CHIEF EVEKIS OF THE YEAR 1924 JANUARY. B â€" During past year total revenues re- ceived by Canadian Government from customs and excise duties am- ounted to $301,473,813, as compared with $262,377,468 in the previoiu year, have saved depositors from heavy losses in connection with Hoom Bank failure. l;iâ€" BeUeville, Ont, celebrates 140th anniversary of coming of Loyalists. Ga£ton Doumergue is elected Presi- dent of French Republic. a â€" Sir Lomer Gouin, Minuter of Jus- : 18--Strike - of postal employees tiee, resigns from King Government throughout Dominion begins at .5 on account of ill health. Third pro-' P'"- Nationalist-Labor party tri- vincial political party formed in! umphs over Smuts in South Africa Ontario to be known as Progre*- ! elections, gives. ' 20â€" MaIU>ry and Ervine of Mount Ev- erest Expedition succumb to in- juries. 30â€" Rev. George Byers, Canadian mis- sionary, is murdered in China. JULY. 1 â€" Ocean to ocean aerial mail service was established to-day between NevTi York and San Francisco. ! 8 â€" Canadian National Branch Line 1 r I. * i IS » A 90 >t 39 le n ce id to n- d. us nd of p« Dr of Or he se, us A â€" Seals on inner tomb of Tutank- hamen at Luxor, found after 3,000 years, broken by Howard Carter. Venizetoe returns from exile tO: Athens. Floods on River Seine ren- der 2.5,000 people homeless. ' 8 â€" Hon. Perodeau appointed , Lieut.-Governor of Quebec Province, : suci-et'ding latp Louis P. Brodeur. { 10 â€" British submarine L-24 sent to i Bills are killed in the Senate. bottom of .sea in collision with 4â€" The Church Union Bill passed the dreadnaupht. and 43 persons perish. House cj Commons. 15 â€" One hundred people victims of ae>- 8â€" Lloyd George at dinner to Can- vere earthquakes in Japan in the; adian weekly newspaper men in same area preciously desolated. : London appeals for unity through- 20 â€" For 1923 Canada's trade returns' out the Empire. showed total imports valued at 16 â€" Inter-allied Conference opens in $903,530,515 and e.xports of $1,014,- London; Premier MacDonald ur?es 734,274. Nikolai Lenin, father of acceptanv-e of Dawes reparations bolshevism and Soviet dictator, dies plan. after long il'ness. ' 17 â€" October 23 is officially confinried SOâ€" Hon. Ernest Lapointe. Minister of! "^ ^^^ ^^^^ '^^ ^^ liquor plebiscite Marine and Fisheries, is sworn in '" Ontario. Advance in grain values as Minister of Justice, succeeding ^^^ <>"« billion dollars to the wealth Sir Lomer Gouin. P. J. A. Cardln _°^ Canadian and American farmers. becomes Minister of Marine and 27â€" Tremendous floods in China ren- Fisheries. Suicide of two English ; ^^'^ °"^ million people homeless. boys placed on Ontario farms has , AUGUST. caused Overseas Settlement Com- 3-Joseph Conrad dies at Bourne, i GuestS of Hamaton, Ontario Ice Flo« Brings Island nVE FIREMEN HURT First Reiief Ship in Yewj IN MONTREAL BLAZE I A despaah from Nome Alaska pjf^^^ Persons^Driven from »ay»:â€" Here's a gripping plot fwr * „ , ""» jtbrilling sea story. i^«^ '^ 2ero Weather â€" For more than a year not a vessel 9l50,OOQProperty Damage. had called at Herschel Island, isolated A^„ur,.t, ,â- « A.rctlc Ocean northeast of „ "^ '^^P""'^'* ^-7"> iI<>"-^^«'^' "^y*:- .ircuc v<.eBn t,„„ ^f^f^ f^^ dweilmgs and wei or ajlected hurt by D>' tmoka, , ^empe.-ature <i degi-ees below lero, a« a result of a lire which startod in the .A.rctlc Ocean n«ruj»n«i >*.. j,^^^ lAla-ska. The few white traders and nr^ i„ ,, « » trappers living .here -^^ -^"^ ^""and^ c'vUi.f ""' '" ' I Eskimo colonies were just about ready ^^j.