NEW HEALTH FOR SUFFERING WOMEN Poisons Worth Takuig. Aching Backs and Tired Limbs Need Not be Endured. Too many women endure suffering that casta a shadow over half her ex- istence. Aching back, tired limbs, at- Play Safe. "Bet your life I dca't," lald the I'Uutty (ir\.jimer to the other man iu the smoker, "l was In Windsor when Uiey hiid that last doae of smaUpox and I dou't allow any child o( mine to go to £chool until ha is vaccinated. I say it a scratch on the arm will pre- vent a fellow getting that, why Km for It. The day I arrived, ^unother chap and myself bumped up against a man Old-time pfaysldans made great use of aAimal medicines. Balstim of bata waa (i»ed In Elizabeth's days, while Mayeme, the French physician who attended Jame« I. and Charles I., dcaed his patleniLa'with "ras-plngv of a human ekull unburled." To^lay. after a century or more of herbal and mineral remedies, doctors are again probing the animal world for curative agents. InsuJin. th»i wlio was Just coming down wltti it. tacks of faintness, splitting headaches sojoeiac In that dread disease diabetes, When I found out about It I was a bit need not be a part of a woman's life. [ Is being obuined from tiie angler flfih. , upset and Hgured that 1 was about ten Such trials Indicate plainly that the ; The angler or "flshlng frog" Is a queer, i xsars oW "hen I waa lost vaccinated; blood is thin and watery tfnd that the j misshapen denizen of salt water. It ' 'he chap with me hadn't been done At sufferer needs the help of a real tonic tema>ts tu prey by moena of a long a" becausa his father didn't believe In â- ach as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Suf- spine proceeddng from the top of its j "• ' escaped Just with the old soar, fering women who have used this ! head and baited, like a flsihlng rod, He came down%bout a week later and medicine speak of It In the highest | with a blob of meaty matter dangling rj^^d a hard time to come through, terms. Among those who have been ; at Its top. ~" for me â€" vacclna-tlon's thus helped ia Mrs. Ada L. Harman, Vlrden, Man., who writes: â€" "E^jUow- ing the birth of a stillborn child a few years ago, I had a very serious time. I was so weak for months that I could not walk across the room without a feeling of faintness. I had scarcely strength enough to stand up, and when dressing would have to sit down two or three times. My face and lips were colorless, I had no appetite, and life did not seem worth living.. A friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink •Pills and I got six boxes. Before they were all gone I felt Improved. My appetite waa returning, color was com- ing ixito my face, and 1 waa visibly stronger. I continued taking the pills and fully regained my former good health. I consider Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a blessing to weak women, and hope my experience will Induce some other sufferer to try them." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mall at 5Q cents a box direct from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockvlUe, Ont. A serum obtained from the turtle la said to be valuable as a cure fur con- sumption. It is the Invention of a Ger- man physician, Dr. Frledrlch Fried- mann. Another anti-tuberculin serum is prepared from certain snakes. This, too, is a German invention, but was tested with good results at a sanator- ium at Hairbury, In Warwickshire, Just before ( he war. Sera for the curee of bites of poison- ous s trpents are now prepared on a large scale from the venom of the snaki^ themselves. Th« demand for rattlesnake serum ia so constant that the collection of these reptiles has be- ' come a regular Industry. The poison obtained from the glim monster, a venomous lizard that in- 1 habits the deserts' of Arizona, has been used as a remedy for the kind of para- I lysis known as "locomotor ataxia." "That's enough all right. "We commercial men â€" and of course it's Just the same thing with my wife and kiddies, too, when Ihey go away from homeâ€" can't afford to take a chance. I think any man is mighty foolish who walks Into danger which win mean being_sick for six or eight weeks' worry and anxiety, to say noth- ing of doctor bills, hospitals and niir&es; so that's why I take a shot of typhoid vaccine every 2 years They talk of the soldiers not getting typhoid during the war (and It Is true, of course), buf I'm Judging from my own, experience. Sometimes on the road I have had to drink milk and water In places which were proved later to be real nests of typhoid and I haven't had a day's sickness, while three or four times other travellers took the fever and were off for six weeks or more; The poison of hornets has been us«4 ; ^^^ meant that my dose of vaccine An Elskiino Banquet The Eskimos, Mr. Frank E. Klein- schmldt states in a recent interesting article, start oat breakfastless when { they go hunting the seal. It waa j twenty below aero on the morning i . , , . , , -», • i given In cases of dysenterv wben he rose early to accompany nis j _,., , _. .