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Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1923, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ROD AND GUN Treat your family to a Marconi Radio Set this winter The story of an eventful canoeing trip is told in the January issue of Rod and Gun in Canada by Frosty Snow in ''With Paddle and Fish Pole in Quebec." There is also a good : What Radio means to you ! O description of a Athabasca river moose hunt on the; by H. K. Henry, NOTICE TO CREDITORS y in your life. New forces at your command. Distance annihilated. Somethirg for everycre. .f ports of all sporting and political events ; whether forecasts and time signals ; marine, financial it reports ; election returns ; speeches and lectures by celebrities grand opera and church services ; i comic songs by the world's leading artists ; dance music by fornous orchestras : fashion talks for the idtime stories for the children; all this, and infinitely more, cnce this little wiaaid i.- ri.'o is installed while F. V. Williams vividly describes a tragedy of wild life as unfolded by tracks in the snow, in his story "As Told In the Snow." A. A. Haines who is an authority on hunting: knives IN THE MATTER of the estate of Kills ALBERT ARNOTT late of (he Townshp of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, dereaged. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act and amendments thereto that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the suidJohn Albert Arnott who died on or about the Ninth day of Octo- ber, 1U23, are required on or before the Twelfth day of January, mple. A twist of the wrist and you are in Chicago listening to a singer with a voice like a nightin- r slight adjustment and Schenectady is entertaining you with grand opera. And so the hours :> 9 has a well illustrated article dealing A. D. 1924, to send by post prepaid or with vinous makes of hunting j deliver to Messrs. Telford & Birnie knives, together with his opinion of j o f the city of Owen Sound in the them. After trying for twenty- 1 County of Grey, solicitors for the three years, Bonnycastle Dale has . Executor of the last Will and Testa- fmally taken a splendid photograph j ment of 'the said deceased, their of the Red Breasted Merganser, and Christian and surnames, addresses his good description of the life and | and descriptions, the full particulars habits of this bird is of interest to all. I O f their claims, the statement of their Guns and Ammunition is particularly j accounts and the nature of the secur- well stocked with interesting articles, I ities, if any, held by them. as well as the questions and difficul- ties of sportsmen, and answered by C. i bs gld to arrange a demo nstration in the privacy of your own home where the story of Marconi ^ s . Landis, while fishing Notes, Along old^-it will not obligate you in any way. dvish's Garage, Flesherton the Trapline, Outdoor Talk, and @ other deparments are all filled with (gfc fine articles by specialists. 9 w AND further take notice that aftei such last mentioned date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall 9 9 The Jaunary issue opens the first then have notice and that the said number of the new year with articles ! Executors will not be liable for the on canoeing, fishing, moose hunting, j sa ,a assets or any part thereof to any ski-ing, hunting knives, nature stud- j per son or persons of whose claims The Old Boys tance up their personalities lose than the others; some could say down their feet, and swim in to safety j h?g; some could swim farther under again; but to mo it would not come, water than others; some could swim Noo art nor advice of mine wouuld I farther than others; some could do U.F.O. Fowl Supper At Maxwell, December 27 guns and ammunition, trapping, kennel interests and a host of other subjects. VIMJNG render my body buoyant, and no skill this rtick and some could do that one of mine coluld keep either my feet and thus were honors divided, or had off the bottom, depending on A wise providence 3eemed to equi happened to be closest to it each Qne whh an accomp i ishme nt nt ' j which was compensation for his lack- Cuch sp'-ishing and shrieking and , in in some others as no two of us ws less satisfaction whooping of delight as there was for coul(1 excel in tne same thing at the y picnics with the girls, hours a at time, and when the bus same time - The law of compnsation faction came from the from the ?tation rolled along the i * n sublime operation, it seemed to be. of the swimming hole s hor visibl-.