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Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1925, p. 6

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â- â€¢^-Ak *IM«WMl«»«*M '^S- You Cannot aiPSEMi^ II SAUDA' GREEN TEA Its luscious fresHness & rich strencftH make it finer tHan anx Gunpowder* Japan or Young Hyson. Sola every- where. Ask for SALrADA to-day* PENNY PLAIN BY O. DOUGLAS -penny plain or two-penc» t Bhopmaoâ€" "Tou m»y UaTo your choice Bolemn Small Boyâ€" "Penny plain, pleaie. It'i better TtluB for tt» moa«r." CHAF'TER XXHl.â€" (Cont'd.) Mhor usked if there were any rail- v^aya ntar Mintern AbbaK, and was ela's l)roth?r. It was quite as it shouW be, but life in spite of April and a motor-car was, what Mhor called a minister's life, "a' 'dullsome job." _ That year spring came, not reluc- tantly, as it often does in the uplands, ', Ronerously, lavishly, scattering; buds and leaves and flrwers and lambs,' land putting a spirit rather oast down when told that the iiearcai raiway station was seven milM distant. It amazed him that any J*" on<.' should, of choice, live nv.'ay from ' lailways. The skirl of an engine was, , ... . .. - ., . .„ swteter to his ears than horns of elf-^n^ P"^tmg a spirit of youth into land faintly blowing, and the dream ^^«;:ything. The days ^re as warm of his life was to be allowed to live in «« June and freah as only April days a .small whitewashed shanty which «5"/?«- ^hs Jardines anxiou.sly watch- he knew of, on the rallway-sidt', where |f^ ^^If sun-lilled days pass wishing â-  - - - ' - - ! they had aiTanged to go earlier, fear- miss all the good impossible that it â- â- â- e>» "- â€" .-..w.^«, ,j |_ . â-  â-  . . . ahiinting, along the pemian<nit way. To him each different train had its ^1 ill ^ H^ iOU ne Knew oi, on me raiiway-siuc, wnererrr ; 7 , ; he could spend ecstatic days watching '^hey had aminged t< every "passenger" and every "^cods",^"! ft they should that rushed .shrieking, or dawdled i^"""*®''- ^ Boys' Suit, Showing an Attraetlv* Combination of Materials. livii th-an K> i>pend the night camping insid.: the car in sonie lonaly spot. She had ail pi-jviKimis made for such an occurrer.c?. Jock said ."^uddeny, 'W.-'re not f'.o- ing mor;- than ten ms.ts an hour," and I then the car siopp(>J altogcthrr and 9PPIiPi!9Pffll I>«^id and .Siurk got duwji. i*-\xn lean-! . â- ^'W//7///W''W/'' ed oui and a..;kj'J what wa.s wrong, |' Wi/ 00// /M ana David t,aid sJvirt.y that then- wa.s â- ^•**^ff /t^â- ^•^ r.othing wr-ng. I'lesenliy he anrl Stark got back inti) th.'ir jilai;-'.'.! and :hc ear was start..! unfain. liut it wt^;;t slowly, ha tinjf'v, like a bird with a !>roksn wirs. They mad'' up on a man driv- ing a brown in a wag')r.etto â€" a man with a brown beard and a cheer- ful eye â€" and i.asse»l him. The car stopped again. .\gain David aiui Stark ^ot out and starsd and rok-J a'-d consulted to- geth:.'-. Again Je-an's head went out, and again she received the same rhort and unsatisfactory answer. The brown-bcavded man and his wagor.o'jte mad'? up on th?m, looked at] thj car in an inter.^sted way, and pa.--r:ed on. Again the car Ktartcd, passed the! wagonette, and went on for about 'a| miie.and .stopped. -XgaJH Jean's head went out. i '•David," i-hj .'