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Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1925, p. 5

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Wednesday. April 8. 1025 THS FUMIOUMrON ADVANOE • • ^fj^ t .*â-  ^ Conduct Your Affairs with Dignity A ..STANDARD^ Bank Savings ac- count lendb diunity to the transactions of the deiwsitor. it identifies him with an oreanization tha« is kao»n and re- sptcted in the community, and establish- th a contract which is invaluable should he at the -^ame »ime desire counsel or advice on money matters. Open a Stan- dard BanU savings account. It will help you to develop your nancial resources is nothing else can, and enable you to conduct your personal financial affairs with diernitv. STANDARD DANK BANKING FIFTY YEARS OF CAJMADA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. F. Batty, Manager Spring Shows Big Improvement In k Number of Residences Since the highways have been kept clear of live stock there has been a gro'.ving tendency to reniovt the front fences from residencss. Last week i the picket fences in front of the Hick- I ling, Wilson, Joseph Blackburn and : HoU.and homes were removed. These ' are the first svidences of spring. Now let there be a united endeavor to keep ; the lawns and flower beds in attrae- i live shape and thereby add te the ' bsauty of our naturally attractive i centre r>f population. !msti(x;e debating te.\m challenged by shelbl'rne ) .♦ .♦â-  \ 'M > ill I CANADIAN i i=>/XOIFIO C. p. R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Fleaherton Stotiw as Commencing May 4th it is fellows: I that th; Canadian Pacific railway will Ging South Going_ North . commence an added service on the «.00 a.m. l.53a.m. 4.30 p.m. 9-30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. aad 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail «mth at 3.30. For morning train Boath at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. A debate, whch is attracting much attention, will be held at Riverview to-night wh>:-n the champion debating i team of Inistioge composed of Miss , Emly -Acheson and Mr. Russell Patter- 1 son, will debate with Mr. and Mrs. i Banks of Shelburne on the subject. >l T * A n I* al '^*o^^^ "that the drift to the cities ij new I rSin 10 UWen vOUnO caused more by social than economic ' conditions." The Shelburne team j,j' Challenged the Inistioge wRo wen." given the affirimative. It is e.xpect- ed that a large crowd will be in at- tendance. C.P.R. To Commence W .M. S. THANKOFFERING Social and Personal Owen Sound line by continuing the . Walkerton-Saugeen Jet. train on to Ow^fn Sound in the afternoon and re- turn that night in timj to make their The annual Thank offering meet- regular connection at Saugeen with | ing of the \V. M. S. be held on the night train from Toronto. This j Thursday,â€" to-moruow afternoon at service has been advocated for some '3 o'clock. .A program of interest Mrs. .A. Rowe. Dundal!<, visited Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling on Wednesday last. Mrs. F. J. Thurston and son Jimmy are visiting in Toronto this week. Frogs are now giving concerts in neavby water ponds. Mr. Wes. .Armstrong visited time and should prove convenient to ,vill be presented. The ladies of the travelers and others in reaching . sister church have been invited and northern towns on the line. The j will carry greetings. Lunch will be equipment will include passenger and, s^irved at the close. express cars as on the regular trains.' \ ) BORN Prof. Jos. Stafford Had A Distingufshed Career Dr. Joseph Stafford. M.A., Ph.D., ' associate professor of zoology at Mc- ; Gill University, died in Montreal after , an illness oCaeveral monthts. | Dr. Stafford was bom in 1864 at ' Goodwood in the township of Ux- \ bridge, near Toronto. H,' attended i public school at Flesherton, after- j wards going to model school where he obtained a certificate for teaching. ! After three years, hj entered the | University of Toronto, graduating in i 1S90 when he attende<l the school of j pedagogy and taujrht in the collegiate institut3 at Morrisburg. He then , Went to Germany where he obuined the degrees of M..A. and Ph.D., in tile University of Leipzig. .After accept- ing the fellowship in the University of Toronto, he was appoint<:d fecturer in zoology at .McGill University, Montreal, in 1900, after which b^ was advanced from assistant professor- ship to asso<:iate professorship. Dur- ing the ensuing summ:rs, he was ap- pointed curator of the .