r-r'" AVecl., Srpicmbcr 16ih, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- *««â- â- eâ€"H! m The Staff of Life CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NK( KSSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH DEMANDS THAT VOU SHOULD GE8T THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THIS, IN FUTURE, INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BRF:AD ASK FOR FINDERS BREAD AND GET THE BEST. Won Championship of G.G. League fromDundalk WON CHAMI'IO.NSHll* FROM THE , Dl'NDALK CLAN BY 11-5 SCORE HKFOKK I,AU(;E CROWD. I INDER'S r ERFECT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery Mr. Alfred Helstrop, one of Mee-| Rev. Pogson and family of Dun ford's most popular buBinees men, I dalk have returned home from a mon- i7,"°_.„ffg died at his home there on Sunday th's motor trip to the maritime night following a painful illness of provinces, s few day's duration, due to intern- al obstruction. Mr. W^. McDonald, editor of the Chesley Enterprise, has been appoint- Rumour has it that the Hanover i^^ retumin^fficer for south Bruce. Cement and Stone Co.. Ltd., will soon(.p^ ^j.^ f^^^^^f^^ ^^ ^^^ p^^^y ^p^^^ closii, as* it was b<5W to the Canada j Hugh A. McGillivray ;receivted thel Cement Co. About 60 men have been I North Bruce job of returning officer. The People's Grocery SOME MORE OF OUR GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ^ Fancy Sockeye Salmon, 2 tins 15c. Larjje tins Sockeye or Horseshoe 39c. Red Salmon 2 tins 50c. Pink Salmon 2 tins 35c. Brunswick Sardines 4 tins for Z^c Cross Fish Sardines ...â- : 2 tins for 35c. Kleenup Soap,' regular pi'ice 25c 2 tins for 26c. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 67 Victory is ours! By playing brill- iant baseball, both in the field and at bat/ Flesherton handed Dundalk a deciiiive defeat by the score of 11 â€" 5, thereby winnirtp the silyer cup, em- blematic of the championship of the Centre Grey League. The game, played before the largest crowd of the season, was a "dinger," and every- thing that makes baseball the game it is. was served up in ab'undance. Hutton pitched great ball, until forced to retire in the sixth with a sprained muscle in his pitching arm. Support in the field is where the winners shone, and here too, Dundalk was very chronic, tnaking some cost- Leonard Alcox took up the pitching when Hutton retired and kept the visitors off the score sheet, except in the eighth, when the Shram- rocks shoved across two runs. Alcox deserves credit for his cool and mas- terly display, in the critical moments. Leonard has done very littl^ pitching this year being used almost entirely in the outfield all season. The locals all played their positions exceptionally well, and their gilt-edge defence was unbeatable when occasion demanded. "Cec' McTavish provi- ded the feature play of the afternoon m the 7th, when he speared McAllis- ter's liner, which was labelled for two bases, and doubled Claridge off first. McTavish has played great ball all year both in the field and at bat. Boyd, Dow, McTavish and Kelly, showed the reason why the infiSId is "airtight" on every play, and with the outfield of Thurston and Sparks, reinforced by "Fat" Muir, they too supported their teammates in a very creditable manner. Mr. Ge'iorge Dundas handled the game in a fair and impartial way, and was on top of every play. luvc of the game. This has gone. far to place this Centre Grey in a strong- er position than ever before. , Mr. }Iaze Freeman has been a good two bagger. Akins duplicating and stole third, Hutton sacrificing him home. Hutton "Ut pitcher to first. .McTavish-reWRed first on error. Boyd flew out to left. 2 runs, 2 hits, 1 er- or. 2nd