THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE How He Rained the Blind on the counter with a printed notice, "For the Blind," and I Kot all I want- ed." A certain fancy (ro*x^ dealer in Aberdeen, on being told that his blind was a disgrace to a window excysed himself. o\\ the plea that a ' ^n unique Bituation In politics, and ^d^'re^lt^d!"* ^'oft il"*';Sione probably unprecedented in any iness if you keep a shabby blind I C«"*<l'an constituency, has arisen in like that. " 1 believe you're right," the riding of South Huron, where two KIMBERLEY Mtid the shopkeeper. "I must really s«e what I can do." Some weeks after his friend called again and was dalichted to see a decided change for the better. "That's a lovehr brothers have be^ nominated to represent different parties in the coming Federal election. The brothers are, Thos. McMillan of Hullett town bUnd you've got," he remarked. "It ghip, who will be the Liberal stand- 5!!I^*v^'»* *^'^w* ""t "*"»?•", .»ii lard bearer, and Robert McMiUan of did that," wag the naive reply. 'Butj_ , .. . , w « v *i.^ my customers helpwl a great- deal. pe«'°'^'»» ^^o has be«n chosen as the You see, I placed a collection box I farmer candidat«. Keep your Vacation in Kodak Pictures You don't spend your vacation you save it â€" if you KODAK. We have a wide range of Kodaks, $6.70 up, Brownies, $^.05 up, and Kodak accessories â€" everything for the camerist. ' You'll want extra rolls of Kodak Film â€" the dependable Yellow Box brand. We have your size. We A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON Mrs. Frank Smith of Detroit, and MisH Mao Hutchinson of Swift Cur- rent, Sask. are visiting their parents Bf|r- and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. Mr. and -lllrs. Walter Burritt and daughter Florence, of Niagara Falls, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa Good and daugh- ter Dorothy have iwtomed to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. J. Plewis. Other Toronto friends motored up on Sunday for tbem< Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thibet of Har- kaway, a recent bride and groom, spent the week nd with the bride's sister Mrs. Saul Fawcett BORN â€" On Wed. August 12th, to M^. and Mrs. Saul Fawcett, a daugh- ter, (Audrey.) Mr. and Mrs. Ellison and Joe, have returned after three weeks holidays with friends in Guelph, Kitchener, Toronto, and Shelburne. i Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Davis spent Sunday with Mrs. Plewis. Mrs. Ferguson was called to Mea- f ord last week, to "^the funeral of her sister Mrs. Walters. We sympathige with Mrs. Ferguson in the shock of the sudden death. iMr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham and family of Vandeleur, spent the week end, with Mr. and Mrs. Burritt. Miss Alice Shaw has spent tl\e past week with her sister Mr. Saul Fawctt Mr. and Mr. John Taylor and chil- dren of Owen Sound spent the week end 'with Mrs. J. Lawrence. Mr. Norman Burritt spent the pats week at his home here. CO-OPERATIVE SEILINS What Ontario May Uarn i rotn California Fruit Growers An l m'^"("«* .Hange of Buainess â€" 'th» Market StlU Growing â€" Organised â- ffort Fay* tbe Producer â€" lieguine InieolaUoBâ€" The New O. A. C No. 144 CM. <CoBtribut«« by Ontario Departmsat o( / Agrtcultur*, Toronto.) The California Fruit Growers' Ba- , change shipped 17.867.417 boie. of â- B??.'". .Smghampton^ Small Advertisements losT o» ST.AYED | FARMS FOR SALE HEIFER STRAYED.- Came to' the premises of James McKenzie, (/>t. Ou the Toronto Lino ProTtncM 12 con, 13. Osprey, about July 16th, lUahway. Tfcreo farms, two of \W yearling heifer. 'Owner claim prop- •«"•• "nd on* of 50 aeres aU dmnL erty and pay all expenses. *"»»* «»"• bwiWlng^ op to data ip •yery fwrticular. Will aell anj «â- » LOST â€" Lap robe colored on one of th aa o . Good brick honoa mi «bj «... side and black ont he other, between the farms. Tha itabUn^ for «â- !