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Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1924, p. 6

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AsK Your Grocer n for a trial pacRatf e of SALADA' II MOl GREEN TEA If rou enjor tfreen tea roti wUl be satlat fted with no other blend. ~ Try U todar* Miuk mni Iha PcnU. A roc«at Invattlcatlon Into the cf- f«(t of muvlo OD mice revealed Uie In- tmrwtlnc and valuable Inforraatlon that theee roden<« are very tend of "the Unkling BtratuB" of oeruln kinds ot mi|<lc. Id an attempt to put thia munical urge, which k maniteat In all animals and Inevcls, to a practical u»e, the author ha« arrived at the foilowlnx ooocduslons, all baaed on a careful Bcieatiflo^tudy, and Klven to the world only after a uioet careful test aa to their practlcabUtr. It Is found ^at the Mad Scene from TYPEWRITERS TO RENT b... ..ood« for practice purposes. Special rate* to stadent*. A)mo re- built Underwoods for sale at moder- ate prices by the makers. ' United Typewriter Ge>.> Limited 137 Victoria St., Toronto Woman's Sphere possible to get many of them from un- der the floors ond from between the walls, where,, without going into de- Lucia"h«e"a'm^'^t"peculTa7eff^ron'tVo 1 1*""' " ""y "« »»'«> that they will bedbug. It cauBea a most decided per- ' P~^« » '^''^^'^ nuisam-e, especially plexlty on the pun of the bug during , '" ^'^^ weather. the openln* strains, which Is followed | The most remarkable results are oh- by a frenzied rush for a cnick or cro- t«">od •«> ''«'P">K "»e nelghboi's vioe, where It will remain quiet for the chickens out of your garden Simply reet of the night I have your phonograph out there and Cockroaches are very easily led j PUt on a catchy darky melody, from the house by playing something with lively march time. Some of Men ever bear of year indlKroAton; fall me and, surely aa yea live, I will send you to prison." JelTerson Utoked up st length, his face working. "1â€"1 willâ€" do it!" he faltered, "Good!" ejaculated the older man. He put forth his band to bind the iniquitous compact, but the other brushed it aside as though it were un- clean and, turning, rushtd from the spot. (To be concluded.) :i delsAobn'a compoBltloiis give Immedi- ate resulls. Tlie cockroaches follow tlie music out of the house ae the KEKP VOUR MACHINE FIT. murky red-black â€" a color for murder ous thoughts and deeds! Besides, this In the fall, when the ladybugs Infest y..r .sewing machine » --,;;",7''^-;;-; â€";^ on'ihe'eyes". '''« hau«e. they may be dealt with very chance to .save you work," is vice of Miss Hazel Manniiigc spring sewing will be more easily done ?°"^ ° if the sewing machine is in shape. headaches. The equipment for the upkeep of , ,j ,- i uio the machine may consist of: cleaning °? h°"««. where collections of old fur-' ^» cloths, a can of the best prade oil, a brush to free the "feed" from line, a The and many a red living room is the humanely by having a repeater on - seemingly ,.,„accountable ^o""" Phonograph and constantly play- I Ing Hoije, Sweet Homo. Kats are especially susceptible to Avoid, too, the semi-museum kjnd| niture and pieces, once beautiful and , „ perhaps useful, now merely take up ; ho reader must be warned against 1. J • snace and reauire care Different IM^'OS the music, for Jazz has a para- screw driver, a wrench, and an mex- space ana require care. uinereni , , aBect on rata and itwlH be tm- perod styes may be used together' ^""^ ^"^'^ '^° '^"' "'*' " ^^ "^ "° pensive strap-cutter and punch to re- pair the "belt." "Oil can make or mar your ma- chine," says Miss Manning. "Poor oil have a tendency to Rum and vo make it run hard. The gummy substance, can be removed best by dropping a! little alcohol into the oil holes and running the machine for a short time, unthreaded. A reliable oil should theni be used. Ordinarily, once a month is, often enough for oiling, ijut a machine; that is in constant use should be oiled j sparingly every day. It is the quality,! not the quantity, of oil that is import-i ant," she declares. , In cleaning, silk or linen cloths are! pref er.ible to those of cotton or woolen I as the latter leave loose threads and' lint on the machine. j Always close the machine when' through using it. Dust tends to col-' Icct in the