In the Tea Cup the full charm of "SAUUIA" %ir:if M ' l' II I I â- ii w i n il i m iiii •rngf^mmmftrnt^-rmimim BBSS Is revealed. The flavor is pure* fresh and fragrant. Try it. Black. Mixed or Green Blends. :^=;\ NUT CULTURE IN ONTARIO A Strange Duel. The Way the Voting Went BY EDITH BARNARD DELANO. PART I. i of the Woman's Club geing MlrooAt co- Wisdom is an ancient village. There ' i'*<=»<lental it was at th« second meet- are more customs than the serving V?«f o' »"« c-"b that the secretary was of Uked beans on Saturday nights f "^,^**1,V* '^""'^ =* '*^'*'" "* condolence that have survived from times that ^ Mr. Flint a daughters. Then, other seem to Wisdom immemorial, and ^"J^'^*" ^'"K ^"t of the way, Mra. even more habits. j ^'""•" ^inlc tha honored firrt preai- As a thing was in Wisdom, so shall , ''^"^ °' ^^ ^lub, arose. it ever be, if the older Wisdomites ' ^ "Ladies," she said impreseively. Probably the strangest duel that ' have any say about it. If an elm is "th« d^th of our respected fellow ever took place wa» one fought In i cut down, the owner of the tree U citizen Wtves a vacancy on the school : Paris In 1808. It Is peculiarly French, ' apt to be ostracized for an indefinite hoard. It is now June. That vacancy and could hardly have occurred under period. Barns may be kept painted, i will have to be filled before the school any but French society. Two gentle- j but if a man paints his house he is (term in September. There will have ^= ' â- L ^ men of France quarrelled over the lady looked on askance and suspected ofjto be a special town meetitig called Canada Is coming more clearly to 'of their mutual love. Tempers rose, running into debt or else of frittering , 'or the purpose, realize that her substantial import of ^nd In the heat of the moment they, away his money; both things are "Ladiee, I trust that all of you who nuts each year, amounting In value, to' »Kreed to fight a duel to settle their crimes in the eyes of Wisdom village. . have not registered as voters will do about $5,000,000. is largely unaoccssary respective claims, and that a large portion at leaa't of the Canadian nut demand could be met by «w>wing In Kultable areas the best varlellta of, native and exotic species Yet ii by chance a man does either ! bo. It seems like a dispensation of In order that the heat of angry pas- } one, it is recalled and repeated that Providence that the Woman's Club slon should not Interfere with the pol- 1 his 'great-uncle So-and-so was a ne'er- | of Wisdom should be able to inaugur- Ished elegance of the proceedings they do-well, or that his grandfather died agreed to postpone the duel for a poor, or that his mother's grandfather of nuts. Of recent years a small but ! Jnon""- The llfiht was to be from bal- ^as said to have made a dubious bar- growing band of eathusia-sts In BrltteJi Columbia have been devoting marked wtlontlon to the subject aart extending the cult very v.idely, so that a substan- tial future Industry Is looked to there. Now the wW« i>o3sll)illtle3 of growing nuta are receiving the expert attention of the Province of Ontario, which has loons, the survivor to claim tho hand , gain when he bought those six acres of the lady In marriage. A day and | of mowing from the William Ware of place of meeting was arranged, and on jjjg generation. the appointed day the duellists met. Tho gentlcincnt were named Grandpre i and Lo Pique. { The ascent took place In tho garden j of the Tulleries a vast con- To a real Wisdomite, everything a man does may be attributed to some- thing his forefathers did. Which gives at© it.s career by p:acing upon our school board through its influence and votes â€" a woman." It Is known that women are more adaptable than men. Perhaps there were very few women in the town who would have voted against Mr. Flint, if such a breaking of precedent had been suggested to them; but with the My clothes used to be yellow - now they are snowy white" Issued a ver>- corapreheuelve booklet \ course of spectators. Tho Kcntlemen of Inforniatlou for tho encouragement and guldaaco of provincial growers. The outstanding claim made In favor of the wider adoption of nut-tree plajit- Ing In Ontario Is that they combine ♦ beauty with utility