'I AsK Your Grocer for a trial pncKftge of GREEN TEA " If you enjoy green tea yoti will be satis, fied with no other blend. Try it today. GREENMANTLE BV JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Son*. Ltd.) CHAPTER XX. (Cont'd.) j Hannus, almost in teari. repeated Soon Peter rtruck a big road fall '"* " TI * " PJ* to me in d German, he cried of transport. It was the road from Erzerum to the Palantuken pass, and Gh , W5t F, no * h 8t .* Is JS* he waited his chance and crossed it u * h up the road." said I the ^officer After that the ground grew rough. . Klnd 9*'!*** W 5" * blg " with boulders and patches of thorn- fPPf d " 1 * trees, Bplendid cover where he could for the Woman's Sphere DOES YOUR CHILD DO WELL IN SCHOOL. It was a blow to the family pride for the Hardys when young Johnny K was a torrent swollen with melt-! an d set off along it at a run The ng snow and rains in the hills, and ,, oire o f the shelling and the wind, to- t was running fifty yards wide. Peter p elhe r with the thick darkness, made thought he could have swum it, but ft 8a f e to hurry. "A wet nfa r n 2 ZJSFZtS&l He le the road at the first chance A wet man makes too much noise. and took to the ^^ country . The ground was now rising towards a spur he said, and besides, there was the kitchen and bathe It near the range, off-chance that the current would be up of its Another use for this same tea stream to look for a bridge. wagon was on Ironing day. As the In ten minutes he found one, a new- night had begun by being pretty near- ly as black as pitch; even the smoke failed so utterly to make good in school. The Hvdys were smart people. ; P"**- n "> <f a wagon ana a John. Sr.. wX township trustee ;' w * rd wheeled them about to the Mr.,. Hardy, an ex-school teacher.'!* cupboards drawers and What law of heredity or power of en- ! WDM h P ut her fresh 'y * ed vironrnent could be operating to put little John In the "dub" class? Fifty paces away stood a billboard with circus pictures on it. Idly throw- Ing stones at the elephant as he stud- led over little John's report card, Hardy landed one right on the tip ^.^ _ f _ ..... , ------ mother Ironed ah put the finished made thln of trestles, broad enough f rom the shell explosions, which is to , transport wagons. It wasLften visible in darkness, could not bo and household linens. LEFT-OVER VINEGAR. In many households there IB often pieces on the tea wagon, and after-- - . , %/..*%. >..,... Blt ..... ,,..> . . , ,,,,..., ,. .. var- Carded, for he heard the tramp of a> se en. But as the wind blew the snow- a , s he. Pulled himself up clouds athwart the sky patches of observed a couple of long'starg carne out . p ete r had a compass, huts, obviously some kind of but he didn't need to use it, for he had billets. These were on the near side a kind of "feel" for landscape, n spe- of tho stream, about a dozen yards c j a l sense which is born In savages from the bridge. A door stood open an d CM only be acquired after long and a light showed in it, and from experience by the white man I be- ... ...., =.,.. ,. . . pl^ in r, C T e the 8ound of v , oices ,'. 1 ; ' "eve hc could sme "here th north auantitv of snlced vlnairar left over -,1 , a 8ense of hearln B llke a lay. He had settled rouffhly which part ..... I vlnager left over wlld anlrn al, and he could detect even O f the line he would try merely be- from sweet pickles of various sorU. fr?m the ronfused gabble that the cause of ! ft- ne to th^ne.?; n* d Present no problem to the voices were German. | But he might ^ reason to vary t hi ? , "Try that, Johnny." he cried. "Hit thrifty housewife, and she does not As he lay and listened some one and as he moved he began to think the elephant right en the tip of his need to throw it away. If, after heafr came over the bridge. It was an offi- that the safest place was where the neezer, like your dad did." '"* it, she will add enough dissolved cer, for the sentry saluted. The man shelling waa hottest He didn't like "How d'ye know that's his sneezer? gelatin to make quite a stiff jelly she disappeared in one of tho huts. Peter the notion, but it Bounded sense. How d'ye know It's an elephant, will find It Is a delicious relish to serve h d struck the billets and repairing- Suddenly he began to puzzle over standing way off lilts that?" demurred with cold meat. Or she will find it sh P of a 8< uad f German sappers, queer things in the ground, and, as of the animal's trunk. BANK OF MONTREAL ANNUAL MEETING At Annual Meeting of Bank ef Montreal *| r Vincent Meredith, Bart, the President, Reviews Business and Agricultural Condltlene In Canada and Deals With Principal Feature- of Revlalen of Bank Act. Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor, General Manager, Emphasize* Necaaclty In Canada for Reduction In Coat ef Living and Taxation. Aa opportuattj or oMalalaa a thoreajh kaavl- . Hopnnti hare boat flailial for maar roan .} or prunt condition. w.u outlook for tlu ..it jw 10 I to (auto ! moi, from eccuamlatet Sir Th. rr.rla-.nf, A<dr.i,. Meredith. Bart., rrnldat. to ahanooMera. nlo. la part: "Our aiaiini rear hai boaa one of -. -3lU. Our proflta. la common with beak, at aad iu< .-.(dim reara. eul I faal wre It hn ban ' a irauocatlaa lor rgo> u know m ban w-a '-,1* ; to par our uaual dMdoad u wtU aa t to)0 3er cent boaua. "Tin Ini out pnflta are dna aarUr to tao fact | ttat ear raatomen hart leeaed leu naarllj upoa ua. i Mt <-aled7 karauaa we felt tkat la rtew of the ] powlbmtj of untoward dtraloirauota la the baak- ' = 1 world, our cash m rrea ihouM h. kept e- <ptlon*Ur itreai to enable tu to lead aid If aad hen ealltd upon to 4e . T!ire i, tin u,, ti^Aract of orach hoarier taiatlon to be roojMfml la ronnectun ertth tko oalaiM iboM. Our mourcea, lunranr. r a> Urn ,cd our taratnf power M coniuat . l I bar. oo raljf'i'nii aa to the aulotenafioa of Mb- taaoal proflti. Th, Bank Act Rrrtlltn. "Tnt rrrtied Bin* Art embodln no BOrel wla- etplaa. Tb powtri aad prlrUefti of tho oaaka remain irr otuea aj before, orlthfr eolarced nor wtra<td: but pTOTldon baa bn oude la the' ay of wider aulborltj af audltora aiul kaarlort . Of dlrarura. by w! '. b moaaj It la to .tr-ni-j n the la/emirdi for devulura aad abaroholdai. It la true to ear that how- r " r rldd iba law. tha lolrearr of bank* a. for that matter, of an htiitneee rt.rfndi upom tho ' *"'irl->. dUlreaco and pereafeadtj at tho maa- ! Tha aandtd Art rontlann to tba baaka mot* ' In M. aad helpful opantloa ta Unaae* aad romnur^. mtraloed b conildrrallou of rtfatr. but not an hirapcnd u t prrroit fair proBta under pnuVnt direction. In thu comwrdon It najr b* otxrrrrd thit. deapUa the notion held la ome uarten miwctlai tha proftfabli aatun of oanklDt. capital baa cot n -tlj wuiht tnla afurc* < of iD'citmtn! I B u Quarter rrnturj froni 1ITO to laoi. u rapltal of Canadian baaki ranalneA atatlonarr. aad In the rubwqurat twenty yean of rapid roatmerrlal denlopmant. l*aa tham IN.- "00.000 wai added. BurMai rranurraa. apart from . , of proflta tka meamenl of aaw cultaL coodltloa wklak * BUT kteonu damlraala K camct whea trd. apaaea, la oitfar u iltr- 1 a adetuu* nou clrcuiatiea. General Mmner'i AMraaj. Sir rrederick witllaau -Tartar. Ornoral JUaaarr. la bii terlew of tha nffaln of tna Boak dmiaa taa roar. ml*. la part: "Caaada'i ecoaanua poeltlaB win not be aatta. faetotr until w aoeceed la baUaclai oor puU nrwn* aad ezpendltan. ln.:Iud:n nllwaja. "Var th* tfaao ktlat we an handtrapped In three dletlact raeneeta. two of which are ceaaaon U aO couatrloa cniianl la th* war fron the bealnnlaBl aad at preaoml andearorlni ta balance their budatta. rb.: nlch ceot of llfji aad hlah tazatloa. Fortho*. Canada la iuff.r!nf from lack of auMuala tftn- Utlon. "At the Brat two fcaadirape dlmlalih we than oiibtleae i'.tn t i (rcater lolnme of ImroKrit-ow. and. what It .till more Important, we >hll relala the people who come, aa well at our aatunl la- creaw. Tberela liee ecraomlc aaUallou for tko Oomlaioo. Th* reraed; U la our lundi aad U practicable. We hare mil to rondurt oar pet tonal and : -.!>;.. aCaln more econoiiilcallT <>"> * our neJfLbort ta that moat wraltar and frao- appndln< >. all eeraatrlea. tk* Untied :. neelOH Advairtaan. llouwkQe we mutt lot lower otir *lat. ne> It ther* i;r oraulaB for donu . Canida hoa pr'..