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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1924, p. 3

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-_/ RED ROSE ^QPP^^ particular people* Pure! No chicorv or anv adulterant in this choice coffee c-a Mormlltjr. We caoaot kindle wh«n we vlll The fire that in the heart realdea, The spirit blowetb and Is still. In mystery our scul abides; But ta£ks in hours of inelgbt willed Can be through buurs o( gloom (ul- Olled. With aching hands and bleeding feet. We dig and heap, lay stone on stone; We bear the burden and the heat Of the long day, and wish 'twere done. Not tiU the hours of light return And we have built do we discern. â€"Matthew Arnold (1822-1888). EASY TRICKS M*. 327 The Vanishing Egg HEALTH EDUCATION ST. VMS DANCE BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board of Health, Ontaria Or. MIddlAton will be glad ta answer qnMtlona oa Pnblle Henll* â- *«' tara tbrooch thU colama. Address him at Spadla* Huoae. Spadlaa Craaecat, TorontOb Shows Through a Twitching of ! the Muscles of Face and I Limbs. KS Chorea, or as it is more generally known, St. Vitus dance, is a trouble ' Scarlet fever, the scourge of child as the more severe cases, and the that usually attacks young children,! Ufe. is on the Increase. There were ' virulence of disease builds up ^ith m- , though older people may be afflicted .„' _» J J _; tv.. ..(•». ' creased prevalence. In other woras, with It. Its most common symptome B<0 eases reported during the month , ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^j^^^ spreads the more ^^ ^ twitching of the muscles of the »f January, 1924, with 13 deaths, serious are the cases of it that occur. face and limbs, Aa the disease pro- 1 During the month of January. 1923, Scarlet fever is '^fe^t^^^^^ ^^ t*^« y*',^ gresses the twitching takes the form: there were only 368 cases, so the num- ;la8t stage of the disease, and much of ^ which the lerkinK mo- : ber of cases this year has more than lit is spread by the careless person °J epasms in which tne jerkmg mo , doubted iwho ventures abroad before complete "on may be confined to the head, or ^ Prevention of contact is the only I recovery. The regulations of the Pro- all the limbs may be affected. Fre- known way to prevent scarlet fever. ' vincial Board of Health of OnUrio quently the patient is unable to hold Keep sick children at home and away j require a quarantine period of 10 days anything in the hands or to walk from other children in the household, I for contacts, and in the case of pa-' gteadlly. In severe cases the speech' Uthough the disease belongs to the tients a quarantine period of 35 days j^ ^f^g^ affected. The disease is due 'â-  list of winter bom ailments, and an : from appearance of rash, providing ^^ debility of the nerves and relirf '. '1?''**1i** ^}^ *^ ^^ be expected j the discharges frxmi nose, throat or ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^.^^^ ^,^^^ , It can be cut to a minimum by prempt • ears are all cleared up. r ,., i. . j j ^ t. ' Isolation of cases. The schLl roomi .\fter elfects fn>m%carlet fever, Plx. which feeds and strengthens the i ofTers the best medium for spreading' such as deafness and j-rrested develop-^ nerves. Dr. WilUams Pink Pills have | icarlet fever, hence any child having; ment often follow. The disease is been most successful in reaching this even the suggestion of a rash, a cold particularly damaging in its eflFects trouble through their specific action •oat, should be kept atjon the kidneys, and much Bright's on the blocd, which it enriches and is Disease of later life may be attributed purifies. The following instance will to scarlet fever contracted in child- g^ow what Dr. Williams' Pink PiUs hood. There are from ^o to fou^ Mrs. S. E. deaths in every 100 cases or scarlet ., , . _ „ . „ ^ flven Exercise precautions so that Makins. Parry Harbor Ont. says:- your child may not be numbered As a young girl I was badly stricken among the victims. sore th until home until permission to return granted by a competent physician. The seriousness of ecaAet fever lies in the fact that it is extremely in- fectious. Mild cases, known as scar- Htina, frequently pass unnoticed. Yet these spread infection just as potently STORMY WEATHER HARD ON BABY about 2,000 years before Christ, as a ruler of the first dynasty of Ur. 