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Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1924, p. 5

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IVedneMiay Oct. 22. 1924 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE --1 Bring Your Maturing Victory Bonds To Us HOLDERS of Victory Bonds matur- ing on November the first, next, will find it profiUble «nd convenient to convert them at this Bank. We are prepared to pay cash for auch bonds of any denomination, and suKgeat that for the sake of safety, simplicity and con- venience you deposit your maturing bonds to your credit in a Standard Bank Savings Account. THE STANDARD BANK OF CAJNAI3A, FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty, Manager IMaxine Lyons, Markdale, I Wins Miss McPhail's Prize I I â-  â-  â-  ^Goes To Ottawa When Parliament Opens â€" Is Only I I Years of Age and Gave Fine Address â€" 15 In The Contest THE PEPTIMIST I It is many a day since the audi- I torium of the higrh school has seen ' auch a crowd as congregated within its walls on Saturday afternoon last to witness the public speaking con- test mothered by Miss McPhail, M.P., with the object of promoting this art among the school children of the i county. The large audience of 400 people is all the evidence required to prove that her efforts have been amazingly successful. There were sixteen contestants present, only one of the list failing to enter, the prize winner of Colling- wood township school fair, Harold Bowser. Had this young man been present every township in the county would have been represented except of Commons are elected by the people of Canada, on the franchise of both sexes, the Dominion being divided into constituencies for the purpose of election. WTiile the House of Commons and the Senate, with the consent of the Governor-General, enact the laws. Their enforcement is entrusted to the Executive Council, which is really the government of the country. The Executive Council or Cabinet, whose members are chosen from the House of Commons and the Senate, has as its leader the Premier or Prime Min- ister, at present Hon W. L. Mackenzie King. Now the Executive Council must possess the confidence' of the House of Commons and thus you see The peptimist is one who works with most exceeding vim and sets example to the shirlts who may keep tab on him. So many men with dragging feet go to their tasks each day, with frowns they shuck the ears of wheat and thresh the bales of hay. With scowls they ply the shining saw or wield the useful chum; they're only happy whenk they draw the pay they think they earn. And when there is a slump in trade, and workmen must be fired, these delegates are first to fade â€" they've made the bosses tired. The peptimist has taken pride in lab- ors safe and sane, whatever tool he j may have plied, a corkscrew or 8 plane. He did not go with dragging^ step when morning whistles blew; in. every motion there was pep, no sulky fit.s he threw. And when a slump in trade appears, and workmen are laid off, the boss announces through his tears, "We'll keep this hustlin? lotf. We can't afford to let him go he's such a useful man; we'll keep him, though CO Turn and Joe we muat attach the can." This peptimist ia in demand wherever commerce dwells; he makes his progress through the Land, and wears his string of bells.- Walt Mason Read The Advance "Small Advts." Normanby. It was a revelaUon to ( it is the direct representation of the 1 the large audience when they realized : people, the wonderful quality of the talent | j gij^jj ^^^^ C. P. R. TIME TABLE Former Resident Of Wareham Dies In Calif. "Trains leave Flesherton Statical as follows: 'Ging South Going North 8.00 a.m. 11.58a.m. '4.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. Miss Tena Henderson received a paper from Calfornia this week an- nouncing the death of her uncle, W, displayed by these sixteen little people, and the judges had one of the haj^dest jobs they have ever under- taken. The gentlemen who held this unenviable position were Rev. P. T. Pilkey, Presbyterian minister of Owen Sound, Rev. W. J. Gallagher, M;"'S?4^e"'tSeuL''rintpr'l' ^'^-i-tered by a Lieutenant-Gover- sentative at Orangeville. These you next about the management of the Provincial Parlia- ments. The Pro\incial Parliaments control all Provincial officials, elec- tions, caritable institutions, admini- stration of justice in the province and matters of a merely private nature in a pro\'ince. The government is nor, who is appointed by the Govern- or-General on the advice of the Dom- -wroth at 3.30. For morning train Morton, a sister of Mr. Wm. Morton Boath at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the ^f Wareham -pwvions evening. j ^^ ^^^ ^'^^^ ^ California in 1867, after serving with the Canadian vol- unteers. He returned to Canada, and 31 years ago again went to Santa Clara valley, locating at Rucker, where he has ever since resided, and was a blacksmith and wheelright by trade. He was a member of Keith Lodge A. F. & A. M., having demitt- J. Percy, at Ruckner, that sUte, at gentlemen had an arduous task before j i„ion Cabinet, an Executive Council the age of 75 years, death coming ^'?