'^â- Swi. «<StiVt.,' yj . ^j j ' j.^i' ! aBMaft'U*tiL. T«wapJ y <> *M IW Wr WtlMtfMll») v.*M.€»W» *«in < m m»' / THE BANK ENVELOPE BY WILLIAM HOLLOW AY. ::i/ PART L I charges would have envied him his From a Bi'^ond-storey window of tho ^^'X-P*'"*^/^^'""- . , ,., . ,. „, ^ Blanc mansion in upi);r Cth avenue- ' ^'?'' the sound of .ife in the Blan© a strict whi.h at 1 o'clock in the '"^.TS^'^f '*'*'J""r^ ^t? '"*"' ^%^ morning is virtually descrtod-a long f'"' th* '''at or of a Breathless servant Imnes* Dignified, austere, thun a llatt-er of white as tha envalope settled earthward. The seco.id â€" a tall, elderly man, whose inimacu'aU) even- inj? clothes were hidden bentath a dark overcoat â€" was not iwenty feet from the Ulane mansion whjii the en- velope began its volplaning (light. With outstretched arms h.' followed its t-ccontric movements until it thud- iiu^iKi i.iivit:rt 111 Lin; uil . illvt. a new l i* j i • .11 it_ 1 i eWi<'s of flying muchin;, fell sofUy >^' continued his stroll the very last tTthe pavement. ir'^Z '" '^* '^^'f r"'^ *'''* "^S""^^ ,. _ ,' , , , ' have been suspected of carrying oiT an Of the two spectators of this litt.e important envelope which he knew incident, one, leaning mcditative.y i^'longcd to another! •gainst the low stone wall of Central \i ,â- n.- u • • Park, was loo far ^way to notic.> more , ^1^"""""' u-'"*^^ were happening in ,1,, „ ,. n _ „, ...u;." ... /i._ 'v. -l front of th^; UiUne mansion. The ser- vant hud barely had time to cast a hurried glance about the sidewalk when the front door opened for the second time an;l Bertrand Blane ap- peared upon the threshold. The great banlier's smooth-shaven, ck-ar-cut faca was shadowed with _ ^..^x- "fxicty â€" anxiety which showed in his ded gently' to' the sidewalk, "almost 1"''^'' "â- "" ^'^'^ '-'>* ^'^P^ ^o the pave- dirtftly at hLs feet. In another in- '"^fiV-j « j -. u „, v , â- etaiit he had clutched it in his , ^"^ >'<^" ^"«^ ''• Henry?" he -skcJ trembling fingers. sharply. It was a bulky, oblon«, white en- the'm^kn'p^-nptl/^'' "''" ''"'' baX'in'rilul^in/""^';-^ "•!:'' by ^'^f-S »! -""^^^ .. ,,,^ ^,,._^ iinrw.r i^ff V, , "-"'"•"'"^'°- '" '•"^- ing the wide stone sidewalk. TJ^il^ nnm^ "Rr*""''^ r^"!^' ^^"^ But neither on the steps, nor om the* £^MwV,I .kT- •,? """rfn^V ^V^'^ sidewalk, nor in the stA, was therxi anv W-,^I StrJTf ^"'•'' â- ^â- h ^^''^ the slightest trace of the missing en- ,' ^"niv.,; l*h T« '''?"•'* ^n'*. '^'- v«:<>Fe The areaway, marble-tilad, ,^ It'ln ri Inn,. T f.^'-t'-^f I'ut'mm immaculate, was also guiltless of any i hlV^l'Ji^u? ^^ ^T^*" ^^"'""^ scrap of paper, as an rn.«tanfs glance' tfr.^ hl^,^;- 7 /^'r^''^" ']?"!•"*â- showed, an arc light on tha corner, of New York ""an-^'al destiny rendoring the neighborhood of lhe| T„ .. ^x ' r^ 1. 1 , Blane mansion as light as day. ...n,. r.^ IT*" -^/t-hand corner the "Confound the thing!" exclaim-dl th^tJ ^^ ^y^tten and under ined the young banker-he was not morel t^ ~«f ^^J'tlf' ^^'^ ""P°''*^"y''?' than :35, which is young to be the the rest of the enve.op?, save for the . j _ f. .0 F-^ The Delicious Flavor If drawn from the leaves of y^ SALADA GREEN TEA n BflM Kas won it millions of users. Finer than any Japan, Gunpowder or Young Hyson. Ask for SALAOA. letter "M" ,, . ,_!, • . -,- head of a great banking house â€" just , n th« midd.e, was entirely ^s a stray policeman, scenting trouble,; '^ I'"'-" ''^-^.r found swimming in the w^ater ^Ih!. ♦v, "*''*?''' •^''^ ^'^i^lT "" appeared- upon the scene. w.» »h., ^. '"*'**^'' 11'^ »f Mr. Blane '.^ave yez lost something?" he ask- AU^h.fl" ^VJ^^'^^' '^'''^r^-n' , . 