'Taken at its face value, the Su- merian' chronology would assign our statues and relics to a date somewhere with SL Vitus dance. My parents tried several medicines but without avail. I was steadily growing worse and i could scarcely walk without falling. I had to quit school and had no control I of my nerves or actions. Finally a ! neighbor advised the use of Dr, Wll- ,_ , ..„„ , , r^u â-  t. ^ I liams' Pink Pills, and the use of these 1 "?"".' .* >, ''^T t \ k" • Z^^ 'o^ » couple of months restored me. The stormy, blustery weather which ot that chronology has to be modified I ^„^ j ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ we can yet ^ay that our month s work ^,^ ^,^^^ ^ bo^ey^, taken the has given us Oie oldest dated example ^^ of man's handwriting and the oldes ; ,^j^ ^^^ ^^ ^ known triumphs of the art of Tubal we have during February and Mar.'h ia extremely hard on children, Condi- Uons make it necessary for the moth- er to keep them in the house. They are cften confined to overheated, bad- ly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dofie given the baby to "keep its stomach Cain." bowels working regularly. This will not fail to break up colds and keep the health of the baby in go«d condi- tion till the brighter days come along. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Hrockville, Ont. Dark Women Made Fair. A day when dark women may be- come fair at v^ill and fair women dark is foreshadowed by revelations of new and ] gland experiments made by Dr. Wini- Oldest Dated Handwriting Discovered at Ur. The authorities of the British Mus- eum attach great Importance to a re- port from C, L, WooUey, leader of the expedition sent Jointly by the museum and the University of Pennsylvania, disclosing their discovery ot Ur-of-the- Chaldees of an e.\ample of the oldest dated spe<?imen ot handwriting, says a Lioudun desipatch. fred Cullis. "Extractions from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland at the base of the brain." said Dr. Cullis. "changed the sandy color of a frog to pitch-black. It is within the range of possibility that blondes may be transformed one day to brun- ettes and brunettes to blondes if they wish. "We may even see black men turned to white," added Dr. Cullis, "but there will be dauger in this, for the coloring of the Individual is Nature's protec- tion against the suns and rigours of his native climate," claim for them If given a fair trial." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pllla through any dealer in medcne, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine C-o,, BrockvUle, Ontario, The Pioneer in Canada. Thirty-two years ago the now fam- ous "SALADA" Tea was placed on the The main body ot workmen had | market in metal packages. -S.ALADA" been engaged in clearing the Zigguar- , was the pioneer package tea in Cana- »t or staged tower, whose ruins dom- Ua. Immediately its superior flavor An egg is shown and is placed In a small paper bag. The ma- gician makes mysterious passe* over the bag and then presses the bae smaller and smaller. The e?g vanishes. The bag Is opened and inside of it a handkerchief is found. The has and egg are prepared for the trick. The bag is made of two bass, one inside of the other. One side of the openlcgs of th« two bags are pasted together. It is thus possible to place an object either In the Inner bag or between the two bags. The egg is pre- pared by punchlfs a small pin- hole In both ends of the egg and blowing the contents out. The Bgg should be permitted to dry before presenting the trick. The handkerchief, a silk one, is in the Inner bag at the start. The egg Is placed between the two bags. "The magician should ask an obliging friend to play mys- terious jnusic while he is doing the trick. The object of the music is to drown the sound of the crushing of the egg shell. If the opening between the two bags Is treated with mncllage Just before presenting the trick, the opening may be closed in the act ot twisting np the mouth ot the bag. (Clip this out and paste <t. tettlk other ot the teriei, in a tcraptook.) SMOiQNG TOMCCO IS FOUR Ti?