^ " * < â- to resign themselves to a diet of seal _„_,,„„ ... - ^ . blubber and bear meat for the winter ^"^^^t " " '%" "'T' T" '^'"" when a strange thing happened. "^ "'^''^ -""^^ ^^'^ their homes in . The gas power schooner Maid o' i Orleans, out from Seattle since June . , • . • - „ 25. trying vainly to reach Victoria R^m^..^ w '^^""^ ''""' "^ *^- Land Ind unspoken by any ship later ^*^"^^- f.'-^'l'-^^' ^^^- „ . , than August sS: was given up for lost, oo^rTt^-oo .^ *' ^"^"^^ 'Vt'" !as we«. four other Arctic boats. Then,. ^Z^T^t^^^'T '! ^'"^^l ^Tl'*! ^' like Claus dipping down a ^^en i^^H ^''-'V^ '''/•' °/ '^«. Sâ„¢" chimney, came th« Maid of Or^^nsl "^^^'J^^^f^^y ^^^^^^-^ of citizens, to Herschel Island, frozen in a big ice ^^^^^^^ '^* destructi,>n of the en- floe. The boat, fast in the ice. is in a "".^T*^ '^Tl °' ^^ ""T" ^ safe harbor for the winter. On the, ^" f 7"^' "^.^"^ brought under coo- schooner are sufficient suplies to keep ,^~' {^ '« ^'«""- The bUze is ba- the islanders from want until next ^'*^d to have been caused by an over- neuted furnace m the Bemier prem- . summer. In return Captain Klengen- ^^ Prince Henry, third son of King George, who. according to a report, will ^^''^ ^'i»f,' * ^'"T'.'li!"*.**"^^ •'•*"' be named the Duke of Edinburgh in the New Year's honor list. The last Duke of Edinburgh was the father of the present Queen Marie of Rumania. sand and thirty war badges await claimants at Ottawa. 28 â€" Lord Robert Cecil receives $25,- 000 Woodrow Wilson Foundation peace award. University College Increases Tuition Fees. In the Univ^ersity of Toronto there, 29^British astronomers predict 1925 '»« four Arts Colleges, viz., Univer.; for which Herschel is famous. So Herschel Island is saved and the Claim of Columbus Denied Maid od Orleans in a harbor â€" there you have it, the framework of a thriller. Czecho-Slovakia EstaJslishes Statutary Eight-Hour Day by French Scholars to be driest year of century. British sity College, Victoria College, Trinity Czecho-Slo.iikia was the first indus- pound sterling reaches »4.73 3-16 in, College?, and St. Michael's College. Of j^ial state an-.-!-^ :he New York. 1 1,200 London Children _ ._„ European coun- these the iirst is the provincial college, ^^5^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ eight-hour conven- which is supported by the Government of Ontario and the other three are nomination colleges have found that pendent for their -evenues on the re- ligious denominations concerned. As I French savants are investigating the thorny question of who discovered America, sajrs a Paris despatch. In a paper read before the College de France, a paper which the French press terms ••sensationa.," Professor Meillet states that it was not Chris- topher Coiumbus. The famous voy- ager merely rediscDvere-i a continent which was known long before his day to other navigators. C^echo-Slovakia has just been issued ^ ^Jf,?,^ '^^ P*^^*"-' f >'% Pl"'*^*?/ Iv the International Labor Oflice. ' ^t,""" "'' ^"''"^ f"*^*' ''' ^^ '^'^^ The tirst pa.-t of the monograph i. f^"^"" languages of .America, and of - ' to an ac-o-.nt of the scope and ^'^*' ^^'^^ ^ ^^â- «';; o«en made, but . -â- ^ . ^, , • i the ground now is being broken by tion and introduce a sta'utory eight- li"ur day. A reoort on hours of labor in mittee of British Government to ask England. for full inquiry into condition of 4_sir Edmund Osier, President of London, Jan. 1.â€" More than 1.200 is' well known, the fees paid by stu immigrant boys in t anada. 