'ed, swinging his nightstick AH this the c'deny passerby took in ; J-a long, white envel Then the n^y library window the dark C'j.9 of the crew of an Arctic veisel holAs a rodieo of liis own by lasBOolng Th'3 anlmaJ was drawn up on deck by r.-e of a cargo ret. Sr5'^?-;;giS;Kr^^5^ TOURIST l\"t'ij',?l "'â- '^ ^'" ^r'^^ BrotherV-Jan TTc-n.-'l^esfd^s.^ ther"c"s-.;^t T bTath'-^f ' articulately, and "-:^^-"-^-=^ , I KATHI T OR lANADA R^^nll r ^'"""^ """'^ ^". that of air stirring; so it must have fallen '^ ^^'ijable en ve!< Blane & Co.,â€" was a man of decision. • straight. But there's not a sign of it y>=P'ained, recov with one feverish glance. envelope vanished from view beneath ago,"' e^pYaini^'lBertrand Bkne" 11^8-! f^^'^nS:, Is thsre anything the mat- I v«nr= M H*''^'*''o Despite his 70 tily: "It was quite heavy and it 1 1^"!^* »!»"« s? House afire?" _ -j pars, Oid Henry J>orter,_head of the couldn't aet far out. of plumb line. I Officer Dwyer gurgled hoarsely, in- was silent. "There's' (!ope missing there," he ' Itwa-s a time when decision was any-where." needed; for with Porter Brothers and' -â- Blane & Co. contending for control of ' fxpanse ox ueiiuji ^^"T! ::'-li:^-i3^^'!?-''^ I foi^onal^apl^;^ The policeman surveyed the vacant , {]i'-" street not three minutes ago, and expanse of lighted sidewalk with pro-] f""- B ana says he wouldn't lose it tongue. "Somebody"picke^d R*up°from A DEVELOPMENT GREAT- Sti-eet wa.s on the brink of a panic, envelope?" 'How big was the^°i',,-'I"'-^9"f- , . , .. Wouldn't lose it for mi.lions," re- All that day scare headlines in theT'V.Ah^,";;. ^ f^^ long," explained the ' P'^-'*t«lHenry Porter calmly, while his -* ., • , ,-' ---•• uaiin.vi, one uj the envelopes used by ,,_,, , , . . of one side now of jinother, while the the banks for returning canceled I ..Then I advise you to hurry on." He LY TO BE DESIRED. r.^. i, A - . .u • . "About a foot long," explained the r-^^1^-"*^n'"y press had announced the victory now banker; "one of the envelopes used by:}j«*rt gave a fierce, exultant bound. the bar^*^ ^^^ r«+ii»-niTi*r non/'<ii^*>H i -tnen i auvU chisqurss L.D.K. shares went soar- Lhequrss to out-of-town customers. | ^^en drew out his pocketbook. "Here "'5- , . u • , r ^ ,, . You know the kind. It was white and ' '^ "^>' '=^'^^> officer, if I can be of any ♦li^^ ^ "^"^ "^""J^^^ *'" i^-P-F in the corner had our name, 'Blane & , semcf-" , the wise ones averred, but nobody but I Co'" I^" alone, Henry Porter stood Henry Porter himself knew that Por- .".hi Europeans Have the Capacity for Enjoying That Unique Charm Possessed by Canada. Porter . ..... --,-• 1 'Blane & Co.? The big bankers?'*: '*^*tching the retreating form of Offi- ter Brothers was the victim, or that "Exactly," was the impatient ana- ^^f Dwyer whi.e a slow smile over- the old-established banking house \ver "I am Mr Blane" swept his face. "Worth million.^!" he BtwHi on the edge of a financial aby.ss. -Valuablies in tho letter?" 1 repeated exultantly. Ihis very evening he had been wan- "There was no money," Bertrand ^e was sti.l smiling when a hand dering resUess.y up and down the i gi^p.^ ^.xp'ained hastily "But the con- ws laid upon his arm, and a shivele.i, • â- - ' wrink sd factâ€" th? face of a man , , , ~ , ^ whom the years had treated unkindly '''^ ^"'^^'^ '•""^ Europe. avenue, menUiHy reviewing thasitua- 'tents of "the envelope were very valu- i^W L.D.K., without hoding a able-vei-y valuable indeed. Th-re loophole of escape. To-morrow he L,eTo things in that envelope I would have to go to Blane & Co. and j wouldn't lose at the present tinw for ask for terms. He had even thought o- "• • â€" Left The recent session of the Canadian Parliament has brought up for serioua con.5lderation a matter which quite ' pertinently demand® attentton at the r. ssent time â€" the desirability and pos- sibility of Canada's developing a tour- The question look-id into his. " ' ''^^ been brought sharply to a head by "Hand it over!" ordered a sharp the report of tlie Wembley Exhibition CommlEfiioners, who apparently feel r 11- . .1. r.1 L â- ?