â- â- ^..Mmbm. â- / I* u The Flavor drawn from tHe leaves of Hsas GREEN TEA Has won it tnillions of users. Finer tHan Any Japan* GunpoMrder or Youn^ Hyson. AsR for SAI^AOA. V * Business Isn't Everytliing BY BESS McREE DAVIS PART I. She stood before a small vine-clad cottaKO, the lust of possession in her lovely eyes, her face as full of prom- ise as the dawn of a sunny day. Slow- ly she walked from spot to spot, as one draws out rapture, her veined, work-Xvorn hand touching a flower here, picking a withered leaf there, puttini,' in place an adventuresome tendril. She was a tiny morsel of a woman, with f houlders that drooped ; her face, too, marked with fine lau;rhter-lines and worry wrink'es, looked tired; her lips were thin and sweetly patient but she carried her jtray head upright and her smi'.e was the kind that comes BtraJRht from a sympathetic heart. Her eyes, though, w;re the vivid part of her â€" indomitable bright eyes, I'.s cVar and b'.u? as her Ontario skies!, with un unciuenchable spirit in them. The rest of her might wear out or rust out but never those eyes. Suddenly lier face was irradiated v.'ith a smile replete with wistful fried bam, an understanding amlte on was always on tjni*. Hke a bonffry ber lips. |«chool boy. Cwe^tnKy she pat hib Two days later Mrs. M«reer found supper in iki warmer; the maid went Mr. Hunter at her door and asked home. I jke a laborer who has earned him in with a question in her eyes. i a rest, tbe Httl« ladv sank into the "I'xo come, Mrs. Mercer, to see if easy chair, '.•sancd her gray head you will let me out of that option. A atrainrt Ihe wh'its linen cover and man came to see me yesterday who closed her eyes. She saw a tiny cot- is anxious for the Farris place, all tage with vines tumbling over it; nas- csiih, immediate possession. He offer- turtiums rioting over the rustic stone ed me a two hundred bonus if I'd let wa'.!; I>eds of old-fashluned flowers; a him have it; too good a chance to turn group of snow-white chick&ns; a MaU down cold. I thpught perhaps you tese cat rubbing happily against her wouldn't mind . . ." i f eet as she garnered vcgetablce. She sat quite still in the old rocker, I She smiled, then sat erect and las- her hands folded in her lap, in her t3ned. A stumbling step. The door eye* a far-away bok. opened and Brooks framed in it. She "Mr. Hunter," she said in a low gazed at him, wide eyed. He was voice that vibrated with fee'.ing, "the soaked, rain ran o.r the hat which he thing in life that holds terror for me c'litched in his hand; he took an un- is not ghosts nor haunted houses. : certain step toward her, wavermg like What harm can the dead do me or wan- a drunken man ; his eyes, in a white dering spirits? It's the living that can face, looked sick, absolutely despair- work hardship and cause unhappiness. ing. What do I fear most?- Old age. And' With a litt'.o cry Mrs. Mercer ran j being thrown upon the mercy of a to hdm. world that is too busy with its own! "What is it. Brooks? You look ill," affairs to care about the .sorrows of she said, bending over him anxiously, a worn-out human workhorse." ' her thin fin^rs pushing the strag- I Her gaze traveled about the poorly- ' gling black hair from his forehead. I furni.shed room that was immaculately; "Everything's over â€" I'm done for â€" I clean and showed touches of a beauty- . no hope," he told her haJthigly, (loving nature â€" embroidered covers on [through etiflf lips. His heavy eyehds \ table and dresser, a vase filled with closed. I flowers, a copy of the "Sistine Ma- j She took one of his wet cold hands j donna," a shelf of books â€" aJid back to in her and stroking it said softly, i his jC^ce. "TeU mo about it, dear." ^ -fj \ "All these years that I've been slav- 1 "The bank where I deposited my »i, 1 «»A 1T01/-.1;' tiiTKi'iTD Dt' A r '"K nway, day and night, laying aside, saxangs has closed its doors. I have inesign n^'VUKitt, HUNlhK, Kt..'