1 the Dominion Bank, dies. small guests were entertained at the dents for many years have covered A,vo't^' %;SlngatOmwa ''''^' '*^^"^^^ . ^ . . ^ ^ I vaneement of Science hold inaugur- ary annual benevolence of the chil- of tuition and in recent years the de- . ublic act of ldl> bv which the eight- '^ ^'^^^'^ students and a comparison of FEBRUARY. al session in Toronto. dren of Hamilton. Ont. The Lord no.minational colleerest have found that f,o,jr (j^y or forty-ei-^ht-hou'- week wa^ ^^ vocabularies of a group of CaH- 1â€" The Government of Soviet Russia ' ^'^"^f'^'^if" , ^f^^l reaches 99^94c Mayor presided, and he was supported they cannot continue to exist on the i„troduc'ed in thi republic. " "^ ^''^"'^ '' is accorded recognition by Great' on New "i ork Exchange, the highest by Sheriffs and .A.dermen ef the Lity funds available. Last year Victoria, The monograph devotes spe.-ial .it - ' mark since 1922. and representatives of the Dominion College increased her fees from S-IO ,p^t:iop_ j^ ti^^ „^^hod3 of appl Britain, 2 â€" Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States, died to-day. 12 â€" Labor Government of Great Bri- tain made its debut in the House of Commons to-day. 13 â€" Egyptian Government precipi- tates a crisis by laying claim to tomb of King Tut. 19 â€" ^. H. Price, Prov. Treas. of On- tario, charges that predecessor in office ran the province into $24,- 000.000 debt. 28 â€" A balanced Budget with a reduc- tion of taxation, the first since 1912- 27 â€" Two big armies in China prepar- of Can.ida ing for mastery of country. | I 28 â€" Nova Seotia shores strewn with I wreckage of ships, the result of the j worst storm in years. 80 â€" .A.llies and Germany formally • sign London agreement. 31 â€" U.S. army navigators reach La-, brador and virtually complete' round-the-world flight. j * SEPTEMBER. 1 â€" The League of Nations .Assembly I opens its 5th Conference at Geneva. , . ., , 3 â€" Civil -war commences in China. 13, was announced ma Speech from ; ,^th battle line of thirty miles. the Throne. J. H. Thomas, Sec. for g^Canadian National Exhibition the Colonies, announced at a meet- ^,^^ ^â- ^^_â- ^ ^^^d attendance this ing in London that the British Gov-! amounting to 1.519.000. ernment had accep ed the Insh ^S-Germanys Cabinet decides to ap- treaty m spirit and letter. ' piy f ^^ membership iu League of â€" •MARtH. â- -+ ifii'ii;?;^ l_Explosion of,T.N.T. at xNi.xou. N.J., i -^-^;^''^'*»'* ''^=^^J' ^^^ P*f^' 1"''^ kills 18 persons. Seven deaths inj i^;' 'T"''''' ^'"''*^ '° ^''''^ '^^ Ontario from smallpo.x over week-, '•'-•.W"'-- " end. I OCTOBER. 4 â€" Caliph of Turkey goes into exile; sails for Switzerland. S â€" Military control by Allies ends in Germany. 14 â€" National Railways authorized to proceed with construction of Hud- son Bay line. Pr^8. Coolidge ap- points commission to act with Can-N,^_p^tp, s^j^j, ^..^ Aemilius Jarvis adianlx>dy on St. Lawrence project] g^ convicted of defrauding the to $75. Trinity and St. Michael's ^kX. in railway undertakings nrd the were anxious to do the same but it was clear to all concerned that four anguages and certain Polyne- n *^^^. '*"'?^***^ *!" brought to light "T-r'ir 'he "'**^^^y'"» ^-"J numerous coinci- '- â- '" â- ' dences." provisions tor permanent or tempor- I no;. i.»c«i. Lu HIV ..^/.i..