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Flesherton Advance, 27 Feb 1924, p. 1

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^ ^ y il^ i ® J)je /k0l|^i:t0n ^hmnce. Vol.44 No. 39 Flesherton, Ontario, February 27, 1924 W. H.Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON PORTLAW MR. AND N RS. W. J. KMTTING Mr. and .Mrs. Kiuiiog Celebrate Go'.Jcr. Wcdcinjr A very'enjoyable afternoon and ev- ening v/as spent aA the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kairtingr of Fevoi-sham on Monday, Feb. 11th, last, when the family anil relatives gathered to cele- brate the 50th anniversary of their marriage. Th-; house was suitably •decorated for the occasion in gold and white, the flowers t>eing goldsa daf- fodils and yellow narcissus. .A.t three o'clock numerous jwctures were taken of the bride and grtx-m, with their children and grandchil- dren, also a group picture of a'l the guests, after which a wedding dinner was served to about thirty guesls. 6asl<ets of daffodils and golden shaded candles decorated the table, the centro alt! action bsinsr the bride's wedding cake adorned v-ith orange blossoms and golden tulle, and a becomingly dressed kewpie bride and groom. From a white wedding bell which hung over the cake gold and white streamers were draped to each corner of the table and were held in place by Cupids. After the repast the bride cut the cake and a toast to the bride was pro- posed by the groom. During the reading cf an address by the eldest son. Will, a purse of gold was presen- ted by three of the grandchildren â€" Bemice .McXeov.-n, Delsie Kaittiiig a.-d Biliio Burke. This was also res- ponded to by the grooai in a few v.-e!l chosen' words. We might just mention here that Mi-s. George Mitchell of Flesherton and Mr. Wm. Davidson. Sr.. of Fe- versham jvei"e the only guests wiio were present at the wedding fifty years ajro. .-V so!o, ".All Mine Alone," i.ras v«:ry . beautifully rendered by Miss -Aleda MitchoU. The remain- dor of the evening was spent with music and dancing. The groom, al- though VO years of age, gave an ex- ceHen: exhibition of ste"^ dancing. Both bride and groom are enjoving ths best of health and have every expectation of celebratin- their Dia- n.ond Woddin.?. It is cuite remark- able to note that the only break in the family occui-red when their daughter. Sarah Alberta, beloved wife of Mr. J. J. McKeown. was cal- led away on Jan. 23rd. 1923. The remaining children, W'ill and Guy, Mrs. G. H. Burk and Miss Queenie, were present, together with the nine grand children. KIMBERLEY The meetings of the Institute speakers were held in the hall both afternoon and evening of Monday, February 25th. All were well at- tended, particularily the men's meet- ing in the afternoon. Married â€" In Flesherton on Wednes- day, February 20th, Charlotte (Lot- tie) Ward, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ward, to Mr. Hadden Hutchinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hutchinson, both of this place. The bride's dress was of blue satin and hat to match. The happy couple spent their honeymoon in Toronto. We wish them every success in their life together. Married â€" In Kimberley on Wednes- day, February 20th, Miss .Annie Cas- well to Mr. John Lush, both of Rcck- lyn. Mr. Hugrh Knott of Markdale, vis- ited his sister Mrs. Hammond this week. A shower was held on Friday night for Miss Hazel Wallace, a bride of this week. Miss Abercrombie, of V'andeleur, has been visiting Mrs. Thos. .Aber- crombie. Mrs. Frank Davis, of Vandeleur, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Plewis. We were glad to see a change for warmer weather this week. If the storms of last week had continued the people on the hill would have had the job of digging us out down here. It was surely a case <if "Keep the Home fires burning." .Although our two mail men did better than the trains for going through the drifts. The Stuart and the Hamntond girls 9now-3ho«d to Evigenia and back on Sunday. Mervyn, Ruth and NaUlie also went with the pony. Mrs. Latimer of Eugenia is visitinU Mrs. G«o Procter. The first meeting of the league was held on Wednesday night. ROCK MILLS The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society was held in the church on Wednesday afternoon, February 20th, when the election of new officers took place as follows. Pres., Mrs. Thos. Fisher; Vice-Pres., Mrs. D. Clark; Sec., Mrs. Levi Betts: .Asst.. Mrs. Ne<i Croft; Treas., Mrs. J. Dargavel; Asst., Delia Pedlar; Work Com., Mrs. I. Smith, Mrs. W. Akith, Mrs. W. T. Pedlar and Mrs. J. Porteous. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark on Wednesday, March IDth. Chas. Newell and wife, visited over Sunday vvith friends at Eugenia. Don't forget the^bo.x social in the school on Friday night, February 29. Everybody welcome. Ed. Howard spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Bob Croft. Frank Betts visited over Sunday with his brother Edgar, of Osprey. Joe Sewell and wife visited at Levi Beits' recently. SNIDERâ€" CASWELL. VICTORIA CORNERS There has actually been three nice days in succession, but there is more snow than we have had for years. Dont forget the L. O. L. 244 box social next Friday night at I'lMton Orange H«U. Mr. Jas Laidlaw ha» been Called to the sick bed o£ his brother-in-law. Mr. WiU Gracey, of Shelburne. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caswell. Flesherton, at 1 o'clock on Tuesday, Feb. 17th. when Miss Myrtle Elizabeth Caswell was unjted in marriage to Mr. Vernon W. Snider, sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snider of Waterloo. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. H. H. Eaton of Flesherton. The young couple were unattended. The bride was given away by her father. Mr. Wm. Caswell and she looked charmiiig in a gown of silk canton with tea shade roses to match. Miss Mildred Caswell, sister of the bride, played the Wedding March, after which the bridal party, accompanied by about twenty guests, entered the dining room where all partook of a well prepared dinner. The bride's going away suit was navy blue with hat to match. The happy couple left on the afternoon train for Niagara, Buffalo and Detroit. The Advance staff and their raanj' friends wish them a happy journey through life. No Mother ever nurses a baby with more care than a man nurses the last dozen hairs on his dome when b* flndt h« is amost bald. This year Orillia anticipates being the scene of the largest Twelfth of July celebration ever held north of Tonmto. It is expected that there will be 100 lodges and at least 15,000 people. An .Mliston barber was fined flO and costs for running a free pool room at the rear of his barber shop. Austin, the alleged Mount Forest bank robber, has been brought back from Arkansas and lodged in Guelph jail to await his tdal. Mr. J J. Patterson received word • on Monday that his sister, Mrs. Ford, had pa:ised away at the home of her son at Oakville. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon to Oakville cemetery. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, one daughter in New Zealand, her son at Oakville. 3 brothers and 3 sisters â€" Mrs. Fowler of Proton, Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Mor- vvood of Markdale â€" Messrs. Henry, George and Joh|^ James of this place. Much sympathy is e^cpressed for the relatives. The many friends of Miss Muriel ' Legate will be interested to learn of her marriage, which took place at the , home of her parents at Edmonton, -Alberta, Fe'o. 19th, to Mr. Carl John- • son. The yoang couple will reside at Fort Saskatchewan. Congratulations ^ are tendered them from their friends ' here Mr. D. D. McLaughlin is ill with | pneumonia. Nurse McKinnon of Pricevi le is in attendance. Mr. .Arthur Whittaker left last week ': to accept a position in Toronto. ' Miss Tona Sinclair, a resident of this place a number of years ago. passed away at the home of her sis- ; ter in Toronto and was laid to rest in i Mt. Pleasant cemetery on Monday. ; She leaves to mourn her loss two brothers and three sisters. Much ' synip:\thy is expressed far ihe rela- tives and friends. Mrs. Wm. Whitey spent the week- end at Mr. T. White's, Saugeen, who . is very ilL | Mr. J. J. Patterson and Mr. Edgar . Patterson attended the funeral of their sister at Oak'.ille on Tuesday. Miss .A. MePhail left this week for I Mr. W. A. Morton has been very seriously ill, but we are glad to hear that he is now a great deal better and on the way to complete recovery. Mr. James Cornfield who has been on an extended visit with his sister in Kansas, arrived home last week. .Although he had not been in the best of health wiiile away, he is now look- ing so well that his friendj hardly know him. Mrs. Elisha Black of the Credit Forks visited lately with Mrs. Thos. Black. Word has been received by friends here of the death from heart failure of Mrs. Freethy. Deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. James Blackburn, and spent her early life in this r.eighborhood. Mrs. Francis Shire has beer visiting with her daug'nter in Toronto. Mr. Harry Thompson of Detroit was home for a few days' visit. Mr. Luther Love brought down two foxes with one shot last week. Rev. Mr. Duffield preached a good sermon last Sunday, his subject being "Removing stumbling blocks." Jewelery Repairs During the quiet seas- on is a good time to have your RingSyBrocches and other pieces oi jewelery repaired or remodelled. Our prices are moder- ate and we guarzmtee a good job. W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELERS Flesherton, Ont. Bates Burial Co. DIRECTORS OF Funeral Service Modem Funeral Parlor 124 AVENUE ROAD Toronto, OnL 'Phone Hilicrest 0268 J. W. Bates R, Maddocks ! Renew your Daily Paper subscriptions through The Advance 4TH LINE AND VICINITY duties at Ottawa. Bom â€" On February 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Banks, a son. IN MEMORIAM Jlr. and Mrs. Sam Shires w^ere called to the bedside of the latters brother. Mr. Chas. Boyee who has been seriously ill, but who we are glad to know is impro'.iug. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. P. Sweeney, Friday, February 22nd, a daughter. School was closed for a couple of days last week on account of the storm. Mr. Geo. and Henry Patterson re- ceived word Sunday evening of the death of their sister Mrs. Selena Ford. Fimeral to take place at Oakville on Tuesday, February '26tfa. Mr. J. J. Lyness has 9 smart young lambs from his flock of black faces. OSBORNE â€" In loving memory of my dear sister, Reta. who passed away February 27th, 1919, aged 26! years. j Just a thought of sweet remembrance ; Just a memory fond and true, i Just a token of affection. | Just to show I think of you. | My thoughts were of you in the past, [ They still are yours to-day. i Love is rooted firm and fast I Time cannot take away. • j Friends may think I have forgotten. When at times they see me smile; | But they little know the heartache j That the smiles hide aU the time, j Death comes to let us know [ We love more dearly than we show | But love in death doth let us see I What love in life should always be. â€" Emerson, j PROTON STATION .All the men and boys who were not otherwise employe^!, in fact all who could be spared, have enlisted in the snow shovelling force on the rail- road. Miss Eloise Williams of Holland Centre, visited last week at the home of R. G. .Acheson. .At present she is the guest of Mrs. Elmo Stevens. Mr. Sam Batchelor has several teams emploVed loading brick these days. Two car loads were shipped to Hanover and there are several more to go as soon as cars are available, also some is being taken to Swinton Park. Intended for Last Week. Miss .Anna Belle McLeod. nurse, of Durham hospital, is spending a short time wish her siicer, Mrs. Neil Cam- eron. Mr. John Bea.on is visiting with his daughter. Mrs. .Angus Mc.Arthur. in the Glenn. Mrs. Edgar Patterson and sister. Mrs. John Nichol, attended the funeral of the late Mr. George Johnson at Flesherton on Wednesday last. Some of the young men of our vic- inity have h:;d considerable trouble running into post.t lately. Don't be in a hurry, boy?. Stop and think where the posts u;ed to be before they were covered up. George Campbell and Edgar Patter- son, trustees of I'lis school section, attended the Rural School Trustees' meeting in the town hall. Flesherton. Saturday last, and we understand an -Association was organized. yir. Dougald Mci'hail received word on Thursday last k' the death of his brother Peter at Cobalt. Several teams are hauling logs to M.iTkdale and Pr.ceville. IN MEMORIAM Magee â€" In loving memory of my dear father. Jan:es Magree, who died Beb. •25th, UUS. Peacefully sleep:ag,dear father, take thy rest. Thy willing hands shall toil no more. In silence he s iffered, with patience he bore Till God calU\' hint home to suffer no more. â€"Daughter Er.- .:a (Mrs. R. Gourley.) Hugh Skelto;;, a pioneer ox Melanc- Mrs. .Alfred Cook of Collingwood died unexpectedly after being operat-, ^ ,.â-  i- j . ..v .» o. , * 11 1 - ^ 11- 1 ' then township, died at the age of 94 ed on for gall stones at Collingwood: "^ hospital. years. Methodist Church, Flesherton LOSING to WINâ€" DYING to LIVE A PARAIK>X 7 P.M. >Iethodist Church Sunday, March 2nd It.W «.«.â€" 'Bl ILDING THE TE.MPLE AND ITS BlILDERS." .1.30 i».m.â€" THE SI NDAY SCHOOL. Thurtlay, February 28th 7.W |>.».â€" 'THE REVIVAL I NDER SAMIEL." S.S©â€" "THE DEVELOPMENT OF MORALITY." Monday, March 3rd 8.M p.n. -KINDlNt; IVMORA! ITY-THE PASTOR. LEADERâ€" MISS REYNOLDS, MOUSE OF Q.UAL1TV GROCERIES â€" A full line of fresh groceries always on hand. Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Grape Fruit, Prunes, Figs and Dates. CONFECTIONERYâ€" Buik chocolates, bars and Fancy Boxes. TLOUR and FEED Five Roses Flour, Bean Shorts, Oatchop, Barley chop, "N^heat chop. Ground Screen- ings. While at the rink be sure and visit our booth. Lunch and hot drinks served every night. We aim to please. W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton r= FLESHERTON BAKERY IN THE FIELDS, nature has enriched a nation. Not in money value alone is wheat rich but in the thing money can't buy. Wheat is one great source of nutrition. ^ The choice flour we use is ground from the finest wheat. It contains easily digested starches and proteins â€" necessary substances for energy and body repair. ^ Add to your assets of health by eating plenty of our bread and other baked goods. F. PINDER. Flesherton Ont. I Clearing Sale of I First Owality Rubbers •^ Black 3 eyelets reg $3.75 for $3.15 I AU red 4 eyelets reg. $4.50 for $3.45 ® size 8 only 9 $ • • » • • • • • • • • • s THOS. CLAYTON I FLESHERTON, ONTARIO vr

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