RED ROSE G^v FEE f^^^ p^v^ Roasted mnd packad Mma day in C4 HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. lODDLrrON CtaMiBt. Toroot*. Ifar Whea'l «M a MttI* boy, Ob • oertAlB dsjr, VmU pw w W ed eaaa« for Joy And kM K f&r away: B«eded not my ehOdlflh Smiled wkeiuui I we»t Amd li«r aocret tlH<oncfc dift ywm Faftbfuny 8b« k^rt IVIm I WM a IltUe boy, On a Winter'a mom, T^to proTided caooe tor l«r â€" Ton had ]U8t been bom. â€" Orlf. Alexander. leHOfmrDAYS HARD ON HIE BABY A few eveninn ago I vlalted an one can take, swimming occupies s 2°J*'''« town where a meeting on foremost place. Swimming, howaiver, Public Health was being held. Juat | is not so easy to indulge in. Walking before the meeting I was attracted lis accessible to everybody. The con- to a baseball game played between venience of a street-car system in *•'*** t*amB. Quite a considerable cities and towns is a mixed blessing. crowd of people were present, but only The tendency is to ride comparatively we players were getting any exercise. ! short distances which could be covered: "'^ boweU and stomach, and an oc- Julr â€" the month of oppressive beat; red hot days and sweRerlng nl^ts; 1« extrem«I]r hard on little ones. Diar- rhoea, dyaentery, colic and cholera Infantum carry off thousanda of pre- cious little liree «v'ery Bummer. The mother must be constantly on her i»ard to prevent these trouble* or If they come on suddenly to fight them. No other medicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as Is Baby's Own Tablets. They re«ulate How much better it would be, I j by walking with much greater benefit tm>aght at that moment and since, if to health. Some day the health auth- all the people could take part in orities will take a keener interest In ? porta and games instead of only a exercise and recreation for the mass- ew. Nothing is better for maintain- es, and better health will be the re- Ing and promoting public health than ' suit To-day the practice of attending exercise in the open air, and yet a i ball games, cricket matches and other comparativelv small number of people i forms of outdoor amusement is bene- do get enough exercise. Especially In fieial to only a few. In time to come cities do sedenUry occupations pre- 1 facilities will be provided for all the vail, and even then the journey to and people at convenient times to take suit; from business is made by street car able forms of exercise. Whsn that or automobile. Have you ever noticed a family go- ing for an outing? How often this outing consists of a spin around or outside the city, the occupants of the car nev«r leaving their seats until they arrive back at the door of their house. And yet many people regard this as exercise. True, an automobile rido_ is exhiliarating and beneficial. day comes, the public health will be improved and a happier and healthier race of people will be the result. GREEN TEA IN GREAT DEMAND. Twenty-five years ago, Green Tea was more popular than Black, but due „ , to the heavy importation of poor but it is not exercise in the true sense ! (jtiality Japan and China Green Teas, of the word. Exercise to be really the demand feU off. Ceylon and India ^^T ^^°^^ "i°i>.*° P"* "'I T^^i started producing Green Tea on a cies mto action and the more of these ' , , , 7 * „^ muscles are used, the Tore effecti^l J ""^^ scale only in recent yeers They the exercise will be. How much bet- j '*'"® **' ^^^^ "°« QuaJlty and delicious ter it would be for city folk and coun- 1 ^^''°^ that Green Tea irinters im- try folks to take a brisk walk of at | mediately reoognlxed their superiority least fifteen minutes twice a day. I and demanded them in ever increas- Brisk walking is one of the finest ex- 1 log quantities. Saluda Tea Ck>mpany ""Tlfti" person can indulge In. It is i is practically the sole importer of Cey- lald that of all the natural exercises I ion and India Green Tea* in Canada. Mx Mustard thrs'vai/ M;:rti;i--th-w*^t Mix Keen's M^^]«^"p^te. Add watw ???,&eTflavori. hafhwibejim^ «3!