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Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1924, p. 7

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PHOTOGRAP HING WAT ER SCENES The c«ast, ve?a«\a under way, the ! space U>e water should occupy in the ' wat«rfront of a seaport town where all | picture. Aa the ccntraat between the [ klnda of shipping congregates, furnish innumerable subjecu tor the camera â€" subjects that can be made into plc- tarM that suggest the majesty of the •ea and the romance of marl Lime com- merce. Lakes, rivers, smalt streams and waterfalls also offer enticing sub- JecsU. water and the shore line la usually | pronounced, a more pleading composj- ; tton can generally be produced by j showing the store line in perspective and so leading the eye into the pic-{ ture rather than by letting the line of, the shore run horisontally across the i picture, which tends to cut it Into two To make correctly timed negatives parts. If you wish to represent a of aliore views and shipping you must view across a small river or lake, try remember that the illumination is dif- 1 to Include a suitable bit of the near farent from that of the ordinary land- < bank for a foreground. That will give â- cape add allow for the tact. In the an idea of the space between the ob- summer, scenes around the wharves, server and t.he .shore opposite and will where there are usually strong shad- , also produce a more attractive com- ows or dark objects clcee aFhand, re- position. quire only about one half as long an j Talce Rapids at An Angle, exposure as ordinary landscapes re- 1 Shimmering reScctiocs are more ef- qnire. Stretches of open beach, break- ; fective in a picture than those of mir- ing 8urt and vessels entirely surround- ror-llke sharpneEs. but the sharp ones ed by water require one qtiarter the can be broken up by striking the exposure. , j water with a long stick just before you It the shutter of your camera Is not make the exposure. adjustable to different speeds, you can | If the foreground of a river or lake obtain .,a properly timed negative by .scene is light in tone, the exposure re- using a smaller-islze stop when you quired may not be more than one half pbotc^raph any exceptionally well- ' that demanded by the average land- lighted subject. The elzes of the stops scape; but, if there is thick foliage are such that each one passes Ju^t one I upon the near bank, the subject should half as much light as tije next larger 1 be timed as a similar landscape away one; so, if you have been getting well- j trom the water would be timed. tim«d landscape negativee with the} When possible waterfalls and rapide largest stop, the next smaller one j should be pictured from a quarterlns should be used for the ordinary wharf ; viewpoint rather than directly "head or waterfront subject and the third \ on," for the Saw of the water in a one for open beaches and veeaels in < sldewise direeUcn will better :3U3ge8t open water. | 'ts motion than when it co.-ncs straight Should you have a shutter that has ; down toward the spectator. A much several speeds and a diaphragm scale , slower exposure can be allowed^ than marked for either the standard "F" i 'a necessary for breaking surf. From sixes or the Universal System of stop ; one fifth to one tenth cf a second is numbers, the following exposures will ; usually fast enough. Use a large etop; be about right inthese cases: For it increases ycur chance of getting de- tail in the darker surroundings with- Stories About WeD-Known People Too Eloquent. The American A'nbajisa<lor to the ' Court of St. J3nias'.s Mr. Prank Bill- loga KeP'igg- himiieif a ctever I&wyer ) â€" relates bow he once lost a case i through hi.'! own eloquence. I His client was a pretty woman, who ^ was being sued by her husband fo.- ' divorce, and Mr. Kelicgg waj endeav- ! oring to obtain as much alimony for her as he ciuid. ! Suddenly, in the midst of a burst of â-  eloquence, he was iaterrupted by the I lady's husband. j ••Your honor," en>tetne-J the hus-| band, "I have sadleniy decided to I I "Sae here^ -111 b«C 700 cant ki«k It off!" exclaimed Mr. Ford, placing a cigar on the mantelpiece. "I'll so you," returned Mr. Edison, and kicked the cicar off three tia»«s nianlogâ€" or, rather, three times klc*- ing. Mr. Ford, the challenger, could only accomplish the feat once, and EkilaoB was victorious. But F^rd got back at him. They started j ruplng ovstalra, and vfaereas the iBv-?:.tur took three jumps to clear ten steps, the motor- ! king accomplished them In t.vo. Hos-jr3 were easy, and they had a withdraw my suit, and. if my wife is drick. (.