|'"' f"'^ °°e which we believe they I chosen from the members of the Leg- * * M • V Du -1 u • ui. , 'slative Assembly and a Legislative Miss McPhail, as was her nght, ! Assembly elected by the people of the bne province " very suddenly from heart failure, The deceased at one time lived near and 6 pm.; and the afternoon mail Wareham and married Miss Margaret acted as Mistress of Ceremonies Local Chaff Use The Advance "SmaU Advts." Mr. Wm. Tumey was in Toronto ed^roni the lodge at Flesherton, Ont, the first of the week on business. f '«« «« was made a Master Mason ' before going to California. Mr. Miss Myrtle Kennedy of Marmora Percy was engaged in fruit growing, P^o^am- mere were three prizes: is the guest of Mrs. W. G. Kennedy, and was a fine type of citizen. He First a gold medal or trip to Ottawa, ^ , ., , â„¢ . , J was oroud of his familv of tpti philH *^ chosen; becond a bronze medal. Subscribe for The Advance now and "^^^^ Pf°"^/if;^!i*";!iL°S» 'l,.„ !„ and Third a silver medsL " " send it to your friends. ren, six of his sons being in the re- cent war. Mrs Percy died in Dec- Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson ember, 1922 and Mr. Percy has been were in Toronto and Islington over failing in health since her death. the week end. There is something for you in the HOSPITAL FREE OF DEBT. p!^h*'!>,±^'^'-" °" '^^ ^"""^ ^*^'- i The reports presented at the ann- Kead tnem. ! ^^ meeting of the Owen Sound Gen- Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry, Everett eral and Marine Hospital, show that explained how she had conceived the ; rri, c ..• ^ idea and paid a high tribute to Mr. 1 ^Zl ^''^"^ive Council must poss- Cooper of the Agricultural Depart- , ?^ the confidence of the Legislative ment for his hearty co-operationf ' •â- Assembly or else resign. Rev. H. H. Eaton of Flesherton Every British subject man or woman conducted community singing while i "^^.^ twenty-one years of aee and a Miss Dunham presided at the piano. ! '"esident of the province has the right After every three or four speeches I ^° °*® .*"° *° become a candidate for had been given the singing was in- ' " ^^"* '" ^"^ Legislature, dulged in, to relieve the monotony, I So you see most assuredly it is we, which was effectually done. It was | the people, who govern Canada, and a great big happy gathering that did : when we look back to the time when not tire during the two and a half '< '"^ first Dominion Parliament met at hours that it took to complete the ! Ottawa on the Seventh of November, progrram. There were three prizes: 1867, and see our growth from weak "â-  â-  â-  " â-  " and divided provinces to one great ^ , united Dominion, it encourages us to The first I ^°°^ forward to a still wider federa- Henry, wife and little son spent Sun day at Lucknow. WANTED â€" Men, women and boys to buy shoes at Haw's One-price Shoe Sale, Ceylon, Ont. Mrs. Geo. Fraser and Miss K. McKinley of Toronto are the guests of their friend, Mrs. Mark Wilson the hospital enjoyed one of the most prosperous years in its career. This is said to be the only hospital in On- was won by Miss Maxine Lyons of Markdale, and this clever little lady of course chose the trip to Ottawa. She knows how, but she wants to see with her own eyes, "How Canada is Governed." The second place was given to Miss Madge Abercrombia of Griersville, winner in the St. Vincent school fair, while third place went to Miss Doris Taylor, daughter of the Reeve of Osprey, and honorable men- tion was made publicly of the speech on "Citizenship" by a tiny girl, Mar- tion when all the nations of the world shall live in peace. tario which is absolutely free of debt ^aret Donovan of SuUivan and with a substantial cash account in the bank. The financial statement shows that on September 3(J, which is the close of the hospital year.there was cash on hand in the bank a- The proceedings closed with the National .\nthem, everyone feeling that it was time well spent in listen- ing to these wonderful little budding Mr. Robt. Meads s end with his parents here and attend- ed thefur.eral of the lat Wm Gibson. npnf t),« w»«I, mounting to $2,276.41. The total f"^'!