Addr«*r, eomntunleatloni to ABfonu'"'*'. '•* Adtlald* »l. W«rt. Toronta STKAWBERRY HOOT ROT, Puring th« last two years numprou* Jf these raes nr? sortrd. torn into them, we know enough not to buy ft strips and dyed. new one of this style. I'lit it is powitt'c to buy ready- In Hc'.ectinK « new figured rug, I prepared and dyed rnga by th? hanlt, foel that th- ()rier.t.-»l motifs are less which are made out of new material, suited to the farmhouse than to any and these are admirable for crochet- house. The farmhouse idea is quaint- injf. ness, and there is notiiinif quaint The woven rag rugs that corns in about Oriental patterns. In figured room sise are very inexpensive, and rugi, thertfore, select the small a!I- they have tlie added desirability of over puttfriis that are not inspired by coming from the washtub lilte new. theso ."vources. Rag curpelint; strips may be sewed Straw ru}.'8, grass rugs and matting • • '""."'^ together to form u room ruK. are suitable for the farmhouse. But cut transversely it is noticea Tiiese two types look especially well thise should show no pattern other PACKING BUTTER FOR WINTER USE BY BELLE MILLAR, DAIRY DEPT., O.A.C. diseased plants are pulled up and the roots that the entire root and crown on a painted floor, painted the hue of than a stripe, a block, or an all-over C^'renf inT^hc.'''st'"cal]^lrS ''--" «' »''-''• ''"^''^^ "trawberry^ ^^^ predominant ru^ color. tiny figure; and there should be no Dcen sent in u> mc .->i. ^.auiar.nes ^.^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^j^^^^ ^^.^^^al core. | Q^ij^ „ ^^-^^ ^^^^ expensive, but as stenciled decorations. Linoleum is On one farm this trouble has been dumbie ^g (^11, are the plain-color suitable for farmhouse use, and many present on the same piece of land for ij^p,, ^^^^ which are suitable for use people welcome this expedient for the the last four years. Various fertiliz- j^ ^j,^ dressiest farm room. have covering of rough and unsightly floors. ers were tried but without success. ^^^ ^.j-^^ j^^ ^^.^ ^^y^^ thickly and . , , u 1 ^^ .V However, this last year this grower evenly and He flat on the floor. tr:; noTllv /rom'mir^tr'^ber^ "''^ •>"» ^'' strawberry patch on an- Something like the linen rugs, but l?U„n« of yntlrrbTa' ' C^t^ o^*'*'" P^^^ "^ '''•â- ' '"â„¢ «"'' '" '" "" J"«t so much more desirable as their K< t.ons of OnUrio but a,so from the ,^d^„^^ „f ^cot-rot Inis been appar- jnereased price would indicate, are ent. While as yet we arc not able the woven wool rugs which have no to state the cause, we believe that con- ^^^ Dominion Laboratory of Plant Path- olo(ry for examination. While some of these wcro without doubt directly due to winter liiiiing, many were brought •bout by t<ome other agency. This States of New York. Illinoi.s, Michigan and Idaho. The cause is given as undetermined, although certain soil orguni^ims are suggested. The leaves of root-rotted plants re- main small, are bronze in color and oftei Tapeworm in Sheep. Some eight different species of tape- worm are harbored by the sheep, but the most cominoi tvpe found in the Province of Ontario i" known as , , «-- â€" In plain colors these rugs are Topnin pvimrnja TJii-j pn.riM of lane- ditions of the sojl >•-» great de delightful and may be had with Irrm^y'r^f rim ei;h: t^ ten feet to do vnth it We ,^^0"!^ adv'se any ,t, (^.^t pja „ borders of contrasting ;„ ,,„gth up to eight- rn fnot. r.nd from grower who Is troubled with root rot ^^ harmonizing colors. about 1-25 of an inch wi.h at the to set out any new Plantation on a. These rugs may be had in small or head to nearly 1-2 inch at the tail, become yellow, but eventually ^ piece of land that has not previously ,00m sue. • . jhe entire worm is yellowish white in the piant, roots and crown dies. Gen-; been planted to strawberries. _ J Among the more conventional rugs ,,,,,. . , . ,. , . 1 m, .