Wed., December 24th, 1924 THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Corona and Taco Ranges large bake The oyeus are and roomy; they quickly. Reservoirs are cop" per and tinned and will not corrode. THESE RAN(;ES HAVE EARN- ED A WELL OBSERVED FOPl'- LARITY WITH THEIR MANY USERS. The Most Economical You Can Buy. THESE RAN(;ES HAVE EARNED A WELL-DESERVED I'OI'LLARITY WITH THEIR MANY USERS MARVEL UEBEC HEATERSâ€" A WONDERFUL HEAT PRODUCER BUILT TO LAST I'IPES, ELBOWS, DAMPS, TEE'S, STOVE BOARDS, ETC. All stoves KUarantt'fil or money refunded if not as represented. IF YOU NEED A RANGE OR HEATER COME IN AND SEE US. THIRTEEN STICHES IN FACE TO CLOSE SEVERE WOUND FRANK W. DUNCAN Phone: 21 r 11. What might have resulted in a fatal accidnt ocurred on Friday of last week near Rock Mills when Mr. Lewis Pedlar was so seriously cut on the face with a blade of an axe that thirteen . stitches were re<iuired to close the wound. Had the cut occur- red half an inch higher or lower it would surely have had fatal conse- quences. It is not known exactly how the accident happened but it is Ihoucht that a tree that was being cut down suddnly swung around and rolled a few yards down the hill, and struck Lewis, who had not time to get out of the way, causing the axe to strike him on the cheek someway. He was accompanied in the bush by his brother-in-law, C. D. Meldrum, Dick Clarke and Fred Plewes and no one could account for the accident. Mr. Pedlar is improving nicely but will nto be able to do much work for a few days. Ernest RutseU Died From Appendicits On Monday Mr. Ernest Russell, a highly re- spected resident of Rock Mills vicin- ity, died on Monday afternoon follew- ing a serious operation on Saturday at his home, at the age of 29 years, 10 months. He leaves a young widow and little son to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father. His untimely death wbs a distinct shock to his many friends in Fleshcrton and sur- rounding country, where he was very highly respected. Five weeks pre- viously his father, Jas. Russell, pass- ed away. The family are the re- cipients of the greatest sympathy in their trouble. The funeral takes place to Flesherton cemetery this Wednesday afternoon. Small Advertisements LOST OR FOND LOST â€" In town a 20-dollar bill. Finder pelase leave at his office. FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Proriaeial "* Highway. Three farms, two of 180 ^ acres and one of 50 acres ell el^mrmi. ' First class buildiners, up to date to STRAYED DOG STRAYEl^-Collie dog stray- , ed November 21st, fox color. Finder every particuUr. Will Sfll any OM please notify Chas. Stewart, Flesh- of these. Good brick house on one «I crton. the farms. The stabling for akai- '- jmals is perfect. One farm has ten CAME ASTRAY â€" Three young ,„eg hardwood bush and another calves came to my premises on Sat- i-,,_j_-j v.. tv„^^ . -. -.* *•_! urday, November 15th. '^"" -'»•' nundred has three acres of timber C.P.R. RUNNING SPECIAL TO TORONTO CHRISTMAS DAY The Canadian Pacific announces special train service, leaving Flesher- ton 8.15 p.m., operating to Toronto Dee. 2.5, due there 11.30 p.m. This enables patrons to visit friends for Christmas and return in time for business next day. Advise your I friends to travel Canadian Pacific. One with white face. Owner prove property, pay expenses and take same away. â€" John Badgerow, Flesherton. B RE A D WHEN YOU THINK OF BREAD YOU NATUR- ALLY THINK OF THE BEST PLACE TO GET IT. Our Bread is made from the following ingredients : Lake of The Woods full Manitoba Flour Pure Cane Sugar Shortening Diamalt Windsor Salt Fleischmann Yeast Properly blended together to make the FINEST LOAF PROCURABLE Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Batty and ititle daughter, Loreen, are spending the holiday at Oshawa. F. Pinder, Flesherton Next week being New