•\J.^ â- .,.*»' ^ / ^?" None Will Satisfy R liKe p\Arm, d«liciou« SAUDA I! GREEN TEA >«» TH« fln«st ^reen t«a produced In tl&« world. ~ Ask for a trisA. package, PIEE MUriE •! UEEI TEA IPON lEQUEST. "SAUIA." TOIOMTO p«cUlly good. Peel four largd onion* and two carrotB. The uuloiu bbould be chopped rina, and the carrots dic«&. I*iit them fnto an rnaroeled ware •ancapAn with three tHbleapoutifulii of butter and laute them until the onion* are w«ll browned. Use a quar- ter teaapoonful of augar and half a teaspoonful f aalt. Add a quart of water and boil for two bours, adding more water tm It holla away. Tbia â- oup abould be aerved with a slice of bread In each plate. PENNY PLAIN BY O. DOUGLAS fihopmaDâ€" "Yoa may baT* your choice â€" penay plain or two-p«oc« colored." Solemn Small Boyâ€" "Penny plain, pleaaa It^ batur valna tor the money." NURSES Tk« Iwwrt* Nm(Mm Mr tmmmt «tM(UM •Mk Binww wM MMtt M* K w Vw« CMr. ••»• • mtâ€" iâ€"nr Cmtw H IralXM •• >rt*f wn . HMtaf M* rttUtt ttaullta. m* tn t nm •! kMMH»t •wMt. nit ttwfital hM a^MM m» tt^tt. orar 0tt«a. Tk* naat pmtM mMmh >• uw aMMd, * mâ€"mt ru tm»» m ^ « mm i I* â€"* Inm â- «* Vatt. tm I CHAPTER XVIII.â€" (Cont'd.) in their car Jean told PameU about jiU." When Jean heard the voice it seem- Jean's tears Sowed afreeh aa she said the words. "How I wiah I had been ' kinder to him. I aonaehow felt be waa Woman's Sphere I (To be continued.) The Sheik's Justice. The sheik of an Arab tribe, say. Mr. t;HAPTER XVIII.-(ContU) in r ...... . ., ,« ,,^ Paul HarrlBon In a recent Issue of When Jean heard the voice it seem- ^•^'â- - m - . ., k^/ .- ii,.-^' And why have they writtan-to trfl u ...•••Buu lu • I «„„rvt>iln» u/.o tr.n. * couldn't tell vou beforc those you?" Pamela asked. Asia e.erciB« unlimited power; of J^,^V"jJ^*',)*Jf "^L^^"^^ opulent, weIl-pJease<f people. It', ab- 1 Jean picked up the letter which had him It may be said as It was of Nebuc ^^heir wb^es and Thedr RoulR^vce' '^'"tely breaking ourMiearU. Mrs. f«i:*n oJ* the fl<ir." hadnezxar. "Whom he would he slew 'e'J^'to be '^i^f w^^hfcJ^ rl^mrfi^n^ M'Coeh kwks ten years older, and! "It's from his lawyer, and he san and whom he would he kept alive." iffp^n liX onr«fT»r .nH kI!^â„¢- Jock ""d Mhor go about quite silent he has Wt me money. . . . Read it. The only check upon his actlona Is small ordinary ra^ervulwr fieSr^^* thinking out wicked things to do to Pamela, I don't seem able to see Um public opinion and the likelihood of lU ghe forgot her'own home-made frock 'â- *'**^* ,',''*'' '*t''n*^-, P-''^'*' ''"^ f?"* words." expressing Itself Id the form of aaaas- and shabby sappers; and even the Are P^!"". '" "*! T'.* looking for him, sinatlon If he becomes too unpopular, seemed to feel that things were bright- ''"*."* "S^y *** 'y"*« trapped in some The office Is hereditary and In the na- ening, for a flame struggled through ^^^^ f^T r^^ttl^^^JZ^n''i>M^ tural course of events passes to the the backing and gave promise of fu- ?^\£\Ji^^^^ in dt^? " eldest son; but occaalonally. If the ture cheerfulness T^Tl^* Sd llrl! 'mW baking heir Is obviously a man of no force, "Oh, Pamela!" cried Jean. There ^jth the gas oven, one of the other children assumes It was more of relief and appeal in her "it's a scone for the tea. When I Instead. "The ablest ruler Is the man voice than she knew, and Pamela, seo- geen Miss Reeton it kinna cheered me' of the amount of work performed by wanted and the one eventually se- »"f"'«^»«™"« ?«?»'*<»*<> do battle. „p. Hae ve tell't her aboot Peter?" , orators and singers, said he found cured. No one cares much to what ^ ' thought I should suirnse you, "He will turn up yet, Mrs. M'Cosh," ,,<,m his experiments that a basa ' fJ!r"i*!rh IJaJ^iJ'I ♦ vi'^t *'â- *."• P«'"«'*/'»"r«J '^v Pf *?'â- '' 'YJ*'^!' â-¼Â«Â«Â«. "n order to produce the same im- =..