Wt}Ji /kfil)^rttf n aitwmc^ .Vol. 45 No. 49 Fleshcrton, Ontario, May 13th 1925 W.H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Miss Florence White of Proton took the fisprice in Salem church on Sunday evening and delivered a fine 3err.;r>n,.from Isaiah «1: 1. Miss Margaret White returned to % hsf home here last week after spend- . ing the past two months with her sister at GoderJch. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and • family visited recently with relatives . at Bob Roy.^ , Goodly numbers from here have been attending the revival meetings in Markdale. On account of Arbor Day being un- fit for cleaning up it was held Toes- day of last week. The forenoon was spent in making improvements around the school and grounds. Early in the afternoon several of the grown- ^ , up people arrived and the afternoon . ^fas pleasantly spent in baseball and other games, after which a dainty lunch was served. Miss Harbison • treated everyone to plenty of delicious « th homeonade candy and lemonade. , .Everyone present thoroughly enjoyed • themselves. , The ladies undertook l^st week to « fix up the Salem church and great t improvement was made by papering, • etc. Mrs. J. Croft, Mr. and Mrs. Meryn Croft and daughter visited with Mr. Sam Croft and family. • Miss Edith Robertson visited over • Suoiday at her home near Maxwell. PROTON STATION FEVERSHAM MAXWELL PORTLAW . Mrs. Samuel Pedlar, who has been < very seriously ill for a considerable time ' was rcmove4 to â- Collingwood Hospital about three weeks ago for treatment. We all hope that she may soon be restored to good health. •• Mrs. Taylor Sr. was taken to Tor- , onto to the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Bates, where in her illness . sbs might receive brttar care, iaiLire- • ported to-'iiife^^Bw u C wha t fanprovgdi?- • Mrs. George McMaster is recovering from a vesry critical condition with- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt of Rock \ Mills were visitors with friends in â- ^ thele parts lately. Mount Zion Sunday -school held its * annual meeting on Thursday evening of last week and elected the following officers and teachors: Superintendant Mrs. Thomas Taylor; Sec, Treas., ' Mrs. James Hopps; Bible class teach- ers, Mrs. R. Hannah and T. R. Mc- Kenzie; other teachers Mrs. J. A. Thompson; Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. J. W. Lyons. School started last Sunday at lOc'clock with a good at- limdance and bright prospects for a successful tefrm. Mthers' Day was fittingly observed i in the Presbyterian church last Sun- ' day. Rev. Mr. Harrower preached an i excellent sermon and thvs choir rend- I ered appropriate music. Mrs. Spencer of Dundalk met a I little gathering of women in 'the Presbyterian church bare on Tuesday afternoon of last week and organized a W.C.T.U. The following were* el- ected officers: â€" Pres.,, Mrs. Albert Stevens; Vice-Pres., Mrs. R. Acheson; Secretaries, Miss Froud and Mrs. W. Gallagher; Treasurer, Mrs. Albert Stinson. The first meeting of the new society will be held on May 27th afr tbs home of Mrs. Robt. Acheson. All ladies are invited to come and join iiTespective of age, politics or creed. ^ Miss Jean McCanneU was home from Badgeros over the wieek end. Glad to see Mrs. Meddaugh, who suffered a slight paralytic stroke a couple of months ago, able to attend church again. We are also pleased to report Mr. James Corbett, who has been laid up for a long time with a fractured limb, sufficiently recovered to go for a car ride. Mrs. Thos. Wyville is improving after being quite seriously ilL Mr. James Vause has purchased a new Chevrolet car and Mr. Jack Neil- son has invested in a Ford. • The Bell Telephone line is being extended from the village to MJn. Herbert Corbett's residence. TORONTO LINE, NORTH A number of this line are attending the revival meetings held in the arm- ories at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber and son of Kimberley were visitorr. at E. Wickens' last week. Jfr. T. Sled and family and Mrs. W. JH. Sled and daughter, Viola„ visited at the home of Mr. Isaac at Corbetton. Mr. «ad.