^i ;icvi i.ii^^ ii/ui gj-y exsmptions. TTiis is followed '>v ^ colleges, all doing the same work, and ,;at^ concerning the'administratiou o'f ; all being part of the same orgar;?:a- ^^^ act_ tion, could not have in force different deals The third part of the study m some oetail with collective •'The vocabulary of the indigenous races of Patagonia," the lecturer told his colleagues of the College de Franct "shows striki.ig resemblances to thai of .Australian races. .\nd it is inter- scales of fees. Students would na- a^jreements regaraing hours of work, """f ^^ ""'^* that these linguistic re- turally tend to enrol with the college V^n^ong the countries already cover- ^"\0''i">-'«3 parahel almost identically having the smallest fee. The problem ed bv this series jZ publications of the *"°".'*'" "s^-^nces in the arms, do- struck at the very foundation of Uni- i„ternational L.-ibor Office arc versity Federation. To solve this .nt- pi^^^ France, <rt?rmanv, Grent uation. University College raised its taj„_ jj^y ^^^ Netheriards fee to $75, effective next year. Even Switzerland. so, the fees in Arts are now little more than half those in Medicine and "" * Applied Science. , Duke of York Shoots Rhinoceros in African Jungle LV- i"**^'*-' "tonsils and other objects used Bri '" ^^^ ^^^^ epoch in .America and and °'^^*'' "gi^'ns- But these similarities do not date from the time when these I continents were connected by land In- \ stead of vast oceans. Therefore, it ii j to be concluded that navigators sailed ' ov-er these immense spaces." ed I Dr. Jeau .Marie .Musy has been elect- as president of Switzerland for tlM <â- u- th« Itl- er- m. ri leot Halifax Chronicle Celebrates i A despatch from Nairobi says: â€" j 100 Years of Publication ^."^^P'^'t^" f~"' the shooting camp ot the Duke and Duchess of , York, at Isiolo, show a good be- Halifax, N.S„ Jan. 1.â€" Celebrating ginning has been made. On the way 100 years of continuous publication, from N'airohi. however, the party were The Morning Chronicle, in association overtaken by a cloudburst. Fort ..--one with The Nova Scotian. to-day pub- and one-half inches of rain fe'l in a Ushed an edition of 84 pages replete half-hour. with matter of great historical inter- The Duke of York's biggest success est to Canada. was the shooting of a i-binoceros. sev- The magazine section includes oral miles from the camp, accorr pan- articles by Dr. .Archibald MacMechan ied only by a white hunter. He tracked and Dr. J. D. Logan on Joseph Howe, and wounded the rhinoceros, which Heart of London is Costly perhaps its most brilliant editor, and charged. The Duke waited until the , The Chronicle's place in the history of nnimal was witliin 30 yards, then he -- ^,. p. I, ^ o â- , D ' ""•• ^"'"'^^^ V,. ^^.i»^v*...j; w..^ A despatch from London savs:â€" No^a S'-'^tia is graphically told by Dr.' dropped it with a second shot. The 8Uâ€" hir Kiena^i iMiuires former Pre- 1 province. Smith sentenced to three The widening of the Strand, in the W. E. Maclellan, a former editor. Duke also shot a kongoi i. a zebra ar-.i mi«-r of NeNvfoundland, found guilty ,.^„,, ^„^ j.^^,.;, ^^ ,i^ „^^jjj^,_ ^^^^^ ^^ London, is an expensive pix>- The story of Rt. Hon. W. S. Field- an imp ala. M accepting bribes. British Uovern- 1 ^yith a joint tine of $600,000. ' ceeding, according to H. H. Gordon, ing's career with the newspaper is told | The camp is surrounded by lio- <, ^ «„ """°""!'^ V , ^^ *"'" , '-9 â€" Labor party suffers severe re- \ a former London county councillor. He '" detaiL The edition also includes the ] and the party consequently expect to verse in British elections, and Stan- places the cost at $25,000,000 a mile, facsimile of the first issue of The onain a good bag. 1 â€" Standard and Sterling Banks' amr! 1925. In 1919 he succeeded Gustave algamation announced. I -^dor on the federal council. The out- 12â€" -Anatole France dies. ' soing president is Dr. Ernest Chuard. 