\ij ^.^cgpt, for bare necessities, the money nothing â€" not even one five-dollar bill ESTATE, a prosperous-looking manliVe earned by keeping summer tour- with an alert face ro.se to groet her. lists, I've had just one object in view "What can I do for you to-daj, Mrs. â€" getting enough ahead to buy me n Mercer?" ' I little place of my own." "I came to see about the Farris "Very commendableâ€" real estate's a place, Mr. Hunter. I see that it is for'»a^e investment," Mr. Hunter agreed sale and I'd like to have it. It is just unemotionally „ •â- I "Property here "'^ *'^'^- I know; sometimes to my name. Ail my time, all my money wiped out. Financially, I'm just where I started three years ago." She drew the hand she fondled to her breast with a swift protective movement and gave a little murmur of commiseration. Suddenly he jumped to his feet and (To be concl-uded.) â€" â€" O â€" ii;'aiPSB£#'S hope; shs turned from the modest hou.so and wii'.ked away briskly, with 1 °^ "'>' *'^'" ^^"-'^ money enough for <]uick short step.s. glancing back when 1 "i'"l<^«t' living and no stn-nuous eflForts, she r?achcd lh:» corner, a.s one turns "PP^"*'* '° '"^' '"<"'^' ^^'^^" anything life for a farewe'l to soin.-thing beloved. Isolds. I must be independent in order is high, as you. , . , â€" , .. ,.„.„.., „„...^ I've despaired of | l>«8:i"' pacing the floor, up and down, rhats an all-cash proposition, 'ever saving enough; many times I'veil»ack and forth; the pallor of his face Mrs. Mercer," he suggo.'-ted, pursing \^i,„ frightened, when thinking of 1 was replaced by a burning fl^ish; his his lips. I what the future holds for me. I'm , fy*3, so dead before, glittered fever- "Yes, I know," she replied quickly. â- nearly si.\ty years old, Mr. Hunter, | ishly. "It's this way, Mr. Hunter. I won- and I'm not as strong as I once was." dercd if you would givf mo a thirty- "You look well." he ventured. i day option. By that time I'll know' K'": been wel lor I c-ouldn't have , ., ' . , , -i T 1. ,^ : carried on. But the best of machinery whether or not lean buy It. I haven t;,.^,^,„ ^^.^en carefully handled, even- enough m(.ncy now but if the season tu;,iiy ^^^jn ^.^^^ ^^1. What then? The IS good I shall have." jjunk pile. The human machinery, if "Doing pretty well this year?" properly oiled and rested and repair- "Very well, so fur. If the season fd, will last quite awhile; but if sub- isn't cut short, I can retire from busi- jocted to a cca.seless grind, it is bound iifss " 1 to give way sooner or later. That is ".Sort of hard for one as energetic "'^at I fear--breakape-without the „ . .. 1 ,. . f u .11, 1 J means of sustenance. asyoutogetoutofhan,es.s, he asked ^ j^j^ Hunter's attention niternated "' y- between her face and his watch chain. She smi.ed her optimistic smile. I "I'm not complaining; everybody "I'm getting to the age where a ne.=!t has trials; but I'm trying to prevent this disasiter. When I found that the Farris place was for sale I knew it '&!duswej\iamtt\ As .she entered an office that bore Ski' makes your food do more good. Note ho\v It relieves that sni. Fy feeling nftcr hearty eating. Stveetetti the breath, removes foo<l panicles fiom the teeth, gives new vigor to tired nerves. Comeii 10 fresh, clean you full-flavored you pnd to be â€" safe. Can you do it, Mr. Hun- ter?" I "That place will go, as you well know; but, under the circumstances,' I'll give you the option â€" not renew- able," he .said judicially. ; Sh[> rose and held out her hand. "Thank you; that means a great deal to me. I'll let you know pioniptly. It moans much to me." j When sho had g'ono, the realtor 1 turned to a man who had coino in and' remarked, "I admire pluck. That lit- tle woman has plenty of it. .She's be^n up against it, strictly