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Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1923, p. 2

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Your Guarantee the name It insures tea that is fresH, fragrant and pure Try it. The firnt bit was through farmland*, which were seamed with little snow- filled water-furrows. Now and then would come a house and a patch of fruit trees, but there was nobody | abroad. The roads were crowded enough, but Peter had no use for roads. I can picture him swinging along with his bent back, stopping every now and then to sniff and listen, alert for the foreknowledge of danger. When he chose he could cover country like an antelope. (To be continued.) Exclusive deelgni. William Jurtor S32 Yonoc St. Toronto I tens, preferably having thumbs. Slip I these on when polishing the silver and see how much quicker and easier the not always welcome work goes than when the polishing flannel is held in the hand. A mitten makes an ideal oven holder; make it long so as to protect the wrist and ..rrn from the heat if short-sleeved work dresses are habit- ually worn. - -____-^r=- A mitten with thick palms is ex- you will succeed in holding your seat cellent for lifting and carrying out In the crew, Frank, and that you (el- ash pans, for the handles of these lows will sweep the laker But when receptacles often have a way of being you are done and have more time very hot and uncomfortable when He Made the Crew. "I've made the crew!" cried Frank Mason as he burst in upon his family, j wouldn't you like to help me kindle a taken directly from the stove. They "That will mean harder training '. similar enthusiasm In young people also protect the hand from the ashes, who wa for the things that are bigger, better which are quite likely to prove irri- , and enduring?" Frank looked at his pastor thought GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XIX. (Confd.) Iship? If you can canage that, we'll tod 1 Xdan '. ">" " < " ' ""> took the maps from him and fellow, but as you know well, Dick, spread them on the table. horses right up at the battle-front are "First, you must know that we've not easy to come by. To-morrow I've had an almighty piece of luck. Last got some kind of infernal fast to oh- night HiiKsii! took UH for a walk over serve, and the next day that woman' the roofs of Erzerum, and by tho will be coaching me for my part. blessing of Providence I got into We'll have to give Hussin time ..... ! Stumm s room and bugged nis staff I wish to Heaven it could be to-night." . map. . . . I/ook there . . . d'you see He was silent again for a bit, and bis notes? Thai's the danger-point of then he said: "I believe the best time the whole defence. Once the Russians would be the third night, the eve of get that fort, Kra Gubek, they've the Revelation. She's bound to leave turned the main position. And it can me alone that night." be got; Stumm knows it can; for these "Right-p," I said. "It won't be two adjacent hills are not held. ... much fun sitting waiting in this cold It looks a mad enterprise on paper, but sepulchre; but we must keep our heads Stumm knows that it is possible and risk nothing by being in a hurry. enough. The question is: Will the Besides, if Peter wins through, the Russians guess that? I say no, not Turk will be a busy man by the day unless some one tells them. Therefore, after to-morrow." by hook or crook, we've got to get that The key turned in the door and Hus- ' information through to them. sin stole in like a shade. It was the Sandy's intcrct in ordinary things signal for Sandy to leave. was beginning to flicker up again. Ha You fellows have given me a new ftudied the map and began to measure lease of life," he said. "I've got a distances. plan now, and I can set my teeth and , "Peter's going to have a try for it. stick it out." He think* there's a sporting chance He went up to Peter and gripped of his getting through the lines. If his hand. "Good luck. You're the brav- ' he does if he gets this map to the est man I've ever met, and I've seen a Grand Duke's stuff then Stumm's few." Then he turned abruptly and goose is cooked. In three days the went out, followed by an exhortation ' Cossack's will be in the streets of from Blenklron to "Get busy about Erzerum." the quadrupeds." "What are the chances?" Sandy Then we set about