-Iti adrantatet aa a place to tin la. to work la and to plar In. Theee ahould be obriooi to an at. Inilmil. they are to our frlendi In too Cnlted State*, who now hare |SO.C.OO er more commercially lamted la Canada and they ertU without auetloa attract to tu In the fulneat of dm* to* people we need. "Proaperltr In full nwaaure cannot Uopeiw. to* turn to the country ontll aarl'-ulmre. our cnlef Indiutre. becomei na'.n more profitable. T* 1" of the farmer In tha lart few yean hat been hard, gwlnt to low prlcee for prodactl aad hlfh coot of regulremonti. Tnla iinforttaute ttate of ffa!r rtlll poralit*. It U the result of worldwide, not local, eoadltlont. and It by no meau confined to ranada Aariculture, howrrer. ctnnrt be pennna- entlr devnoaod. la the nature of thln< aa 1m- proieneBt U bound to auue. but th* burden hi the meantime bean beaiilr anon thli rital Indutry. For TOUT Information, of thla Bank'i current looaa In Canada, upward! of U3.000.000 ax. to th* airtcultural coomualtT. "I can now!" admitted Johnny, hav- ing gone within thirty foot of the billboard. That made tha diagnosis. His dull- He was just going ruefully to re- 'he had never seen big ipins before, it J 'Can't you aee it?" exclaimed Mr. in thin slices. It may make a novel gS^J ^ "ti^trSuS wh ""^ ; Sy h JMtertT,^at to hi.Vtow'w1t^ Hardy, a treat light dawning upon and tasty addition to almost any kind 8truck hjm that the of|cer who e ha(J roar Hke the Las ^ Day These were passed him wore clothes very like his thf Austrian howitzers nothing over own. He, too, had had a grey sweater 8-inch, I fancy, but to Peter they and a Balaclava helmet, for even a'lked like leviathans. Here, too, h { German officer ceases to be dressy oa saw 'or the first time a big and quite A mother who always managed to a mid-winter's night in Anatolia. The' r * cent shell-hole, for the Russian guns Johnny. him. makes a pretty salad garnish or, cut of sandwich. HER MAGIC SECRET. ness was explained. That very after- noon J. lnii.y was sent to the oculist When he started to school again on . look noat and trim in the midst of the idea came to Peter to walk boldly were searching out the position. He rush of things was once asked her across the bridge and trust to the sen-; was so interested in it all that he magic secret. ! try not seeing the difference. i poked his nose where he shouldn't have "Oh, ther. are two of them," she Hc slipped round a corner of the 1 been and dropped plump into the pit lanirhino-lv "u whlt collar hut and m&rched down the road. The Behind a gun-emplacement laugnmgiy, u wniie collar . waa"niw" mt'the'far'endT'WlTiSI Gunners' all th* world over are the was lucky, for if the worst came to same shy people, who hide themselves the following Monday it was a new John who took the seat in the "dub" n VW. A flu I v WHS H nirinr | Qllil WI1U . , |_ ** *o *u\.njr , JIM j . i 1 1 1 ' < i j > i i it 1 1 1<* \AJ ., .' jrwjr**,f IT - * a i - . . . , i . . i , . - jumped with astonishinf speed and Although she seemed to consider the t h e worst he coul(1 throttle him .Peter, in holes and hibernate and mortally agility over row after row until he question as a Joke, In theso two mimicking the stiff German walk l! d> slil ' e being detected, reached the "king" row. Spectacles articles really lay the secret of her swung past him, his head down a.s if A gruff voice cried \"Wer da?" and a had wrought the miracle Properly' tr ^ n appearance. Once her hair had to protect him from the wind. 'heavy hand seized his neck, fitted lenses had opened the windows' b > ne ll y arranged the hair net kept The man saluted. He did more, for! L _ Peter wasjeady with his story. He John Hardy. '* *' ^ was the work of a moment " e one red conversation. The This is no uncommon incident, telligent parents often take it In- for and character to the simplex! house dress. A NEAT AND ATTRACTIVE SCHOOL DRESS. . . >t a shell in his lot. Ttfty've begun putting over some! "e is one of thoe Prussian swine big onesT' i ;from the Marta Bridge," said a gun- Peter grunted |A?d-night in Ger- 'ner. "I<and him a kick to teach him an and strode on?^He was lust leav- j sense. Bear to your right, mannikin, ig the road whet* he heard a great and y> u w '" fl"J the road. And have! man ing halloo behind hi The real office on his heels, an w Tth had been stirred. A whistle was blown and, looking back, Peter saw lanterns w ry eye on the howitzers, and was waving in the gale. They were com- i thankful when he got out of their nrea ing out to look for the duplicate. on to the slopes up the hill. Here waa He stood still for a Becond, and no- the type of country that was familiar ticed the lights spreading out south 1 * him, and he defied any Turk or| of the road. He was just about to dive! Boche to spot him among the scrub, off it on the north side when he waS| ttn(l