|in. B. W«od and child- ren visited at T. Lever's receiitly. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickstas and little daughter, accompanied by R. Richard- son, motored to Owen Sound and spent Sunday with friends. The friends of Miss Arlene Bee- croft of Owen Sound are glad to learn that she is doing nioely after her re- cent operation for appendicitis. ^ Mr. Fred Mathewson of Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. N. Wiley and children. Miss Freda Mathewson and Mr. Wm. Hazen of Owen Sound spent Sunday with relatives hare. Navigation on the Great Lakes has got nicely under way for the 1925 season and the last of the gas buoys are being placed this week. LET US EQUIP YOU FOR YOUR FISHING We can supply you with all the needed requirements to make your fishing both pleasant and profitable. Come in and let ns outfit you right. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS % The Staff of life CAN YOU AFFCHU) NOT tO TAKE INTESS8T IN THIS NECESSITY OF LIFE. YOUR HEALTH PEMANDS THAT YOU SBQULP GBST THE BIST. - to BE SURE OP THIS* IN FUTURE. INSTEAD OF ASKING FOR A LOAF OF BREAD ASK FOR FINDER'S BREAD AND GET THE BEgJ'. PlNDiR't Psw*:^ Products ffetktrtoB Bakery Mr. McLeod anc^ Mr. McGill of Toronto were trying their luck for the speckled beauties in the Beaver river here. ]a8t week, returning to the city on Saturday evening.^ While here they were the guest* of the Thombury -hotel. Mrs. T. E. Thombury and daughter- lone, are visiting with the foi-mer's daughter, Mrs. Preston Tower, in To- ronto. A number from here motored up to Markdale and attended the meetings under the ausipces of the Gospel Workers and listened to the Gospel Quintette of Cleveland, Ohio, and re- port them to be fine singers. Miss Jessie Mclntyre of Mclntyre and two lady friends were calkrs on Mrs. Colquette on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whiteoak spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. C. Long, at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sayers spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lang- tree on the 4th line. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson spent Sunday writh the forAier's sister, Mrs. John Stoutenburg, in Collingwood. SCHOOL REPORTS CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4â€" M. Sinclair, V. Stewart, M. McMullen, E. White, B. McD»nald. Jr. 4 â€" D. Stewart. Sr. 3â€" R. Marshall, B. Genoe, J. Stewart, J. MacMillan. Jr. 3â€" H. Genoe, K. Stewart. Sr. 2â€" S. Marshall, L. Piper, D. Mc- Donald, J. Sinclair, G. Jaynes. Jr. 2â€" S. Hunt, M. Piper, E. Mc- Dsan, D. Stewart. Sr. 1â€" K. Stewai-t, E. Genoe Jr. 1 â€" L. Archibald, E. Mathewson, J. P. Stewart. Sr. Pr.â€" E. Collirjon, O. Marshall, N. Genoe, O. Leslie, A. Marshall. jr. Pr. â€" M. Colinson, J. Marshall, L. White, M. Marshall^ G. McDonald.. A Class â€" F. Leslie, M. Haw. No. on roll 38; av. att. 33.81. Names aranged in order of m«rit. â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher. Mothers' Day was observed in <jUr Sunday school and the order oi vice was carried out, also the supple ment part. We would have liked to have s«en more mothers present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hall entertained a number of their friends at their hoipie on Friday wening last. Mr. and Mi-s. Milton Nicholls, and Mrs. NiehoUs Sr., of Dundalk visited on Sun^^r with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rdss. Friends from Barrie visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. and Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Morrison on Sunday. A number from the village went to Markdale Sunday evening to hear the colored' quintette. They are well worth hearing. Tha ladies of the Methodist Aid invited the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid and their husbands to join them in a social evenifig on Wednesday evening. May 13th, at the parsonage. Mr. Will Seeley is improving his place: by putting an addition to his housQ. A number of friends from Toronto visited with Mrs. Tom Guy and the Radley family over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Laughlan