- /I Wed., FebmaTj 18, 1925 THB FLK8HERTON ADVANCE I ^ > Hits Miiiieiyoiis Writes Akry Of Her Trip Ta The Capital Wm a PriaeSy Mim A. C. MacpkaU- M.P., For The PuUk Speaking Centett Miss MAxini- I^vons, dauKhter of Mr. and Mra. W.J. Lyons, Markdale, who won the MUft Mcrhail Public 1 Sp«akinK Canlest in Grey County | School Pairs held ^at Flesherton on 1 October l«th lust, jicceptod the prize | â€" the trip bo OttawiB to see the open- 1 ing of the Federal House of Commons i on Febroary Sth. M«t diary is as follows: â€" 1 We<ineH<ia>. F«bcua;r> ith. The train left Markdalc at 4.18. * The school children and three of thj teachsrs ciune dawn to the train to ' sec me off. My mother accompanied i me as far a* ShelbutHc. Miss Mac- i phail Kot on the traiji^ut Flesherton. | When we grot to Nortl) Toronto Sta- } lion we hLned a taxi HKii went to the j Union Station •^h^re we checked our! prips. We ha* three ibowrs to wait I and spent the time at .a vaudeville : niond tiara in maple .leaf des4ga. At; soon as Lord Byng's party had got seated the Uentlenian Usher «f the Black Rod waa sent to susmaa the members of Parliaiasut Srom the Chamber to hi'ar Lord Bytig read .the Pr-eech from the Throne, which is really a Govemwent's plan of work for the session. All the inemtarrs stood in confusion at the back of the chamber, ;'Xoept Mi-. Kiag who, in Windsor Uniform, stood ta the ri{rht of Lord Bynir. The juUress ^was read flrst in £nj(liKh and then ,in French, and it spoke of Acform of the Senate, Freifrht £ateB mn hoth .'and and sea, Immigration, Raihvay in Peac? Kiver, and Econonty. .It too)( a lonf: time to read it in tlioth English and French, and J was quite tired and many of the ladies looked I as thouKh they were toe. Tl\e judges had on red cloaks trimmed with whit? ParliamenUry' dining-room at 9.30. One gave me a pretty silver pm. We had a luncheon party at noon for the member for North G»8y and his wife. In the afternoon two members, Miss Macphail and I went to Fairy Laka to see the ski-ing. We walked and -walked, it seemed to me about nve miles, but the high jumping was worth the effort. We wemt to Mr. Woodsworth's for t?a, and I had a good time playing with the children. We went to bed early. home to see my mother and father and little brother, and school mates once more. â€" MAXINE. News at The District A hunter at Hopeville has secured 17 fox skins this year. Dundalk council granted $850 to the village band. Sunday, February 8th. We had a long, lazy morning, and a delicious dinner in the Parliament- ary dining-room at two o'clock. In the afternoon we went to tea, and afterwards to church. Monday, February 9th. On Monday we came to the Parlia- fur, and sat with their backs to .one ; ^^^^^ Buildings about 0.30 a.id Miss another. I_ thoutfh^t that was^queer. j j^.^^ Macphail worked for n while. and; I wrote a letter to the girls and who entered the contest with I met the Hon. Geo. P. Graham Mr. Macdonald, Hon. Mr. Robb show. Then after a liRht lunch in j „„jjj,, ^y^ ^^^ .^.^.^ i^,t„ ^^^^ ^,^,1. Walker's Cafelej ui, wo leot on the j ^^^ „f j^c House of Commons. Two train about 10..30. J had never sl.'pt ! ,„en,i,y,.s had died since the Houst- on the train bt-fow and it vitts quite j ^^^^g g„j j^^ p^j^^ Mt»ister, Mi- an experience, but 1 think : 1 must i Meiphen and Mr. Forke paid a tribute have been excited, and the train was I to ihi'ir n>?mor3-. I asked Miss Mac- warm, so 1 did not sle.'pw«lJ...i»r*1 the | phail if they would say nice things niffht seemed quite long. j about her if she -sveie dead, smd she I said, "Yes, if I -were dead." From j there we w-ent to Mr. Lemi^-uit's re- We arrived in the Central Statio;i. ! pppti„„ ^y^en Miss Macphail told Ottawa, shortly k-forp eight o'clock. ' jir. Lemieux who 1 was he kisseil mo and went direct to Miss McPhail's ap- ; ;„ ^j^ courtly French way. We went artment, wher.? aft«>r breakfast we <„ ^ ,,1,,,,^^ party that night aoi to rested and pot ready for the openinf? ,he movies afterwards, in the afternoon. We went to the Parliament Buildinp.s about 1,»-o o'- ! ^iday, February 6th. clock. I liked Mi.ss Macphail's ofTic-o. [ J was so tired Friday morning that After looking ul the House of (Com- 1 ek-pt until nearly noon. I »aw all .