- , , . ,11 _i„j . " " -"- color, and i.s composed of segments erally the diseased plant dies before| This laboratory wou.d be very glad that are .suited for farmhou!»e rooms „bout one-ouarter of an inch lone. picking time althtmgh it is not un- to receive material of any such trouble gro the Axministers and the Wiltons. The experience of the Animal IIus- usual to see patches of diseased plants from any grower no matter where The best quality Axminster rug costs bandry Department has been that situated. Any material thus sent in ^bout the same as a low-grade Wilton, j^^bs suffer more from this trouble will be carefully examined and re- and in choosing between the highest- than do sheep. In 1918 and in 1922 ported upon. In sending specimens ff^ado Axmlnstcrs and the lowest- the lambs in the O.A.C. flock were kindly see that they are packed bo as grade Wilton there is not the slightest badly infested, but the ewes were! to arrive in good condition, and ad- question In my mind that the Axniin- practically free from the trouble. In-I dress the Dominion Laboratory of .tcr would be the ^viser felted sheep or lambs do not thrive.! Plant Pathology, 204 St Paul St., bt in purchasing a rug like an Axmin- the skin becomes pale and weakness' Catharines. Ontarioâ€" O. H. Berkeley, gter or a Wilton it pays to put as follows, accompanied by a dry condi- much money into It as possible. If lion of the wool and very often by you haven't enough to get a fine Wil- digestive troubles. The surest symp- ton, spend it for a good-quality Ax- tom is the finding of segments of the minster. I worm in droppings. If this trouble is Plain rugs are very fashionable the suspected close observation should be world over for every sort of house, given the droppings of the sheep arid They are decorative in the highest de- lambs. I grce and no room can fail of beauty. Fast the sheeps or lambs twenty- if it has one on the floor. four hours before treatment. Then Some housewives object to them,] give one dram oil of male shield fern in three ounces of castor oil to a ma- rcniain alive till sometime after. Such plants produce small, green, immature and worthless fruit. In nearly all this trouble appears in isolated spots throughout the field. Some rows may be affected in their entirety but this is not the general rule. Much more often it Is only a part of the row that is diseased. When such I attended an Institute meeting one day and heard one of the ipeaKtrs close his address with this little verst: "Good, better, best. Never let iz rest, 'Till your good is betvr. And your butier, l;esl-" It is the very best butter liial we can make that must be packed for winter use. Butter undergoes changes in the keeping and two things necessary for good results when keeping butter for winter use are best quality of butter and low temperature for holding Use cream that has a clean, sweet f'avor. Churn it al a temperature low enough to brinp tlu butter in nice, firm granules in from 20 to 10: minutes. If by any chance the butter comes soft, be very careful to get rid of thej buttermilk. It will be necessary in; a case of this kind to use an extra wash water. Salt the butter in the usual way and work it thoroughly. Should the! butter soften during the process of working, put it away in a cool place to become firmer before continuing the working. As butter keeps best in a solid. crocks or boxes are used for winter use. The boxes have a coating of paraf- fine on the inside and it is necessarx to line them with heavy parchment papir. While many people have a 66-lb. box filled tor winter, in some cases it would be much better to have it put in two 28- lb. boxes. The crocks should be in good condi- tion, free from cracks or breaks in the glazing. When packing butter, be sure to pack solidly. See that there are no openings in the sides and that the corners are well filled. If there is 8 or 10 lbs. of butter in a churning, do not put the whole lump into the crock and then try to pack it down. Rather put it in in pieces, making sure that each piece is solidly packed. Finish the top off evenly and cover with parchment paper. A thin layer of salt paste may be put over this be- fore fastening down the lid. With crocks it will be necessary to tie clean wrapping paper over the top after the lid has been