and are therefore luoro valuable Uian other trees which are used only for ornamental purpose.s. They not only yield a nutritious food, but beautify the landscape, provide shelter, and funjish valuable timber w-hen their usefulness as nut-bearers Is over. It is claimed that an acre of waJnut trees In good bearing will pro- duce every year food approximating 2,500 pounds of beef, or 3,60<) quarts of milk, or 3,000 pounds of mutton. Native Nuts Now Produced. The chief native nuts of Ontario are Hie black walnut, buttornut (wlilte wal- nut), hickory, chestnut, and hazel. Of Intixduced nuts there are Per.'ilan, Jap- anesf, Mancliurlan, and China walnuts, EuroiM'an and Japanese and Chinese chestnuts. pe(«n«, almonda, filberts and tree hazelii. All tlie«e thrive buc- c-e«>!>fully In parts of Ontario, and a kii-g<} nnioun.t of accurate data has bcrn I'ollectcd for their succeasful pro- duction. In Ontario's campaign for tlie wider adoption of nut culture, tho advantages of T'lanllng nut treis In place of other arboreal growth arc stressed. They ori' Miggested for roadside and street planting, for Improving home sur- roui'dlngs. for hlllaldc-s and ravines ind other areas dlftlcult to cultivate, for parks and school grounds as well aa for corurnorclal plantations In certain section*. Certainly if the province's campaign Ix.-ara fnilt. Ontario will In future yearn be plentifully dotted with nut-beuring trees. Nut culture has not received any groat nioasure of attention In North America, except In the south and weat of the United States, where, as a re- sult of development. Immense quantl- tle« of fine nuts are produced annually and millions of dollars are added to the wealth of thoao sections of the Re- public. It Is believed that the consor- ration and Improvement of native nut trees ami tho Introduction of suitable species from foreign countries offer great pc«iHbllUle« In making Ontario more pro-Iuctlve and beautiful, and taking the offortu there. In conjunction with what Is boIuK accomplished In British (Jolumbla, It Is not difflcult to foresee a time when Canada will bo producing I ho greater juirt of her own needs In tills regard, and ho largely In-' dependent nf tho present voluminous ' Im porta I ions. every man his excuse, in a sense, and ' vacancy there, there were very few to every man his opportunity, did ho w^^o d^d not think it would be a good were to fire, not at each other, but at tho balloons. The re.sultaiit escape of gas would bring tho balloon down, and In all probability would mean the death of the occupant. The ballooius having been cast off and having ascended, at a given signal ' the duellUits opened fire. Lc Pique missed, but his opponent w:is success- : ful In sending a bullet through Le ' Pique' balloon. Tho latter crashed i to the earth and wa« smashed to ' but know it. Tho village lies along a bending road in a valley. A narrow stream which jxiople call The River runs under a bridge at one end. The road drops sharply in the' centre of the village, and in this shallow basin on o e side of the road is the tavern, and fr.'jing the tavern a pond of many legends some three or four acres in extent. Mrs. Almira Wing's land adjoins pieces. ascent and landed triumphantly seven miles out of Purls. | So ended what be coiusldered the strangest of all duels. o _^ Plants That Are Pesta. His .onqueror still made hlsl^!:* pond which is town Property on ' the south, and Henry Hillis' store perches on stilts quite close to it on the north. Back of the home lota on both sides of the road the hills rise, gradually on one side, abruptly back of the pond â€" that being the reason of the store's substructure, for when the Weeds are the most costly enemies snows melt the pond rises incalculably, of tho grower of foodstuffs. In their , There is a tradition in tho village that hundreds they pollute every square! its waters once crossed the road; yard of soli ho cultivates. j there is also a tradition that the drop These outlaws of the seed world, if , in the Land is sharper under the placid unchecked, would soon smother the water of the pond, whole land. One weed alone, flixweed, ! "No tellin' how deep that pond is, produces 730,000 seeds in a shiKle sea- out in