\t the conclusion of the speech liord Byiitr's party left, accompanied by the Prime Minister. Tha membt>rs w^nt back to , their own Chanilier. Miss Macphail waited for me and we ^^^j j^^^^ ^^^ Stewart. They were went to two receptions, the first Riven ^^^.^.^ ^jjj,, ^^ „,p i thought Mr. by the Speak :t of the Senate nnd Graham was delightful. I sat in the Mrs. Bostock We were asked U> pjjjjp,.y ^n,) heard the speeches. Then lead the pi-ocessiim tii. The taWes ^^ fi.j^.n.i.of Miss Macphail's, Mrs. were beautiful. We had some lem Thos. Long of Vamey died recently at the age of 66 years. The winter overhauling of boats at Owen Sound has commenced. Small Advertisement LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" At the railroad crossing at Ceylon about January 19th,iron claw bar. Finder please communicate with Jas. Sargent, Ceylon. LOST â€" Purse containing import- ant papers and small sum of money, on the Collingwood gravel about a month ago. Finder please notify Tucker Phillips or leave at this office. 8 For ImmediateSiK HOTEL PROPERTY ANO FARM Uundalk had a net surplus of f 2.S78 on th^ir hydro account. Mr. and Mrs. E. Raymond of Clark- sburg celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Monday of last week. Thursday, Febrwary 5th, mons' Chamlier, tho Library and a few t'ther principal rooms, 1 was â- t<Srv:- en a seat on the floor of the Seiiatt- Alrea^v many ladie."; in formal sveiu ing drets were in their place, and they kept cojjiing continually until three o'clock. Jt was a brilliant sptctaclp, much more wonderful than 1 thought it would be. Tho floor of tho Senate was packed vith people, as was also the galleries. Lady Byng was gowned in wint^ colored lac? with court train, nnd f>ti her head a dia- throv^h the building.i that day after lunch, and went onto the roof, from where J got a good view of Ottawa. Two laities came in from the country to .--oc r^l^ one my mother's cousin. We had dinner at the partnien tand i worked etoss-word puz'^iles with the number for Victoria-Haliburton until bed time. -, Saturday. Febnwiry 7th. The two ladies «ho came in the day 1 :?foi-c, Iwd l.rcai;f:i,<t with u.s in tho a Barlor, took me with her little son through the museum, and home with her for sttpper. It was raining and the streets were terribly slushy. I wont horns about nine o'clock. We had a good time playing games. Vuesday, February 10th, 1925. I packed my tilings in the morning- itml went thi-e»u;rh some of the shops. I mot tho PriuK' -Minister, he w.is grat-iou.'^, and ti'jt- Hon. Charles Mur- phy. He ga^t ma a flower, and showtd 11.3 his Sjively office. We spent ii few minute*. at Mr. Meighen's ofl'ice.»id he gave nt- an autographed book of the speeches he made while in Knglnnd. Miss Slacphail and I calk'd Oil Dr. Keys, tW Principal of the Normal School, also »on Mr. Pitt- a-ivay, the <V'ovci-nnient photographer, and he gave inc a photo oj the Prinee of Wales, ix was my birthday and Mi«R Macphafl gave me a dinner l)arty for six with a birthday cake in the centre of tlw table. The tihef of the Hoo.se of Coimnons made it. It had twelve candles. We had a gay party. Everyone -was wonderfnlly good to mc, Ths trip was better than any medal could possibly !•?. 