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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1925, p. 5

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Wednesday, June 24, 1925 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^"w«f^»'WP»^«PW «?"â- Â» » *• : ') A i . I i When You Buy From Distant Points REMITTANCES to be made in foreiKn currency can b« handled with utmoHt efficiency and de^paUh at lowest standard rates by your near- est branch of the Standard Banii. Use Standard Bank Draft*. Our fore- ign Exchange Department is at your dUposal for information as to cur- rent money matters. We invite you to use it. I THr STANDARD BANK OF GfiitiAJDA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Batty. Managtr BAioiING FffTY YEARS Si J^NADIAN PAOlFIC C. p. B. TIME TABLE Wm. Reid Passes Away L G. Campbell Will Carry The Tory Banner Chosen By Convention At Markdale As Condidate In S. E. Grey "We are prepared," the motto of John Bull, is the rallying cry of the Conservatives of South East Grey. At a larj^ely attended convention, held in Markdale on Friday afternoon, Dr. L.G. Campbell of Markdale was chosen to bear the Standard of the Conaer- vative party to victory fir defeat at the next generaal election. The sixteen municipafilies com^ posing the ridinjr were represented and the convention of 500 people was enthusiastic and there was a hope- ful feeling among the delegates that they would oust Miss McPhail when the time comes.' Dr. Campbell, who has been presi- dent of the Liberal-Conservative As- sociation for the past three years oc Nearly Suffocateil By A Strange Occurrancej Was Locked In Rear Of A Ford Coupe When Lid Fell Down Being locked in the 'hftck of a Ford coupe while repairing the storage' buttery and becoming., nearly suf- ; focated, was the unpleasant exper-, ience of Mr. Oliver Olmstead of Owen Sound, while on a visit with his moth- er at Walter's Falls. Mr. Olmstead was in the deep roomy body at the back of the car under which the bat- tery is situated anil had just replaced ^ the board after making repairs, whwi' in some manner the top fell and lock* ' ed him in. His little brother was nearby when it oceured, but ran away when the top closed and did closed , and did no .say anything about it to ;, the people in the house. The victim .commenced to shout for help, and for! some time his calls were unheard.H-'S mother hastened to go out to the back ' 'Vk m»»* * For 14 Days Only "His Master's Voice" VICTOR RECORDS Reduced to I cupied the chair. He announced that A« TU- Aâ€" «f 0.0 V- '.-.''this year, the Conservatives would | door and heard the muffled calls, butj At me Age Ot Ol Years : how their annual picnics at Eugenia I could not tell from where they issued j i Wasaga Beach, and Markham, some- «"*'! ^he little boy told her that 01- Traina leav, Flesherton SUtian a« ' After a short illness of a couple of ; time in the month of July. He exten- follows: j weeks, with pneumonia, Wm. Reid ded a cordial welcome to all the del- oing South Going North ^ passed to the haven of rest, on Sat- eg-ates and congratulated them on 8.00 a.m. 11.52 a.m. | urday last at his home here bearing, the splendid turn (^. 4.10 p.m. 9-30 p.m. the ripe old age of 83 years. The The first business was the election 9.00 p.m. 4,38 p,m,| late Mr. Reid has been a familiar fig-' of officers, the account of which -we The mails close at Flesherton aa I uro in town for twenty-two years and will omit, except to give the names follows: For the north at 11.00 i»"?