-^ i Wedensday, October 7, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVA msaeBBommmaamsamam l^E mtitmim It is reported that a young man, from a neighboring town on hie first | trip to Toronto Exhibition stood g»»- A REFRESHING CHANGE I Marfcdale News The speeches of incent Mtaey at: ing so long at the skyscrapers at the Port Hope, and Newmarket come a«, comer of King and Vonge Streets « refreshing change from the dreary that he got the roof of his mouth ! flow of words which for weeks past iiadiy sunburned. \ *•"*« •>«*" pouring from the Meighen und KinK platforms. Mortgage Sale Mtrkdale 12 Darkam 8 The Durham High School played a game of baseball here last Thursday afternoon with the Markdale High School boys The Markdale boys In the Massey speeches, there is an, ' 'proved for the second time to be the entire absence of the small and the j^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ p^^^am petty. There is no appeal to purely There will be offered for sale by | ^hole appeal is on national grounds, Public Auction, at the Munshawjg„j ^^ere is evidenced a remarkably House, in the Village of Flcsherton.l pj^^r understanding of the present on the 10th day of October, at the hr. j jn<jugtrial situation in Canada, and an of 1 o'clock in the afternoon, under , p^j^^jiy ji^^^ conception of the sort the powers contained in a certain ^^j policy that should be followed. Mr. Mortgage the following property ;- Massey is undoubtedly right in say- Lots Numbers 161 and 162 in the j„p t^g^ the exisiting comparative First Concession South West of the , giackness of trade in industrial cen- Toronto and Sydenham Road in the ! tres is due, not to the lack of tariff Township of Artemesia in the County i protection, but to the reduction in the •f Grey. This is a good farm proper- buying power of the farm as a result ty with goood buildings, about a mile of after-war one sided deflation. He South of Flesherton. jg undoubtedly right in saying that TERMS OF SALE â€" 20% of the farm recovery is already under way purchase price to be paid down on and that the increased buying power the date of Bale and signing of the of farmers will aid in a general in- •/'â- . I Ti.' boys by a score of lSJ-». At the personal or community interest. The ^J^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ „j^^ ^.^ool stu- !il agreement of purchase, balance in fifteen days. The property will be sold subject to reserve bid and the assumption of a first mortgage and the usual conditions of sale. DATED the 28th day of Septem- ber 1<*25. For further particulars apply to Lucas & Henry .Solicitors of the Mjj^rtagee, Markdale. dustrial revival. Most emphatically true is the further statement that the Meighen policy of higher protec- tion cannot be carried into effect with I out grave danger to Confederation be- cause of the effect on the Maritime Provinces at one end, and the western provinces at the other, A real addition has been made to the public service of this country by tho enlistment of Vincent Massey. â€" B. H. Walden, Auctioneer. Farmers' Sun. •"i The Staff of Life CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE: BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR PINDER'8 BREAD AND GET THE BEST. L INDER'S * ERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery dents served the visitors with refresh ments in the Armouries, and a dance was given for the visiting team. Mus- ic was supplied by the Markdale Or- chestra. MEAFORD e MARKDALE 1 A game of baseball was played in Meaford last Friday afternoon be- tween Meaford and Markdale High school. It was understood that thterc would be seven