^ „.., ,. ^^ M .V V ^ ^ Able some of the sheik, certainly 'f'^^^-'L"^*);"â„¢'^'^^ â€" â€" --- ^generally worn. While it is Impos- ^ody'^hTslLe^Ty t"hen p'incWng'uJ ^'\T »?-<»'"« J° TW'^:"^ h^l ^^ -^ ^^ Jean'in-hS arms. "It he will manage to get oGt sible for every one to have a »'"»l^ the twS co^rs of thrherd fTfars *'''''''"°°'' ^"'''- "'"^""Kh the frllghful j^ g^ to be back. . . Ah, Mrs. Duff- "It's to be hopeTso, for the want foot, cerUinly every one can have a !,"!uj;? „ f?*" „ .J^ ^ severfly of the punishments InHlcted Whalley, how are you. Have you kept o' him is something awful." neat or dainty-looking foot. The last Rn'^nerinK in^m a luu ana lasiening ^^^^^ ^jj^^^ ^^^^ ^g ^^^ ^^^^ merciful Priorsford lively through the Christ-: A knock came to the back door and place to economise is on shoes. It is'""^** * '^"^ ,^'K"' stitcnei. uo "ot *ew ^^^,1^^ ^^ ^^^ Occident oot of all pro- mas-time, you and your daughter?" ja boy's voice said, "Is Peter In?" It better to wear one fairly high-priced °" 'rPt"'i*'''".^,i.*"*^.5°".,,?, J portion to the offenses committed. "Well, I was just telling Jean we've' was a message boy who knew all .,o.V,«,,f « «»-,«n O" the body with white, if liked, or; p,,„„. ^ p,„Hn.r nfr th, - - - • - J- »- - - t... - - Bass Voice Requires the Most Energy. An eminent physician, presenting before the Academy of Medicine In Paris the results of an Investigation THE FEET AND ANKLES. i mouth and perhaps a touch of rouge The appearance of the feet and «" her pale cheeks. If she has a llttia ankles is of great imporUnce, now , "P- •"« "«':°" "<> "f*'"- .^ . , ., .' family he belongs that short skiTts and low sho«i are^ The funniest sort of witch's black ,J^ f , pair of shoes throughout a season, J"i/""'/T/ Tu" ""^"':," "f'^^i ""^ i Flogging, cutting off the hands and de- done our best. My son, Gordon, and Peter's tricksâ€" knew that however than two cheap pairs. j **"<>"* r^"??*,""-""'^'''?^ '"^ !**â- I capitation are frequent. But Mr. Har- his Cambridge friends, delightful '"«n<ily Peter was with a message Of course you will not be able to ^"'^ ^P'' whi.skers in white, with « rfgon tells of one act of Justice, sever. . young fellows, you know, perfect boy on the road, he felt constrained wear well-fitting shoc-s comfortably if ^""i^ °' green or yellow for the eyes. ,„ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ut such as to gentlemen ut we did miss you and to .jum^ out at him whenhe appeared the feet hurt. I do not mean that JJ*'',^ ,'|"''^* '°"K tail, wrapped hkel ,„ approval In the Western world no >«"{; ^^f^": ^« ^''"^ ^^""d Bidbor shoes should be tight, but neither should they be too loose; one produces corns as much as the other. Given the doll limb.s, and sew on tightly. A rabbit is made from a white I less than In the Orient. Ibu Jllawl. Governor of Hasa. holds I time for tea." She slipped off her beat. Even if he U trapped I believe j Pres.lon upon the ears of an audlenea • • â€" '^'^^ In a ball requires the performance of about eighteen times more work than Is required of a baritone or tenor voice. A bass voice Is always at a dl» advantage with regard to the amount of work demanded of it, be said. It was also found, be added, that men are always more fatlgud than women and childm by an equal effort of the voice, and men with bass voices suffer the most fatigue. « stockinf? by adding long cars to the, j,,, ^.^^^^ ,„• „„,y,_ j^, g,p,t^ He I ough not with you?" "My brother has gone to Ix>ndon." "Naturally," said Mrs. Duff- ii^'right ;"ort"of"fo;tgea7"Vtis"quiVo body made like the cat, with a tail of "les^ with a rod of'iron. anS the rich ^^?"y^^„"^^i"/i5fe" te.do^T"g^^^^ .^.(KU. .„ !,„,.„ ♦!,„ fZ, i,o„u»,„ liiu a wad of cotton sewed on. The ears „„., „„„,„,ft,. . â€" . ... ^^ ^'onng men iiKe i»naon, so gay. pessible to keep the feet healthy with- »J^»" L IZ ^T J^^rJZ «nH ^"'^ Powerful may expect no favors at y^^ ^^^^^ restaurants and theatr^ out ever having to go to a chiropodist. •'*"'V, J fi ^ "^PJ^'^'^^^y ^""^ Mb he^nds. He 1b absolutely Incor- Jnd nightclubs " •^ doubled and turned and sewed on. ^u t,bie and impartial. ..Qh I hope not" laughed Pamela They are less trouble made from white: ^^^ ..