^ _ , , friend and host, Ipnorak, a mighty hunter, and he admits that he yearned for at least a cup of coffeeâ€" for a taste â€" for a sip. But no! It would have been against the code. The hunter who hunts fasting is believed to be fiercer, more determined, surer of suc- cess. Perhaps he Is. Anyway, the dxed rule Is first catch your seal. Then eat. They were fortunate that day. They caught an ugruk â€" a great bearded seal. as a cure for the bite of the viper. Rat^ tlesmake asd cobra poisons are being experimented with, in cases of leprosy. The principal experimenter in this di- rection is a Braziliaa. Dr. Adolphe Mer- condes de Moura. Many Insects are of vaJue In medi- cine. Pulverized S^nlS'h flies supply cajntharidin ; cochineal insects are ad- ministered In small doses for whoop- I Ing oough, and lac Insects' have been ' given In cases of dysentery. Ants suih ply formic acid, a powerful stimulent. I Many drugs once obtained from I herbs and barks axe now exTraoted from coal tar. uiu'ple. Salex saved me In money alone six or seven hundred dollars. "That vaccine isn't made for noth- ing, but the money the government spends on It (it's all free, you know) means a real service to the people." Protection, safe and sure, may be had against diphtheria, scarlet fever, typtooW fever and smallpox. Tested products distributed free within the province by Ontario Department of Health, Spadina House, Toronto. Tlie Falkland Islands. The Falkland telands, which gained Salicylic add is an ex- 1 fame during the early days of the is the L»itin word for , World War, are the subject of a long- weighing over a thousand pounds- i *»' ^f°J^- ^'"^ * P*"" °' ^^ and there was great rejoicing on their ! «'*°<'^ ^^^ ""^^ • drug is made from the sodium salt of between Great Britain and Argentina, phenol heated- with carbonic acid gas, ' the only dispute existing between hydrochloric add being added to the these two nations, solution. j The BUkland Islands are the Gibral- Adrenaline, a Hglit yellow snxbstance, â- tar of Argentina. They lis in the is extraxrted from the su'prarenal gland [ southern Atlantic, about 300 miles east I Precautions to Take During Thunderstorms. About tl.Is teaiou, as the old alma- nacs Uocd ID .â- :ay, expect th.iader- bt >nn». iJiovlLabiy they bring danger to human life, but the huzar4 can be diminished cunsideiubly if the advice of men who bavu ir.-.;ie a tliui-^ugh study of the electrical discharges of the atmu£<[ihere is followed. i One of these experts is Alexander G. Mac.Vdlf, director of tho Blue Hill Ob- servatory aud-stroffii^or of meleorol- cgy at Harvard University, who has ; made a special study of thunder- storms, and some timu ago he formu- lated a set of sugguKlons to help peo- . pie take care of themselves during , such disturbances. i Get uadur cover, is his first rule. If ; j you can't do that, lie down. About ten 1 • lightning liaihea in a huudre-t come ' down»to earth in a S'traight line and ' ^ the perscu who stands out In tlua open 'â- â- when such fla^^'hes are seen Invites , trouble.. But getting under cover does j not mean seeking shelter beneath a j tree .because that will bring you in i the direct line of dlKchcirge, and Pro- j fessor McAdie saws m«re people are j killed by lightning in this way than probably any other. The doorway of a barn or a window near a chimney also ara dangerous I places to stand, because lightning fol- 1 ' lows to some extent any draft of air, I especially warm air. I You are safer Indoors than out The probability of a person in an ordinary residence building being stiwck, says I Professor -McAdie, is very slight, and dwelling houses in city blocks are vli^ ; tually safe. He defends the lightning i rod, once so popular but now largely I fallen into disuse, asserting that if a ] house is pj-ovided with good lightning rods there is little to fear. Going to bed doesn't do any particu-' lar good, but standing on glass, rubber, a woolen blanket or any other good Insulator wtll give a person a little mere security. The observatory di- rector advises passengers in a trolley car to sit still If lightning comfes in and burns the fus4to, because with the roar and blinding flash the danger Is over. He urges that every effort be made to rttusdtate a person struck by light- ning. It seldom kills outright, usually stunning the victim in such a way that artificial respiration will restore him to consciousness. For the protection of livestock, which often ia killed by lightning while at pasture, he warns against tying them near a wire fence. 