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Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1925, p. 8

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Wednesday, April 15. 1925 THE PUIBHPITON ADVANCE . . . Why Ford is the universal quality car MAXWELL ^ LEADERSHIP 1 s ! if; The Misws Beggie and Artie Wright %f Toronto are spending Easter hol- â- itiiay!) with their parents Mc and Mrs. SlV. Wrijtht; 4^ 'A ve'ry prttty wedding was.sokimn- fe^d at the hoirie of Mr* and' Mrs. vthurlei' Long, Wednesday, ApHl 8th, Hvhen their eldest daughter Beatrice >*'a8 ijmted in marriage to Mr. Geo. ^f riestly, second son of Mr. and Mrs. :^rk-stly near Maxwell. The bride 'was gowned in pearl gfrey crepe. -Mrs. Rev. Duffield played Mendell- [iohii's wedding march, while bride ^nd groom took their' places beneath Small Advertisements I Of • s s s • SIX HILL STORES ^ W* buy together in order that ^ onr customer* in the sim cana- ls munities may materially ben- (ft efit individually. LOSTâ€" Bunrh of keys lost Satur-! day. night. . Contained Ford key No. 52. Finder plea&i leave with O. W. Phillips, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE More Ford Cart are in daily u»e than the combined totals of all other makes. Such leadership could only have been established by outstanding quality in the product itself. Ford lead- ership, year after year, proves that Ford has maintain- ed uncompromising quality throughout. Ten million owners have accepted the Ford as the world's most practical standard of motor car quality. H. DOWN & SONS CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS T.HILL AGO, Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest poisiblK price*. 1 Many New Millinery Crea- tions Just Arrived This week we olace in stock some of the newest Millinery Creations at prices much below what is usually asked in most millinery shops. Many hats at the popular prices of $-').9.5 and $4.9.7. LADIES' RUBBER APRONS A full assortment of Ladies' and Children's Rub- ber Aprons. These are very popular and much in demand these davs. In the lot are to be found some very prettv styles and all' the most popular colors are represented. Most popularly priced at 2.'> cents and up to $1.25. Broad Cloths in Plain Col- ors and Fancy Stripes Many are the uses that this durable fabric is put to, being largely used fur hath outer and under gar- ments. For outer garmc .tts such as blouses, skirts and dresses and for under garments such as bloom- ers. IVinccss slips, etc. It is also Wuch used for rhidlren's wear. These come in a wide range of qualities and prices such as 6.^.. SHc., .$1. $1.25, $1.50 PLAIN AND FANCY CREPES Wide is the range of colorings shown In this pop- ular fabric so much in demand for night gowns and other under garments. Moderately priced at 35c. per yard. HOSIERY J IN ALL THE NEW SHADES IN LISLE, ART SILK AND WOOL, ART -SILK AND LISLE, ALL PURE SILK, ETC 0«r assort Ment of Ladies' and Misses' Hosiery in all the popular shades is most complete. Sec them, a« we have tlM very style aad color you are looking for. Fricea are absolutely right, ranging fron* 2fi«. and MP io $1.86. Fi?e Crowns Pure Manitoba Hoar $4.95 There Is no higher grade flour than this brand mllM. Thia is a very low net cash piCcp and yo« tma Mah« no mistake in buying at leant a fair nupply at tkto low priceâ€" i»er bag W.»5. Men's Suits That Are Stylish ' and Durable Large and well assorted is our stock of Men's Suits in light, medium and dark colors in tweeds, worsteds and serges. We buy only from the most correct and reliable makers. The cloths are most dependable and will i^tand hard wear. This show- ing comprises some specially high grade cloth in plain navy and greys, and also many attractive tweed ..patternH. Moderately ..priced ..$18.50, $22.50, $25.00, SSO.On, $32.50, $.35.00. Men's Dress Shoes and Oxfords This store is noted for its large assortment of all kinds of footwear. 