. "%r al/ yourhaHn^ ^ VOU will never know how good your recipes â- *â- are â€" and how well you can make pies, cakes, puddings and bread, until you've used Purity Flour. Your dealer knows. Ask hiipn. s I \. a' %r all ymr bahn^ SEND FOR THE PL-RITY FLOUR COOKBOOK Stn J 30c /or lie ISO pas' Purity FUar C^k Buck. Sin: pcstpaid. WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO. LIKflTED Head OfEce-TORONTO Drc-^c'.ica fro.-n coQit to coast Z jT Victor Northern Elect tic / Radio on Xmas Club Terms One Dollar Makes You a Member and Secures Your Set for Christmas ! Prices $42.00 to $260.00 (Including tubes) - • \ ' Two â€" three - five â€" Seven and eight tube sets Get one of these famous sets and go as far as you like. Far and near, loud and clear, they bring in the music ! A pleasure to operate, a pleasure to listen to, a plearure to look at. You can't beat them at any price, anywhere in the world ! W. A. Armstrong & Son A. i^ Wl i