Years we will be open Tuesday only. If you live within 20 miles of Flesherton it costs from six to ten cents to mail a suit. Dry cleaning makes clothes last longer. Waite^ the Cleaners CLEANERS & DYERS Owen Sound - Flesherton SIX HILL STORES W« buy togsthar in ordar that our cuctomers in the »ix com- munities may materially ben- •fll IncNvidually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone instinct- W ively associate* with high W quality merchandiie at the ^ fairest poitibln pricei. X SANTA KEPT FAITH WITH THE CHILDREN According to anriouncment last week, Santa Claus put in an appear- ance on Saturday afternoon last. It was a very stormy, blustery day, not such a day as vi-ould entice the boys and girls to come out and make the acquaintance of our boyhood friend from the northland, but the weather appeared to be quite the thing for our bewhiskercd visitor, who beamed be- nignly on a large number of kiddies who trailed him raound the streets and received at his hands packages of nuts and candies. It is rumored that Santa did not bring the load of confectionery with him but that the <;-ood things were actually presented to him for distribution by Messrs. F. \V. Hickling, W. A. Armstrong, F. G. Karstcdt, Henry & Kennedy, C. N. Richardson, Stewart & Sons and F. Pinder. The old fellow informed The Advance that this visit was merely preliminary to his annual tour. His reindeer were resting up for the long journey on Chistmas Eve and he was obliged to borrow Jim Stewart's horse to draw him around town. It was an hilarious bunch of yougsters that joined in the procession and everyone of them got a bunch of candies and nuts. One little girl said she got two packages, but did not know how it happened. A number of children from the country were in the crowd, and had it been a fine day the town would scarcely have held the visitors. Santa tells us that he may make this preliminary visit an annual event, but has not fully decided. So many things have to be considered, and it is so inconvenient to pay the visit STOCK FOR SALE RAM WANTED â€" Leicester ram wanted. â€" Chas. Stewart, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Two 3-year-old steers about 900 pounds each, also one year- ling.â€" Daniel Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Beautiful rat and tan Terrier puppies for sale, all males, from pedigreed stock. â€" Jack Large, Eugenia. and has buildinnsa for everytbinf needed, including poultry bouse and ' pig p«nsi. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsaii^ should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. Imy Proton SUtion P.a FARM FOR SALE HORSES FOR SALEâ€" Good team of Percheron mares rising four years.. Wm. Buckingham, cor. of town line and Cth street, Collingwood P.O. R. R. No. 1. COCKERELS FOR SALE â€" A number of Single Comb Ancona cockerels fi-om an e.xceptional laying and exhibition strain that have been line-bred for egg production since 1915, and have won collections and silver cups at some of the largest shows. â€" J. C. McMullcn, Ceylon. Lots 159-160, W.T.S.R., Artemesla . containing 100 acres, over 50 acres good workable land, rest pasture and mixed bush well timbered. Good bank barn, frame house, driving shed, . sheep pen, pig pen and hen house. Small orchard. The farm is well wat- ered and fenced. This farm is a good one and will be sold at a bar- gain as the o^vner is obliged to retire owing to indifferent health. Must be sold. Apply to â€" MARK STEWART, Proton Station P. O. Oct.8t£ FOR sleighs. FOR SALE SALE â€" Set of one-horse -J. H. Myers, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Piano Box and num- 'ber of large boxes, at W. A. Hawken's Music Store, Flesherton. without Donder, Blitzen, Prancer, Cupid and the rest of his reindeer team. Still, we hope he will con- sider the question favorably. • For Sale â€" A quantity of dry wood, beach and maple â€" ^Wm. Bowles, R.R. 5, Markdale. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" In Flesherton, nine rooms. Apply to Walter Simmons, Flesherton. Phone 23 r 42. FOR SALEâ€" Mt. Forest cutters.- Anyone wanting a new cutter would be advisable to see me before pur- chasng. â€" E. Rutherford, Proton Sta. FOR SALEâ€" Home-knit Socks and Stockings, or knitting done from patrons own yarn if desired, at -25c. and 30c. per pair. Please get knitt- ing machine yarn. Place your Christmas orders now. â€" Mrs. Chas. J. Thompson, Flesherton. House For Sale In Flesherton Frame 1% story shingle roofed dwelling with nice large lot and stable. Apply to â€" â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG. Flesherton s ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FLESHERTON L.O.B.A. FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. N. E. 50 acres of 171, and N. E. 50 acres of 172, in the 2nd con. N.E.T. and S.R., Artemesia. About 40 acres cleared, balance in bush, about 50 of hardwood; about 5 acres of soft tim- ber; 2% miles from Saugeen Junction • If the purchaser can giv. a good un- encumbered farm in as collateral se- curity, he can buy on easy terms cf " payment. â€"GEO. RUTHERFORD. Phone No. 7 Box 67, Shelbume Boars For Service ^'9l^^lf&WiWji'9!ljiW('?!^^^^!f!&^Wi I Z i« a real lop to ataubon, for tfjc moment, t|ie pljra- deologp of tbe Mart anb ccfio tuitb all ttie etfjoing tuorlb t!)e 6\3itti refrain of tije iSn- gcls' i&ong; of i^cace on Cartt) ^oob lOiU to iHen. fllap Ciftiitmai anb tije jJ^cto |?f a; be full of real jop anb bappinesid for pou. F. T. Hill S Co., Limited Markdale. vammmm^iSiimm^^mmmm Flesehrton Carnation Lodge L.O.B. A. held the election of officers on Friday evening of last week and the following were elected to the sevci'al officers : â€" W.M.â€" Mrs. W. A. Hawken. D.M.â€" Mrs. O. Phillips. Chaplainâ€" Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Rec. Sec. â€" Mrs. Geo. Stewart. Fin. Secâ€" Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Treasurer â€" Mrs.â€" Thos. Fisher. D. of Câ€" Mrs. W. I. Henry. 1st Lect.â€" Mrs. Ed. Best. 2nd Lect. â€" Mrs. F. Duncan. Com.â€" Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Mrs. W. P. Crosslej^ Mrs. A. Down, Mrs. S. E. DeCudmorc and Mrs. E. McKillop. WANTED WANTEDâ€" A driving hoi-se for the winter months. â€" John Wright, Town. A young Tamworth Boar 6 mos. oM for service on lot 167, S.W.T.ASA Artemesia. Terms 11.00. ' * Also purebred registered Yorkshin.i *?c\'n ***'â- ?«'"ceâ€" Vineyard Famotia maq-on lot 167, S.W.T.4S.R., J^ emesia. Terms $1.00. Sows nit ra- turned will be charged same as thoM m pig. â€" T. Feb. 16 J. STINSON, PropL FEVERSHAM MAN WANTED - hand. â€" Jas. Stinson, P.O. General farm Proton Station BARN WANTEDâ€" In good condi- tion; state size and price wanted, cash payment. Write or apply at The iVdvance office. M I S C E L L ANEO U S NOTICE during the Eugenia. - Chopping jdMie six days week. â€" Graham Bros., »0oo»o«««i»o«oo«»«^««««««ooo#o0<»oo###«#«»«»eS (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Geo. Samson of Duntroon was a caller in our village on Wednesday last. Sorry to report that Miss Robinson is not improving any. She has been ill for several months now and is in a serious condition at the present time. Since the above was written the grim reaper has called Miss Robinson to the world beyond. The call came to her on Thursday last and though not unexpected to her friends yet it seem- ed as it always does to leave a great sorrow behind and especially to the aged mother. Miss Robinson had been a great sufferer for about eight months and everything that could be done for her was done. The funeral service was conducted by the Revs, Simpson and Mills in the Gospel Workers church here, which was crowded to the doors. Revs. Shann- on of Mclntyre and Duffield of Max- well also assisted. Rev. Simpson preached an impressive sermon from the words, "Be yea also ready." The remains were laid to rest beside her father in Bethel cemetery, who pre- deceased her 47 years ago. There is lefH to mourn her departure, her mother, sister and brother here. Her brother, Eli, keeps a general store here and Miss Robin.son in her health was an able assitant. Mr. Henry Butcher of the ."