17 â€" Burning of Canton, China, re-' ^ . suits in losses of $15,000,000. i ^jf.. . , n , . 23â€" Ontario electors declare for reten-' Widening ot strand in tion of Ontario Temperance .Act of £392,000,000 has been spent on tixe relief of unemployment since the ; Armistice. n â€" British soldiers fired on at Queens- 1 town by men in Free State uni- ; forms; one killed. 1 •4 â€" British aviators begin world trip. n â€" Ontario Public Accounts Commit- 1 te« discovers that $l.S,00t> . ^ , , ^ ^"llf^l"* 31â€" Rev. J. .Adelarde Pelornie is ac made out to former Treas. Peter! ley Baldwin's group is assured vie-! Traffic congestion makes the work Halifax Gazette, the first newspaper tory. Bank of Montreal effects' necessary. published in Canada. agreement to acquire Molson's Bank. «^â€" ^ ^^â€" ^â€" ^ â€" â- ^â€" â- "â€" n!â„¢- .^. ^^f^^^^^a^;-^â€" Peter Veregrin, head of the Douk- ' hobor colony in British Columbia,' and three others killed in explosion { on C.P.R. train. The Duchess of Y'ork has be»»n cvssful with small grame. or Smith, is missing, APRIL B â€" Laboi- wina ejection in South .Aus- tralia. Transvaal votes Nationalist. I â€" Mussolini sweeps elections in Italy quitted after third trial of charge of i slaying half-brother, Kaoul Delormel in January, 1922. Prince of Wales welcomed home at Southampton, England. NOVEMBER. ^Dawes Committee presents report 3 â€" Premier_ Baldwin annoHncee fiscal on reparations scheme. Irish Free State to have .Ambassador at Wash- tngrton. U â€" Japaiioee exclusion bill cause of policy involving large preference to British Dominions. j â€".Alberta turns "'wet" with sweeping! vote on Government <ale. I excitement at Washington. Greece 10 â€" Ludendorff made prisoner by declares for Republic in plebiscite.; Ge^unii Republicans, and Hitlerj 14 â€" Peter Smith, former Prov. Treas.,! takes to flight. Canada's trade bal-i arrested on conspiracy charge: bail I ance leaps to $10T.OO<.»,000. fixed at $50,000, provideil by Strat- ' 24â€" With 600.0tH>, Ontario satisfies old citizens. I claims of Chippewa and Mississ- rch Union Bill passes in Newi auga Indians. •JdlBwick. 'â- â- 2S*- â€" Military forces take over rule in ttle on Church Union Bill be- Rhine Republic. fore Private Bills Committee! DECEMBF.R 1 â€" rirst radio photographs tran.<mit- M.AY. ted from London Kngland, to NeW' ohii Scott Gohl Medal awarvled!. \^'''j;, o . ,. , Dr. Frederick G. Banting of To- â- *â€"''• <-l«f*^'>w i^ettell. former private! routo by American Philosophical So. "^''''^'fy '» ^"' Adam Beck, i.* sen- tenced to thive years imprisomnent for attempted theft of $29,925. | & â€" The contract for the construction; of Section \i>. 7 of the Welland Canal is awartted at an apprviprialej price of ten million dollars. j 9 â€" With historic state and accompan-j led by the Queon, King George open- CANADA from coitt- Iroia dr,. • â€" A thousand die in Benga cholera epidvi'iic. I ISâ€" -Ma j. -Genera I Sir CharW V. F. 1 Townshend dies in Paris. James' Brown, M.P.. will n-present thei King at tho General Aaserablv of I tile Chuivh of Scotland. r Italy gets slice of Jubaland. Rev. R. K. JafTray and other mi»- â- ionarivA ^«ii«d by bandits in China. JUNE, tâ€" Chinc.-te pir«t«>s release two out of four captured missionaries. ^Hickman ministry loseo in New- foundland elections. 