oil and causes the machine to work very hard and even to squeak.' In such cases, remove the head of the machine from its table and soak for' twenty-four hours in kerosene. At the end of this time it should be wiped thoroughly, replaced, and oiled. Poor stitching may be due to dif- ferent causes. "Skip-stitching," de- clares Miss Manning, "may mean that the needle is too fine for the thread, is bent, or is incorrectly threaded or set, If the stitch underneath is poor, it mear'S that the top tension needs ad- Jusiing. If the stitching on top is not satisfactory, the bottom tension is at fault. Needles are easily bent if the thread ic pulled forward instead of bacWurd under the presser-foot when the material is removed from the ma- chine." - A BLENDED TEA IS BETTER. Tea from one garden, no matter how fine It is, possesses certain desirable Hameline kids followed the Pled Piper. ! qualities but may lack others, because all characteristics are not developed under the same conditions. If the tea has a perfect flavor it may lack body; if It has body It Is perliaps without the same perfection ot Savor. To com- bine all deslr&'ule characteristics In one blend has been the .work of the "SAIjADA" experts for over a quarter of a century and "SALADA" is the fruit of their labors. The flavor is tea grown. the Strauss -waltzes. song has given Wine, women the best results. succes.^fully if color, similarity ofi lines and usefulness are taken into consideration. A PRETTY NIGHT DRESS. VINDICATION BY DAVID A. PIAtT. PART I. I . The other shook his head negatively, Billings lifted himself wearily overPyt there was a shade of anxiety in the fence that separaUd the road : his manner, from a belt of timberland and skulked' No? Well it concerns your con- into the cool haven beyond. "«'="°" ""'P", ^he improvement com- Darkness would have to fall ere he ?»">;--* '»*•"« shortage in your ac- could carry into execution a certain I '^°""* , ... , . sinister project he had in mind. So, I , J^e younger man dropped hmply to he .stretched himself behind a mos.s- ' t''^ '»«• ''"'T^"^ '''^ face m his hands. The Bale Fires. pierce sagas of the soowlands are ringing on the gale, "Hie treefl are Icy armored Ukd skele- tons In mall. The frost's sharp aword of a41ver Is glittering In the air. The brook Its cryetal fetters In silence still must wear. No life ifi In the murshes, no m-uffic In the wood. Each gable In the village retains' its ermine hood. The world Is vrtilte and frozen, but Iv- In my bed At dawn I beard the trumpets ot wild geeee overhead. And see! along the mountains the tuii- set flaming high Leaps up In gold and crlnuon and orange to the sky. The gray cloud's trailing edges are Idndled Into light. The cold blue zenHh reddens, the firat faint stars ignite And like celestial rubles glow through a rosy haze; Behold! In all the glory that sets the wesit ablaze. And sheds on fleld and fore&t Its splen- dor far and near. The bale fires of the winter, dead vik- ing of the year. â€" Minna Irving. WRIGL£<S Cl« â- â€¢llavae tkal ovajr- ••tea lc«liac â- â- < ••** â- MSfk. Ma â- â€¢â€¢-••t-l-a>« navar aattoUaa Ika evavfmilav awaata. Wrtfllay** !• *•â- "• valaa IB tba bcaclM aaa plaaanrc U provtdca. ' \) R23 Shejlavor lasts KEEP THE SINK SHINING. Soap jelly, which is made by dis- solving a large bar of soap in two quarts of boiling water and V^ table- spoonfuls of kerosene is a great help in keeping the sink white and shining. I keep a glass of soap jelly on the sink shelf, and when the dishes are finish- ed put a little on a cloth, kept for that purpose, and rob well over the sink. Then wash with clear water and the sink looks as if I had given it a g^iod incouring. % * Innocence is very far from finding as much protection as crime. Observe the face of the wife know the husband's character. to The parasite has no roots. grown log where the shadows were The hidden watcher saw that his face heavy and grateful. I had grown ashen. As he lay there on his back, with I . J°!J have placed outstretched arms, digging his hSelsi^'Bht box, Jefferson, into the loam and gazing abstractedly speaker coldly. ''By all right and jus „^ tu, u „ ™„„. ^f i„*„>i„.,„j *«•:_ tice I should send you to pnson." yourself in a went on the 4586. Nainsook, crepe or crepe de, chine