â€" left alone; with no support, but she has made her way without asking help| from anybody. That's the stuff!" was the thing for ms â€" a small home, where I can have flowers and a few \ chickens, a bit of a garden; where I can spend my la^t days in indepen- dence, if not in luxury." "Why not buy it at once, then?" | "Because it would take most of my principal. I must have enough to live; on, simply. My eyes will wear out .sometime, too, and I won't be able to ; sew. I must look ahead. I'm sorry | to seem stubborn, Mr. Hunter. Yo.i ' promised me a thirty-day option." Sh^-> smiled iit him half-apologetic- 1 ally; her eyes pleaded and yet com- j inandi'd. "I'm not asking for charity; i this is a business proposition. You gave me your word. That house, if, 1 can b y it, means realization of my i (iteam â€" lo.Tching the goal I've been' litChlinn for, Mr. Huater." j He rose and in his face wore min- ' Mrs. Mercer was in her hot little k'*''' disappointment and admiration, kitchen, hurrying to get the- supper , "''''' " sui'^'i-i^sful realtor, Mrs. Mer- on time for her twenty boarders, wlion ' , cev, because I talve advantage of my 1 , , . . ,,. opportunities and don't let my hear^ . s.e heard a^ booming voice cal.ing, ,^,f^ ,„y ^ead. Hovvover, I k.vp prom- I.Kt.o l.ady. i ises, even if they are to my disad- "Yes?" .she answered and waited, vantage. You have anothtr month." i bread knife suspended. | "j-n j^t you know promptly, Mr. j A youth came bounding through Hunter. Thank you. I felt 1 could I tho door, his big liody graceful for all depend on you," she said and stood I its bulk, a happy smile on his pre- for a moment looking after him as I posNcssing fare. "I, ft me," he said and took the knife from her, using it skillfully, cutting the slicea thin. .Smilingly she watched htm for half a minute, then busied herself at tho ; stove as she saici, 'You've bad good he slrod? away. The days flew by. Ontario weathor, Ontario scenery "aired the tourists; they came and tarried. .\nd the little Ao' - I've not boiled any garments since" "A friend suggested that I stop boiling the clothes I wuhed and try Riiuo, which I did, with such delight- ful resulu that I have not boiled any garments since then. "I found that Rinso is excellent for removing finger ,^ prints from white paint and for washing all woodwork. "It has cut my house deaning troubles in half and conse<|uently I felt that it was only your due to know that Rlnso has a much bigger work to do in our house than just to clean the dirt from our laundry." The makers of Rioso receive many mcfa letters a» this. For Rinio not only docs (he family wash merely by soaking â€" it is also excellent for many household duties, such as cleaning woodwock, scrubbing floors, etc Order Rinso today. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Meals for Sponges. One of the hardest things to believe is that the sponge you use dally was once au animal, and not a vegetable growth of the ocean. Sponges live their lives, and eat food as other ani- mals do. The separate existence of a sponge begins with the breaking away from the parent of a tiny particle. The lat- ter, after being whirled about for a time by tides and currents, eventually attaches Itself to a place of rock, and from that home it seeks its own liveli- hood. The food of infant sponges consists of yelk cells, which contain a form of nourishment. Later, as the sponge grows. It requires something more solid, and this is brought by the cur- rents, which sweep into a bag- ha'.f- niouth. half-atonuichâ€" rn'mite particles of the utv,- food. Great Highway Planned. The building #of a great national highway to link up Buenos Aires with all the state capitals of .Argentina and from which branches would be conr Btrueted to Important cUles of each state Is proposed by the Public Works Department. It is understood that the department wlU soon begin work up- on preliminary plans connected with the project. MInard's LInlnvent used by Phyeiclans. ! Curse of Scotland. j .