I * You have been intending to Uj *^md RoaOt" Why not now bef or* jrou f orf«t. RED ROSE XBA.^'is good tea The ORANGE PEKOE fa extra good. Try Itl WorkTsPity. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provlnelal Board of HmWi, Ontartow Cr. MMdleton wIU b« «1»«1 to aMwor qsMUoiM oa Pnbll« H«*ltk mat- tor* thxtMifb tbla colttBB. AA<lnu Urn at Bpadlna Hooao. Spadiaa Croaceat Toronto. World* Pity U a nook la Paradia* Whence (onr pal* Mttle prl band In hand. Peer on the cberub aborts with wlat- ful, wonderlns ayea, As If }oy still were etrange to oa- deretand. For two rememl>er Uondon'e gloomy tower. And one the Parte mob bellowlnC the channa or Madame OuUIotiae. and one the midnight hovr When murder imote hla is hia father** arm*. Even' In Heaven a simple etate they hold. For the shining children, tain to comfort, apread Before them violets blue and. like a cloth of gold. Bright joaqulls. snowdrops â€" erery hue but red. â€" Katharine La« Bates Ic Youtb'j Companion. OGDEN*S LIVERPOOL \^mM I â- LUU CUT PLUG How many coinmunicable or infec- tious diseases can be avoided? That : is a question of interest to everybody,! but in the case of children, it is espe- cially important to know something about it. One way to avoid these dis-i eases is to keep away from people who are sick an<J from places where' these diseases exist. This advice is especially good for children. If you come near a child having ono of theae contagious diseases, you may be ex- posed to breathing the germs when they are thrown out into the air by the sick child coughing. As a result, you may become sick also, sc it Is good advice to shun the company of all who are sick with any disease that might be contagious. As far as'.school chil- dren are concerned, there is another point to observe. Never borrow a pencil, a pen, or a book, etc., from another child, and also never carry to your mouth such articles as pencils, pens, etc., that may have been in the mouths of others. The school child should also remember to avoid moist- ening its finger in turning over the leaves of a book, for on the pencil, the pen, the leaves of the book, may be hundreds and thousands of germs which may directly or indirectly And their way into the child's mouth. A third precaution is to never allow a sick child to go to school.. If you find that a child is or seems sick, report this fact to the teacher at once. If you learn that there is sicknes.s in the home of a child who goes to your school, immediately notify the teacher that he may send the child home, be- cause the sick child may spread con- tagion through the school. These precautions should still more rigorously be adhered to when there are many cases of contagious dieeaae in a municipality, and wnen this out- break is known to th^ school author- ities. The removal of a ^ick child from school, even at the onset of the disease, is a sound means of protection in that it removes the source of the danger from the school. In order to wage a successful fight against all forms of ill-health and dis- ease, the education of the young and especially of the children of school age in health matters is imperative. The children of to-day will be men and women of to-morrow, and if the chil- dren of to-day learn the principles of hygiene, the men and women of to- morrow will put them into practice. Grown-up people do not very readily j learn anytning of interest to their health and weu-being. The reason is that they have developed set habits, and have got, as it were, into a rut from which they cannot extricate themselves, and when they are in this rut, their viewpoint is narrowed and their vision clouded. They cannot see beyond their own limited experience, and they have the tendency to sneer at, or try to minimize the importance of any new efforts to preserve the health of the individual or the com- munity. So it is to the child that we pin our faith. The elastic mind of tlK child is receptive to good influences and sound teaching, and if guided along right paths, will have a tendency at least to put them into practice all through the later years. The Biblical adage Holds true in health matters as well as other phases of life. "Teach the child the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it" WORKIES n THE HOXE BABY'S WELFARE I DURING FEBRUARY February is one of the hardest months of the year on little ones. It is a month of cold, blustery days that "prevent the mother taking her ^aby out for the fresh air so necessary to its welfare. Baby is consequently conftued to the home. More often than not the rooms are overheated and badly ventilated and the little one catches cold or grippe. What la needed to keep the baby well Is a gen- tle Ia.\ative that will regulate the stomach and bowels: banish constipa- tion and indigestion and In this way will either prevent or break up colds and grippe. Such a laxative Is Baby's Own Tablets. They are mild but thorough In action; are absolutely safe as they are guaranteed to contain 10 opiates or narcotics. iTiey never fall to be of benefit to little ones and may be given to either the newborn babe or the growing child. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents, a box from. The Dr. WlUlanis' Jledielne Co. Brockvllle. Ont. Appearances Deceitful. The late Lord Houghton, of Eng- land, was a poet, and considered a very impracticable person, but In one case at least he showed all the guile of a ward politician. .\ poor washer- woman's little boy was arrested for stealing a horse. The youngster and another like him bad found a horse grazing In a tield near London, bad Improvised a. bridle from a handker- chief, and they were hating a fine ride when arrested. They were about ten years old and small for their age. The laundress knew Lord Houghton and appealed to htm for advice. "Put both boys â€" both, mind you," said he. "in nice clean pinafores when they go into court. Do that, and you need not fear." The two little chaps uiipeared in the dock In due time. "What Is this case?"' demanded the Judge In suprlse. "Horse-stealing." wa« the reply. "StufT and nonsense: " cried the judge. •The idea of these infants stealing a horse! They stole a ride. 1 dare say. The case is dismissed."' It is These That Cause Many a Breakdown in Health. Almost every woman at the head of a home meets dally with little worriea In her household affairs. They may be too small to notice an hour after- wards, but It Is the same little worriea that break down the health of eo many women. Their effect may be noticed In nervous headaches. Bckle appetite. Indigestion, pains In the side or back, and a sallow complexion. To those afflicted in tills way Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, by Improving and purifying the blood, bring speedy relief, .\mong thousands of weak women who have tested and proved the merits of this medicine is Mrs. Qustave Hutt. Bmz- elles. Man., who says: â€" '"It is with profound thanks that I write to tell you what Dr. Williams' Pink Plllg have done for ine. Before 1 began tak- ing these pins I was weak, and my blood thin and watery. I was so thin that I looked like a skeleton. I was troubled with headaches and indiges- tion, did not sleep well, and was ter- ribly constipated. I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I soon found that they were Juat what I needed. Under their use uy appe- tite returned, my food digested pro- perly, and I slept better at night, and gained In flesh as well as strength. The result is that now I am a per- fectly healthy woman, and there is no doubt that it is due to the use of Dr. Williams" Pink Pills, a supply of which 1 now always keep In the house, and I would advise other women to do the same." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr WiliiantB' Medicine Co., Brockvllle. Ont. Pure Bred Sire* EasentiaL Back in the old days, when oar an- caslors paid no atteniiun to the keep- ing of live stock, the native stock, run- ning wild throughout the country, pro- duced only enough milk tor their young. As time went on, ho'^ever. men discovered the value of milk as a food for human consumption and they began to select the cows that gave the largest quantlile*. Thus, we dnd that for many year* live stock men have studied their herds, carefully selecting female* that possessed high producing qualities. These females were bred to airea whose dams bad displayed high pro- ducing tendencies. As time advanced breeders learned to keep records of all the milk given, as well as the feed coa-umed. The result 'Is that now we have re- cords of Individual cows giving over 30,000 pounds of milk in a year. What a debt we owe to those old improvers of our breeds, we cannot repay them, but we can continue to carry on the work that they so nobly commenced. In so doing we will add greatly, not only to our own income but we will contribute to the revenue of Canada. No farmers can afford to neglect their live stock In theee days, when feed prices are soaring. The use of pure bred sires, careful selection of females, with judicious economical feedings, to- gether with the keeping of records, are essential points that the farmer of to- day cannot overlook and prosper. EASY TRICKS Ask Your Neighbor Too Hot. A doctor received the following ncte from a patient: "Dear Doctor.â€" The mustard plas- ters you prescribed for me twice a day may 'ue all very well, but they're eo hot I can't eat more than one a day." ]} s i Hand a friend a slip of paper and a pencil and ask him to write on the paper any number he likes. Stand some distance away so that you cannot see what he writes .