«g: â- r r-^' LED ( ;uSt mark -^ ^-E^ -,4 7-^1.- ; rr, t}gj WtU 6 i] f L-iVf ; to bring you the fuH richness and mellow swecLness cf this â€" 'Tobacco of Quality' Manufactured by IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CA.NADA LIMITED tnate the plain of Ur. Describing the iwntents of a small temple excavated (luring the first month, the report : says : "Such finds would have been, in- deed, noteworthy to whatever period chey belonged, but tliese are the more ; surprising, In that they are the oldest â-  works of art in metal yet known. I "\ marble tablet was discovered In , si-ribed in Sumerian which records j that this was the temple of the God- ' liess Niukhurag. built iu her honor by the King o£ Ur, .\anipadda, son of King Mt.sonnipadda. The lattqi- is known to u.3, from king lists drawn up I Mother! Give Sick Child ' "California Fig Syrup" Harmless Laxative for a Bilious, Constipated Baby or Child. Constipated bil lous. tereristi. or •Ick. colic BablM tod Children Iot* : to take genutci \ "Caiitoruia F l f j Syrup." No other ' laxative r^gulatsj j the tendar littlt bow. "44 so cicely, the ttoc-.jioh and startj the liver and towels acting without crtplng. Contaics no narcotics or soothing drugs Say 'Catifomia' to your druggist and avoid counterfeits! IntUt upon cennlns "California Fig Bymp" which coDt<tins dlrectio&a and purity won for it a great popu- larity that has been growing ever since. It is still a little different and a little better than ordinary tea. Nights. When lomes (he night of dreaming .\nd I go courting Rose, 1 wish we lived in Greenland, And we were Bskimos. Before 1 know, the eveninjf Hus vanished like a song. That's why Vd be in Greenland, Where nights are six months long. â€" Edgar Daniel Kramer, "The Homes of England." Felicia Hemans was one of the sweetest of our women poets. She will always be read and loved because she sang the sweet songs of the hoina- land in tended tones. The stately homes of England! How beautiful they stand! Amidst their tall ancestral trees, O'er all the pleasant land. The deer across their greensward bound Through shade and sunny gleam; And the swan glides past them with the sound Of some rejoicing stream. The merry Homes of England ! Around their hearths by night. What gladsome looks of household love Meet in the ruddy light! There woman's voice flows forth in song. Or lips move tunefully along Some glorious page of old. The cottage Homes ot England ! By thousands on her plains. They are smiling o'er the silvery brooks. And round the hamlet-fanes. Through glowing orchards forth they peep. Each from its nook of leaves. And fearless there the lowly sleep, As the birds beneath the eaves. The free, fair Homes of England! Long, long. In hut and hall. May hearts of native proof be rear's, To guard each hallowed wall! .\ud green for ever be the groves. And bright the flowery sod. Where first the child's glad spirit loves' Its country and its God! Buy your out-of town supplies with! Dominion Express Money Orders. The Westbound Train. The westbound train goes roaring through the night; Unrestful forms sprawl in the day- coach chairs, The Puiman curtains ripple In the light, The smoker rocks and reeks with hazy airs ; The brakeman lurches through the swaylns gloum, The postal clerks work swiftly at the mails. The porter dozes in the dressing room, The engineer peers sharply down the rails. The whirling wheels repeat a rhythmic beat. Culvert and cut and