WttaiM«dayOct.22. 1924 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- aenr •«0^O0O«00«««OOOOO«C0OO««4»O«O«»0O«««<»O«<B>««HG»Od«>®(»O« SIX HILL STORES W* buy togathar in order tlwl o«r customer* in the six com- muntUee majr materially ben- •At Individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone inatinct- Ively aModatea with high quality merchandlt* at the 9 fairest po»»ibl»i pri««i. â-¼ :• A Progressive Store Serving a Progressive Conununity Exceptional Values In Seasonable Merchandise z i «i s s • • • » • s s s o o Stripe and Plain Flannels are Both Serviceable and popular No material at the present time is more asked for than Sport Flannels, in both plain and stripes. No wonder that this material is so popular, as it adapts itHclf so perfectly to the present styles of dresses and what could be more serviceable and warm, es- pecially for school or home or street wear. The cloths we are showinjt are exceptionally fine in tex- ture and beinn manufactured from a fine qnality of wool will retain their color and appearance until they are practically worn out. Full 54 inches wide. Specially priced at $1.95 and S2J50 a yard Homespuns that are Attractiye in Appearance and Remarkable Wearers. Another dress material that rivals the flannels is pure wool homespun. This cloth is a shade coarser in texture but has remarkably long wearing qualities and retains its appearance indefinitely. You make no mistake in buying this for school wear, in fact for any class of wear where durability is desired. 54 inches wide. Spe«:ially priced at $1.65, $1-85 and $1.95 per yard. Millinery That is Most Reason- able in Price. Styles that are the Newest Obtainable. Marvelous indeed has been the success of this de- partment thus far this season, the number of hats sold has far succeded our expectations. In face we have sold hats to patrons from many of the sur- rounding towns and also from our nearby city. Be wise and save money by patronizing this splendid Millinery Department. Ladies' Coats of Great Merit in a Wide Range of the Many New Models. Never before in the History of onr Mantle Depart- ment have we assembled such a wide range of the many popular styles in fabric and design of models that are here for your inspection. Coats to suit all lasts and all pocket books. $15.00 to $49.50. Small Boys' Flannel Suits, $1.95 Here is a most serviceable flannel suit for the small boy at a very low price. See them. Only $1.95 Stock of Men's Underwear Now Complete. Prepare for colder weather by buying your supply of fall and winter underwear while the sizes are all complete. All lines most moderately priced. 78c. to $2.50 per garment. Special from our Hardware De- partment. In order to wind op orie of the most successful wall paper seasons that we have 'et enjoyed, we have tied in bundles all odd lots that are left over from our heavy selling. These lots contain suffic- ient paper for rooms of various sizes and have been marked at about HALF PRICE. The sooner you take advantage of this the larger the assortment will be from which to make a selection. ® Badjeros Couple 60 Years Married Monday Mr. and Mrs. C. Clayton of Osprey Are to be Congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Clayton, Bad- jeras, in Osprey township, celebrated their diamond wedding on Monday, having been married in King Town- ship, York County, on October 20th, 1864. Caleb Clayton was born in the Township of King York County, on October 4th, 1840, and is therefore 84 years of age. Mrs. Clayton, whose maiden name wa.s Ann Shropshire, was also bom in King Township. She is 83 years of age, having been born in Febru- ary 6th, 1841. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clayton are still hearty, and enjoy- ing their life together, despite their advanced years. Four years after their marriage, Mr and Mrs. Clayton moved to Osprey Township, in Grey County. They settled on Lots 68 and 69, South Line, where they have since resided. To them were bom two sons and six daughters and five of the eight still survive. They are Sam Clayton, on the homestead; Mrs. James Ferguson, of Minto, Man- itoba; Mrs. Will Muirhead, of Khe- dive, Sask.; Mrs. Chas. Priddle, Bad- jeras; Mrs. Lachie McQuarrie, of Shrigley. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton are Metho- dists in religion and the former in politics is a staunch Liberal. Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED Will the fiuder of a Chevrolet auto crank pleese leave the same at this office. CAME ASTRAY â€" Came to the premises of W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, about two weeks ago, one steer. Owner is required to prove property, pay expenses and take same away. HEIFER STRAYEDâ€" Came to the premises of Wm. Burnett, half mile north of Flesehrtpii, on or about the first of September 3-year-old heifer. Owner prove property and pay ex- penses. FARMS FOR SALE SHEEP STRAYED â€" Five sheep srayed from my premises, lot 22, con. 6, Osprey, on or about October 4th, 1924, 5 dark faces and one Leicester. Any information will be gladly re- ceived. â€" Archf. McLean, Singhampton. Phone: Feversham 1 r 1111. On the Toronto Line ProviadaH Highway. Three farms, two ot 10# acres and one of 50 acres all cleared. First class buildings, up to date in every particular. Will s'll any one of these. Good brick house on one ot tbf farms. The stabling for anni- mala is perfect One farm has tea acres hardwood bush and another nnndred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everything needed, including poultry house an^ pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed should investigate. -T. J. STINSON. ln>y Proton Station P.a HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Wm. Gibson Buried In Evergreen Cemetery Mr. Wm. Gibson of Markdale died at his home there on Friday last after an illness of what the doctors supposed was poisoning of the system from drinking impure water. Mr. Gibson took ill a week before his death, but the end was unlooked for. He was only 36 years of age and leaves a wife and six small children to mourn his loss. Mrs. Gibson is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meads of Flesherton, and to the fanv ily much sympathy is extended. The funeral took place to Evergreen cem- etery. South Line, Artemesia, on Mon- day afternoon. The deceased gentle- man was bom at Orangeville. He is a son of Mr. John Gibson of Orange Valley. His father, one sister and two brothers survive â€" John Jr. of New Ontario, Edgar of Toronto, and Kate at home. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" 2 Oxford Down ram lambs, purebred. â€" Mark Stewart, Proton Station R. R. BULL FOR SALEâ€" Yearling HgI- stein, will sell right, good to register. â€"Guy Orr, Proton Station P. 0. FOR SALE â€" Choice registered Oxford Down ram for -sale, 3 years old, also ram lambs. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" A number of bred-to- lay Barred Rock cockerels, dam's re- cords from 200 to 245 eggs. â€" P. Muir, Ceylon. Phone 2 r 22, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Two purebred Shrop- shire ram lambs, and one Hampshire registered ram two years old for sale at once.â€" Ben White, R.R. 3, Mark- dale. Phone 29 r 22, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Two milch cows, one milking since end of May, other since August, due to freshen in April and June. Must be sold. â€" Herbert J.Neil, Singhampton. Phone Feversham. Six hundred and fifty dollars ($650y cash buys a six roomed brick houses stable and two lots at Ceylon. Apply- to â€"Miss MINNIE SINCLAIR, 2 Beaumont Rd.. Rosedale, Toronto. FARM FOR SALE @ F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale PORTLAW FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Over half a ton of honey for sale.â€" Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia. Lots 159-160. W.T.S.R., Artemesia containing 100 acres, over 50 acres good workable land, rest pasture and mixed bush well timbered. Good bank barn, frame house, driving shed, sheep pen, pig pen and hen house. Small orchard. The farm is well wat- ered and fenced. This farm is a good one and will be sold at a bar- gain as the owner is obliged to retire owing to indifferent health. Must be sold. Apply to â€" MARK STEWART, Proton Station P. O. Oct.Stf Priceville Ag'l Soc. Prize Awards. 