_ 30,000 Island Route Str. Midland City. GGOrg^iaBl BA/ Daily service between Midland and Parry Sound. Fishing and Scenery unexcelled. Excellent train ser- vice from Toronto. Good Auto roads to Midland. Our Boat trips will please you. Berths and Information on boat. Rates Reasonable. Automobiles carried. Gome where the fishing' is good. Information â€" Any Canadian National Railway Agent, or Box 862. Midland. Ont. casional dcee given to the well child will prevent summer complaint, or If the trouble doee come on suddenly win banish it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont DdbbleYoorFMlkitlM Soma to (he rest cor* aatf mem» lir away To BKnintalB and seaaMe, tlM lab* or the bay; And many, ao maay, Joat BB»ad «> and tired Where the cities are fierce aad ttte pavetnenta are flre4 â€" Jas< longing for somethiiig fiiey know they can't do â€" But this thing you can â€" and R't tak* oft your aboe And dabble your feet ia th« waterl Why, >t bring* back aadi ptctaraa «( far, vanlahed thinga â€" A brook, and green trees, and a myriad wings Of birds and of inaaou that flaah through the air â€" And you toss yourself ttaek In yonr old office chair. And gaee through the window, and sktsa tnm to blue. And in fancy you're taking off atock- inga and shoe To dabble your feet in the water! The minnows come pecking year he^ and your toe, And the meadowa stretch yonder, the •oft breesea blow, And the bees are so busy, tbe blos- soms so bright â€" You've forgotten the city â€" weU, may- be not quite â€" But sufficient to help yon from feeling 60 blue, Aa you take off your stocking and kick off your shoe And dabble your feet In tlia water! â€" BJB. Blood Transfusion Now Rejuvenates. Rejuvenation, the eternal diream of humanity, may soon be within reach of botii men and women, according to Dr. Jaworski, who communicated this afternoon to medical society practi- tioners the result of his experiments with blood transfuaion. Jaworski's method of reatoring youth ia to inject into the veins, of men and women a few drops of \iig^ from another person showing certain biological affinity with the patient "Blood marriage," Jaworski calls it. He explains there is a biological ; women who seemed destined to a life analogy between the cells of the hu- 1 of frequent suffering have been freed man body and a composite liquid in | entirely from their suffering through WOHEN'SJANDICAPS Headaches and Backaches Often IVIake Life Miserable. A woman's health handicaps her al- most always. She has pains and dis- abilities which do not affliot men. Na- ture does not give her a fair chance. Her blood is more often thin and poor than a man's, and she often neglects the first beginnings of ill-health. Many which his patients bathe, and that If the liquid is renewed frequently enough calls can be regenerated al- 'moat indefinitely. Before operating he analyxes the blood of different per- sona until he finds one offering the re- quired biological affinity. Transfusion Is then a simple matter. According to Jaworski, his opera- tions have been attended with extra- ordinary success, old men and women having recovered unhoped for youth- fulness. Persons suffering from ar- terio-scleroeis or other diseases symp- tomatic of premature sentlity have ob- tained a complete transformation of their general condition. The medical the wonderful blcod-malciBg qualitiee of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Many a woman toils all day with a pain in her back and side, a burning headache, and a sense of having no spine left AMiat a pity women will not listen to their friends whom Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved from their mis- ery. Whenever a woman suffers they wiU help her â€" In yeuth, middle-age and afterlife. Mrs. John Mitchell, of MiddlevlUe, Ont, gives her experience for the benefit of other women suffar- era. She says: â€" "Some years ago I was so badly run down I could hardly walk around the house. I tried to do a few chores but was able to do very profession here appears to take Jaw- \ little. My boys and huaband had to oraki's dlsoovery seriously. Weahh From Waste. There are enormous sources of wealth, in the by-products of almost j jj^^'^j^jY^'^^"'' every industry, though few people realize thio or the extent to which sucb potential wealth is actually util- ized. Take, for example, wool. The grease and dirt which are waahed out of this are full of potash and potash salts. In the wxxjl-scouring factories of Franco and Belgium these "by-products" are extracted from the water in which the gin ur. WiUiama' Pink Pills at once wool is washed and produce profits as I am sure from my own experience do the rest If I started up stairs I had to go very slow or I would fall, and I was just played out when I got at the top of the stairs. My head ached terribly, and my heart wouM In this deplorable condition I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When I had finished six boxes I felt much better. Then I got a further supply, and by the time I had taken these I could walk any- where without being exhausted, the headaches had disappeared and I am now perfectly well. Any woman who is run down should not hesitate to be- =r=r5 