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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1924, p. 1

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^hje /teslj^tt^n attratta. Vol.44 No.49 Flesherton, Ontario, May 7 , 1 924 W. H, Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA Stores will be closed each Tuesday and Friday night during the summer months, starting next week. The work in connection with the blue star quilt, which was disposed of last Friday evening at the hall, rea- lized about $70, which will go toward clearing off the debt on the memorial fence. Mrs. Adam Smith received the news of the death of her second eldest sister, Mrs. F. Dyer, of Toronto. Mrs Dyer was very well known here, hav- ing visted on several occasions and had many warm friends. Mrs. Smith and daughter, Georgina, attended the funeral. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Smith in her hour of- sorrow. We are soiTy to report the illness of Miss Isabel McKee, who was seized ''on Tuesday of last week with an attack of appendicitis. We are glad to hear of her improvement and hope it will not be long until she is around again. Mr. Wesley Cooey, Russell Park and Miss Marjorie motored to Owen Sound on Sunday last. Miss McQueen returned with them. Mr. Card Graham and father, ac- companed by Nurse Graham and Miss Lily Campbell motored to Thombury and visited with Mr.. Ed. Graham and family. â-  The roads are in splendid condition for motoring for this time of the year. Mr. Fred Pedlar is to be congratulated on the shape he has kept the road between here and tlje gravel. The work at Pheasant Island is now completed, Mr. and Mrs. Jones return- ing to their home in Toronto this Tuesday. Rae Genoe has purchased a fine Saxon roadster. Large Bros.' orchestra played at the dance in Dundalk on April 24th, given by the Euchre Club. We are pleased to see Thos. Gilli- land able to be around again after his accident of a week ago. Next Sunday Mothers' Day will be observed in the church here. The Ladeis' Aid is busy on an auto- graph quilt at present, so do not fail to have your name on with the rest, and help the good cause along. Names may be handed in to Mrs. A. Smith or Mrs. McKee. Mr. Fred Pedlar has been appointed Vice-President of the Rural Trustees' Association. Fred is a live wire on this work and we offer congratula- tions. Mrs. Elwood Partridge and children are visiting with the former's uncle, Mr. Jacob Williams. •• Mr. J. Conner of Toronto delivered a very able address on Sunday morn- ing, which was highly appreciated by those present. Messrs. Ken and Fred Large visited at the home of Jas. Myles, Thombury, during the past week. Mrs. McMuUen visited for a -few days during the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Hammond, of Kimber- ley, who has been ill. The many friends of Mrs. Chas. Turner Sr., who is visiting her daugh- ter in New Jersey, w^ill be glad to hear that she is .improving and expects to visit her sister in New York before re- turning home. The teacher and pupils held their usual Arbor Day on Friday of last week and after having done the_ usual cleaning up both in and outside of school they were given lunch by the parents, after which the boys attended to the planting of a few maples. They afterwards joined the rest of the chil- dren in a hike through the woods, and enjoyed a lesson on nature study. Miss Pearl Latimer of CoUingwood Business College, who visiteil her father here at Easter, expects to fin- ish her course this month, where a good position awaits her in CoUing- wood. We are pleased to hear of Pearl's progress. Mr. Robt. Dean is visiting his moth- er in the city at present. Mr. Andy Scott visited his family in the city over the week end. Mrs. J. Magee and daughter, Doris, of Vandeleur, accopanied by the form- er's little granddaughter, Evelyn Magee, visited with Mrs. Munshaw on Sunday last. Mrs. Levi Duckett was waited on by the Maxwell Ladies' Aid recently and presented with some silverware, in appreciation of her work while con- nected with the .