- wretch of the road at the; O n going back to the old pond in Miss A. C. McPhail. M.P., and Hon. D. Carmichael To Speak notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the Seventh day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1923. TELFORD & BIRNIE, Solicitors for the Adminisrators tln;e TheU. F. O. fowl supper will be held in the Methodist Hall, Maxwell, on Thursday, December 27th. Sup- per wll be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. ..r.boys of the vllage, or tar side of the pond, across the ' a f te r years, it had srangely contrac- p into the woods with bridge and then behind the swell of ted, but its waves had the disagree- ! present -*f- 1*11 ll fr" ^-**^** *Ku*aw>jivri \f\r Mill* t/ ^.dll ; a convenient hill the occupants had a | ab l e habit of lapping hungrily at the Everybody welcome -H Poole Sec e valley chocked itself view of a score or more of devotees | shores. Vivid in my mind was the ! the vill_c a dcm had of nature unadorned, happy and care- j recollection of the drowning of two r means of half natur- ' free, a view available at some hour j ear f r i en ds in the waters of a charm- 1, and a most tempt- of every summer's day since the pond ' ; ng lake half way across Canada, result. The oppor- was made, eevn, in many cases, it is j And here, too the tiny waves of the " "4, and the pioneer admitted with regret, on Sundays, j pon d were waiting for their victims, ansformed a very Cut they were the Godless boys! 1 1 recalled how a team of horses had into the site of a ( walked down the gravelly bank of e satisfaction to | f * ^ " j^^ Neptune this verv P nd to drink and had not ms of boys. j w&s ^ Mend ( f nijne Apparently stopped in time; how they became en- ,nding arm of the he had never even heard of QUr fam . i tangled n the harness, and how as A good program will be given in the , on, he found the money in a drawer Orange Hall. Miss Agnes' McPhail, , and went to tender his apologies to ! the man he suspected and searched, Mr. Win. Little, division court clerk of Lucknow, is likely to have to de- fend a suit for $10,000 damages. A farmer came into his store and paid him $8 which he deposited in a drawer Mr. Little had occasion to go out for a while, leaving the farmer in the office. After the farmer left, Mr. I Little searched for the $8, and being ' unable to find it, had the farmer FIFTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE searched but without result. Later All sales promptly attended to and B.H.WALDEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF GREY satisfacion guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE M.P., and Hon. D. Carmichael will be , . llc al i , CT . lc ttllu 3B , ltI1 . u , p, Admission 50 and 25 cents. I but they were not accepted and an ac- "hone tion for damages has been instituted. ! Or arrange at The Advance office. For Christmas houMer of a hill cut ily Then> onc happy dfly j found the bubbles surged to the surface water was shallow, ; mygelf rtoatin(J on the water wjh my in a seething eruption the horses YOU WILL FIND THESE IN HARDWARE Useful and lasting Gifts will be more appreciated loped gently out for feet actually off the bottom . At once Stance. Here we in- wfctn rcalization sct in T sank like a ,-es into the mysteries of | stone , )Ut them was encuraKement in ,ere not too deep. Here- th(? inci(ient- with a full breath t :qviainted with the dart- kk . ked up my feet afrain _ and float ed. i On breathini; out, down I went. f "minnies"; the croak- ! bull frogs ; the Ing- TS that looked for all ough a dark brown the swelled head; uckers that would which never did i slither through | The Waterloo or should I say Tra- falgar was past, and with a few few trials it was absurdly simple, and I was able to swim a last! From then on, the pond became a thing of sank silently out of sight and were I i drowned. I But here were the little codgers 1 I that were in their cradles when I saw ' i them last, flying through the air and chugging into the water with a splash 1 and comin go the surface again with a spluttering burst with an "I touch- : ed bottum; look I'll bring bottum up i again!" and down again they would ' go until you'd wonder what had hap- o o Electric and Hand Washing Machines Enamelware The Clean Ware- Cereal Cookers Automobile Skates and Shoes Hockey Sticks Plates Chinaware pened to the little water rats. I tried it, too, but the water got unalloyed