Y^ WcHlnt'slay Scptt-mber 30th, 1925 THE FI.F.SllivKTON ADVANCE ^-HH r ai_,^. »^ The Staff of Life 1 (AN VOU AtFOBD KOT TO TAKK INTEREST IN THIS NEX ESSITY OF LIFE. . YOl?R "EAl-TH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEfei THE BEST. TO »E SUHE OF THIS. IN FUTURE. INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR P 1 N D £ R'S BREAD AND GEl THE BEST. PiNDER's Perfect Products Flesherton B#ery 7. IT* PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST t&i^US^ evi-- STRUCK BY CAR Mr. FJ-ed Brown of the Torc^to Line North suffered a very pairrfol Yonnf and Alexander SU. Taronto \ accident while going to Ijte fair on Noted for high grade instruction, Friday last. In front W Andrew and placiMR many students in goodj Gilchrist's residence he wag struck by potiitions Write for catalogue. En- a car and was bruised and shaken up. ter now. It was fortunate that the accident W. J. ELLIOTT, PriBdpaL was not of a more serious nature. The People's Grocery KENNEDY'S FOR THE RIGHT PRICE. FRESH GROCERIES AT \ FULL LINE OF BULK CHOCOLATES, BARS, AND BOXES, ALWAYS ON HAND. TOB./^CCOS, PIPES, CIGARS, AND CIGAR- ETTES OF ALL KINDS. WHEN IN TOWN, DON'T FORGET TO GIV'E US A CALL. WE CLOSE TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS AT 6 p.m. W. G. KENNEDY . i?hone 37 Markdale Mews . iTiero weiu Harvest Home services in Christ church, Sunday, and Rev. Richardson preachwl his fartwell st-r- raon to a large coiiKregation in the fvening. Rev Richardson, has been here for eight years, and is leaving U>r Wyoming, Ont. We bespeak I for him every success in his new field of labor. Rev. Mitchell will be his successor. Mrs. G. Hartley fell down some KttpK at the pumping station, Friday and met with the misfortune of break- ing her arm; The High School baseball team played with the Durham boys, at their fair on Friday, and met with the suprise of winning, by the score •f 10â€"1. Rally day services were held in the United Church, Sunday morning, and owing to the inclement weathw, the congregation, was small. Rv, F. N. Bowes' discourse, on being loyal was made quite interesting for the children, and special music by the choir was enjoyed by those pres- ent. Those attending Normal schools, for this term are; Miss Inez Colgan, at Hamilton, Miss Jean Walker at Toronto, and Miss Agnes ^uUivan at Detroit. Miss Caroline Armstrong, of Tor- onto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong. Mr. Clarence Ewing of Buffalo is a viistor in town, with his uncle, Mr. I S. A. Morrison. 1 Mr. D. J. Murdock of Grace hos- I pital staff, Toronto, spent the week I end with his mother, Mrs. A. Mur- I dock. Mrs. Hall, and babe, of Shelburne, visited over the Week end with her I friend Miss M. Heathers. Mis.s Jeanette Mercer of Dundalk, is visiting her relatives Mr. and Mrs H. Mclnnis. Alderman Sam Riding, and wife, of Toronto, visited with, Dr. and Mrs. J. .S. Shepherdson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Woolrich, of Owen Sound, are holidaying with the latt- er's parents, Mr. and M.rs. R. Eng- lish. Mrs. J. J. Kaitting With startling suddenness, death came to an old and much respected citizen of Osprey township, in the person of Agnes Daridson, beloved wife \>ti, J. Kaitting of Feversham. On Tuesday evening, Sept 8th, she was utiieken with ^ paralytic stroke isouiia linoiMUoaun pajspuaa puB immediately. Despite the best of care and attention, she never regain EUGENIA A number from here atlended the Flesehrton fair on Friday and report a good fair. Mr. Chas. Park has returned to his position in Toronto^ We extend our heartiest congrat- ulations to Miss Neah Williams, who becomes the wife of Mr. Wm. Davies of Orilla on September 30th. Mrs. Wm. Hislop visited her sis- we omitte# this. Mrs. Martin, antl two chiltL'"p, vis- ited with her mother, Hire. T. L«vcr, Flesherton, on Friday and SatuVi^ay last. W. S. Arsmtrong w.s elected reeve of Hanover, to fiM the unexpired term of the late Herman Monk. ed consciousness, and passed to thrfl tei . Miss Jessie McKenzie, Ceylon. Great Beyond, very peacefully 'at| We are sorry to state that Mrs. 2 p.m., on Friday, Sept 11th. '.Allen is very soriously ill. Mrs. . ,, ,, .