^aid, "what i;i the mat- ter';" and it gce< far to show how har- as.s.3d thiit fclishpd Oxonian was whenj he replied, '"If you don't takeyouri fac- out of that Til slap it." I Jean withdrew at once, feeling thatj .she had Wen t.actle.:s and David had I been unnecegsarily rude â€" David who| had never been rude to lier since theyi were children, and had toM each other] home^ruths without heat and without i ill-fe^'ling on either side. If this was- to be the effect of owning a car "Wilfred the Gazelle's dead," said Mhor, and got out, followed by Jock, and in a minute or tv/o by Jean. They all sat down in the heather by tho roadside. Dead car notwithstanding, it was delicious sitting there in the spring sunshine. Tweed was nearing its source and was now only a trickling burn. A lark was singing high up in ^ Careful thought must be given to the blue. The air was like new wine. ] could go on being so wonderful, but outfitting the sturdy small boy, who' The Iambs were very young, for â- ;day followed day in golden succession! requires garments suitable for general spring comes .slowly up that way, and own features "I think " he told Jean.l""*^ there was no sign of a break. ] utility wear. The suit No. 1021 con- one tottering little fellow was found "that the nine train is the mcst i'O'd- David spent most of his day.s at the sists of blouse with long or short] by Mhor and carried rapturously to notured of the trains- he docsn't^'care H^POt that held the car, there being sleeves, and straight side-closing. Jean. how many carriages and no garag© at The Rigs, and Jock and trousers which button to the blouse. It, "Take it; it's just born," he said, they stick on to him The twelve train 'Mhor worshipped with him. A chauf- niay be made of all one material, or^ "Jock, hold Peter tight in cass he bites has always a cross, snorly look, Vut'^ur had been engaged, one Stark, a of a combination of contrastuig ma- them.'' took' the Priorsford youth, a steady young man | terials as shown in the sketch. The the five train"â€" his voi'.'o luvfv ure, ^ , â- > i c , .. . ^ . . ^ . i ,. fondling note that it held for Peter 'and an excellent driver. He had never. Pattern is cut for sizes 2, 4. and 6 and Barrie. the cat- "that little five been farther than Edinburgh. years, the four-year size reauiring 1V6 The 20th cam? at last. Jock and ^J;^^^ "^ X:^^ T'^J^^tl {°' ^^^ Mhor were up at an unearthly hour, ''''>"««• '»"'' \'^ ^^T^^ ^°^ ^he trousers parading the house, banging at Mrs. M'Cosh's door, and imploring her to train (?oes much the fastest; he's the hero of the day!" Pamela's engagement to Lewis El- liott had made, what Mrs. M' call- Did you ever see anything quite so now?" Jean said as she stroked the little head, "and yet so independent? Sheep are far before mortals. Its eyes look so perplexed, Mhor. It's quite For economy *s sake I buy a supply and let it age" â€" says Mrs. Experience, speaking of the economical use of soap. "I always keep a good supply of Sunlight Soap on i&e shelf because I find that Sunl%ht actually improves •with age. It becomes harder and so goes much fiirther. "With this added economy of lasting longer, I've learned that Sunlight is by far the most economical soap I can buy. The reason is that every p.irticle of Sunlight is pure, cleansing soap â€" a little of it does a lot of work. Sunlight, you know, is guaranteed to contain no injurious chemicals or harsh filling materials to make the bar large and hard. These filling mater- ials, of course, are just so much waste as far as cleaning goes. "To any woman who wants to get real cleaning value out of a soap for her money, I decidedly say, 'Use Sunlight,' and keep a good supply on the shelf." Sunlight is made by Lever Brothers Limited, largest soap-makers in the world. <" S-61 Sunlight Soap and blouse trimmings. strange to the world and doesn't know no further mishaps. They ran with Pattern mailed to any address on what to make of it. That's its mother out a pause through village after vil- ed, "a great speak" in Priorsford. On ! rise i-n case breakfast was late, and] receipt of 20c in silver, by the Wilson I P^^rthere.