-.- mii.Kms.'; voice. _, . . calling at the Klane house this i "Holy snakes'" ga.sped the officer, Henry Porter came to himself with strongly on the subject and make some evening and hoisting a fiag of sur- 1 his eye.s bulging. "Somebody's copped «. ?tart In " " " ^end^r. .u . â- â- . Jit for .sure!" "^ | visions faded In emergencies the traine.l mind ! He ran hastily to the corner and I was actua acts quickly; and Henry Porter, who peered eastward. "There's a guy street had won hi.s_ spurs in that /'naneial (^aikj^g away," lie reported. "Ix)oks With Henry Porter to think was to "'" mae..;lrom which men call Wa.l Street, ':ike there might be something doing.la''t- He turned swiftly ui;on iha in- possessed an intcv.ect whose conclu- .anvbodv e'se around''" itruder, his clean-shaven face set and Justified, nions-were lightning fast. ! (j^ tj;,„^j j^^ard Central Park- il .u"'hf,":..^!'..5-!l-?!;"L**>T^- ^^J';then .shook his head. "I just came upon the initia;H scraw.ed on the up-j,h,„uph the park myself," he said re- arrested," he said sharpiy, IZ:^ /'rvP""' "^ f*"*.'?,"^ white g„.tfu:;y. "Nobody went that way." , an officer just around the block." Zltu7^'^ ^- A^''- '"''''^'\7^''V?-\ Once more he swung toward thci The newcomer, who was a sm . portant, hi.s deci.^ion was taken. Fate, ;, ranker, his gestures wonderfully j '«>''<le8/"Pt type of man, wearing a that b.ind. incomprehensibU; force' ..j.i. i » - .. . .. j|j.-i. j-_u.. >.-â- _â- _:.. j_ ... which juggles with tha affairs of nMfn.lJnjj had granted him another cast of the „„„,., . . , . dice. And, in the last extremity, whol^^". hh niSick may deny the whims of I'ate? ^^'" "''' "'Klitstick. Certainly not the surprised and de- lighted Mr. Porter, as he turned the In a flash his triumphant actual and pertinent r^'commendattone. aded into dull reality. A man : The report reads: â€" ially ho.ding h:m up in the -Canada's participation In the Drl- tlsh Empire Exhibition. Insofar as It affeeis tcurls't trafflc. has been fully Justified. It Is a we'.l-establlshed fact stem. , that immlKratlon and commerce foJlow I "If you don't move on I'll have you , the tourist, and we believe fully that trated In this United States develop- ment. Regarded retroapectlvoly, there was scarcely an3 essentially holiday trafflc from the United States to Can- ada In the days before the war. It Is a very difficult matter to pin down with flfTureis the volume and accruing re- venue from this resource, but a good idea of the general trend may be gleaned from the number of touring automobiles croealng the border, of which record Is taken by the Customs' | Department. The traffic began to de- 1 velop In the war years when holiday- ' Jng In Europe was seriously affected, ! and Canada required merely to be known to Induce an Increasing volume ; of travellers annually. In 1919. after | the trafflc had been growing for 'five years, the total number of United State* cars entering Canada to tour was 273,953. In 1924 the number was 1,899,210, or nearly eight times as exeat. At a cons^vutive estimate last year a total of more than 7,500,000 ; United States citizens visited .Canada, f in this manner leaving 1143.500,000 be- i hind them. It can safely be said that at least aa many oame to Canada by train, placing total visitors In the ' neighborhood of 15.000,000, and the re- i venue accruing from them about $300,- ! 