• Singhampton and my homde. â€" John vai» ia porfoet. One f«nr kaa New Carrier on R. R. 2 After a holiday of fifteen years from carrying his majesty's mail, Mir. W.P. Crossley of town is again taking up the occupation, this time on Rural Route 2, from Fleaherton. Mr. Sam- uel Semple has been the carrier for 'the past three years, but on account ill health was- obliged to redinquish his contract. Detroit must spend $1,000,000 re- pairing street pavements damaged by recent cloudbursts. SIX HILL STORES We bwy l a g e th ii fai •rdwtlMl â€" reiis t eii u ra in the sis ««- MyaMtwrially bm- IfMilvidwally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Mtrkdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instmct- ively aseoele t ee with high quality merchandise at the faireal possible prices. Large Assortment of New Goods For August Shoppers Go IdSea] Congolenm Rugs at Less Than You Pay Elsewhere A consignment of the four l>est selling sizes in three of the most beautiful patterns designed by the Gold Seal Congoleum manufacturers. Buy yours before the stock is exhausted. Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs, 7i/jx9 $ 9.85 Glod Seal Congoleum Rugs, 9x9 11.75 Gold Seal Congoleum Rug%^9xl0'/i _ 13.75 Gold Seal Congoleum RugsT9xl2 15.75 Ladies Dresses of Distinction in All wanted Materials, Most Reasonably Priced Not in our many years of merchandising have we assembled such a complete range of Ladies' Dresses in ail wanted materials such as silk cantons figured and plain crepes, crepe knit, poiret twills, flannels, ailks, broadcloths, etc. These were bought in large quantities at very special prices and have been priced acocrdingly, which brings them within reach of all. No need of going out of town where jrou are sure to pay higher prices for similar or inferior garments. In tne lott here is a wide range of prices, such as $6,96. f6.96, |7.50, f9.76, |10.76, $18.76, $14.75, $19.86 and up to $26.00. Fancy Silk Figured Crepes, regu- lar 2.95. for 1.98 a yard There are three pieces of this line which were all the Arm from whom we purchased it had, there- fore we got a Hie price reduction. Regular $2.95, •peeial $1.98 a yard. Fancy Collar and Cuff Lace Tabs Oar showing of fancy lace tabs for collars and eulTs include some very neat and attractive designs. The colors are rick and harmonise most beautifully. This trimming gives a dress or blouse an air of dis- ttnetion while adding very little to the cost ef the gannent. They arc most moderately priced. . Stripe Broadcloths 98c. Stripe broadcloths have been so much in de- mand thja year that they have become very scarce in the trade. We have been fortunate In securing â- \ good asoi-tment of a nice quality cloth which has teen specially priced at 98c. per yard. Silk Broadcloth 1.50 a yar J A few pieces of attractive colored stripe silk broadcloth has also just been placed in stock, the quality of which is very fine and even. Specially priced $1.60 a yard. Beadora Voile 48c. a yard This uncommonly pretty moterial has raised white dots which form the pattern and give the voile just the right weight to hang well without clinging. Remember this is the same dependable quality sold by many merchants as high as 86c. per yard. Specially priced 48 c. a yard. Fancy Ribbons for Trimming Purposes Att he moment fancy ribbons are much used for trimming dresses and blouses. We have just plac- ed a good assortment in stock, all of which have been moderately priced. Grocery Specials Corn Flakes a 10c. per package Shredded Wheat ^ 2 for 2& Tomatoee 2 tins for 85c! %*** 16c. per tin Salmon, 1 pound sice J for 36c. Thompson Seedless Ralsina 2 lbs. for 26c. Mixed Tea, very special 21b«. for $1.26 Glycerine Soap, large cake 3 for 26c. Pork k. Beans, 2V41b. tin, reg. 35c. for 26c. tin J«"o 3 pkgs. for 26c. Certo _ 35j Special Broom „ „ „... 