^ Take it to her; she's cry-^lage, snatching glimpses of lovely the whole, it was felt that she hadjthumping the barometer to see if it Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St.,i '"'J.'T,'*- , - , ,. 'P'aces where they would fain have done well for herself. The Elliotts showed any inclination to fall. The | Toronto. Orders for patterns filled' ^,.*.^',. "l'"!,_"'',A"v stood looking lingered, forgetting them as each place were an old and honored family, and car was ordered for nine o'clock, but game day as received. the present laird, though shy and re- they were down the road looking for] \ ' tiring, was much iiked by his tenants, | it at least half an hour before it was' , and respected by every one. Pamela, due, feverishly anxious in case some-' "nwiliing.y to school stopped to watch, _â€" .- .... ... ._., , „,«„j,. â-  i«i>..», had made herself very popular in thing had happened either to it or, them, and Mhor looked at them pity- nouneed, rather needlessiy, as the fact| For Sore Feetâ€"Minaras uiniment. Priorsford, and people were pleased i to Stark. | mgly. School seomed a thing so far, .was apparent to all. "I'm dashed if! â-  - - .-._-_- I -I from his present happy state I know what's the g.oomily at the lamb. Perhaps he offered new beauties, envied it being so young and careless; (To be continued.) and motor-less. I "Stark's busy with the car," he an-' ' * that she should remain us lady of| Laverlaw ".Ay," said Mrs. M'(>)sh, "he's wait- .-L), .-.Bm im.i. i« VAjau, Uf » wail,- m \ -o»Il hUMJU «l. Ulf. gai« ucsilie lllf, , > .-â€" i -...."t-J-J. ".>•-"», ., " "7'^ 2 f Vt â€" Ho hno all tho root nf lis Plipssinf od lang, but he's waled weel in the dancing daffodils and the tulips and P«ople were learning the multiplica-] the wagonette again overtook them.'"e °M an tne rest oi us giiessing, end. He's gotten a braw leddy, and she'll r.o' b<! as flighty as a young yin, for Mr. Elliott likes quiet ways. An' then she ha.s plenty siller, an' that's a help. A rale sensilile marriapo!" Bella Bathgate agreed. "It'll mak' a big differ at Laverlaw." she said, "for she's the kind o' body that makes hersel' felt in a boose. 1 didna want her at Hillview wi' a' her truiik.s and her maid and her fal-lals an' her present happy state I know what's the matter with the oldj crowded that April morning. Mr.s.j»8 not to be worth remem.bering. ' bu.s. . . . Here's that man again. . ."i M'tlosh stood at the gate beside the | Somewhere, doubtless, unhappy little' Jean burst into helpless laughter as' The i-oad liefore The Rigs was quite ' 'â- amoved The Highwayman. ids folded on her spotless ; «p*^'hng of uncouth words, but Mhor,! , h<-r face beaming with ' ^tting in state in "Wilfred the Ga-' ed kind smile, and watch- !=^«-le" (for so David had christened' the opening wall-flowers der. her haii white apron its accustomed ed her family depart. "Keep a baud o' Peter cautioned. "Ye needna I'omo back if ye lose him." The safety of the rest of the party did not concern her. Mr. and Mrs. Jowett wore there, having breakfasted an hour earlier the bor-'tioii table and .struggling with the! The driver flourished his whip and And wondering what he'll do next; "â-  " â-  â-  â-  """ ! the horse broke into a canter â€" it look-' He acts in a manner distressing, led like derision. | And keeps all