put on. All butter should be stored in a clean, dark place where the air is pure and the temperature low and Plant Pathologist GOOD-LOOKING FLOORS FOR FARMHOUSE ROOMS POULTRY. It is sometimes difficult to say just where poor management stops and disease begins, but there is one ail- ment of partly grown chickens that Is most always traceable to mismanage- ment. Poultrymen often speak of it as "fall colds." As the growing birds increase in THE CHILDREN'S HOUR :a» BY ETHEL CARPENTER. Floors are regular bugbears to the with a long-handled polisher, until the however, they .show foot woman who is striving to make her floor shows a soft glow. i marks, though I myself do not object home pretty. Like most necessities,! This makes an ideal background for to this in the, for a plain rug conventional floor coverings are apt to the laying of small rugs, and would 's expected to show them, and the make appalling inroads on the income, have to be renewed only every six handsomer the rug the more it is apt and even then there i.s the danger that months or so. It may be cared for to show them. But run the .sweeper they may be unsatisfactory from the with a dry mop, with the addition of over the rug, draw the flat of the standpoint of choice. Nine times out an occasional polishing when needed. , broom over it quickly, seeing that the of ten a woman is uncertain how any; Varnish is another finish that ia in floor treatment will look until it is high favor, and this is usually applied tried; moreover she sometimes cannot to a bare floor in the form of a var- •fford what she would like, and must nish stain of the color desired. Wal- eontent herself with some second or third choice. But if she grts the trick of knowing what will look particularly well on nut or dark oak are the colors to be advised for this. The best varnish stain that money can buy is an economy in the end, and stroke.s all run the same way, and the nig is as sleek as n pussycat. As the pile of any rug flattens, the footmarks .•>.re less likely to appear. When great wnr is required in a room such as a dining-room, a piled rug had better show a small fissure. This is also a convenience in the din- ing-room, where spots are apt to de- the floors of farmhouse rooms she will a new coat of it applied when needed. ^^ g^^ ^^^ ^^^^ find a certain economy no hardship! is an economy also^ because if hej • ,^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^,j ^^^^ ^^ since the somewhat unconventional; floor is allowed to get badly worn, the floor treatments that guarantee the entire varnish finish must bs removed most promising results for farmhouse before a new one is applied, llvinsr are usually quite within her' Varnish finish should not be applied tneans. on top of paint, or vice versa, but al- Floor treatments are Just as jm- U^ys the of a different nature portant in creating a beautiful home' «h°"ld be first entirely removed «u. are wall treatments, window cur- '' ^h^ old finish is cracking, flaking Uins and the actual furniture to be'"-- P«eling, it must always be removed used in furnishing it And an effec-l^y means of sandpaper or pamt-and- tive floor, which includes its paint and varnish-remover before the new coat â- stain, as well as its covering, does not '^ ^Pf _, require a great deal of money to be spent on it to make it so. What it does need, first, last and al- ways, is intelligent thought. . The first thing that we must de- mand of a floor that is to be beautiful la that it be quiet in effect. TRANSFORMING SOFT-WOOD FLOORS. The second is that it has the proper value, which means that the lower But of all the finishes that may be used on the floors of the farmha'use, there is none so satisfactory, so suit- able and so t>eautiful as paint. A colored floor, is not too garish, imparts Just that note of style and character a room sometimes needs for good look.s. Paint may be applied to bare boards that have never had any other flnish, in which case it may be flat p'aint or gloss paint which con- tains an admixture of varnish. Var- two tone, and the rug should not have a