SifioKe OLD CHUN The Tobacco of Qualit Seated f^cka^e I TtJhich keeps the iohscco \ \ in its original (ondiiion j also in /^ Id. tins Mimif«cturtd by Impafiai Ttbacco Company ol Canada Lir-ittd I5< EASY TRICKS Imitating A Duck running into twis of thoooands of dol- lars. Slaughter-houses, too, are perfect gold mines in the matter of by-prt>- ducts. Bones, blood, grease, hair, all are saved and transformed into useful articles by chemical and other pro- cesses. Talking of gold mines, one of the most important of the chemical by- products of the slaughtei^houea, cyan- ide of potaseium. is actually ua«d in mining to take the gold out of ground quarts. « Send a Dominion Express Money Or> der. They are payable everywhere. The average-sized C«iiadian family's potato bill is |2S.M»ycar. That warrants the nse of a apecial pot. Ha«itia. The SMP Potato Pot The i<^ thing. Fill with water through the spont without removing cover. Note how the handle locks the cover on. Yuu caa draia oflF water leaving potatoes mealjr and dry without apUHng potatoes or acaldinghaatte. Selling at low prices in hardware and general stores. Note Cleans Eaaiar SAJf Enameled Ware hfc • veiv hard. â- HHh mrface, like rw .' beat cMna, and ia ••Mjrtoclnn. Re- «'Jm no alecl wool «rai>«cj»l cleanatm ii*tf* clean, n»«c<, It« ftoia taint and olora. TheenioicleJ » are de luae. the trade mark on the pot. Be sure yoa get 'iSi nin* SnWMa : Viari Wan, two eoeta of p«utr tny enaawl tnaM* and oat. W aia n d Wan, thraa aoata, lisbt blue and white outiMe. whita tinli CiTalal WaiOk thna eeata, »ai« whMa •at with aeyal Blaa a^W. '^Snetr McmLPlMeum c»" 170 Snapdragons for Winter Flowers. The Snapdragon has been so Im- proved in size of flower and in color that it is now used in the cities as a cut flower, and tiie planta will pro- i duco very fine blooms in pots In the house. The flower heads are very I much larger than when grown in the ! garden and the colors purer in tint. '' The solid colors, pink es.pecially, are j the favorites. You may buy the seeds ! now of any shade, or you may sow I mixed varietiee. and select the ones I you like when they begin to bloom. j Seeds for winter Mcomicg may be sown in June or July in boxes and I potted as soon as large enough and j kept growing without check and make ' excellent winter bloomers, and if you : have old plants you may take tip cut- j tings of tbes? in .4ugust and root j them ea:>ily in moist sand, and theee I will bloom during the winter. The ' see:! lings make the more branching I plantti, but If the tip is pinched from i the rooted slip it will branch also. \ ' The largest flower spikes are pro- ! ] ducfd when a rooted cutting is grown â- I to ono single stem to produce one | ! flower spike, though after this cut the islub wMl branch and bloom. In argument the sharper ;ho the more easily it i? blunttd. MInard'a Liniment ReilevM Pain. they will build her up, You can get theee Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at BO cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockvllle, Ont ^ For Refrigerators. Lilquld carbon dioide, the same gas that is used for the charging of soda- water. Is being used successfully In place of ice as a refrigerant in refrige- rator cara. o . Making a confession is getting an opportunity to tell the whole truth. It will sound no worse than the half truth you are tempted to tell, and it will clear the air. NEW DISCOVERY ROUTS CHICKEN UCE I MliMralln4 Watw Q<tt NM ti DuiUiii ar Bmrint. Bird! DMNie TUtuMlvn. Flu tar I Bakir Chleka »m* All Paaltry. | Thla WDOdeifol praduct k««p9 the poultly alwaya Uo«- rrM wlUiout tl)« poultiT ralaar dolna aar wocit It t« tilt nmclwt. caxlMC wre«t and bett mctbod anr i dlacovcnd. t Pollyphonism, the "art" of imi- tating the tounda made by ani- mate and Inanimate objects, ia aa aver welcome form of parlor ea- tertalnment. It consists more la oarafol and Intelligent observa- tion of sounds than in eithar talent or skill, although saeh Imi- tation reaulrea praotiee. A duck can be very easily iml- tatod If yon paid attention the last time you heard a dock. A dnck do«s not lay "auaek." Ha sayn something that is much nearer "Whuack." Open your mouth very wlda and get the "ack" part of the sound aa far back in the mouth as possible. If you will Imitate a duck whloh taya a whole string of "whacks." starting very loud and getting softer and faster as you approach the end of the string, and imita- tion will be better. It Is a good Idea to pretend, when yon are doing the imitating, that a sofa pillow is a duck and that it Is trying to get away. Thla fives you an opportunity, by act- lag the episode, to enable tha ipecUtor'i eyes to help their aars appreciate the Imitation. (Clip tliU out and poate <f, with other of the aeries, in a terapiook.