\mongst old whist players the nine 1 of ('.liimonds Is often spoken ot (is tho I "cui-se ot Scotland." It Is probably a corniptlon of the ph-ase "Cross of Scatland." The nine "pips" ov. the card were formerly i)rinted In the shape of a St. Andrew's tMoss. THE SUtlTi.fc I'l.AKE (JK PLAITS. .\ smart instance of the sports! fi-ock is di'iighlfu.ly presented in this; model of rust-brown flannel. A clever j arrangement of bo.\-plails givas the| skirt fulness, and the front of the' Yesterdayâ€" a row of solemn trees. Keep MIncird's Liniment In the houss. O Magic. /i,'i.'"'l.'Vl.'>i/H.'%'l,ViK'l.'" The Right Way to Eoil Potatoes I'lit the pptatoes In nn 8MP IJnan-.rled Potato I'ot. Cover with water. Add rmit to laslA Utiil imtilfcoft. When tlnixhed, draip. off aJl the boiling water through the strsirier npniit. No dnnser of .;:eam nraiding the hands h*if!iu»«e the handle securely InHi'' tho finrr on. If your f;ih)ily ubCH potatoe*!, you ret(uire one of these. ; news, haven't yiiu'i "Mind reader! You bet 1 have! .Anything else I can do? Well, look hpr!> a minute, then." and from hi.s ' coat pocket he took tho picture of a I girl. "I.sn't she the prettiest thing 'â- you ever saw in all your life?" i Mrs. Mercer took the picture in h«r I worn hands and gazed, while the boy aloud watching her eagerly. I ".She's lovely, truly lovely. I've j never seen u sweeter face; and it has strength and character, too. Your ; swi.'theart?" lie noddod, and his face glowed. "My girl! I'm going bark to Pres- colt for her tho flrst of October. I've been a regular' old miser for ijireo i years, hoarding so I coulil go back in style. It's bc;n a pull but it's done!" Rtono house, modest and unassuming 1 bodice is in -jumpsr effect. The' Proud and green and high ; BS the woman who offered the dell- 1 straight ono-pic-ce back is brought | To-day â€" a row of golden spires cious honv.'y cooking, was the meeca over tlij should-rs and joined to tliei Against the evening sky. for many, regiilars and tran.sients. I tucke<l front in yoke effect. The collar! Mrs. Mercer's feet were .swollen and, is convertible and may be worn low' T^tordayâ€" si.\ poplars slim, painful from being on them so con-jur buttoned high. Notice the smart- Standing straight and true; stantly; her shoulders drooped u bit' ^^^ ^^ j^^ j^u ^j^^^.g gathered into ; To-dayâ€" six wondrous torches grew thinner and j ,^ jj^,,^ j.j,,^ ^,.^,,^, ^^ ^,^^. ^^^j^^ ,p^^| glaze into the blue. .smile, speaking the soft word, were ai<''nKram reveals the simple design of! ^^ ^G. M. L. trifle paler. Hut the blue eyes buriK'd a f'wk that has made itself very; Aii=.„pri siimifie, "Riir with an Indomitable purpo.e. To do (popular. No.. lOKl is in sizes 16, IS!,""" ,7"'"^ Mus.soun signihes Big and 20 years, or 34, .S6 and 38 inches j """^V- bust. Sine 18 years (or 36 bust) re- j " quires i^ yards cf 36-inch, or S% j more; her face .Although doctors as a class have to wait a long time for payment of their fees, the proportion of bad debts they contract is remarkably low. Potatoes originated in Peru. What does Upper Cylinder Lubrication Mean to the Motorist? It moans elimlnaticu of carbon, fric- tion and knocking, mileage Increased 15 to 25%. longer life to eugine, more ef llciency and repairs reduced 50?c. This Lubrication can only be obtained by using Miracle OH. Miracle Oil Sales, 64 Richmond St. E.. Toronto 2. purpo.e. â€" to Buceocd â€" and then to rest. | •Many a time ten o'clock at night' found her hanging out a washing; her table linen was always fresh, and I laundry at suninver resorts comes 1 higli. t'ook and serve and work all ; day, wa.'ih and li-on until late at night. I Only a sturdy constitution can