\8k him to ask his left hand neighbor to whisper any number to him and give him the choice of adding it to the number he wrote, subtracting it from the namber he wrote or ignor- ing it altogether. Ask him to ask bis right hand neighbor to mention any number to him. He may add this, subtract It. maltiply by It or divide by it. He Is to take the sum he now has and maltiply by any multiple of 9. Then for the finish of the trick. la which the friend loses a little of his freedom of action. He Is to cross out any digit in the product except- ing a cipher and to mention to you the digits he did not cross oat. Im- mediately you will tell him the namber he crossed oat. The secret Is that you add the digits he gives yoa and subtract their total from the next multiple of 9. The remainder will be the number struck out. (Clip thia out and patte U. ti7<t)k otfifr e." th< MTies in a tcrmvbook.) Suppress a moment's anger, and you may prevent a life-time sorrow. =a Claasified Advertuements REMNANTS. D ARG.AIN PARCEL. $2; 5 LBS. , *-' Patches, J2. McCreery, Chatham* â- Ontario. I FREE CATALOGUE. p ASPBERRY BUSHES, GLAD- •â- *• tolas. Iris, Peony, Fancy OiLhIias jacd Barred Rock Eggs. The Wr.gb* Farm, Brockville, Ont. rSMAXr BSZ,7 WAJITBO. r ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIM -'-' and light sew'ng at home; whola or spare time; gooa pay; work sent any distance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Mana- facturing Co., Montreal. 1 ADIES L* Ladiee ONLYâ€" OUR BOOKLET. Friend, mail ed in plala envelope, free. CASIER 2423, MOR. treal. _, EXCELLENT for rheumatism, neuralgia, b-ic!:- ache and kindred ills. Rub it in well with the tips of â- !•« fingers. An enemy to pain. Payment for articles advertised In this column should be made with Do- minion Express Money Orders â€" a safe ! way of sending money by mall. Poor Picklnos for Gulls. A friend, says the Outlook, »ends us the following story as an Ulastratlon of the characteristic acuteuess of one race and the proverbial f^onomy of another: .\ Jew stood ou the dock with an Irishman at New York. Noticing a large ship makiug Its way toward the east, the Irishman asked the other where the vessiel was bound for. "That boat," replied the JBw, "is loaded with Scotchmen, and It Is hound for Scotland." In *ome wonder the Irishman asked him how be knew the boat was loaded with Scotchmen and bound for S(X)t- land. 'Beeause you do not see any bulls following It." replied the Jew. Houses are like the human beings that inhabit them.â€" Victor Hugo. Lighthouse Story. { Biflhop's light rises near the SclUy Islands and gives a grim waruing of| the. dangers of the coast. It is one of: the most exposed lighthouses in the ' world and the three tenders have a lonesome time. l"hiriug a recent storm ; the beams from Bishop's rnck came ' near to falling. The light weighs sev- ; eral tons and revolves on supports . resting in a circular trough of mer-{ cury. It is balanced so delicately a' child may turn it by a touch of the An- ger. On this night the tower was so shaken by the heavy seas that much . of the mercury was spilled out nvei- . the concrete floor of the light I'h.imber. ! The three guards fell on their knees. ; scooped up ihe mercury rn their hands ' I and pulled It back Into the trougti. I Four Polar boars, caught in the ' .Arctic region last spring, uro now on' i their way to the new Zoo at .\uek!and, j I New Zealand. They an' making the â- fifteen-week journey in »tojt packing- ' The Courteous Frogs. 1 suppose that for those who know and understand them, all animals have distinct personalities, says Prof. Lyon Phelps, in Scribner's Magazine. When 1 was a child In Hartford it was a pleasure to enter the beautiful garden of that hospitable gentleman Pliny Jewell. There was a little lake, and In winter he distributed to the boys of the neighborhood free skating tickets, which we highly appreciated. In summer evenings the old gentle- man would sit in a chair on the edge of the pond and ring a bell. At the mellow tones the frogs would come out of the lake and group themselves about Mr. Jewell, who offered them bits of food, which they received courteously. I had never discrimin- ated particularly among frogs: but to that man every one of those frogs wa* an iudividual. and he named them all. The largest was called Laura Matilda an'l was the owner's favorite. I have seen Laura dniw near her master's chair, take a bit of bread delicately from his lingers, eat it and then wlp« her mouth daintily. Felt Pretty Smali. He (pompously 1 â€" 'How do you feel walking with a big chap like me?" Sheâ€" "'Pretty small." Human health and strength are greatest when the temperature drops to about 56 to 60 degrees at night and rises to somewhere between 68 and â- â- 72 degrees during the middle of the ; day. i Venice is Still Queen of Adriatic. Venice ranks high among liailan cities In its supply of picturesque nick- names. The commercial centre of the world in the Middle .Ages, Venice, has been known as "The Bride of the Adriatic" and the 'Queen of the .\drl- atlc." To this day tribute is paid by Venice with elaborate ceremonies to the Adri- atic, whose placid waters take ths place of streets and bear upon their bosom the tradt and life of the city. Venice is known also as "The City of St. Mark." after Its patron saint, and as "The City of the Lion." an il- lusion to the great winged lion In front of tho cathedral, holding ic its paws the gospel of St. Mark. Fcr Every lit â€" Mrnard's Liniment "It is the greuci^st mistake a woman can make to marry a man. thinking she is going to reform hi::;." .