Ula fellows perplexetl: I There was a long silence â€" then Jean' He's turning and twisting and curving, 'the new car), could only .spare them a' said: I ,^njj weaving his way In and out; Mhor," she passing thought. | "If it won't go it's too big to move ' Hjg ^^^^J,^^ ^^e breathtaking, uuuerv- He looked at Peter sitting self-; We shall have to train ivy on it and consciously virtuous on the seat oppo-' make it a feature of the landscape." i site, he leaned across Jean to send a! "Or else," said David, savagely andj glance of prbfound satisfaction to I irreverently â€" "or else hew it in pieces I Jock, then he raked from his pocket before the Lord." | Ing, And no one knows wiiat he's about I An Ironical Lady. Polite Judgeâ€" "With what instru- ment or article did your wife Inflict these wounds on your face and head?" Michael Mooneyâ€" "Wld a motter, yer anner." Polite Judge â€" "A what?" Michael Mooney â€" "A motter â€" one o' these frames wld 'God Bless Our Home' In ut." Nothing cools love so rapidly as a; hot temper. About the best cure for a swelled head is a dose of -gnmion- sense^ V.-HEN IN T0RONT0T)+aK THE Royal Ontario Museum 293 Bloor St. Weit, near Avenufl Itoftd. Largtst twrmiuent exhlbltiun lu Candila. Arrbacology. ; Ckology, Mlaeraloio'. 'PalaeoQtulogr. Zoology. Oliea' dally. 10 H.m. t» 5 p.m.: Suodoy, 2 to- S p.m.' Bloor. llay. and Chiirvh can. fykey ways, but, d'ye ken, I'll miss her i than usual, thus risking tho wrath of,? cake of butter-.scotch and sank back; i^'^I^H/^*^ DP and straightened him Homeihing horrid. She was an awfu'i their cherished domestics. Mrs. Jowelt •â- â- -â- â- ---'' "^ " misa in the hoose when she was awa at f'hri«tmas-tlme; I was fair kinna lost wi'out hsv. It'll l)e rale nice for Maister Klliotl bavin' her aye there. It's m:;bbe a wakencss on ma pairt, but 1 whiles mak' messages into the room juist to sc her sittin' pittin' stitches into that embroidery, as they the boy.'", and n liook for Jean oa' it, an' hear her gie that little laiirh o' her.s! .She has me fair be- wit<'hed. There's a kiniia glawmour aboot her. An' I tell ye I culdna stand her by onythiivg at tho iirst. . . I oven think hi r bonnio nooâ€" an' she's no' thnt auld. I saw a pictur in h paper the it'oer day of a new-mairit couple, an' baith o' them had the auld-age IXMiiiion." Jean looked on rather wistfully ul was carrying a large box of choco- lates as a parting gift to the boys, while Mr. Jowett had a box of laven- der water for Jean. in his seat to crunch in comfort. I self, wiped his hands and his fore- They followed the Tweed as it ran] head, and came up to David. | by wood and field and hamlet, and asj "I've found out what's wrong," he they reachsd the moorlands of the' said. "She'll manage to Moffat, but upper reaches .Jean began to notice' we'll have to get her put right there.; Augusta Hope had walked up from! that Wilfred th:> Gazelle was not run-] It's . . ." He went into technical de-] Hopetouti with her mother's love to' ni"K as smoothly as usual. Perhaps it tails incomprehensible to Jean. | „ „„, ^„„, „ , ,,„ ,„,m,„= the travell-!.". a ba.sket of fruit for '"'''*' imagination. Jean thought, or per-' They got back into the car and it "® cares not a noor, so ne reacnes One minute he's trailing behind you; The next he Is darting ahead. Ani kicking up dust clouds that blind you. Aud knocking the speed limit dead! He tcots and he squawks and he screeches. To make others lot him get by; I hups it was the effect of having lug-' sprang away as if suddenly endowed | The place he Is bound for. on high. The