^ speakers, and also feeling that pent the week „^„;„«.^*f„,. .u^ ' „, ,„„,„ aa-j Kon _ the idea of competitions of this kind receipts for the year were $33,590.- ! 88. Nearly a thousand patients were ; given treatment at this hospital There were several snow flurr- during the year. Seven nurses were ies this week, notifying us that winter graduated. The report of the Ladies' is not far ahead. Mr. Jim White of Aylmer is spend- ing the winter with friends and rela- tives in this district. Mr.. A. S. Thurston and family of Meaford spent Sunday at the form- er's parental home here. Owing to the temperance meeting in the town hall to-uight (Wednes- day) prayer meeting in the Baptist church will be held "Thursday night. the idea of competitions of this kind is a good one and an education of the right stamp for the children of the public schools. The prize winner had her five min- ute speech timed to the second, which an accomplish- ; Auxiliary also showed that they had a successful year. The following are °^ itself was quite the officers for the coming year: ment. : Honorary Presidents, D. M. Butchart, ' Elias Lemon; President. J. R. Mc- Linden; First Vice-President, John McQuaker; Second Vice-President, I Dr. G. H. Holmes; Secretary-Treas- urer, James P. Telford. SPEECH BY MAXINE LYONS ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON PRICEVILLE To understand how Canada is gov- i erned we must first remember that \ Canada is a part of the British Em- | pire and all the white man's lands of ! the Empire have parliaments of their 1 own, and their citizens are free to elect those who make the laws and levy the taxes. Though our Gov- | ernor-General is appointed by the Im- perial Government to represent the I King, Great Britain has given to us | the fullest right at self-government : Mr. and Mrs. H. Benedict and fam- I Miss Lucas of Toronto is visiting ily of Ravenna and Mrs. D. Miller of this week with Mrs. D. McDougall. Thornbury, spent Sunday with Mr. '>• Miss Margaret Smellie, who has and Mi-s. Wni. Miller, here. I spent the past few months in Hamil- NOTICEâ€" A carload of salt to ar- I *°"' returned to her home on the rive about October 23rd. Special , K*"^^^' ^^^' ^^st. prices cash off car Leave your ; Miss Margaret McCrimmon of the ^nd legislates for us only "upon those -order with W. J. Stewart & Son, Toronto Globe staff visited over the matters which are of concern to th^ Flesherton, or A. E. Haw, Ceylon. week end with Mrs. Aldcom. British Eniplre as a who"e Carnation Lodge, L.O.BA., Flesh- ' „}^''i.V'^ ^''t ^- McAlister of Stay- Canada's form of government is erton, wiU hold their regular monthly ! S-^;, d: *i «T. n- Currie and Miss federal; thas is to sav. it consists of meeting at Clayton's Hall on Friday \^- McPhail of CoUingwood visited one one general or Dominion government evening of this week. All members â€"^ '*^,t ^V*^ *'''" '*'"• *"•* ^^^- havino. i..-i=,ii^Hor. t»,â„¢,.„i„.„*- ri,^ are requested to be in attendance. ^°08. JNichol. I Mr W. Brawley and family visited The Fleshetron Presbyterian Ladies \ friends in town over the last week Aid is holding a fowl supper in the . end, '^Sportsmanship" This is the title of the new record made by the Prince of Wales, himself. Truly a great record and qualifies for a place in every home. "ITS A VICTOR" Come in and hear it also many other new recq. just released. 0^ W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, Ont. XY1904 SHERWiN'WiLUAMS PRODUCTS 9 o The Peoples' Grocery The Place To Shop WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR McGOWAN'S FLOUR S Fruits, Vegetables and Canned Goods* • % s 9 ® m Get your Preserving Supplies here. | Hcary & Kennedy GROCERS Flesherton, - Ontario. 4» « ©©«? a€-©©€®@C'@^€-^®0*S®€®®«®®® 0v§:'S:e'«j^ ® church on Tuesday, October 28th. A short program will be given. Supper served from 5.30 to 7.30 p.m.; concert at 8 p.m. Mr. Ed. Best of town underwent an operation in CoUingwood hospital on Monday morning and had his tonsils removed. The operation was success- ful and Mr. Best expects to be home on Thursday. Maxwell Methodist anniversary will be held on Sunday, Oct. 26th. •On the following Thursday evening, Oct. 3th, a play will be given by Shrigley Dramatic Club. See bills for particulars. Dr. Fred Murray of Toronto visited his brother, Dr. E. C. Murray, for a few days during the past week. The two brothers favored the audience at the Methodist church Sunday evening with a duet, which was rendered in their usual pleasing manner. Mr. John Boyd of North Battleford, Sask., was a welcome caller on old friends here Tuesday. Mr. Boyd came east on a sad errand however, his father havin" died in the West Mr Bobs McKinnon of Toronto, who visited the past two weeks with rela- tives and friends here, returned to local concern. having jurisdiction throughout tjie whole Dominion of Canada, over cer- tain matters that are common concern to all the provinces and secondly of nine local or provincial governments having jurisdiction within their re- I spective provinces over matters of ; Congoleum Art Squares | Specially Reduced Prices till Nov. 1st | €1 9 the city Monday. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bur- nett, when a large company of friends gathered in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Smellie, (nee Evelyn Burnet) who were recently married. They were presented with a miscell- aneous shower and well wishes. The Dominion Parliament controls the criminal law, the militia, post oflfices, railways, tariff, inland rev- enue, trade relations with other countries and in greneral, all matters of national interest. You ask me, "Just how do the people control these matters?" 9x6 feet 9x7 half ft. 9x9 feet 9x 10 half ft. 9x12 feet Regular $9.00 for $7.95 Regular $11.25 for $9.95 Regular $13.50 for $11.95 Regular $13.75 tor $13.95 Regular $18.00 for $15.95 _.„,,,. I Well, the government of the Dom- The Woman s Misisonary Thank- , inion is carried on bv a Governor- offering service will be held in the General, at present Lord Bvng of Presbyterian church on November 2, Vimy; an Executive Council" and a when Rev. Dr. Alex. McGillvery of Parliament composed of two houses, Toronto will take charge of the ser- the Senate and the House of Comm- vice. Dr. McGillvery was a student ons. The members of the Senate are in Priceville fifty years ago and it appointed by the Governor-General, will be a treat to hear him, as he that is, in practice, by the Executive has been a very succesful minister. ; CounciL The members of the House All new patterns-gold seal- -guaranteed quality STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR All sizes from 36 Gold, Red, Blue and Black label qualities, to 44. Prices from $1.75 to $3.50. Treasurer's Sale off Lands in Arrears ffor Taxes IN THE COUNTY OF GREY By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Grey, and authenticated by the Seal of the said County, bearing date of rtfteen- „.,..,, ..„,.„. Ill me «est ^^ ^^>' ^^ •'"'>'• 0"« Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Four (1924), The remains were brousht east and ' *** "f *^"^«<^*«^ ^°^ **>« collection of the arerars of taxes due for three interred at Mt. Forest on Mondav >«?« and over upon the lands here inafter mentioned and described, "â- â€¢'• ; being m the County of Grey. Mr. .J Dargavel of Rock Mills had ' THESE are therefore to give NOTICE that unless the said ta.Te.< his foxes inspected last week and all together with all lawful costs and charges, be -xconer paid, 1 shall on passed. There are 52 foxes in Mr. Friday, the 14th day of November. 1924, at the hour of two o'clock in Dargavel's ranche now, and all are ^^^ afternoon at the Court House, in the City of Owen Sound, in the said pedigreed stock. He has had the County, proceed^ to sell by Public .\uction, the said '.and.<i or a.* much best of success with his aristocratic thereof as may he sufficient to discharge such .nrrerirs of taxes and M en. brood this year. 1 charges incurred. Miss Pearl McMaster left on Tues- Lot day for Owen Sound hospiUl to train N 4 35 as a nurse. Flesherton is well repre- sented at that ho.«pital. two of the Pt. Lot 11 nurses in training being from here â€" Lot 35 Miss Freda Mahewson and Miss Mc- S. Pt. 27 ., Master. We wish them both success County of Grev Treasurer's Office, m their caUing. .o^ven Sound, July IGth, 1924. TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA Concession Acre.-* If Patented Taxes Costs Total 14 50 Not Patented 86.44 7.90 44.34 TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Con. 6 Con. 1, N. D. Rd. Con. 14 60 15 Palcnted Not Patented Patented â€"JOHN P.^RKER, County Treas. 100.40 fi.25 106.74 32.19 4.55 36.74 23.05 4.30 27.35 s '% S 9 9 9 9 % 9 9 9 9®®®®®$^^e'9€J0©©^9%?r©49©9©«^ifti&^^O®0®O.S9€-^©C€*2>9999999j| ffcif^HXDf ffosJeiy See our Special winter overcoats for Wonderful value $25.00. Novelties in Ladies Trimnnied Millinery at Special Prices. Holeproof Hosiery for Ladies Special values in Beach and popular shades Prices from $1.00 to $1.95 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ^^^ ONTARIO

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