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Flesherton Advance, 4 Nov 1925, p. 2

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Youn^ Tender Leaves and tips ti*ed in GREEN TEA are sealed in alr-tl^Ht alufninum foil. Thei"^ fresH flavor is finer tHan anx Japan or ^ut^po^vder. Tr^^ SALADA. :-'*-i$100.00 IN PRIZES FOR BEST LEnERS r\ Phantom of tk Opera BY GASTON LEROUX CHAPTER I. 18 IT THE GHOST? It was the evening on which Mm. it, a bead of Are! And, as fireman i* not afraid of flr*. The flreman'a name was Pampln Ths corps de bal'.et was flung into consternation. At first sight, this fiery head in no way corresjponded with Joseph Buquet's descriptUMi of | â-  the ghost. But the young ladies soon j^ p. willlama' Mt^leiiie Co. persuaded themselves that the ghost *"* "'• WlUlamS MCaicnie uo. had several heads, which he changed Offer Twenty-Eight Prizes in about aa he pleased. And, of course, *uj„« they at once imagined that they w«r« • Letter Writing Competition. In the greatest danger. Once a fire- j •^i.nii.â„¢. man did not hesitate to faint, leaders Some years ago the Ur. ~WlUUm» and front^row and back-row glr'ji aUke Medicine Co., of BrockviUe, Ont.. oi- had plenty of excuses for the fright fered a series of prises to realdents of that made them quicken their pace Ontario and Quebec fur tbd best let- when passing some dark corner or ters describing benefits obtained ill-lighted corridor. Soreili herself, through the use of Dr. Williams' Pluk on the day after the adventure of the pu], f(,^ pg,g people Hundreds of firemaii, placed a horseshoe on the ,3^^^, ^.^^^ submitted in tbta compe- tab.o in front of the stage doorkeep- ,.„„_ „„. ^. ,^„,„ „. .» >,_„« hsen cr's box, which every one who entered '»''"• ""O ^/^ ,"»«" «"* »* I*Vh„ »HU :tho Opera otherwise than as a spec- , thousands of other users of the p Us : Utor must touch before setUng foot who did not avail themselves of tne I on the first tread of the staircase. ; opportunity to win a prize. To all j This horseshoe was not invented by these another letter-writing competl- me â€" any more than any other part of ^ tlon Is offered. Thousands have bene- this story, Bla8!--and may still be^flted through the use of Dr. WUUams' Pink Pills whose cases have not been reported. These will furnish the ma- terial for letters to be written In this contest. There Is no demand upon the I jaglnatlon; every letter must deal wUh facts and facts only. The Prizes. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., of Brockvllle, Ont., will aiirard a prize of ' sesn on the table in the passage out- side the stage doorkeapsr'.s box, when ! you enter the Opera through the court .known as the Couer d^ I'Administra- corps de baldet, who were lodged in common dressing-rooms where they spent their time singing, quarreling, , , . . , . » at ^ ^ i.»_ Fmacking tho dresserf and hair- IS^\l»- At ast, Jammes, flinging her- Debienne and Poligny, the managers ; dressers and buying one another ,**''»»??" '•»« farthest corner of the of the Opera, were giving a last gala 1 glasses of beer, until the call-boy's wa.l, with every mark of real terror performance to mark their retire- bell rang. °",.r*'' *Sf' whispered: ment. Suddenly the dressing-room of L Soreili was very superstitious. She rT^^^uj j * i.^ - „ >„„m La Soreili, one of the principal dan- rghuddered when she heard little Jam- 1. Everybody seemed to hear a rustl- cors, was invaded by half a dozen mes speak of the ghost, called her a '"K ^"^'<J« ^^e door There was no young ladies of the ballet, who had "si:: y little fool." and then, as she ^ptind of footsteps It was I'ke light come up from the stage after "danc- was the first to bslieve in ghosts in s^'k _8'>ding over the panel. Then it ing" Polyeucte. They rushed in amid gf>eat confusion, some giving vent to forced and unnatural laughter, others to cries of terror. Soreili, who wished to be alone for a moment to "run through" the speech which she was to make to the resigning managers, looked around angrily at the