innings but as rain interrupted, only four innings were played, the score being six to one in favor of Meaford. At the conclusion cf the game refreshments were served in the high school by the students. The Markdale Dramatic Club, re- peated the play, "Girl of My Heart," at Walters Falls Fair, last Wednesday evening to a packed house. Miss Inez Colgan of Hamilton Nor- mal, is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colgan. A reception was given in the Ang- lican chturch Wednesday night, for the Rev. A. S. Mitchell of New Ham- burg, the newly appointed rector of the Anglican churches, here and at Berkley. Mr. Richard Smith, is spending a I few weeks in Toronto. j Miss Ruby Roche of the Shelburne Public School staff, spent the week I end at her parental home. ' Miss Ladema Henry, of Orange- I ville visited over tke week end with ; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry. i Mr. and Mrs. H. Noble and Miss- ies Mildred and Irene, left on Sunday, for a motor trip to Detroit and other points. Miss Jean Walker, who is atten- ding Toronto Normal, spent a few days with her parents and friends last week, Mr. Harold English, and Mr. Stan- ley Williamson of Niagara Falls, N.Y. are holidaying with friends and relatives, Mr. Bob Murdock returned from the West last Monday. SCflbOL REPORTS ROCK MILLS SCHOOL Jn,.4krWinnona Patton. Sr. a â€" Ruby White, Margaret Fi^^, James Pedlar. if. 8â€" Ita Pedlar, Robert Dargavel, Delia English, Mervyn Johnson, Nat- halie Patton, Jack Enj^sh, Joe Haw- kins, Alice Sewell, Lawrence Shier. Sr. 2â€" Mervyn Best, Murray Fisher Jr. 2â€" Julia Croft, Leo Patton, Del- bert Smith, Laurie Russell, Hazel Shiers, Lloyd Partridge, Leila Clark, George Akitt. 1st Class â€" Velma Fisher, Ruby Akitt, Marguerite Croft. Pr. â€" Mabel Shiers, Elsinore Shiers, Iva English, Lula Russell, Bobbie Clark. Number on roll 33. â€" M. WHITTAKER, Teacher. MAXWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL Si. 4 â€" *Vem Pallister, Edna Lough eed, 'Annie Robertson, *Lorna Chard, *Violet Parker, 'Helena Long, Warr- en Morrison, Lawrence Cameron, John Lougheed, R. J. Udell, Mabel Ross. Sr. 3 â€" Ruby Robertson, 'Golden Udell, 'Mary Bemrose, 'Mary Long, (not ranked John Bemrose, Gorley Blakey.) Jr. 3â€" Cecil Chard, Reta Fenwick, Marjorie Seeley, Jean Young. Sr. 2 â€" 'Marjoj^e Guy, 'Robert Long, 'Arleen Pallister, Arthur Law- ler. Jr. 2â€" *Edith Lougheed. 1st Class â€" *May Linley, Marie Chard and Stella Young equal, 'Belva Long, 'Irene Parker, 'Billie Kerton, Isabel Pallister, 'Robert Priestly, Donald Radley, Annie Murphy. Sr. Pr. â€" 'Merle Buckingham, Jean Ross, 'Leslie Seeley, 'Ethel Fenwick, 'Lloyd Morrison, 'Helen Guy. Jr. Pr. â€" 'Tommy Pallister, 'Mabel Bemrose, Jimmy Poole. Those markcJd (') Were present! every day. Average attendance 40. â€" H. MAYNARD, Teacher. â- mm^ Balance tha hmiM fNidgaC A NATION which balance* '^ budget and riwws a nirphu ia usually pro^Mrou*. It is lo whh the home. Men who atut each mondi with debts paid and an iactcased saw- ing in the bank are wdl oo the high road to succcm. Balancing the Home Budget it merely a question of savingâ€" af regularly dqwsiting a part of your earnings in a food bank. The Bank of Toronto is alwaTt glad to co-operate in fostering the saving habit. It offers its qtlendid banking service and fadfities to all who wish to enjoy the independence which consist- ent saving alone will give. Consult the nearest Bank of Toronto manager. m' ;^l ^mi 6&NK°'T0RO)(TO BRANCHES: FEVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith. Manager MARKDALEâ€" W. L. Young. Manager 249 CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL Small Advertisements SIX HILL STORES We buy togathar in order flial our custofnere in the tiz com- munities may materially ben- efit individually. F, T. HILL & CO, Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively aesociBtes with high quality merchandise at the fairest poitibln price*. October i% the Most Opportune Time To Make Preparation For The Cold Days That Are Sure To Come Cdd Lines of Ladies' Vests and Drawers 98c. ular way fro $1.00 to $1.50 per garment. Specially priced for October, scllintr pit Karnif.nt HSc. what i.s newo-it and mo.st durable in Ladies hose. Here you will find a large assorlinent of colors in cashmere, and f=ilk and wool hose at such pop- ular price •^ as 75c. '.»8c., $1.25, and §1.50. GOLF HOSE 75c. This, at the nresent time, is a nui.^t popular style of hose, and conies in a hardwcarinj; quality of worsted in asorted dak colors. LADIES' FALL and WINTER COATS We are indeed suprised at the increased vol- ume of business done in our Ladioti' lieady-to-wear Department, and to keep pace with this we are showing a much larger assortnieTit of ladies' coats than i nformvr years. Hero are to be found a large variety of the most popular cloths, mi»ny of which, are fur trimmed, tailored by the bent Can- adian manufacturers on models copied from cofts rectived from the Rreat fashion centres at prices that will iilease you because of their reasonabhle pricO. $13.7.-.. S16..50. $ I7..'H). 8I8.7.S. $20.00. $22..50 and up lu $.18.50. WOMEN'S FLEECE BLOOMERS 85c. This is a splendid garment made from a heavy quality of cream colored material. Will give ebt- cellrnt wear. Special October I»ric«> 8.-.c. per pair. LADIES' SILK SCARVES Silk scarves are going to be as popular as t.'er this season, and we have some exceptional values in colors that are much in vogue. A wide* range of prices from which to make a selection, 96c. $1.40 $1.60. $1.7.5. and up to *:i.75. Girl's School Hats 79c. This i sa remarkable hat for such a low price. Very suitnhU* fo rthe school girl. Specially priced 7»c. each. Many New Hats of Exceptional Beauty Just Arrived Our millinery Department becomes more and more popular as the weeks go bby. Doubtless this is due to the larci- asortnrent on display and theup- to-dateness-of the styles, as each weetc the new- est haVs arc vci.eiver direct from the maiuifacturor, and our mjirj.'i nof pioofits at which they are priced makes them doubly attractive. The radius from which customers come to patronize this department IS tVer srrowiuK wider and wi<ior. Even if you reside Fcme distance from Markdale vou will be well re- paid by coming a few extra niiloi. Get tho habit "i^r^^'"'*^ •'"'"*â- ' '^- ^'•'â- "y •"«*« »t the popular prices of .^a.g.'i. $3.95, S4.95, and .«;.5.75. Men's Overcoats The Seasons Latest in Colors, materials and Models Hore are Men's Overcoats that are models of fine workmanship newest materials and the season's latest colors, coats that anyone who is anxious to bt< \vell dressed would be pleasd to war. Prices rang- ing from %\1M and up to $2S..'50. 54.inch Flannenl $1.85 a yd This isa very special .-i^-inch fla nnelof a soft si"8S " '** ^"'^"P^'o"'*' V"'"*^- "w colors, per yd. Grocery Specials 3 tins Kipper Snacks 26c ^";:",f'."\«\-" loiJ.'per'package Shredded Wheat o for 2R^ T"'"«t«« ::;::.:• 2 -tinf for ^^. ?^P •„•â- â- •: "••••; 15c. per tin Salmon. 1 pound sire 2 for 'ISc Thomp.son Seedless Raisins i'lbs. for 25c". Mixed Tea, very special 2)bs. for $i;25 <.l.vcerine Soap, large cake 3 for 25c Pork & Beans. 2%\h. tin, rejr. 35c. for 25c tin ^^'::::zzzz::zzz:z::::r ' "'"''• '"" f,'- Special Broom „ \^ Pickles, quart size !"""," cjv." Pickles, 10 oz. giie. reg. 30c. for ......". 