1 was sorry to leave, but glad to go Edward Scholtzhauer of Bentinck three miles from Hanover had his hand cut off in a cutting box. STOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" 3-year-oid Heifer due to freshen on or about the last of June. â€" Mrs. Jas. Genoe, Flesherton FOR SALEâ€" Pair of White Wyan- dotte chickens, beauties. â€" F. J. Thur- ston, Flesherton. The C.N.B. elevator at Collingwood will be improved to the extent of $15,000. Roy Wesley and Alex Markle of Owen Sound were jpven six months at the jail farm for theft Durham Presbytsrians decided in favor of Church Union by a majority of 53. J. A. Parks of Thomburj' was elect- ed president of the Board of Trade for this year. Seeing that surgery can now cure baggy eyelids, let's see what it can do about baggy trousers. Tho vote on Church Union at Hol- stein Presbyterian church resulted in a majority of 2 for the anti-Unionists. FOR SALEâ€" Holstein heifer for sale rising 3 years due to freshen in the fall.â€" G. B. Welton, Flesherton. W<3 are open to receive offers to' purchase the McLauchlan Hotel in the Village of Ceylon. Brick con- struction, 18 rooms and cement hawt* ment, heated entirely by furnace. Completely furnished and ready for occupancy. Including two bams, sbsd, woodshed, hen house, meat house, implement house and work- shop. Good water supply. FARM PROPERTY, 33 acres sugar maple bush and 33 acres under culti- vation. Make us an offer, the property is well worth ^fflvestigating to anyone interested and will bs sold cheap for quick sale. Apply to W. A. ARMSTRONG or S. E.OeCUDMORE, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Yearling Jersey heifer; also a Beagle dog. and good .Army shot gun. â€" O. W. Phillips, Flesherton. FOU SALEâ€" 3 thorobred Toulouse geese and one gander 2 years old, also a thoroughbred African gander, reasonably priced R. R. No. 3, Proton, Phone 32-5. FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Provincirf* Highway. Three farms, two of 10© acres and one of 50' acres all cleared; First class buildings, up to date in every particular. Will sell any on©- of these. Good brick house on one of the farms. The stabling for anni- Archie Ste\vart, j mala is perfect. One farm has £ait "Harfy Hunter, who resides in Dur- ham during the summer, presented the hocksy club with eight pairs of sweaters and stockings. Alfred Inkster of Dundalk has fix- ed up his bicycle with a runner in place of the front wh:?el and is able to travel on the streets. • SIX HILL STORES fWe buy together in order (kat ourcuetomers in the lix com- A munities majr materially bcB- ^ afit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandiae at the fairest possiblr prices. Special Sale of Remnants I Many Useful Lengths at a fraction of Regular Prices 4» « • • Stock-Taking adways brings to light many short lengths. These we have assembled and marked at very attractive prices which wlH mean a big saving to the purchaser. Share in this money-raving event- - â- ^ Many Short Lengths of Curtain Materials Wf have many shurl-k-iitilhs of Curtain Material which will in many instan- ces be marked at less lliaii iialf price. This surely is an opportune time for buy- injr curtain materials es])ecially when you can buy lengths suitable for small win- dows .-md in fact st)nie of the larger windows at tremendous reductions in price, and just at the season of the year when most wanted. Look them over early as the most desirable lengths will be among the first to be i)icked up. Remnants of All Kinds of Materials Will Be Included It wDuld be dilTicult to describe the many ditYerent materials placed on siile during the next week or two, suffice to say that in very instance the saving will be from a quarter to half less than the regular prices : I REMNANTS OF TICKING. ' REMNANTS OF COTTON. REMNANTS OF SHIRTING. REMNANTS OF SHEETINGS REMNANTS OF VOILE. â- -• REMNANTS OF VELVETEENS. REMNANTS OF MANTLE CLOTHS REMNANTS OF CHINTZ. REMNANTS OF PRINTS. REMNANTS OF FLANNELETTES. REMNANTS OF GINGHAMS. REMNANTS of WRAPPERETTE8. REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. REMNANTS OF SILKS. REMNANTS OF CRETONNE& ETC., ETC., ETC. The New Wall Papers are Here Our Wall Papers for Spring 1925 have arrived anl they certainly surpass in harmony and beauty of coloring any thatwe have previously shown. Our selling in this department has been increasing each season and the large quantities we can buy (including our fivestores) give us a great advantage in the matter of price whifh we are pleased to hand on to tnir customers. Buy your Wall Pa- pers now and have them hung before the bu.sy Spring-time arrives. We^ould deem it a pleasure to show you our large assortment suitable for any and\very room in your home. Our Mr. Noble will be pleased to help you in arfPrway in the matter of giving you estimates, suggesting color combinations or in any other wav. Our aim and desire is to please our customers. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale A pair of English pheasants are wintering ai ftayner. We wonder if these came from the Eugenia pre- coTve. acre.s hardwood bush and anotHfer â€" -^ [ Hundred has three acres of timUtr CLEARING SALE OP POULTRY ! and has bulldinngs for everyf^ng â€"We have 100 W. Lighorn hens and i needed, including poultry house antf pullets, 40 B. Rock pullets, 6 S.C.R. ' pig pen.s. No broken land and clear I. Red pallets and one cockerel, at a of weeds. Any person interetaed* very special price: Leghorn hens $1 should investigate, each, bresders $2.00, pullots 15 for -T. J. STINSON. $25.00. Barred Rocks $2 each, and Imy Proton Station P.O: |R. I. Reds 812 for the bunch. One ~ â€" â€" 1â€"' iioo-cgg Queen hot water incubator, I House For Sale In Flesherton one ] oO-egg Syphers and on.? oil- - burning Wishbone, 1000-chick broo- 1 Frame 1% story shingle roofed der, at bargain prices. â€" Karstedt i dwelling with nice large lot an<f Bros., Priceville. | stable. Apply to â€" â€" W. A. ARMST RONG. FIcshertott CORNER BLOCK FOR SALE. Corner block for sale in Flesher- ton, known as the old Richardson block. Reasonable terms. =51_IlLjVRIGHT^jlesherton. FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. . , N. E. 50 residence: m If thi.s winter in an "old fashioned" one, then we'll never again condemn this age for cutting away- from things old-fashioned. Robert Robinson, a Biuce Tw]). farmer, had a charge laid against him for abuse to a horse, it being stated that he left the horse st^mding in a church shad for a couple of days without ftti^ and <H\pose<| 't(> thi; weather. R. W. Thorn, C.N.R. agent, is the iic-.v ilrcsident of the Collingwood Horticultural Society. The 1924 membership was 'M5, an increase of 132 ovsr the previous year. Con- siderabli work was done 'in the plant- ing of flowers in the park and on the streets. PRESENTATION TO MISS ROSS '^'.1 ^ionclay evening:, Pcl-.v.!aiy '^"^ tlic teachers aiui scholar.--: of the Max- well Sunduy school met at the home of Mr. and Mis. CJso. W. Ross to ^P'.-M(l a social evening with Miss Alice â- in the eve of her departure from their midst. During the evening an ad- dress was read by tho Superintendant, Mr. Wm. Wright, and the presenta- tion was made by MIfs Beatrice Long of a nice fruit set Hnd cream pitcher. The evening was spent in games and music. Lunch was served and after singing "God be with you 'till we m(i?t again.'' and wishing the bride- to-be long life and happiness all dis- persed to their homes. FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Cream Separator for sale at a bargain. â€" Sam. Osborne, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 2 galvanized water tanks for sale. I am agent for met- allic shingles. â€" M. Kerton, Flesherton FOR SALEâ€" 9-room Flcsehrton on main st., dition; good barn and stabling ply to S. E. deCudmore ' acres of 179""^ ?l "^' """^ N. E. 5ff Flesherton. , !'«''d^ood; about 5 acres of soft tim- Ap- I cleared, balance in bush, abou*t 50*rf t 5 acres of soft tim- i If thP nn,..j,T â- â„¢'" Saugeen Junction FOR S.^LE OR EXCHANGE-50,encumbSir4'=L\TcoflaK""' ' ^!^pS„5.^ - buy'VeaTS-i ncres for sale, mostly swamp, hack line, Artcmesia. Would ex- change for small house in Flesherton. Apply to W. G. Lee, Markdale, or at this office. This is a bargain. p. „ -, â€"GEO. RUTHERFORD ' Phone No. 7 Box 67, Shelburne INCUBATORS FOR SALEâ€" J. S. Shopherdson of Markdale is agent for l.he Miller incubators and brooders. "°^^ Two second-hand incubators for sale. Boars For Service Also purebred registered Yorkshi: n».i:uvsti^i^,i-/^ «„o no .