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Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1925, p. 1

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llf^t fk&i^ttion%hn Vol. 45 No. 38 Flesherton, Ontario, February 25 1925 15 W.H.Thurston & Son, Proprietors FEVERSHAM CEYLON ' We are sorry to report the sad Mr. Alex Stewart of Owen Sound death of Hugh Sampson of Duntroon, attended the farwell party given to who was killed by a horse. Mr. ; Mr. and Mrs. Roddie Stewart on Wed. Sampson was well known around this j evening of last week by their neigh- part, j bors before leaving for their home in Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Hawton visited '. Flesherton. over the" week end at CoUingwood I Mrs. F. D. Cairns who has bean vis- with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stevens. iting friends at Port Dalhousie, St. Mrs. J. Henderson spent the past ' <^atherines and other points has r;- week with her daughter. Mrs. F. Cur- j turned home, ran at Riveiview. ' Dr. T. McCrae of Dundas spent a Fred Brackenbury'.^ sale on Thurs- [ few days last week visiting his uncle day last proved very good with a ; M'"- Geo. Arrowsmith. good crowd present. The young pec- j Mr. John Archibald of Kansas City pie returned in the evening and pre- 1 Miss, is visiting his aged sister Mrs. sented Mr. and Mrs. Brackenbury Sarah Archibald. with a lovely Morris chair and had a j jvii-. j. c. McLauchlan of Toronto good time. We are sorry to lose spent tha week end at his home here. such good neighbors from our midst, but hope that success and good health will follow them to their new home i ^^^^ Miss Margaret Sinclair visited her grandmother at Harriston the past near Flesherton. Mr. Jas. Sergant spent the week An operation was performed on Mr. , ^^j ^(^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ jj^^jg so„ at R. J. Colqustte on Thursday night j g^ Catharines. list by Drs. McFaul, Guy and Turn-j ^.^ ^^^ ^^.^ ^ ^^^^ ^.^.^^^ ^^.^^ bull, and under the care of Dr. Guy \ _.^j^^.^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^.^ ^^^ ^^^ and Nufse Moffat w 3 hope will prove successful. Mr. Han-y Horton and Mrs. W. ' ^^"g^;^-^^- Dand of Toronto are visitmg at their , „,, .;^ , , ,r . m parental home. Mrs. Horton wiU re-' M'- A- Wh:ttaker and Mrs. A. BIc- main until her father. R. J. Colquette Milla" and son, John, visited with of the week. Mr. J. J. Patteirson had a wood bee is out Of danger. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Greenaway of Winnipeg are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thornbury. Mrs. T. W. Conron is not much im- proved at time of'\vriting, but we hope she will soon take a turn for the better. The cie harvest is on at present and a number arc putting up their sum- mer suppy. Th3 ice harvest is on at present and Mr. Art Alton of the West spent Tuesday with thj former's mother, Mrs. W. Wilcock. Mr. John Nuhn spent the week end ) at Wiliamsford. friands in Osprey the first of the week. We are sorry to report Mrs. Rich- ardson, who is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Knox, hea-e, quite ill at time of writing. Mr. Jas. Radley of Toronto visited Mrs. Bolton and son, Lsvi, over the week end. * Miss Kate McMillan teacher at Mono Road, visited at her home here on Saturday. FOURTH LINE, OSPREY PRICEVILLE Another of Osprey's old rssidents passed away in the person of Mrs. Angus Campbell, who died at the home of her youngest son, Herniiston, Oregon, at the age of 82 years. Mr. . , and Mrs. Campbell, with their family, Mrs. Rota Everest of Toronto is | j^^^j^gj ^^.^^^ g^^g^ Scotland, to the spending a few weeks' holidays with , pg^^.j}, Line, Osprey, in the year 1883, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. | j^g^. husband predeceasing her tha fol- Everest. lowing year, 1884. She lived with Mrs. Sarah McLean, wlio has been I her son till the year 1906, whan she spending the winter with her daugb- | moved to Herniiston, Oregon, to her ter in Durham, spent a few days last youngest son's, where she lived until week with friends in this, village. death. She leaves to mourn tlu-ee Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan and sons and one daughter â€" .Mex., Buffalo children, Ed\vin, Jean and Isabella, Maggie, Glasgow, Scotland; Duncan, returned to their home at Forage la Hermiston, Oregon; Archie, on the Prairie. old place on the Fourth Line, Osprey. Mrs. Louis Frock attended the fun- , Quite a number in this vicinity have eral of her aunt, Mrs. McArhur, in | been sick with the grippe. Owen Sound last week. | Mr. Gladwyn Campbell is sick with Mr. Wilfred Watson spent a few ' tonsiUtis. days in Toronto recently. I Mi-s. E. Hayes is visiting her par- Miss Lydia McKinnon yas in Owen ents in Toronto at prese?it. Sound on Tuesday, Mrs. A. Campbell received a call to Miss Laura McFarlane spent the Owen Sound to attend her sister-in- yreek end at her home near Chats- law, Mrs. J. W. Young, who has been ;worth. sick for some time. ^Mr. and Mrs. Wm.