mad and tumultuous crowd. It was little JammoKâ€" the girl with the tip-tilted nose, the forget-me-not eyes, the rose- red cheeks and the lily-white neck and shoulder.s â€" who gave the explanation in a trembling voice: "It's the ghost!" And she locked the door. tion. To return to the evening in ques- tion. "It's the ghost!" little Jammes had cried. An agonizing silence now reigned }rea^r'd%^r?hrhITbreaSi"^ofr ^^'^r/" .V^« ?") i«""„/t"i:l!f ill f^llVTDbO Ail , gentral, and the Opera ghost in par- , "'"PP .;. , . , , ,i,„., ^„„„ „'„„i, ticular, at once asked for detailsf L. ^orf-' t/'ed to show more p.uck "Have vou seen him''" r*'*" ^^^ others. She went up to the "As plainly as I .see you now!" said ; door and, in a quavering voice, asked: little Jammes. whose legs were giving; „ ^ â-  j "^^ j onâ„¢ *^i away beneath her, and she dropped', ^"^'^^'^y ^"'T/r ' I^i^',r W with a moan into a chair. I !"« "'1 '^^'^ "P°" ***';. ^^*'^^J5^,.w' „, ,. ,, ... ^, . .Mast movement, she made an etiort to Thereupon itt.e Giry--the girl ^^^^ courage, and said very loudly: with eyes black as s.oes, hair black , ..jg t^ere any one behind the door?" as ink. a swarthy complexion and a; ..Qh. yes. yes! Of course there is!" poor httlo skin stretched over poorl^jp,! that- little dried plum of a Meg little bonesâ€" iitt.e Giry added: | Qi^y^ heroically holding Soreili back "If that's the ghost, he's very by her gauze skirt. "Whatever you ugiy: "Oh, yes!" cried the Oh. Lord, do, don't open the door! chorus of don't open the door!" SorcUi's dressing-room was fitted ballet-girls. I But SoreM. armed with a dagger up with official, commonplace ele- I And they all began to talk together. : that never left her, turned the key gance. A pier-glass, a sofu, a dress- ', The ghost had appeared to them in and drew back the door, whi.e the insr-tab'e and a cupboard or' two pro- the shape of a gentleman in dress- ballet-girls retreated to the inner vidi'd the necessary furniture. On the j clothes, who had suddenly stood before dressing-room and Meg Giry sighed: wars hung a few engravings, relics t^'em in the passage, without their "Mother! Mother!" of tho mother, who had known the knowing where he came from. He Sorel.i looked into the passage gloii?s of the old Opera in the Rue la ' s«eined to have come straight through bravely. It was empty, a gas-flame Pex'tier; portraits of Vestris. Gardel,! the wall. i in its glass pri.son. cast a red and Dupont, Bigottini. But the room' "Pooh!" said one of them, who had suspicious light into the surrounding Eecm?d'u palace to the girl.s of tho more or less kept Ijpr head. "You darkness, without succeeding in dis- tspe the ghost everywhere!" polling it. And the dancer slammed ~ I "And it was true. For several the door again, with a deep sigh. VERY- MEAL WRIOEirS makes your food do you more good. Note hew it relieves that EtufFy feeling after hearty eating. Sweetens the breath, removes ' food particles from the teeth, gives new vigor to tired nen'es. Comes to yott frcih, clean and full-flavored. or before the 21*4 day of November. 1925, from the residents of these pro- vinces on the subject: "Why I Recom- mend Dr. Willlamfi' Pink PilU." A prize of $15.00 will be awarded for the second best letter received; a prize of $10.00 for the third beet letter, and twenty-five prizes of $2.00 each for the next best twenty-five letters. The Condltloni:. The benefit derived fiom the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills described In the letter may be In the writer's own case, or that of some one In the writer's home. More than one case may be des- cribed hi the letter, but every state- ment must be literally and absolutely true. _ Every letter must be signed by the full name and correct address of the person sending it. If it describes the case of some person other than the writer cf the letter. It must also be sigrned by the person whose case Is described, as a guarantee of the ttuth of the statements made. The writer of each letter must give the name of the