1924 HORSES Heavy Draft â€" Team, W. Beaton, W. Atcheson; Brood mare, D. Nichol; 2 year old, S. Batchelor; Colt D. Nichol. Agricultural â€" Team, A. McArthur, W. A. Lawrence, W. Atcheson; Brood mare, Andrew Hinks, Atcheson; 2 & 3 2 year old, Andrew Morrison; Colt, Hinks, Atcheson 2 & 3. General.. Purpose â€" Team, Robert Alexander, H. C. Radley, Jno. Short- reed; Brood mare, H. R. McLean, Roadsterâ€" Team, Dr. O. E. Carr, T. H. Reaburn, Geo. Duncan; Brood mare, Geo. A. Bell; 2 yr old, Neil Mc- Lean; Geo. Duncan, 2 & 3; 1 yr old, Geo. Duncan; Spring colt, Geo. A. Bell; Single driver, J. A. Henderson, Jas. Berry; Lady driver, Jas. Berry, Robt. Kinnell; Best turnout by F. P. Reilly, Dr. O. E. Carr; Worst turnout by W. G. Watson, Lawnie Batterton. SWINE Yorkshire â€" Boar, over 1 year, T. L. Mercer; Sow, over 1 year, T. L. Mer- cer; Sow 1924, Mercer 1 & 2. CATTLE Durham Bull â€" Aged, Don McMillan; _^ ^ ^^ ^^" ^ ^x?'"!. 'j''^U^V?^*V^i'**'"''' «V'u ' Dougarf.' "' White Teghomâ€" male" H Radley; Cow, Radley 1 & 2. Grades milch . cow â€" Dairy A.J. Mc- Vicar, W. G. Watson, A. B. McDonald; Milch cow beef, D. Nichol, P. P.Reilly, W. J. Meads; 2 yr old heifer, 3. A. Nichol. POULTRY Game â€" male, W D Connor, female Connor. White Wyandotte â€" male Connor, W. Ramage; female Ramage; cockerel â€" Connor. Light Brahma- cockerel, T. McDougall; pullet T. Mc calf, T." Nichol, D. McMillan; Milch cow, D. McMillan, W. J. Meads, T. Nichol; 2 yr old heifer, T. Nichol, Meads; 1 yr old heifer, D. Nichol. Hereford Bull â€" Aged, W. Lawrence; Bull calf, W. A. Lawrence 1 & 2; Milch cow, W. Burnett, Lawrence 2 & 3; 2 yr old heifer, Lawrence; 1 yr. old heifex", Lawrence; Heifer calf Lawrence. Jersey â€" Bull, 2 yrs and over, H. C. Township Intention to Purchase at Adjourned Tax Sale Take notice that in the event of the County Treasurer failing to sell the undermentioned lands of the To Wnship of Osprey att he Tax Sale to be held in Owen Sound on Nevember 14th, then â€" In accordance with instructions given to mc by the Municipal Coun- cil of this Township, I will, at the adj ourned sale, which it will then be necessary fo rthe County Treasurer t o hold, purchase the said lands for the uniounts due as shown hereunder, pr oviding always that at the said ad- journed sale any offer that may be>tnadt> for the said lands is less than the amount due for arrears of taxe s, charges and all other costs or if no price at all is offered Lot Pt. Lot 11 Lot 35 S. Pt. 27 Lot 4 Concession Con. 6 Con. 1, N.D.Rd. Con. 14 Youall Street Acres If Patented Taxes Costs ToUl % Patented 100.49 6.25 106.74 50 Not Patented 32.19 4.55 36 74 15 Patented 23.05 4.30 27.35 Kelvin Patented 130.83 7.00 137.83 Dated this â€"Signed J. A. KERNAHAN, 16th day of October, 1924. Treas. Townshjp of Osprey E. Karstedt 1 and 2; female, McDou gall 1 and 2; cockerel W. D. Connor, Karstedt; pullet Connor, Karstedt; Houdan â€" female Connor 1 and 2; cockerel Connor 1 and 2; pullet Con- nor 1 and 2. Rhode Island Red- cockerel Karstedt, Connor; pullet, Connor, Karstedt; Barred Rock â€" male McDougall, Karstedt;female â€" McDou- I gall, Karstedt; cockerel McDougall, Karstedt; pullet Kartsedt 1 and 2; White Rock â€" male Connor; female Connor; cockerel Connor; pullet Con- nor 1 and 2; Andalusian â€" male, fe- male, cockerel and pullet all to Con- nor. Ancona â€" male Karstedt; fe- male Karstedt 1 and 2; Pekin Duck- male McDougall, Ramage; female J. F. Collinson, McDougall. Rouen â€"male McDougall 1 and 2; female McDougall 1 and 2; Duck a.o.v.â€" male McDougall, Malcolm McLean; female Malcolm McLean. Bronze Turkey male McDougall, D McMillan; female McDougall, D. McMillan. Toulouse Geese â€" male F. Cairns, Arch. Stewart female Stewart, F. Cairns. Geese a.o.k.