are attractive materials for this up through a mass of interlaced foli- age overhead, the aroma of burning tobacco apprised him of the proximity of some person other than himself. •Arising to an elbow, he peered cau- tiously about for the smoker. Approaching from the direction of the highway was a young man. lie was twirling a cane, and smoking a cigarette. It was too late to retreat, 80 the man in hiding shrank closer into his concealment and watched the advancing youth. The newcomer paused within a few In injures the machine and results in 42-'il; Extra Large, 46-48 Inches poor work. Cloth should never be , measure. A Medium size requires pullod through a machine. ] 4% yards of 36-inch material. To "Do not cast aside the attach- 'trim with contrasting material re- ments," concluded Miss Manning. [ quires % y;ird 36 Inches wide or, 2% "The time spent in learning their use ^ yards of lace 3 inches wide If trim- from an instruction book is more than med as illustrated. paid for In the end by unthought-of results in tucking, gathering, and hemming." _ . . . , . , . . -1 feet of the log and stood switching the Care in opera ,ng a sewing machine design. Lace or insertion or, a simp e unj^rgrowth with his cane, all the will ndd years to its life. Continual ( of hem-stitching will bo suitable ^^jj^ . expectantly in the direc- of the pres.ser-foot will for trimming. ,,,<,• tion whence he had come, as though gradually d.sloca e the feed ''Ex-: Ihe Pattern is cut In 4 Sizes: ; ^^ ceeding the speed limit" In .st.tchinsr Small, 34-36; Medium. 38-40; Large,] ^^^ ^.^^ fa.shlonably dressed, or, rather, overdres.sed. The crease in his trousers was a bit foo pronounced and his collar a trifle too high, while the cut of his expensive suit was some- what too radical for gotid taste. But his was rather a good-looking face, although the chin betrayed an element of weakness and there were incipient lines of dissipation beneath the eyes and about the mouth. Something about him â€" a certain trick of expres- sion, a certain polso of the head â€" stirred a silent chord in the v.'a*v<;lier'8 memory. --- ' " Fallowing the young fellow's glance, the man behind the log descried an- other man approaching. Apparently of middle age, this individual was dressed in a conventional business suit. As he drew near, the onlooker recognized him with a sudden tighten- ing about the heart. "Sit down, Jefferson," ordered the older man curtly. "We will soon have done with the business which brought about thl.s meeting. Doubtless you know what It is?" PIAMO PLWERPIANO GRAMAPHOKE rormnrMttsiaal Inttnunent wrltrlorbooklet o(24inu(lcmteiceri>l«. This wilt iMatittiruu FRCE OF ALL CG3T and wlthotlt any obllotloo on rour part. , but atito plainly tbe in trumant you own. A.01baan. P.O. an. WlnnipatCanrda; or BgjCmldj«llJ»Yon«;^St/Toron»j^ MISUNDERSTOOD COLORS. Most amazing things In house fur- nishings have been done with perfect complacency. For instance, mixing lielter-.skelter French period furniture with stuidy KlfasabcthsiR oak. or mod- e.'t Windsor cluirs ^^ith splndly- le;,';,'cd gilt tables. Particularly la- mentable are the misunderstood col- ors, or >ather the wrong use of colors. Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of l.'jc In silver, by the Wilson Publishing Co.. 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. "Standby" Cdtes. For uso with this and other des- serts and to serve with tea or it ' ..ich- oon one may bake these attractive "standby" cakes Instead of the usual cookies. These got their name be- cause they are the housewife's "stand- by" â€" they can bo kept on hand pJways Dreary rooms can be made cheerful. and. Instead of getting sitale, they Im- and too biiglit and dazzling rooms ' Prove with age. can be softened In eftoct by the skill- 1 Cream three-quarters ot a cup of ful use of color. The warm colors, butler and then gradually add a cup- cream, yellow-toned orange and tan. ful of brown sugar. Heat two eggs russet, rose and toned reds, are beat w"" «°? »'1.'"