\id there. Gordon Wilson of Kimberley has taken a position on the pipe line and is with his mother here. Wear a flower and attend the Pres- byterian Sunday school this Sunday. Mothers' Day will be observed. SHINGLES Ready for Immediate Delivery in the yard at Flesherton One Carload New Bninswick White Cedar Shingles Three grades EXTRA CLEAR CLEAR SECOND CLEAR Telephone for prices to W. A. Armstrong A Son FLESHERTON VANDELEUR FEVERSHAM 4TH LINE AND VICINITY Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan and little son spent a day with friends 2t Dundalk a short time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and Clare of Meaford spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. Mr. Cook of Rocklyn and Mr. Tay- lor Sr. of Walters Falls are visiting viith Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gilbert of Mark- dale spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert recently. Mr. Bert Taylor of this place took a very severe attack of appendicitis on Friday evening last, it was found necessary on Sunday afternoon to operate. Dr. Milddlebro of Owen Sound and Dr. Ego and Brown of Markdale performed the operation. M time of writing Mr. Taylor is doing as well as can be expected. The Ladies' Aid held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Buchanan on Thursday evening of last week. It was decided to have a play in the church here on May 20th by the Flesherton people. On Mondav morning April 28th, after an illness of several years, Mrs. Robt. Graham passed peacefully aw^ay to the Great Beyond in her 82nd year. The deceased was bom in England and came to Canada with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knight. She was among the early settlers of Artemesia township and was one of the pioneer school teachers. She was a very highly esteemed woman and loved by all who knew her, and was a devoted wife and mother. On March 7th, 1871 she was married to Mr. Robert Graham, who survives. In religion she was a Presbyterian and belonged to the church at Eu- genia. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to the Presby- terian cemetery, Orange Valley, Rev. Jos. narrower of Flesherton, the fam- ily pastor officiating at the house and grave. The deceased leaves to mourn Mr. Graham and five children namely: Andrew of Daysville, Sask., Minnie at home, Wallace of Eugenia, Mrs. P. Beard of Flesherton, Mrs. Frank Hudson of Paris, to whom the sympathy of the neighborhood is ex- tended in their sore bereavement. SCHOOL REPORTS ^. S. NO. 13, ARTEMESIA Those marked with an * have been absent. Sr. 4 â€" Jack Large, Everett Large, Sr. 3 â€" Ralph Large,Laura Fawcett* Jr. 3-Patty Morgaan, Irene Martin, Reta Genoe, Enid Gordon, Lorenzo Martin, Hilda Gordon, Glenn Pedlar. Sr. 2â€" Victor CampbeU, Gladys Fawcett*. Jr. 2â€" Kathleen Pedlar, Melrose Campbell, Gladys Williams, Cecil Tuohy. Sr. 1 â€" Mamie Kerton, Frank Large, Phyllis Grahaam*, Lloyd Genoe*, Lucy Sherwood*. Sr. Pr. â€" Vemice Fawcett*. Jr. Pr.â€" Orval McNally. Average attendance 17.93. â€"A. C. McQUEEN, Teacher S. S. NO. 9. OSPREY (MAXWELL) The * denotes present every day; name in brackets denotes best speller in class. Sr. 4 â€" Verne Wright, (Clarence Chard), Annie Priestly*' Vera Pall- ister'. Jr. 4 â€" Verna Long (Annie Robert son), Dorothy Bemrose. Sr. 3 â€" (Helena Long*), Loma Chard, Violet Parker, R. J. UdeU*, Warren Morrison. Jr. 3â€" Mabel Ross. Sr. 2â€" Mary Long*, Mien Duffield, Ruby Robertson*, (Mary Bemrose*), Golden Udell*, John Bemrose. Jr. 2 â€" (Kathleen Morrison*), Marj- orie Seeley*, Cecil Chard, Jean Young. 1 â€" (Robert Long*) Marjorie Guy", .A.rleen Pallister*, Arthur Lawlor. Sr. Pr.â€" Robert Priestly. Enrolled 27. av. attendance 27. â€" M. MacARTHUR, Teacher. S. S. NO. 17. ARTEMESIA Sr. 4â€" Mabel Betts, Ernest White, Bruce Hawkins, Viola White, Gordon McRae. Sr. 3â€" Harold Fisher. Jr. 3â€" Hattie McRae, Winnona Pat- ton, Jimmie Laughlin, Kenneth Part- ridge. Sr. 2â€" Ruby White,. Margaret Fish- er and Jimmie Pedlar equal, Harold Shier. Jr. 2.Aâ€" Lawrence Shier. B. Lauch- lan, Joe Hawkins, Delia English. Nathalie Patton. Jr. 2B â€" Mervyn Johnston, Robert Dargavel. Richard Hoy, Annie Laugh- lin, Jack English, Ita Pedlar. Sr. 1â€" Merv>-n Best, Murray Fisher Jr.l â€"Julia Croft Sr. Pr.â€" Hazel Shier, Laurie Ru8.<«el. Jr. Pr.â€" Delbert Smith. Geo. Akitt, Hughie Laughlin, Leila Clark, Lloyd Partridge. Jr. Pr..\ â€" Velm.T Fisher. Ruby .\kitt. Marguerite Croft. EUmoure Sher. â€" E. MacLEAN Teacher. Quite a little mow stbrm on Satur- { day night, but it is all gone and the I sun shines again. Keep smiling. j The ladies' L.O.B.A. No. 441 and L. ! O.L. No. 1085 attended church on Sunday last to the Presbyterian church here, where the pastor. Rev. Mr. Shannon, preached a very inter- esting sermon. " The members of both Lodges were out in fair numbers. Mrs. R. Smith of Markdale visited over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Ira Perigo, and other friends. Mrs. A. Findlay of Toronto is visit- ing with her brother, Wm. Heitman, at present. Mrs. Chester Long of Maxwell spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. \p\'hiteoak, here. Dr. and Mrs. McKee of Markdale spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander. Mr. Robt. Hudson of Port Huron, Mich, U.S.A., is visiting friends in this part at present. This community was shocked to ; learn on Thursday last that Mrs. Fred I Eagle had pas.