\tlantic Biolo- gical Station at St. Andrews, X.B., Canso, N.S., Malpetju-:-, Gaspe and Seven Islands, and was for twelve summers curator of the Pacific Biolo- gical Station, where he investigated the Pacific oyster for tia; British Columbia Government. Dr. Stafford was the author of many works including trematodes. fishes, clams, and general faunistic work on the fauna of the .Atlantic coast of Canada; sponges, coelentrata molluska, etc. He was a recognized authority on the Canadian oyster, and his writings on th^ same are well known. Saving a P/nt ^f Cream a Day li Pays fot" itself oxxt of Sovinqs Croam Separator Mrs. Otto Clipperton of Toronto! LsGARD-Ih Toronto on Tuesday is the guest of her parents, Mr. and^jj^^^^ 3^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ jj^^ ^^^rh^r^ Mrs. Geo. MitcheU. . , LeGard. a daughter. 1 Mrs. W. O. Fawcett and two child- 1 in I ren of Meaford are vsiting with Mr.l ColIingT.-ood on Sunday. | Mr. .A. S. Thurston, of Meaford I and Mrs. John Fawcett in town. Mrs. W. B. .\. Cross and little! spent a couple of days in town this daughter have returned home after wesfk. I visiting at h?r home at Chatsworth. Mjssrs. S. E. deCudmore, W. W. j Tbare are quite a number of fine Trimble and G. Agar motored to Gait ^^wn resiednces and other property I offered for sale in this issue of The .Advance. . last v.-eek. Mr. Waller and Mrs. McFadden attended the fun.'ral of the former's Jackson, at Shelburne Mr. \V. E. Walker of Eugenia visit- ed with Cataract and Inglewood 'friends, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Brothwell of | sister. rM: Port Hope, spent the past week with, on Sunday their nephew, Mrs. T. Fisher, in town. Mr, and Mrs. G. B. Welton and the - 'fa glib" spent Sunday with the former's motfaer-sV ^ount Forest. Palm Sunday was recognized in the Churclies here on Sunday when special The Flesherton Baptist Women's music was given at the services. jjj^^j^^ ^..^^,^ ^^^^ .^^ _.^^^j^^ Mr. W. .A. Armstrong meditates ; meeting at the home of Mrs. Will- erecting several bungalows this sum- | iamson on Tuesday afternoon. .A mer. !arg.^ attendance thoroughly enjoyed Mrs. Runstadler arrived from Tor- '*''' program, onto last week to take up residence with her husband for the summer. DIED MACDONALD â€" .At his homa. South Line. .Artemesia. on Thurs- day. April 2. Malcolm MacDonald. aged 93 years. Interment at Priee- viUe Saturday. Aoril 4. PROPERTY FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON \ Handsome bungalow residance on Toronto Street, Flesherton. brick and shingle construction, containing living ' room, dining room and kitc'nen with j stationary cupboard on the ground jtloor; upstairs, three bedrooms with 'large closet attached, also bathroom: Mrs. .Andrew CuUen. who has, oak floors throughout, all beautifully spent the winter with hfr sister, I finished; 8 ft. verandah, pipeless fur- Mrs. Boyd Thompson, here, returned : "a^e, wired for electric light; ceUar lu:, „. _i k u 1. „ . £--1 Size of house, containing cistern and this week to her home at Silver ,^^j ^^.^^^^ p^„,„ New house niver Creek, N. ^ . I been occupied and sits on a doable lot. including a good warden. .-Vpplv to W. H. BINT. Flesherton. Dr. Stafford was twice married. In 1S90 to .Miss KaC3 Clarke of Toronto, who died in 1900. In 1911 he man-- ied Miss Florence Milbume of Mon- treal, now of St. Lambert, who sur- vives him. and one daughter. Miss Minerva Stafford of MontreaL Many old machines which you may think are skinuning clean actually waste a pint of cream a day. This is 20 cents wasted each day or $73 a year. On this basis the Melotte would pay for itself in eighteen months. Stop this waste at once by using a Melotte. PROPERTY FOR S-\LE Good brick 9-roomed house on .A.lice street in Flesherton for salj-; also the furnitiu-e. stoves, etc. I will be in" Flesherton April 14 to 16. â€" W. .A. SINCLAIR, Box 309. Whitby. Ont. D. McTAVISH & SON Dealers in full Lster line' also Chevrolet Cars and Repairs First class Garage Service. .ELLIOTT ! Young and Alexander Sts $ Toronto ® Noted for high grade instrae- ction and superior employmait service: Enter any time. Catal- *=* ogue free. © W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. ^ ^ Hockey Goods ! To all those who skate we have some service- able Hockey Boots in men's, boys' women's and girls' sizes. Stock that will give satisfaction to the wearer. ciovERjEEDS | JN RUBBER GOODS . « 1: I The outlook is for an oarb- sowing season in this locality. Soil is in fine .condition for spring plowing. , .All main highways and most of the sideroads are now negotiable with an auto. This is earlier then last year. Flesherton L. O. L. 2855 will hold its regular monthly meeting in th.