Innings Dundalk â€" Mercer singled. Lock- hart sacrificd Mercer to Third, out pitcher to first. Sudden scored Mer- cer with double. C. Thompson sacrifi- ced* Sudden to third, out pitcher to first. Claridge out on fly \o short- stop. 1 ruii, 2 hits, 2 errors. j ALCOX, bEONARD â€" 27 years • of Fleshertonâ€" Sparks flied out to | age, pitcher and left fielder for tha shortstop. Thurston singled. Muir • homesters, and a farmer by profei .uosition, and throws from the sUr- board sido. SPARKS, ALBERT â€" 27 years o< ^ge, a farmer by profession and a friend to the local boys, keeping the : right fielder by choice. Heaves from grounds in shape without charge the portside. sUnds on the left side throughout the season. This has been of the plate, and bats in seventh pos- niuch appreciated and the thanks of ition. everyone is due him. WHO AND WHAT 1st Innings Dundalk â€" Claridge flew out to Dow. McAllister out shortstop to first Armstrong got two bases on error. Douglas hit homer to centre field al- most to track. 2 runs, 2 hits, 'l error. Flesherton â€" Kelly slammed out a SIX HILL STORES W« buy together in order thai oar cuetomer* in the m com- munitie* mmy materially ben- •et imUyidually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest poiiiblo prices. 1 September is the Month When Our Biggest Shipments of New Fall Goods are Placed in Stock September is the month when our biggest shipments of New Fall Merchandise is received from the manufacturers and wholesale dealers, and placed in stock. This year we will commence the sea- son with the best assorted stock we have ever had. Customers from an ever widening area are recognizing this fast and new customers are being added almost every day to our already very large list. NEW WOOL CREPE $1.98 FLANNELS WILL BE POPULAR 5 pieces of beautiful all wool fancy crepe in AGAIN THIS SEASON an excellent ranee of coloring. The con\bination n»,..„ *i „ i n â- . of coloring are • most harmonious and attractive, f,,u nTl,^- T, 1^ as popular as ever this would be suitable for whole dress, or sc-perate f" L "f/^Z: «i l\ ^''^^ '"'"'^v. V"^ l«"cy J^>» ^^ blouse. Specially priced $1.98 per pard. |.^^g« "'^J ^^^^^'^ «t P"«s that are absolutely WOOL POPLIN WITH SILK CHECK $2.25 MEN'S OXFORDS $L98 It would be difficult to find any material more A table of odd lines of men's Oxford's (o be clear- serviceable and pretty, than this new fabric. The «," «' » very low price. Regular $3.50 to $4.95. $1.98 colors are excellent.^ -Moderatel priced at $2.25 clearmg price. '^'^"'^*'' LADIES' NFW FAI I rnAT« LADIES WIDE PATENTED LEATH- ^tti/„ the Z.Z l.tt?2!:lt has ER BELTS there been assembld such a large and varied stock These come in plain colors, and are much in de- "Lrf In^rK,..^'"" t J*"i T"^"' i" f 'f^ ^'â- °'" l^ wand, red. white, or black. Special at 35c. e^ch. lTLl° ^L^""!^' .The styles and clothes are ab- '^ solutely correct, while the prices are lower than NEW FALL MILLINERY similar high grade coats are beiing sold at in the large city stores. Why pay more money for in- The season for the new fall millinery is already ferior garments. The price range is larg^, $9.75 here. We have at this early date, made a number of and up to $.17.50. â- ^ sales, the reason for this is plain, our showing is , ' so attractive and prices so very reasonable that GfOCerV Soecials many who merely came to look could not resist ' ^ making a purchase. a tins Kipper Snacks 25c. Many in this lot at the popular price* of /-â- „_„ wi-i,„. ,„ i «2»s MAS tiflS '"'"^" Flakes ...10c. per package $Z.»5. W.9S. 54.95. Shredded Wheat ....