49c! Pickles, quart siae ...;....„... 60c Picklee, 10 oz. site, reg. 30c. for .'... 25c. Sweet Pickles, 10 ox. sice, reg. 35c. for '.. 30c! Sweet Gherkins, 10 oz. sifle, reg. 40c. for .!. . 36c Comfort, Sunlight. White Naphtha and Gold Soaps, 4 cakes for 26c. Sugared datesc. regular 23c.; 2 pkgs for 36c. oranges, lemons and grapefruit ia 45,S6I ears to points ouUlde Cali- fornia; increaaed its proportion of all citrus fruit grown in tbe state from 68.y to 76.8 per cent.; returned $66.- 2aS,460 to its members; lost through failure of customers only t(,>20.70: did all this business at a cost ot 1.51 per cent, of tbe delivered valve and. ineluding adTertising, 2.4fc per oenC Such ia tbe record for its last finaa- dal year of the California Fruit Growers' Bzctaange, whoae produeU are best known to Canadian conaum- era by tbe brand "Sunklet." An Immenae Baoge of Boainess. The California Fruit Growers' Ez- elunge is the oldest and larKest of tbe CaUXornia Co-operatives. In tbe laat twenty years It has returned to lU members $646,000,000 from the sale ot their products. K la'a feder- atton ot 208 local associations witb 1 1,000 members. Tbe locals each have their own packing bouses and are fully responsible, Dnancially and otherwise, tor their own local actlvF- tiea. They are grouped into 21 dis- trict exchanges. Each district ex- change baa one director on the board of the California Fruit Growers' Ex- change, which owns tbe brand "Sun- 'itiat" and acta as the Central Selling Agency tor all tbe fruit. It has bual- neaa connections with 3,500 whole- salers, who serve 4UO,000 retailens. who in turn serve 118,000,000 con- sumers in Canada and tbe United SUtea. Hie Market la Stlli Growing. Tbe marlcet demand for its pro-, ducte is being constantly increased by the B^hange. Twenty-five years ago the orange growers of the State were faced with what they tbougbt waa over-production. Since then produe- tlon has quadrupled and tbe crop ia still consumed. Judicious aaverttslng and merohandising methods have kept demand equal to or ahead of supply. A levy ot tour cents a box on orangea and 6Vfr cents a box on lemons pays for It all. Advertlatng and dealers' aervice work is directed chiefly to the retailer and consumer. In any cross-road village in Ontario, where you could not buy an Ontario appie, you will find oranges constant- ly displayed according to aireetiona worked out by those wide-awake growers in Southern Callfomik. Liower Freight Rates Secured. * Last year an arrangement waa made with tbe railways by wtiicb, through the use ot larger cars and quantity shipments, a lower freight rate was secured on oranges. Tbe reduction will ettect a saving of $3,000,000 a year to the orange growers of the State. This works out to 14 cents a box. The total cost of the organisation's services, exclusive of advertising, is 6.86 c^nts per box or less than halt the amount ot the reduction. Organised ECort Pays the Producer. Tbe oldest and best Co-operative Marketing Association of California, after a quarter of a century ot suc- cessful experience. Is etUl demon- strating that the farmers' marketing problems can only be solved through organised marketing effort by tbe farmers themselves. â€" R. D. 'Col- quette. Professor ot Marketing, O^ â-². College, Quelph. Legume Inoculation. The popularity ot the Bacteriology Department of the Ontario Agricul- tural College is attested by the fol- lowing statements: During 1923 a total ot 4,327 cultures ot legume bacteria tor aeed inoculation were prepared and sent out. Of this num- ber altalta was most frequently ask- ed for, with 1,892: Red clover, 886; sweet clover, 6S2; peas, 524; alslke. 