bridge go cry- ing past; Streams, towns, trees, farms and fields on flying feet Glide by like ghosts, astounded and aghast; And from the sky the silent stars look down The Last-Bom. The flrst-bom cannot walk too soon. Nor talk too soon, too Qtilckiy learn i And even with the cradle croon I Our gaze ahead we always turn And try the future years to eee, When babe, our babe, a man will be, Or when the little lady there WUl be a lady tall and fair. Yes, so young mothers plan and dream, And so young fathers dream and plan; To them the first can never seem Too soon the woman or the man. Each longer step, each larger word, Each indication, seen or heard. Of later years, maturer growth, A happy signal to them both. The "discovery of things which here- tofore have been hidden to you, is what makes life worth li\-ing. Next to money the hardest thing to keep is a secret. Classified Advertisements FOR SALE \tT OOLGROWERS, YOUR OWN '" wool manufactured or exchang- ed for yam or blankets. Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ontario. I ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAJN *-* and light sewing at home, whole or spare time; good pay, work sent any distance, ch^iro-es paid f'end stamp for particula^-s. Natioual Manufacturing Co., MontreaL But, Time, too |be> oh, the last-bom! swift Too (lulckly down the stream we drift, ! Too early babyhood is past; I Oh, leave the baby at our breast A little longer, there to rest; Too brief the days, too short the mile; i Oh, let us keep the last a while! I â€" Douglas Malloch, m 0* 1 VRIN NIGHT MORNING fe KEEP YOUR EYES :i,EAN CLEAR AND HEALTH* ft MK n^M ftTB CJkJ^B fteOK MVAUilCflLC Poor Business. "Oh, Tobe!" distressedly cried Mrs. Sagg. "The baby has swallowed a quarter!" "Aw. well," replied Tobe Sagg, of Sandy Mush, pacifylngly, "t don't reckon, all things considered, it will pay us to take him to the doctor io Upon this snail-like speed from town ; town to get it took out." to town. -Klrke Mechem. Ask for MInard's and take no other. A False Alarm. | Although the snow unmelt-^d lay. And spring seemed far. so far away; Although the wind with whistle shrill Had all of bleak December's chill, j I heard a bird call, boldly spoken. I And w^inter's spell, 1 knew, was broken. Or so I thought .\nd then, a shock! The call came from a cuckoo clock. â€"A. H. F. Sameness makes life monotonous. Vary your interests and you will add interest to lire. INDIGESTION, GAS, STOMACH^TROUBLE "Papa's DIapepsIn" Is the quickest surest relief for Indigestion, gases. flatulence, heartburn, sourness, or stomach distress caused by acidity, a Toothbrushes and mirrors are nn-^ f«'» 'ablets give almost Immcdlat- known on Porto Santo Island, off •t°«»«1.^!!':^- _5^"fl' !°"/„.!'°i!!?: Madeira. ACNE ON FAC LS ASPIRIN Beware of Imitations! and digestion now for a few cents Druggists sell millions of packages of Pape's Diapepsln. Hard, Large and Red Pim- ples. Itc hing Was T errible. "Had been troubled aU my Ufc whh acse on my &Lce. My forehead was a mass of pimples. ?^^-X They were hard. large and ''^_b red, and the Itching was Sf most terrible. My face was disiiguied. I sent for a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after using them got instant relief. I bought more, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Oint- ment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. G. S. Miller, Box 14, Marshall. Wash.. Jan. 9, 1932. Use Cuticura for eveiy-day toilet puipcses. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum, S>a|il.l:MkrmtTX>U. Addrvsa: "I,r3U.,UB- lt«^l. a* al. FmI St. W, Mootiwil." b<..d eyrry- whffre. S oapaj. Cititmenc 2S*ndKw. T:iJct]ma6c. â- ii^Cuticura So«p »h«vc» without rau<. And He Ought to Know, "Voii say he's no longer an apart- j nient house janitor?" "Oh, no: he's a fuel ongineer now who rIm'.s advice on how to save coal." Vit Rheumatic Pains Are relieved In a few days by taking 30 drops of Mother S«l- Oel's Syrup after meals and on retiring. It dissolves the lime and acid accumulation In the muscles and Joints so these de- posits can b« expelled, thus re- lieving pa!n and soreness. Sel- gol's Syrup, aiso known as "Ex- tract of Roots." contains no dope nor other strong drugs to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism or lumbago: it removes the cause. Ask your Druggist. 