„ .S..2 for 25c. LADIES DRESSES ATTRACTIVE IN I"7**"^ ' v ^ ^T '**•" ^^• APPEARANCE, MADE FROM DUR- saiAon;"ii;iund;iie"::r::r.::3::z.. ABLE MATERIALS MODERATELY 'S^^^-S':'!.::ZZZ::V^-^& * KlCtU Glycerine Soap. large cake 3 for 26c. Our dress dales am increasing vdry materially ^"^.^ * B*""'- ^^'b. tin, reg. 85c. for 26c. tin in volume. Our assortment is la>ge, nuiny durable p ? ^ pkK". for 26c. and fashionable materials are shown, the styles are) V* ? i'n ^^• absolutely correct, and not of least imV>orta'nce, the „P*^, ' "*â- "<"" v - 49c. prices are most moderate, $2.95 and up to $27.50. W'Z,' il?" "J** o;C"";- ^^• •^ "^ Pickles, 10 o«. slie, reg. 80c. for 26c LADIES CREPE WINDSOR TIES 50c ^Zll\ ^H'-Vuf^.^^r/'fflrS: '^A**; ^^ Sweet Onerkins, 10 oi. sine, reg. 40c. for 36c Many of these are worn at the moment, an as- Comfort, Sunlight, White Naphtha and Gold sortivient of most fashionable colors at the popular Soaj^s, 4 cakes for 26c. prtee. E«ch6«e. Sugared datesc, regular 23c.; 2 pkgs for ..!...."!!..36c. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markale walked. Kelly struck out. Thurston stole third and Muir second. Akina out, McAllister to Claridge. runs, 1 hit, errors. 3rd Inninga Dundalk) â€" McAllister flew out to Dow. Armstrong on first by bad throw from third. Douglas struck out. Thompson out, Dow to Boyd. lyns, hits, 1 error. Flesherton â€" Hutton out McAllister to Claridge. Dow got first on Arm- strong's error. Dow stole second, on Armstrong's error. Dow pilfered third also, injuring himself in the slide. Akins running for Dow. McTavish fanned. Boyd 'brought Akins home with a nice single. Boyd stole second. Sparks struck out. 1 run, 1 hit, 2 err- ors. 4th Innings Dundalk â€" Mercer ouf Akins to Boyd. IJockhart out on a nice pick up, Mc- Tavish to Boyd. Sudden popped to McTavish. runs, hits, errors. Flesherton â€" Thusston ,hit a Texas Leaguer over third and stole second. Muir singled, Thurston scor- ing. Kelly safe on pitcher's muff. Akin out at first, bunting Muir home. Kelly stopping at .third. Douglas fumbled Button's roller, Kelly scoring. Hutton out. Dow out., 3 runs, 2 hits, 2 errors. 5th Innings Dundak â€" C. Thompson out on a sen- sational stop and throw by Dow. Clar- idge out, Hutton to Boyd. McAllister singled. Armstrong out, Kelly to Boyd. runs, 1 hit, and errors. Flesherton â€" McTavish out Arm- strong to Claridge. Boyd hit a sing- le. Sparks out, Armstrong to Claridge. Boyd at third and scored on Thurs- ton's single. Thurston went to second on an error by Claridge. Thurston stole third. Muir singled scoring Thur- ston. Kelly singled .Akins took first when Thompson let the third strike get away. Hutton out, pitcher to first. 2 runs, 4 hits, 1 error. 6th Innings Dundalk â€" JDouglas doubled. Hutton had to retire with sprained nowscle. Alcox now pitching. Thomipson walked. Mercer singled. Douglas caught steal- ing third. Loockhart out, Alcox to Boyd, Sudden out popping to Kelly. runs, 2 hits, errors. Flesherton â€" Dow hit two bagger to left, McTavish out on foul fly. Dow made a great steal to third. Boyd te^ agS THURSTON, FRANK â€" 24 years of age. Plays centre field for the leag- uers, and is a printer by trade. Bats in eighth position, throws right hand- ed and swings from the right side of the plate. ion. Bats in eighth position »»a| SPLENDID PROORAH HORSE throws right in every way. , RACING FLESHERTON FAIR ON AKINS, GEORGE â€" 19 years of age, | SEPT 25th. manager and catcher for the home- 1 sters, and a printer by trade. Bats To make Fair Day perfect in every in second position, on the left side of way, the special attraction committed the plate and throws right handed. have seen to it that the large num» BOYD, KENDALL â€" 21 years of hers in this and other districts whtf age, first baseman for the champions, like nothing