r Wednesday, March 18. \92$ mmBOBBs ^jL. I i j THE PUISfttrrON ADVANCE SCHOOL REPORTS S. S. No. 4. Artemevia. Sr. iâ€" Don ttaurd. Jr. ^â€" Im«c Snell Sr. 3â€" Neilbert Mack«nti«, ' Ir. aâ€" Macil Snell, Raymond Mac- Donald. Clarence Stafford. Sr. 2â€" Jeanette MacLeod, Dorothy 8m«1. Jr. 2â€" Besrie Cairns. Sr. 1â€" Je««ie MacDonald. Jr. I â€" Arthur Douglass, Douglass. Adam Weir of Glenelc township died recently at the age of '5 years. The first sod for the foundation of the new Collinjgwood coII«ffiat« was turned last we«k by Rev. S. Farley, M.A., Chairman of the Board. Mrs. Wni. Douglas was acquitted in Owen Sound by a jury on a charge of manslaughter, the result of an anto accident last fall. Major Reginald C. Ferguson, M.C.„ of Thornbury has been appointed as Clara postmaster of that village. Major Ferguson i-nlistcd with the 147th Primer (a) SUfTord. Primer (b) â€" Eric Fisher. Billie Cairns Marian Urey« as a lieutenant, winning his captaincy and the M. C. in France. Stafford. Irene lie is a Major in the Grey Regiment with 20 years' service in it. The ap- R. M. Nichol, Teacher, polntmeiit is u very popular one. >?>" 'ord Cars Trucks Tractors TIRES TIRES An assortment of 4 popular brands to choose forna. LOWEST PRICES IN HISTORY Hanover cement mill baa again re- sumed operations. Peterboro city council is contem- plating placing a tax on eats. In a recent government report tbe roiinty of Bruce is credited with 84 bushels of wheat per acre. Owen Sound corporation workmen will in the future work only 8 hours daily. They will be' paid by the hour. Every congregation in the Presby- [rey of Sudbury has declared itself as ruiolved to remain in the United Church of Canada. Chesley preachers have taken steps to thwart the efforts of fakirs who j tiy to gft charity by false represen- Mngs Of The District Meaford's Ux «U is BO mills. Navigation is open at Goderich. Hens are working overtime. Chatsworth high school has become a Continuation School. Rural councils are now asking for tenders for crushed stone. Owen Sound has under considera- tion a daylight-saving by-law. Hopworth is to have a community church shod. Thy assessors are now on thsir rounds. Chus. Bowles fornu-rpy governor of Orangeville jail, has disd at Mono j ^^^-^^ Principal Elin.slie of Owen Sound Collegiate Institute has been unable Small Advertisement LOST OR BTBAYED ] FARMS FOU SALE ^ Lost â€" Beagle pup nine months oid I ^ strayed away on Sunday. Has col- <>» *^ Towmto Line ProviiHtal ^ lar with name on and small padloek. Hi«bw»jr. Tkn* fahna, tw« of IM * -Dick Clark, Fleaherton. "f" nnd on. of W mtm all eUmd ___^____^___________________ First elaaa bnildings, up to date is - TrtcT rt c * _j .^^*i. 1 * •^•^ pMtkubur. Will acU any oim . n ~2"Kf J"?"^/ "• \* •'«>-* Go«JbricklM«..onon,.. smaU s»ed bl«:k founU.n P«n be- t^, j„^ ^^he tUbUn. f« ahid. tweenT. Clayton's store and Frank ^^ „ ^^^^ ^ne f*rm has Un Thurston s residence. Reward at Advance office. The following prices lor cash : Dominion DOMINION Nobby Cord .10x3 '/i Guaran- teed 6000 miles. $8.75 • Royal Cord 30x3 ',i Guaran- teed 8000 miles. $10.95 DOMINION Royal Cord ,10x3 '/i I oversize, Guaranteed 8000 miles $12.75 Prices on other makes and sizes of tires compare fav- orably with the above. Why take a chance on those old tires? K DOWN & SONS FORD DEALERS Road. nurhiini is talking about collecting a license fee from truckmen and teamsters. ' The death is announced, on Monday last, of Mrs. iMary McAuley, wife of Mr. J. W. Armstrong of Dundalk. South Bruce aiinu.il sale of Short- hoin cattle was abiindonc'V "'"'"'^ ^-'^ j lack (^iefttritS. ' "i'^'An 87 y.'ar old farmer named W. P. ' Toltoii fell into a creek at WaUlcmar on Friday last and was drowned. ' A receiver has been appointed for the Imperial Steel CoiT/n-ation at C'ollinRwood. Hanover Utilities Commission have 1 incr; ised the pay of thoir Superinten- dent and his assistant. ! Sir Adam Beck, who has been ill in .Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, is I Raid to be rscovering. The old question "Does a sparrow Ulo more- (•â- ood than harm'.'" is again l.jing asked, j A United Church of Can.ida has I b:jn formed in Wiarton. I ing of th 1 used. ! Navigation on Georgian Bay is likely to bsgin strongly after April ! 1.5th. ! Alvin H. Wheeler, a veteran of the I U.S. Civil War, on (ths Confederate i side) died at Meaford last week at I the age of Dl years. [ Meaford ministers are planning to I conduct a religious ceotsus of the town with a visw to getting better churcli altendaiice. acres hardwood bush and another nundred has three acr«s of timber - and hat buildinngs for everythinir ift\o o A t f I "***'*^' including potiltry house and FOR S A LE i pig, peng_ No broken land and clear FOR SALE â€" Bronze Gobbler for' o' weeds. Any person interette* â- sale.â€" Sam Fitzsimmons, Fleshjnon. should inrestigate. STOCK FOR SALEâ€" Two head of cattle, 2 years old. â€" Wm. Carson, Fleshcrton. FOR Hejferl The build- Methodist church will be FOR SALE â€" Four Turkey hsns and a pobbler. â€" Joseph C. Thompson, Fevershani. €lOdjS>«€i@©©O©O^>©^Hi:'€*^-:;>v?r«"^©.@i0€-4«@^ • SIX HILL STORES 9 We buy together in order that 8earcu«tomer« in the >ix com- munitiea may materially ben- 9 efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality tnerchandiae at the faireat poa»ibI« prices. Daily Arrivals of New Spring Merchandise to Every Department of this Big Store Almost fvo'ry day we arc placins new lines of merchandise in our shelves and on our racks and tablet), so that everywhere yon turn you will find n?w arrivals of seasonable merchandise. Buy Your Easter Hat Now Only a few weeks and Kaster will he here, th;- season of the vear when most ladies don theiri new hal. Our assortment is large. The styles are »hc newes* »nd prettiest obtainanie. We are certain we cnn save you money on your .Millinery purchases as we have marked our hats at the lowest possible margin on cost. We are also absolutely sure that most Millinery Departments will ask you much higher prices for similar up-to-thc-iiiinutc creations. See our asriortmenls at ^H3i) and $4.9.* NEW SPRING COATS Attractive Styles Beautiful Cloths Moderate Prices The New Spring Coats l.avc arrived, the styles are the newest ohtninablc, the prices are very moderate. This season, in »hc n.i'ter of i-oat nurchases, we bought for our five stores at the same time, having the output of about twenty of the best manufacturers' lines assembled together from which we made our sclcrlion, so if you purchase your new coat here you are sure of an absolutely correct style at a price that represents a nice saving, S10.50 to S37.50. Again We Emphasize the New Spring Shoes We are justly proud of our new showing of shoes for any and every member of the family. This is emphatically the store with the stia-k when it comes to a matter of shoes. This store has always been noted for its large assortment of footwear, hut never before in our history of merchandising have we asesmbled such a wide and varied assortment of what is new and attractive in footwear, and at prices that will surprise vou bec.iuse they are so moderate and reasonable for such beautiful high class merchandise. It would he impossible to descrNte the many lines we carry in an ordinary sized adver- tisement. We ask the' privilege of showing you ojr assortment. Vou will be delishtcd. New Cloth Fabrics for Outer and Under Garments in