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Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1924, p. 7

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REDROSE TEJL*^ good te£ For WooiMi Onlj. I Hwrvesting the Mint. It li auppMMd by uiany poopla that I Witliln a (ew mU«* of London tt>« I tha only Britlsb deconuion or m«d«I I peppermint barvest la In full •wloc. Jiu^uia ' and Um chokett of R«dRoM Tea* U tlie ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY ^ Smmames and Their Origm •COTT Varlationaâ€" Seottl, aohotl. Raalal Origin â€" Doubtful, ••ure*â€" Alao doubtful. awarded oxsluaively to woman la til* Order of the Royal Red Cross, gtvaa for rakM- In attending to tbe wounded under Are, or for special merit In elmt- lar clrcumstanoeo. There are, how- ever, four otbera. Of these the beet known la the Croaa of tbe Order of St John, Instituted by Queen Victoria forty years a«o. It« ribbon Is of black watered silk, and It la awarded to nurses or thoee actively Interested In nursing. Tbe Imperial Service Order was or- iginated by King Edward oa a reward for women showing conspicuous brave- ry In any sphere of life. Ita holders are few In number, and the decoration la faisbly valued. Bran more exclusive are the Royal Ordar of the Crown of India, the lat- ter awarded for services rendered in and "Boote," the lattar apparoBtly b» tag a common name among tte Tan* toBie Fraaka who llTad In tba oorthera part of Ftuoa. Th» nama waa alaOj oommoa among tho MibJaeU of the | India by women of tha Viceregal Court Rare la a family name that la a cood Bmparor Charlomacna and among other and wtvea of tbe naUve prlncas. It la bit of a puaale, both a* to racial origin i Teatonio races aa "Bootardna." with a coveted decoraUon. but not mora and source. | syllable, It la to be noted, slmUar to , ao than the flra^named, which Is given Tbe obvloua explanation, but one Rtohard, Reynard. Leonard, etc.. a dta- wtloh la not entirely aatlafaotory, la ' tlnotly Teutonic compound. It waa tluit It wa* orlctnally a name added to |^,^ ^q Anclo-Bason given name, as the slTOB name In order to deaorlbe "Boota," and tho place name Soottowe BatlMalltr. Undoubtedly thla aotually | |g dimply a development of the Anglo- la tha true origin of the name ia a ' gazon "flcoteho" or "grave of SooU." ire&t many eaaea, for In tho old Bnc> IMi recorda there ara Inatanoea of anch namea aa "Malcolm le Soot," wlilcli, of courae, could have no oQier â- uanlng. Bnt thla doe* not explain everything. Ttaerw are more ancient reoorda In Italy, la France and, In Qermany, aa 'mi! aa Anslo-Saxon England, which prove that "Soot," in one form or an- other, waa rather wldeai>read aa a given name, and not as a descriptive namo add«d to tbe given name. Liatln Inscriptions give ua the form "Sootus" In thooa daya there wa* no auch namo aa Sootland, thoush In the Cel- tic tongue Ireland waa known u "Scota." It waa not until the Middle â-²gU that, aa the name of a country. It waa transferred to Scotland In com- mon usage. The existence of the bimlly name In so many oountrlea indicates It often developed from the given name, bnt where the given name first appeared Is still a mystery. RICHARDS Variations â€" RIohardaon, RIoheaon, RIehey, Richie, Rlohart, RIoKard, Rlckarda, RIokers, RIckar, Rickey, Richett, RIoketta. RIohaa, RIccardI, RIcclardi, Relchard. Racial Originâ€" Teutonic. Source â€" A given namo. The Normans left their stamp not only on England, but upon all Europe, for while they colonized by no means all the latter, there wns a period In medieval times when the Norman arms had subdued about all of the European continent, and Norman rulers held sway In Italy, Spain, BVance and parts of what Is now Ger- many, as well as in England. Nor did the Normans have to do more than merely nil« moat of these sections to leav'e among them, as one of their legacies, tho given name of Elehard. Meaning "stem kln«," it was naturally a name to appeal to Biich a warlike and dominating race as these Teutons of the middle ages, and one which naturally became unual among tihe various Norman families mlln« In