boulders. He was getting on very! awuro of a difficulty. On that side ( we "- when once more, close to bis ear, i a steep bank fell to a ditch, and the came a sound like the crack of doom, bank boyond bounded a big flood. He II was the field guns now, and the could sec the dull ruffle of the water sound of H lu-ld-gun dote at hand is! under the wind. jbad for the nerves if you aren't ex- On the road itself ho would soon be P^ting it. Peter thought he had been | cauRht; south of it the search was nit . n d '>' flat for a little to consider, t beginning; and the ditch itself was no i Then he found the right explanation,! place to hide, for he saw a lantern moving up it. Peter dropped into it all the sajne and made a plan. Tho granted that their children would com- plain If they needed artificial help for their vision. But children who have always had a certain range of vision, children whose eyes are Impaired by astigmatism, do not realize that they are under a handicap. They are see- ing with just the same accuracy that they have always seen; how are they to know that tho object that ia no- thing much but a blur to them is clear and distinct to others. They make no complaint, because their conccjalter. *>f good vision doeH not lead, fnem to ex- pect anything beVtsY. There is no .-:-^*- i.-K' 1 )!;. In our schools to-day than tho child who U weighed dovrn by the stigma of dullneoH, when hi' real trouble lies in the fact that ho eantiot see the Utters and figures that are placed on tho blackboard by the teacher, or has difficulty reading the hookx that are supporwd to bo the source of hia Information. If your child docx not do well In school give him the Inestimable bene- fit of a very careful examination by a conscientious doctor. WHAT EVERY MOTHER KNOWS. Oh. gracious goodness, I declare! Discouragement will o'er me steal, When I see Molly sitting there And never touching her oatmeal. Oh, Jack, how ran you hope to grow To be a man and join tho navy. When you are so eternal slow In eating that good bread and gravy? Now, Fred, It's no use looking hurt, And putting on that dreadful frown; "i on know you won't get your dessert Till all your vegetables are down. Almii Manley Horn. THE USEFUL TEA WAGON. The tea wagon has many uses. A rather novel use in that to which it r . .. ,. . .,,, , wna put by a woman with n small i the Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West approm-hing They dashed up at a baby. Her ten wagon was of enameled Adelaide Street. Toronto. Allow lw CK, 1 **! --' On - y ' " e He wanted to sapper's camp, not to say 1924 The Stranger. In shadowy council, see, they ait, The old, old Years that once drew breath, The Years of Pericles and Pitt; Of Pharaoh and Elizabeth, Of Cromwell. Charlemagne, De Witt, And many a Caesar done to death, The Lords of Babylon and Heth, Plantagenets and all who lit In. holy or unholy Writ The torch that flames and periaheth. A Stranger steps towards the throng, Unknown, unnamed, and unakin. Humble their haughty signs among, Wise as the unwise Scraphln; A weakling, yet past measure strong, A pilgrim, yet a paladin, Powered with the spirit-will to win. Disowning centuries along, He moves 'mid agony and song, Ye solemn belfries, ring him In. Walter S. SicnwL great a care when you get there, for the ust have appeared Russkoes are registering on it" tho sentry's doubts Peter thanked them and bore off to the right After that he kept a and crawled forward very warily. Presently he saw his first Russian shell. It dropped hulf a dozen yards side below the road was a littk umlcr- * n ' 8 right making a great hole in cut and very steep. Ho resolved to tne snow and sending up a mass ol plaster hinywlf airairist it, for ha | m ' xe d earth, snow, and broken stone*. would be hidden from the road, and I Petor- spat out the dirt and felt very ' u searcher in the ditch would not be| 8olcran ' You must remember that! likely to explore the unbroken sides, i "ever in his life had he seen big shell- 1 It was always a maxim of Peter's that [ ln . a "d was now being landed in the the best hiding-place was the worst, ' thick of a first-class show without any the least obvious to the minds of those preparation. He said he felt cold in n ' s stoma who were looking for you. stomach, and very wishful to run He waited till tho lights both in the away, if there had been anywhere to . , road