Cameron of Newberry, Mich., are visiting with the Sornberger family and other friends in this part. PRICEVILLE CEYLON MAXWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4â€" C. Chard*, A. Robertson*, A. Priestly, V. Pallister*, V. Long*, D. Bemrose*, L. Chard*, H. Long*, M. Bremner*. Jr. 4â€" V. Parker*, C. Huff, W. Mor- rison*, R. J. UdelL Sr. 3â€" M. Ross*, M. Bremner. Jr. 3â€" R. Robertson*, M. Long*, G. Udell*, M. Bsmrose, J. Bemrose*, A. Duffield*. Sr. 3â€" K. Morrison*, C. Chard, M. Beeley*, J. Young. Jr. 2â€" M. Guy, R. Long*, A. Pallis- ter*,, A. Lawler*. Pr. C â€" M. Chard*, B. Long*, S. Young, B. Kerton*, I. Parker*, L Pallister*, D. Radley, M. Linley, R. Priestly, A. Murphy. -Pr. B â€" L. Morrison. Pr. A â€" J. Ross, M. Buckingham, L. Seeley, H. Guy, J. Poole. Thos'2 marked * were present every day. Av. att. 39.8. â€" Helen Maynard, Teacher. S. S. NO. 17, ARTEMESIA Sr. 4â€" V. Whiter G. McRa.2. Jr. 4â€" W. Patton, H- McRae. Jr. 3â€" A. R. White, J. Pedlar; M. Fisher, H. Shier. Jr. 3 â€" B. M. Johnson, R. Dargavel, M. Pedlar, J. Hawkins, L. Shier. Sr. 2â€" N. Patton, D. English, J.- English, A. Sewell. r. 2â€" A. M. Fisher, M. Best. Jr. 2B. D. Hoy, J. Croft. Jr. aâ€" C. D. Smith, L. Patton, L. Russel, H. Shier. Sr. 1â€" vG. Akitt, L. Clark, L. Part- ridge. Sr. Pr.â€" B. Akitt, V. Fisher, M, Shier. Jr. Pr. Aâ€" E. Shi«r> L English, M. Shier. r. Pr. B.â€" B. Clark, D. McRae. â€" Birdia Harbison, Teacher. Mr, J. .<^McMulIen of Rockford, who is employed on the C. P. R., spent Sun- day at his home here. Mr.' James McWhinney visited at Hanover a couple of days last week. Mr. Fred Mathewson, Mr. Lyle and Mrs. Math«W8on and babe of Toronto, and Mr. Russel Mathewson of Mark- dale Were week end visitors at Mr. Wm. Mathewson's. Mr. A. Whittaker of Durham spent the week end at his home here. lb-, I^bt. Cook spent a couple of diHi»^%1?««|C%to linrE week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, daughter Margaret, and son Jimmie ' motored to Harriston the first of tha week. Mr. and Mrs. Hei bie Fisher and two children of Toronto, motored un and spent the week end. with their mother Mrs. A. McLeod and sister Mrs. Roy Pipfer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill and two sons of Markdale visited at Mrs. E. Purdy and Mr. H. Piper's the first of the week, Mr, James Sergant, left on Saturday for St. Catherines to visit his wife. Jas. Sergant returned home to-day accompanied by his wife and son. All pleased to sec her back. ,Geo Crane of Gore Bay, visited Mrs. A. Rutledge and called on old neighbors this week. .\11 pleased to see them. LETTER FROM H. IIURLBURT FROM PEACE RIVER DIST. The ice went out (1' the Peace and Smokey on April 13th. These two rivers join about two miles above the town. It is quit«i an impressive sight to see this lai-ge river, about half a mile wide, and in some places more, block up with ice and rise about 12 feet as it- did this season. Large blocks of ice between 3 and 4 feet thick and what would hz 50 and 75 ft square would pile up. We stood and watched it for two hours. Finally it all gave way. In a few hours more it woud have flooded the low part of the town. The spring is carli.jr than usual, seeding is well on the way, some hav- ing over 100 acres in. The land is in good condition. . S. S. NO. 7, ARTEMESIA METHODIST LADIES' AID At th? fnnw! mwtinjp of the Laclies Aid of the Methodist chorch. held at the hon»3 of Mrs. Fred Pinder test week, the following officers wen elected: Pm. Mrs. J. Heard; V. P. Mrs. W. Miller: Sec. Mrs. W, B. A. Cross: Treas. Mrs. C. N. Richani- son; Parsonage Com., Mrs. Parker and Mrs, .?, Blakely; Auditors; Mr». T. Fisher and Mrs, Pinder, When Union begins to function, joint officers will \ be elected. Form 4â€" Sadie Oliver (H), Beth Hincks (H), Sadie Vaus3, Dick Par- slow. Form 3â€" K. McPhaU (H), K. Mc- Kinnon (H), A. Hincks, M. McDonald C. McKinnon, M. WiUiamson, A. Mc- Phail, L. Wilson, J. McMillan, J. Wooltard*. Form 2 â€" J. Hincks, A. Whyte, J. Williamson, J. O'Strander*, M. Mc- Kinnon*, E. B. O'Strander*. Form 1â€" L Whyte, I. McMillan, M. O'Strander*, S. McKinnon*, Pr.