^ixth of Collingwood, about four miles north of here had the misfortune to lose his dwelling ho«.<<e by fire early Fri- day morning and the family had a narrow escape as they escaped in their night clothes only. It was a very severe loss to Mr, Butcher, as nothing was saved and at this time of the year in severe weather. Let um put our hands in our porketa .neigh- bors. a>( a little help is worth a lot. Mr. Butcher is in poor health, too, having been under the doctor's care for some time with leakage of the heart. Bird's Mackinaws, Tweeds and Yarns, and Stocking Legs, new stock, just arrived â€" H. Alexander, Merchant Tailor, Feversham. CORNER BLOCK FOR SALK Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey BuU, "Pramwr «f • Lone Oak, 21058", for service at l«k 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms 1^ Jerseys $5.00, others |3.00. Term*^ cash. â€" H. C. RADLET A SON, ^ FlcslMrtoa. BOAR FOR SERVICE. IJne Corner block for sale in Flesher- ton, known as the olA Richardson block. Reasonable terms. ~- â€" W. L. WRIGHT, Flesherton. JOHN O'NEIL Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey Terms â€" reasonable. Sale dates may be arranged at The Advance office, Flesherton. 1% charged on sales. Residence: â€" R. R. No. 2, Priceville. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Tamworth Boar for serrica, 6 raoa. old, reg. bacon type, on tot 31, Con. J O.D.R. Terms |1. Any sow not r». turned will be charfired same as thoe* in pig. Anyone wishing to leave tb» sow will be charged 26c per day ex- tra-^OHN MEADS, PricevUle P. O, R. R. 3. 5^^, BUSINESS CARDS Dr. £. C. Murray, L.D.S., dentid suigeon, honor graduate of Toraat» and Royal College of Dental Surgeon* Ontario. Gas administered for of teeth extraction. Office at resideoe* Toronto Stret, Flesherton. X Farm for sale or rent lota 155-156 W.T.S.R., containing 100 acres; 80 acres good workable land, clay loam, the remainder pasture and mixed bush. Good bank barn, frame house drive shed, small orchard, well water- ed. Will give possesion at any time as everything has been sold and the place is for sale or rent. â€" RODDIE STEWART. Proton Station. R.R. No. 3 Soft Elm Logs Wanted Soft Elm logs wanted, delivered either at the veneer factory or at points convenient to the Provincial or County roads. Particulars on ap- plication. â€"MARK ARMSTRONG. Markdale , Out. LARGE BROS. ORCHESTRA Dr. A. TumbnII. B.A., M.B., grmd- uate from the Faculty of Medidmir University of Toronto. OfBce â€" Rich. ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 88» Prince Arthur Lodge. 33S, A.F. * A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Xm- strong Block, Flesherton. every Pirl- day on or before the full moon. G.. Banks, W.M., P. J. Thurrton, Sec. Lucas A Henry, Barristers, Solielt-^ ars, etc.,â€" I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucto Block, Phone 2. Branch ofBcee at Dundalk and Durham. IS NOW RADY FOR ENG.\OE- MENTS. TERMS MODERATE. APPLY TO â€"GERALD LARGE, Telford A Bimie, Barristers, a«B- citors, etc.. Offices â€" Grey and Bi«e» Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block. Flesherton. (Satnrdayi). m, P. Telford Jr„ J. P. P. Bimia. Wm. Kaitting. Licmuad Aae«ie«Mr for the counties of Grey and SimdO*. Farm and stock sales a speeJaM^. Terms moderate., satisfaction goaos anteed. Arrangements for d*tla may be made at the Advance ofltoob « Central tekpbone ofBcc, EngeHia. , „ i^ addrewtat mt mX