<;;";d a London coroner recently. Quinine-bearing bark has been found in lar-jc quantities in New- Guinea. We are Interested in obtalr.iag OLD and RARE BOOKS ON C.vNADI.\.N SUBJECTS Sand particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company. 73 West Adelaide Streat. Toronto. Ontario. Suffered Misery | With Itchy Eczema Cuticura Healed rasea. ONTARIO Improvemeiit «â- ! STOCK LIVESTOCK Committee A dairy cow is not worth keeping unless she produces 6,000 pounds of milk or over per year. Don't support a low producing herd. Start now to weed out the poor ones. Breed the best ones to good bulls and feed properly â€" then watch results. Does it pay? Ask the successful dairy farmer. BETTER BULLS PAY Tiny Titles. â- What Is it called?" This Is the question we usually ask concerning a ^ new book, and rre with an original title will stand ;; good chance of be- coming a best seller if the matter In- i side the cover? Is equally good. i One word titles are not much In vogue to-day. although Hllaire Belloc . published ;. book called '"On" recently. | Two novels, rublished some years ago. go one better than this, however. One wai! called "E" and the other "B." I Similarly, "Why."' published In mi.\ has been beaten by "7" i There :'re many three-letter titles, ! some of the be?t known being "'She." • ; Eve." ".Now." ''Fan." and "Tim." Beyond Belief. The professor had been dinlug out, and as most of the guest? were ardent flshermen. he had bad to listen all the evening to stories of the sire Of their catches. He was extremely short-sighted, and as ho was crossing a Beld oh his way home he came across a scarecrow with arms widespread. Memories of the "tall" stories he bad heard that night; IVoated back to him, and he halted In front oi the .•'carecrow. 'My dear sir," he exclaimed. "I simply refuse to believe you: there never wa.i a trout that length." " I was troubled w-ith ecznna for over r.vo years. At first it appeared in small spots and then btjun to jpread all over my Sscs and head until I suffered awfiil misery. The itching and burning were terrific. At times I thc'j^ht I would go crazy, and wa^ ubhged to give up my w-orlc. " I was treated and tried JiJferent oirtments without any benefit. I read an ad\-ertisemeiit for Cutlcuim Scap and Ointment and decided to try them. After the first application I fell relief. I continued the treat- ment for a time and now I sm healed." (Signed) Miss Y. Wood, SSe City Hall Ave., Montreal, Quebec. Cuticun Soap. Ointment and Tal- cum are ideal for daily toilet uaes. toaiple ftaeli Ftm df Mall. .\cldr«ia CBna'iisQ D«v-^t "Cvttnz*. >. 0. B«x 1«X«. HastiMl " I PricJ, S ^mpJSc. Ointment 23aJ3j50e. ralcuci A4. SSir* "Tit oar b*w Sll«Tta« SImIk. PAINS IN BACK JNDJSIDES' Ended by Taking Lydia B| Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Rheumatism Colds Headache Pai» Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Neuritis i>ii t When maklnK fruit pfes, pot the sugar between two lajwri ct fruit and the juice will not boil over. For rirst Aid â€" Minard's Liniment. < S^ Accept only "Bayer" pack.ige which contains proven directions. HandT "Bayer" boxes o* 12 tablets. Also lx>ttles of 24 and 100 â€" Druggist*. Avpirn « -bt t-n.le mark i:»t'«i»r»a la C*o«dii of ttrrr >««m>.-t!tr» of M.T.>ic»ti-. •Cld«wr -l S«.;vj;lc-»cl<l I A.fCjl Sallvyllc Acid. A. 8. A "' Wlll!» It It wrl\ »iic<rn tkat A«uirti> weanii Bat,T ni«iiitf»eiqi». lo italaf tl>« pnb'.ic agilnst Imitation*, th* Tablet* •( BajifC OiBraa; wul »• »t«aii'«d vltk tiMir arixFra! trate ault tk» "Bw«c Gtoaa." Fusilier, Sask. â€" "For two or days every so often 1 would have sm pams in my bac'ic and sides that ! .-oi not do ani'thing â€" could not even !ii quietly in bed, and my head ached, 'â- oo* 1 was this way about three years, ba| was worse after 1 was ir.arriad. 1 wa# on a t'arm with net a house nearer hai Eve miles and there was not a oc: en w advise me, as my folio live in Mai.i;obt« My sister-in-law told me about L\ cia "" Pinkham's Vegetable Corrpoi:rd >n( told rre to try it. I tooK her advice mi have been thunkiul for it ever ince. After taking the n'.edicine for hrai nicnths I can say it has helped nc a iof and I an! doing tine. I am glad -o refie oirmcnd the Vegetrble Ccmpt t.:.J M ctheri' and you n-ay ft'tlish n ,. CctB menial. "â€" M'rs. HE1.EN Bal,\nc;- '."v.ais lier, Saskatchewan. Often some slight trouble will .^auaoj general upset cf the system. °>UfB symptonisasnervousness'painful titne% itregidarity, bftkachc and bordacaf indicate some form of female wcs^ nesi^ Women so bothered should gi\e f yd F. Pinkham's Vegetable Comprund j trial. This dependable medicir.' helped thousands of women and it reasonable to expect that it will you. Try it today. Tour druggist sell thia medicina. C l$8UE No. 7â€" "W.