11 sweetens Of the meinbeis of the Royal Fam- ily tht Duki- of York i.s the best bit- ! "Do you wish to live without a I trial?" asks a modern teacher, "Then you wish to die but half a man. With- out trial you cannot guess at your own strength. Men do not learn to swim on u table. They must go into ^re not getting the genuine Bayer As- deep water and buffet the waves." ; pjrin proved safe by millions and pre- I scribed by physician.^ over twent}-- Cri Unless you see the name "Bayer OSS " on package or on tablets you Hard player, handed. although he ! There are to-day 25.200 more snia I holdings in Britain than in li>22. left- •^'•P M'"*''«*"* Lin'"'*''* in tbe house. Keep your faith In ail beautifal „ things: in the sun when it is hidden: S^ hm in the spring when It Is gone. . . . Aud then you will find that Duty and Service and Sacrlflce^ -all the old three years for Colds Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia Headache Lumbago Rheumatism Psln, Pain Joints Ache ? Mlnanfs will ease the pa';i ncj stiffness. The old rfiUb'e remedy Thin Folks Accept "Bayer Tablets ot Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- 'ogres and bugbears ot life have joys mns proven directions. Handy boxes imprisoned In their deepost dungeons, of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drog- l And It Is for you to set them free â€" gigts also sell bottles ot 24 and 100. ! the Immortal Jo.^ that no one -no llv- Aspirin ts the trade mark (registered ! ing soul, or fate, or circumstance â€" in Canada^ ot Bayer Manufacture of • can rob vou of. once you have released Monoaoelicacldester ot Sallcyllcacld. ! them - Rov Rolfe Ollson While It Is well known that Aspirin let your druggUt supp.y you wl'.h Buro meaa-* Bayer Manufaciure. to assist Phosphate. It Is guaranteed to In- ! Sio-e.^ woven of bronze wire and the public against Imitations, the Tab- cre.ise weight and strength and re- ^^ used in the testing of the fineness of lets ot Bayer Company will be stamp- "ore sn^gy. vigor and ne^^^ fcrce t, ! cenient h.^. 40.000 holes to tiK- square !^ ^l^VV'.^;"'^^""' '"'' "•^'' ""^ . ^^'ttZ i^u7::.^l^C' \ " If vou are thia asd EXCRUCIATING PAINSJRAMPS Entirely Remedied by Lydia E. Pinkham'» Vegetable Compound Ebetts,Onl.- • 1 started with cram. 9 and bearing-down pains at tho age of eleven vcars, and I would get so nervou* 1 could' hardly stay in bed, and I had such oains that I would sc'^ani. and my inotbor would call the doi-t^r to give me something to take. At eiciiteen I mar- ried, and I have four healthy children, but I still have pains in 'iiy right side. 1 an; a fturcer's wife with more work than I am able to 00. I bave taken tiiree bottles of Lydia E. Fi.'kham's Vege- tabio Compound and I feel that it ia hel{ii;»gnie every day. My «ister-in-law, who has been taking yo;!r medicina for seme time and uses y>ur oirmtivoWash. told me ab<iut it au'.d i •â- econimend it no-v, as 1 have receivt d great relief irom it"â€" Mrs. Nli-SON Vott, E. R. 1, Ebcrts, O-.t. Lydia K. Pinkhnn's V,'.;etable Com- pound is a medici:'J for ;n'nient8 conr- mon to women. I* has 'on tised for Huch t-.oublef? forne.;rJy ti ty years. »ii4 tbouoonds of women hav«' found relief as did Mrs. Yott, by tsk-tv, thJsspletidii tripdieine. . If vou are .itifTertnt: fro:;i irr^gtdarity, painful times, nervoosne."**, headacb*. backache or n*!an. h r.i, vru should »« once VjT'" to take I y^-a t. Pi,«Tn'i Vegetable CoTTipour.I. 1*: is excellent to strenjfthfn the systom a".d b«'p to per- form its f',:rn-t!..i>!i w"!. -.^.w h-l teg«< larity. C inch. "Bayer Cross IMUE No »~7«.

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