paper In which he or she .raw this announcement. Fino writing will not win the prize unless yon have a good case to des- cribe. The strength of the recommen- dation and not the style of the letter will be the ba^ts of the award. The â- â- -. V.'illlams' Mei.lclne Co. shall have the right to publish any letter li months, there had been nothing dis- ! "No," she said, "there is no one cussed at the Ouera but this ghost inHh<?re." dres-s-clothes who stalked about the' "Yes. ye.s, we .saw himâ€" we saw him ., .. , building, from top to bottom, like a just now!" cried- the girls. "He hadlAi'-tereJ in the contest. If they desire shadow, who spoke to nolx)dy, to whom his death'.s-head and his dress-coat.' to do bo, whether it wins a prize or nobody dared to speak and -who van- just us when he appeared to Joseph nut. ished as .soon as he was seen, no one Buquel!'" knowing how or where. As became n real ghost, ho made no noise in ^ wa:king. People began by laughing I and making fun of this specter dreas- ; cd like a man of fashion or an under-' I taker; but the ghost legend soon i swelled to enormous proportions am- ong the corps de ballet. All the girls pretsnde<l to have mat this super-, ' natural being more or ie.'s often. And \ those who Inughed tho loudest were j not the most at ease. When he did \ not show himself, he betrayed his i presence or his passing by accident, I comic or serious, for which the gen- jeral superstition held him responsible.' I Had .Tiiy one met with a fall, or suf And Gabriel saw him too!" said Jammes. "Only y«^tcrduy! Yester- day afternoon â€" in broad daylight â€" " "Gabriel, the chorus-master?" "Why, yes, didn't you know?" "And he was -A-oaring his dress- clothea. in broad daylitfhl?" "Who? Gabriel?" "Why. no, the ghost!" • "Certainly! Gabriel told me so him- self. That's what he knew him by. Gabriel was in tho stage-manager's office. Suddenly tho door opened and tho Persian entered. You know the Persian has tlie evil eyeâ€"" "Oh, yes!" answered the little l)al'.et-girls in chorus^ warding off III The contest will close November 21st, 1925, and the prizes will be awarded as soon as possible thereaf- ter. Do not delay It you know of a good case write your letter NOW. Ob- serve the above conditions carefully cr your letter majj be t .rown out. Address all letter^ as follows: â€" The Dr.. WilUam'a' Medicine Co., Brockvllle. Ont. Letter Deprrtwent. I fered n practical joke at the hands of luck by pointing their forefinger and !on8 of th:' other girls, or lost a pow- little finger at th9 ab.sent Persian, on his hands and crushed his fingers; he rushed out of the office like a mad- man, slipped on ths staircase and came down the whole of the first flight on his l)acki I was just passing with , ,.-, iu • 1 1 ii • J J- mother. We picked him up. He was jder-pufl', it was at once tho fault of while their second and tb'rd fingers ;^.^^.^red with bruises and hi.s face, was I the ghost, of the Opera ghost. i were bent on the palm and he.d down jj,j „^.p,. ij;^^^ ^^, ^.^^^ fri-hti'iied i After all, who had seen him? You l)y the thumb \^^^ ^^ ^^^ jj^g^^ ^ut. all at o'nce. he |m«..tso many men in dress-clothes at 'And you know how "uper-st'tiousi beg„n to thank Providence that he I the Opera who are not ghosts. But Gabriel is. continued Jammes How-i^g^ j ^^ ^ cheafly. Then he told â-  this drsss-suit had a peculiarity of Its over he is always polite. When V^\ ^^.j,„^ ^^^ frightened him. He had own. It covered a skeleton. At least, I meets the Persian, he just puts hisl^^^ ^^j. ^y^^^^ i^p^ind ths Persian, so the bal.let girls .said. And, of hand in his pocket and touches hisj^,,^ ^^^^ ^j^^ th? death's head, course, it had u death's head. | keys. Wei, the moment the Persian , ,j^^ j^^^, ,^ Buqu.'fs de.scription!" Was all this serianis? The truth is appeared in the doorway, Gabriel gave jammes- had told her story ever so â- jthat tho idea of the .skelolon came -" ' '"' "''""• *" "'- â€"i" I from tht» description ot the ghost I give:i by Jo.