^ • a ' Douglass of Feversham is nursing Will hold their anniversary & her. We hope to hear of a change Harvest Homc, next Sunday^ Anniv. Services The New England United Church, 7th line Euphrasia, The new Owen Sound elevator is ; iikely to he ready for the first grain 1 .-.rioui October Ihih. I SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order thai our customers in the six com- munities may materially ben - efit individually. T. HILL & CO. Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Storo everynjie instinct- ively associates wilii hi^ I quality merchandice at the fairest possible prices. Commencing September 23rd, This Store Will Be Open M Day Wednesday The deceased was in her seventy- second year. She was bom in York township on April 8th, 1864. When six years old .she came to Osprey with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson. In 1874 she married J. J. Kaitting, and short- ly after, they moved to Michigan, where they resided gome fourteen years. They then returned to Os- prey, where the remainder of her life was spent. She was the youngest and last sur- vivor of a family of eight, and leaves to mourn their loss, a loving husband, Mr. J. J. Kaitting of Feversham, two daughters, Mrs. Geo. H. Burke, of Osprey and Qneenie at home, and two sons, William of Osprey, and Guy of Buffalo. One daughter, Bertie, (Mrs. J. I. McKeown,) predeceased her, by two years and seven months. Her going will be felt very deeply by her many relatives and friends, as well as the immediate family. She was greatly respected by all who knew her, for she had a kind word for every one. She was at all times God-fearing, and her well-thumbed Bible stands as a silent witness to a life of noble service and unselfish- ness. ^he esteem in which she was held was fittingly shown by the following \ floral tributes. Gates Ajar, the fam- ily; ^vreaths, the family of the late Wm. Davidson; the family of the late AJex Davidson, and J. I. McKeo- wcn and family; sprays, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dews- bury, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGirr and I daughtei', Mr. and Mr.s. David Mc- i Mullen, Mrs. Alex Conron, Miss Car- I rie Kernahan, Mis.s M. McKinlay, I Harry G. B urke, pupils of Fever- ' sham Continuation and public school, pupils of Feversham Public school. The remains were interred at the Presbyterian Cemetei", Feversham, on .Sunday, Si'pt. 1,3th, the services being! conducted by Rev. 7\Ir. Shannon, and assif.tfd hy Rev. Mr, Hi-iwey. 'Ti.s hard to part, with tho-se we love, E'en though their race be run. But v,'e know that hor soul will rest in peace, Our Father, Thy will bo dene. f for the better soon. Messrs. Wesly Cooey and Ray Genoe, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. Miss Mae Duckett 'has returned home after a few weeks' visit with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. Haines and babe of Kimberley visitd Mrs. jEIoy one day last week. Mrs. Garnet Magee, 8th line, and Mrs. Hoy ol the village received the sad news that their sister, Mrs. Em ereorj Simmons, of Drayton was very ill in Guelph hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoy, in company of Mrs. Tuohy and Monday, Oct. 4th and 5th Rev. R. A. Spencer, of Emn- dalk will preafli at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special music at l^otlil services. On Monday a hot- supper will be served from 6 p.m., followed by an entertalif ment of Moving Pictures, puf on by the Govt. Motion Pic- ture Co. Also musii^al sel- ections. Everybody invited. Kimberley Unitied church will hold their Harvest Home (a sjstj^) and^ Master HwoW ofj^nd Anniversary services ort g^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^ Fowl Supper and entertainment iri the Community Hall, Friday, Oct. 9th. Services on Sunday, nd at 1 1a.m. and 7 p.m.. Special Mrs. Eiwood Purvis, Pai?yT'.^!^ ^ j preacher for the day. Good Miss Smith, of Toronto, visited" r'-^jmusic at both Services. Meaford, motored over to Guelph on Tuesday of las\t week and found her very low, but 8til>'lKJding her own. Mr and Mrs. ^""^"llLgtiTvis, and Mrs. 'RcM- P»':'''l?''!*_^!rT^ af ter a pleatinC^iti^^ .^t,^^ brothers, at the "Large" residen. >- last week. In last weeks items, we neglected to mention that Mr. Garnet Magee, 8th, lin, was a niece of the late Mr{ Geo. Gamey and she had also received the sad news of his death. Sorry Ovt. 18 â€" Victorw, Rocklyn, preacher announced later. Supper and entertainment irt the hall on Monday night. H. V. Ellison, Pastor Small Advertisements FARMS FOR SALE Toronto line Provineial Three farms, two of IMT \h IV t," j\., . Creation of Eall Millinery Arrived this week Many new. models in trinihied Bml- plain felt fiats' havo arrived direct from the manufacturers. Sale.s up to the present time have far exceeded our cxpftation.' People^ are cotnins: a long distance in â- )rder to buy their millinery at this store and ,x- ,!f'5.s themselves as most agr,.eably surprkcilat the 'â- 'fv prices lisked for such beautiful nev,- creations. Maiiy ^ats at. ih^ popular prices of .^S.T), •;;i.'.)5 and tJ.'JS. Fur Triniiuod \h\\\ Coats, Distinctive .\s •., .Mddcls. Reasonably Priced.-- For variety of styles, ranges of colors, lichnet^s rf material^ our present showing of Ladies' and Misses' Fall Coats surpass any |>r,.7ious showing. Prices are most i-ei«>:onable and we are convinted that you will have no difficulty in choosing the coat you require from our much-Iarger-than-usua! showing. Prices rangt» from |9.7.5 up to $37.50. Women's Work Sh(»es Specially Fricc<r SI. OH â- M) pairs of did 'toes of Woman's Heavy Work .â- ^hoes havt been gffkhered togi^ hr and spcially priced for fast cU.arnnce, Rgnlar $2.25 to 13.75. Spcially pficed 11.98 a pair. Girl's Sh«)es, E-xtra \affie Sl.()8 a i)air 40 pairs of Girls' Heavy School .Shoes, being odd lota of a few pairs left from geveral lots of thi^ b«?t sellitiK lins. The regular pries wer<. $2.00 to $.1.25 per jiair. On these we giv,. a special clear- ing price of $1.68 a pair. Men's Sweater Coats $2.48 'This is a spetial ouallty, not too heavy in weifrht for the pr,.8ent seaiiun and not too bulky to wear under « coat when the days g^t a bit col<ler. Spctcial- ly priced $2.4$. Men's Pullover J>weater, Roll or V Neck. $1.48 This is ctrtainly a very low price on such a sub- stantial tranntht. Ttw colors ar,> dark »nd eamit in tMkfr the roll or V-neck with roll dollar that can be buttoned up cIom if r,>quired. ApArially priced «1.4a. i^.\:^' \-) inch T'.p T;ni Grain Calf Imv^tIs It v.-otild'bc difficult to Ket a more .substantial a!ul lonKv.-eiviriK boys' boot, ada.»>ted especially for the Vet fall v;enlher, than thi:-; boot on which we are Kivins such a s'iccial price. If you buy a pair of th<'~e bouts for tho boy you will not bo disai)- pointcd. Regular price $4. 