â- -*«I*<! Refifeshind- and Wonderful to Taste C/ Drink Where World's Tallest Men G>urage, Comrade. The blended essence of choice good things grown in the tropic sunshine of fu'away lands'^ Coca -Cola I â€" of course! â€" sealed in a sterilized glass pack- age that protects its goodness and purity. Are to be Found. You cannot always re«ognize a man of BClenco at lirst sight. Mr. Kobert It Is ofiea faid that th« UUeit P«o- ; ^ Johnson In Uemembered Ycsl^r pie are fcunU la the tcmr^rjte rones, ^^y, t*ll« of hearing an Englisii wo- und the general idea i« tJiat the Brl ! man, a writer, say to NlkolA Tesla, the tish and the Scandinaviajw are the ' brilliant Inyentor: tallest races In the world. If. how- "And you, Mr. Teslu, what do you do?" ev«r, you «o carefully Into the figures : ,.qj^_ , ^^jj^ie a little in electricity." you will And that this is not the o^se. | "indeed! Keep al it and don't be The average height of English, discouraged. You may end by doing Scots and Scandinavians is the same, something some day." A full-grown man of e:icli race aver- 1 This Is the man who had sold the In- ag&J 5 ft. 7 2-5 ins. in height. The veatlons used at Niagara to the Weit- Irtsh are a fraction of an inch shorter Inghousa Company for a million dol- and next come Danes and Belgians. ^ lars and bad lived to rue Uie bargain! THE f Al'SE OF SICKNESS Almost Always Due to Weak and Impoverished Blood. Delicious and Refreshing The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, Ltd* H*€ui OfHeei Toronto Angered by High Taxes, Pezisants Attack Town. Three thousand peasants, armed chiefly with cudgels and hatchets, made an organized attack on the little town of Teano, near Caserta, says a Rome despatch. They stormed the Municipality, flung out the furniture, books and documents Into the street, sprinkled them with benzine and soon had a gigantic bonfire blazing. The Royal Commissioner, who was In charge, was seized and beaten, but managed afterward to e&cape and hide in a haystack until the worst was over. After the Municipality came the turn of the Customs OIBce, and then the Postofiice, but here the rioters were foiled by the courageous' behavior of the postmaster and his daughter, who succeeded In bc.rricajjing themselves In and did not leave the building until by telephone and telegraph, they had called for help from neighboring auth- orities. There were only a few cara- blnlerl In Teano. Most of them were presiding at the horse fair â€" the riot- ers had chosen their day advisedly â€" and the remainder was soon overpow- ered, one or two being rather severely wcunde<d. It would seem that the riot isi th« final explosion of popular wrath against the high taxes and customs dues which has been simmering for some time. Order has now been com- pletely re-establls'hed and large de- tachments of troops have been sent In- to Teano. But these are not the tallest races, i In tiie matter of inches, the records ! ars held by Zulus, Iro<iuois Indians, Polynesians, and Patagonians. The . last, the tallest race in Uie world, aver- ' age 5 ft. 10 1-3 Ins. Now the Zulus live in a semi-tropical climate, the | Iroquois In a temperate one, the Poly- \ neslans in some of the hottest parts ! Apart from accident or illness du« of the world, while the Patagonians [ to infection, almost all ill-health arises inhabit the Horn of South America, from one or two reasons. The mistake one of the coldest and most miserable that people make is in not jealizing places on earth. i that both of these have the same cause In remarkable contrast to the Pata- at the root, namely poor blood. Either gonians are the Laplanders, who, re- blocdlessnees or some other trouble of siding almost on the Arctic circle, are the nerves will be found to be the the shortest race on earth, a grown | reason for almost every ailment. If man being only seven-tenths of an you are pale, suffering from head- Inch over 5 ft. \ aches, or broathlesaness, with palpl- The more one studies the matter ' tatlon of the heart, poor appetite and the more puzzling it becomes, but one weak digestion, the cause is almost point seems clear enoughâ€" that cU- ' always poor blood. If you have ner- mate and latitude have nothing what- 1 vous headaches, neuralgia, sciatica ever to do with height. and other nerve pains, the cause is Food and fresh air. Indeed, have exhausted nerves. But nin down more to do wnlli the development of nerves arc also a result of pcor blood, the individual than climate, as Is | so that tie two chief causes of Illness proved by the fact that everywhere i are one and the same. the farm laborer Is taller than the If your health is poor; if you are