different sections of Europe. In turn, king's names were generally popular among the populaoe In all lands. Hence it became a widespread given name first, and then a family name throughout moot of Europe. Rlcheson, as well a» Riobards, is a shortened form of Richardson, and Rlchey, Ritchie, and Richie are sliort enlngs of Rloheson. Rickey and Rlc- ketts and Rioket are developments of names formed from nicknames of Richard through the uae of the diminu- tive ending "ct" Rlckart, Rlckards, Rlckert and RIcker show German in- fluences, while RIccardI and Rloolardl are natural pronunciations of the Italian tongue. Rolchaid Ifii found In Alsace and Lorraine. « Ohl Those Printers! A newspaper which printed a des- cription of a beautiful wedding once made tho unfortunate error of atating that: "the roses were punk." The editor of course gave directions that correction be made in the next issue but with the sweetest of Intentions and the deepest of regrets- this la how the phrase, as corrected, appeared: "The noses were pink." New Heat Retainer. Tbe latest heat-retaining material is balsam wool, made of the fibres of the pine and other coniferous trees. only to titled women, rare Inatancao. and this in very RHEUMATIC PEOPU CAN NOW FIND RELIEF By Driving the Poisonous Acid From the System. Rheumatism attacks people when tho blood ia thin and watery, or charged with Impurities, thus settinc up inflammation of the muscles and lolnts. Cold, wet weather or sharp winds may start the pains, but tho cause Is rooted in the blood and to got relief It must be treated through the blood. As a blood builder and nerve tonic Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are un- surpassd, and for that reason do not fall to give relief to rheumatic suffer- ers when given a fair trial. Amon« the rheumatic sufferers who have proTod the great value of this medi- cine is Mrs. Simeon J. Tatton, Indian Head, Sask., who says: â€" "For over two years I was an Intense sufferer from rheumatism and until I began the use of Dr. ^^Ulaons' Pink Pills no treatment that I took hslpod me any. The trouble grew so bad that I could not move around the house without help, and finally I had to give up and go to bed. Words cannot tell how much I suffered, and I oould not bear to have anyone come near me. Finally one of my neighbors strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to do so. In the courae of a few weeks I could feel an Improve- ment, and I was able to get up. I kept on taking the pills until all traces of tho trouble were gone, and I oould again do my housework, feeling like a new parson. Three years have pass- ed since that and there has never been the slightest return of the trouble, so that I feel safe in saying that the re- lief brought by this- medicine is pei^ manent" You can get the pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box fronj The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont and tbe pretty blue flower* of ttalo sweet-amelling plant are fast (ttlUng beneath the swish of the sickles, or > mint hooka, says an Bngllb writer. During the past eleven months tho distillery has been silent. Now it la busy night and day, aa carloads of tho "herb," as It Is called, are tosaed through the large door of Its upper floor, and the air is filled with a pun- gent odor at first well-nigh overpower- ing. On thla upper fioor are two huge, copper-like stills, each with Us bufo lid, or "cap," suspended above it. Tho bottom Is perforated so that the steam may rise easily to the mint. Three boilermen load tbe stills, and aa soon as they are brimful the cap ia lowered and seated by a water suction arrangement fitted round the brim. Meanwhile the bollermau gets up staam until 401b. is registered, at which degree of beat the steam is al<- lowed to paso Into the wellrflUed atUl. Each load takes seven hours to dlO" til, and die oil and water flow down in- to the separator on the ground floor. To prevent tampering with the pre- cious liquid, this ia kept looked in a cage, ot which the charge man alone poaseasea a key. The process of dla> tilling ended, he unlocks the