tho middle," strangers are told, son. In three seascna. If all the seeds I "Never been plumbed yet." germlnatwl, it has been computed that I There is, of course. Wisdom the vil thing to have a woman serve on the board. Then, too, in a town like Wisdom women hav« fewer activities outside their homes than men have, fewer contacts, fewer rivalries; and con- tacts, activities, rivalries add some- thing to the spice of life. At that meeting of the club a nominating committee was appointed to choose a woman nominee for the school board. The committee was to report at the next meeting, and the ladies took home a good deal to talk about. "Wal, I snum," said Lew Hall, stamping into the store that night," "there ain't any telling what the world's coming to, that's what. The women don't know what to do next. You heard what's up?" They liad heard. Wisdom village is less than hait a mile long; news had not far to travel, and there were mes- sengers in plenty. Cyrus Morse was an elderly, quiet man, but powerful in the political councils of the town. "It's one thing to put up a woman for school board," said he, "and something else again 'â- > get a woman elected. Seems like "1 always had trouble with my clothes â€" they lued to come out to yellow. Then a friend told me about Rinso. I found it makes a wonderful soap solu- tion. This removed every bit of dirt and then it all rimed out completely. There was nothing left to yellow the clothes â€" as there was ao soap to stick â€" it was all dissolved. "I am now delighted with my wash â€" my clothes are always snowy white." â€" ^A letter received by the makers of Rinso. Just shake lome Rinso into â- saucepan, add hot water, and you'll get the wonderful soapy solution that is the only soap you n<ied for your set tubs, your boiler, your wash- ing machine. Rinso ioaks dirt out. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. Rinso they would overrun a world 2,000 times lage and Wisdom the town. They are Zebiny Gregg'd make a good man for the size of the earth An authority on weeds, Mr. Harold C. Ixjiig, carried out a number of tx- porlinents In a good garden sol! whi.h had been thorouglily cultlvatpd for at least three years. During that time few weeds were allowed to shed their j seed. Yet on one square yard here I are the number of dlffert'nt weeds counted: Buttercup, 654; annual mead- ow grass, 107! dock, 60; goosefoot, 26; groundsel, 25; various others, 17*8â€" a total of 1,050 weeds. Tho great weed-army Is always i not two, but one. Even those people who live near the furthest boundaries nf the town are an intrinsic part of Wisdom. They feel themselves so, and tlM'y are so. They come to the village lo school, church, to trade at the store; they come to church suppers and .sociables, and they come to March Mt-eting, where the destiny of the ; '^ughter. *"â- "" is decided for the forthcoming ^ot a the job. A pause fell upon the crowd in the store and surprise was upon every face. Then slow grins and sundry waggings of heads took the place of surprise. "It takes Cyrus to do it," said Al- vah Rice, and was greeted with town year. Furthermore, whenever the village is racked in dispute, the v.-holo town takes sides. So frequent are Wis- searchlng for new kingdoms to con- \ dom's disputes, and so bitter the en- quer. A Mr. Ranstead Introduced the ! suing animosity that seethes through common yellow toadflax as a garden j the Wiadomites, that people rather flower into the United States. To-day j welcome each as it comes along so tho "Ilan«tead weed" Is a plagiio In, America. And Scotland's national em- j blem invaded tho land of liberty In a bedtlck filled with thistledown. In return America has given Bng- In that tho bitterness and forming of factions caused by the last one may be forgotten nnd social and religious ranks readjusted. A geyser that ceases „ to spout must really despise Itself; it, the Mer- ' has become like any other hole in the i «ver got ahead of Zebina. And when it come to thinking up things Under the circumstances, and man there except Cyrus would have thought of Zebina Gregg in tho first place; but the idea once having been brought into being, not a man there would have de.iied that under the circumstances