-Uvas respected by all who kjiew him. of local members and the president:- •nd 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail "^ . â- ' ,. „ ..i j • MUth at 3.30. For morning train ! He was bom m btirling Scotland, m President, J. Nelson Purdue, HoU- â- â€¢nth at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the j 1842 and came to Canada in 1845, ' land Centre; Treasurer, Dan McTav- previous evenmg. j settling in the township of Egremont. ! ish, Fle.sherton; Assistant Treasurer, There he married Miss Isabella Ferg-j w. J. Bellamy, Flesherton; Auditors, uson of that township in 1869 and j g. B. Welton and Robt. Down, Flesh- then moved to Glenelg, whea^fter a erton. stay of five years he moved tb Dro- , ^he real object of the meeting was more where he is still well known, and^^^^^^ ^^ ^and, that of receiving nom- from that moved to the old Durham Social and Personal Big celebration in Flesherton on Thursday, July 9th. y Mr. and Mrs.Wm. Stewart are visit- ing friends in Toronto. Join_your friends at the Big Day in Flesherton on July 9th. road, Artemesia. In 1903 he retired from farm life and came to Flesher- inations for a candidate to carry the Conservative Standard at the next election. The nominated were:- George I Park House for rent or sale. Pos- IfAionl^ of August. Apply to W. A. Aiinstrotag. Mr. Frank Bunt of the Bank ofi Mohtreii at Orillia, is spending couple weeks with his father here. Mr. and, Mrs. 0. W. PhiUips, son Bobi and Messrs. Kelly and Wilcock spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Mrs. P. Quigg of Toronto is visit- in town with her daughter, Mrs. Mark Stewart. House for rent or sale. Pos- session 1st of August. Apply to W. A. Armstrong. ^ Mrs» W. A. Armstrong spent the past week with relatives in Weston and Toronto. ton, where he has ance resided and ! juitchell. Flesherton, Daniel McTavish was careteker of Che public school , piegherton; Dr. L. G. Campbell, Mark- for thirteen|rears. from which pos- ^^i^. g^^t. J. Ball, Hanover; J. N. ition he had | retire a year or so ago . p^^^„^^ H^n^nj township; W. D. thcough failffig health. j ^^^^^ Markdale; Dr. David Jamieson The late Mr. Reid leaves to mourn ^ of Durham; R. T. Edwards, Glenelg; his loss a half sister, Mrs. Mary Ann j E. E. Hockridge, Hopeville; Ernest Tuck, of Holstein. Fifteen years | Morgan Jr., Eugenia. a j ago his wife passed away and his bro- I ^u ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^he exception of Ither. James Reid, of the O.D.R. died ; g^^, MitcheU, Dr. Campbell", W. D. about a y^ar ago. | g^'^^^ ^„j ^ g Hockridge. Dr. Camp The funeral took place on Monday bell was declared elected with a ma- afternoon, a short service being held i jority over all, to be the choice of the at his late residence, interment tak- 1 Association, as its candidate at the ing place in Flesherton Cemetery, his ' next general election, pastor ,Rev. Alfred J. Preston, tak- 1 Dr. Campbell received a regular oK- mg charge of the service at the house and grave. The casket was covered with beautiful floral tributes from sympa^etic friends. The pallbear- er,; wSk;- Messrs. W.J. Meads, J. Nuhn, Sl^Tuck, Thos. Bentham, W. Inkster, and Robt. Parslow. Messrs. F. Mathewson and C. N. Richardson motored to Toronto and spent Sunday- v.ith friends there. ... ,, ... (Sound District is on view in The quarterly missionary collection' j^^ window at Armstrong's ^ will ba taken up m the Presoytenanl^ppg " Sunday school on Sunday. | The Ladies' Aid of Providence will hold an ice ci'oam social and liwar . , ^, - , at Feversham in the Agricultural ^n are^this week with the form-j Saturday. June 4th, at 8 p.m.. The Rev. and Mrs. S. V. R. Pentlandl and daughtii' Louise of Stratiiroyj ! ation, and was cheered to the echo, • and then cheered again, Mr. MacNic- oU acting as cheer leader. Dr. Campbell thanked the people for the nomination and asked their sup- port, and radiated a feeling of op- i timism