_^1'*'.T "f.' ^''^ '"S«ther a ^ when used on the north side of the house or in rooms where direct sun- shine is a rarity. The cool colors, such as grccn"^, blue?, grays and combina- tions of these appear to better advan- tage in rooms where the sun is a fre- quent visitor. More brilliant color can be used out of doors than Inside the house where it is shut in v/itli us. Bright cn'.OT Is too exciting and causes unconsciously nervousnexs, slri.ln and i fatigue. No matter on what scale a ' house is furiiiRhcd. one of itn aims â- hould be nstfulni>.';s. ! cup and a half of flour, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a quarter toaspoon of cloves and half a tcasipoon of nutmeg (this last may bo omitted If desired), and add these to the other Ingredients. Then stir In a cup of seedless raisins and half a cup of chopped nuts. I'lace the batter by spoonfuls on sluillow grea.iod enameled ware bak- ing pans an:l bake until brown. Mlnard's Liniment tor Dandruff. CORNS Lift Off-No Pain! you to pnson The youth lifted hia head with a pleading gesture. "My God, Mr. Hil- bert, you will not do that?" he cried. "The shame and disgrace would kill my mother." "You should have thought of that before misappropriating your employ- ers' funds," said Hilbert remorseless- ly. "Now. see here. Jefferson. I have kept a close watch over your move- ments ever since you entered the ser- vice of the company. You have been a pretty wild youngsterâ€" cards, horses, drink, women and all that sort of thing â€" but it never occurred to me that you were In any way deficient in nerve. Just how far are you willing to go to free yourself from this mis- erable business?" "To any length!" cried the younger man Impetuously. "I would make any sacrifice to save my mother from sorrow." -Hilbert smiled sneeringly at the melodramatic outburst. "You are a promlsliTg young fellow. Jefferson." said. "I hate to see you go to the dogs because of one heedless mistake." He paused for a moment, evidently to let his words sink In. "I would help you." he concluded ingra- tiatingly. ' Jefferson looked up hopefully, pleadingly. "Can you? Will you?" "For a price." "A price? What do you mean? Mlnanr* Liniment Heals Cuta TO aFpRECIATE MUSIC. Two things are necessary to the listener to music if he is to enjoy it as it deserves. He must love music, and he must have some intelligent idea of what he is listening to and what to listen for. To love music \ without possessing some knowledge of it, is something. Much pleasure is to be had from a g^eat deal of music which calls for no particular knowl- edge of it. But infinitely more plea- sure is to be had from listening tOj good music with the assistance of an idea or two as to its make-up, as to its composer, and as to a few other „ , . . , , , , , , . A • ». iL i. t. Brook trout fry (aalmo fontln-IIs) icavntd fron things. As against that, however, a wlU trout, guaranteed liralt;.y and Tlcorous. Foi sound knowledge of music without *"*' <i'^"'"-"- »" ve' tnousami. F.oa. sneuiuma. .. * ,. .# .J. . 1 No onlcri accepted for teu tli«n 5.000. \Va)>-nctoo imaginative feeling for it, is no less gfook Trout HaUUery. Uorniiu'a illllj. OuffetlB costly to the listener. For in that county, omario. sbeibimu at«tion. l. c. a. case he too often is a highly critical s""*"- ''"'^«'«- expert with an ill-developed emotional * structure. He is too critical to enjoy himself. He hears top many defects, and fails to hear much that is worth his hearing. | Brook Trout for Sale Dear Perclvat. j When little Percival arrived at school on the opening day, he csjried the following note to the teacher: "Dear Teacher, our sweet little Perci- val Is a very delicate, nervous child, and If he is naughty â€" and he' Is likely to be naughty at times â€" just punish the boy next to bira, and that will frighten him so he'll be good." I WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN IN SOUPS, STEWS, sraTiet, savoury dishes, and in hundreds of different w.?ys Oxo beef cubes will make food more tasty and nutritious. In tia* ol 4. 10, 50 and 1 00. i i Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shab* by Garment or Drapery. Diamond Dyi 'es. Ehicb 15-cent pacKage ot "Diamond Dyes" contains diiections *o simple f that any woman can dye ^^t tint any ; old, worn, faded thing new, evei. if she j Chooae any EDDYS HATCHES ^alvfays satisfy the housewHt BvmYWHBIIX m CANADA ASK «0> TKBM BY 1 CLKAMNC FEI.T SLIPPERS. When my felt house slippers be- The mistake so many people make ^^^^ g^j,^,,, , ^^^^^^ ,hp„ ^^x[ and i« II. thinking that red is cheerful and ^„,,,,pj ^j,,.