^eph Buqu»t, the chief scene-shiftiM-. who had really seen the 'ghost. He hiui run up against the „ • . i.' ♦ â-  -j gren*. eAviuviin:iiu . ghost on the litt:e staircase, by the forelead against a hat-peg and gave Pj... njry who said eel- 1 himslelf n huge bump; thru, sudd«i>lyi. "josenhBumiet w \\4thdiis new soap just Dissolve The thick soap-sadsy soln- tion â€" a wonderfiil even soapinessâ€" goes all through yoor clothes loosening even ground-in dirt. GRACEFUL EVENING CAPE. A cape that may swing out jauntily, or be gathered cosily about the hips, is this evening wrap fashioned of lux- urious velvet. The soft, enveloping collar adds still more warmth and be- coroingness. The lining is of contrast- ing color crepe-de-chine. The long ties are made from a two-inch strip of the velvet and lined with the crepe. The cape is in one piece shirred to a small fitted yoke, and openings may be made at the side front for the arms. No. 1092 is in three sizes, small, me- dium and large, or 36, 40 and 44 incites bust. The medium size requires 4 yards of 36-inch, or 3% yards of 54-inch material. If the 'cape is cut crosswise of tlie material, only 2% yards of 54-inch i$ required. The lin- ing requires the same amount of ma- terial as the cape. Price 20 cents. Many styles of smart apparel may . be found in our Fashion Book. Our designers originate their patterns in th© heart of the style centres, 'and their creations are those of tested popularity, brought within the means of the average woman. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. { HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. I Write your name and address plain- â-  ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and 1 address your order to Pattern Dept.. 1 Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Use enough Always nse enough Rinso to get lasting suds that stand \m after the clothes are in. The secret of Rinso's wonderful cleansing power lies in these firm, rich suds. Rinso suds soak 6irt out gently and thoroughly â€" no more harmful rubbing. Your clothes come snowy white. Rinso is made by the makers of Lux, the largest soap makers in the world. R-44(| Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto one jump from his chair to the oclv; jp^iy, as though the ghost were at of the cupboard, so as to touch iron! jj^, j,/^.. „„d ^..,, quite out of breath In doing to, he tore a who* skirt »ff, 4 ^hc finish. A silence followed hi.s overcoat on a nail. Hurrying to |^y., g^reiu polished her nails In get out of the room, h<j banged his ^^ excitement. It was broken by g ': footlights, which lends to "the eel lara." lie had .seen him for a second •''topping back, ho -skinned his arm on , ,j fiig tonirue " ad fledâ€" and to any the screen, near _ the piano; he tried, ..«,!,„ Rhould "h Joseph Buquet would do better to @ WINTER means entertaining. You will have to think of fall clean- ing. For a small Kum we ran reno- vate or (lye yoiir r u R .s , furniture r o V e r H , curtain.s. drapes, etc. Prompt Mail Order Service. Carriage paid one way. HARKER'S 1^ DYE- WORKS LIMITED ICleanersSDvds 791 YONOE ST TORONTO IC3UC No. 44â€" '25. , â€" for the ghost had nea â€" and to any one who cared to listen to him he said: 1 I "He is extraordinarily thin and his' I dress-ooat hangs on a skeleton frame. ' His cyt's are so deep that .vou can j hardly see the fixed pupils. S'ou just I see two big blu(;k holes, as in a dead I man's skull. His skin, which is j stretched across his bones like a drumhead, is not white, but a nasty I yellow. His nose-^ia" so little worth I talking about that you can't see it i side-face; and the absence of ' that 1 nose ft a horrible thing to look at. ! All the hair he has is three or four i long dark locks on his foreh:>nd and ' behind his ears." i This chief scene-shifter was a ser- ; ious. Fober, steady man, very slow at ': imagining thingp. His words were j i-tu-oiv;fd with interest and aman'ment; J land soon Ihi-re were'other people to' say that they loo had met a man in ' ' dress-c:othos