-/ed away at her home near Irish Lake. Interment .took : place at Markdale cemetery on Satur- day May 4th the funeral service of ; her and her infant son being conduct- ed by the Rev. Mr. Bowes f' Mark- I dale. The deceased, who was 28 ' years of use. leaves to mourn her loss her sorrowing husband and three : small children, Ada, aged 8 years. ; Walter aged 6 years and Wilmur aged 4 years. The community extends sincere sympathy to Mr Eagle and his little family in this time of deep bereavement. Miss .^.nnie Harrow of Owen Sound visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Beaton, for a few days the past week. We are glad to see Mr. Charlie [ Bojfce and his mother able to be out 1 again after their long illness. Mr. .A.ngus Black lost a mare this week from indigestion. CEYLON Miss Williams of Flesherton visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. T. Genoe last week. Miss Pedlar of Eugenia visited the past week with Mrs. E. Purdy and son. Mrs. A. McLeod, who has for some time been visiting her daughter in Toronto, returned home the past week. Mr. Stanley White of Toronto spent the past week at his home here. Mr. .â- Vrchie Sinclair spent Saturday evening at Orangeville. Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. VICTORIA CORNERS Tragic Death In Amaranth Newton Bannon, who has not been feeling well for some time, took much worse on Sunday 'afternoon and was rushed to the Fergus hospital, where he underwent an operation on Sunday evening for appedicitis. and is now doing as well as possible. His fath- er and Milton Bannon accompanied him, also Dr. Turnball of Flesherton. Mr. Harold Acheson is stajdng with his sister, Mrs. Newton Bannon. Sacrament was solemnized at In- istioge on Sunday. Not Guilty At Dundalk "In a m.oment, in .the twinkling of an eye," we are told the grim message is quite likely to come, and is forcibly reminded in the death of John Robert Durkin. only son of the late Francis Durkin of .Amaranth. He was last seen about the place on Monday of last week, by Messrs Harry Whaley and Wm. Menary, who noticed him at work with his team. No' person miss- ed him until Thursday, when the noise of his cattle attracted the attention of W. Menary. who went over see what was the trouble. Not finding Mr. Durkin in the house, Mr. Menary went to the stable and was likewise unable to get any trace of his neighbor, and thus continued his search further. After awhile he found the body partly beneath a wire fence which he had been working at. Death must have come instantly, for the shovel was at one side, just where he had apparent- ly been using them in the work. The body showed no marks of injury al- though his overalls were badly torn, fuite likely hy some of the stock. Mr. Menarey immediately called help and notified the authorities, an inquest being held on Friday. Dr. Baker performed an autopsy which revealed death to be caused by a clot of blood in the brain, a verdict of death from natural causes being returned. The late Mr. Durkin was the only son of the late Mr. Francis Durkin. %yho died last November, and had been living alone. He was 57 years of age, unmarried and of quiet disposition; a good neighbor and friend. The only son in the family, he remained, at home giving his best to the advantage and comfort of his parents, whose welfare seemed his one idea. He is survived by six sisters Mrs. Thomp- son and Mrs. Irvine of Orangeville, Mrs. Bradley and Mrs. Olson of To- ronto, Mrs. Harvey of Regina and Mrs. of Woodstock. S. S. NO. 3 (SPRINGHILL) 4th â€" Graham Beard 25, Everett Blaskburn 65, James .A.llen 61, .A.rnold Brown 53, Herbert -Xkins 50, Mervyn Ferris 46. Numbers are perjrentage obtained on Easter tests. Sr. 2 â€" Audrey Brown, Lola Black- burn, Bessie Beard, Willie White, Florence Best. Howard Ferris. Sr.2 â€" George .A.llen, .A.nnie Akins, Jean Beard, Cliffora Allen. Promoted from ' S. 1 to Jr. 2 at Easter : Isabelle Ferris, Earl Johns- ton, Ellen Parker. Sr. Pr.