'I'his year our assortment of Men's Dress Shoes and Oxfords is bigger than ever. We are certain we can please the most exacting as the styles and lasts are the most correct we can buy, the assortments are large and prices are moderate. This is certainly the store with the stock. Odd Lines Men's W'k Boots$3.48 This is a clearance of many odd lines of Men'a Work Boots rangine in price from $3.95 to $4.95. This is a splendid buy. Get in on this before they are all sold. Bran and Shorts Our car of Hran and Shitrts has arrived and part of it has been stored at the elevator. Any one wanting a nui"ber of bags and will take it from the elev-ator can for a limitni time buy it at a net cash price of $27.00 per ton for Brari and $29.00 per ton for shorts. We are selling from n«r store at $1.40 per rwt.; Shorts at $1.50 per cwt. Our Shoes Are Absolutely Correct in Style and Most Moderate in Price Many new lines of Ladios* and (iirls' Shoes have liecn added during the la«t few days to o«ir already very large and well assorted shoe stock. In hujrinc your shoes here you can he sure that you are getting â- tyiea that are most certainly correct. Our aaaort- ment is big and you have many styles from whicfi to make a selection. Be assured you cannot posalb- ly meet with any disappointment if you purchaae your shoes here. 1°Kc price in every instance i« moat moderate. Many styles at Ike popular pricM of $2.»S, $3.7S, $3.95, $4.50. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale e © @ $» (St 9 9 « s « « 9 9 S 9 % beautiful arch of flowers and white bells. Rev. A. E. Duffield peKormed ithe ceremony. There were about â- fjirty guests present and the presents are costly a ndusi.'ful. The happy ;cbuple will reside on their fftrm, one aiid a half miles east of Maxwell. The members of the Sunday School called on Beatrice Long prior to her marriage and prerCiited her with an aluminum roasting pan, a boiler, and a l)iEcuit jar. Miss Mary Uoss of the Bible Class of which Beatrice was' teacher, along with Miss Marjory Guy made the presentation to which Beatrice replied in a fitting manner. Mr. W. Wright, supt. and Mrs, Law- ler made a few remarks to the young people after which the evening was spent in games and music. Mr. Harry Guy is thr. first to have his grain sowed this .season, he having «-ov,-ed his peas. •Mrs. (Rev.) Duffield is spending the Kaster holidays with her parents and other friends at Bracebridge. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Priestly of Colingwood attended the Priestly tr.'.l Long nuptials. Our teacher Miss Helen Maynard is spending her Easter holidays at her parental home in Owen Sound. i Mrs. Tuplin visited with her dau- I Khtei- Mrs. Will Guy on Sunday. j Mr. a.nd Mrs. Sam Grummet have ; t'o- .settled on tbiir farm which they â-  purchased from Lo i and Andrew j Pallister , near the village. We wel- come them to our inidst ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sseley have moved into thi house lately vacated ^ by Andrew Pallister. Wo welcome them to our village. ' Mr. r.nd Mrs. George Lawler attend- ed the -wedding of Miss Mae Pa: sons :i:u! John H. Seeey ,A.pril 15th. I Thr- reguar annual meeting of the I Kunday School will l>e held on Wed- ' nesday evening: at 7.30. This Meet- ir.g should he well attended in order j to appoint teachers and officers and try to arouse move in the .^^unday School work. Mis.s Margaret Heron of Flesherton high school is .spending Easter holi- I days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Heron. Miss Shirley Buckingham of Uun- dalk high school is spending Easter holidays with hei parents -Mr. and Mr.