artisan. I pale, nervous or dyspeptic, you should A striking examp'le of this is pro- ' give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair j vlded by Scotland, where the farm ' trial. Those pills act directly on the I laborer is four laches taller and thirty- blocd, and by enriching it give new \ six pounds heavier than the average strength to worn out nerves. Men : Glasgow artisan. Again, the fishing and women alike greatly benefit I population of the Yorkshire Coast ex- through the use of this medicine. If 1 ceed the Sheffield workers by three you are weak or ailing, give Dr. WU- 1 inches in height and twenty-four liams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you : pound* In weight. j will be pleased with the beneficial re- ^ suits that win speedily follow. -~~ I If your denier does not keep these i pills you can get them by mall at 50 ! cents a box from The Dr. Williams' I Medicine Co., BrockvlUe, Ont. Cholera Infantum Is one of the fatal I -« allinents of childhood It is a trouble] p^^J^^^ j^^^^ ll^^^ ^^^^^ that comes on suddenlv. especially during the summer months, and unless I Experiments have shown that cer- prompt action is taken the little one â- ^''^ P'^°'^ deliberately turn away Yes, Indeed. Parsnip â€" "Mr. Onion pushed that big stone Tight out of his way." Tomato â€" "Yes, he's very strong, you know." Serve Mustard with all meats wouia ou»w»^" â€" - -~ -m Unhl'tniistl>eKeens <3( Why Busy Women Want Busy women want SMP Enameled Ware because it will bring food to the boil almost twice as fast as all-metal .utensils, and com- pletes the cooking sooner. A woman can wash SMP Enameled Ware utensils faster than utensils that have to be scrubbed and scoured. Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of pearly-grey enamel inside and out. Diamond Ware, three coats, light blue and white out- side, white lining. Crystal Ware, three coats, pure white inside and out, with Royal Blue edging. ««Sheet Metal Products co TiSJm* MONTREAL TORONTO tDMONTON VANCOUVER & tr'.m. - 80od tetf Fine, brisk flavor! Best of all in the ORANGE PEKOE QUAUTY ra EASY TRICKS The Coin Bag CHOLERA INFANTUM may soon be beyond aid. Baby's Own I from bands that are playing loud Tablets are an ideal medicine in ward- ing off this trouble. They regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus prevent all the dreaded sum- 1 mer complaints. Concerning them I Mrs. Fred Rose. South Bay, Ont., says: â€" "I feel Baby's Own Tablets: saved the life of our baby when she ' ^^ Particularly sensitive to continued had cholera infantum and I would not!^"""*^^' ^^ d-ovelop a tendency to be without them." The Tablets are ^^^'°- ^-"^'^^ f""""" ^^^ direction In which sold by medicine dealers or bv mall '^'^^ music comes. music. Although little Is kcwn at pre- sent about this strange phenomenon, there is no doubt that blossoms of several kinds are affected by the vibrations caused when music Is play- ed. Camatkns and cvflamene seem li at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont No Chance. Hodge â€" "Not married yet?" Tomklns â€" "No." "But I thought you had serious In- tentions In a certain direction." "I did have, but the evening I went to propose to her, before I got a chance she told mo she loved Brown- ing, and Kipling and Shelley. Now, Never judge your future possibil- what chance did I have with a girl ' bilitios by your past failures. who was in love with three other fel- ! " lows?" ; Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Paln< The Easter Illy shows a similar tendency. Some which had been used as floral decorationss. close to a stand where a jazz band was playing dance music, were affected to an astonishing degree. After a few hours it wa.s no- ticed that all the blossoms had turned their backs on the music. Even when they were placed facing the stand It was not long bef:;rs each bloom re- versed its position. Most tricksters know one or moro methods of causing a coin to vanish by sleight of hand or other trickery. Here is an easy method of completing the trick by a mysterious reappearance of the coin. Unfortunately, it is not the same coin but the spectators need not know that. A bag of flannel or other rough cloth is produced and half a dozen coins are shaken out of It. The bag Is held upside down and shaken, so It Is obviously empty after the coins have been taken out. One of the coins Is taken by the spectators and the remain- ing five counted by a spectator and put into a bag. To prevent trickery the spectator ties the mouth of the bag with cord and puts it In his pocket. The trick- ster causes the remaining coin to vanish by any means he desires