^ Courage, One who never turned his back, but marched breast forward. Never doubted clouds would break. Never dreamed though right wero wroiBted, wrong would trltimpii. Held we fall to rlae, are baffled to flght better. Sleep to wake â€" Robert Browning. MInard'a Unlment for Nheumatism. There is a majesty in nature, talcs her as you will The essence of poetry comes breathing to a mind that feen from every province of her empire â€" Carlyle. * Some seaweeds reach a length of 600 feet Be happy to think that you are use- ful, but don't assume that you are indispensable. SUFFERED WITH ECZEMA3_YEARS Itched and Burned So Could Not Sleep. Cuticura Healed. ' I sufiwed for three years with which broke out on my limbs, and soon apread to my neck and fore- head. It itched and burned so that It was most impossihle to â- lecp at nif m.ancnveiy time I acratched It, it would bleed. The brenking out caused diai\gurement. " I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after the firat week I got relief. I continued the treatment and 111 about aix months I was completely healed." ^Signed) Mni. George Pottle, R. F. D. 1. Box 22. Freedom, M*., Aug. IS, 1933. Use Cihicura for all toilet purposes. ,._ j«k Tnt *r a»U. AiUrmm Cr.diaa P^WC; " Cincan. r A >u Mil. M.atnaL'^ Frtea. 8 o«B»«. OlaKMat » an! U«. Taicom r PaF~ fn ««r aaw Sha^laa Sticl.. point ' Uca-Go. vhti-b U th« behm cvf thU rvmarkablo llc« r«ait>dj, 1. droppfd la tbe ctllrkcn'. drlnalnn «at«r rak«n Into Ui« tjrttem of th« bltd. It rotnr. nut tArouah lb* oil alanda of tJi« .kin alHl eiian Itnisr or mite Ifaws tiM body. It U fii«rant«vd to hplp :h« hatraabtU;; of clM acaa and cannot ln.*ur« 'iir 11a*or of the eu. or OMat; It la harmleta to chk-a. and dors not affect the iilainace. A Tew dare' Ii-Mttownt at the atari and thM a little added 10 the drtakuui aatct each moath la all that la nai naaary. John 11- Cooi»or. Se^forth. OnL. aaji: â€" 1 curchaaed a packaae of T.k'e-(h> fTom rou laat WBuaar. aad 1 And It >ood I aare aonie to a frleod for bta dktcks that were rrry louax. and he waa po airprlaed at the Tasulla that tbty want ma to MDd for aoaa mora ' 1 iBcdoae $Q for 9 packaaec kl. A. Vrauhart, Zep>v>r. OOL. aar.: -The Llce-Oo tableta an all ruu uj the; at* Will Kad laraer ordar later. Saii4 aa aianay )uat rour name and addraaa k card wlU do^ We are k> .-aciAdent Uiat Uc*-Oo will aet rtd *f f**ry l«tiee or mite that we will aead rou aae larae double Rreakcth tl.eo paokate, OBouah for 100 tanona of water. Whan It arrleee. pav poecaan only tl Otl and few i-enu poalace: If rou aia ttot ahaolulelv aaUafled after 30 dara' trial rour nonv win b« refunded without qneatlon or arruaaat. (I II. M vkca. tl(H>. Sail two. haea yeut own free.) faak aederp poetpaM. The A. a WA*B(R CO.. «â- ii-ar Say "Bayer"- Insist! For Pain Headache Neuralgia Lumbago ^Jj^^^^ Accept only a \^^^ Bayer package which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tableta Also bottles of 24 and 100 â€" Druggists Atplrln la the trade mark (ndatweo ib Canada) of Barer Mannfactsre ot Mooo- aoetlcacMeater of Sallc^llcacid Rheumatism Colds Accept only a MRS.BUDGE SO WEAK COULD HARDLY STAND Tells How Lydia E.Piiikliam> Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health Corns and Bunions ! Rub dally with Mlnafd's. It takes the pain out of tb«m. River Desert, Que. â€" ' ' I used to hare •' severe pain in my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any lengrth of time to do my ironing or washing, but I would have to lie down to get relief from the pain. 1 bad this for about two years, then • friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink- barn's Vegetable Compound as she had had good results. I certainly got good results from it, too, as the last time I had a sore side was last May and I hav« not had it since. I am also glad of bavrng fp<^ nursing ff^r my baby, and I think It is your medicine that helped me in this way.'"â€" Mrs. L. V- BUDOB^ River Desert, Quebec If you are suffering from the tortorei of a displacement, irregularities, back- ache, headaches, nervousness, cr a pain in the side, you should lose no time Sb trying Lydia R Pinkham's VegetaU* Compound. Lvdia E. Pinkham's Private TexV Book upon " Ailtnents Peculiar to Wo- men ' '^11 be sent tou free upon request. Write for it to the Lydia K. Pinkham Medicine Co.. Cobourg. Ontario. Thia book contains valuable mformatiau that •very woman should know. ISSUE No. »t