%Ue /k0l)^tt0tt ajrtwttt^ Vol 46 No. 10 Flesherton. Ontario August 5th 1925 W H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA A fiumber from this vicinity ;at- tended the celebration at Vandeleur On Monday and report a successful day. â- Messrs. Meldrum and Clifford Le- Gard of Toronto, accompani^ by Miss Burgess, were callers at Mr. Thos. McKee's Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge. Mrs. Hislop and little grandchild- ren, Edward Campbell have returned home after spending the past week with relatives at Ceylon. Mrs. Fogg of Winnipeg is a vis- itor with her brother. Postmaster Park, wife and family. ijtfr. Thos. Bradbury of Thombury, and son Sherwin and wife and family of Toronto, also Mr. Mervin Wright and family, Mr. John Wright and Miss Wright, and Mrs. Fred Clark and family of Thombury were visitors at Mr. Thos. Genoe'g, and Mr. John Campbell's one day last week. Mrs. W. Pedlar of Stone's line, son Harry and daughter Stella, and little grandson, Billie Wright, visited rel- atives here recently. Mrs. Thos. Lever and daughter Miss Gertrude of Flesherton visited at C. Martin's recently. Miss Millie Campbell, Toronto, who has been visiting friends here, join- ed the McFarlane family at their sum- mer home at Belle's. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Beaton, Glenelg Centre, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Park on Sunday. We are sorry Mrs. Park is still bed-fast, but at time of writing she is a little better. We hope she will recover soon. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell and family of Toronto, were guests at Mr.' John Campbell's and other relatives for a few days. Mr. Campbell re- turned home to Toronto and came back Saturday accompanied by his aister-in-law. Miss Smith. All re- turned home on Monday. Mr. Alfred Genoe spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Fred Wickens, Klmberley. It was Alf's 35th birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. Rod. Gordon and child- ren, Rody, Ruth, Reta, and Raymond of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leppard, Mr. John Magee visited friends at Midland where he bid adieu to his sister, Mrs. Griesbach, and husband, who are returning to their hotne in Saskatchewan after a visit with rel- atives in the East. «Jll' "i . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopps of Coll- jngwood, accompanied by his brother Ed and sister Mrs. Reid and other relatives spent Saturday in Eugenia. While here they visited their old home- stead, where your correspondent now resides. Mr. Will Hopps, who has not been here for several years noted many changes. W^hat were mere saplings when he left here are now stalwart trees. They took several pictures of the old home, which seems "Home Sweet Home" to them yet. Miss Martha Fenwick of Owen Sound spent the holiday at her par- ental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Pur^•is of Parry Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Purvis. Miss Greenway of Georgetown is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Harold Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams of"^or- onto moved their household effects up on Saturday. We welcome them back to the village again. Congratulations to Master Jack Large of Niagara Falls, who, was suc- eessful in passing his entrance exam- ination, obtaining high honours. He attended school here before his. re- moval to Niagara. Much credit is due MiM McQueen, .our school marm in {treparing him for his exam. We are sorry Miss McQueen's other pupil Everett Graham, f«!U short a very few mariks on the totaL We are sure Everett, wl» is a bright and clever CEYLON Ml. Elmer Muir paid a business trip to Owei) Sound Monday. Mrs. Wnru Hislop and two grand- children of Eugenia visited her sis- ter Miss McKenzie the past week, al- so calling x>n her friend, Mrs. J. J. Patterson. Miss M. Cook entertained her Sab- bath school class of thirty members on Monday afternoon. A happy time was spent in games and a programme, after which lunch was served. Miss Viola McDonald of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Miss Hazel McLeod, who has been spending a two week's vacation with her sister Mrs. Gordon Jackson and babe at Rosseau Muskoka has return- ed to spend a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod, before re- turning to her duty at Western hos- pital Toronto. Mr. Arthur Whittaker, Toronto, spent the week end at- his home here. Mr. J.C. McLauchlan, Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathewson of Newmarket motored up and visited the former's brothei, Mr. Wm. Mathew- son and family. Miss Delia White is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Percy Hemphill and sister Miss Reta motored to Toronto the past week and ' will visit with their sister. Miss Annie Radley of Toronto, visited her aunt, Mrs. Bolton, last week. Mrs. Coleman of Owen Sound spent the week end with her daugh- ter, Mr. F. Collrnson. Mr. Wesley Rumsay, son Fred, and daughter Mrs. Young, and her husband of Meaford spent Civic holiday calling on their many old friends here. Mr. W. Ramsay, ' many years ago was a resident of this burg, and his friends were very plea- sed to see him. Mrs. Jas. Pattison of Toronto vis- ited Mrs. A. Haw the past week. Mr. Scott of Idaho, Messrs Walter and Stanley Griffin, Mrs. Adams, Toronto, visited their sister J6*. by Mrs. White. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son Jack of Lauriston spent the FEVERSHAM (Intended for last week â- Mr. and Mrs. John Conn and three children of Weyburn, Sask, are vis- and ROCK MILLS Tuesday evening, July 28th, was the scene of a very happy event, when PRICEVILLE iiing with the former's father brother here. Miss Lily Kerton, of Singhampton and little sister of Eugenia are holidaying with their mother here at pi-esent. Miss Beatrice Conn of Streetsville is holidaying with her girl friends. Hazel and Margaret Hawt«n. Ml. Elijah Buckingham and sister Lizzie, and Miss Munroe of CoUing- wood and Master Munroe of Toronto, were up here on Friday last, trying for the shy speckled beauties. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glen and fam- ily, Duncan, visited with Mrs. Glen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Faw- cett last week. Miss Mina Moffat R.N., motored over to Preston last week and her sister and two children returned •witK her for a week. Miss Lela McKewon of Duncan, visited with her grandparents IVW. and Mrs. Kaitting recently. Mrs. Thos. Folley, Mrs 'f'hos. Foll- ey, Sr., and two daughtters and Mr. Folley of CoUiifgwood, called on the former's father, Wm. Conn Sr. here on Thursday evening. Messrs. Potto and Neil of Mclntyre are putting new shingles on the roof of our school. While Will Kaitting was taking the old shingles off a barn roof, before putting on the new shingles, he stepp- ed on a loose shingle and came down to the ground a distance of about twenty five feet. Though no bones were broken. Will got badly bruised and shaken u.n, and it was necessary to call Dr. Guy to attend to hinr. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watters and son Charles of Toronto is visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Chris Thomson. They have just returned from a motor trip through Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thomson accompanied them. Mr. and Mi-s. George Ellis, Mrs. Pelch, and her niece Miss ^dith Ot- towell of Collingwood are â- visiting friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McGirr and yuu can sit and watch them at work 'â- without disturbing them, as the neat Mr. and Mrs. Peter McKechnie and j is on the grape vine six inches b«low family, who have been visiiing at ; the eaves and directly in front of the friends and neighbors to. the j Mr. Jno. McKechnie's, left for their , the door. number of about fifty gathered at home at Caloni, I^th Dakota on! .Sitting in the house the other af- the home ' "' " " " m, . . . â- Smith, in of Mr. and Mrs.. Isaac ' Thursday last by, motor. ; ternoon watching them, I got a bit honor of their youngest ; Miss Marjorie McLean left on Mon- of paper and kept tab on them. The daughter who was joined in wedlock j day for Toronto, where she expects to â- old birds feed the young every six a short time ago. The j^oung cou- ! remain for a time. Miss Marjorie minutes ten times an hour and pie were presented with a shower, I is an ex.nert hairdresser, and has a you could see the old bird givinir during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. j good position awaiting her. each one its share every vi.sit. There McLean were invited to the dining , jj^^g ^^^y Aldcorn is visiting with are at least three young ones in the room, where the gift« had been plac- fiends at Montreal. ' nest, so tht the old bird broucrht Ml. and Mrs. J. Donaldson of De- '^"*-' °'" ^""^^ '"'"''"^ *»' ^"^^ ^''^'^ troit, are Visiting the latter's brother ^'«''^> «"'' ^''' f?"