equipping Peter asked. for his crusade. It was u simple job, I glanced at Peter. "We're hard- for we were not rich in properties. bitten fellows and can face the truth. ' His get up, with his thick f ur-collared I think the chances against success greateoat, was not unlike the ordinary are about five to one." | Turkish officer seen in a dim light. "Two to one," said Peter modestly. ! But Peter had no intention of pass- "Not worse than that. I don't think ing for a Turk, or indeed of giving' you're fair to me, Dick, my old anybody tho chanco of seeing him, an now," t-nici Frank's pastor, culling upon the family. "Yea," was the eager reply, "it will be the real thing now. I must be ready to tep Into the boat at six o'clock every morning, and every day that the water Is lit we must row bard for an hour, and If we can't go out there are rowing machines for us to practice on There's other training too and then early to bed!" "And your diet?" "Oh, yes. It's all carefully regu- lated," said Frank. "Frank," exclaimed the pastor, with his face shining, "you make me jeal- ous! What splendid enthusiasm row- Ing has aroused In you! What a world we should have If we could only in- spire our young people with similar enthusiasm for Christ's service! Paul seems to have been aroused in a fully, last. "I think I should," he said at tating to the skin. A mitten included the stove- cleaning outfit will protect the hand when dusting or shining the stove. EACH DAY'S WORK. little seven-year-old daughter Baking Black Paper White. Old newspapers and books are used My to make cardboard and coarse wrap- ! has a set of those pictures showing ping paper. It Is difficult, however, to ; cute little maids doing their work for produce white paper from waste print- ! each day. Once when Betty was won- ed paper. Various attempts have been j dering what to do, I suggested that made to dissolve the oily or resinous | every day sh<i do some of the work portion of the printing inks with solu- j that was intended frr that particular tions of soap, petroleum, caustic sodas | day, just as the little girls in the pic- and so forth In order to wash away the black pigment afterward. There was some time ago Invented a process for removing the Ink pigment tures were doing. She agreed readily and was eager to begin. So on Monday she washed cut a few small pieces I gave her and by treating the printed paper with ironed them on Tuesday. Wednesday boiling solutions of borax. The hope she went to see a friend. For her Mlnartj't Liniment Heal* Cuts. similar way when he saw the athletes j \ a expressed that this method may act : Thursday's sewing I cut out a square I attribute my extraordinarily good of old. He admired their enthusiasm, as a check on the rapid deforestation ! of lawn and showed her how to hem i health at sixty-five not only te being Three-quarters of the cases of ap- pendicitis arise from gluttonous habit* and could be cured by castor-oil and a week's fasting. Dr. Josiah Oldneld. their energy and their sacrifices to win In the Olympic games and gain the laurel wreaths that faded so quick- ly; and he bade his disciples contend as sincerely and Intelligently for crowns that would not fade. I hope of this country and avert a condition that has threatened to cause a crisis in the paper Industry. Mlnard't Liniment for Dandruff. Woman's Sphere it nicely for a handkerchief, her first real lesson in needlecraft. Friday she helped me about my cleaning, really helped, and on Saturday, cooking day, a teetotaller, but also to being a non- smoker. Bishop of London. We take our blessings too much fof I let her prepare a simple dish. Onj te<L _ sir H Rider Haggard. Sunday she went to Sunday school. | Then she was anxious to begin the week all over again. Now this plan of occupation not PUPIL NURSES WANTED at the only kept her happy and interested BUFFALO CITY HOSPITAL but really instructed her in all the branches of household art Realizing its possibilities, I am planning to make this form of play into a real development. Alice A. Keen. I The soaps, creams and lotions which | Nothing so strengthens the mind and best sui, you, must not be overlooked., enlarges the manhood and widens the Toothpaste, talcum powder, and suth; thought as the constant effort to mea- *>r hearth. friend." I looked at thut Iran, tight figure and the