little Miss Watsons hopped Knge on the top. but in her inmost with new life. In a trice they had forth from thoii- dwelling with an heart she knew it was more than that, ' passed the wagonette, leaving it in a offering of a honiL'-baked cako, "just,'""! «he was not Burpri.s«>d. (whirl of scornful dust. They ate the in case you get liungry on the road,' •''•^" *»'* '''-♦^J with a dcep-.wated , miles as a giant dsvours sheep. They you know." j of motors. She f?;t that' passed th; Devil's Beef Tub â€" Jock Bella liulhgate was there, looking] ''^''''y motor was just waiting its ' would have liked to tarry there and very saturnine, and counselling Mhor ' '^huncs to do its owner harm. She had investigate, but Jean dared not ask as to his k'haviour. "Diiina lean ool "tarted with no real hope of reaching Stark to stop in they could not o' tiic caur. Mony a body has ,"•>>' fft-'tination, and expected nothing start again, and soon went sliding their held slickin' it oot of a caur. Here's some tea-biscuit.-i for PetL'r. her friend's happiness. Slie wa;i most You'll bo ower proud for onvthing but .Minceri.y glad that the wooingâ€" .so curriint-cake, I suppo^?." long delayedâ€" should end like an o!d| Mhor assured her he was not, ami p'ay and Jack havo his Jill, but it uratefullv accepted the biscuit.s. seemed to add to tho empty feeling in "Isn't it fun Peter's going? I couldn't her own heart. Pamciu's casual re- have gone cither if he hadn't been al- mark about her brother jierhnps b:'-' lowed, but 1 expect I'll have to hold ing at Stratford had (iiled her for him in my arms a lot. He'll want to the ti!om?nt with wild .joy. but hearts jump out at dogs." after loops aclie, and whe had qui-AIy, And .Mr. and Mrs. .Mncduiinld were nniimlcd herf.i-lf that Kich.ird Plan- thereâ€" Mrs. absolulMv tageii-t had evidently nccepted weighed down with gift*. "It's just !â- . tho refusal as final and wou.d nevr trifle for curb of you," i.hi- bo Hnylhing more to liar than I': 'BeUoJkuUly-doftt Slip a package In your pocket mien you bo home to* nl^h?. Olrtthe youn^aten lhi« wholesome lon^ lasting sweet - for pleMircsdIiCBsflt. U(triya«ri4tfaf1n- «mol(in(] Of wh«n woricdraj*. Itka jrNtltm* f)*>l>«Mf -•xp amed, ISSUE No \(>, no, don't thank m?; it's nothing." ^ "I've brought you nothing but my 1 blessing, Jean," th.- r.iinist.'i- said. "You'll never Ik; better than I widi J..U." ; "Don't la]k as if 1 worn foiu'c away for goorl." said Joan, with :i lump in h'T thriial. "It's only a iilt'<» hnliday." "Willi can t»ir."' ."iglii'd .Mrs. Mm-' doiiald. "Its an unceit;iin v;or!d. But w,''.l hop:* that you'll cdme back to u.^. Jean. Are you sure you are warm'.y clad? Remember it's only April, and the I'ViMiing: are cold." ' David p.'iked Jean, Jock and Mhnr: into the car. Peter wa<i i nifed on a- i of ll: - seals let d.iw;i. n ciishiiDi ' uiid !â-  b'm t'l prolyl (he i-.ilc fav;n I dotli fr<-.;n hi.s naws. All I'- • pre. :'lits four.d p"acn. iho luggagt' was put on â- 'h- top, .Stnrk I .; >k bit i sat. Duiil,' his vt,at 1 .)ckpt bulging with nips,, got in ' â- '.'f- bim; and amid a choru.s. of go;;d-b>es they were off Jear, looking bark i.-.thrr wi*tfully hi Th"- lliuK. get a last sight of Mrs.] M'Cosh shaking h?r hcjd dnbiously at \ tl • departing car. j One of the b«»t thingi< in life is to! sr;i!t oM a spiing ir irning for a holi-j day. To Jjck and Mhor at least lifo] .•-r;med H v«ry perfect thing as th • | ••iir <'-3wn (hi- hili. over Tweed Uridge. over Cuddv Bridif?, end turn .'d ; 1 jrp to th» left up the Old Town. K.