^^ °" f''"'" daylij^t and sister Mr Ja.s. Stodhart and Miss ^iH dark these long days-l? hours M. Stothart. * '^^^' ^ ^^^^ ^ '^"P' ^^ ^â- "P^ *" ' hour, 17 hours a day and no kicic about long hours, SOO bugs a day, and if the two old birds consume as much, which is a reasonable estimate. Master Jack is remaining for a week's visit wth his cousins, Maste Leverne, Melford and Sherman Pip- er. ed on a table, and were unwrapped by the groom, while the bride read aloud the verses accompanying each gift. Although Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lean were taken by supVise, they both thanked one and all for their kindness, then all joined in singing, after which dainty refreshments were served. The remainder of the eve- ening was spent in music and dancing. Mrs. F. Punt, and son Freddie of Toronto, motored up. and \isited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar. Mrs. Cripps, Collingwood is visit- ing with her sister Mrs. Jas. Genoe. Master Bobbie Meldrum holidayed for a week, with his cousins, Jim and Ita Pedlar. Rev. Mr. Harris of Hanover will occupy the pulpit in the Baptist church here next Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard and babe, Toronto, visited over the holi- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar'Partridge. Mr. Elwood Genoe, and two daugh- ters -of Toronto, and Mrs. Cripps, of Collingwood spent a evening last week with the Pedlar families. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. W. Simmons and family in their recent bereavement. Mr. Elwood Genoe, and three child- ren, of Toronto, motored up and vis- ited with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Genoe. Mr. Copperthweight of Brock and Mr. Bier, of Port Perry, visited re- cently at W.T.Pedlar's. Mr. Ned Croft purchased a thresh- ing outfit last week, and an-ived home from Mt. Forest with it Sat- urday evening. Mr. Ern. Hai grave, Wareham vis- ited his cousin- Fred Hargrave, here. Miss Mary McKinnon of Toronto is spending the vacation under the. par- ental roof at Mr. F. McKinnon's. Messrs F. A. Aussen and- E. D. 1000 bugs a day , and this has Hogg visited friends in Shelburne on ^een going ' on for the last month. ^'^"'^^J'- .SO.OOO bugs a month. What an army r.e .. A. .Sutherland preached in of destruction put out of businesB Dundalk and Ventry on Sunday, prea- by two small birds in a month, ching those two pulpits vacant. jf anyone doubts the truth of this, Mrs. Katie Campbell of Montreal they are welcome to come and sit in is visiting her mother and brother my room and watch proceedings for Dan Campbell, North Line. | themselves before the .voung ones I leave the nest. In face of such facta SUPPLY AND DEMAND ; as this, he is surely a mean man who ' will begrudge the robins a few ber- There is a wild grape vine trailing ries later in the season or fail to around the .eves of an open porch keep prowling cats from destroying over my back door. A few years ago them. â€" JOHN MALCOM.â€" Fergus a pair of robins built their nest on News Record. the grape vine directly opposite the j door and started house-keeping there ^ Edna Trusdall, summer visitor at and have returne<! every spring since Alexandria Bay, was fatally burned then. They are there this spring, '• when a sparkler with which she' was as usual, and when the doors are open playing ignited her clothing. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. first of the week at Mr. Roy Piper's." -rtsughter Rosie, visited with the formj KIMBERLEY Master Melville Huggard of Clarks- burg is spending a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett. Mr. Harold Proctor spent the week end wth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor. Miss Winnis and Master Donald Graham of Vandeleur visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Van- deleur spent a day with the latter's niqthei, Mrs Plewis. Mr. John Plewis is spending the week at his home here and curing for his bees. Miss Dorothy Good of Toronto is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. Rev. and Mrs. "Wakefield are at the parsonage, and are conducting the services while Rev. and Mrs. Ellison are on their holidays. Miss Opal Weber is visitng Mrs. Otto Balker at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Marshall of Tor- onto are spending a few days with Mrs. D. L. Weber, Mrs. Frank Weber and other friends. A number of young people went to Meaford on Sunday and visited the girls who are campii^g in Raper's park. Mrs. Brown and Miss Magee of Mid- land were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Proctor and other friends. er's brother, Mr, McGirr, at Bognor last week. Rev. W. H. Simson, wife and fam- ily, and Mr. Lou Lepard, have return- ed from a few days visit with friends jdi{)o puB ';a3iaBuiAvaN 'otiuoaox ui towns, near the Queen City. Lou was conductor on the Lizzie, and reports a fine outing. â€" â€" Mr. and Mrs. Tower of Toronto are visiting with the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Thombury. Mrs. Blasky and two children of Preston are visiting with the former's mother and sister, Mrs. Moffat and Mina. TORONTO LINE, NORTH MAXWELL (Intended for last week) Mr. Wilbert Poole, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henderson visited a while on Sun- day with the former's wife, who un- derwent a serious operation a short time ago. We are pleased to report she is doing as well as can be ex- pected. The continuous rain is making it hard for the farmers to get their hay saved. The berry patches were well vis- ited on Monday. Everyone trys to get a little fresh fruit. The confirmation service in St. Mary's church on Sunday evening was largely attended. The church was crowded and a great many had to stand outside. His Lordship the Bishop of Huron, conducted the con- firmation sernee when twenty-five were confirried. He alao gave a, splen- did sermon on Love and Brotherhood. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Scott and dau- ghter of London were renewing old Mrs. George Armstrong and Miss Millie Reynolds of Peterboro, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cock- bum. Mr. and Mrs. Eearl Semple of Markdale, acompar.ied by Mr. and Mrs Alex Miller, motored to Durham on Sunday. Dr. G. Davis ofToronto was a call- er in our burg Sat'.rday. Mrs. L. Varty and lady friend of Toronto spent Sunday at the homes of W. Cockburn, and G. W. Littlejohns. Mrs. Pritchard of Wallaceburg, who has been visiting her neice, Mrs. R. Richardson returneti^ to her home on Monday. Mr. J. B. Chisholm and two child- ren of Walkerton visited with her sister, Mrs. G.â€" W. Littlejohns last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and daug- ghter Marian, motored to Owen Sound Sunday. Mrs. Wicken and daugh- ter memained for a weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. Beecroft. Mr. R. Pritchard andKjlr. EUast from Williamsford and Miss A. Prit- chard and friend from Toronto were at R. Richardson's the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grobe, Mr. Grobin Sr. and Miss C. Bryant of Preston were holiday visitors at Wm. Burnett's Mr. and Mr--. Robt. Mathewson of Newmarket spent a few days last week with their old friends in this vicinity. HOUSE OF Q.UAL1TV GROCERIES We frarry a full stock of fresh groceries al- always on hand * FRUIT Oranges. Lemons bananas etc. CONFECTIONERY Neilsons Chocolates, bulk, bars and fancy boxes. Neilson's Ice Cream always on hand. k acquaintances in town last week, and NOTICE TO FIBLIC W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeda, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton This is to notify the pubKc that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife after j the following date, July 22nd, 1925. .\lfred Genoe, Eugenia. i Mr. and Mrs. Ran Brady and master pupil woidd^have Wn'su'cc^sful.'but ' J»ck of Cherry Grove spent Sunday | ^eVe visitors at Dr. Guy's. Mr. Scott he waa under quamtine for scarlet ! with Mrs. D. L. Weber. j^ ^ ^„ ^f the Ute Dr. Scott of Max- | A meeting of the Aylmer Ceme- fever for three months hence lost ! The Misses Helen and Irene Walter j welL They motored from the West tery Co. it was decided to purchase In a case like this, ' and Mr. Walter Harris of Toronto and made the trip in eight days. I a tent for use at the cemetery for fun- FURNITURE TALK What could be more uncomfortable these hot nights than a poor spring and mattress to lie on? But there is no need to be uncom- fortable. All you have to do, is come in and fill your wants from full stock of springs and mattresses. We carry a full line of both ranging in price from mattresses from seven Dollars in a felt fill- ing, up to thirty dollars for a spring mattress; and in springs oiir tine is from Five Doilars up. Remember we are willing to compete in prices on these lines with the big department stores and we want you, if satisfied to tell ohers, if you are not satisfied tell us. many lesaons. i a pupil should get a recommend, visited over the holiday with the Mlss- Don't get discouraged Everett. | es Harris. Members of the Ellis and Parker] Quite a number took in the Civic families of OrangeviUe spent Sunday ^ holiday at Vandeleur. , with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. #edlar. Messrs Wesley Cooey and Chas There will be a field day at Mr. : erals. In case the weather is wet Andrew Palli«ter's home on Thurs- i or stormy, the tent, which will be a] day. August I3th. under the auspices ' large one. will be put over the grave of the Ladies .\id of United Church, j and under it the mourners will find There will be Ladies' Tournament of shelter from the weather. It will be Arthur Chapman Douglas died at softball. also Men's hard ball, tug- i particularly appreciate<l in the win- Park of Toronto visited over the week Markdale after an illness extending ' of-war, footraces, etc. Keep this date ter as shelter from the cold winds over several months. open and come and jom the !"porU. and snow. t Thos. W. Findlay FUBNITt'RE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Flesherton endVith friends here. /.