\ very mild one <>f course!) wi::ing, I would like to hare her come Girt of Twenty is Methediat Preactier. back 10 me!" A preacier of only twenty years of When he was asked for h!a reason , age Is unuiual enough, but when the he explained: i "Mr. Kellogg ha.s presented her In such an attractive light that I've fall- , en in love with her all over again!" I Edison v. Ford. I Are we reaily getting back to "Me- ' thuselah?" The United States boasts ; two men who doggedly refuse to grow ' ! old. One is Br. Ford and the ether is I Mr. Edison, who recently celebrated , his seventy-seventh birthday. I These two geniuses are great friends, and a little wr.lle ago they preacher la a girl the fact is remark- able. Miss £mi!y Bishop, daughter of a Chatham t England), .loiter. S'^leved this distinction recently when she was ordained a lay preacher in the k>cal Primiuve Methodist Church. "I waa broug!it up from childhood in the service of the church." Misa Bishop says. "1 have learned to love it aa I love my own home. While I was TAking a class in the Sunday school one day. our miuisier a^ked me went for a hailday together ajid pro- to prepare myself for the examination. . Tided the guests of their hotel with as I gradually arrived at the conviction am'jsitig a spectacle as any could hope that I was called to preach the Gospel to see. I to others." The Holding Power of Nails. views round wharves between 9 and 3 p.m. in bright summer weather, one fiftieth of a second, stop F 16 (U. S. No. 16) ; for shipping surrounded by open water, one hundredth of a sec- ond, stop 16. Thofie exposures are suitable only tor the extra-rapid plates and fllma. It Their MajeiL:es, King Gccrge dud yu-t:: Mary. .,r,r â- x^i;:.:-^ -li^ ;.;v^e=- sion of tite clergy at the ceremonies in connection with the recent (H>ening of the new Liverpool Cathedral. With them is Mr. .Arthur Henderson, home secretary in the Labor government. I CariUonneur Plays for 100,000 People out an exposure long enough to spoil: the detail in the mcving water. plates or films of the usual speed are i °°'^ obscured sometimes Courage. No star is ever loet. whose light We once have seen; by clouds need, stop F (U. S. No. 8) should be! That drift between employed Instead of F 16. The best j ^^ "<* ''^ radiance which shines platea for the purpose are the double- 1 ^^'^ *"<^ serene, coated noiT-halation orthochromatlc. j -u 1 v» ^ â- ., .. I ^'0 hope of cura can ever die. Choosing Your Subject. | ^^^^^^^ ^^^,^^ ^^^ When a folding camora is used in j By doubt or fear or unbelief- bright sunshine negatives are f re- . It does but sleep! quently obtained that are flat and fog- \ Awaken it! Have faith it will gy because of the direct sunlight or its promise keep! strong reflected light that falls upon : the front surface of the leii?. Conse- 1 witk courage, keep your goal in sight. quenUy it is wise to make a short i And toward it, sUlI cardboard tube and paint it a dull ; Keep climbing upward ever up black insWe. It should be made of j Though steep the hill "" such a size that tt will fit snug over , There is no height we liay not reach the lens mount, but it must not be ; if we but will' ton* enough to cut off any of the view ' _Ma May Thomas, in Success, that the lene includes. The question ^ «ail be settled by placing the tube in position and sighting through the lens ! with your eye at one corner of the | hack of the camera. The easiest class | of water scenes to photograph are or- ! dinary coast subjects such as a curb- ing beach, a group of rocks by the I water's edge, a small boat hauled up | out of reach of the tide or a fish shan- '. ty with perhaps a well-placed figure 1 or two suitably employed- â€" which does j ntH mean that they should stare at the camera. Simple material and lit- tle of it is the most effective. Don't try to include a great expanse of beach «r water with nothing of interest in the foreground, for the result will be disappointing. Next to cbooeing your subject and your viewpoint lnte!ligentl> comes suitable lighting. When the sun is high overhead objects cast little shad- ow. Everything is flooded with light, and a photograph made under such conditions is flat and monotonous. Aim to Include a fair amount of shadow in yonr composition, such as prevails when the sun is at one side and not too high. A ray filter, if you know how to use it, will often improve the Tendering of a beach scene, particu A Poem You Ought to Know. Good Night and Good Morning. Richard Monckton Milnea. first Bar- on Houghton, and father of the Mar- quess of Crewe, the present British Ambassador in Paris, was bom