-\ Elijah Buckingham. Mrs. Linley, Sr. has gon; to visit with her daughter Mrs. John Blakcly Of Corbetton. FOUNDâ€" In Flesherton, a sum of moeny. The owner may have it on proving property and paying for this advertisement â€" The Advance office. STOCK F0B8ALE FOR SALEâ€" Cheap work horse, 1 Cow, buggy, set of plow harness. â€" Fred Stuart, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Three Sows, due Apr. 20thâ€" John Hatton, R.R. 6, Markdale Phone 29 r. 2. On tht TdronM 'Line Provineiai Highway. Tbra^ farms, two of 1M> acres and one 'of 50-'«erea all claared First class biiildtn^, up to date in every particular. Wili srll any on* of these. Good'iM>ick house on oai w- the.faniBK The atabling for anai* mals is perfect One f%n& has tas- : aeras hardvitood . bush and anptlwr noBdred has three acres of timbv and baa bnildiangs for everything need«d. including poultry bouse aaA. â-  pig pens. No broken land and claa^^^. of weeds. Any person interyt^»j|',^ should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. Imy Proton SUUoa P.a FOR SALEâ€" Grade Cow 8 years old, due to freshen May 10. â€" Wilfrad Magee, Eugenia. Phone Feversham. FOR freshen George 11-22. SALE â€" 3 Cows for sale, to about the last of April. â€" Johnston, Flesherton. R. R. FOR SALE or exchange on a young work horse, young pigs, bacon type, ready to wean â€" Herb. Corbett, Proton Station. FORD CAR FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn bull one year old; also O.A.C. No. 21 Barley, on lot 2, Con. 9, Osprey.â€" Edgar Betts, Eugenia. Ford Coupe 1923 model. Geod.' mechanical condition and appearanctt, with five cord tires and other ae- 03ssorie8. Price $340. Ford touring late 1921 completely overhauled, cur- tains open with doors cord tires, shock absorbers and other extras $245. These cars are real bargains. Muat' be sold. Phone 2 r 3â€"1. ~A. C. MUIB. Ceylen. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Reg. Hereford Bull No-(56149) 13 months old. Phone in Dundalk. line 42-ring5 â€" 1. Robert H. Robinson, Proton Station, R. R. No.l FOR SALE or EXCHANGEâ€" One purebred Shorthorn bull 12 months eld, Broadhooks family, phone 9r2, F?ver£ham. â€" G. H. .Burke Eugenia. Farm of 100 acres, 96 acres cleared to let on shares. Fair buildings, good soil. Also pressed hay and straw, 1 mile south of Warehani. Robt. H. " Little, Proton Sta. R. R. No. 2. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" S. C. Ancona eggs for hatching from my special strain of year round layers. Try them and be convinced. Eggs ?1.00 per 13. â€" J. C. McMullen, C'.ylon, P.O. Good brick 9-roomed hq/niBe on Alice ' street in Flesherton for Bala; also the furniture, stoves, etc. I will ba in Flesherton April 14 to 16. I â€" W. A. SINCLAIR, Box 309. Whitby, Ont. FARM FOR SALE CLEARING SALE OF POULTRY â€" We have 100 W. L3ghorn hens and pullets, 40 B. Rock pullets, 6 S.C.R. I. Red pullets and one cockerel, at a Very specfal price: Leghorn hens $1 each, breeders $2.00, pullets 1.5 for $25.00. Barred Rocks $2 each, and R. I. Reds $12 for the bunch. One 400-egg Queen hot water incubator, one 1.50-egg Syphers and on3 oil- burning Wishbone, 1000-chick broo- der, at bargain prices. â€" Karstedt Bros., Priceville. East half of lot 3 and lot 4, Con. 4^ Artetnesia, 150 acres, good barn and^ house also good orchard, well water- ed, large hardwood bush 15 acres. â€"NEIL CAMERON, Ceylon.. House For Sale In Flesherton Framt I'/i story shingle' rooled dwelling with nice la^ge lot and^ stable. Apply to â€" â€" W. A. AR.^ISTRONG. Flesherton. FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Good light wagon, Apply at the advance office. FARM FOR S-ALE I ON EASY TERMS. FOR SALEâ€" Large Seed Ben. McK3nzie, R. R. No 1 KICKS IP R.\CKET ON RAILWAY TRAIN ni'NDALK (.\rrLEBl'YER PAYS SAUCY FOR INTERFERING WITH C.I'.R. CONDUCTOR Two weeks ago, while on his way from Toronto to Dundalk, William H. Thompson b.came boisterous, and when the trjiiii arrived here he was taken in charge by Provincial Con- stable Dobson and next day fined $10 and costs for being intoxicated. Yes- terday afternoon he appeared" before Police Magistrate Hugh Falconei* charged with "obstructing a conduc- tor in the executiin of his duties," ithc C.P.R. being the plaintiff. The 'fine imposed was $25 and costs am- ounting to $48, duo to the entire train crew being present as witnesses. Si'vcral years ago Thompson assault- ed Conductor Scanlon and was fined •$200 and costs. â€" Orangeville Sun. FOR SALEâ€" Farm . for rent.