Mr. Gregg was the man to nominate. There were times when Jfebina was laughed at, but more times when he was re- spected. Frequently he did amazing things, but he was sharp, he was adroit, he had his wits about- him. When it came to a trade, very few people had who do not cut down thistles American insects are lo be made docks before they flower, the subject of a special census. land a serious menace maid's Hair. (ground. So Wisdom feels when there Charlock, thistle, nnd couch or | is nothing to be excited about. Yet twitch grass are weed.s which ruin ! in the light of its past experience Wis- many a farmer. They can reduce the dom is always expectant, yield of oats per acre from seventy-six i There had been a prolonged period to twenty live bushels. I of calm. Mr. Frenche's barn had To maintain food supplies, tho AgrI- . burned. Two couples got married. A cultural Oepartmenta of most coun- tramp had been run out of town, tries have declarod war upon weeds. , Henry Hillis' store was broken into Kacli State in tho American Union has ' one night, but Henry always took his Zebina had been appointed annually Us own weed laws. Canada has 1,300 money home with him, nnd nothing , to the town offices of tree warden and weed Inspectors. In the Isle of Man ' was stolen. As a matter of fact, \ "*•> «»><1 f^""® warden, those carried a ii.nalty U lmiK>Hed on all farmers ! Henrv did not know whether to be ; "o remuneration; it was felt right con- sidering tho fact that in the battle with the women there would have to bo play of wits, whether open or otherwise, Zebina was obviously, as Cyrus Morse had suggested, the one man £tt)L.the job. Besides, though for some years and Sweet Breath at alt times I Cool Air and Sunshine. I'rofos«or lyooimrd Hill has been toll- ing the International Congress of Radiology how health and tho clothes w« wear are related. Ueferrlng lo th«i habit of wearing i:ir to many rlolhoB, ho pointed out ihat garments except thin sophyr or Henry did not know whether to be ; angry because he had to buy some new «"<* proper that his long services to window glass or indignant because ' the community should be recognized tho thieves had found tiothing they »t last by a more Important position wanted. â€" """^ the eighty dollars a year. "Plenty of good stuff in this store," "' K"e»8 there ain't a woman in thta he would say, in an nmbiguou-s, al- j town'll have much of a show against most injured tone. Zeblny," someone said. For two or three years people drove I ^ut the experienced Mr. home from town meeting with a vague | warived them, "It's one thing to get fctsing of disappointment. Nothing . th® nomination papers signed nnd an- had happened. Then, in the early | ®ther to get elected. Any voter can includes one coupon good for five cents in the purchase of any pattern. HOW TO ORDER PaTTERXS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size at such patterns as you want Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preftrred; wrap It carefully) for each number, and address your order to Piittern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patltrns sent by return mall. MInard'B Liniment for Burns. Supplied. The country pastor made It a point to welcome any stranger cordlaKy. One evening, a Swedish girl, euiployed as a domestic In one of the fnbUionablo homes, was present. The minister wel- comed her to the church and expressed the hope that she would be a regular attendant. Finally he ,a!d that if she would be at home some evening during the week, he would call. "T'ank you," she muimured basih- fu'.ly, "but Ay have a fella." >li<'n mesh malerlnl screened off iho ! summer, two things came to pass that B^t _h'"is«l' nominated by getting ultra-violet rays from the body. Artlfl- f»eeniingly were unrelated, but which clul silk WHS more permeable than na- were to cause one of the greatest con- lural silk; In fact, u zephyr of artificial I flio*s over fought upon the placid ter- Mllt was the lean obstructive of almost ' rain of Wisdom. "The Woman's Club .iny iiiHterlal, hut even thta prevented i was formed, and old Mr. llussard ilfty per cent of the ultra-violet rays | Flint died. :r(iin reaching the Rhin. I Alter eatiM or saolUna Wrlflerk frrshriM Uw Moutfc and *w»*tnM the hrtath. Nerves art sooikcd. thioat is rtfrcalMd ani dUesftoi akM. &> M«y to carry OrllOk piditt! poms ^- after- ei^ry mealfutt I '-"JUE No. 3aâ€" '28. Patsrnal Adivce. Mother Yes. dear, vour father and I flrfll mel at a dance." Hoy "Oh, that's why he's always tf-lllng rae to keep away from danrn halls." 