central medallion. Medallion rugs are in very poor taste, and even if we are still having to wear out some of ture sheep or half the dose for a lamb. Give as a drench by means of a long-necked bottle. Kamala in VA dram doses to mature sheep given in thick gruel or treacle and followed by three ounces of castor oil in a few hours will expel the worms. Keep sheep in after treatment until all worms are expelled. This will take from 24 to 30 hours. Put out on new pasture, as if any segments of tape- worm are picked up by the sheep or lambs the^ will develop. The trouble is most common in wet years and on wet pa.sturcs. JACKIE RABBIT AND WILLIE WOODCHUCK GO FISHING. It was an excited little rabbit that size they require more and more air | went running over to Willie Wood- while on the roost at night. If they ' chuck's house one bright morning soon are kept in close, stuffy houses where ' after school was out. the air circulation is poor they are | "Oh, Willie," shouted Jackie Rabbit, very likely to develop colds. | "mother says I may go fishing this It is well to be on the lookout for afternoon if I get the garden hoed, this trouble and to guard against it q^j^ y^y gro?" by being sure that the roosting quar-j Willie didn't wait a minute to ans- ters are well ventilated at all times. '^gr. He just winked his eye at Jackie There is very little danger of draft j^d waddled into the house as fast as harming a healthy, well-feathered he could. In a minute he was back chicken in warm weather, so it is a ' again and the broad smile that stretch- good plan to provide a ventilator of g^ from ear to ear told how tickled generous size in the rear wall of every he was. colony brooder house. With windows "Mother says I may go just as soon in the front left open and the rear ^g j g^t the berries picked," he said, ventilator also open, there will usually] "Hurray," shouted Jackie. "I know be sufficient circulation of air to keep •,yhere I can get some nice big fat the chickens in a healthy condition so ^,viggly worms that will be just fine that they will not be subject to fall f(,r bait." And off he skipped toward A deep sense of economy is almost as effective as the "still small voice." colds- Growing alfalfa brings profits be- yond the hay pay, many grow it alone for the land's sake. Taking a Milk Sample. home to finish the hoeing. So it was that early that aftfernoon Jackie Rabbit and Willie Woodchuck found themselvse down by the Fishing Can You Beat This One? part of the room should be heavier in , tone than the upper part This makesji'sh mixed with paint makes it wear the room keep its proper balance. better, but paint containing varnish had better not be used on a flat- painted floor, or vice versa, as the new coat is apt to flake off. Painted floors may bo richly colored. The third is that the floor should act as an effective part of the room scheme. The fourth is that the right floor covering should be selected with rela the choice of decorative hues being .. ^ , , ^ , ..wide. Old blue; peacock blue, which tion to beauty, coet, wear and personal ., „,j j,,^^ ^.^^ ^ ^^^^,^ ^^^^j ^^^^ preftrence. \^^^ ^j ^^ ^jj^^ ^^ j^ j^^j green,! I want to tell you what floor treat- l^hich is grayish in tone; dark apple snts I consider partlculariy beautiful i^^^^„. ^^^^ ^hich is a grayish brown; mulberry, which is a cross be- tween ashes-of- roses and wistaria; and a grray which is not at all bluish in toneâ€" a gray more the color of' smoke. The paint used on 'a floor should bo I darker in tone than the same color' irly 1 to the farm- paint that is used for the standing 1 ments i consiaer pa and especially suited house. These treatments may be divided Into two classes: The bare floor re- lieved by small rugs, and the room- wlze floor covering. In discuiising the use of small rugs, the treatment of the bare floor must be solved first, and there are several ^"^^"work' good treatments that may be suggest- 1 „„ ^^^{ ^rown varnished floors, on ed for the floor of soft wood, which is ,j. i,^^^ ^^^^j fi „„j „^ ^^^^ the usual flooring to be found in. the that are painted, very delightful small ,7 .