^ „„ i^e wa.shboard. just a K'.f color to use in a dark ^^rn , ^^ , ^ould anything washable; then On the contrary, re. »hsorb. the light, , ^.^^^^^ jj,^^ „„,, p^ j^em through make*, n rnom .mailer than it really ,j,^ wringer and pinned them to the is^ rau-es ugly gioomy .ha.lows in y^^^ ^„ ,,^^, ^^j^ ^^^ ,„„ ,,„j j^^^ the corners and at niRht, under the .j^ ^^^^ \^ ,^^^^ y^y^ „g^^ 3„j electric hffhl, .soem3 to turn into a ^ j^^.„ ^^^ ^^^.^ j resolved that here- FREE FREE RADIO CATALOGUE OK - •JETS AND SUPPLIES Prices the best. .» illli«i -/iSi-d rutfllogus Is f the I'.rSK. Kvfryone tn- ; In ilttdiii should have one. V", P. Enrln Eifctrio Supply Co. •V4 St. Ca'r Ave. Toronto, Ont. after I shall always have clean house rtlippers.â€" S. E. R. nCUE N». 11 â€"'24. FOR RAKING DAY When dry Ingredients, liquids and f, t are all called for in the same re- ripe, I monsuro in the order given, using the same cup, and save dish- washing, a job we all like to shorten. In like manner on baking day I can mix pie rrust, light cake, dark cake, gingerbread nr brown bread in ihn same Iwwl, wit ho it washing each time, if dono in the order given. N. D. r. "This afternoon the various gangs has never dyed before., in the employ of the improvement color at drug store, company will be paid off." pursued Hilbert in measured tones. "The pay- roll, approximating five thousand dol- lars, will be taken from the bank at Laurens by the president of the com- pany himself, and conveyed to the camps In an automobile. "The road to be traver-fed is a gloomy one, and should a hold-up occur it would be at- tributed to some of the laborers in the railway camps. No suspicion, a.s- suredly, would attach to â€" yourself, j for Instance." I "To bo more explicit, I must have I the payroll monev and you arc going; to get it for me!" "I am?" I "You are. The paymaster will be accompanied by one guard. This ! be yourself. When you reach Dead I Man's Hollow, a masked man, staticn- , ed at a bend in the road, where it ; curves through the gloomiest portion j of the ravine, will hold up the car. . You must obey his command to halt, I being careful not'to betray the collu- I slon between you. The masked man I will rob the paymaster of the satchel containing the money and escape Into the woods. To-night you can meet me here and I will give you an amount Rufflcicnt to make good your defalca- tion." "What? Become accomplice to a The average-aized Canadian family's potato bil^iit $25.00a year. That warrants the uho of a special pot. Here it la. The SMP Potato Pot. The ideal thing. Fill with water through the spout without removing cover. Note how the handle locks the cover on. You can drain off water leaving potatoes me.-tly and dry without apilling potatoes or scalding hands. Selling •t low prices in hnrdVare and general utorca. Note the trade mark on the pot. Be sure yon yet . . ^ t... ,C ^..1. common highway man? Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a little , f ' •Freeaone" on an aching corn. In Hilbert frowned ominously, stantly that corn stops hurting, then ] "Do not indulge In heroics, Jeffer- shortly you lift It right off with Angers. ; son," he sneered. "Thoy do not be- Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of come you. Unless you follow my sug- "Treetono" for a few cants, sufflrleat ' gestion, you will he branded as a Ai- to remove every 'nnrd corn, soft com, ' faulter and your mother will be dls- or cern between the toes", and the foot j graced and saddened for life. Aid m:; calhisos, wtthont eorenMS or Irritation. â-  Jn this little matter, and no < ne wl".! Cleana Easier SMP linaiurlttl Ware haa a vrry hard, •mooth lurlace. ttke yuur lirat cb.n;^ and la •aFHa> to (Iraa. Ke- qu rrs no atcrl wnol er aprc'al dranarr*. Alwaya (-l«»n. ntaet, ii>e itLiii taint luij odor*. T!»' enameled »«r» <lv lu>c. SMP&K^WARE Thrte flnlatiM : i*earl Wara, two f oi«.« of vaartr arry ciuunr-l tniid* anfl nut. IMaaioad Ware. thra# eoata. llsh*. blue and wfalt« outaicfte. vrbiUi linlnc* CT7*tal Wara, tSt«e coau, pur* whlta Inaid* «aA out, with floyaj Bine tiHruie. â- '"SHEtT MCTAL PftOOUCfS Ce"^ •WMTttiM, TOMOarre WINNIPt* WWCOUWHI CAUSMIV

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