as to the result of the next â€"^â€"â€"^â€"â€"^â€" • Federal election. The debating shield, won by the Mr. J. . MacNicoll, Dominion Presi- Fiesherton Methodist League in the dent of the association gave an ad- reeent debating series in the Owen dress on, "Reasons Why the Conser- the dis- v«tive Party Should Be returned to jewellery Power in Canada." In closing Mr. MacNicoll made a stirring appeal to the voteis of South East Grey and urged them to go out and fight for the election of the candidate they had chosen. iver was in the car. Mrs. Olmstead) was unable to unlock the top and help j was secured from a neighbor who, on| direction being given by Mr. Olmstead ' unlocked the door and helped hej imprisoned man out. Mi'. Olmstead believes that if he had not been released when lie was,! that he could not have lasted much < longer in his cramped position as the air was very heay then, and in his ' position he was unable to secure a j fresh supply by lifting the board from the floor. It was a narrow escape all other "His Master's Voice" Victor Records with the excepton of Red Seal Records 20% off list prices. 'This otÂ¥er includes all the popullar hits â€" all the latest releases. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON that he does not wish repeated any time. at: HALF HOLIDAYS OF VARIOUS PLACES - The following is a schedule of thei half holidays observed in the various j centres of this district. The fact! that the holidays are observed on all days of the week except Saturday and [ Stinday, has made it difficult for both ] travellers and shoppers The list will: prove useful for reference: | Monday â€" Teeswater. j Tuesday â€" Mount Forest. 1 Wednesday â€" Arthur, Barrie, Ches- ley, Clinton, Elora, Fergus, Goder- ich, Guelph, Hanover, Harriston, Lis-| towel, Markdale, Meaford, Mitchell, Orillia, Palmerston, Seaforth, Wiar-; ton, and Wingham. Thursday â€" Shelbunie, Brussels, '' Drayton, Durham, Flesherton, Kin- cardine, Lucknow, Mildmay, Port Elgin, Southampton, AValkcrton, Dun- dalk. Orangeville. Friday â€" Alliston and Leamington. )rts on Canada's Gtops er's sister Mrs. W. I. Henry. autograph quilt will be auctioned off. Football between two" good teams Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and little son, motored to Mitchell a. garden party will be held under # Aylmer on Friday, returning Mon- ^he auspices of L. O L. 1383 at Van- day. I deleur on Friday July 3rd. Sports: Mr and Mrs. E. Koeble and two*^^^^''*" and^softbaU games, supper *iughters of Toronto were the guests '" ^^'^ «^'^"'"» '""^ ?oncert at night. Camp Meeting At Proton Mrs. Jas. Ferris, and three daugh- ters of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks, with the former's parent.^, { Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meads. Mr. Ferris accompanied them up, hut returned on' Sunday. I Rev. H. H. Eaton preached his farewell sermon in the Methodist church on Sunday. He will take his new church at Unionville the first Sunday in July. Rev. H. Howey of Owen Sound will preach this coming Sunday. A camp meeting will be held at Proton Station commencing June 19, and continuing ,until the 28th. Rev. C. C. Brown, from Kingswood fey. the great evangelist will be with us. Our returned missionaries will take part in the program. Everybody Mr. Jas Henry of Dungannon.l '^ '^""1 f»''<=« >" 'hree acts. "Aunt welcome. formerly of Flesherton, called on his 1 "^"""^y ""^ '*>« Warpath." will be giv- . uncle. Mr. W. I. Henry, in town on,®" '* '"^ Agricultural hall. Fever- A social evening and bazaar was of Mr. and Mrs. J. Runstadler on Sun- day. Admission 35 cents for all. ars later. Particul- Sunday. sham, on Friday, June 26th. by the held at the homa of Mrs.Ned. Croft Nottawa