^ Mather visited Mr. S. Clarke of the 9th line of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Euplirasia has started to move down A. Parks, at Allen Park on Sunday, to his new farm in this viciniy. Mrs. M. remaining over for a few ; days. Messrs. Ray McLe*! and A. B. McDonald are auditing the Township Treasurer's books this week. -,. r> T 11 i. 1.1. 1 J preciation for the acts of kindness Miss B. Jelly spent the week end , , , , . , , . , , ci. iL I nad help shown to us in our sad ber- al h?r home near Shelbume. ' ^ • ^, , i, i • 1 eavsment in the loss of our loving We are pleased to say that the scarlet fever patients are all better now, and quarantine has been lifted from the McKinnon and Reiley homes. CARD OF THANKS We hereby express our deep ap- j daughter and sister, Mrs. T. Woods. . â€" Mrs. M. Morrison and Family. Mr. Reiley's family have been shut in for twelve weeks. Simcoe county council has passed a resolution disapproving of. the prac- tice of holding teacTiers' conventions on teaching days. MARRIED NICEOLSâ€" KOSSâ€" By the Rev. H. Shannon, Mclntyre, on Wednesday, February 18th, 1925, Mr. Milton N. Nichols of Dvindalk to Miss Alice. Ross I of Maxwell. Winter is Not Over so be Comfortable by Taking Advantage of our Prices Women's Two Bnckle 0ver8h,o«8 sixes 4, .5 and 6. Reg. $3.30 for $2.50 Men's two Buckle "Miner" Overshoes. Regular S4 for $3.25. AU Felt Lhies greatly reduced. A. E. HAW Cash Cream Station. Store eloses Tuesday and Friday eve. CEYLON MAXWELL VANDELEUR The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Brodie on February 12th, after community singing the meeting open- ed with the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. .â- ^fter the busin- ess part of the meeting was over a good reading was given by Mrs. A. E. Duifield, also a splendid papsr on "How to assist iii the Institute" by Mrs. J. L. Morrison, and also a ii'ad- ing by Mrs. La\vl-i'. The meeting was then closed with the .\ational .-Vnthem and a dainty lunch was serv- ed. Th: ladies of the W. I. met the ladies and gentlemen of-tiie Orange Order No. 660, on Friday, February 13th in the Orange Hall and pj-esent- ed them with a $25 cheque to assist in the rebuilding and repairing of their hall. We are pleas'ed to report Mrs. W. Wright somewhat improved at the time of writing, although she is still confined to her bed. Little Marjory Sreley has been bed- fast with the cold the past week, but hope she will soon be able to be out again. Mr. Will Guy is about the same as usual. We hope to sete him around again when the weather gets warmer. Mr. Levi Pallister has purchased the house and lot owned by Mrs. R. F. Guy, konwn as the Eemrose house, and will move his family there this week. Mr. Sara Grummet moves in- to Mr. Levi PaUister's house on the farm which he bought. Our village was shocked on Tues- day, February 17th, when the fresh young life of Mrs. Tho.s. Woods was so quickly snapped away from our midst at the age of 23 j'ears and 7 months. She had been ailing for only a short time. About-edght years ago she underwent an operation for goitre at Rochester and ever since her heart has been weak, the goitre having been so hard on her system, and it was supposed to have hastened her end. Her maiden name was Katie Morrison youngest daughter of the late Mr. Marshall Morrison and Mrs. Morrison. She leaves to mom-n her loss a young husband and little babe of seven mos., Beryl; her mother, five b*t-othei's and one sister â€" Will of Richmond Hill, Ont.; Albert of Shelbume; Jack and Alex of Maxwell; Harold of Flesher- ton and Mrs. Will Stewart of Regina, Sask. All were present at the fun- eral with the exception of Mrs. Stuart. The remains were taken to the Anglican church where the Rev. Mr. Pogson, gave a very impressive and sympathetic address to the mourners, thence to the grave. The pallbearers were Messrs. Geo. Long Jr., Robert Priestly, .loseph Wright, Walter Lawler, Robert John Morrison and Willie Robertson. Mr. Jas. Radley of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Guy and other friends the latter part of the week. Mrs. W. E. Irwin and little daugh- ter, Ruth, of Windsor and Mr. Wright Irwin of Dundalk visited Friday with the fonniT's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawler. Little Murley Buckingham has been very ill, but is on the way to recovery now. We trust he will soon be able to be out to play again. Mr. Jas. Bremner fell while out hunting and tore the ligaments of his ankle so badly that it will be five or six, weeks before he will be able to put his foot under him. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thomson sp.iai.t Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Les Chard, of Rock Mills. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed. Hillock on Thursday next, March 5th. 8TH LINE, ARTEMESIA I Miss Jean Sincair returned home 1 after visiting a few days with her I sister, Mrs. S; H. Buchanan. Mr. Melvin Gilbert of Grand Forks, Dakota, visitetd with his sister, Mrs. W. Hutchinson, recently. , Mr. Geo. Akins of Flesherton spent the week end with his friend, Mr. A. Buchanan. Mrs. Plewis of Kimberley spent a few days last week with her dau.ghter, Mrs. F. Davis. .Mrs. J. I. Graham is attending her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. R. Graham, of Markdalo, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker and child- ren visited with friends at Kimberley one day recently. Splendid radio music is being heard by quite a number in this section just now. Quite a number from here went to Kimberley on Friday evening of last week to hear Iho debate between VandeLur and Kimberley. The sub- ject was re£.olved,, "that the advance- ment of the country depends more on its natural resources than its people."" Kimberley supported the affirmative and won by a narrow margin. The Women's Institute held tlieir February meeting at the home of Mrs. Harry Baker on Thursday afternoon of last week. A large number were present and^ considerable businei's was discussed. Splendid papers were given by Mrs. Dane McGeo on "Suit- able menus for children'' and Mrs. J. J. -McGee on "Rest" v/hich were much enjoyed by all. Good instrumental music was given by Miss Ruth Myles of Kimberley. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wyville, Mrs. J. HoUey and Jlrs. Ratcliffe. On Wednesday, Febi-uary 11th, 1925, the spirit of Mrs. .Arthur John- ston passed peacefully away to the Great Beyond. The deceased, who was 76 years of age, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. R. Boland, for about two weeks. Mrs. Johnston, Whose maiden name was Miss Isabella Sin- clair, was born in Toronto and when eight of age moved with her parents i > Sarnia where slie lived until her marriage in 1873 to the la to Arthiii' Johnston, who predeceased her some years ago. After their marriage they came to Artome'^ia, where shr has since resided. To them were born the following surviv- ing; Mrs. Hare of Markdn.le, Mrs. F. R. Boland, Luttdy and Will of this place, also one brother and two sisterc in Sarnia. The was a lov- ing and ('evoted mother and greatly respected by ail who liuQ\w lier. .She was a member of the Methodist church from her eariy girlhood and was a regular attendant till her failing hnrii'h about a y;ar ago pre- vented hev. Tlie funeral took place on Friday to the Meaford Road cem- etery and was very largely attended. •Service \ held in the Vandeleur church, 1 jnductetd by her pastor, I Rev. P. N. Bowes, of Markdalc, who | preached an excellent sermon. The pallbear. IS wez'e M;ssrs. Geo. Shan- non, Goo. Pritchard, J. I. Graham., Jo^ Bvehanan, J., J. McGee and S. Gilbert. The floral tributes consist- ed of v.Toath from the family, pillow from the McGoe- family, spray from the Nosbett I'lmi'y. Credit Forks; spray from Mr. W. Buchanan, Tillie and Hen of Toronto; aheaf from the Vandeleur ladies; spray from Presby- terian S. .S.; spray from Orange Vnl- !â-  y .''chool Section and a sheaf from the Vandeleur Institute. , ROCK MILLS We are glad to learn that Mr. J. J. Boyce, who was so seriously ill, was so much ffiiproved as to be able to visit one day last week with his sister, Mrs. A. English. Mr. and Mrs. Finley Hoy, who have spent the past throe weeks with the former's parents here, left Wediies- (iay for TorontJo, whei-e they will spend a few days with relatives be- fore leaving for their home at Scots- guard, Sask. Quite a number from around here attended Mr. Brackenbury's sale on Thui"sday last. Mr. Ed. Fislier attended the funeral of his mother in Toronto recently. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mr. Fisher and family in their ber- eavement. T'n'ty U.F.W.O. and Eugenia U.F. C. C'ubs. which were to have held a joint nietting at Eugenia, have post- pon.l the afjair until further notice. Fu!:'. C. Newell and sister. Miss Edith Betts visited with .Mr. and Mi-s. A. F. Pedlar and family, Eugenia. Misses Mabel Fc.iwjck and Ella .McMulIen visited one day last week v.ith the Edith and Mabel Bens. Mrs. Walter Russell was taken to Cwen Sound iospital on Friday last wliere she \';Y.