â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton FOR SALEâ€" Good seed Jas. S.-'rgant, Ceylon. ! N. E. 50 acres of 171, and N. E. 60- acres of 172, in the 2nd con. N.E.T. and S.R., Artemesia. About 40 acres ! cleared, balance in bush, about 50 of Peasâ€" hardwood; about 5 acres of soft tinj- Ceylon b*"^! 2 V4 miles from Saugeen Junction â-  \ If the purchaser can giv a good nn- sale or «'»cumbered farm in as collateral se- , curity, he can buy on easy terms cf , payment. â€"GEO. RUTHERFORD. barley.â€" Phone No. 7 Box 67, Shelburne- FOR SALEâ€" Stack of good clover hay for sale. â€" W. J. McFadden, Mark- \ dale P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of larg.? se-e<l peas, Canadian Beauty, tor .•'ale. â€" J. A. Hogarth, Protoa Station. FOR SALEâ€" A quantity of house- hold furniture for sale, including Bell organ, chairs, cupboard, dishes, etc. Apply on the premig«:s. â€" W. Sinclair. EGGS FOR SALEâ€" S. C. Ancona strain of Norman H. Gampp and Cecil Sheppard of Berea, Ohio. 13 for $1.00. John J. Meads, Pricevile. FOR SALEâ€" A number of goose eggs for sale at a reasonable pric?. Mi-s. Arehie Stewart, Proton, Ont. Phone 32 R 6 i Tamworth Loar for service, 6 moa. . old, reg. bacon type, ot. lot 31, Con. I O.D.R. Terms $1. Any sow not i^ turned will be charged same as thoae in pig. Anyone wishing to leave ibe sow will be charged 28c per day ex- tra^OHN MEADS, Priceville P. O, R. R. 3. »wto. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D3., dentai surgeon, honor graduate of Toi«Bt» and Royal College of Dental Suigeon*- of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at rasidwiM: Toronto Stret, flesherton. CANADA'S GRAND OLD MEN Adam Brown, Hamilton, aged John R. Booth, Ottawa, aged Thomas McBeath, Paisley, aged John Cat'.o, Toronto, aged 99. 98 97 92. "All on account of Polly" a delight- ful comedy-drama, will be given in the High School on April 24th under the auspices of the MetKodi!;! Ladies' Aid Society. Keep tb; date open and bring your friends. / Judge Spotten, of Wellington Co. has quash'.'d the sentence of imprison- ment imposed on Jake Mauer of Clif- ford by Magistrate Hellyer in Har- riston. The 200 dollar fine and costs for breach of the O.T.A. stands. The judge held that it was not proven that Maurfr was a constabb. Automobile accidents are increas- ing at Kl^ alarming rate. George Harris and Richard Clarke while driving in an auto, collided with a motor truck, driven by a Hanover man near Arran, Bruce County, and were so severly injured that they were tak- en to Southampton Hospital. Seeds For and Mammoth Sale â€" Common Clover, No. 1 Red home Dr. A. I'nrntan. BJ^., M.R, gnd- uate from the Faculty of Iftdfclns, University of Tormto. OiRoeâ€" Mek> PhOMMk grown Variegated Alfalfa. Grimm's "r^son^lock, I'^a^ton. Alfalfa, and Timothy Seed, all gov- ernment standard seeds, also a quan- tity of Empire State Potatoes. Phone or write for prictf" â€" Earl H. Best, Pricevilk, Ont., Phone 32-1-5. Prince .Vithsr La^i*, $$1^ A.F. ft> A.M., mseta in the ll«i«Bi« kail An»- strong Block, I1a«k«ti|^ vmf 9tt- day on or b«f or* Itii* f|dl mpes). C Banks, W.M., W.f. tkvntfm.9^ *^ MISCELLANEOUS MAN WANTEDâ€" A relialble man to commence immediately for the summer months. â€" H. Corbett, Proton. I acas A Hem l»ri«t«(i M*. .ra. etc-I. B^- Kf^^^ %lOki%^ Henry, fl A. Plorli. Phone DundalV and NOTICE â€" Chopping done Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays.â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Bird's Mackinaws, Tweeds and Yams, and Stocking I^egs, new stock, just arrived â€" H. Alexander, Merchant Tailor, Fevenhan. Telford A dion, etc. Hock, Owen Bkwk F.TWefd Jr. WANTEDâ€" Tenders for board operator at Feversham on the Osprey Telephone, system. Tenders will be received up to May 1st, 1925, by Geo.' D. Shortt, Feversham. tat the cmipllp af ^Farm and •r by .♦â- 

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