^ ,^,,, ,pp,„ed before him ' ««? brither"^ rfther eltraordfnatVj I as complainant a poor and ignorant he caros very little for London pleas- villager whose cow some boys on a ures. The open road is all he asks â€" hunting expedition had shot and killed, a bom gypsy." A careful description of the party ; "Fancy! Well, it's a nice taste too. made it possible to gather the entire But I would rather ride in my car number before the governor. The vll- than tramp the roads. I like my com- lager did not know the name of the forts. Muriel and I are going to Lon- Tho feet, as well is the body, should "^"^led and turned and sewed on. be bathed daily; not Just given a care- „ , ,^ ^i- .^^ . . ., . less washing, but scrubbed with mild ?"""^': p^t-hne the features in black, soap and a flesh brush. Then they "« «"j "}« .<="* ""^^ •'^^^^ "^bon tied should bo dried well and gone over around their necks, with perhaps a with a corn file. Every callus should be rubbed down, the corns softened! by soaking and either filed down, or} PATCHING UP THE MIRROR. If very bad, the top callus skin should, ^e have a mirror from which the at the back door with a basket. The innocent question was too much for Mrs. M'Cosh. "Na," she said bitterly. "Peter's no' in, so ye needna hold on to the door. Peter's lost. Deid, as likely as not." She turned away in bitter- ness of heart, leaving Jean to take the parcels from the bov. The boys came in quietly after an- other fruitlera search. They did not ask hopefully as they had done at first if Peter had come home, and Jean did not ask how they had fared. The sight of Pamela cheered them a good de^. "Does she know?" Jock asked, and Jean nodded. ho put oiT with putirla spissori Tt i« .,"~ ', " "-'. """' ""•'-" "•- rlnir.loacier hut on belne asked If he """ '""^uy, on our wuy w uie kmu- Pamela kept the talk going through De cut on witn cuticle scissors Jt is ^,5^^^ jj^g ^^^^ ^ff j^ several places.l '^'°«-'*^''^^',''"\ °° °^'°*, "^"7^^ tinent. Will you be there. Miss Res- tea, and told them so many funny quit* possible to do this without touch- Could youtell me what I could do to, ^o"'" identify h»n> »t once 2°'° t^, „" >"?" |»torie. thaVthey had to laugh. ^ Ing any of the living tissue. Very it?_Mrs. C. H. \T\ .7°, 5 ,„ r,. 1^ JnY„„ "Probably, and if I am Jean will "If only," said Mhor, "Peter was •tubborn corns should be bound up glean the baro portion of the glass ''^f^^" •*^''"»J.''",.."^ll' V'.w .T.'- ^e ^th me^'Oo you hear that, Jean? here now^'the HonorabU's back we i~ 6 I ..rvM „„., do this?" the father askad • „^ „„^„„ „„ »«o„ti„„ *,. ti,. a„w,. would be happy." "There's a big box of hard choco- lates behind that cushion," Pamela with a Rhce of lemon over them-next ^y rubbing it gently with fine cotton,! "Did you ao tnisT me lamer a»a-a .^j paying no attention to the dubi- day the hard skin will easily c^.me off. ^ j^j " remove anv trace of "te'^ly. ous shake of Jean's head she went on: Tender feet should be soaked in dust and t^we Trthir ean'ng be' "^"'^ ^ •*"* "'" "acknowledged the -We must give Jean a very good time , hot salt water, the proportion being a i. j t„rv pnrofnllv HpfAPta mil boy. jand have lots of parties. Perhaps, said, pointing to the sofa, cupful of sea-salt to a quart of hot ^ J /u V •ii The boy had a very fine mare, a re- 1 Mrs. Duff-Whalley, you will bring It was at that moment that the door water. This rests the feet, and hard- w^"fi,„"I!^f f „ Lik^iL ^!S*.!^^'I cent gift from his father, and at the your daughter to one of Jean's parties opened, and Mrs. M'Cosh put her head With the point of a penknife, cut upon , j^^^^^.