â€" Doris Waller. Jr. Pr. â€" Delia Vause, Billie Parker, Wilfred Best. â€"EDNA FERRIS, Teacher Tried before His Honor Judge Suth- erland on Monday afternoon at the County Court House, Oliver Bell.23, a resident of Melancthon Township, Dufferin County, on a verj- serious criminal charge under the criminal code, in which a fifteen year old girl a resident of Dundalk, was concerned, was found no: guilty on the evidence, and the case was dismissed. The evidence presented by the Crown and by the defence was very conflicting, witnesses for the Crown swearing that Bell was in Dundalk on the night of November 3rd last, the date which was mentioned in the charge, while witnesses for the defense, and Bell himself gave evidence that he had but driven throurrh Dundalk on that date, and had not : opped at all. A very inteiv oting piece of evidence was turned in when Cown .Attorney Dyre was cross-questioning Boll. It came out that Bell was to have been married early in .A.pril. In fact his marriage was set for the day just after he was arrested. "Your marriiijre was postponed, of course?" Mr. Dyre asked. "Yes," replied Bell, "until this mat- ter was cleared up." " 'Cleared up' " '.' queried Mr. Dyre. "What do you mean?" "Until I was either found guilty or sentenced." "You mean she vould marry you in either case"? "Yes." There were qu;.e a large number of witnesses, and the casre occupied prac- tically the entire afternoon. Mr. R. G. .A.gnew. of Toronto appeared for Bell, and Crown .A.ttorney DjTe had charge of the prosecution. IN ME ylORIAM LE.\CH â€" In sad and loving mem- ory of my dear brother. Dan Leach, who departed this life May 7th. 1921. This day brings back to memory -A. loved one gone to rest, jVnd those v.ho think of him to-day Are those who loved him best. â€" Sister, Mrs. Jos. Field. CLOVER SEED SPECIALS GOVERNMENT STANDARD SEEP No. 1 Grimm Alfalfa S16 per bu. No. 1 Variecated Alfalfa.. ..$13.50 bu. No. 1 Red Clover S14 per bu. N. 1 Mamn-.ith Clover $15.00 bu. Also .A.lsike, Timothy, Sweet Clover and Seed Corn. Highest quality. Terms : â€" Cash with order or ord?r bill of lading, draft attached. Phone 2 r 31. A. C. MUIR. CEYLON Methodist Church, Flesherton MOTHER'S DAY Specail program in charge of the Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Baptismal Service â€" Wear a White Fi )wer NO AFTERNOON SESSION OF SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 p.m. OBEDIENCE TO YOUR HEAVENLY VISION Acts 26: 19 Thursday, May 8th at 8 Jchoiachi's X'ictory A CHURCH WITH A PURPOSE PORTLAV/ Mr. W. R. Simmons is recovering from a second serious attack of ill- ness. , Mr. James Pedlar has been in a critical state with pneumonia, but is reported to be improving as fast as might be expected. Mrs. W. J. Sates of Toronto spent a week visiting with her mother and brothers here. Mrs. Robert Hannah has been laid up lately, but is now a good deal better. Mr. Robert Taylor visited with friends in Toronto lately. Mi-s. Francis has been ill as the result of a fall received lately, but we are glad to hear that she is im- proving. Mr. Robert Little's auction sale last week was well atended and fair prices were realized. Mr. Will Taylor of Toronto spent a few days recently at the parental home. Mount Zion people will meet in the church next Monday evening for the purpose of re-organizing the Sunday school. All interested in Sunday school work are expected to be present. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Parlor 124 AVENUE ROAD Toronto, OnL •Phone Hillcrest 0268 J. W. Bates R. Maddocks Eighth Line, Artemesia (Intended for last week) Miss Stade teacher, spent the holi- days at her home in Hanover. Mr. Clarence Bartley of Markdale, Mr. Mclnnes and son, Joe, of Hope- ville, were recent visitors at Mr. D. McDonald's. Mr. Geo. Hyslc â- ; of the Bell Tele- phone, and moth • • visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred .lagee. Sorry to report Mrs. Oliver Turner of the 10th line noi so well at present. SHELDOriMYERS Builder and Contractor SHINGLES LAID BY THE DAY OR' BY THE THOUSAND Flesherton, OnL Appearance New Spring clothe.';, while be- coming and chic, will bear added appearance with a dainty piece of jewelery to wear with it. Pearl necklets, Lavaliers. Nov- elty Pendants or perhaps a pair if dainty Ear Rings help much to complete the effect so much desired by those who like to ap- pear well dressed. Inspect our selections, you are sure to see something that yea will like. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, OnL HOUSE OF Q.UALITV GROCERIESâ€" A full stock of fresh groceries always on hand, CHOCOLATESâ€" Neilson's bulk, bars and Fancy boxes. NEILSON'S ICE CREAM BRICKS FLOUR and FEED Purity and Five Roses Flour. Bran, Shorts, Screenings, Whole Corn, Cracked Corn, Mid- dlings, Oil Cake, Oats, Barley and wheat Chop. Big Sixty Beef Scrap W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton ^•@^©^^^€ni:-€C^^O^^>€-S€O®0®@@@^®@i^94»9 9 9 Bargains In Boots. 9 i If you are in need of a good Work Boot either Black or Tan we have a very good assortment. Try a pair. • THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONT AR lO

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