50. .Special oleavini; I'ric,, S3:2'D a pair. .Men's (Jvercoat's Posse.s.sing IJuth Style and Extra \VeaVin.u- Qualities If lequiring; a new overcoat be suio you .see our splendid .'•ssoitnient. 11, .re you will sco tha Inst word in the matter of style beautiful material iJiid possessing loiiir weaving qualiti,.8. Very specially priced at §l(i.50 up to $27.5(». I'.oy.s' Pullover Sweater cciUs Roll Collar, 9H EAST MOl NTAl.N- LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" In town around Septem- ber 23rd, Partridge Wyandotte pullet. | Finder please notify Frank Thurston' LOST â€" Black and white hound '^'f'^ ^^^ <">« <>' 50 acres all cleared. about July 20th. Answered to name ^'^^^ '^^^^^ buildings, up to date Vr of Rex. - Chas. Hanley, Eugenia, ! «77 P^^t'cnUr. Wiii sell any mm P.O. j '^^ tneae. Good brick house on ov. ? li- 1-' _: I the farms. The stabiin? for £i;:l'. LOST. â€" Grey overcoat at Fair mals is perfect. One fnrir has tat Grounds, last Friday, a pair of kid acres hardwood bush and anc ilw gii.ves in pocket. â€" Finder please' nundred has three acres of timber kave at post-office. â€" W. W. Tnim-iand has baildinngs for everything hie. . ..„ ; ^. - ' ["f'^"^- '^'-•lading poultry hcuse am* â€"-â€"' * ..-.^ .'•' â- APig pen.«. No broken land and c!saj weeds. Any person interetsed Ou the Highway. ^ LOST â€" Belweeh BJarkdale -and i ©f Flesherton, on Monday Sept. 21st, a \ should investigate, new f-oft Ford truck tire. $5 reward ' if returne<l to Mr. Noble, Markdale: Imy .)r Mr. Stewart, Flesherton. â€" L Botidi -T. J. STINSON". Proton Stafion P.a Mt. Forest. BULL FOR SERVICE Thi.s i.s a splendid low priced garment for the school boy. It come.s in a good weight matpriaJ, ilaik of color and all sizes from 26 to ;U. Very sjiec- Kil i)8c. a garment. r>oys' Sweater coats $1.28 This is an cxcelldnt garment for such a low price. It has roll collar and comes in sizes 28, .S(9. .'{2. and 34. Special priced, per garmentv $1.28. Grocery Specials .1 ting Kipper Sndcks 26c Com Flakea lOc. per package Shredded Wheat „ 2 for 28c Tomatoaa 2 tins for 3Bc! £*•• • • 15c. per tin Salmon. 1 pound Rize 2 for 35c. Thompson Seedless Raiiiag 2 lbs for 26c Mixed Tea, very special 21b8. for $r.26 Glycerine Soap, larre cake .,. 3 for 26c. Pork A Bean*. 2mb. tin. reg. .%c. for 26c. tin i»"? 3 pkira. for 26c. \^no 86c SMclal Braom ^..„ 4»c" Ptekles. quart »iie ^' PickiM, 10 ot. siae. reg. 80c. for "" 86c' Sweet Picklet, 10 ec. site, reg. 86e. A>r . 30c' Comfort, Sunlight, White Naphtha and CMM So«pi. 4 cakea for .^ ^^ SwpC*^Gh«rkini>. 10 m. ciie r«». 40c. for J 38c' SugaiQd Date*, regular 28e. 2 pkgs for Mjiti 1 F. T. HILL & Co.. LimitMl, Hariddt iMHM A number from here attended the! corn roast on Thursday evehinjr, and i FOP. SALE â€" A stack of hay fori sale.' Cheap for cash. â€" J. K. JIcLeod. FOR SALE â- Vvuns singers Priceville. Canaries for sale. Tan: FOR S A L n the "hot-dog jupper" on Friday even-';, cemont For Sale â€" Cement 52.20 ! cj,^ „ ^j," i!;K in Kiir.berley. j pov bl.I. â€" F. G. Karstcdt, Flesherton ' ' A corn roast was given to the pupils of our school on Mond£%' even- iri.g- p.ncl i\ pleasant time was spent ii> games by young and old. Ml-, and Mrs. Stobe and daughter of Weston wore holidaying with Mi^. C. Tho^npEtm last week. "^^ !Irs. C_ Thoninso!» r.v.i son, Laurie ^pen: a week end with friends at Koli- porr. Mr. and jlrs. Kaddon Hutchinson of Kiiiiberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson. Uf-v_. W. Cullis of Heathcote ciircuit lull! a prayer meeting at the home of Mr. Thos. Hall's on Thursday evening. Misses Davis and Scott of Toronto, are visiting at present with their friends, .