with a death's-head on | his shoulders. .Sensible men who had 1 1 wind of tho story began by saying ! I that .loseph Buquet had been the vic-i tim of II joke played by one of his ; I assistants. And then, one after \\w • other, there came a series of incidents! so curious and so inexplicable that ' the very shrewdest of people began t;> 1 f-H-: uneasy. ' For instance, a fireman is a brave fel ow ! He f<»ars nothing, least of all fin I Well, tlv> fireman in qu^'stion. who had gone to make a round of ; inspection in the cellars and who, it I ; Ffvms, had ventur.'d a little farther i than usual, sudilenly reappear?tl on the ft age, pule, scared, tremb'ing, v/ith his eyes starting out of his head. *.Tnd practically fainted in th<» urnis of the proud mother of little Jammer And why7 Recauae he had seen rom- .. i ing toward him at the level of hi^ i head, but without a body attached to . 1 .u „- .„ "1 .,, ,1, 1-1 J- 111 Why should he hold his tongue?" to !.-an on the p.a no, but t he lid felll ^^ed somebody. ========================== "That's mother's opinion," replied I Meg, lowering her voice and looking all about her as though fearing lest other ears than thoso present might overhear. ' "And why is it your mother's opin- Keep Mlnard's Liniment ;n the houta. __ 9â€" Husks of the Parable. The "busks that the swine dltl eat" mentioned In the parable were pro- bably the thick iKido of the carob tree, related to the locust, and much used In the orient as fodder; they are rich In .sugar and not really so l>ad as they sound. â- â-  - • Sloths, regarded as among the ani- mal curiosities of the world, live all the time upside down. They walk, eat, and sleep while clinging t« trees by their toes. A^lue [ustard Use it in cooking as well OS on meats, sandwiches and for salad dressings. Keen's Mustard adds spice and rest to cooked dishesâ€" bringsout hidden flavorsâ€" puts a new relish into familiar dishes, and aids digestion by stimulating the flow of saliva and of the gastric juices. Recipe Book Free copy Our new book will show you how to improve your cooking. Plenty of recipes. Write for to-dayâ€" it's FREE. coLMAN Ki 1 N 'c.rr.iir )l:.v:ti::j a<st. ir. I«l AMitrat tl. MsntrMt ' "Hush! Mother says the ghost '. doesn't like being talked about." "And why does your mother say so?" j "Becau.ic â€" because â€" nothing â€" " I This reticence exasperated the curi- osity of the young ladies, who crowd- i ed round little Giry. begging her to , explain herself. They were thei-e, [ side iTy side, loaning forward simul- ' taneously in one movement Oi entreaty and fear, communicating their terror to one another, taking a kr?n pleasure j in feeling iheir blood freeze in their veins. "I .swore not to tell!" gasped Meg. But they l^>f t her no peace and j nromi^ed to ktep the secret, until I ileg, burning to say all sh? knew, I began, with her eyes fixed on the door: ! "Well, it's because of the private , box." i "What private Ihix?" , "The ghast's box!" ' "Has the ghost a box? Oh, do tell 'â-  us, do ts* us!" i "Not so, loud!" said Ms?. "It's Eo\ Five, you know, the liox on the grand tier, next to the stage-box, on the rieft." ! "Oh, nonsense I" i "I tell you it is. Mother has charge cf it. But you swear you won't say a word?" j "Of course, of course." (To be continued.) MlnariTt Liniment u*«a by Physicians. Great Dipper Has Chanyed. Fifty thousand years ago the "stars that form the "Great Dipper" were not arranged as they are now, but had the form of a cross. PoekG#i 9 Great Stores oF Energy iti BOVRIL ll is not the quantity oi food you ^al but ike nourifVinent your lytlem sUorbs which builds up phy«ic.-.l h«.-ilth and sirenglh. Bcn-iil » ihe concen- trsled power and goodness of best lieef. It cauK>--lke digestive organs to ex- Ircct Inuch more niuiithment from other foods. This has been definitely proven by eminent scientists a1 ike re- quest of a CKy.'enunent depailmeal. Tluit is why: â€" 1A-2S BOVRIL pills ECCF itiko yov â- ^â- 'fi^.

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