and Is able to use. The bag is opened and the coin ia found to have joined the others. The bag may be examined without fear of dlsoloslng the secret. A duplicate coin is used and this Is In the bag all of the time. This coin Is put In the corner of the bag and pocketed by a few stitches of thread. One end of this thread Is knotted with a rather large knot. The bag may be held upside down and shaken without fear that the coin will fall. The trickster, holding the bag â€" first showing his hands to be empty â€" gets hold of the knot while the bag Is being tied and pulla out the stitches. In this way the duplicate coin joins the other. (Clip f\ia out and paste it. xcith other of hij series, in a scrapbook.J The Shell See what a lovely »hell. , Small and pure as a pearl, â- Lying close to my foot, BVail, but a work dlvlna, Made «o fairly well With delicate spire and whorl, How exquisitely mluute A miracle of design! The tiny cell is forlorn. Void of the little living will That made It stir on the shore. Did he stand at the diamond door Of his house in a rainbow frill? Did he push, when he was uncurl'<l, A golden foot or a fairy horn Thro' his dim water-world? Slight, to be crushed with a tap Of my flinger nail on the sand. Small, but a work divine, Frail, but of force to withstand. Year upon year, the shock Of cataract seae that snap The three decker's oaken spine Athwart the ledges of rock. Here on the Breton strand! â€" Tennyson. HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontarl* . Mlddleton wUl b« flad ta answer Qnsstions ea Pabllc Healtk an^ lu« through thU eolnaa. Addrsss kla at SpadlBS Houa*. SpaMS CMMaat. Toronta n The Main Point. "This fraternal order you are organ- izing â€" what name have you chosen fur It?" we asked. "I haven't had time to select a name yet nor even outline Its purpose, ' re- sponded the promoter. "Fizing the Initiation tee Is as far as the rush of applicants for admission has permit- ted me to go." Canadisui Trout for Scotlauid. The Department of Marine and Fish- eries. Canada, has forwarded 20,000 salmon trout eggs (Cristivomer namay- oush) from St. John. New Brunswick, to the solway hatcheries, Dumfries, Scotland, for experimental purposes. They were collected last autumn in Lake Ontario and carried to the eyed stage in the Thurlow hatcherj'. near Belleville, Ontario. « Mlnard's Liniment for Rheumatism. -> We g^ow when we are green. It's when we chink we are ripe that wa begin to get rotten. Keeps EYES Clear-, Bright and Beautiful WritcMurincCo..Chlcii!o.fcrEveC;reBook ] The saie way to send money by mall Is by Dominion Express Money Order. Sure Proof. Walter â€" "Why sir, do you think that is an incubator chick?" Gues-t â€" "No chicken that ever had a mother could ever get as tough as that." Some people imagine they are being sympathetic when really they are only being inquisitive. Practically everybody knows whtt goitre is. A day seldom passes with- out one noticing a person on the street or car with a swelling ot the neck. This is particularly noticeable in young girls and older ones too, who go about with their throats exposed. What is the nature and cause of [goitre? Marine and Kimball, two { noted men who have given this sub- ject much consideration, have this to I say of it: "Simple goitre has been de- monstrated to be a deficiency didcaso I of the thyroid gland, due, almost en- tirely to a lack of normal iodine sup- ply in the food and drink of man." The disease is not confined to the hu- man race, horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, .cats, rabbits and flsh also being af- I f ected. Goitre is of world-wide distribution. j but most common in inland countries, I especially on high plateaus and in mountainous regions. It is very prev- I alcnt in Canada, being found "in On- : tario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Al- i berta, Saskatchewan and certain sec- ;tions of British Columbia. Croitre seems to be fairly common in New On- tario and also in the north-eastern part of old Ontario where the surface drainage contains very little iodine. It is also prevalent about the Great Lakes. Rough surveys of the province ap- pear to show that in general there is a considerable amount of goitre in the northern section;!, the percentage am- ong school children being fix)m ten to twenty-five per cent. Examinations •of the iodine content of various water supplies in the province arc at present .rir.jr m.ndo, and these, no doubt, will hcii further light on this siib.'ect. The .