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Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1923, p. 6

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P THE FWESHERTON XDVANCE Poultry Show Prize List AT KIMBERLEY, TUES. & WED., JAN. 9-10, 1924 56 Leghorn, English Type, A.V. 66 Leghorn, Duckwing 67 Minorca, Black S.C. 68 Minorca, White 69 Minorca, Buff 60 Minorca, Black R.C. 61 Ancona, S.C. fi2 Ancona, R.C. Git Andalusians, Blue 64 Spanish, W.F. Black CONTINENTAL 65 Campines, Silver C6 Cainpinea, Golden 67 Hamburgs, Black 68 Hamburgs, White C9 Hamburgs, Silver Spangled 70 Hamburgs, Golden Spangled 71 Hamburgs, Silver Pencilled 72 Humburgs, Golden Pencilled POLISH 73 Polish, W.C. Black 74 Polish, Golden 75 Polish, Silver 70 Polish, White FRENCH 77 Houdans 78 A.O.V. MISCELLANEOUS 79 Lakenvelders . 80 Ferrolles GAMES 81 Sumatra Black 82 Games' A.O.V. -' BANTAMS 83 Black 84 Millefleur 85 Wyandotte A.C. 86 Bantams A.O.C. 87 Guinea Fowl . t TURKEYS 88 Bronze Turkeys 89 Narragansett Turkeys <JO White Holland Turkeys 91 Black Turkeys 92 Buff Turkeys DUCKS 93 Pekin Ducks 94 Aylesbury Ducks '^ 95 Rouen Ducks i_, 96 Cayuga Ducks 97 Indian Runner Ducks 98 Indian Runner Ducks, White GEESE 99 Toulouse Geese 100 Embden Geese 101 Brown Chinese Geese 102 White Chinese Geese Price* 1st 75c., 2nd 50c., 3rd Ribbon For Pens. Price* 1st 60c.; 2nd 25c.; 3rd Ribbon For Individual Birds. First and second prizes for Old and Young Bantams. Pens to consist of one Male and three Females. S Aneriean Standard of Perfection for rules; all Birds t this Show judged accordingly. ASIATICS 1 Brahma, light 2 Brnhraa, dark 8 Cochin. Buff 4 Cochin, Partridge 6 Cochin, White 6 Cochin. Black 7 Langshan, White 8 Lasigshan, Black AMERICANS 9 Plymouth Rock, Barred 10 Plymouth Rock, White 11 Plymouth Rock, Buff 12 Plymouth Rock, Partridge 13 Plymouth Rock, Columbia 14 Plymouth Rock, A.O.V. 16 Wyandotte, White 16 Wynadotte, Black 17 Wyandotte, Buff 18 Wyandotte, Golden 19 Wyandotte, Silver 20 Wyandotte, Partridge 21 Wyandotte, Columbia 22 Wyandotte, Silver Laced 23 Wyandotte, Golden Laced 24 Wyandotte, Silver Pencilled 25 Wyandotte, Golden Pencilled 26 Rhode Island Red, S.C. 27 Rhode Island Red, R.C. 2 Rhode Island Red, White 29 Javas, Black ;< 80 Javas, Mottled 31 Buckeyes 82 Domlniques ENGLISH 83 Orpington, Buff S.C. 84 Orpington, Black S.C. 36 Orpington, White S.C. 36 Orpington, Blue S.C. 37 Orpington Rose Comb 38 Dorking, Silver Grey 39 Dorking, White 40 Dorking, Colored 41 Sussex, Speckled 42 Sussex, Red 43 Sussex, Light 44 Cornish, White 46 Comish, Dark 46 Cornish, A.O.V. 47 Red Caps MEDITERRANEAN 48 Leghorn. Whit S.C. 49 Leghorn, Brown S.C. 50 Leghor*. Buff S.C. 61 Leghorn, White R.C. 62 Leghorn, Brown R.C. 63 Leghorn, Buff R.C. 64 Leghorn, Black SPECIALS Won in Slver cup for Best Bird in the show, to be won three years. 1923 by Geo. Proctor. : .00 by Hartman & Co. for best display of Barred Rocks. : 2.00 by Saul Fawcett for exhibitor coming longest distance. I 2.60 (Ivory set) by Boyd Bros., for best pen of Barred Rocks. I 1.00 by Bruce Hamilton for best pair of White Leghorns. ! 1.00 by C. Houston for best Barred Rock Cock. I 1.00 by O. G. Thome best White Orpington pullet. ! 1.40 (poultry food) by W. E. K. Hogg for best pair of Barred Rocks. : l.OO (oyster shell) by Carr Bros, for best pair of White Roclcs. ! 1.00 by Harry Sparling for best pair of White Wyandottes. : 2.00 by George Proctor, best display of any one breed. ! 1.00 by Wm. Haines tor best pair of Rhode Island Reds. ! 1.00 by N. E. Burritt for best pair of Anconas. 1 2.00 by Albert Myles for best display of bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. $2.00 roast of meat by Elmer Ellis for best pen of bred-to-lay Barred Rocks. 92.00 (bacon) by Arnold Lawrence for best White Leghorn cock. 1.00 by Ernest Morgan for best Leghorn hen. $2.00 by R. M. Laundry for best marked bird. $1.00 by H. Cairns for best bred-to-lay cock. I 1.00 by P. Munshaw for best cock any breed. 