^ Clayton Hall on Friday ev?ning. AU membei-s are reiiu^ted to be present. Many enquiring citizens have had to wash there hands this week after en'deavoring to ascertain whether or not the oaint on the Town Hall is dry. The death is announced of -Mrs. R. E. Gamey at Gore Bay. Ont.. agetl 65. Mrs. Gamey was well known in this district, htr husband being a native of Grey Co and formerly an M.P. D.iy after to-morrow will be Good Friday, and it will be observed in Flesherton and elsewhere as a public holiday. Monday next will also be a bank holiday. News from the British Metropolis , is that Mr. F. H. W. Hickling is hav- [ ing a splendid visit to the haunts of his childhooil. He is exwcted home about the end of the month. The High Schmd Literary. und.T I the leadership of Mr. .A. E. Buchanan | have completed a very satisfactory j season. All energies will - now be bent to make good in the exams. This year the I'ith of July is on a j Sunday. The majorty of the cele- brations will be held on Momlaj- July i 13th, but a number h«ve been fixed for Julj- llth. "All on account of Polly " a d?!ijrht- ful comed>--drama. will be given in the High School on .April 24th under the auspices of the Methodist Ladies' Aid Society. Keep thj date open and bring your friends. Mr. J. n. Clark came across 3 well developed s:iake in th :• cemetf ••:-• on Frid,iy las* Now if 4.4 beer we'.-e on sale thcro ' r»ht have bee-i s-.^'o suspic'.-r - the identity of the reptile. Ladies wishing to have their cut hair or combings made up can do so by sending them to Mrs. H. Smith. 4T5-Sch St. E., Ov.-.>n Sovnd. We make up everything from a pin curl to a transformatine. SUN LIFE ASSl R.ANCE CO. OF CANADA The Largest and Strongest .\ssuraace Company in the Britist Empire â€" and a Canadian companv. New assurances Total in force Total income for tyji... Payments death caims. $137,4rte,384 S71,«.J«.4.57 ti2.24.5.68t .. S.IS.1.999 ALL NO. \ GOVER.N.ME.NT STAND- I ARD AND ONTARIO GROWN. I Timothy ."$ 4.73 per bu. ' Red Clover %l%. ,-,0 per bush , Mammoth Clover 24 00 per bush. I Variegated Alfalfa ....$14.00 per bu. I -Msike Clover S12.00 per bu. Timothy S 4.75 per bu. Above prices strictly cash. -A. C. MllR - CEVLON "Hec" Goldsmith, who played ball here two years ago. has returned to his home town of Clarksburg a: rr spending the past summer at Pi-estori. No doubt he has grown wiser in the ''">*=>' payments to pt»licy art of playing ball. holders :{l,SS1.639 .\ssets of Company 274,130.497 Miss .A. D. Pope. Deaconess of fne Increase over p'ev. year... b4.!'73.094 Upp,>r Canada Tract Society, mission Dividends to policyhol to sailors and hooks for the soldiers in our hospitals, lighthouse keepers and lumbermen, is in town soliciting funds for this work. Your help in this good work is greatly appreciated. § $ % 'td^Faj ease^ In rubber goods we have men's amd women's Goloshes, jmd a good assortment of heavy rubbers. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO . ^•€€©€"^O-^^^e€'€-O0©€-^'^'^®^©^®®®^*> _^again materially increas Rate of interest on money left on dcposiK with the company raised from .^.2 to 3.4 per cent. 9 9 § INSURE IN THE BEST INTERIOR DECORATING See me about that job of paint- ing, paper hanging or any inter- ior decorating. Satisfaction guaranteed, coupled with moder- ate charges. Brop me a card and I will estimate on the work. P. A, RITT . FLESaERTON A. S. THURSTON LOCAL Phone 18 FUsherti'ii AGENT Phone 286 Meaford ® @ @ 9 $ ® Rennie's Field and Garden Seeds Alsike Clover, Mammoth Clover, Red Clover Alfalfa, Timothy. I'^ield seeds of all kinds. Ronnie's ft^r quality. Call and inspect our seeds and tret our prices beWe buying your spring- rciiuiretueuts. A. E. HAW Creant Station. Store clo'^es Tueidaj and FrWay eve. CEYLON 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 9 ! s 9 9 9 SPRING MILLINERY This season we have been particularly careful in our selection of Millinery and our efforts have met with general approval. New Goods Added We have placed in stock for your inspection a com- plete' range of New Hats, every one posesssng distinc- tive features, not more than one of a kind. Popular prices from $3.00 to $5.50. Three Specials Men's Urus calf work boots extra quality and workmanship combined in these. Your choice of brown or black. Price $3.75 Men's English Broadcloth shirts full range of new shades. Prices $2, $2.25, $2.75 Dairy Pails of quality, ranging in price from 45c. to $1.00. Also special $1.00 pails selling for 2 for $1.49. 9 9 9 9 9 9 ?5 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 «» 9 9 9 9 9 F. H. W, HICKLING FLESHERTON. ONT. 9009^9999999€9©900S®9©99€-«€C©3€>©099@9«^99®999©0$5

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