cace, takes out tlie separator, and pours the oil Into large blue bottles. A ton of herb usually yieldo 81b. to 101b. of oil, and few of the tourists re- turning from Paris enraptured with the oheloe liqueurs of that capital realise that tho main Ingredient, alco- hol de menthe, is obtained from the fields of Surrey and shipped to France. CONSTIPATED CHiLDREi^ Constipation Is one of the most com- mon ailments of childhood and the child suffering from It positively can- not thrive. To keep the little one well the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet. To do this noth- ing can equal Baby's Own Tablota. They are a mild but thorough laxa- tive; are pleasant to take and can bo given to the newborn babe with per- fect safety. Thousands of mothers use no other medicine tor their little ones but Baby's Own Tablets. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from Tha Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. OUCHUH SMOnNG TOiACCO IS FOUR TtMIS SIALEP &^ to bring you th« full richness and msilow swsetness of this â€" 'Ibbacco of Quality Mami&clurtd by IMPERIALTOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED n Help Yoursalf Postofflot. Out in Olasier National Park, thirty miles back from the Great Northern Railway, !â-  the only postofflce of Its kind. TJie mall ia brought on horse- b«ok from the railroad and hung on the side of an old abandoned log cabin In weatlierproof bags. The residents ride in from the range for a radius^ of Ave miles and help themaelves to their mall left for them In the bags. o Worked for 37 Hours. Sir Thomaa Lawrence, painter of the Oeorglaii period, once worked 87 hours without IntermlBSlon. A man is as old as the tune ho whistles. Clas.'iiiied Advertisements Queer Dlshea. Tbe Chinese eat many peculiar dish- es. Along the southern coast of New Guinea are found gigantic sea worms, which the Chinese place second only to tbe bird's nest as' a table delicacy. A nice fat one will measure almost two feet long and aei big around as a man's wtiat. These are boiled, cleaned, and placed In the sun to dry and when sAiipped to China, have the appearance of frankfurters. 1 ADIE.S WAN) Vi) TO DO PLAIN '-^ and light sewir;^ at home, whole or spare time; gaod pay; work sent any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National ManufactuririR Co., Montreal. LADIES ONLY. OUR BOOKLET, "LADIES' FRIEND," mailed in plain en- velope, free. Casier 2423, MontreaL HOME STUDY The Thames Flock of 8w«na. There are about 600 swans on Thames river In England. tbe SHORTHAND OR BOOKKEEPING taught in twenty home leasona. Proflcienoy guaranteed. Diploma given. Empire Business College, 846 Broadview Ave., Toronto. MInard's Liniment for Rheumatism. •> Edelweiss in Hidden Nooks. The en'or that edelweiss grows only in the haunts of the chamois among the Alps Is a common one, Bays the London Times, but it grows In hidden nooks In Brompton Churchyard, and otJker places. Avoid loss when sending money by mall â€" Use Dominion Express Money Orders â€" the safe, convenient, Inexpen- sive way. ijf. e Ekn^ke Medidne c^EeTNiKB^iSbirwIifcindEnvoir^^ pm/^0Mmtrr~aa<Bt the Britiah JHas-tlie remedy) Mdch has brought hddthluid hapiifaiMS to millions^ « mtai£4 ^omen in eivenr part^f the^Empire- Ihe trwtiMot'^Wcli li'i«SrtedlQi everywhere- lo^snnMnts siidi.sarSlck Headache^ BiliousncM;; IttdBgesdod ^iodXCoMti|HitIoii::t<^ten ^conrider<idl larigBificMk^'%cid«ltar^ineonveiuent-«ilnientB, Which )»«« their^drlofai faii ftw>«pdc"^condUott :-*" I Appreciated at Last. "Why this sudden admiration of your tailor?" "Why-orâ€" I've Just received these photos of myself taken in a bathing suit." « Real Irish. An Irishman was told by bis fore- man to bring a couple of wheelbar- rows from a workshop two miles away. Paddy went for them, but, finding that he could not bring two at once, brought back one. The foreman naked why he did not bring the two by putting one upedde down on the other. Paddy replied, "Och, sure, sor, I didn't think of that." So off he went to get the other. Af- tor a long time he returned, pufllng and bowing, with the two