-oii they w.?rc out of the iitt'p grey town thil l''»kfd S.O c .'Bn ard fre«h v.'ifh its rhining morning face, and I unning Ihro.iph th"^ ne.*,! w.xiHs above Peel Tower. Small ohil<Jrcn creeping A New Daii*y Pail at a Popular Price Sec the new 8MP Dairy Pail next time you are In town. They are made of special C|ual- ity, high finished tin, hnvs large dairy pail ears, riveted wilh large rlveta, soldered flush. 100' ;, aanitary. Cut out this advertisement. Show it to your regular dealer. lie haa our authority to give you a xperial low price on a pair of these Ane pails. SMP DAIRY PAILS down the hill to Moffat. Hot puff.s of scented air rose from the valley they had left, th;' moorlands end the winds, andAe town was holding out arms to welcome them. They drove along the] sunny, sleepy, midday High Street and stopped at an hotel. | Except David, no men'ber of the ' Jardine family had ever liean inside an hotel, and it was quite an edvt i:- ' ture for them to go up tho steps from' the rtrect, enter the swinging doors,' iind .nsi; a polite woman with elar>or- ato'y done hair if th?y might hav,> luncheon. Yes, they might, and Peter, iit presort held tiphtly in Mhoi';; .k-jus, ci'ilfi be fed in the kitchcr. if tlwt would iuit. I Sunk had n;>antime t^k.:i th^^ car to n motor-repairing plac.^ It •. as half-past thre^' oefor' vh? car c^me swooping up ':o the hot.''! (loi)"-;;. Jean gazed at it with a i:ort cf i'(.:iful pride. It looki.d very v.'tll it (nly it didn't, play them false. Siiirk. too, lcok?d w'sll â€" n line, i.iipas-' :â- !• e I Ruro. "Will it bo all right. Stark?" .she ventured to inquire, but Siark, who rarely committed himself, merely ^aid. â- â€¢Mrbbe." Stark had no manners, Jean ri:fl::ct- ( :1, but h,"" had a nic2 fac ni.d v.u.s a t.^et ital or, and one ean'l have t>ery-j thing. ] To Mhor'.t joy the load now ran) for a bit by the sida of the railway, line where thundered liraat. c-ripressi trains such as ths ra never w^re in' Trlcrsford. Thay were spinning along the flne lcv^l road, making up for, time, wh?n a sharp leport startle,! ' thrm and made Mhor, who was watch-' ing a train, los; his balance and fail] forward on to Peter, who was taking: a slr^ep oti the rug at their f?pt. It was a tire gone, and there was' no tine to mend it if th?y were to bej Rt Carlisle in time for tea. Stark put l on the sparj wheel and th;y started again. Torture .seemsd to have "fcot lire<l of pirracuting th?m, and there w.-re Some day he'll be heading tor heaveu. And then he will step on the gas, Intent on his share of the loavea-- Aud all cf hLs brothers he'll pass; And when he arrives there, St. Peter Will point to the regions below, .-Vnd he will reverse his speed-eater - Aud head fur Gehenna, ou low! â€" James Edward Hungerford. A new altitude record for aviation â€" 39,680 feet â€" was set up recently by the French pilot, Ca'lizo. 1 INECTO RAPID The world's best hair tint. Wilt re- store gray hair to its natural color in 15 minutes. Small size, Docble size. $3.30 by $5.50 by mill mail The W. T. Pember Stores Limited 129 Vcnge St. Toronto "The Standard by which other Irons are Judged." You. cau now obtain a genuine Hotpolnt Iron for $5.50. This famous elec- tric servant has for \ears been the first choice among .- . discrimitiatlag housewives.' The thumb restâ€" an exclu- sive Hot iwint patent â€" elim- inates all strain oiv the wri3t. This Is the Iron wi'h the famous hot point. i'o«r lUalfi- aells Ho!jH-!)it Irons A Canadi."!! General Electric Product. Hiic. 174 Min»'d'« Liniment Fine for t^• Hair. • 3

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