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Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1924, p. 5

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'^•-â€" • } WedneMlay Oct. 15. 1924 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Bring Your Maturing Victory Bonds To Us HOLDERS of Victory Bonds matur- in? or. November the first, next, will find it profitable and convenient to convert them at this Bank. We are prepared to pay cash for such bonds of any denomination, and suggest that for the sake of safety, simplicity and con- venience you deposit your maturing bonds to your credit in a Standard Bank Savings Account. THE STANDARD BANK OP CAJNAJDA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" G. T. Batty, Mamger 1 A. J. Preston Ordained In j Baptist Church On Friday [^ ANADIAN P/\CIFIC Miss Elsie Ferris has taken a pos- ition with the Bank of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and ri D D 'TiMi? fTADiT? ^"- ^' ^- HcnFy Hte visiting in To- . C. P. K. TIME T ABLfc ronto and Marmora this week. â- â€" Trains leave PTesterton Station as Miss Edna White of Toronto spent follows: i ♦'he week end with Mr. and Mrs. B. <iine Socth Going North 8.00 a.m. 11.58a.m. A^O p.m. 9.30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as Friday last, October 10th, • â-  was a never-to-be-forgotten < I day in the history of the Flesh- I erton Baptists. Baptists hurr- t ied to the village from all parts i of Grey County and some even j from Toronto and Hamilton. i The reason for this extraordin- , ary interest in our village was I this: the Baptist church had 'â-  decided to set apart to the work ' of the Gospel ministry their i pastor, .Alfred James Preston. j Mr. Preston, who hails from Hamilton, first saw Flesherton i on Sunday, February 10th this year. The country looked vast- ly different then than it did on Friday last. The fields were white with snow and a blizzard was blowing, giving the visitor anything but a warm reception. 84Mficfa«w, however, his heart wiuxd up to Flesherton and h* decided to assume the lead- «niiip of the local church in the Lmrd^ work. Since being here mack success has rewarded his efforts. Souls have been won; three have been baptised and received into the membership of the church. Still others are expected to take tho, initial step. The ceremony commenced when PRESTON s • s • s s • • @O0®0^#©®®®C"2>^O©®®€€-®®©®®®©©«#®<i^ The Peoples' Grocery The Place To Shop WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR McGOWAN'S FLOUR Fruits, Vegetables and Canned Goods' Get your Preserving Supplies here. Henry 81 Kennedy Flesherton, GROCERS Ontario. I White on the west back line. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown and Miss follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and C p.m.; and the afternoon mail aonth at 3.30. For morning train â- oath at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local Chaff Use The Advance "Small Advts." Price of eggs 38 cents, ungraded â€" F. G. Karstedt. Flesherton. Mr. C. E. Jennett of Guelph spent the week end with friends here. Mr. W. H. Bunt was in Toronto and Woodbridge last week. Mrs. W. H. Thurston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Shaw, at Lions Head. Mr. and Mrs. O.W. PhiUlips and son Bob and Mr. H. H. Fenn motored to AUiston on Sunday. Mrs. C. Morice of Lancer, Sask., spent last week with her brother, Wm. Moore, in town. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong returned on ^ ,, ^«^'- .P"^- ^i^^*^'^' °' McMaster Friday after spendh.g two weeks in University, and Rev. C. J. Loney of Toronto and Weston ' Hamilton were the guests of Mr. and i Mrs. H. DowTi while attending the Myrtle Brown motored up from To- ronto and were visitors at H. Radley's on Sunday last. Mr. Thos. Henry was able to come up town last week for the first time since he w^as taken ill some weeks ago. His many fripnds were glad to see him out again. Mr. Thos. Lawrence and son, Rex, of Durham, formerly of Flesherton, spent Sunday with the former's son, C. F. Lawrence, principal of the high school, here. Kimberley will hold a