15* PKO. VACUUMjAIR-TIGir?) CHUM The Tobacco of Quality 025 of a grain of the substance It is naturally expensive. Adrenaline is of enormous value tn surgery, for when injected- it has an in eases of hemorrhage. return to the village. Couriers were dispatchedd from house to house. In- viting everybody to the feast. ! The banquet was a sight In Itself. | Some score of persons of all age.? from ' tour to sixty fell on the seal meat, ' which was cut, distributed in strips and deiuolisiied, every morsel that was edible. THey all sat round iu the open on the frozen tnow and ate the meat Just as It was cut from the frozen jointi. In this way the Arctic natives prefer to eat meat â€" and indeed flsh al.M). The children -were extraordinarily well behave.I. as all Esikimo young- sters appear to be. And tbei-e (s a rea- : son. The beiief ot the Eskimos in the reincarnation of (le;;arted spirits pre-' eludes ail chnsti^emsnt of their pro- ' geny. The child boiu to-day is verily! belie-ved to eiiibcidy, without regard to sex, the spirit of th» relative last de- ceased. Often 1 have bad a email boy i presented to me by a fond parent as { "my grandmother," or ajittle girl a»; "my late uncle." Hence an erring' child is corrected only by a shake of â- the head, a grunt, a wriniling of the i parent's nose. It is suflicient j ^^ f^j. ^ head until they get a head- As part of the festivities after dinner a-jj^ there was a game ot football on the I ' ^ ^ Ice. Everybody took part, young and j old, from little ICopuk, In his snow- white raiment m.!de of the skin of the winter hare, to old Anok, the sixty- j year-old grandam of the family, who, I by the way, kicked off. I The ball is made uf reindeer hide | sttiffed with hair. The rules of the \ game, if any. are obscure. But there 1 is a great deal tjf dashing'litther and ' otr Magellan Strait. They are an im- portant maritime -station, for they command navigation in those waters, offer good harbors of refuge and form an Invaluable lookout in tliat region. extraordinary effect In constricting the ' as was- proved during the Initial stage small arteries, and is therefore -iMed of the World War, when the naval -*- \m minm well mim HOT WEATHER Not Compulsory. Landlady â€" "You must try gome of this hash, Mr. Shye." Mr. S. â€" "Is it compulsory?" Landlady â€" "Of course not â€" It's beef." â- aPlanes in War on Locusts. Airplanes arc being used to locusts in the Philippines. fight Some folks don't reaily have much ; forces of Admiral Sturdee, in Decem- ; ber, 1914, engaged and destroyed off ' Port Stanley the German division un- ; der Von Spee. i In the year 183S. while the United I provinces of the Plata River were in : possession of the Falkland Islands in I succession to Spain. Great Britain sent I naval forces there and, claiming a pre- ; vious right to the dependencies,^. took I them from the Argentines j Thus England incorporated into her I empire these Islands that watch over the southernmoet end of tlie continent. I Argentina questions the regularity of the British tenure, and it is said that the Argentine representative at the j Court of St James's every year, at a I fixed date, presents a protest to that effect. But whetber or not the matter ' ever will be a subject of negotiations j for a settlement, the controversy has I never in the slightest degree affected the relations between the two coun- ! tries. Quite Sure of It. "Are you sure he's a thorough crim- inal lawyer?" "Yes; so sure of 11 I think he ought to be in Jail." As He Understood It. A little tive-year-old was iileading to I be allowed ' to go out to play. Hla ! motber became rather cross and 6«ld, I "When 1 see fit, you shall go, not be- fcre." The boy relapsed into si'.ance I while his mother went hither ;,nd thither about her work. In half an ! hour he inquired, "Mamma, have you I seen him yet?" 