in 1809, and during Ws long life knew everybody worth knowing. He was a man of gifts. -Driving a nail into a p:ece of wood ' may seem to many a simple process. and one that would hardly be of much I interest to a laboratory-. A nail Is used, however, for a given ptirpose â€" It is intended to hold and stay where I it Is pat This feature of naU driving _ Rivalas" was the "Latin word for' is of very great interest, as practically that he has not only given his eoua- those who dwelt on the banks of a all wood constructlcm Is dependent up- trymen a new zest to their traditloaal stream and quarreled over the use of on nails. ' j^^^g ,<,. ^^ cartUlon. but has spread the water and the occupation of the, The holding power of nails has been a knowledge of its beauties and quaU- Rivaby. The Chevalier Josef, curloajly ab- breviated to "Jeff," Denyn. the noted Flemish cariilocneur. can claim, In the words of a writer in The London Morning Poet, "that he has endowed an old instrument with a new soul. shor& the subject of a great deal of investi- To-day "rivals" are those who, living : gatioa by the Forest Products Labcra- on the margin of the river of live, as It tories of the Department of the Inter- tlea In countries where these were previously unknown. - - .. , ^ ,^ "He talks with quiet pride, of hia culture and great literary j "*'** °>' "^^â„¢ '° ^^^ infinite expanse. ;or. Tnere are many kinds of wood carillon at Malines. where for his are contenders for supremacy in war, being used at present for building and Monday evening concerts ' his audl- A fair littlA efrl ..t „nH«. « . in business or in love. other wood-work, and the list Is con- ences n imber fnjm 80,000 to 100.000 A fair little girl sat under a tree. Great minds ought to get rid of pel- stantly being added to. There are al- persons special -rains beine -un from Sewing as long as her eyes could see; : tlness. even while they strive for the ' so :aany kinds of nails, together with ^tiTwe^^ "a^ BruIseN on pur^e t« A bracing compeUtion varied lengths and thickness In each. them. (These are held bv the way never yet did anything but good in the It is common knowledge that the during the months of Jlav, June and making of a character. -Nothing worth cut naU has greater holding power August; thev are disconti^ed in July the having comes to us easily. It was than the wire nail, but it Is not so during the annual fair) This creator ordained for our benefit that we easily driven. whUe the wire naU when of a new art of beU-plaring h.-.3 found- should strive and agonize, "endure cement coated, barbed, etc., has its ' and be withstood," taate the bitter of- holding power considerably increased. ten and the sweet occasionally. .\gain, where large quantities of nails j The last test of a man Is his de- are used, as in the packing cases In- meanor toward his rivals. .\ny man Is dustry, a difference of one-half inch I able without effort to be friendly to his in length of nails required to secure Then smoothed her work, and folded 'â-  advantage it right. And said: "Dear work, good night! good pight!" Such a number of rcoks came over her j head, : Crying, "Caw! caw!" on their way to I bed; ' She said as she watched their curious flight: ed a bell school, at present the only one :n existence. M. Naas. his favor- ite pupil and uissletant at Malines, re- lates how, in the early days, he and the one other student were allowed to practice for a quarter of an hoar UtUe black things, good night! good ^ friends, genial among the ccAgenial. the necessary strength in the case each on Sa.turdav morn'ngs when the °^ '• There is no warrant for a quarrel with may mean a considerable saving, on noise of the weeklv market rendered I our comrades picked and chosen. account of the larger number of nails the cariUcn le<s ubstrusive Now But what are we among compeU- to the pound. ; students" plav on the beVi curing' ths Do we keep our tempers and The proper nails to use with the whole of Saturdav morning But two The horses neighed lowed; and the oxen ' tors? light "Qood little night! She girl, good nighit! good find and praise in those who are cur the Forest Products Laboratories are faithful, tried companions? endeavoring to solve. Some six hun- Jealousy is a mean and poisonous ' dred tests have been made, with spe- emotlon. The way to redeem it from cially designed equipment, and the utter ugline&s is to divert its force work will be continued until all Cana- say to the sun "Good did not night!" Though she saw him there like a ball of light;. For she knew he had God's own time to keep All over the world anj never could sleep. Wifeyâ€" "Could I have a little money ' The tall pink foxglove bowed his head, for summer clothes?" Hubbyâ€" "Sure! Fine! ask for a lot" from the malignity cf envy into a ten- der, gentle, reverent concern for the other person, a willingness to re- nounce, if that shall be for the other's good, a generous continuity of impulse that can find no room for any con- sideration of a selfish benefit. dian commercial covered. woods have been the carillon itself. "It la an iUuinina-ing experience for those whose knowledge of bells .