^ command she was brought In. when you aro in London? You have m. Her face wore a broad smite. I "Would you," asked Ibu Jllawl with been so very kind to us that we should â- "The wanderer hes retuned," she .»,« ,.t^r,^t /tni'.rfoav "ho 'oriiiine tn re- , STreatly like to have an opportunity of said, the utmost courtesy, be willing tore-. K^^^.y^^^^j^ Do let At that moment Jean though the gard this mare as an adequate com- ^^ ^now your whereabouts. It would Glasgow accent the most delightful pensatlon for the loss of your cow7 ^^^ funâ€" wouldn't it, Jean?â€" to enters thing on earth and the smile on Mrs, ins them. If the skin of the foot is th^ back of another looking glass very dry, thero >« nothing better than „„„„j ^ ^ion of the silvlring of •weet-oil or vase me to use as a daily|ti,^ j^^ ^ ^ut a little larger, massage. In fact, corns and caJli rub- ' ^ • bed daily with sweet-oil, vaseline, or Bold cream, will eventually disappear. One woman has been successful in I Upon it place a small drop of mer- cury ; a drop the size of a pin-head I will be sufficient for a surface equal to the size of the nail. The mercury' reducing enlarged Joints (bunions) by "' '"^. ,„ "* ,;' ,^;„ "" ^"7.""^ my cow, but I hope you will excuse me looked w applying turpentine, night and morn-' *P"f„^* 'â„¢"^^'"*/ ^'^ P*^^ from taking her. If I had had the; to bite; Ing; in fact, she declares that the tur-,^'&/L!^^wl^'r.^!! least Idea who the offender was. I â- <<Well. pentine "almost shrinks the bone." We ropeat the remedy for split skin Certainly," replied the vlllagor. ^^j^^ p, jorsford friends in London." I M'Cosh's face the most beautiful. "She Is worth many times the value of poj a moment .Mrs. Duff-Whalley ' With a shout they all made for the looked very like a ferret that wanted , kitchen. then she smiled and said: 1 There was Peter, thin and dirty, , v^„ ^^^^^ , , really, it's most kind of you. but in excellent spirits, wagging his have entered a com- I'm sure Jean should be very grateful tail so violently that his whole body to you. You're a kind of fairy god- wagged_ the knife, and the required piece may be now lifted and removed to the place _ _ to be repaired. This is the most diffi-| ^'f.'^^\,„.,vt ♦h„t ,, ,„,-" renliml ihn ' mother to this little Cinderellar Snlyi "See," said Mrs. M'Cosh, "he's been ^"^ ''^"u". â„¢.,i ..w' „!!«llr.i^^ Jean must remember that it isn't very In a trap, but he's gotten out. Peter's should never plaint" ... , . ., ' , , ,. cult part of the operation. Then pressi ,,, , ,4. ,i« hk.,* na«.A..*iiAiA«a ucmi muBt rcmeiinrtrr unut iv isn u vcrv *•» •• v.â€"^*, ^t*w t:'L.^'llT.l'rJ°:-:J'ril S-'llgbtly the renewed portion with' cot- '".""A.^T'l^.'^ ^'It'^,,!"! Tl^'^^lT. nice to come back t<, drudgery afte1^,a cliver lad.'; A CHARMING "TUNIC" STYLE. the kind used for writing upon black- . _ .. i,„.^«„„ „iâ„¢^„f â- ji *. 1 . J „ ..• 1 *iv T. 11 iton; it hardens almost immediately, boards. Procure a stick of the chalk, •' .. . „„ „„.„„♦„ tv„ â„¢ i, ^ , Jit. and the glass presents the same ap, •crape off the outer layer and throw. "* '^ *^ this away. Scrape the remaining chalk { '^ to a fine powder and dust this powder between toes. The chalk has a drying effect which is very healing and gives quick relief. If free of the common ailments of the feet, and a moderate amount can be spent for shoes, every woman can boast of neat and attractive-looking feet Size does not matter so much; the large woman must have large feet or she will look top heavy. If they seem too big, however, she should carefully avoid fancy styles of foot- wear, and buy nothing but the plain- Mt and Ijest. STOCKING TOYS. As a general thing, most old stock- ings are thrown away when they are loo worn-out to dam any more. j But we will continue to make toys from ours that will more than delight the babies and small children. Do not use silk ones; they split too readily, and the plain lisle are apt to stretch. The ribbed ones are best, and be sure thoy have no holes in the legs, for that is the part to use. For a funny old "mammy doll" pro- ceed as foIh>w8: Cut off the foot and sew the leg straight across the top, •o as to form a bag. Then decide how big you want your doll, for the longer the leg the bigger she will b«k Stuff vrilh cotton or old rug."