Dramatic club. H you enjoy under auspices of Rock MillsLadies JUl^TMrs. John Carter Sr. and ' a good laugh, do not miss this play. Aid. Ice cream and cake were Mr. and Mrs. George Carter of Dun- .A.dmi^sion 35 and 20 cents. freely indulged in by the crowd which dalk spent Sunday with the former's! daughter. Mrs. Robt. Down The young people of the O. D. R. gathered. Horse shoe throwing con- tests were popular and several close Mr. Oliver Olmstead and Miss Kate Robertson of Owen Sound were the ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Fin-,*^'*'" ^^^ *"«P"^«« "^ Holdfast U. F. W. dlay on Sunday. |0. Club. A good crowd was in atten- i„ , , , .. dance to see this play which was ex- Kimberley young oeople are putt- ,, „ . ing on their play, ".\unt Jerushy On^'^'^'^f ^'^^ ^''d ^^ ^^^ realized. the Warpath." at Vandeleur on Fri- day. June 26th. Admission 25 & 15. yin. J. R. Neilson and little son Bruce, of Toronto, is visiting with her parents, Mr and Mrs. John Wright. Mrs. Neilson intends leav- ing early in July for Lethbridge. Mrs. (Dr.) A. Tumbull. l^s. J. Runstadler and daughter Marguer- ite, attended the first graduation ex- ercise of the Durham hospital on Friday last. V Capt. A. E. Bollamy and Lieut. W. Turney are attending the Grey Reg- iment camp, near Owen Sound. Pergt. C. Humberstone of East Mountain is also attending the' camp. Mr. and Mrs. Pred McTavish and Stewart McTavish of Oshawa. spent Sunday at t>. McTavish';!. Master Da^ MkT:iv;^''. accompanied th.-m and will spend a few weeks with his grandparents here. - •gave their play "Civil Service," in the ^ames ensued. The ladies sold many town Hall on Friday evening last un- hand made articles of clothing etc. At the close of the evening a brief concert was enjoyed, there being good singing. Mr. Will Pedlar caused much fun by his antics as auctioneer. About forty dollars were netted. fiomdie Btonagegi of dwBanlA 600 Braacfaes, cover evcty PlRMr- inoeand fbcm a tdaahl^ index «£ crap ccrtwilium. The reports are fimadud freem Upon, rentes* at amy BnmdkiifAe Book yota-uamewSl be placed am mmovmMmmL Totd Assets in Excess of ^700,000,00000 ^" • The Staff of Life CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO TAKE INTEREST IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOl R HEtALTH DEMANDS THAT YOU SHOULD GEST THE BEST. TO BE SURE OF THiS, IN FUTURE. INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR FINDERS BREAD -AND* GET THE BEST. INDER'S iERFeCT * RODUCTS Flesherton Bakery • • « « I 9 • » • 9 • • I SEASONABLE SPECIALS I FLANNELETTE BLANKETS I Full Double bed sizeâ€" perfect tjood.s â€" Pink or Blue Borders. I Special .â- : $2.75 a pair. i I WHITE RUNNING SHOES AT 95c. J A Special Offering including Boys', Misses'. Children's and Ladies' I siezs â€" balnioral style â€" perfect condition. All sizes the same jl price .* 95c pair. I BARGAINS IN MILLINERY I 20 only Ready Triinmed'Hats â€" all this season's models â€" some all $ ^" * black, others in popular colors- Reuiar $4.50 to S5.75 values i Special $3.95 I GROCERY SPECIAL ^ Quaker Corn Flakes â€" full .size package â€" first qualitv â€" guaranteed I fresh and crisp. Per package 10c. i I SPECIAL OFFERING CLOVER LEAF DINNER WARE I Fii'st quality in this popular pattern of highly glazed English semi- 1 porcelain. \ Cups and Saucers $L95 per dozen I Tea Plates $L60 per dozen k -Breakfast Plates $L95 per dozen [^„ Dinner Plates $2.35 per dozen J Fcuit Saucers 85c. per dozen \ Other useful prices same pattern at corresponding special prices. Z ) During June, July, August and Septemb -r the stors is closed Thursday at 12,pm ^ ! F. H. W.° HICK LING I FLESHERTON, ONT. S 9 9 9 O. 9 • • • s 9

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