and the diU'h came nearer, and run to. But he kept on to the crest of 4253. Blue or brown serge would i thcn he o, r i ppe d the edge with his left the ridge, over which a big glow was be good for this style. It Is also nice hand, where omo stones gave him broadening like a sunrise. He tripped for velvet, knit woolens, and taffeta, purchase, dug the toes of his boots into once ov r a wire, which he took for! The sleeve may he in wrist or in elbow the wet soil, and ituck like a limpta. HOme k ' n <i "f snarp. and after that! length. In black velvet or blue Jersey, It needed some strength to keep the w nt very warily. By and by he got with collar and trimmings of suede, position for long, hut the muscles of f 1 * r . aco ^'tween- two boulders and \ . i in.- ...I. * i Inn k 0^ I f\\.'nv {nfst *H # vi i,, iv n o-*i_A.u this style would be unique and at- ^ ,i C arms and legs were .like whipcord. The searcher in the ditch soon grew| in A Ql. . B l tired - for the P lace was very wet, an. I , ,o , cut f 4 Slz * 8: , 8 ' joined his comrades on the road. They' 10, 12 and 14 years. A 10-year size 8nme u)onK) runn i ng> flashing tho lan-| requires 8 yards of 40-inch material. ( terns into the trench, and exploring! For collar of contrasting material 40 all the immediate, co^trvside. Inches wide Vi yard is required. Then rose a nois^OT^wTieels and . Pattern mailed to any address on horses from the opposite direction. I receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by Michael and the delayed wagons were over Into the true battlefield. (To be continued.) Mlnsrd's Liniment Hesls Cut*. metal and was easily cleaned. She put; weeks for receipt of pattern. the baby's clean clothes on the lower | ahelf and put the baby's bath tub on the top shelf and found it very easy i" batho the baby. The tea wugon v, . of such a height that she did not hnvi; to bend over, thus saving herself backache. Sho had the baby's clothes horrid second Peter though they were going ta spill into the Hitch ut tho very spot where he wan concealed. The wheels passed so close to the edge that they almost grazed his fingers. Some- body shouted tin order, and they pul!- Dlgnlfled, But Funny. e <l up yard or two nearer the bridge. ; Little Dorothy's mother wai ihow- The others cnine up and there was a lug her new dress to ome of the near at hand, and iiirico the house was! neighbors. "Oh, mother, what a pret- 8Ot always warm enough it was pos- ty dress!" cried Dorothy. "Do wear ible for her to take the baby into th. It to-night." ^0 darling." said the mother, not to night. This l.s to wear at tha party nftit week whan ladle/i and uentldinan come to dinar." Dor- othy showed her disappointment. "Hut. NURSES Tho Toronto Hoipllal for Inour- akjee, In afnilHllon with Bollcvuo oUlled Hoaplial., New York ' pffere e thre* ycri' Course of Train Ing tn young wnnian. having the ro- ?ulrd (duration, ami dcalroui of !> omlrtf nunr Tlile llnapltkl hit tdoplrd the night-hour iytm Tht pupil) M't ilv uniform* of the s.-hool e nvniH.lv ullowanrt- nn.l travelling fIP' i rii ir. Rnil ff'tn N<-w VnrH FVf 'llr'h<T In'nriTintlon >pplr 10 tin V-|.i ''!* nA'Vlt I C No. 5173. consultation. Michael swore he had passed no one on the road. "That fool Hunmis Iris seen a ghost," Rtiid the officer testily. "It's loo cold for this child's ! mother," she nald, suddenly, "can't we ! protend juit for thla evening that dud ! dy Is a tentlmnan?" ,, {[ , A _jmr^ ^anij Flexible armor WHS copied from the M V.IM of the fish. Also consider our latter day mc'sh-lmtr, milady's fond | conceit. The file, the anchor, raiU und I grooves of guidance, dovetailing a:ul many manual instruments all have tr.iir counterpart 'n Nature. We'll Publish Your Songs We will also put WORDS TO YOUR MUSIC MUSIC T YOUR WORDS Write for Particulars. TIP-TOP MUftIC COMPANY 70 Victoria St. - Toronto Descriptive Title. Hut. my dear, he' not only hand some, liut a Haron. 