11â€" Millerand rtjiigns office of Pres- idency of French Republic. Royal Commission finds that action by Q«v«rnment in 11U6 or 1918 would ed Parliament in Ixjndon. Eng., this morning. .A niilHon-doilar blaze de-| stroys grain cleyator opposite Sar- nia. 23 â€" H.M. King George has approved th* elevation of Chief Justice Anglin to menil>erRhip in the Privy Council 25 â€" Dominion Cabinet restores Crow* nest freight agreement 26 â€" Allied .Amba.ssador.--- meet in Paris to decide Cologne evacuation. One hundred! and lixty-si.x thou- CAUSE AND PATH OF SUN'S ECLIPSE About 9 o'clock on the morning of January 24. Toronto and a sixty mile strip of territory In Western Ontario will be In the path of a total solar eclipse. It will be visible only for about iwo minutes. The abv>ve m.ip show.s the path of the shadow that will rush so swiftly across the continent from Ouluth to Long Island. The single coluuui drawing sliowj how the sun and moon caper around to cause an eclipse. Although the relative sixes of the sun. moon and earth are disregarded in the illustratioa, the general truth of the eclipse may be observed. Because the sun Is larger than the moon, the shadow of the moon, when cast toward the earth, comes ueariy to a point when it touches the earth's surface. Yet as seen from the point T on the e>arth. the moon, because it is nearer, lookj as large as the sua and ajipears vt>nipletely to cover It-just -is with a iiv.J pencil a quarter of an Inch In diamrter held six Inches from the eye you can cover an object a foot In diameter situated 24 feet trcm the eyo. !n addition to hiJing iVe sun .it T there wll! be part eclipses betwean the p<ints XI and X;;. Between PI and P2 the degree ot the eclipse Increases as the observer happea.< U' be nearer the belt T, Cnief JListice Ans'ln ....V ...i5 been ;u.iJs a privy cotiuciUo*. «- â€" Canadian Re-union at Loa Angeles. .A despatch from Los Angeles, (.'al., says: â€" This city will be the sc#ne of j a huge Canadian re-union on Feb. 7, 1925. according to an announcement [ made here by John Hooper, president of the Canadian Tourists' Sociery and 1 director of the .American Tourists' .As- sociation, who estimates that fully 50,- 000 visitors will attend the gathering. I The municipal coli-seum. seating Sl,- 000. will be thrv)wn open for the field day and an open-air picnic will b« held in the exposition groands ad- ' joininif. -Announcing the re-unlor. a Can- adian ball was held in the Bon Ton ; ballroom on the lick Pier, Santa Mon- \ ica, ••ecently, and which was attended by 2,000 members of th.- various Map're leaf Societies. .According to the a!'.ioi;:.cenie«it made hei-e by .Mr. Hooper, fne plaiM for the reunion were formulated at the recent conventions of the Tourists' .Association at Toronto and at Put-in- Bay, C>hio. The Cha.-uber of Com- merce here will assist in wor'*>ng oul plan.* for the big gather.-ig. Duke of York Undergoes Crossing Equator Ceremony -A despatch from I or don sa\s:~ Passengers or, the steamship which toiik the Duke and li'.i.'bess of York to Kenya had the exp«':ieinv of shaving and ducking the Kiiix'* son and then helping him shave and duck the ship'.; captain. Th«se snicnities are part «l a ccremonia! to which all persona crossing the Kvjuator for ihe first tinn usually are subjected. The Duke wa.^ ready and wur* run ring pants and ."i vest for his hating. He then led the a»S!»u!t on th« cap- tain, who was dragired from the briiig* and boisterously b«ptiited. -â- ^:^^-