< receive further treat- ment. Mr. I'usssll and Miss Reta L'nton accoi. >anied her to Owoin .Sound, home the same evening. * i There was ;â- . splendid turnout at the prayer meei'ng which was held at the home of : ir. Isaac Smith last Thursday night, there being about si.xty present. i PROTON STATION The national day of prayer. Feb. 27th, will be observed by the Presb- yterian W.M.S. hire. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Roome. ( | .Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver, 0. D. R. spent a day or two last week at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. J. Vause. .MiT,. Goo. Woods and family of the neighbouring town of Chatsworth were guests of Mrs. Aex. Hergott last we^k. -Mrs. J. D. Howell'and baby HeUn of Calgary, visited at the home of R. G. Acheson. Miss Jean McCannell, teacher at Badgero.?, spent the we«k end at her home hero. Mro. Henry Wright of Maxwell, was the guest- of .Mrs. Roome and Mrs. Bates. Sirs. Cade spent a week at Toronto. few days last Mr. Sam Batchelor is piling a large quantity of wood in liis brickyard in pr: pui-ation for a bi? season of brick .making next summc â- . Orangeville public school attend- ance has so grown that a new class has been, started in the class room ' uf the Baptist church. i Bates Burial Co. Funeral Service New Modern Funerial Parlors 122-124 Aver,ue _,_„_. ,_.^ Ro^ct TORONTO 'Phane micrest 0268 J. W. Bi^tes R. Maddocks Formerlv of Flesherton. 1 HOUSE OF GLUALITV WE ALWAYS KEF^ A FULL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND FRL'IT â€" Oranges, Lemons and Grape "Fruit. CONFECTIONERYâ€" NeilEon's bulk chocolate bars and fancy boxes A FULL STOCK OF BR.A.N. SHORTS. GROUND bCREENING.S, CAT CHOP. WHEAT CHOP. OYSTER SHELL, BEEF SCRAP AND LAYING MASH S.'VLT â€" Barrels and sacks. W. J. STEWART 8i SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceriea and Confectionery Flesherton Robert Steele of Bolton ought t<) be getting used to broken arms. He was just recovering from an accident in which he had broken his arm, when he slipped on the verandah and broke it ."gain. â€"II February has brought us two thaws alre&dy. Mr. Luther Duckett has rented Mr. Roddy Stewart's farm on the west back line near Ceylon, and will mpve thereto soon. He has already moved his machinery. We wish him success in his new home. The 8th lire people gave a party at the home of Mr. A. F. Pedlar on Friday evening last. A very jolly time was spent. A week ago a very j pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. James Porteous. Messrs. Purdy and Whittaker of Stone's line are frequent visitors- on our Hne. The attraction is not ra- dio, but "Lady-o." Mr. and Mrs. David Genoe and daughter, Dorothy, of East Mountain visit«d with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jam ieson on Sunday. Mr. 1. B. Lucas has a downy offi- cial bed to lie on and the wolf is far rfom his door with a salary of $21,000 a yee.r as Chief Counsel of the Hydro Comnrssion just about as much as the eombined salaries of the ministers of af the Crown, outside of the Prefmier. The Hon. Dougald Carmichael has surely romcthing to answer for in de- feating I. B. in Grey. At least two instances can be cited locally, as a result of the recent thaw to show that either this winter is peculiar to itself or some things are rushing the season. MiM Edith Mc- Comb, Provincial highway, near MeJ- ancthon Station, uncovered pansies in bloom in (he garden, and Mr. Wll Spilker, Wiu^im sfrfeet, Shelbume, dug Jive fieV. worms in his garden. â€" Economiat. FURNITURE TALK It will soon be the time of the year when all housewives will be thinking of what changes they would like to make in their house cleaning campaign this Spring. Nearly every housewife likes to add or replace some piece of furniture when at the job of cleaning house. Might we suggest that we wouid be pleased to supply your wants in this line nt all times. Special pricae to beginners starting up or 9«/les made for presents. We also handle the Sunstop shades for storei>, halls, schools or any business place: last twice as long as ordinary blinds. We have been very pleased wi»h the response to our picture framing advt. and would add that no doubt there are •thers who have pictures or a nice calendar which would keep far better if nicely framed. If so. bring them in and we will do the job for you. Thos. W. Findlay FURNITURE DEALER FUNER.\L DIKECTOR Flesherton

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