1 ' "Yes, a liarren, indeed ha hasn't a cent!" Tho man who says "I'll think of what to nay when I get there," often thinks of what he should have said after he's left In resoling shoes, cut from a dis- carded inner tube, a piece of rubber a ti illo larger than the sole. Plnce this rubber between the shoo and the no\v M.V, nail flrmly and trim. Keeps your feet dry. "The Man of Perfect Service." From Serbia comes sn Interesting account of a popular hero who lives In one of the country districts. He Is a peasant named Marko. bud ha is known far and wide as "The Man of Prfect Snrlc." "With nine of his peasant comrades he was detailed during the Great War to do orderly work with a general and hU staff. It was the duty of Marko and his companions to keep every- thing In order about the general's headquarters. They had not been at work long be- fore; the general received loud com- plaints of their slackness. He called them before him. "Brothers," he said, "you arc hera to render service to my- ielt and mjr officers. Let It be done joyously and perfectly. That is all." After the appeal the* showed mark- ed Improvement. But before long the complalota began again. One night as Marko and the others were settling to deep the flap of their tent lifted, and the general appeared. "Good- night, brothers!" he said. "I bope all Is well with yon." "Good night," waa the gruff rejoind- er. When the flap had fallen Marko cried, "Brothers Indeed! Who's he calling brothen I Don't we do all the work! What U h a genoral for, I'd like to know? He's no better than the reit of us'." The next morning when they awoke they discovered to their astonishment the officers' ocots, brightly pollihed, standing In a row ut Inside the tent They hastened Into t'. o hall and found the fire burning merrily -MI-I the place looking cleaner than the> had ever seen U before! &> rubbed (heir eyes and ipote (> OM either of tfce old fairy tales of $* 4ofH tkat came to help tha good houi*^ 1 *?*. When the gnme thing ortorrad tha next morulng they decided to let one of their number to watch during the night. Towards morning the sentinel saw the general appear in the tent and quietly arrange the officer*' boots, all perfectly pollihed, In a row. As soon aa the genoral had gone the man aroused hit comrades and told them the .-tagcerlng newt. - Presently Marko was iimimmind to the general's presence: he guessed that tha general had overheard hi* foolish words of complaint. "Marko," said the general, "did you ever hear of Jaeus (,'hrlstr "Why, yes, sire!" was Marko'i amazed response, "Then you remember the leison He gave lilt disciples when He washed their feet." Marko's heart was eurtdenlr tilled with ihame. "Markn," continued tha officer, 'U am your general because u general Is (supposed to ba able to do any of the duties of those under hla charge a* well as much more. 1 have shown yen that I can do your work, but you muit not think that I have not enjoyed do- Ing It!" Ilia eyes twinkled with de- light. "In every perfect .ervlue there Is hidden a great treasure. Whenever a man truly serves he finds God." That was the beginning of a greet change for Marko and his friendi. There was never any more need of complaint, and when the war was orer Marko returned to his own district to begin there a new life of service. So perfectly has he achieved It that many! hare cause to think with undying gratitude of "The Man of Perfect Ser- vice." Mr. Pupp "Talk Is Cheap." Mr. Parrot "Some of the thingi t say when my mistress has company! makes her feel cheap, I know." Mlnartl's Liniment for Dandruff, Soon Put Right. Pat Macree was In search of a nev; house, and at last, after many weary months of unsuccessful search, he found one which he thought would be, : just the thing. Accordingly ha went off at once tqi tee the agent nbout It. That gentleman at once gave him; the key and accompanied him on a tour of Inspection round the premlsai.i Looking out of one of the back win-! dows Pat remarked that the railway ran rather close to the house. "The trains do make rather a nolle," the agent admitted. "They may Inter-, fere with your sleep at first, but you'll get accustomed to that after the flrtD two nights." "Arrab, shure. OI'll not want to gei kcouitomed to It at all, ilr, answered^ Pat, " 'cause Oi can easily <o an' slap* In me aunt's house thlm couple o*\ nights!" London judges are sentencing men to prison instead of lining them ton cruelty to animals. FARMERS If Interested In wagons or repairs ien4, In your name with this ad. We will tend you an article worth $1.00 to Jf..oa, JACKSON WAGON CO., LTD. 8T. QEORQE . ONT., EDDY'S MATCHES -always satisfy the housewifk VBiYWkma m CANADA ASet POB TMBM BY IN SOUPS, STEWS, mrlM, savoury dithet, and In hundreds ol different ways Ox6 beef cubes will make food more tasty and nutritious. la Has \