'Seen »-hom, child ?" "Why. seen Fit" Compromise. She found herself in somewhat of a dilemma. The young man bod taken her to a dance at the Firemen's Hall and they had now reaehed the front door of her home. Should she ask him In or should .she thank him for a pleas- ant evening and sny good night? For the life of her she could not remember the books oa correct behavior Every mother knows how fatal the i hot summer mouths are to small chlld- â- ren. Cholera infantum, ciarrlioea, dysentery, colic and stomach troubles ! -what j are rite at this time and often a pre- ! aecreed iu such a crisis clous little life is lost after only a few hours illness. The mother who keeps 1 Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels ' I safe. The occasional use of the Tab- 1 lets prevent stomach and bowel trou- ! bles, or if trouble comes suddenly â€" ! as it generally does â€" the i'ablets will i bring the baby safely through. They I are sold by medicine dealers or by mail ! at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr. Wil- ' Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. 1' Solving the House Problem. "How did you make out In your search for a flat?" "All right. 1 found one with thirty- two rooms and eight batU.s, had the compartment walls removed, and we now have an apartment of four rooms that you can live In. Only trouble Is. there are two bath tubs iu every room. Including the parlor. Refreshes Tired Eyes Write MurineCa.,Chic<so,farEyeCireBook Co-operation, "like charity, must be- gin at home. Every vici kid shoe is made from goat hkin For a moment she hesitated, then a compromise - suggested itself. She ' gazed at the beautiful moon sailing through the heavens, she felt upon : her cheek the scented air of a summer night, then she suW to hflr e<eorl: "Our milkman left us a bottltfof sour m;ilk Uiis morning. Do yuu mind it: ting out here on the porch with me un- til ho conios? I want to speak to him â- about it." ] MInard's Liniment for Corns and Warts Surnames and Their Or^ yon and laughter and rolling on the : frozen snow. It might almost seem that this display of animal spirits in cclion Is Nature's subconscious meth- od of aiding people to dige^; their terrific meal of raw seal me;:t. The women are quite as active aud agile as the men, and tbey also indulge j iu merrymaking among the pressure- ridges or wherever they come across an ice r.iwp that offers a chance for . tobogganirp. Up they scramble to the i cref t. and helter-skelter down they ' come. Screeching and laughing, tisually , bead fo:e;ucs!. 1 lie Eskimos are ai marvelously merry people and ever j ready for a good laugh. ' MACKIN. Variations â€" MacMackIn, Meeklns, MS' kin, Meakln. Racial Origin â€" English, also Scottish. Souroa â€" A given name. PARKE. Parker, Perkmen, Perk, Variations Parkas, Parke. Racial Origin â€" English. Sourceâ€" An eooupatlon. There are some Instances in which There is a peculiar peralloling ot the certain family names of this group are WE WANT CHURNING CREAM \Vh supply cans and pay express charges. We pay dally by express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top price. Cream must be free from bad flavors and contain not less than 30 per cent BoUer Fat £ow«s Company Limited, Toronto Hor references- »'e»d Office. Toronto. Bab* ot Montreal, or your lo<'a1 banker. â- aUibUsbed for "iMt thirty years. forma, of the English and Scottlsk family names in this group, which have come from the same given name, but through a different form of develop- ment. The given name, though you might not suspect, it, Is^ Mathew, the. same ; that has given us the faauily names In j the Matheweon and Matheson c^.<i8Sifl- ' cations. â- Tt-e change from the "ch" in Mathew i to a "ck" or "k" In 'English was \ brought about es tiie result ot the use I of one of the AngAo-Saxon dIminuUves I ot the name. ".Mat" was a short form { of Math«w, "Matkin," tbrough the ad- ' dltion of the diminutive ending "kin," 1 meant "Little Mat" Hence the mean- ! ing of Matkinson is clear. But that I combination of "tk" In the middle of the name was as hard for tiie EJnglisb tongue of the middle ages as for us, and t^ "k" being the mere dominant s-.~.und, the "t" Just naturally dropped ouL The devekypment of the Scottish bame is .somewhat different One of the older forms of the Gaelic ".\Iac- Mbathaln (Mai'hewflon>. was "Mno- Maghan," met with about 1263. and it is frcm this form that MacMackin Is .developed. but varlotlonfl and shortened terms of Perkins, thus tracing back through the form of "Peterklneon" to the given name of Peter. < In tho vast maority ot cases, how- ever, they came Into being ftirough an entirely different manner. The foundation ct these family names lies in the period of Norman- French dominance la England; that is to say. in the early days of feudalism. It is difficult for us of to-day to form j jjiy conception of how Important the i hunting of game was to both the nobles ; and tlie vassals of tfao^e days, and it ; is revealed only in a .