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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1925, p. 1

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'f % â- â- â€¢*v 4'. ®()je fk^\)mon %hntmte. P t- * i' Vol. 45 No. 3 1 Flesherton, Ontario, January 7 .1925 W.H. Thurston & Son, Proprietflv* djj â- Â«Â»..! ROCK MILLS Mr. an(i Mrs. Henrx. Osborne and fftniily of Owen Sound visited last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert hoy and two daughters; froni the^ West arrived here last week to visit Vith the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mta. Richard Hoy. Mr. Frank Betts has been running the choppinjr mill for MrS^Will Ne'A'elU tte past three weeks. Mr. CEYLON Eighth Line, Artemesia FEVERSHAM DROWNED IN A ELL m% Mr. Jackson of Toronto visited at Mr. O. McLeod's last week and Mr. McLeod returned to the city with him to spend New Years with his daugh- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chialett and son, Claude, of Listowel spent over New Years with the former's father and sister here. Miss Muriel Spicer of Toronto vis- ited over the holidays with her par- Vour eorrespundent (.tur i.ui Newell h|i!B been laid up with a ve^fe ^^'^ here, sore hand, having had two fingers^ badly broken. We are pleased to knoWjjthat he has been able to be on the^l^ again himself. - IK â€" On Monday, December 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts, a daughter. ^ â-  Our school meeting was held, on Wednesday last Mr. Isaac Smith is the new truAee in place of Mr. Lewis Pedlar, vv^hose term expired this year. *V Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis^ealar and fam- ily and Mrs. Geo. Hargrave speut New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. T. w Sound'' ^n^^^^ dai'p',' /^ <sa'"Mrs.'lhos. ^_^. jae of a happy fam- ^â€" jn on New Year's day. The .dinily of three boys and four girls were all present, together with other relatives to the number of 2.'5. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and singing and two splendid readings w^ere given by Mrs. John Hargrave. A beatuLiiul worded ad- dress was read by the eldest daugh- ter, Mrs. W. Newell, and best wishes were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Betts that they might be spared for many years to enjoy the home coming of their family on this happy occasion. At the close of the evening all joined in singing, "God be with you til' we meet again." Our school commenced on Tuesday. to Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. Haney and wife of Eugenia by the death of their daughter at the age of 19 years. We are sorry to report Delia English on the sick list, but we hope she r,iay be able to be out again soon. VICTORIA CORNERS Lawson Lockhart and Elwood Ste\'ens have gone to Detroit. If they find a job which suits they will stay till spring anyway. While we would like the boys to have success we would not be sorry if they should find that there was no place like home. Mr. Wm." Scott was turning out the cattle the other morning and on his son-in-law, Geo. Wilson, entering the stal>]^ found him beneath the feet of the cattle. Just how he ,got there- he does not know. Dr. Martin was summoned but we are .glad to report that he is not badly hurt as at first feared, but will not feel like repeating the experience for awhile. Mrs. George Moore has been 1^ up with rheumatism since Christmas. Miss Mubel Atkinson of Dundalk spent New Years with her cousins, Mr. an^Mrs. Carl AtkiVison. The school meeting was held last We<ine»day. Milli'ir Bannon was appointed trustee in the place of Mr. Alberi Stinson, who was retiring. BORNâ€" On January 2nd to Mr. aiid Mr. F. J. CoUinson the gift of a daughter. Congratulations. . Mr. Alfred Chislett of Manitoba, who have been \nsiting his ag«l father and brother here, left Satur- day for Toronto on his return to his home. ^ Mrs. W. 'Beaton and babe spent the holidays with her parents in Owen Sound. Dr. and Mrs. West and babe of .\ngus visited .the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Whittaker for over the holiday. Mr. Franlf Stewart returned on â- ".ay to his school at Ti*out Mills, ar North Bay. "^- , Mr. Jas. Sergant visitad his wife and little .son at St Catharines.^ over the week end. Mr. and Miss McDermid of Price- ville visited at Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith's the first of the week. '" Mrs. Donald McLeod returned Sat- urday from Toronto, where she was visiting her daughters. Mr. McLeod, who was also visiting in Toronto, took suddenly ill. We hope his ill- ness will not prove to be of a serious nature. lie* the /â-  editor and the many readers of The JVednesday la.