148; soy beans, 88; beana, 71; sweet peas, 89; vetch, 81; white clover, 1. The creamerymen and the cheese- makers asked tor and were supplied with 147 lactic sUrtera, and 63 Bul- gaslcum cultures. The multiplying Influence ot \be various bacteria sent from the Bae- teriologieal Department during LOST â€" Black and white hound about July 20th. Answered to name of Rex. â€" Chas. Hanley, Eugenia, P.O. of â- fiS FOR SALE ' Seed wheat for sale. â€" W. Akitt, Flesherton. aeraa hardwood boah nandivd haa tkraa acraa and has buUdiaaca for neadad, inchidiiig ponhry pig Wu- No brokan land and of weeds. Any porMm intinUii sbonJd inveotigsta. -T. J. STfNSON. lav Pl«l«B MatfM TJ9k FOB SALE â€" A atack of hay for sale. Cheap for cash. â€" J. K. MeLeod. FOR SALE â€" Pair of steel trucks for sale. â€" -W. M. Frooks, Priceville. FOR SALEâ€" On Ford Touring car, a bargain for quick sale. â€" T. W. Findlay, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" DeLaval Cream Sep- arators and repairs. â€" ^W. A Hawken, dealer, Flesherton. ItESIDENCE FOR SALB The property of Mr. Roy K. Giba^n situated ia the village of CeyloB. 9*0^ ings in first class shape, good eaUwy electric lighU, cistern, etc. Will t* sold for cash or small payment dotiia with easy terms. Full particDlars from S. E. de Cud- more, phone 24-4, Flesherton. DOG FOR SALE â€" Bku:k and Un hound for sale, trained on deer. For quick sale at this office. Fall term openp Sept In. FOR SALE â€" 20 young piga for sale Apply to J. Hatton, R. R. 6, Markdale, phon^ 29-2. FOR^ALEâ€" Two Mowers good aq new, one 6-foot cut the other 5^ -ft. cut. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 1 top buggy in good condition. Must be sold to wind up estate. Apply to Thompson Davidson, Feversham. Tomg and Alexander Sta. Taroato Every graduate of tbe fisat Ifteen nonths has accnred employment. Catalagne ttt. W. J. BLUOrr. PiiMipal. FALL TERM OPENS Septerhber 1st For Sale â€" . 1 set of blacksasith's tools. 2 set of harness, dry laihber and wagon. â€" ^A. Smith, Eugenia. SHINGLES FOR SALE ^ Apply to Tom Harrison, R. R. No. 1, Vamey, 4 miles south west of PriceviUe. FOR SALE â€" A good Cleveland make bicycle, nearly new. Equipped with parcel carrier, good Dunlop tires and electric, rear and headlights, with a battery each. Mileag^ veeder, tire bell and supply of tools. All in good order. For particulars, apply to Joe Meads, Box 62, Flesherton. Phone34-4 OWEN SOUND Indiyidnal Inatrnction . Baamcss Shorthand and Preparatory, Conracs. , Catalogne ..Free. C A. Fiominib F.CjL G.DL naming. FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERIi& N. E. 60 aerea of 171, and N. E. SO acrea of 172, ia the 2nd eaa. NJS.T. and SJR., Artemesia. Abeok d» acm* eleued, balance in budi, abovt 60 «f hardwood; <abo^ 6 acvM of soft tim- ber; 2H milaa ftom Saugven JunetioB If the pnrchaser can glv « good «»« encumbered farm in as coUataral m^ curity, he can bay on easy terms oC payment. „ -GEO. RUTHERF(HU>. ' Phone No. 7 Box 67, SheR>nni« F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale BULL FOR SERVICE MISCELLANEOUS ROOMS TO LET. â€" Apply to Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat. \)nly. â€" GrahAm Bros., Eugenia. WANTED â€" A calf, one week old. Alex Best. Proton, R.R. 3 phone 41-8. 