111.20 (poultry supplies) by Tom Eastland for beat bred-to- Uy Barred Rock hen. $1.00 by G. W. Wright for best pen of Partridge Wyandottes. The Canadian Poultry Review, 184 Adelaide St., W., Toronto, the leading poultry paper of the Dominion, price $1.00 per year, offers a handsome bronze medal for best utility pen. Four subscrip- tions to the Canadian Poultry Review, value $1.00 each, for pen of White Wyandottes; pen of White Orpingtons; pen of White Leghorns; pen of Barred Rocks. The Review will contain a full report and awards of this show. Sample free. $1.60 by The Flesherton Advance for best pair of Partridge Wyandottes. $1.00 by D. McTavish Son for best pair of ducks. $2.00 by Jasper Stuart for best pair of rabbits. fl.OO by F. II W. Hickling for beat pair of geese. $2.00 by R. W. Lawrence for best pair of turkeys. $1.00 by Hartman* Son for best Silver Pencilled Wyandottes. How Firebugs Use Cats Animals Trained To Knock Over Lampx While Owners Are Away See The Sunday School Concert Christmas Night The 48th annual Sabbath school : entertainment of the Chalmer's Pros- ; byterian Sunday school, Flesherton, will be held on Tuesday, December 25th, 1923. A choice program of solos, duets, recitations, drills, dia- logues and choruses by the school. An additional attraction will be Mr. i Herbert W. Piercy, interpreter of literary, humorous and dramatic, story rciter, one of Canada's fnvor- ! itea. Rev. Jos. narrower will preach the anniversary sermon on December 23rd. Come and hear thsm all. served from C to 8 o'clock. Tea THE CITIZEN'S DUTY In addressing the Young Men's Canadian Club at Montreal, Sir Robt. Borden asid that the success of de- mocracy was by no means assured. There were dangers facing the world to-day to which the Roman Empire and its successors were never ex- posed. Hence he argued that every man ought to give some part of his time to public affairs. "Every one of you ought to take your own pait in the government of your city, your province and the Dominion. Those of you who do not are mere drones, and you know what happens to the drones in the democ- racy of bees. This right to govern yourselves is more than a privilege; it is a duty, and if it is not your duty, whose is it? When I was in public life I would rather see a young man allied with a party opposed to me than with no party at all, and that is my feeling to-day. "II politics are dirty to-day and I don't say they are it is the fault of those who stand aside and assume the 'I'm holier than thou" attitude. Instead of doing that, it is the duty of every one of you to go in and make them clean." Democracy is not assurred by giv- ing the franchise to every man and woman, and would not be assured by any improvement in election machin- ery. The recording of the vote is no more important than the thought behind the vote. If active partici- pation in politics is confined to selfish or narrow partisans, those who hold aloof must share the blame for the dvgredation of politics. Every elector has it in his or her power to do some- thing towards shaping the course of public affairs. Getting There Here, Too The seriousness of financial condi- tions confronting rural municipalities in Manitoba was emphasized laRt week when Dr. Robt. Fletcher, Dep. Minister of Education, announced thiit 131 Public School* with 144 class room and providing education to ap- proximately 11,000 pupils have been closed this fall in the Province. They were closed, Dr. Fletcher told the officials of the Union of Municipali- ties, because the municipalities are not in a position to provide for expen- diture necessary for their mainten- ance. The school at Elm Creek, where five teachers were employed, wax forced to close at the end of September after operatng one month. The Deputy Minister also stated that several other schools had been closed on account of small attendance. The case of education has reached its limit in those parts of Manitoba. A steer belonging to David Bow- es, near Blyth, was buried in a straw stack for 17 days and was little the worse when rescued. Strange things man has done to its humble animal brothers. The orien- tal makes the pelican catch fish, and with ring around th poor bird's neck prevents swallowing. Elephants and dogs have been used in battle, and hives of bees have drop- ped upon soldiers besieging a city. Dogs help men to beg, guinea