Ktnnd \ tho strain. | September cuts its days short; le seated himself on the "edgoof i*""'"'^*^ ^^" turning homeward; j the kitchen talile ano* talked of the automobiles were not so numerous Kill and his hopes for the futur< Enameled Potato Pots iSStt 'VfcV V V V W^V»^' wh:!e Little Lady turned potalots and "DIAMOND DYES" , COLOR THINGS NEW the campers thinned out; and tfio little! lady examined her bank book with lingers that trembled. Then her face 1 wa.s transflguri'd. She had made the ; graile â€" she had won! lltr lirave oj-es j ^uddenIy iiiisfLul, her lips i(uivered and! jy, giving number while two big tears slowly coursed down her che<'ks sh;- smiled happily. .•\s : he wei.t .nbout her many duties tli-^ glow stayed with her. Her face yard.'* of 40-inch, or 2% yards of 64- inch material. Price 20 cents. Many styles having a smart appeal may be found in our Fashion Book. Our designers originate their patterns i in the heart of the style centi-es, and their creations are those of teated j popularity, brought within the means of the average woman. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. UaV/ TO OKDER PATTER.N3. Write your name and address plain' and size of such ' patterns as jou whnt. Enclose 20c in itamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap It carefully) for each number, and WHS faintly luminous as if a bright r«<ldrcss your ot^dcr to Pi-ttern Dept, ICSUE No 41â€" '25. light shone through a white curtain; in lit.- step was u hint of buoyancy;' the should rs sagged a little less j noticeably. j .' few more st-enuoua dn;\R an 1 she would c'ote hrr boarding house, exc'ept " for Brooks. He would le.HVO for Pres- cott soon; she would keep him on until he went for his brde; he wa.s home folks. Then canw one of those gusty days, when rain, instead of the usual inter- ' mittent snowers, falls re'entlessJy; people shixjred under heavy coats and furs; the streets ran water; street cars had nid? curtains up. ! Mp3. Merc?r's stragc'llng boarders 1 coverings, han^- F"^*''''*'' slnmt the taV.j and made' { nastp with th?ir eating: some of them I rwid tli.ir bills and told her gw>d-b\>\ ; _j .„ii ........ .i„..»i.« _k„<k .u i The maid cleared off the table and, and tell you ^^»f '"VT^ ''"'",'*'« â- ""helped wash the dishes. Stil Brooks terlal you wish t« c<rtor is nool or silk. • ,Hd not come I or whether It Is lh»en, coitou or rolled j The Little tJray I.aly went to the |gi>ods. I door several time.» to look for him; he Wilson Publishing Co., .'3 West Ad* laide St., Toronto. Pnliorns jent b; return maik H^dch 15-cent pack- age cnnlalnis direc- tions sti siinpi.' any vMiiuan can lint soft, deilcalA shadt's or dye rich, permanpnl colors ill lingerie. silk<>. ribbons, skirts, WBlst!. dresses, o o a t 9. st:'>>-klnes. sweaters, draperies, Ings- everything! Huy Diamond Oyeaâ€" no other kind Two French airmen recently re- mained in the air for just over 45 hours. This is practically equivalent to two days and two nights, and is a record for aeroplane flights. FALL CLEANSHC AND DYEING need be no worry. Send to Parker's. Every facility for the most expert work. If you wish ad- vice or information on any dyeing prob- lem write us. Prompt Mail Or- der Service. Car- riage charges paid one way. â- ^ DYE-WORKS LIMITED lCLE&KEIK£DÂ¥ffiS 79» YONGE ST TORONTO -rfiji; NURSES Tit* Torttnto Hos»tt«( far InourabU*. In •fHIUtlon wit^ Bollnut ind AIMtd Ho»lt»l». Nrw York C'.ty. oWrra « thfM y»ari' CourM •f Tnlrtlnn to yMinv wt>ni*n. hsvinj \j\» retutrfd Klucatton. tnil (lrtltei<i cf tirsmlni nurtn. ThU H«»plt>l h«t ailcptfd iri« Rl|fi1. hour lyittm. Tho puplli rrcrlv* nnltflrmi ot th« School, a monlhlr Mllowinc.^ nnft tOMMllii ovfonnt t* ond from Nrw Vr*ik. ^^i f-jrt*tcr Inforomtlon ii»ply to iht 9tiO.-rln|r-i.^,«!it. Whi?o you driwk BOVRIL >'®^ drink BEEF -^^^ aaiL ^ a ^ ai 'â- â- A ^