^""1 IV u , „ ' '•"Ks may be used. These may be of If the boards have been carefully bmidod, crocheted or woven rags, or selected and laid, and the floor is in they may be hooked rugs, which in good condition there is a special their revived popularity arc more than treatment that well repays for tho the equal of real Oriental rugs, and trouble of applying. When finished ^„ch more suitable for use in the av- Jt will resemble a hardwood floor. | ^^^^ farmhouse. Dissolve a Kufficient quantity of, ^11 of th.'se small rugs may be made burrit umber in linseed oil, thinning it ^ thr- farm wife, as they have been with turpentine to Impart a pleasant ^-.^^^ the beginning of time, and she is pale brown color to the floor. Rub this mixed coloring into the natural un- fini.shcd wood with a soft woolen cloth, talking great care that it goes on very evenly in tone. When this la dry. melt about a as c.ipnblc ns she always was in mak ing ruga of beautv that the whole world copies with delight. Therefove 1 want you to be sore to consider favorably the Several years of experience as a , ^, l j j. ^1. u- 1 cow tester have indicated some points Ho^e at t.he bend of the big creek. to me. some points in taking milk' , p"^»^"y/^^«y ^=1'â„¢^"^ *"!!, ^ « v samples that are worth passing along, old log. that they always used to fish The sample for a milk test for the ijom. With their hooks baited with butterfat content does not need to be big ugly worms, the fish began to bite large. A half pint is plenty. | fast but once when Jackie threw out In taking a sample, when the cow too far, his fishhook caught on a log is milked, stir or pour the milk from one pail to another two or three times. Then dip out what is needed. If the first milking taken is even- ing and the cow gives twelve pounds, • then keep that separate, and in the morning take another sample careful- ly mixed. If the cow gives eighteen pounds in the morning then save a nearby. He puU'id it and pulled it and wiggled it east and wiggled it west Willie did his best to help him and finally off it came. But what a frightened "Oh I Oh I Oh-h-h" it was that they both cried when . they saw what had happened. In attempting to loosen Jackie's fish- hook, the big log they were on had proportionately larger sample of the! drifted away from shore and they morning milking. Mix the two and ^^^re out m the middle of the big that gives you a pretty fair sample. n?^er drifting drifting toward the Taking the sample from two days' , ^'?„„ *• ^ „ , ,„ , . „,., milkings is better, but one is more' "Whatever shall v<re do?' asked WiU practical i 1*® ''"tn a splashy tear forming in each The r^son for the two milkings is of his little black eyes. We can't swim that most cows will produce a richer *â- "** ^ ^r. ,.â- ,,.., milk in the evening than in the morn-i Oh, no, no, said Jackie, 'we can I ing and one sample would indicate lit- swim hardly at all. But sailors dont tie. Some cows, however, are freak- "y. Wilhe, and we'll have to play ish and produce just the opposite kind we're sailors Just sit awfully still so of milk. yo** don t fall off. Perhaps a merry Ndw that the half pint is saved, li"le breeze will come up and blow ui care again must be used in mixing the toward shore. sample. It ought to be somewhat warm ^ut Jackie was just as scared •â- as cold cream and milk will not mix Willie as they went drifting, drifting any too well. Pouring from one milk on toward the Big Sea. bottle to another is about the best way [ *~ to mix. But too much pouring is apt Horse BamS. to Incorporate air in the milk and „ 1. l , , make a Chy" sample, because bubbles ^"""^ ,?:°"« ^*T"^' «^^ *'> â„¢<«« take ur space In the Dinette i ^^^'^ °^^^' particular, have poor I like to make t,^^ tests of each ^°°" JT the stalls or, in case of a dirt sample. That is required in official f^\ «*«? ho « tramped out wher. work. The two samples usually are th« horse mus stand or he. After a exactly the ^me. If there is more horse works all day he is entitled U than two-tenths of one per cent dif- f f?'