pigs patiently endure vivesection in the interest of science. Horses supply serum to fight disease. White rats in thousands are used for cancer ex- periments, while mice, highly strung, were kept in the trenches. They noticed poison gas long before the men felt it. Now comes the latest. A man tains eats to hate lamps. They rush at and knock over any kerosene lamp. Such a cat is worth $260. The cat* are sold to gentlemen that want the store to catch fire while they re away. Cat and lighted lamp are left together then comes the fire. How the cat is trained to hate lamps th* Insurance people do not say. But it can be dene. Full Line of Hardware For All Purposes AWWJW Nails, Glass and Other Materials Now is the time to buy PUMPS, STOVES, PAINTS, OILS. WASHING MACHINES, PAILS and GRANITE WARE. D. McKILLOP FLESHERTON, - . ONTARIO The Farmers' Sun, organ of the U.F.O., has had a loss of $15,J61 for the past fifteen months, uccordin to the statement issued last week to the shareholders of the Farmers' Pub- lishing Co. by H. E. Walters, seere- < tary-treasurcr. What might have resulted in a very serious train wreck was avoided | in the nick of time on the Canadian | Pacific Railway Parry Sound sub-div- '. ision, by section foreman Conzuni, win i, while patrolling the track near ; Brignall, recently discovered two | large iron nuts on top of the rails, se- ! curoly fastened with hay wire. The foreman had just time to unfasten the wire and remove the nuts to clear the track for a train was due in five minutes. Two boys in the vicinity admitted, after questioning, that they ' wired the nuts to the rails. They were sentenced to the local shelter for one month and their fathers were required to give bond and report to the authorities for two years. The Season's Gree Santa and his reindeer have arrived w : oad of toys, f hey will stay with us > ni is eve when he will move on to fill tt of all little boys and girls. In the meantim want any gifts for your friends we can sup requirements from his sleigh at lowest cot A. General Store Cash Cream Station ;. HAW CEYLO1 Store closes every Tues. am A Christmas Message Frori, Flesherton Gift Sh Toyland is a winter circus for the Children | All the games, Mama Dolls, Watches, Mechanical Toys, SI Tops and Dishes, etc., are here. They'll live to see the Bring them in before Santa Clause starts to pick out the toys for his pack. Gifts For The Ladies The loveliest gifts for Mother, Daugh- ter,. Sister or Sweetheart. Ivory for her dressing table; a set of furs; Hose Gloves, Silk Blouses, Camisoles, Red- room Slippers, Overshoes, Handker- chiefs, Kimona Cloth, Dishes, Casser- oles, Trays, Jardinieres, etc. Dont Look Any Further^ These Are For the Me? Surprise Father or Brother \vitb beautiful Scarf, Tie. Gloves, Susfcen ers, Arm Bands, Military Bru? Bedroom Slippers, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, et s- F. G. KARSTEDT ALL FRESH GROCERIES FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE The New 3foi*cU>*> Sedan In the New Fordor Sedan the well-known Ford sturdiness, dependability and economy have been combined with a degree of convenience and refinement that makes this the most remarkable closed car value ever offered. The front s at in this new model is of the full- width stationary type. Four doors are provided, affording easy access to front or roar from either side. Upholstery and appointments arc of a quality and complete- ness hitherto obtainable only in cars of much higher price. You are cordially invited to inspect this remarkable new car at the nearest Ford dealer's showroom. !<iew Ford Prices Coupe, $665 Fordor Sedan, $895 Electric Slat.ihg unJ I. tabling Equipment SlanJarJ on Ihtte mot/eli. Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck, $495 Ekdrlc Starling anil Llthtlnf /..;".""' SS5.GO extra. Priceo i. o. b. Foril, Ontario. Government Taxes extra A H Ford models may be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan CARS TRUCKS - TRACTORS H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, - Ontario. fORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED. FORD. ONTARIO

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