'Board for students â€" High school pupils to board or room, opposite the high school. â€" Mrs. Ed. Best, Flesh- erton. NOTICE â€" Trespassing forbidden on lots 159, 160, and 161, 2nd range, W. T. S. R. â€" N. Archibald, Proton Station. • R. McKillop, C.P.R. Supt Met Osprey Council On R. R. Extension year had a very noticeable Influence on legumes of the Oelds and the fln- iabed diilry products of tbe lactorica. iWith a view to ascertain the possi' bilities of the extension of theSau- geen branch of the Canadian Pacific to take in villages in Osprey town- ship, Mr. R. McKillop, sui>erintend' the lent of the Bruce division of the C.P. The Mew O. A. C. No. 144 Oat. The O. A. C. No. 144 oat was ob- tained from the Siberian variety through nursery plant selection. Thia oat. which matures al>out tbe same time as tbe Banner, haa a spreading bead, whtte grain and leaa than tbe average per cent, ot bull found in oats. The atraw Is strong and It haa proven to be an excellent ylelder of grain. When tested on thirty-two tarma situated in twenty-one different coun- tt«» la Ontario ia lltl. it outylelded the O.'A O. No. 71 by 6.7 busheU, the 0. A. 0. No. I by 10.8, and the Uberty Hulloao oat by 17.8 bushela of grain per Mre. In triplicate plot teaU at the College in the arerage f»t the laat flra jraara, it aurpasaed the O. A. C. No. 71 by 4.8 and the Baunar by 5.6 buahela of grain per aara.i During thia ftra-year period the straw of thia variaty lodged leaa than elthar the O. A. C. No. 71 or Banner. Oata. â€" Dept. of Bstoaaioa. O. A. Collaga,' Ouelph, Salt Mrrta m a apiee or aondimaat' which wkala tha appattt* •»« in* erwMM tha MkthMUty of uva Purebred Shorthorn bull for seiv vice on lot 40. Con. 8. Artemesia Chas. Hanley, Eugenia P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICB. Tamworth lioar for serviea, 6 moa. old, reg. bacon type, on lot 81, Con. I O.DJI. Terms |1. AnjT now not ro- turned will be charged aamo as thaag in pig. Anyone wishing to leava tta sow will be charged 25e per day «â- • tra-JOHN MEADS. Prieavlfia P. O, R. R. 8. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. R C. Marray, L.D.8., dmital surgeon, honor graduata of Toront* and Royal Collega of Dental SnrfaoM of Ontario. Gaa adminiaterad ftit teeth extraction. Office at rmlilâ€" a Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. A Twnbidi. BJL. MA. uate from the Faculty ef , University of Toronto, ardsoiv Block, Flesherton. niooe Prince Arthur Ledger SSI, AJ*. « A Jd., meets in tha Masonic M^^ ila»> strong Bloek', Flcdmrton. avwy fM. day on or before the full moon, a Banka, W.M.. F. J. Thurston. Sac R., met the council of Osprey lown ship, fend others fron^ that township in Flesherton on Monday afternoon. A drive was taken east to Maxwell and Feversham, and thence to Banks and Gibraltar, and viewed the scope of country in that part Mr. Mc- Killop would not conunit himaelf on the project, but said that the prob- lem would have the aerious consider- ation of C.P.R. oflTicials. There has belen considerable talk on this question for some years past and\ recently the Osprey officials have again been in comnhinication on the subject. The proposed line was to be a continuation of the Sau- geeit branch of the C.P.R. and wouW likely Uke in Eugenia, Maxwell and 'Feversham. Whether the line Will be a certainty is notlnown but it; Farm and stock iUmk • wbuld be a great bmteAt to the people j Terms in that part it the line wm extended. , antoa^ ArraacanMata lai may ba ma4s at -the Advaaea Lacaa « Haary. Bmnriatars, 8sM|> ars. etc..-^ B. LanlrK.C: wTm Henry. B.A. OAees. Maricdala Laa£ Block. Pkoaa S. Branch sAtM ai Dundalk and Durham. Tcifoid * Bimisk Barriatsn. •«*- eiton, etc, Ofleaaâ€" Qcsgr and Block. Owen SMmd; Staated Block. FleshartMi. (Sataviayi). W. F. Tetfwd Jr., J. F. P. Wm. Kaitttac Ussasii k\ for tha cooatiss «t Gray aad Reduced railway farea will again bejCaatral telsplMaa in effect during the period of the Can- ! *> >y ad^sslag ma at adian National Exhibition. C. C. M t dd l e b ro. Barrister s(«citor, etc. of Durham. WiU be in Flesherw Arscott * Son, butchers of Grand jtj,„* '^^^ ^tSAk) from 4.80 p.m. tb Valley, have diapoaed of their basin- ! g 45 p^„ CSS there to Robt Lang of that town, i