„d in other IZO-egg cp.o' j luS'.m â„¢dS^ ..„. „ ,„„, ity. White Leghorn eggs for hatch- ing, also baby chicks for s'.i!e. NOT VERY POPULAR There is nothing worthy of a mo- ment's criticism to be said in favour of raising either the salaries of the Ontario Government or the mem- bers of the legislature. Arguments against the proposal are inunwrable. The salaries of the Ministers are not out of line with the' possible earn- ings of any of these men in private life; th;y are in excess of the earn- ings of some at least of the Cabinet Ministers, and are fully equal to what any wise corporation would pay the best of them. The "indemnity" of a member of the Legislature is not a salary; it is merely intended to in- demnify him of aqy actual loss and for that purpose it is ample. On th« other hand, will the gates opened by larger salaries for Iflhistera, and the chango from indemnities to sal- aries for members of the Legislature the way will be prepared for freer !^pending in all directions and a Pro- vince, the most urgent nead of which is economy, will be started on a freah orgy of extravansance. â€" Farmers For Sale â€" One Chatham Incubator, size 120 egg, in first class condition. Always had best of success with it. Only reason for selling, Would like a larger one â€" John J. Meads, Price- ville R.R. No. 3, 2ik miles from Ceylon. »ijti WANTED! MAN WANTED â€" General farm hand. â€" Jas. Stinson^ Proton Station P.O. WANTEDâ€" Small farm to buy or in pig. Feb 15 Sows not re- *rgea s â€" T. J. STINSON. Prop. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Tarn wortK Boar for service, 5 mos old, reg. bacon type, on lot 31, Con 1 O.D.R Terms II. Any sow not «: turned wdl be charged same ai those »n pig. Anyone-wishing to leave the sow will be charged 25c per day ex- tra-JOHN MEADS. Priceville P O. ^^- 3wk. BUSINESS^CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., denUI rent, having good buildings, plenty of !!?«"'??."« ^"^"i?** »' ToronU wood, not too far from market. Write 'eJ^'o^S ^G?: IdmrSiTJS stating what you have, price, etc., to teeth ii.t«/.«<^ aaminisiered for Rox ,«. F.v.rsh«m. L. ! ^1^1^^ PlXTon"' ""''*"*" Box 79, Fevershanii Ont. I WANTEDâ€" Energetic man. Good record, to sell life isurance. WHl assist to finance and secura business. Apply to Box 61, Owen Sound, Ont: Dr. A. TnmbBll, B.A.. M.B.. grad- nate from the Factdty of Medida% University of Toronto. Offlceâ€" Rich- ardson Block. Flesherton. Phone «k Prince Arthur Lodge. 83$, AJ". * NOTICE â€" Chopping done six days j ^•^•' "*«*" >» *•»« Masonic hall, Ay^- during the week. â€" Graham Bros., I**â„¢"* ^'**''' Flesherton. every Fri. Eugenia. I ^^ <•*» »' before the full moon. G, Banks, W.M., F. J. Thwston, S«^ M 1 S C E L L ANEO U S NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Lot 19, i Con. 10, Oaprey.â€" F, G. Brown. Bird's Mackinaw*, Tweeds and i Yarns, and Stocking Lefs, n«w stoek, i just arrivedâ€" H. Alexander, Merchant Tailor. Fevwsham. j Lmss « Hewy, Barristers, S«llelt> art, etc.â€" I. B. Lncas, K.C. ; "W. D- HcBiy. B.A. OlBeea, Markdale Laea» Block, Phone S. Braadi ^kea afr pqndalk and Dnrhanii. ROAD SUPERVISOR WANTED Enecgetic man with isnce of road building I T^eid A Biral*. Baniatm, aalt, iclters, etc. Officesâ€" Gray aad Bt«e» > Block, Owen Sound; Standard 9)|i^ Block, Flesherton, (Satordtjra). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. some expw- to supervise Wai. UceMe4 AMI^^ the construction and maintenance of fo, ^ii^ countiei of Grey Public roads in the Township of Farm and Stock sales a Osprey. State salary expected per Terms moderate., satisfaction day. Applications received up to .nteed. Arrangements for March I2th. Address, J. A. Kema- may Ulaade at the Adwinc* han. Act. Clerk. Tp. of Osprey, Central tclefikone oAee, Maxwell. Ont. «. l>y i*HsMlM M* at 4mm