delight, and gradually its ce of black rag in ] andmarks were conquered one by one, .ptly-named clams though I shall attempt no explanation | in my ears and up my nose, while I able existence in ,of how water may have landmarks? without a sign ; The submerged stumps gradually be- loame familiar; we swam across the couldn't swinm as far under water as , I used to. So I went back up town , to where Junior was, and realized ] luially known i P n< l n a risky venture; and then we h its perpen- ' swam, when we could, the length of n ip f o a foot .eal taking-off nto the shallow ict swim. ;o out to thir out came quite a dis- it. And finaly there came the time when diving boards were rigged up I over the deeper parts of it, and div- ing became the chief aim of life. Some of us could go down deeper IP ,fN-\ I I CMCtS like a FLASH! One UCKLET1 BRONCHITIS MIXTURE / SB: Results Guaranteed At All Druggists aherton by W. J. STEWART & SONS. Ion by MISS MILLIE COOK that he must do the swimming for the family in the future that will be his part when he reaches the age; and as for me, I have to keep hustling to keep in the swim, in another sense. Ranges and Heaters Stove Boards Potato Pots, etc. Aluminum Kettles Steel Ankle Supports Cups and Saucers Cream and Sugar Setts Berry Setts Spoon Trays etc. SPECIAL ELECTRIC BULBS 3 for $1.00 Roaster* Saucepans Pucks Frank W. Duncan Flesherton EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE' Grey Lodge 589, A.F.&A.M. Elect Offiicers For 1924 R. \V. Bro. Justice Wright, assist- ed by R. W. Bros. John H. Dunlop and John A. Graham, installed the following officers of Grey Lodge No. 589, A.F.&A.M., at the regjlar meet- ing in the Yonge Stree Masonic Temple on Thursday evening:W. Bro. Dr. G. H. Armstrong, W.M.; Wor. Bro. W. L. McFarland, I.P.M.;Bro. G. K. McFarland, S.W.; Bro. J. F. Van ' Every, J.W.; Bro. Rev. J. A. Robin- son, Chaplain; Bro. James Craig, Treasurer; W. Bro. J. W. Tucker, , Secretary; Bro. R. J. Witherspooh, J Assistant Secretary; Bro. J. E. Ritchie , S.D.; Bro. W. N. Hemphill, J.D.; Bro. j Leeson Whitby, D. of C.; Bro. Dr. W. ; G. Trelford, I.G.; Bro. James H. Craig, S.S.; Bro. F. S. Redfern, J.S.; Bro. C. H Trelford, Organist; Bro. H. J. Pritchard, Tyler. R. W. Bro. Sir William Hearst was elected represen- tative to the Masonic Bureau, and Bros. W. Turner and Harold R. Frost, Auditors. What Can I Give H R R I ll" vou arc looking; for a Gift for "HER," no matter if it bt Mother, Sister, Sweetheart, Aunt, Cousin or Friend We believe you will lincl just the gift you want right here. PRACTICAL GIFTS CARD OF THANKS AT MODERATE PRICES INCLUDE CUT GLASS. SILVERWARE. CUTLERY. KODAKS. LEATHER GOODS, PURSES. VANITY CASES. CANDLE- STICKS, FOUNTAIN PENS. ETC.. ETC. WRIST WATCHES WE HAVE A VERY COMPLETE LINE FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM, DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS. HIGH GRADE MOVEMENTS THAT CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. A VERY POPULAR LINE IN 15 JEWEL MOVEMENTS, GOLD FILLED CASE AT i $12.00 We desire to express our gratitude to the many friends who so kindly extended assistance and sympathy , during our recent bereavement in the I death of our husband and faher, Win. j Walker. Wife and Son. DIAMOND RINGS Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Shortt of Feversham announce the engagement of their daughter, Mina Oakman to Mr. Earl Fletcher Hewgill, the marr- iage to take pace the latter part of I December. IN THE NEWEST DESIGNS AND GUARANTEED TO PLEASE. WE HAVE A SPECIAL LINE AT $15.00. MANY OTHERS TO PICK FROM. EXQUISITE GEM RINGS IN MANY BEAUTIFUL STYLES. SET WITH THE FINEST QUALITY STONES, ALWAYS VERY ACCEPTABLE. a.. . " . ALSO ONYX and CAMEO JEWELLERY IN VARIOUS DESIGNS. ELDERLY LADIES ALWAYS APPRECIATE A BROOCH. WE HAVE SOME VERY PLEAS- ING GOLD-FILLED AND GEM SET BROOCHES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. FRENCH IVORY a: .! TORTOISE SHELL WARE ALWAYS A POPULAR AND CERTAINLY USE- FUL GIFT. WE HAVE ALL THE VARIOUS PIECES THAT MAKE UP A SETT, ALL AT AT- TRACTIVE PRICES. A CLOCK FOR MILADY'S BOUDOIR. IN FRENCH IVORY. MAKES A MOST CHARMING PRESENT. ATTRACTIVE PEARL NECKLACES OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, ALWAYS PROVE A SATISFACTORY GIFT FROM $3.50 UP. SHOP EARLY AND GET THE CHOICE W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON "HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BETTER KINDS OF GOODS"

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