000,000. j Europe Knows Little of Canada. I There is no reason to suppose but ' that a tourist movement once started from Europe would gather the samo | impetus and develop as rapidly and j beaoflclalily. Canada aod Cana4ian holiday attraction require simply to be known to bring this about, and, un- [ fortunately, Europeans know too little I of the Dominion's possibilities Id this ! regard. As pertinently cdted by the | Exhibition Ccmimissiloners, Canada has in one realm greater and more diversi- fied holiday poselblHtles than probablr any country. To^ay the continents are, with the great developments in Bteamahlp travel, drawn very dose. So many people In Europe have not only the leisure and money which would en- I able them to holiday In Canada, but a ' peculiar capacity for enjoying that i unique charm the noralnion possesses. ' Could but sufficient people be I brought to know the virgin freshness I of the great Canadian open spaces, the I glories of the Wesetern Rockies, the magic lure of the groat lakes, the ! silences of the uufamed woods, the 1 superb hunting and splendid fiehlng the country affords in every section, and advertise these to others, there Is no dcubt a movement wo'ikl start [ which, cnce under way, would gather ; force aj I'.iat from the Unitsd States has done, and result in a Vijst revenue for Canada. dipsll^ ,.-â- &(clusitvj>attma\ "Ten seconds, no more." "Then he'll stand frisking," was the .,«»„»^.«f „„ 1 1 J â- 1 . laBsuied answer; and the indignant nearest corner and wa.ked .s.owlv east- ^ i u j u i- i ward. After weary detay, the^game^""''^"" """' "^"'"^^^ ^^ " ^""'^''^^ ven^eâ„¢'"' Vn^lTn !''r-'^''^ 7.1^'' ^ "Nothing doing," was the report. InHrl „,J.Vf»nf -"^ '*"»"'>* The nightstick was twirled viole^ly. «'.-.TinH-^, „„.„,- ;"T' «' ^"Better phone the precinct, Mr. oc.ock in t ;e morning, with a nnan-m >> t -j u • ji n a j ,.ui ,....•.;« ;..,™„.j: • .u "" Blane," lie said hurriedly. "And men- w, «f ?JTv^ ^'^ "'*'''* ^- 7"- tion that John Dwyer-Dwyer. do you tenta of the en ye.ope were reaAyJm- ' i„._,, ..r,^, ^ K„.,n«>t " ''There is an Intensive development of the tour- 1 1st business for Canada wouM mean was a small, m,t only Immediate beneflts that would accrue from that travel, but would al-; 60 be the means of interesting the right kind of Investor and seittler to { our country. "Canada possesses practically all at-i tractions that touTlsts can deelre. She ' for a man of his haavy build. <*»';'', "^^^by hat, p.ain dark overcoat this man come out ahead of >"" °»J"k c-<>th«sâ€" the kind of elderly he asked, touching the servant !"*«" who swells the returns of the sub- - urban railroads â€" laughed quietly. "I'm not after your money, Mr. Porter," he answered grimly. "What I want is the envelope that fell out of has the mountains and lakes of Swit- i Blane's window five minutes ago." |zerland: the hills, valleys and lakes oti My good man !' exclaimed the great : Scotland ; coast resorts on both At- H^'lnv"" -irV^'; ,„?° ^â- *'" ^PP?!! ^r^ I«ntlc aiid Pacific, the equal of any on drunk, or crazy? Envelope that fell .v .. . . ,-, â- .i. out of Blane's window? Do you mean ; ^^, <«nt'«.nt of Europe or in the Bertrand Blane's?" i United States; and, In addition, woo- "No, I mean Charlie Murphy's," , <lerful forests and prairie lond« to an said the small man flippantly. He estent which no other single country And with another" whirl of his shifted his position and a sharp pro- possesses." nightstick, Policeman John Dwyer , .tuherance became visible in his rights â- w..j „#«,.