<itudj of the laws i of the medieval ages, a vast number ot | wAich were de«i«rned to restrict and | preserve bunting rights for the entire | popu!«tion. Tbe geme preserve is an I old institution, and It was known, ac- , cording to Its slse and character, as a ' "forest," a "chase," a "park" or a "warren." "Parkers" and "Parkmen" were, ot, the officials who had charge of the game parte, which explains the manner in which these family nam-ss origlnatp-d. Parkes and I'arks are but shortened forms of "Pturkerson." Parke and Park are at timM still IMInard's Liniment for Aches and Palni How to Cut the Cost of the Sunday | Dinner. A man out Birmingham way killed a I chicken for his Sumiay dinner. He • used the good old method of cutting i Its. head off. Like all decapitated chickens this one took one final wild : run before finally giving up the ghost. It happened to run right In front of a swiftly speeding auto, which brushed it aside. The driver stopped his ma- chine and came hurrying back. "Awftil Sorry, old man." he exclaim- ed "I'm iu a terrible hurry. Will this siitiare things?" Hs lianded the man a %?, bill and Jumped buck into his car. That dinner didn't cost mucli. Old People Bltro-Phospbrits feeils the nerve* aud old people need it to ma'.:e them feul and 'look younger. It's the one best nerve builder tor weak, nerve-ex- hausted men anS women and that Is â- why we guarantee it. Price 51 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co., '25 Front St. East. Toronto. Ont. ATHLETES Minard's Is wonderful for the rub-down. Takes out the stiffness, soothes the bruises. f OISRIREO With Pimples. Terribly lichy. Cuticura Healed. " My u-ouble began with black- heads and pimpleu on my face. The fimpies were large, baid and very red, and some of them festered. They were terribly itchy causing ms to scratch and the right _iJe of my fac; was disfigured. The ir- ritation kept vrn awake, and my face v/as a sight. " I readftn advertisement for Cu- ticura Soap and O.ntment and sent fjr a free sample. I purchased niorr and before long I saw a wonderful change. I continued the treatment and now I ara healed." (Signed) Miss Louise MacDoneld, Box 172 Mary St., Newcastle, N. B. Use Cuticura to clear your skin. ISainpl. EACh Pn. br Midi. Aildr««s C.n.di«in jDcpul: â- Stcnhonw. LtcL. MontrMl " I'noe, So^p JSTk-, Oiiituuiit -1^ ;.t-'l .'t -. latrumSE*. Cuticura Shavins Stick 25c. muine^ Proveii safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Pain Neuralgia Tooihache Coltis Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism further shortened forni». but for the. ! most part were originally such forms i as "atte Partes" or "de la Parke." I Sa/i â- \ccept only "Bayer" p.ickage wiiicli contains proven directions. Hsndy "Barer" hi^ of 12 tahlets Also "bottles "of 24 and lot) â€" Dniggistd. AspIrtK '.» !h' Imil* m»r* (>«tl»t«rrt In iindr!ii»r of 8«llcyli;arl<l (A««t,Tl SillcTlIc 0*na<1lii 'f n»7rT Adrt. -A 8. A •• M»n«f«inre of Moncitoptlr- I ty-bltp It l» M-«1I known iliai Asplrl" nxant n«T«r ni«n«f««oi», in ••»!« th» p ibl!: aiialniit lmli«t»oD». th« Tihl«« at Baj-er CoBpuf %U\ tM atamptd witk tiialr fmral tia<» airk, tiM "Sa;cc Crom.' TIRED OUT ' ALL THE TIME Nerves Gave Lit tle Rest Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Harrowsmith, Ontario. â€" "I took yuuf medicine before mv baby was borii'sr.d ' lit was a eroat help to me as I was v< ry poorly until I t-t.-ric-d to take it. I jus! <ilt^ as though I was lirt-d ^ out all the time and would take wcik, fainting spells. My nerves would bo: her me until I could get little rest, day or nipht. I was to'd by a friend to take Lydio E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and I only took a fo-jr bottles and it helped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. I am doing what 1 can to publish this : good meoicinc. I lend that little book you sent me to any one 1 can help. You ! can with the greatest of [pleasure use i my name in regard to the Vegfiahle ! Compound if it will serve to help oti'.ors." ; â€" Mns. Harvey Milliga?<,R. R. N'>.i Harrowsmith, Ontario. In a recent canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Com- pound over 1(10,000 replies were recf'ved and 98 out of every 100 said th- > had been helped by its use. Thin in'.><jicilM is for saie by all dnicgists. ^ ISSUE No. 32â€" -8k .1