^t Adv^ince 1925. sv-h<iol meeting on was fairly well at- 4tnded. Evn Rawlor, the retiring 'trustee was up fo;- re-electio;;, hut BORNâ€" On December 4, 1924, at!.**" <l«feated !,y Wm. Heitman. who 40 Lessard Ave., Toronto to Mr. and P°» "'«' ^''"â- <^« "*' '^'' ratepayers for Mrs. Ernest Hopper, th.; gift of a l/^'^i'"'""'^'^ ^*"«« y^"*" *«>â- '"• ^^- ^• son, George Keith. BORN^-On December llth, 1924, 8th line, Osprey, to Mr. and Mrs. P. Somer.s, the gift of a son. Master Jack Jamieson and sister, Dorothy, spent the holidays wttfn a prosperous and happy J. Conron was again chosen as seo- j'tion 'auditor fof the coming year, this >tnuking the forty-fourth year in IUcct.3S!on he has held that po.^ition. pA pretty good record; beat it who ^•jfcan! There was no dissenting voice. , . ^ , , „ , „ r BORN â€" On December aist, 1924, their aunr and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. ti- Roy MacMillan, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Magee am! sons of Fort .Sa.skatchewan, are visit- ing relatives here. VANDELEUR Mr. erton Mrs. Mr. week and Mrs. M. Stewart of Flesh- spent a few days with Mr. and E. Warling recently, and Mrs. J. J. McGee spent the end with the latter's sister. S. S. NO. 3. ARTEMESIA Report for December fSr. 4 â€" Mervyn Ferris, Arnold rown, Herbert .\kins. ^^r.-^ â€" Howai-<l Ferris. .Audrey Brown, WilHft White, Florence Best,'! Mrs, Lola Blackbiu-n, bessie Beard. Jr. .^Annie Akin.s, Clifto:d Allen, George Allen, Jean Beard absent. vSr.2 to, Jr. 3 â€" Isabelle Ferris, Ellen Patrk«r, Earl Johnson. Er» â- ^ Delia Vause, Doris Walier, WlAe Parker, Wilfred Best. E. Ftrris, Teacher. [•% An unusual acci^nt occurred at Ctedit Forks one day recently. A valuable show horse, worth |250, and i a mineral purpose horse, the former I the property of M. Williamson, Ingle- â-  â- wood, a^d the latter the property of â-  L. Fort}. Calodon, were instantly XiUed when they jumped fro>ij a 100- ft. bridge on the C.P.R. at the Forks •f ti)e Credit. The animals had been Jet out to }>a«tui;e on the Mit«hfU fbrm on the first line wes*. jumped the fence and ran along the track to the bridge, â€" Orangeville Sun. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson, also Mr. and Mrs. F. Davis visited with friends in Kimberley recently. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Warling on Sunday, Jan. 4th, a son. Congratulations. Mr. Tom Shannon visited his .lis- ters, at Melancthon during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker spent New Years at the latter's home at Harka- way. A big sleigh load from here took in the anniversary entertainment in the Methodist church, Flesherton, on New Year's evening and enjoyed the splen- did program. Miss Jean Wright has returned to her school at Mimico after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wrijjht. Mrs. F. Daj'is is home from To- ronto, where she spent a week with her sisters there. Mrs. Ferguson of Kimberley is vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. O. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Will Buchanan and son Norman of Guelph, also . Miss Ma- ble Coleman of Toronto, who have been visiting dtiring the holidnvs -v'th the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan, have reuu-iied homt. The Ladies' Aid will hold their meeting at the home of Mrs. Pritch- ard on Wednesday afternoon of this week. Quite a number attended the school meffting on Wednesday morning. Mr. Will Weber was elected as the new trustee. Miss Charlotte Boland spent the holidays with her p«M^«nts, Mr. and C Boland. Mrs .Cullis and daughtsir, Mildred, spent a few days with the former's sister, Mrs. E. Brodie, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Will John-ston and babe spent a week with friends in Owen .^ound rtcently. Mrs. Hare, Everett and Dorothy visited the former's mother. Mrs. Johnston, Sr. ., I Mrs. David Blair of Toronto was'a recent visitor with. Miss Mary Hopper. / - The trustees and ratepayers held a very successful school meeting on Wednedsay, December :ilst. Mr. .Alfred Genoe erturned home from the city Christmas eve. Miss Bella Blakey of Flesherton was the guest of Mrs. -Alfred Genoe recently. Miss Stude, teacher, spent the holi- days at her home in Hanover. ., The .Sunbeam Concert Trio of the' Ontario School for the Blind; were guests of Hopper. Miss MartKa Fenwick of O. S. Bus-, iness College and sister, Claribel. »f Markdale spent the fiolidays undei* the parental roof, A very pk-ujant gathering was' held at the home of Mr. and Mrs." Wilfi-ed Magee on New Years night, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Magee, who are visitors ii-om ih;- \\ Some excellent music was rendered by Mr. Donald McDonald and the.