barrows. "I don't want three barrows," said the foreman. "Sure, sor, I did not bring three barrows," "What did you do with the first one, then?" "Begorra, I took it back to bring the other one," replied Paddy. On Again. If whet shone afar so grand Turn to nothing in thy hand. On again â€" the virtue lies In the struggle, not the prize. â€"Lord Houghton. British Army Buttons. To replace the universal button bearing the royal armsi, regimental buttons^ with the crest of the unit are to be Issued to the army, as in pre-war dayB. BOILER Water tube type, 185 h.p., in good con- dition, alao a large amount ot plumb- ing, lli^ting and heating equipment Will soil entire or in part at great â- aoriflce because ot alterations to our property. Real Estateo Corporation, Limited, Top Floor, 78 Woot Adelaide •treot, Toronto. Telephone Ilgln 8101. WANTED FULL RIQQED SHIP MODELS Send description and full partlouiars to L. COSTELLO 73 W. Adelaide St. Toronto Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful Vrlte M urine Co..Chic»go.forE yeCaieBoGli: BurnsI Apply IVIInard'a at once. It acts as a counter Irritant and gives quick relief. BETTER IN EVERY WAY After Taking Lydia E Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Ingomar, N. S.â€" "I took your medU cine for a run-down condition and inward troublee. I had pains in my right side BO bad at times that I could not walk any distance. I saw about Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the newspaper 8 and have taken live bottles of it. I am better in every way and you can use my letter to help other women." - Mrs. Alvita M. PERRY, Ingomar, N. S. Nervous Breakdown Relieved Toronto, Ontario. â€" "It is pretty hard to explain your feelings m nervous troubles. I felt low sninted, had pains in my head and eyes, always crying, and did not want to go anywhere. I do knitting and fancy work, and 1 would get irritable after a few minutes of work. I have been in Canada five yeara and have been this way ever since I came. I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound and I sleep bettei^ and it seems to make me eat, and I musk say I am feeling more jolly. I have great faith in in vour medicine because of what it has done for my husband 'â-  sister and she recommended it to me. ' â€"Mrs. A. Smith, 10 Burleigh Avenue, Todmorden, Toronto, Ontario. All druggists sell this dependable med- icine, and women suffering from these troubles so common to their sex should live It a trial now.i Helping Baby. Alarmed by an unusual noise in the nursery the mother hurried in breath- lessly. Tbe children In a close group by the window, the baby being In the middle, looked up calmly as she en- tered. "What on earth are you doing?" asked the mother. "We found," explained the oldest boy, "grandma'9 false teeth, Mid wo'ra flHng them down and fitting them on the baby." Cause of Ropy Dough, "Ropy" dongti Is due to bacterial spoilage. Fence 600 Miles Long. To inclooe one oolossal farm in Mon. tana required 600 miles ot Imrbed wire. Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by mUlions and prescrified by physicians 24 years for MInard'o Liniment Rolllsveo Pain. Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions, DFACE Red, Swollen and Sore. Cuticu ra Hea ls. " I had my trouble from child- hood. It took the fonii of whito, scaly, aoie eruptions which caused terrible itching and burning, also lota of sleep. My head and face and parts of my body wereafTected. The skin on both my head and face waa red and Rwollen and awfully sore. The breaking out caused dis- figurement, and I lost nearly all my hail. "I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and they afforded tolief, and at the end of three montho I waa completely healed." (Signod) Mrs. W. A. MiUar, Marshall, Washington, Nov. •, 192S. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointmecit and Talcum for all toilet purpoaes. WmtU iMk Ftm Iv MtfL AddrMa Cat>*d1«| Ucpot: "OmUMn, r. 0. In MU.jtutnaL" rr iet. a ampttc 'JlDtm«itB«ndMc tWonaM, ^T* Try oar b«w Sbaviat S«kli. ISSUE No. 43-^114.

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