! â€" more 4lK>;i an excellent model you will not be excused from taking an "jiouror two at the balC" and she j Jock and Mhor had no words. They the mare. The boy will apologize to g^^^ ^j, unpleasant laugh. i lay on the linoleum-covered floor, while you unqualifledly, and If you will then uj^yi^ but you forget your fairy Mrs. M'Cosh fetched hot milk, and consider the matter settled I shall be tale," said Pamela. "Cinderella had crushed their faces against the little sincerely indebted to you." ia happy ending. She wasn't left to black-and-white body they had So having received the apology, the the drudgery, but reigned with the thought they might never see again, villager led off the mare. The child's prince in the palace." i while Peter licked his own torn Daw heart was almost broken, but It was not until some time later that Ibu He â€" "Do you believe love cornea' more than once?". She â€" "If you treat him right, h* does." « MInard's Lhilment Heats Cuts. Peroy's Puzzle. The teacher had been lecturing his class on the wisdom often displayed by animals and birds. He compared It with that of human beings, to the lat- ter's disadvantage. Having flnished his discourse, he invited blA pupils to ask questions bearing on the subject Percy held up his band. "Well. Percy." said the teacher, "what is It you want to know?" "I want to know, sir," replied Percy, "what makeci chickens know how big our egg-cups are?" while Peter licked his own torn paw it's hardly polite surely," Muriel! and their faces in turn, put in, "to liken poor little Jean toj It was wonderfully comfortable to a cinder-witch." 'see ^Pamela settle down in the corner Jean laughed and held out a foot of the sofa with her embroidery and in a shabby slipper. "I've felt like one ask news of all her friends. Jean had all day. It's been such a grubby day, been a little shy of meeting Pamela, no kitchen range on. no hot water, wondering if Lor^ Bidborough had and Mrs. M'Co.'^h actually out of tern- told her anything, wondering if she •- , per. Now you've come, Pamela, it will were angry that Jean .should have hadi Health Notes. ; ^e all right â€" but it has been wretch- such an offer, or resentful that she| Two business men, having to spend ed. I hadn't the spirit to change my had refused it. But Pamela talked i a few hours in a small town, decided frock or put on decent slippers, that's quite naturally about her brother, and to dine at the village school. why I've reminded you all of Cinder- gave no hint that she knew of anyl One of them turned to the pretty eUa- • • • Are you going, Mrs. Duff- reason why Jean should blush when] waitress and asked: "How's the Whalley.^ Good-bye." chicken?" Jllawl bought the mare back for him. and then at a thousand rlyals, or Maria Theresa dollars, a sum sufficient to make the villager independently wealthy for the rest of his life. BOUSE etubUsbfld tfO rew& Please write for our price list on Poultry, Butter, and Eggs W« OUARANTEE tbcm for m week shemd. P. POULIN & CO, LIMITED M-U BonunHin MutA TitoakoM mum 7iir MONTREAl. • • QUCBie his name was mentioned. "Oh, I'm all right." "How are you?" she blushed. Mrs. Duff-Whalley had, with an ef-' "And how are all the peopleâ€" the fort, n giiined her temper, and was Jowetts and the Watsons and the Daw- sons? And the dear Macdonalds? I now all smiles. "We must see you often at The picked up a book in Edinburgh that i r. . D,i« I., n..»p4 Towers while you arc in Priorsford, I think Mr. Macdonald will like. And Date paims in uesert. dear Miss Rcston. Muriel and I are I-ewis Elliotâ€" have you seen him late- Though the date