â€" L. Vause*, M. Mallyon*, M. 'O'Strander, E. McKinnon, W, Hhyte, D. McMIBm. ...iâ„¢- -^-r ! * deRotes â- - ' tent for ona or mcore examiiuitiona. No. en roll 80; av. att. 2C. May Muir, Teacher. Miss Donelda Ni<?hol of Mono last, s.oent the week end at her home T. Nichols' ed his sister Mrs. Mather on Sund^. Janette of Flesherton wers the guests of Miss Violet Watson oveer the week end, Mr. Jas. Parks of Allan Pa/k visit- his sister Mrs. Mather on Sunday. Rev. K. Sutherland and Mr. A. D. McLeod attended the Presbytery meet- ing in Orangsville on Tuesday, i Rev, W. E, and Mrs. Curran and family, motored to Toronto on Saturday. Miss , Mary will remain there for a time waiting on her aunt, who is ill. i Mr. J. M. MaGillivary took the work. In the morning he conducted absence of Mr. Curran. ; ' 1 Rev. A. Sutherland undsrwent an operat:c:i fcv the removal of his ton- sils in Durham Hspital last week, and was unable to take his work on Sun- day, Rev. Dr. Pennock, a represent- ative of tb2 Bible Society, took the wi'k. In the ir.or.iing he conducted a Mothers day service, and at the evening service be spoke on the Bible in Africa. Mr. Pennock spent thirty five years as a medical missionai-y in Africa. A new and pleasing feature of the morning service, was a choir of the mothers, sixteen in number,, who took the place of the regular chior. Mr. W. G. Watson. Mrs. W. Watspn and Miss Martha visited friends at Yeovil on Sunday. ] VANDELCUR Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and son Clarence of Meaford spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert recent- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Dave McGee spent a day at Owen Sound last week. The ladies 'Aid held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. L. Tee- ter, on Wed. afternoon of last >mek. After the business part of the meet- ing, a paper was given by Mrs. J. Flynn on "Spring" which was much enjoyed. A poem was read by Annie Graham on "Spring." Dainty lunch was served by hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Davis visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Plewis, of Kimberley, recently. The Women's Institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Taylor on Thursday afternoon. May 2l8t. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wright and daugh- ter, Edna, visited with their daughter, Mrs. H. Hutchinson, recently, A special Mother Day service was held in the church here on Sunday last. Quite a number of babes were; baptised, and special music was given by the choir. Quite a number at- tended the spectial services in the church in Markdale in the evening. Does farming payT asXs the Staj'- ner Sun. Well some farmers make it pay. Robert McKurray of Sunni- ^ale threshed 215 bushels of Sweet Clover off 11 acres. Two hundred and nine and a half bushels graded No. 1 government standard and sold for over one thousand dollars. Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service New Modem Funerial Parlors ^^â- ^%o1r""' TORONTO 'Phone Hillcrest 0268 J.W.Bates R. Maddodn Formerly, of Flesherton. 1 -r :!?«*!> .^ HOUSE OF QlUALITY We have a full line of Field and Garden seeds consisting of: TIMOTHY NO .1 SPECIAL TIMOTHY NO. 2. No. 1 purity RED CLOVER NO. 1 SPECIAL RED CLOVER NO. 2. No. 1 purity MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. 1 SPECIAL MAMMOTH CLOVER NO. 2, No. 1 purity ALSIKE NO. 1 SPECIAL ALFALFA ONT., VARIEGATED SWEET CLOVER W. B. We have a fine sample of seed and our prices are right. Be sure and see our seed before you buy. RENNIE, STEELE BRIGGS, DUNKIRK Hki. .^^ W. J. STEWART 8L SONS Flour, Feed, Seed*, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton , GOOD VALUES IN Baby Carriages,. Strollers and Sulkeys In fact everything from a Dt^'s Carriage | to a Baby Crib. j. ^all in and see. We wil' be glad to show you alio WidKclr Chaiirs lo make your veraiphh comfortaUe in wmnn weather. Thos. W. Findlay tIJR FURNITURE DEALER lnHI FUNERAL DH(9CT0R Flesherton Formosa brewery, which was fam- ous for its brew a few years ago, is agsbk % optratisa.