„♦., AHw.r*i.i»- There w-.h rnthinV i, ... ,r* A ' d««hed h^tily eastward on the trail hand overcoat pocket. "I've got you' ^eed of Greater Adv.rtl.ln9. There wus nothing m h is attitude „f „^„ry Porterl covered with a pleasant little auto- j "With the exception of some work •si^a nignt. lall and im- 1 c^lumbus in sight of land probably jnatic, you old pirate," he went on. done by the Canadf&n railways, little "" y*>" •"»"<• <^*' that en- I b„ been done in Canada In the way of remurred Henry Porter. I ''*^«'*2""Jf ^ ^/^"'['ff /''""â- '•* ""f you must be dreaming. Do I look "***• Swltxerland and Italy pnaoUcaUy live on the revenue derived from tour- 1 portant. The heavy white enyelope felt as though it contained bond and l>ondi> are always negotiable! mind â€" is after a suspect.' that .sugge.s poi' out He the ''"b'^v ''^o'wr' buTtin'!c"h'r l^^f^ ex^ e c^^ a similar' f:^irnr oTjo^ "Sup^^ 3 nrv ZrZl' w»l .h^ ?'♦' '""''T' tx' l^at of Henry Porter, as he strolf- vetepe.' nry Por-tei was the la.'.t man in j purelesslv eastward huKcinir the "R«a ly," , ^.x,rld whom a passing policeman ^-l.:^^"-i:!iTank e^vZ^' tS his brea!^ i "you m/st „ the friendly shelter of his i "^e a man that would take anything . '"• °^ th( j not my own ?" | l»tt, and there might be in the loiur With the swiftness of decision that countries would have dreamed of halting; f ., though many a policeman up on |,*^^rc^at Af^^j^eryJ^al Pass It arotind after every incaL Give the family the benefit of its aid to digest icnt. Qcm* teeth too. Keep It always 1j» tJie house. Prance and several other _! Wliat there might be in the long I With the swiftness of decision that countries In Europe look upon them as ~ I bank envelope Henry Porter did not "'*'"'**'' all hla movements, the other one of the large8>t sources of revenue, know, nor did he dare pause upon the : <=hanged his tactics. "Suppose w» This exhlblUon has aroused a keen In- ' BtHM't to find out. What he suspected, | talk the thing over,' he suggested. ' tere»t among the leisured claes of Bur- from the bulkinesa of the envelope. | You are misinformed, but 1 am will- ^^ ^^ to opportunities afforded Inj wii« l.nnHBâ€" bondq whos" value mlirht ; 'iST to talk matters Over. Are you in ^ , . . ,. , wa;. iMinaeâ€" -Donoa wnos.. \a.ue "•»»"»â- *,,,„ i"" ' . CaniMla to sportsmen, hunters, and .well run into the millions. He him- "O"'''*- , . »>,»«>. a^i,.i„^ tr^-^^t „„,i ii„^A^^^^ ..» ! self had o) ten seen thinner envelopes ' The bulging automatic Wame more ' thoM deelring travel, and hundreds of H«â€" -"I'm sure I could make you very happy." She â€" "You sure cou'ldâ€" It you'd Juct beat It." _^ The Unknown Word. A Uttlo boy recently pussled hla motker with this query: •What's the MiiT" "The Mlz. dear? I'm sure I don't know. Where did you hear about It?" "At Sunday »ch«ol. The niperln- tendent said god made heaven and earth an' al! that In the mlz!" ANOTHER SMART VERSION OF "TWO-TOGETHER." Tho popularity of stripes is admir-j ably exemplified in this practical sua-, pander costume. To begin with, stripes. are the home dressmaker's djlight, be*-' cause they give the simplest frock all' the trimming it neads. In the on>»- piece model pictured h«re they for.-n an attractive border eflfect en the sus- pender skirt. The blouse is of a plain material with centre-front opening, and round boyish collar. Ths sleeves, may i>8 Ibng or short. The diagram pictures the simplicity of the pattern, and the whole costume may be made in a day. Sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 years requires .'