1 -frâ€" . ._ i MInard's LInlmsnt for Dandruff. he was good for a long while yet. He j claPP'"K- The weather held good and Mr. Flint was eighty-nine years of i '*'"°- .â- ^â- '"'â- â- " Wing, and unanimously j The body ought not lo be exposed ' »«?•'. «"d hud survived a severe case | the club indorsed their deci.sion. Un-j lonK lo the action of the sun's rays, ' of whooping-cough tho year before ; | »",'"'""*â- > = 'o"" «'v<'" Mrs. Wing her- ..iid exposure should always take place ! people wore taking it for grnnted that ' self smKed^sercnely^ during the hand ill cool conditions. Hot eun holes and ""^ Mmllght treatmont under glass In hot- houses were wrong. People should not ho overhmited and oihausted, \but stlniiilated and made happy by cool hlr •ind RunAhlne. pLAirs i-oacMUoi. The new flare is treated in a iBbdi- fied way in this model, offering sido fulness and a widining of the silhou- ett, through the medium of plaits. Careful attention has been given to the outline- of the design in order to retain the long line necessary to the woman of fuller figure. A printed material in self-tone fashions the frock, which is cut from a pattern all in one piece; and a Jabot, which is made from a triangular-shaped piece of material, forms the only trimming. The accompanying diagram shows how simple and easy it la to make. No. 1141 is in sizes 86, 39, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 38 bust requires 3% yards of 36-inch or 40-tnch ma- terial. Price 20 cents, enough names on the paper. And I've I Many style.s of smart apparel may heard my wife say that many a cake be found In our Fashion Book. Our has fell flat in the oven." j designers originate their patterns in At the third meeting of tho Worn- 1 the heart of the style centres, nnd an's Club the nominating committee ! their ci-eations are those of tested reported their u><animous choice of ! popularity, brought within tho means Maps of the North. Owing to the increasing traffic along the Mackenzie valley system of water- ways, the Department of the Interior hM for several years had parties of surveyors at work along the route, par- ticularly In and above Great Slave Lake. From these surveys, maps have been prepared which have proved most useful to navigators. Buoys, beacons and lights have also been put In place along the route. jaaoasaii^v^^^iHijjjyyv'vv^'wvv^'vvvi of the average woman. Priee of the book 10 cents the copy. Each copy had been n highly respected citizen and had served on the school bo.nrd for forty-one years; and although he had not been ab'Je to leave his own houM for the last ten or twelve of them, not a man in tho town would have dreamed of asking the old gentleman to resign, nor have failed to sign his nomination papera every three years. So Mr. Flint had continued to draw his salary of eighty dollars a year in security and, as it might be .said, in en.'^e. Mr. Flint's death and the formation warm. Haying came early, and the men labored long in the field. (To be concluded.) Japan is the worlds third large it machinery market. Agents Wanted In every town In Ontario, to sell MISS SIMPLICITY ELKCTRIC WASHERS. Sells for $98 cash or on time paynif nts. Good side line. We can tell you what others are doing. Write now. Earls CItctric, 107 Richmond East. Toronto. IN£CTO RAPID The world's best hair tint. Will re- •tore gray hair to its natural lolof in 15 minutes. Small size. $3.30 b* mat) Ooubiv size. 9S.50 by mall The W. T. Pembrr Stores Llmitad 129 Yonga 8t, Tnrente The Ri^ht Way to Boil Potatoes Pat the potatoes in an 9MP Enamrird Potato Pot. Cover with water. Add imM to taste. Boil until soft. When flnislied, drain o:T all the boiling water through the strainer spout. No danger of steam s<!alding the hands because the handle securely locks the Aver on. If yonr family uses potatoes, you require one of these. SMP Enameled Potato Pots I' J ^^^^^ 178 j^Ug^