- Sunbeam Trio. .\nother party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J;" Campbell, north of Eugenia, on Mon- day evening, by the 8th line people* when a very jolly evening was spent^ Your oorrajpondent was pleased ; to receive a Christmas nietpeotu ^^C^E Mrs. Clarence Thompson (nee RwsiJ Jamieson of Cayley, â- Sask.. in the form of a number of t snapshots of her twins, a boy and girl^Pelnm and Delbert, who are now nineteen months old and appear to be a fine healthy looking pair of children. We extend our profound sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Haney and family of Eugenia in the loss of their dearly beloved daughter, Ida: to Mr. Thos. .Sled of Flesherton in the loss of his dear wife and to Mrs. Ernest Russell of Rock Mills in the loss of her beloved husband. We know not who next may fall Beneath His chastening rod; One must be next, so let us all Prepare to meet our God. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Janfieson and son. Wes, spent New Yeaips at Mr. Hillock 'i. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Mon Sayevs, a {daughter. '. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Curran and jiBabeof Rivsrview spent^he holiday ! with Sirs. Curran's mother, brother and sisters here. Providen'je supper and entertain- ment on New Ytars night came orf fairly well, though the night was Jjitteriy coiu, but a verj' fair crowd .gathered. The entercamment, by •^tht Sunbeam Trio, was line anil al- though the three young young Ir^dies ?^ere blind, being graduates ol the Ontario School fur the Blind, ihey ppovd thenisslv;.^ to be capable ent- ':6rtainer.<, and should they ever v - this' part again we are sure- thty would be i;re2ved by fai- ij.i-,;e:- crowds. The Providence ladies lived np to their reputation so far as their supper went, as it was of the very best. Mrs. T. W. Conron is very ill at present. Miss Mary Hale is also on th? sick list. We hope for a speedy -isecovery. ' The stormy weather still continues and if it keeps on we may not be- able to see the echpse of the sun on the twenty-fourth as the snow may have us eclipsed. It has snowed more or less ..'Very day for about 3 weeks. We surely must be above the .<now line on this Blue Mountain side. We think it was gross ingratitude on the part of thci ratepayers of S. S. No. 7 to turn down the i-etiring trustee after the valuable service he iiait 1 ttittievt^. Iiilt^ suetiuD. iK^^Uim^^aat the time of a trustee who had moved awa>". More especially so as he is opie of the few farmers in this local- ity', who claim to be keeping the resi- dents of the village on their charity. EAST MOUNTAIN Cat.. Jf 1 son ^i Fred Grabe, who farms a few miles east c: ?*.;:!'«. was dro'*!:?.! :i hi.-' fath- er's arms when voter nished aito a hole th^ two iiad been diggnig. The bey had been helping !iis faiiter^8ii\k a well. A depth of twelve fee^ had been reached, when, without warn- ing a portion of the bottom of the hole fell in. The well immediately commenced to fill with water. Grabe was out of the hole at the time, but hearing his son's cry and the sound of rushing water, he jumped down. The little fellow had been trapped by falling earth and the father was unable to extricate him 'oefore he was .submerged. The watsr oontinued to rise, and was up to Grabe's chest when rescuers arrived. John Fii th. Edge Hill, a(iff r unusual accideist when a ju which he was holding between and I'.r.^t ftnger of his left h; plodeil, bluwiBg off the top of thumb and linger, each b|il«v. first joiat ^- Jasper â€" Why don't you _ get out and hustile? Hard work ne'er killed noijody. Mose â€" Da'Js an infernal lie, suh! h's lost four wives dat wav. Bates Buriai C(^ Funeral Service New Modern ^ 122-12'' Forn PORTLAW Master G!>rdon McMuUen from the Kimberley continuation school is spending the holidays with his par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Allen and Mise- Eva spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. O. Baker, Vandeleur. The people from this vicinity took in the radio concert given in the Community Hall, Kimberky, on Tuesday night. The annual school meeting passed | off Very quietly with Mr. Carl Hum- ' berstone being elected as the- new j trustee for the coming term. ! A number of the young people ;'.l- j tt'nded the dance in the Orange Hall, â-  Eugenia, on Wednesday ev?:ting, aho the dance given at the home of Mr. , and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Duncan, on 1 New Years night. .All rt'porttU a ' gooii time. Mrs. Irwin Fawcett reuirned ho:ne ' after spending a week with her son at Epping. Mr. and Mrs. Tho.