26c Sweet Pickles. 10 oi. site, reg. 35c. for"!!!!!'. 30c' ( otnfort. Sunlight. White Naphtha and Gold Soaps, 4 cakes for 26c Sw,.t<t (Jherkins. 10 oz. size rcir. 40c for ,l>>c Sugared Pates, regular 2.Sc. 2 pkgs for 35 Vts' F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale Sr. 4 â€" Reta Marshall, Dora Stew- art, Bernice MacDonald .Marguerite MacMulIen, Blanche Genoe. Sr. 3 â€" Donelda MacDonald, Jimmy Sinclair, George Jaynes and Hilda Genoe equal, Stella Marshall, La Verne Piper. Sr. 2 â€" Stanley Hunt. Milford Piper. Jr. 2 â€" Dick Stewart, Katie Stew- i art, Eddie Genoe, Lloyd Archibald, 1st Class â€" Ernest Mathewson, J. P. Stewart Sr. Pr. â€" Francis Collinson, Orton Leslie, Olive Marshall, Nellie Genoe, Alex. Marshall. Jr. Pr. â€" Marjorie Collinson, Georg- ina MacDonald, Laura White, Murray Marshall, Jean Marshall, Leslie Chis- lett. A Class? â€" Mabel Haw, Fern Leslie, Sherman Piper, Harvey .\rchibald. Number on roll 36; av. attendance 34.04. Names in order of merit. â€".Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher. S LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" In town around Septem- ber 23rd, Partridge Wyandotte pullet. POTATOES! ..POTATOESr Wq are loading every day at botB Finder please notify Frank Thurston ' Ceylon and Priceville. For pric^ tele.» 1 phone 2 r 3â€"1. â€" A. C. Muir, Cey. LOST â€" Black and white hound loH, ' about July 20th. Answered to name | of Rex. â€" Chaa. Hanley, Eugenia, | P.O. i J- FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Proria^l SPRINGHILL SCHOOL LOST â€" Between Markdale and Flesherton, on Monday Sept. 21st, aj new soft Ford truck tire. $5 reward , highway. Three farms, two of _^ if returned to Mr. Noble, Markdale j "<|'" «n<J one of 60 acres all dwu«a[ or Mr. Stewart, Flesherton. â€" L. I ^^* cJ*«« biUldinjra, up to date k> Bondi. Mt. Forest. ! *'«7 Particular. WUi scU any o^ ! of *»»"«- Good brick bouse on on j£. ~ i «e '«nns- The stabling for F O R S A L E j »«^ is perfect. One f ,nr hi acres hardwood bush and Hundred has __ _ FOR SALE â€" A stack of hay for , needed, including poultry house a^ (sale. Cheap for cash. â€" J. K. McLeod.! Pig pens. No broken land and dsc? ai \°{ ''***^*- -*ny person " sale. I should investigate. T. J. STIN£ Cement per bbl. â€" F G. Karstedt, Flesherton. I â€" "â€" "« three acres of timbv _ (and has buildinnga for everything Sr. 4 â€" Lola Blackburn, Florence Best, Bessie Beard, Audrey Brown, Howard Ferris, Willie White. Sr. 3â€" Clifford Allen, Ellen Parker, George .\llen. Earl Johnson, Annie Akins, I.^abelle Ferris, Jean Beard. Sr. 2â€" Cecil Thistlethwaite. Jr. 2â€" Billie Parker, Wilfred Best, Doris Waller. Sr. Pr.â€" Merle Allen, Harold John- .^I'n, Marjorie Wyatt, Ivan Waller. Jr. Pr. â€" Elsie White, Patsy Beard, Barrie Caswell. â€" M. MILLER, Teacher. FOR S.\LE â€" Young singers. Priceville. Canaries â€" F. G. for Karstedt, 1 interetaM Imy FOR S.A.LE â€" Purebred Oxford Down Ram, aged. â€" W .J. Stewart & \ Sons, Flesherton. 30N. Proton StaUoB P.a SEED WANTED FOR SALE bull for sale. - erton. - ' Sweet clover hulled or unrulled al. - Purebred Shorthorn sike. red clover and alfalfa If 'an* W. E. Loucks. Flesh- to offer, please send samples'. - AC ^^"'i'. Ceylon, phone 2 r. 3â€" i. The farmers of Melancthon town- ship are taking steps towards secur- ing Hydro power, and expect soon, to have the ".iuice" flowing to their farms. British Labor men, turned Com- munism down flatly this week. FOR S.-VLE â€" Three young Sows, for sale, bacon type. â€" Wm. Johnson,' Proton Station P.O. ' BUSINESS CARDS FOR S.