\nnie and Gladys Hall. Purebred Shorthorn bull for s'-r- v.xe on lot 40. Con. S, Artemeiia.â€" r, Eugenia P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. 4TH LINE AND VICINITY .Miss Mildred Pedlar, returned home after holidaying at the home of Mr. Geo. Fisher. l\*r. Martin McLeod of Tillbury spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Neil Cameron. .MioB Mildred Whittaker .teacher of Rock Mills school, was successful in winning third prize for marching of her pupils at Flesherton fair. Mr. W. MacKenzie left last week for Florida to spend the winter months. His father w«at as far as Toronto with him. Bill will be much misse«l in this community. Mr. Neil Cameron is insttNing a new cistern. Quite a number on this line attend- ed the Flesherton fair. John McLeod Jr. retomed homc on Monday from Detroit and will attend Western University at London. F. G. Karstedt.t"y'^j^^p^^-..^^-'>2P«.oMot31,Ccn.l v.u.ti. icrres $1. Any sow net re- .._..„.- , ^'^^'J ^â- ='' te charged same as ihoae F<Ml SALE â€" A Quebec Heater. ' '" Tier. Anyone wishing to leave ih« U:;e<i o:ie season. â€" C. F. Lawror.ee,' S"^^' ^''il ti; charged 25c per day ex- FlFsherton. ! t-'a~JOKM .MEADS, Priceville P o"-». Swks FOR SALE - nown Ram, aged Pons, Flesherton. Purebred Oxford ; - W .J. Stewart & R. R. 3. I BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE - Three young Sows Dr. E. C. Murray, L.DS., dental for sale, bacon type.â€" \\ m. Johnson, surgeon, honor gradnate of Toronto -' ^---- Gas - Pr'jl..n Station P.O. FOR SALE â€" One driving mare 4 â- of Ontario. administered io^ vcars old, and one heavy mare 5 years '"*jj^,*f^*"*!°»:, ^^^ce at residene. old; both in good conditioni-Harry/^^^^^^^^'^^rt*"- Pedlar. Ceylon, ,» .^ _, ~~ '- I Dr. A. Tnrnbnll. B.A.. M.B.. grm*- Onions for Sale at uate from the Faculty of MediciMk loice honey at 11 •4,' University of Torontxj^ Officeâ€" Rkjb- Jos. Buch-'ardson Block, Flesherton. Thoa< Vk tbacheis' conention The teachers of BaM Grey Ii«p«c torate will anite with the taachcri ol West Qngr Iiftpectorate in hoMint a union wUrention in tk« Lectnre Room of Knox Church, Ow«t ammi, a« Thur««tojr and FrUiy, Oetolwr l«t •ad find. FOR SALE .'?c. per pound. Choice containers not included anan, Flesherton. Phone 31, r. 1-1. ' â€" â€" â€" "for SALE^ R"am~llmb7 bl^l . ^''"" ^'f*" ^««- '«• A.F. « from Registered ewes, purchased' f/'J;'â„¢*!*'''" "»« Masonk hall, A»». from Henry Arkell. of Hamilton, the i iT.l !l't^,.!!"v''^?; '^"^ '^ past winter Ram. Also Purebred ewe lamb^. from Show rart, bred by Fairbairnsj C. C. Itfiddlebro, Barrister sojfcitor, of Holstein. â€" Claude C. Akina,' etc. of Durham. Will be in Flasher^ phone 41â€"1-2. | ton every Friday from 4.30 p.in. t* i|. II I P " â- â- â- â- â- I ^-^^ P.m Bred from imported J^.'^^^^'i'* »»«'"" â„¢o<>«- Purebred ewe ,Vmb..l ^»"''''' •*•**• '^^ J" Th-rston. S«. a. MISCBLLANBOUS ; Lt^ * Bmrj, Bmtf&t^ NOTICE â€" Get your deer, moose, j w». etc.â€" I. B. Loeaa, K.C.y W, Ik _ -i caribou, and trappers license from '< Henry, B.A. Oflcea, Geo. Mitchell, n«shertoti. I *^K liMM & Bmach , I>inMlalk and DnriMu*. NOTICEâ€" CkoppiHK done Tuesday,' ^^ Thursday and Saturday. â€" Offtliaai Bros.. Eugenia. ITS NOTICE â€" Hunting and trespass- ' STT* inc on tots 17«, 177. 178 and 179, Ist.j ^^ lUnge W. T. O. S. R. Artemeeia. Will be strictly prohibted at all time»> T. J. StiMon .Prttton. TeMMl Jr.. I.*T. XOnCti â€" All Hanover cement^ baffs must he returned by Octct^j ^^*'>M IMi. 1»86. to FlMherton or Pricev^ ' * After tlMt dau bags wRI not b* ac- *" W cepted f»r tk* abo»« eemyuiy. _ f". G. Kattledl. FltaWiw. ^^ fSSS-