^Vs yards of, 36-inch, or 2M yards cf 54-inch ma- terial for the skirt, and 2 '4 yards of 32-ineh or 36-inch material for tha' blouse. Price 20 cents. Many styles of smart apparel may; bo found in our Fashion Book. Our designers originate their patterns in' the heart of the sfyle centres, and their creations are those of tested popularity, brought within the mean» of the average woman. Price of tho book 10 cents the copy. Each copy includes one coupon good for five oenta in. the purchase of any pattern. HOY/ TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain'^ ly> giving number end size of sucli pattarna aa you want Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap It carefully) for each r.umber, and address your order to Pattern UepL, Wilson Publishing Co.. 73 West Ada-, laide St., Toronto. Patt'jrns jent b^ return maiL For a Treat. An old customer was a»tonl«hed to And one morning that, Insitpad of hi* usual barber, there had been aselgned j to him a mere apprentice, the son of the proprietor. "\\'hat!" exclaimed the old patron. "Are you go lug to let this boy »h««e me?" "Oh, MMu*," said the proprietor, "let th« boy have his t\iu for once. It's hla birthday, sir." â€" ,^ MInard's Liniment for Burns. face fairly Iwgan to beam, walked that a too long a story te telC now- Europe to Canada will increase con- F/owly ea-stward toward his hoina on J."" » ff^^t 18. Why? Because you and ^uierably. I Madison avenue. At intervals he "'a"* are fighting over 'L.D.K.,' put- glanred backward over tlio deserlei ting it up to tho sky and slamming tXTfA and laughed softly. And then. «veiy othev stock down. I'm not a suddenly, there came a clatter of fest specu.ator. I'm an Investor. Do I Ml 'Cbsts link • helps muck " I ...rN«^t up'ij th" pavom«'nt, and he knew him- self te t>e pursued. As tha sharp staccato sounds of ' pursuit came nearer, H3nry Porter paused idly by t'le curbstone, his eye.n liilght with interest- -paused until Policeman Dwyer halted, breathless, beside him. "Good evening, officer," lie said with quaint old-fashioned polit?ne."iR. "How I wish I were young enough to , run liltc Uuit'" ! Piiliccman Dwyer'a round facs was I a study in confusion. "Have ye juat Ictinip by Mr. Blane's house?" he d«- I man ded hoarsely. Henry Porter slowly shook his head. t"I came the other way, officer," he 1 answeixd quietly; "walking north- j ward. I am Henry Port»r, head 0/ get a show? Not on your life. You pound me out of four-flfths of«ev«ry cent I bad in the world; my wife gets sick worrying; and you turn Wall Street, that ought to be a place where an honest man can invest his earnings into an inferno." "Now really," protested the banker, lifting his hand. ^ (To bo concluded.) The Biggest Feet. A polkieman of Oakland, Cal. lays dlalm to po«9epslnc the world's blggert feet. They nieasiure 14 14 Inches In length by 6 Indies In width. MInard's Liniment for OandrufT. The mere Idea openi up tremendous por.slbltltlee. It Is only of comi>aratlve- ! ly recent years that Canadian.^ In gen- eral ha\e been brought to niiythlrtfe like an adequato realUation of the enormously valuable resource and po- tential source of revenue dt>rm:»nt In tho Dominion's scenery end holiday at- traction, and this, to some extent, was forced upon them. Whilst Canada has been exerting strong effort to enhance her revenue along Industrial and agri- cultural lines. Americans, In search of diversion, have, with considerably le.'^^s Inducement. Ins'sted In crossing the border In ever increasing numbers and Incidentally leaving much wealth be- hind them. Development of U.S. Traffic Qrem. The great possibility to (.'ana^la in tourist and holiday trafflc Is well iUua- '• •^•'^•^ Cleans Like China When you use SJIfiP Enameled Ware Utensils, you never need to acrape, scour and scrub the way some wares demand. Hot water, soap, a cloth -that's all you need to clean them. It washes like china, has the cleanliness and sur- face of china, but wears like stte). Don't be the slave of your cooking ware ; equip with clean, pure sanT tary, lasting SMP Enameled WARE H.