else than to witness a intends attending Normal. Bats left good horse race, will b? able to have handed in fifth position, and throws their craving appeased on Sept. 26tli^ right. ^ - .anyway. DOW, JOHN â€" 22 years of age, book-] Three excellent races ha\ij| b«ien keeper in Down's garage, second base- ; provided for and the prize money man, bats left handed in the clean-up ' offered should bring out soma f09i position and throws right. (horses.. HUTTON, REGINALD â€" 18 years j The first will be a named race witfi of age is the star pitcher of the lo- a purse -of Fifty dollars offered. Th6 cal nine. He is a student of Flesh- second a 2.80 race with purse of onQ erton High school and bats in third hundred and twenty-five dollars, a position. Bats left handed and heaves 2.50 race with purse of one hundred with his'right. i dollars completing what should cons- KELLY, LEONARD â€" 23 years, t^ll- ***"t.^ » P"e** afternoon of racing, er in Bank of Montreal, plays the Mr. W. W. Trimbble has been engaged red light corner, bats and throws as starter so that the crowd can be right handed in the lead-off positiofi. certain of seeing some real racing McTAVISH CECID- 20 years of age "^^^ f*â„¢ at the helm, with his long Shortstop for the local team, mech- fP*"!"" °'/*'.'^ ^f '*!?'" ^^'^' ^Snic bv trade, bats left handed in Small b.lls^ will give all details regar- t ding the Horse Racing. fifth position and throws right handed. MUIR, ELMER â€" 22 years of age,( left fielder for the champions, and a» The Chautauqua entertainments &t fanner by profession, bats in ninth! Barrie, cost the guarantors $1.12 OTCfi-. Small Advertisements FARMS FOR SALE LOST OB STRAYED LOST â€" Parcel containing hose, ribbon, collar and buttons, between Ceylon a;)d Six Comers. Fijnder please leave same at Haw's store. CAME ASTRAYâ€" 31ack CcUie dog, yellow tip, came to my premises on Tuesday, August 25th. Owner may hav».same for paying $*r this advt. â€" W. J. Meads, Flesherton. STRAYEDâ€" Came to the premises of the undersigned Lot 1, Con. 3, Euphrasia, one aged sow. Owner prove property and take the same away. â€" Robt. W. McMuUen, Duncan. HEIFER STRAYED â€" Came to the premises of James McKenzie, Lot. 12 con, 13. Osprey, about July 15th, Ou the Toronto Line ProvineM Highway. Three farms, two of IfO acres and one of 60 acres all..eleare4 First class bnildings, up to date fp. every particular. Will srll any cw cf these. Good brick taoase on eot w. the farms. The sUbling far Kae. mala is perfect One f«nr kae fm acres hardwood bush and aaetito nundred has three acres of timbiT and has buildinngs for everything needed, including poultry house aa# pig pens. No broken land and ele«!l of weeds. Any person tnteretaM should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. Imy PrctoB SUtion P.a yearling heifer. Owoier claim prop- out, Armstrong to Clarige, Sparks out .grty and pay all expenses. pitcher to first. runs, 1 hit, errors. >, 7th Innings Dundalk â€" C Thompson out on first by Boyd. Claridge singled. McTavish made the feature play of the game by a great catch off McAllister's bat, which would have been an easy doub- le. He also picked Claridge off first on the same play. runs, 1 hit, errors. Fleliherton â€" Alcox batting for Thurston, was out on a fly. Muir fan- ned. Kelly out, McAllister to Clar- idge. runs, hits, errors. 8 th Innings Dundalk â€" Armstrong singled Douglas scord Arnistrong with a t^'o bagger. Thompson doubled, scor- ing Douglas. Mercer popped to Kelly. Lockhart popped to Kelly. Thompson caught off his bag. 2 runs, 3 hits, errors. Fleshert«tn â€" Akins out, pitcher to first. Hutton singled, and stole sec- ond. Dow singled. McTavish singled scoring Hutton. Dow scored on Boyd's ^ LOST â€" Black and white hound i about July 20th. Answered to name of Rex. â€" Chas. Hanley, Eugenia, P.O. STEER STRAYEDâ€" Came to the premises of the undersigned. Lot 4, Con. 3, Osprey, red steer. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" John Winters, Maxwell. Phone 92 r 4, Dundalk. BULL FOR SERVICE Purebred Shorthorn bull for sep. vice on lot 40. Con. 8, Artemesiaâ€" Chas. Hanley, Eugenia P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" A stack of hay for sale. Cheap for cash. â€" J. K. McLeod. FOR SALEâ€" DeLaval Cream Sep- arators and repah^. dealer, Flesherton. Tamworth Uoar for service, 6 moe.- old, reg. bacon type, on lot 31, Con. 1 O.D.R. Terms |1. Any sow not ro- tumed will be charged same as thoM in pig. Anyone wishing to leave thtf sow will be charged 25c per day ex- tra-JOHN MEADS, Priceville P. 0, ' BUSINESÂ¥^CARDS ~ FOR SALE - Young singers. Priceville. Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto W. A. Hawken,('»"<J Royal College of Dental Sarcaons of Ontario. Gas administered ia^ teeth extraction. OiQc^ at reaidane* 1 .. Canaries for sale, i Toronto Stret, Flesherton. -- F. G. Karstedt,' FOR ^ALE â€" Spring ram lamb < Leister) for sale. â€" Thonnias Bem- infield out. McTavish came home on a.' rose, Flesherton. phone 11 r-1-5. passed ball, Sparks flied out bby cat- cher. 3 runs, 3 hits, 1 error. 9th Inningif Dundalk â€" Sudden out at first on a fast play by Alcox. Dyer, pinch hit- ting, struck out. Claridge out, Dow to Boyd. runs, hits, errors. Score by Innings R. H. E. Dundalk â€" 2 1(}0 00 20 5 11 7 Fleshertonâ€" 2 13 2 3x 11 14 2 Batteries â€" Dundalk - Douglas and Thompson. Flesherton â€" Hutton, Alcox; and Akins. Kelly, Dew, and Thurston scored 2 runs each, while Hutton, Dow, Mc- Tavish, Boyd. Muir and Akins cross- ed the plate once. Armstrong and Douglas scored two runs apiece, and Mercer with one, completed their total. Douglas gave all he had, and if given good support, would have held the local "murderer's row," in better subjection. ' The games this season have been clean, an4 the sport played for the FOR SALE â€" Iv top buggy in good condition. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply to Thompson Davidson, Feversham. SHINGLES FOR SALE â€" Apply to Tom Harrison, R. R. No. 1, Vamey, 4 miles south west of Priceville. Dr. A. Tombnll. B^., M.B., grad* uate from the Faculty of Medicine University of Toronto. OfBc»â€" Riekii ardaon Block, Flesherton. Phoob M. Lodge, 9S3. A.F. « iasonic £all, Jttt^ 'ti, cveiy Wtif fnll moon. Q. "Ronton. See. FOR SALE â€" Three, young Sows for sale, bac<Jh type.-^Wm. Johnson, Proton SUtion P.O. C. C. Middlebro, Barrister solicitor, etc. of Durham. Will be in Flesheiw ton every Friday from 4.30 p.m. to 8.46 p.m. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Oxford Down rim of good type and quality. â€"Ben McKenzie, Ceylon, Ont. MISCBLLANEOtrs WANTED â€" Men to pick apples, about Oct. 1st. Good wages with board. E. A. Graham. Clarksburg. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Lacas Jk Henry. BarriateiB, fleUd^ ors, etc..â€" L B. Loeas, K.C. ; W. B. Henry, B.A. Oflees, Markdak Lattm Block, Phone i^ Branck oOee* •! Dundalk and Dorham. Telford A Btmlc, Barriaten, wft. citora, etc., Ofl te e a Grey awl Block, Owen Sound; StandaH Block, Flesherten, (Satoday*). P. rSUoid Jr.. J. T. P. fiimiei Wm. KaitUng. LieoMtd for the eonntiea of G>ey and Farm and stoak salea • Terms noderatoL, mtiafaetkn anteed. ArranceiMnta fm may be made at the Adranea NOTICE â€" Hunting and trespass ing on loU 17«. 177 178 and 179. l»t;ii^^y IS^l^^,^ Range W. T. O. S. R. Artemesia. â€"<T. "^ ^^ J. Stinson, Artemesia, 'ar by addntriac ate at