\LE â€" ^One driving mare 4 n,. tt <-• »t ... Ill I c Ur. E. C. Murray. L.D.S.. dental years old. and one heavy mare 5 years ,,,g,„„, honor graduate of To=S old; both in good eond.t.o„.-Ham-a„d Royal College of DenUlSuSSS Pedlai, Ceylon. , of Ontario. Gas •"â- ^wm administered fa« - Onions for sale at if^''* *^'^*<^"°n- Office at resident* Choice honey at 11 Vi, â- *"â- "!?'** ^tret, Flesherton. FOR SALE 3c. per pound, containers not included. Jos. Buch- anan, Flesherton. Phone 31, r. 1-1. Dr. A. Tumbnll. B.A.. M.B.. gnA- A quantity of good ""'"//°™ tj« faculty of Medicft» • « University of Toronto. Officeâ€" R]^ k huge timber wolf was shot near St. Thomas a week ago Tuesday. It had been terrorizing the countryside and killed numerous sheep and cattle. It is fifty years since a wolf has be«n seen at large in the district. FOR SALE quality winter ap.nle.s, either on the „j,;„-b7^;; p]^;â„¢^ ' • tree, or ready picked, at reasonable: _________^__ Robt Phon« 8Ck kt the concluj.ion of <what fmks gram of the Citiiens Band for the season, Monday night, Mr. Sydney Rands, C. P. R. agent, stepped up to Banndmaster Claridge and hand- ed him a donation with the com- mannd: "Treat the boys." And it spfedify wi(.s as he commandedj â€" .'-nrtbuine Economist What w»s probably the first carload of honey ever shipped from Arthur, left the local C. P. R. depot one day last week. The honey was shipped to Montreal bv Mr. Crouse from his apiaries iti West Luther. The load contained twenty tons. To the proni- inonoe which the Arthur vicinity is now winning by the production of Ull corn, fall wheat, and alfalfa, may also shortly be added distinction as a ship. ping centre of this nutricious sweet. â€" Enterprise. prices. Gorley,EuKenia. ,â- ; â€" Z-^T'J ^""** ^'^^^ l^oAgf^ 333, A.F. ft lam lambs bred A.M., meets in the Masonic hall. Am- ewes, purchased strong Block, Flesherton, every FH. the' day on or before the full moon. Q. FOR SALE - from Registered from Henry .\rkell, of Hamilton past winter. Bred from imported Banks, W.M., P. J. Thurston Sec Ram. .Also Purebred ewe lambs.i â€" â€" â€" from Show ram, bred by Fairbairns' ^- ^- -"^^'ddlebro. Barrister solicitor, of Holstcin. â€" Claude C. Akins.i **'^- «>' Durham. Will be in Flesher. phone 41â€"1-2. '*"» '^^e'^ Friday from 4.30 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. M I S C E L L ANEO U S Lncaa * Henry. Barristers, SoUdV â- t NOTICE â€" Get your deer, moose, | ''*• etc., â€" I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. JDl caribou, and trappers license from "'nry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Loete Geo. Mitchell, Flesherton. i "'<*''• Phone 2. Branch j Dundalk and Durham. NOTICEâ€" Choppinff done Tuesday,; Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Telford ft Bimie, Barristers, citors, etc.. Offices â€" Grey and Bnta Block, Owen Sound; SUndard 1i»^ Block. Flesherton. (Saturdays). W. NOTICE â€" Hunting .nnd trespass- ing on loU 176, 177, 178 and 179, 1st. » „ ,, _, , Range W. T. O. S. R. Artemesia, will ^ Telf ord Jr., J. F. P. Bimie. be strictly prohibted at all times. â€" ^~~ T. J. Stinaon 4»roton. j ''^»- *â- »♦««». Lt(«RMd AactfaiM* ___ ; for the Bounties of Grey and Sfane^Sk NOTICE â€" All Hanover cement '"â- 'w »nd stock sales a speeiaHlr. bags mu.st be returned by October ' '^*'â„¢* moderate., satisfaction fOMBt- 15th, 1925, to Flesherton or Priceville. »"teed. Arrangements for dafw After that date bags will not be ac- T'^ ** made at the Advance oSea^ ( cepted for the above company. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. p Central telephoife office, or by sddressinff me at Fv /