palm is commonly on our way to ten with Lady Tweedie. ly. Jean?" thought of as a desert plant. Its roots She will be so excited to hear you are "He's away. Didn't you know? He must be canatantly kept wot. In the back. You have made quite a place went Just after you did. He was m marshy soil of the oasis In which It for yourself in our little cirole. Good- I-ondon at Christmasâ€" at least, that bye, Jean, we shall be seeing you some was the postmark on the parcels, but For Sore Feet â€" MlnartTk LlnlmenL stockings cut up small will do â€" till for a combination of two materials. the head is round and large enough. Brown satin and figured crepe aro Then tie a string tightly around the here illustrated. The dress may be neck to hold it in pluce and form the finished without the "Tunic" as shown head. Stuff the rest of the body and in the small view. The long sleeve sew up the bottom. portions may be omitted. For arms and legs, take a piece of This Pattern is cut in 3 Sizes: 16, stocking the desired lengtJi, roll up 18 and 20 years. To make the design and wrap tightly with black thread, as illustrated in the large view, for sewing at the bottom. Tie a .string an 18-year size will require 3% yards • little way up to form the hand. ; of satin, and 2 yards of crepe 40 The leg.s arc made the same way, inches wide. If made without the but turn up about an inch at right long Klecve portions % yard less of angles to the leg to form a foot and the satin will bo required. The width catch with a few stitches, then sew at the foot is 50 inrhe.«. the arms and legs on the doll. 1 Pattern mailed to any address on Outline the features with white receipt of 20c in silver, by the Wilson thread, making large coggle eyes and Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide St., • big mouth with stitches taken across Toronto. It for teeth. Dross m.immy in any. Send iTic in silver fbr our up-t<v scraps you may have, but be sure to date Fall and Wintor I<.l24-l!i2r) Book make her an apron and a head hand- of Fashions. kerchief with stick-up ears. ( A dear little girl doll Is made thej FRENCH ONION SOTIP. same wav from a white stocking, and! dres.«cd in dainty clothes, with the' Wlntrr I? the seaann for thick f'-aturcR done in colorsâ€" blue eyes, red "0"P"' ""'' "''' ""* ''''''â- ''• »'"•' â- time. Come, Muriel. Wellâ€" t'ta." he has never written a word. He was | When the visitors had rolled away always a bad correspondent, but he'll turn up one of these days." Mrs. M'Cosh came in with the let- ters from the evening post. 1 "Actually a letter for me," said Jean, "from London. I expect it's from that landlord of ours. Surely he won't be grlving us notice to leave The ' Rigs. Pamela, I'm afraid to open it. ; It looks like a lawyer'.s letter." | "Open it then." | Jean opened it slowly and read the, enclosure with a puzzled frown ; then ; she dropped it with a cry. Pamela looked up from her work to see Jean with tear.s running down her face. Jock and Mhor stopped what ', they were doing and came to look at ' her. Peter rubbed himself against 'â- her legs by way of comfort. "My dear," said Pamela, "is thero : anything wrong?" ' "Oh, do you remember the little old 1 man who came one day to look at the I house and sta>"ed to tea and I sane i 'Strathoirlie' to him? He's dead."i I8SUB No. 81â€" '24. This, iiiominient in llie Kicking llor.«e I'asa. Urilisli Co.umbia. marks the j liberal chunk of breod. mskos a whole P'"'"® ''bcre the last spike was driven In the building of the Canadian 1 meal for the Breton peasant Is si- '. P»clflc Hallway. TAYLOR- FORBES I rgg [«u«imiTEED Pruners For every purpose In the orchard, cutting limbs up to U Inches. Hotulles â€" 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet. Iwr HiNwaii lulir kanra Nw gmltr Our ducriptWc ciroiUr (cnt to anr addrcu on rrntieat TAYLOR-FORBES i:OMPANY, UMITBD GUELPH. ONT. ^$5^^ #% â- iBE- I \ -^"S--.