a Big Range of Materials The new fabrics for both outer and under garments are many and embrace a wide range of colors ami weaver. Our showing of Broadcloth, that popular and serviceable ' material, so much in vof^e at the moment, for not only hlouseft and dresses, hut also for slips and bimimers, is very complete, and contains stripes and plain colors in almost all colors imaginable. Crep«yi, Voiles and Ginghams will be papuluT again this season, our latest arrivals in these cloths are beautiful in designs and colorinfcs. A new fabric, Victorian Cloth, promises to be much used for dresses and children's wear, largely tak- in(( the place of prints and other materials. The designs are neat, the colors fast, the cloth itself is aeft and verv closely woven and is .S2 inches wide and sells at the popular price of only 3a cents per yard. Why not lay in your supply of these materials and get your spriuR sewing done before the duties of spring house cleaning has to he attended to. Special Book of High Grade Wall Papers We have had a special iMMik of high grade Wall Papers made up, so that if you are looking for a distinctive and strictly high grade paper, we will take your order for same and have the paper here in about two days after the <irder is given. See this book; you will be rharmed wiih the beautiful designa and most harmonious blending of colors. F.T.HiU& Co., Limited, Markdale f!W^, FOR SALE â€" Grade cow for sale due to freshen March 7th, ten years old.â€" W.* Walker, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Grade Heifer rising 3 years old, due May 2, now milking. â€" Jas. Sargent, Ceylon. io iittenil to duty through ill health. .Mr. Lyman Brown is in charge. Slx'lburne town council, has fixed tl-.j Ixen.sc fee for dogs at $2.25; for litchcs, ?;.25. Docs are piohibited fro'm runninj? at large between sun- set and sunrise. Breweries out of bu.'iinjss since the O.T.A. was pa.sssd aie ajiain sprncing up in Knticipation of the passage of the 4.4 beer enactment by the Ontario government. An Elmii-a church advertises as follows: "I>)»'t put off going to the churcli -till you go there in a hearse. Go now." Perhaps that is what you would call live advertising. The danger of fire from concentrat- ed rajs of the sun was exemplified in Mr. A. E. Cousins' shop yesterday morning, says the .\lli4t0n Herald, v;hcn a child's woollen cap lying in the pan of a cream separator began to Kmoki. Mr. Andrew Nicol \v,->.s standing near by and simply reached into the vessel and took t'ne can out. It v;as difficult even for. i^^'ii SALE â€" Purebred Shorthorn these who -saw the incident to believe j'uli one year old; also O.A.C. No. 21 that the rays of the sun had st.-irt.'dj Parley, on lot 2, Con. 9, Osprey.â€" th-: little fire. The little incident^ in- | Edgar Betts, Eugenia, significant in consequences, brings to the fore the danger there is of fire from polished surfac3s concentrating the sun's rays on something inflam- ablc. Imy -T. J, STINSON. Proton Station P.a FARM FOR SALE SALE â€" 3-year-oid .•>..,.. , due to freshen on or about the last I ^^^t half of lot 3 ar.d lot 4, Con. 4, of June.â€" Mrs. Jas. Genoe, Flesherton Artt.niesia, 150 acieH. good barn and '. - I housi? also good orch-ird, well water- ed, large hardwood bush 16 acres. â€"NEIL CAMERON, Ceyion. COKNER BLOCK FOR SALE." Corner block for Sale in Flesher- ton, known as the old RicharJsor. block. Reasonable terms. .â€" W. L. WRIGHT. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Young sows due to farrow April 30th. â€" John Hatton, R. R. 5, Markdale. Phone 29 r 2. FOR SALE or exchange on a young work horse, young pigs, bacon type, ready to wean â€" Herb. Corbett, Proton Station. House For Sale In Flesherton . Frame 1'/^ story shingle roofed dwelling with nice large lot an4,s stable. Apply to â€" â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG. Flesherton Locals Lost Af The Chatsworth Tournament TOOK 10 MINUTES EX TR.A TO DO THE DEEDâ€" ICE COVERED WITH WATER FOR SALE or EXCHANGEâ€" One purebred Shorthorn bull 12 months old, Broadhooks family, phone 9r2, Feversham. â€" G. H. Burke Eugenia. FOR S.ALEâ€" Four cows due March 18, March 29, May 20 and one fresh; all young and in fair condition; also one gander and an aged hoi-se, scrv- icsable and cheap. â€" Fred Russell, R.R. 2, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. N. E. 50 acres of 171, and N. E. 50. acres of 172, in the 2nd con, N.E.T. and S.R., Artemesia. About 40 acres cleared, balance in bush, about 50 of hardwood; about 5 acres of soft tim- ber; 2% miles from Saugeen Junction If the purchaser can giv a good un- encumbered farm in as collateral se- curity, he can buy on easy tcrma of payment. â€"GEO. RUTHERFdRb, Phone No. 7 Box 67, Shelbume BOAR FOR SERVICE. A hockey tonrnamcnt was held at Chatsworth on Tuesday night last in which Chatsworth. Flesherton and ()\V(Mi Sound battled for the mon.:y. Owen Sound drew the bye and Flesh- erton and Chatsworth played an over- time battle in which Chatsworth ciiitnged victors V â€" 5. j The locals scor.:d Two to the homc- sUrs one :n *he first period. Cecil Mctavish getting both. In the second .spasm Flesherton piabbbcd Iv.o more G. McTavish and -Alurrray Watson scoring, while Chaisv.orth onlv jrot 1. With 'he score 4â€"2 at the b:ginn- ir.!? of the last period the boys ap- peared to be on easy street but the (Miaisworth men scored two in quick succession to tie up the game. G. MfTavish scored another and within a minute of time the loca's v.ere npain one up, but Chatsworth got the ocnializer almost at the call of time. Ten minutes of overtime was play- ed and Chatsworth sgored twice thus winning 7â€"5. Chatsworth used the same team as played hTe before. Flesherton â€" Goal, Akins; Defenc?, F. Thurston and S. McTavish; Forwanls, W. Arm strong and Murray Watson; Centre, i'. JlcTavish;- Sub. G. McTavish. Chatsworth won the play of? with Owen Sound winning 3 0. Tamworth L'oar for service, 6 mos. old, reg. bacon type, on lot 31, Con. 1 O.D.R. Terms $1, Any sow not r». turned will be charged same as thostf in ri«r. Anyone wishing to leave ih« FOR SALE â€" Purebred reg. Short- ' sow will .be charged 25c per day ex- horn heifer, 2-yr. old last June, will { traâ€" JOHN MEADS, Priceville P. O., be due to freshen the 15th of Maivh ' K. R. 3. and is bred to a first class animal. She is a prize winner; color cheiTy red. â€" W. J. Kleads, Flesherton. Swks BLLL FOR SERVICE CLEARING SALE OF POULTRY â€" W'e have 100 W. Lsghorn heus and pullats, 40 B. Rock pullets, 6 S.C.R. I. Red pullets and one cockerel, at a very special price: Leghorn hens $1 * fj.^; each, breeders $2.00, pullets 15 for $25.00. Barred Rocks .?2 each, and R. I. Reds $12 for the bunch. One 400-egg Queen hot water incubator, one 150-egg Syphers and onj oil- burning Wishbone, 1000-chick broo- der, at bargain prices. â€" Karstcdt Bc«s., Priceville. Purebied Foiled Hereford Bull for sei-vice. Terms: $1.50, and cows not returned will he charsre^ same as those in calf. Cows goin^ past the jrate and returned here wilWfe charg- d 50c. extra whether in (j^lf or not; rem this date on. Must be settled by January 1st. â€"JOHN J. MEADS, Prop. FOR SALE rent.â€" F. G. FOR S A L E Farm sale lor sale or:gj jjarkdale, Karstedt, Flesherto:i FOR SALE â€" Harness Shop and stock for sale.