•\;ilom Ci maritime countries from , oi're is due Ic the pres.'nco of suffi- i nt iod!n<- in the food and drink for '.; r(-v;uiieni. nts cf tlio thyroid gland. ;h? sea i.'s the great reservoir of iodine: iodine is prtscnt in the sca- watcr and sea-food ^animal or vege- table). It is also present in the air, I due to the sea spray. Salt obtained ' from sea-water and not highly puri- , I tied contains sufficient iodine for tliej I proper functioning of the thyroid 5 gland. Unfortunately, however, at the \ I present time, salt is not prepared [ from sea-water, but from inland salt | deposits which are often deficient in I I iodine or have the iodine removed by i the process of manufacture. Plants i growing on soils which contain iodine | will take it up and pass it on to the ' animal consumec. but if the soil is i deficient in iodine they are not able to I furnish a source of supply to the ani- 1 mal, and goitre results. | Statistics show that the disease Is ' generally more prevalent in women â- than in men in the proportion of three or four to one. ; The b'.'st way to overcome this dis- ease is by the ndmlni.stration of iodine, and the most effective way of givin;; iodine is internally. One can admin- ister iodine by inhalation or by ex- ternal application. But both the«o methods are more or less unsatio factory ? Iodine can be given in the drinkiriT- I water or by the use of iodized tab> salt but the most effective way i." to give it in the form of sodium iodide or in an organic form of iodine done I up in a chocolate tablet. The dis- ; agreeable ta.«te of the sodium iodide I makes It an ineffeetiv,-" preparation in j that children simply won't take it for I any length of time, and if taken in thi.^ form it sho'ild be once a week in j three-grain tablets during the entire ; school year. It can't be done. The j.chlldren refuse to take it. j To overcome thi? objection, a choc- , olate-coated tablet containing five to I ten mi!!igrnms of icdine (one tab'.et Jcaoh week) hns been prepared. This 'â- K th3 best niothod yet devised. Dur- j ing the period that the iodine is being ' .".dxinistered the patient should be ' under medical supervision. MefiLunc Spirin IROUeiEO WITH lICHYiiPLES Scattered Over Face. Cuticura Healed. " My face was full of blackheads which later became little pimTJles. They were scattered fi-^r ^'^ overmyfaceand itched ''" ^-^^ and burned, and when I scratched them they became worse and left acara. I was troubled with them for about three or four months when I read an advertiaer.ent for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. It helped me so I purchased more, and now I am completely healed." iSigned) Miss Esther L. Ball, Manitou Berch, Michigan. Use Cuticura for all toilet purposes. 8«mpl» EMb Trt. by MftU. Addr.M I'tncd'an Depvt: "Oattou^ T 0. B«x 301t. HaBtr«»l." l*ric<. S o»p2&c. Uinlni«ntB»n.ls«>«, Talajm26€. S^P** Try our new Shaving Stick. Say *' Bayer" -Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Colds Accept only a kage whichcontains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottlcs'of 24 and 100 â€" Druggists Aspirin la (bv trade mark (rrststcted ta Canada) of Enj*T Manufacture of Uooo- accticaclilester if Sallc.vUcacia C^ JS^i -r» Accept only |^**y Bayer packag Feet 5 ore ? Rub well with Mlnard's. It relieves inflammation, soothee and heals. MOTHER OF LARGE FAMILY Recommends Lydia EL Pink* ham's Vegetable Compound to Other Mothers Hemford, N. S. â€" "I am the mother of four children and I was so weak after my last baby came that I could not do my work and suffered for months until a friend induced ma to try Lydia Ei. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Since taking the Vegetable Compound my weakness has left me and the pain in my bacU has gone. I tell all my friends wiio are troubled with female weaknesa to take Lvdia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, for I think it is the best medicine ever sold. You mav advertise ray letter. " â€" Mrs. George "1. Crousb* Hemford, N. S. My First Child Glen Allen, Alabama. â€" " I have been greatly benefited by taking Lydia E!, Finkham's Vegetable Compound for bearing-down feelings ar i pains. I w«» troubled in this way for nearly four years following the birth of my lirst child.and at times could hardly stand on my feet, A neighbor recommended the Vegetable Compound to me after I had taken doctor's medicines without mucli benefit It has relieved my pains and gives me strength. I recommend it and give vou permission to use my testi- monial letter. â- â- â€" Mrs, Ida Rvk. Gl«a Allen, Alabama. Women who suffer should write to the Lydia E.Pinkham Medic'rsCo .Cobcunr, OTiti>rio, for a free copy of Lydia E. Finkham's Private "Te.Tt-Bock upoo "Ailments Peculiar to Women. ' ' »i ISSUE No. 31â€" '24.