Field Day on Friday, Oct. 15th. There will be basketball, Softball, and hot fowl sup- per, with concert in the evening. See bills. j Maxwell Methodist anniversary will be held on Sunday, Oct. 26th. On the following Thursday evening, Oct. 30, a play will be given by Shrigley Dramatic Club. See bills for particulars. ceremony Deacon W. Beaton called those pres- ent to order andl informed them why the meeting had been called. This having been done the Rev. W. McDon- ald, formerly of Flesherton, now of Owen Sound, was apnointed Moder- ator of the council which had been called together for the purpose of ex- amining the candidate. Rev. Caleb Harris, B..A.., of Hanover, was next elected clerk of the proceedings. Af- ter a few more preliminary details Mr. Preston was called upon to make a statement as to his conversion, call to the ministry, and views of Chris- tian doctrines. This he did so ably that few if any were needed to con- vince the councill of his fitness for the work to which he has been called. The council voted unanimously to fel- lowship Mr. Preston on all 'the counts conversion, call and Christian doc- trines. An excellent supper was then served by the ladies of the church and other willing helpers. At 7 o'deek the council again as- : sembled to proceed with the ordina- i tion. Rev. C. J. Loney of Hamilton led tVf opening devotionall exercises j in a spirited manner. The Moder- ator then callled upon Dr. E. M. Kier- stead of McMaster university, to de- 1 liver the ordination sermon. The j visiting ministers then assembled on the platform and, while Rev. W. Buckberrough of Stayner led in the I ordination prayer, the bretheren plac- ] ed their hands upon the head of the candidate, thus setting him apart to ' , the work of the Gospel ministry. I Following this the Rev. C. J. Loney i < gave the right hand of welcome to ' j the new minister on behalf of the ) i ministrj'. Rev. James Meduckie of 1 , Paisley gave the charge to the candi- 1 date, while the Rev. W. S. McAlpine ] i B.A., of Wiarton. gave the charge to ; , the church. A voluntary, splendidly i rendered, by the choir, a hymn and i j the pronouncement of the benediction > ' by the Rev. .-Vlfred .Tames Preston, i brought a reaQy wooderfnl day to ^ close. Mr. Wm. Flynn of Proton is moving into town with his family the end of ] this month and will reside in apart- ; ments in D. McKillop's block. Will will be employed in the livery stable , with Mr. John Fawcett. Mr. Herb. Smith and family of Owen Sound spent Sunday with rel- atives in town. Miss Lillian McMullen of Toronto is visiting at her home on the east back line. Mrs. F. J. Smith of Detroit (nee Rachael Hutchinson of Kimberley) â- was a visitor in town on Saturday. Mr. Jas. Lane of Lucknow was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Caswell during the past week. Miss Rhoda Best has returned to Toronto .after spending a few weeks at her home south of the village. Mr. Edgar Robinson and mother of Stayncv visited with Mrs. Parker during the past week. Mrs. Geo. Preston of Hamilton was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Preston on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quigg of Har- riston spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley. ordination services for Rev. .A. J. Preston on Friday. Other visitors were Messrs. H. Smith and Frank Honsey of Hamilton at Mrs. S. Roy's. On Thursday evening, October 2nd, I the Merry Maids of the Baptist ' church gathered at the home of their President, Mrs. David Williams, (niee Janet Roy) and presented her with â-  an aluminum shower. A verse of poetry was tied to the handle of each utensil of wise and otherwi^. Lunch was served by the young ladies and a : pleasant evening was spent. i A number of visitors Pythagoras i Lodge No. 137. A.F.&A.M., visited ' Prince .\rthur Lodge here on Fi-iday evening last and assisted in the de- gree work. Those in the party were I Messrs. J N. Marshall, Wm. Bright, Wm. Brown, O. A. Keffer and A. S. Thurston. Two candidates were giv- . able was spent by allr (....Nss e , en the second degrree. ! Mr. R. W. Paton of this place, who j is a student in Knox College, Toronto, has been given a'n invitation by the Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Henry and â-¡ u » • ^- .. /-. j it the week ! ".'