â€" male H. C. Radley, Stewart; female Radley 1 and 2. (Continued Next Week) Mr. Calvin Boyce Sr. is reported to be ill, but all hope for his early re- covery. Mr. John Winters has leased his farm to Mr. Christopher Lougheed. Mr. Beamish has completed the well at the school house. He struck a strong spring at a depth of 138 feet. T. R. McKenzie received the sad news of the death in Toronto of his nephew's \vife, Mrs. George Bell, after a lengthy illness. Mrs. McLeod of Priceville, W. Well- wood, wife and family of Dundalk visited lately with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. Mr. Andrew Carr, our oldest resi- dent in his 94th year, intends to go out to the poll on Thursday and vote to retain the O.T.A. to keep Ontario dry. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. T. Givens of Holland Centre visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hannah. A meeting in the interest of the retention of the" O.T.A. was held in Mount Zion church last Friday even- ing. Revs. Eaton and Harrower of Flesherton delivered convincing ad- dresses, Mr. Eaton illustrated his address with lantern slides. Another rally was held in the school house on Monday night the speakers being Mr. W. J. Shean of Toronto, Rev. Mr. Curran of Priceville and Rev. Mr. Harrower of Flesehrton. Lantem slides were shown, commuinty singing was participated in and two approp- riate solos were given by Miss Kirk, all of which were thoroughly enjoyed. The meeting was very enthusiastic and the motto of all appeared to be "What we have we'll hold." LICENSES FOR SALE â€" Deer, Moose and trappers' licenses for sale. â€" Geo. Mitchell, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Steel tired open buggy with arch axle; cheap. â€" G. E. Henry, Flesherton. BREAD WHEN YOU THINK OF BREAD YOU NATUR- ALLY THINK OF THE BEST PLACE TO GET IT. Our Bread is made from the following ingredients: Lake of The Woods full Manitoba Flour Pure Cane Sugar Shortening Diamalt Windsor Salt Fleischmann Yeast Properly blended together to make the FINEST LOAF PROCURABLE • F, Finder, Flesherton 8TH LINE, ARTEMESIA We are pleased to report Master Percy Smith, little six year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Smith, improvmg nicely after his recent op- eration. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett and family visited friends at Glen Huron on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor and daughter of Traverston visited with their cousin, Mrs. Jas. Leppard, and husband. Messrs Harold Lever and Clarence Alcox of "Toronto Line, North" visit- ed at C. Martin's. Mr. C. Martin has been laid up the past week with neuralgia. Miss Marguerite Pedlar and broth- er, Glenn, visited over the week end at Mr. Harry Shaw's, Cheeaeville. We are very sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Albert Williams at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Howard, Owen Sound. The funeral takes place this Wednesday afternoon to Saleni cemetery, here. We extend symathy to the family in their sad bereavement. The kitchen stove is mightlei^ than the can opener. CEYLON Mrs. Sinclair accompanied her sis- ter, Mrs. Norris, as far as Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall spent the week end with Toronto and Bolton friends. Mrs. Webster and little son, Ray, of Vancouver, visit«d Mr. S. Hemphill and family. Mr. James Burrel of Hanover was a caller at Mr. J. McWhinney's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. White visited with friends at Proton on Sunday. Mr. James Sargent spent the week end with his parents at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. M Baxter and Mrs. Baxter, Sr., of CoUingwood, visited at Peter Muir's on Sunday. Mr. Seeley and Mr. Arthur Seeley of Durham, visited the latter's bro- thers, Messrs. T. and J. Chislett, on Monday. Mr. Coutts and a friend visited his sister, Mrs. Bolton, the week end. SHINGLESâ€" First Class XXX Brit- ish Columbia Red Cedar Shingles Phone for prices. â€" W. A. Armstrong. FOR SALE â€" A 6 octave organ in good condition. Apply to W. A. Hawken, Music Store, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Riding Plow, 14-inch Cockshutt, used three seasons. â€" C. N. Long, R.R.No.l, Flesherton. ONIONS FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of first class onions for sale at 3 cents per pound. â€" Jos. Buchanan, Flesher- ton R. R. Boars For Service A young Tamworth Boar 5 mos. old for service on lot 167, S.W.T.