-omas from change ringing to see M. Deayn sit down to the carillon key- board and improvise with almost as ilctle effort as if he were playing the organ. In other days a carllloanear prepared f<:r his task as If he were getii.:g ready for a game of CootbalL Bank Bills Paper Reclaimed, What becomes of all the defaced , He put on a special suit, and covered and damaged paper money is a ques- ti!^ hands with thick leather, or rub- _ . tion that has often been asked of ix?r. mittens. With the modem Im- , The violets curtsied and went to bed; 1 mean tha[ we 't^loW Tnll'^Jcess '"^''"" ""^^^''^" ^'^ '^"^^'"'" ^^ ' •"^^"^•-"^'^^^ '" ^' -"''"-^ ^^ ^^ ^ You usually . ^^^ Sood little Lucy tied up hei^ hair. And said, on her knees, her favorite prayer. and In a Boarding House. Over the faded paper on the wall Gigantic cabbage roses climb crawl In patterns weird and startling of de- sign â€" tarly if there are light clouds in the | How many eyes have k>ath«d itâ€" «a sky. which add to the attractiveness of the effect. The ray filter of course requires a longer exposure; the length of time depends upon the kind of filter and the kind of plate. * Photographing Vessels. do mine! The room Ls full of shadows, secrets stare And whisper in the comers, every- where; Like photographing surf, catching °' former tran8ient»_who once came vessels under sail calls for prompt de- , """^ went cUlonB. especiaUy when the subject is I ^^-^^e listening walls are subUy elo- near and moving fast, but a little prac- 1 Queat! tice soon gives confidence. A rather â-  low viewpoint usually shows the lines ^be weary chairs all sagâ€" so tired of a vessel to the best advantage, and ! ^'*®'' the feeling of action is most strongly ! '^^ serving stranger folk from day to expressed when the craft is presented I ^*^ •t aa angle, either coming toward or ' ^l"® bed groans languidlyâ€" lU ancient goins from the observer. .-Mthough a ' springs side llghUng gives a good play of light 'â-  "*^® ^^^ *° "*•*** *•> bearâ€" poor, pa- and shade, you should not overiook the j *'*"' things! effectiveness of shipping as seen agaii«t the light, especially when the sun is low enough to produce a shin- ing path of light upon the water or a line cloud effect furnishes an interest- ing background. When you are work- ing aboard a vessel In motion don't rest tike camera upon the rail or cabin, particularly if the vessel is a steamer, tor the vibration from the machinery Is Ukely to blur the image. .Also *vold sUnding where the vibraUon Is most Boticeable. Much of the advice here given ap- Vtlee also to Inland water scene*, es- pecially those about the larger lakes and rivers, tor they may be classed as "marines" wheaever water or ship- pins •« More conspicocns than other part* of the rompoettlon. In deallns with such a subject as the tree-lined banks of r stream or a lake or a water- fall in a glen the general tone and form c' tr.f land and foliage should Mp U> decide wha,' ffnpoitlon of the This shabby, wooden desk â€" so stained with ink. What stories it might tell. I often think,' Of U£> discouraged ones, who yet must write Gay letters to send home, night after night! â€"Marie X. Csnithers. Jerusatein's Water Supply. The Pools cf Solomon, named for a locality rather than for the famous kins, were built by man engineers to provide a water supply for Jerusalem. The three pools, which are eight miles from the city, are ted by large springs and have a total capacity of forty mil- lion gallons. The Romans built so well that after the many centuries o( dis- use the pools, the springs and the aqueducts had only te be cleaned and the leaks repaired to give Jerusalem agaia •• acelleat waim- supply. And while on her pillow she softly lay. She knew nothing more till again it was day; And all things said to the beautifol sun. "Good morning, good morning! our work Is begun." .« The Borrower. Sirs. Isaac Tootle is always borrow- ing something. So far she owes her neighbor. Mrs. Latch, six cups of sugar, a quarter cf a pound of butter, three spools of thread, a can opener, eleven hairpins, a crochet needle, a sack of salt, a bottle of vinegar, a bo.