«. Hall and family spent Ne'w Years with Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Fawcett. NOTICE, The annual meeting of East Gr«y .•\gr;i'..i;-rs; Society will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Satur- day. Jan. 17;h, at 1.30 p.m. Member.* are reqtiested to be present. J. T. SLED, W. A. HAWKEN. Pj-esident. Secretary. Archiii Taylor of E!:nwoo<l was arr«eted by Chief B;,mish of Hanover and Provincial Officer Jones of Wal- kerton on a charge of forgery. Tay- lor is alleged to have drawn up a cheiuie on the local bank for 1100. payable to John Miller. an<l bearing the signature of George Emick. Tay- lor i» said t') have cashed the chetiUft. at an Eimwood store, receiving $44 in cash and the balance in vierchan- (Hee. o ^ .\ happy New Year to The Advance . .lj*)*y?. its staff, readers and every- bodjl else. Within each home and heart^yiay the spirit of love-inspiring Chnstma.stide dwell, holding trium- phant swa.v. that good will may be manifest in all our intercourse- with our fellow creatures, and pervade our desires and actions through this and future years. Mc. W. R. Simmons is afflicted with another attack of very serious illness but all hope for a speedy lecovery. The sympathy of this community goes out to the young wife and other relatives of the late Ernie Rus.sell in their time of sorrow. The festive season brought a good many absent ones home to the old fireside, and many pleasant family reunions took place. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lyons ar- rived from th* West and will visit for some weeks wip» relatives in this par^ Mr. Harry Thompson of Detroit spent the holiday season with his uncle and aunt here. .Mrs. Wauchope. Lloydtown. is vis- iting with her daughter. .Mra. Lewis .^â- "hcardown. I.'". Robert Morton of Pitisburi;. Pa., visited over the holidays at the pare;-.ia! ho;:,' Ccntrt- I.!- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shire was enriched lately by th-.- . 1 ri'-al t-r a lit'.le hoy. Congratui.. lions. Mr. and .Mrs. David Jamieson atui lamily of Toronto vis-ited at the home of Mrs, Jamieson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lyons. Mr. and Mr.«. R. Hannah are enjoy- ing, the deligljts of a new rKdio set and sharing the same with thei^ friends. The annua! s< iuml meeting was fairly well attended. Mr. J. W. Mc- Kee acted as chairman. Mr. Fred Taylor, ♦he retiring trustee, was j-e- eleeted fv another term. Mr. Thos. Phillips gave a '.try- CKimptehen^ive report of the edv;iat,ional convention in Toixihto. -^•â- â€¢'- ^ :,*tciified n« '' delegate. MOUSE OF<SlUAI,lT\ Greetings to aur Many Friends and Customers *f We wish to take liiis opportunity df express- ing): to 3'ou that we ajipreciate more tlian wt 'an say your co-operation and friendsliip which has been our privilei^i'e to enjoy. Your many favors extended to us during the year warrants our heartiest htanks. We therefore extend to you the greetings of the season with our sincere wish for prosperity dur- ing,- 1925. W. J. STEWART Si S Flour, Feed, Seeds, Gro c eri«» and Confectiotk Flesherton { m ABSOLUTE PROTECTION We are able to give you a complete Service in all lines of ln.surance. if it is insurable we can serve you. Our rates are the lowest obtainable consistant with protection that is given. GILT EDGED SECURITIES We sell only securities providing absolute and dependable returns for whatever money is invest- ed. Full ]">articulars on a])plication. The Flesherton Insurance Agency IXSl RANCE - BOND.'N - REAL ESTATE W. A. AMSTRONG. S. E. deCUDMORE ^ FLESHERTON Be a Booster We are starting on another new year witf» its usual new resolutions, and among them why not have one added to buy everything at home you can and help our home town. Let us one <uid al! try and ma'|e th^s the best year (or the business men and residents that our village of Flesherton. ' 6ver had. Let us one and ali boost with both feet for everything that will make Flesherton a better oiace to live in. Thos. W. Findla REC URMllRL 1»E.^LF:R KiNKRM. DIRECTOR Flesherton â- W: â„¢ .?. i-a*-.. ,.^-,,. j^X''Lm

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