^psbytenan congregations at Cedar- end with the former's father, Thos. Henry, south-east of town. family of Wroxeter spent the week ! ,.;,, . Tr.„i- it _ *i. â-  „„j ...jn. *i.., * •_ *_4.i.._ Tuâ€" I ville and Esplm to become their pas- I tor for the coming year, which he has ; accepted and will do that along with The Women's Institute will meet at his college work. He supplied the the home of Mrs. O. W. Phillips on pulpits last Sunday and remained to Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. 1 do some pastoral visiting this week. Music; roll call â€" useful hints. I On Monday he was called home by Quite a large number from here at- ' SLfi/flfi^^ t ,^'f J^^^^^^ '"^° ^^'i tended Markdale fair on Wednesday '^o^" *.^^^'. ''"* fortunately was not eratorical Cntest At ) High School Saturday The big oratorical contest among the school children of this county takes place in the high school auditor- ium here on Saturday afternoon of this week, when it is expected that contestants will be present from all parts of the county to compete for Miss McPhail's prize of a trip to Ottawa while the House is in session. Miss »McPhail gave a one dollar prize this year at all the school fairs to the pupil who would deliver the best five-minute oration on "How Canada is Governed," and a grand prize of a trip to Ottawa for the child who gave the best oration from among the winners at all the school fairs, the winner to be decided at a final at Flesherton. This is to be held here this coming Saturday. It is said that the contest has produced some wonderful little orators, and the final contest here on Saturday will no doubt be preated by a big crowd to hear the result. Following were the successful con- testants at all the school fairs in the county, and all are expected to be here to enter the lists for the final award : .Artemesia â€" Irene Martin. Bentinck â€" Nora Walker. Collingwood â€" Harold Bowser. Derby â€" .-Vrthur Morrison. Egremont â€" Olive West. Euphrasia â€" .Audrey King. Glenelg â€" Anna McKeaehem. Holland â€" Ina Bradley. Keppel â€" Norman Shouldice and Laura Davidson. Markdale â€" Maxine Lyons. Osprey â€" Doris Taylor. Proton â€" Ruth Dingwall. Sarawak â€" Alice McGregor. Sullivan â€" Margaret Donovan. Sydenham-^Wm. Stout. St. Vincent â€" Madge .Abercrombie. \ ^'Sportsmanship'' This is the title of the new record made by the Prince of Wales, himself. Truly a great record and qualifies for a place in every home. "ITS A VICTOR" Come in and hear it also many other new records just released. W. A. Armstrong & Son Farm Book-keeping *5« More and more the experienced farmer realizes the importance of accurate book-keeping. The £armer who opens a Chequing Account with the Bank of Montreal b enabled to keep an ecact reco^ _ of xeceipts and expenditure and to have the helpful advice of an experi- enced banker whenever he needs it. We shall be pleased to supply you 'with a Farmer's Account Book free of charge. W. B. A. CROSS M imager Flesherton Branch EA NK PFMONJREAL Established over. ICO years seriously injured. The abnormal potato crop this I year has given rise to the rival for big fish stories, and some enormous tubers have really be«n unearthed. I Mr. Ben White of the west back line I handed us four "spuds" the other day I which tipped the scales at eight pounds. These were perfectly for- med potatoes, without any "side issues." We have heard of one pota- i to which weighed four pounds, but • did not see it, therefore cannot vouch for it, but the four mentioned we weighed ourselves and are prepared to swear to the weight. Geo. Hutch- I inson, Kimberley, hands us one xt^,. T r n â€" « o<. T> I vr- I ''•'ich w^eighed two pounds eleven Rev. J. E. Bowes of St. Paul. Minn., ' ounces, net, and it probably had to of last week and report a good day and a big crowd. Mrs. Wm Paton had the misfortune to fall down the stairs in her home on Sunday evening and was considerably shaken up. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dun&n and little son, accompanied by Mrs. Jos. Duncan, motored to Toronto last week and spwnt a few days with relatives there. notice:â€" A carload of salt to ar- rive about October 23rd. Special prices cash off car. Leave your â- order with W. J. Stewart & Son, Flesherton, or A. E. Haw, Ceylon. BORN WILSONâ€" In Flesherton on Mon- day, October 13th, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Wilson, a son. HIGH GRADE SCHOOL â- LLIOTT. paid his sister, Mrs. J. A. Heard; a flj'ing visit on Saturday. Mr. Bowes had been sent as a delegate to a convention of the Humane Society which was held in Toronto last week, â-  Mrs. Allen Cameron returned to Toronto on Tuesday after a visit of six weeks with relatives here. Mr. Cameron came up last week and re- turned with her. be pried out with a handspike. Young and Alexander Sts. Toronto Invites the Patronage of those who desire to get the best train- ing for choice business positions. Write to-day for catalogue. Enter any time. W. J. ELUOTT, PrincipaL » Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes concert IN THE COUNTY OF GREY I By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Grev, I and authenticated by the Seal of the said County, bearing date of ftfteen- ith day of July, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Four (1924). I and to me directed for the collection of the arerars of taxes due for three The Flesherton Presbyterian Ladies years and over upon the lands hereinafter mentioned and described. Aid is holding a fowl supper in the â-  being in the County of Grey. church on Tuesday, October 28th. A ' THESE are therefore to give NOTICE that unless the said taxes abort program will be given. Supper together with all lawful costs and charges, be sooner paid. I shall on Friday, the 14th day of November, 1924. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the Court House, in the City of Owen Sound, in the said County, proceed to sell by Public Auction, the said lands or as much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge such arrears- of taxes and chargts incurred. TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESL\ Lot Concession Acres If Patented, Taxes Costs Total NH 35 14 50 Not Patented 36.44 7.90 44.34 TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Pt. Lot 11 Con. 6 % Patented 100.49 6.25 Lot 35 Con. 1. N. D. Rd. 50 Not Patented 32.10 4.55 S. Pt. 27 Con. 14 15 Patented 23.05 4.30 ® © O 9 9 @ 9 S « \9 If If 19 What Every man Wants IN UNDERWEAR CAN BE SUPPLIED WITH PERFECT SATIS- FACTION FROM OUR PRESENT STOCK. WE OFFER A COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S COMBINATIONS AND TWO PIECE SUITS. Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear These garments will be found to fit perfectly and may be chosen of the correct weight to meet the needs of in- door and outdoor workers. Prices will be found as satisfactory as the garments. Prices from $1.75 to $3.75 for single garments; Combinations from $3.25 to $5.50 each. Men's Overcoats New Season's styles â€" made up in heavy wool cloths in new full colorings â€" some full, some half lined â€" belted amd plain models -^ good, deep com- fortable collars â€" the most snappy assortment we have ever shown. Prices from $18.00 to $35.00 I Ladies' Ready Trimmed Millinery M served from 5.30 to 7.30 p.ra, at S p.m. Mr. Georire Mitchell and Miss Aleda motored to Toronto last week, and were accompanied home on Sun- day by Mrs. Mitchell, who has spent the past month with her daujrhter. Mrs. O. Clipperton. Come to Flesherton Methodist Sunday school on October 19th at 2.30 p.m. Special temperance pro- gram. I.antem slides will he shown. Evtry family asked to attend. County of Grey Treasurer's Office, Owen Sound, July 16th, 1924. 106.74 36.74 27.35 â€"JOHN PARKER. Countv Treas. s I 9 9 9 4» • • s s • 9 i» 9 • 9 9 9 Z 9 • • Every few days a fresh shipment of NEW TRIMMED HATS is placed on display in this department F. H. W. HICKLING PI.ESHERTON ONTARIO -zs.wi~' m >» "iK M*':'viiK:izf >^"

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