&SJt, Artemesia. Terms fl.OO. Also purebred registered Yorkshff* S?^J« '"' serviceâ€" Vineyard Famou 7?53q-on lot 187, S.W.T. & S.r:, jSrt- emesia. Terms $1.00. Sows nit n- turned will be charged same as thos« fTis -T- ^- STINSON. Prop. WANTED WANTED â€" Men, women and boys to buy shoes at Haw's One-price Shoe Sale, Ceylon, Ont. WANTED â€" Sweet Clover and all kinds of Clover, best prices paid for delivery at H. Down & Sons, Flesher- ton. POTATOES WANTEDâ€" We are on the market every day buying pota- toes and all kinds of grain. Phone W. C. White, Ceylon. ' M I S C E L L ANEO U S NOTICEâ€" Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. NOTICE â€" Trappers and hunters are warned against trespassing *n lots 77, 78 and 79, S.W.T.S.R., Arte- mesia. â€" T. J. Stinson. Bird's Mackinaws,* Tweeds and Yarns, and Stocking Legs, new stock, just arrived â€" H. Alexander, Merchant Tailor, Feversham. NOTICEâ€" A carload of salt to ar- rive about October 23rd. Special prices cash off car. Leave your order with W. J. Stewart & Son, Flesherton, or A. E. Haw, Ceylon. Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Termsâ€" For Jerseys fS.OO, others $3.00. Terms- cash. â€" H. C. RADLEY & SON, _ FleshertoB. BOAR FOR SERVICE. IJne Tamworth Boar for service, 6 moa. old, reg, bacon type, on lot 31, Con. 1 O.D.R. Terms $1. Any sow not i^ turned will be charged same as thos* m pig. Anyone wishing to leave the sow will be charged 26c per day ex- tra-JOHN MEADS, PriceviUe P. C, ^- ^- 3- Swks CORNER BLOCK FOR SALE. Comer block for sale in Flesher- ton, known as the old Richardson block. Reasonable terms, â€" W. L. WRIGHT,* Flesherton. House For Sale In Flesherton Frame dwelling IH story with nice shingle roofed large lot and stable. Apply toâ€" ->W. A. ARMST|10N(B, Fteekcrtoii I Phone No, S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Tenns moderate. AU arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. FARM FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. Spring Hill Bacon Hog QuK The Live Stock branch of the D*. partment of Agricultnie has pisesd with the undersigned a pur brsi Yorkshire Boar of the Bacon type for the use of farmers interested in rate- Jng select bacon hogs. Earl Best, Pres. Geo. Blackburn, S»» R. Allen Caretaker. 24Marl yr. BUSINESS^ARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor gradoate of Toront» and Ro.val College of Dental Surs«m» of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residene* Toronto Stret, Flesherton . Dr. A. Tambnll. RA., MA. grad. uate from the Faculty of MedidlHv University of Toronto. Officeâ€" Rl^ ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 85^ Prince Arthur Lodse, 883, A.P. * A.M., meets in the Masonk: hall, Xku. strong Block, Flesherton, every FW- day on or before the full moon. O. Banks, W.M., P. J. Thurston, Sec. Lneaa ft Henry, Barrktera, Solielt- an, etc,â€" I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Benry, B.A. Offices. Markdale T^nf it Block. Phone 2. Branch offloes at Dundalk and Durham. N. E. 50 acres of 171, and N. E. 60 acres of 172, in the 2nd con. N.E.T. and S.R., Artemesia. About 40 acres cleared, balance in bush, about 50 of j hardwood; about 5 acres of soft tim- ber; 2% miles from Saugeen Junction If the purchaser can give a good un- encumbered farm in as collateral se- curity, he can buy on easy terms of payment. â€"GEO. RUTHERFORD, 7 Box 67, Shelbome Telford A Blmie. Barristers, soS- citors. etc., OiBcesâ€" Grey and : Block, Owen Sound; Standard Block. Flesherton. (Sattadays). P. Telford Jr., J. P. P. Bimie. W«. KaUthiff, LiMnaed A«._ tor the counties of Grey and Simdtai Farm and stock sales a Terms moderate., latiafaetioii anteed. Arrancemeata for may be made at the Adraaea « Central telephoBe oOea, or by addna^ aa at â- KV.J