^ ^^\ ^'''f^ floors should be ference the official testers are requlr- ^fPj,>" ^<"^ ^.^P^"^ ''"'^ dirt ones well ed to make the test over again. ' ^^^^ *° P^'*"^ P^'^P^' drainage and an even surface. In reading the fat column I've found Horses compelled to stand with their a black pencil makes the etchings easy , ""'-^^ ^""'kj'"^^" <â- » ''••'•"^ «"-; ""^ ♦« ~«^ L. firinn. t>,„m witk i«:h front feet in deep depressions m ths to read by filling them with lead, Cows that are just turned on pas ture or hnve And stall will develop weak backs. had^their"feed c'hane^ another bad practice Is to leave hay recently or have been or are coming *" '/*»"**' » 1!?"% ""'^^^LJ'f u in heat do not give a fair sample of ^^'^ T^«"' '" '"^ f^'^J^ *° «^ ** »*> he must press against a manger or pound of shaved beeswax in n kettle j^jd „„ the properly treaU^d bare floor, on the stove, rcmox-e from the fire and Here's a flsh story that makes the average rod-wlelder look like the youthful George Washington. The gigantic musky whose portrait Is seen beauty" and "bove was landed by an Indian with his bare hand! This is the gftspel tnith. Ruitabilitv of such small quaint rugs Some few weeks ago. setting out from Devil's Gap Bungalow Camp, en Lake of the Woods, Kenora. an ardent sportsman hooked this tremendous fellow, a 35-pounder, on a fifteen-pound test black Japanese silk line and an eight- ounce iplit bamboo flahlng rod with a No. S Starr double-spinner as a lure. The captive, offering the type of battle anglers thrill to. struggled for forly- flve minutes, then, at the critical moment, made a supreme effort, snapped the line and disappeared. The "prj-tsman groaned, believing all was over. thin with turpentine, h is necc^.ry, "n^f*'"'''^" ' "OM THE RAO BAG. to rpmove the kotUe as the turpentine Woven rag rugs come in all sixes b combustible, but after this Is poured »"d attractive colors at very reason- in. the kettle may be replaced on the »hle prices. Rugs braided by machine •tov«, so that the mixture may gradu- «"> ^*''y inexpensive; but rugs braid- ally heat and come to the right con- *'d by hand are mostly so high priced But the wily Indian guldo, paddling round quietly, spotted the flsh lying ex- â- tat«r:y to be applied easily to the that this furnishes an added incentive haustod In four feet of water. "Don move' he urged. "She come up!' And. tool. I for doing the work at home. ,„re Miough, the "lunge prwsently rose to within a few Inches of the surface. This Is applied evenly with another| Among room-sise rugs there are, ^ nghtning movement of the Indian Instantly followed and. seizing the flsh •oft woolen cloth; It must be kept hot •'»• "•"»« that may be ntsde at home;! jhrough the bsek of the gill, he flung him trlumphautly Into the canoe, during th. .^ration. '!;:?/!!!!! "'^hJv ^^'^mX^h^^Ji N*«t time you swap yarns with yr.ur pals and want to cap thoir best poJ/.Tth.'^r^ith ^J:^ Z\yTthou?LVT^ ^Z^r.i'Zj -<.U with something Uiat Is no >- remarkable than It U correct In ever. In *-«len elot-. «r Mft cmrp^, or else i« made to yield up lU treaaur^. and l»rticuJar. a.k them "Can you beat thU oner milk. Wait â€" E. R. give until they sample are quiet. other like obstruction. This constant pressure will bruise his breast and start ft grrowth that is practically In- curable and means the loss ot tb« ' animal. * I Wash Day. The next time the wife complains ; of wet feet on wash day make a slat ; platform for her to stand on. I The platform ir four feet long and j two feet wide. The long slats are om I inch thick and two inches wide, an^ Starting At It. : the cleats underneath â€" there are fotii| Her Friendâ€" "When you and Ferdln- â€" "r* of the same material. and were married he promised you the ^t Is so light that It can be set up cream of evorythlnc. Ia h« making o" «>d when the wash is on the line good?" Mrs. Youngbride â€" "Hc'a making a good start. He earns enough to keep me supplied with cold creaoi and hlm- and quickly dried out. ru< ^.ItU slyiTjIpf Thcr management of the farnt has ft two-fold aspect thai <>C • bunlness end vh«k •>< » hMta.