â€" 0. W. Phillips, Flesh- erton, Ont. J. A. CLARKE Licensed Auctioneer for Grey County Sales t.iken on reasonable terms and satisfaction guarant>3ed. Dates may he firranged at the Advanca fffice, Flesherton, at the Standard ! office, Markdale, or by calling on me Real estate sold and exchanged. Farm loans arranged. J. .\. Clarke, Phone 119w, Markdale. BUSINESS CARDS Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" A smaU quantity of | Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental ""^ f-?A_ s«leâ€" W. W. Trimble, I surgeon, honor graduate ol TorWKi '; and Royal College of Dental Suri jof Ontario. Gas administered FOR SALE â€" Quantity of large I teeth extraction. Office at residme* seed peas, Canadian Beauty, for sale. , Toronto Stret, Flesherton. A. Hogarth, Proton Station. l0OC(9O0<3^OGO$<ftiSr®4$$949»i3(<<^9^^@^^OO<l<§(Q^<S^99$^O©0^@i Egg Production at O. A. O. The aventge egg production of the one thousand pullets that were trap- nested for the year was 168 eggs each. We are trying to improve the strain in size of body, site of eggs and color, rather than increasing the number of eggs. Five pens of ten pullets each were placed in laying competitions. The fifty birds averag- ed slightly above 190 eggs each. The high bird of those iu the contests was 263 eggi^ and the high bird of those on the plant was tt6 eggs. â€" Prof. W. R. Uraham. O. A. O. Ouelph. GombMlng Orchard Peats In Winter. When the orchards have been cleared of apples there is time to go through the nearby woods and hedges and cut the wild cherry trees and bushes which are the bivouacs of the tent caterpillars that raid the or- chards In the spring. It Is a good time to insR^ct the trees for borers and to put down mice and rabbit guards at the same operation. Tram- ple the grass flat at the tret base to allow a close inspection for sawdust from the borer's operations, and thefi adjust the wire or paper guard to be In place when snow eonies. Dr. A. Tumbnll, B.A., M.B., grad- FOR SALEâ€" Brick house and two | uate from the Faculty of Medicin*, lots for sale in Flesherton; also Ma- j University of Toronto. Officeâ€" Rlcfc- scn and Risch piano in good shape, ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 89k and Chevrolet Car. Apply to F. â€" , Mathew.ion or C. N. Richardson, Fhshsrton. Prince Arthur Lodge. 333. A.F. ti I A.M., meets in the Masonic hall.. Arm- jstronf Block, Flesherton, every FH* INCUBATORS FOR SALE-J. S. j day on or before the full moon' Shepherdson of Markdale is agent for j Banks, W.M., P. J. Thurston, Sec. the Miller incubators and brooders. Two second-hand incubators for sale, , a one 110 and tha other 120-egg capac- j .ri""',-"*"^' ^"^**^ ity. White Leghorn eggs for hatch- j genry B A ing, also baby chicks for sale. |«j^^; p,,;„^ ^ g^^^^^ ^jj^ ^^ SttH. B. Lucas, K.C. ; Wk tk Offices, Markdale Ltiew Phone 2. Inindalk and Durham. MISCELLANEOUS | Telford & Bimie. Barristers, soU- NOTICE â€" Chopping <ione Tues- oitors, etc., OAeesâ€" Grey and Bme*- days, Thursdays and Saturdays.â€" Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Graham Bros.. Eugenia. Block, Flesherl^. (Sattirdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J.,». P. BImie. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Monday,! 'â€" Wednesday and Friday on Lot 12, Wn. Kaitting. Licensed AttctioMer Con. 10, Osprey. â€" F. G. Brown. for tbe counties of Grey and Simeofl. _«___^______„.^__________ Farm and stoc1( sales a specialty.. Bird-s Mackinaws, Tweeds and "T^""' moderate., satisfaction gnar- „ . ex I.- T . , anteed. Arrangements for data*- Yams, and Stockmg I^gs, new stock. „^y j,^ ^.^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^g^ ^ just arrivcd^H. Alexander, Merchant Central telephone office, FevatAam, T»i)or, Feversham. or by addreasinf me at FevershasL ^Sr -