\ of camphor balls, a package of tea. a box of matches, and a soup tureen. The only thing she hasn't borrowed from the Latches is the piano, and that's because she doesn't play. Mr. Latch wants to buy an automo- bile, but his wife won't let him. "Mrs. Tootle can get along without an auto- mobile." is the way Mrs. Latch puts tt. that might have been ours. If we have done all that was in our power and failure was the crown of the ef- fort, at least we tried. And life is one long opportunity to go on trying. invariably been, that it is burned, unnecessary, and the only preparation Many interesting stioriee associated • ^"- Denyn may make is to put a thin with the burning ceremcny have gone ' f^'^ band rtjund his little fingers. Any- the rounds of the press., among them : tiling more would spoil the delicacy of being one in which an eict^sive dt^ft , touch on which the art of carillon In the furnace Irttered St. James Paying depends, and even these he A VJit ' T • 1 1 Street. In Montreal, with partially . ^f'«° discards. An Cxbtor S 1 rials. [ burned bllls^ Ottawa'3 lire depart "Jl Denyn. virtuoso though he be, .•\.n editor once kept track cf his ment was once called out to answer 's never the slave of hie own virtuos- profits and losses during the year and an alarm cf fire when damaged paper itT- Arpegijlos and scale passages gave an invoice of his business diary money was being destroyed in the A*^" from under his hands and feet at the end of 12 months of ups and furnaces of the Finance Department '*''fi wonderful brilliance; every grar downs, in the following manner: Been broke 361 times. Praised the public S9 times. Told lies 720 times. Missed prayer meetings 52 times. Been roasted 431 times. Keasted others 53 timee. Washed office towel 3 times. Mistaken for preacher 11 times. Mistaken for capitalist times. Got whipped 8 times. Whipped others times. in the East Block. Later the melting dation of tone is at his oonimand; with furnaces at the Mint were used for this purpose. The destruction by burning of con- ' derane<l paper money seems likely to I become an absolete practice. The I Forest Products Laboratories, of the ' Department cf the Interior, have beon 'iu^'t of a profoundly musical mature. carrying on a series of experiments to ^nd Is In Its essence unanalyxable. : develop the best method cf recovering Cut his limpid style has achieved its I good paper stock from the condemned present perfection through his unfail- â-  paper currency withdrawn from circu- 'ns reccgniticn that bells have the de- his tremolando. by which the cariV lonneur produces his sustalniog ef- fects, he achieves a hitherto unknown subtlety. Yet he always respects the character of the instrument. The pe- culiar charm cf his playing is the pro- Cash on hand at beginning $1.47. j latlon by the Department of Finance Cash on hand at ending 15 cents. and the various banks, and to ascer- â€" Milwaukee, N.D., Globe, tain if such a method is commercially • feasible. Refining of the stock pro- Wheii dry, seaweed is richer than juced under normal cooking oond: oatmeal or Indian corn m nitrogen- tions was carried out and. by the use ous constituents. fects cf their qualities that, for in- stance, owing to the prominence of the minor third In their harmonic series thick chords are to be avoided, and that for the same reason minor •ire preferable to major harmonies." ' of a special washing equipment, it was found possible to recover an absolute- ly clean pulp, i The paper used for the printing of I bank notes Is made from pure liaen I cuttings, and Is one of the most ex ' pensive papers mswufactured. It will readily be seen that if the Forest Pre • ducts Laboratories are able success fully to reclaim the paper tToxp con- I demned currency it will be of con- siderable commercial import:ince In ordet 10 give babies »l!o are t;ot overi> .-trong ;i loase on iif>". electric Incubators are being Installed by many of the i.irge hospitals. The taaparaUin ia kept from S« to ItO d^reas and bab^ thrives under IL The Real Test. "I want to show you. ladie'; an-.l gen- tlemen, the famous flexible Ivortne comb, an absolutely unbreakable comb ladies and gentlemen, as will stand anything. You can bend li so. or twist it â€"so. or you can -â€" " "Can you comb your hsir with it ?" interTupte<l a practical member of the audience. •Wbi Just Habit, cf ':eur«~ Li's tte roet gt tmbl'ag about Canada's fire k>sses in 19'J3 totalled 184,619,000. Think of itt "Thinks he ought to be able to mat ) ^\â- ^ car o« i> p«<«Un I'-sensa.'"

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