gentle, resolute face, and I he was more concerned to fit in with the landscape. So he stripped off the greatcoat and pulled n grey sweater of changed my mind. "I'm hanged If I mine over his jacket, and put on his think there are any o<id," I said, head a woollen helmet of the same "With anybody else it would want a 'color. Ho had no need of the map, miracle, but with Peter I believe the for he had long since got his route by. A POPULAR "MIDDY" STYLE. chances are level." "Two to one," Peter persisted. heart, and what was once fixed in that "If mind stuck liku wax; but I made him It was evens I wouldn't be interested." i take Stumm's plan and paper, hidden "I-et me go," Sandy cried. "J talk, below his shirt. The big difficulty, I: the lingo, and can pass an a Turk, 'saw, wonld ho getting to the Russians | nd I'm a million times likelier to get without being shot, assuming he' through. For fiod's sake, Dick, let ' passed the Turkish trenches. He could me go." | only hope that ho would strike some "Not you. You're wanted here. If, one with a smattering of English or j you disappear the whole show's bust- 1 German. Twice ho ascended to tho ' ^too soon, and the three of us left 'roof and came buck cheerful, for there ^will be strung up bef^xmorn- was promise of wild weather. *^jjo, rny KQH^vTHi'r," jftjTBlL Hussin brought in our supper, and to*escape7bu? l f( wTn !, in company P*t*r made up a parcel of food. Blenk- with Blenkirr/r, and me. We've got to ir^-F" I had Wh small flasks of ( ; . ,., ?k- i...! r.r.nm,,ntle business <jrLmWt nd 1 gave him mine. blow the whole Greenmantle business o high that the bite of it will nov^ come to firth again. by you" Jjlffl * _^^H ^T-dozen. __ > c ompan- They are Tready about what hai made me sound them "presence, and they wero quite dy to accept me as Groenmantle's successor. Hut they have their sus- picions about what happened at tho ln-1'1 out hid hand quite l.i- a good child who is going off to bed. It was too much for Rlenk- iron. With large tears rolling down his face he announced that, If wo all! THE GREATEST BEAUT1FIERS. Undoubtedly good health, cleanli- ness and happiness are the greatest beautifiers. We can not always attain all three, but as Icng as water and - - IAS \l''.l 1 'Illl >'l , fllt'l plain food are available, we can have ^ foundatjon of all the cleanliness of body (within and; without) which is so necessary for) good health. Good health is usually- dependent on good habits, and so is by no means unattainable, while hap- piness is partly habit, partly depen- dent on good health, and can some- times be cultivated. These beautifiers must be supplemented by good sense, and that IK a quality which none dare Ignore. Man) people claim that happineoa is the greatest beautifier, and while I would not dispute its effect, I know that sometimes a sad face can be very beautiful. But admiration for "an interesting pallor" went out of style years ago. We now admire the glow of health, the natural glow, not that which is applied by a here's foot and a lipstick. Practice the following rules if you would have both good health and good loo Its: Refuse to worry. That's Rul 1, the most important and the hardest. If you are too nervous to be able to control your mind, follow the rest of the treatment and the worries will seem let** Important as you feel bet- ter able to cope with them. Rule 2. Eat health-giving foods. Fresh fruiU, cooked fruiU, graham * 294 - No 8ch<X)1 * rl " wardrobe is bread, rice, oatmeal, potatoes, caull- com P leto without several middy flower, carrota, greens and other fresh [blouses, and no garment is quite as 462 Grider St. Buffalo, N.Y. 863 beds for the reception of (very known disease. 8 DISPENSARIES IN CONNECTION. Affiliated with the University of Buffalo Medical Department. 3 year registered course, fitting pupilt other aid to the toilet as are required 1 sure up to a high ideal, to struggle af- 1 !. 1 ' , B . cd 'j de - ^ ubl . lc ""j^ * nd Ad particular needs will add. ter that which Is beyond us and above and appearance, but|us. It stretches the mind, as It were, " " ' looks is i to a larger measure, and touches the life to finer Issues. O. 8. M. Where there's a will there are ways one right and one wrong. Ubomory demon- work IB The fault lies not in failure, but in aiming too low. SHAW SCHOOLS Trtln rtj-jni ruidlui foe lutvwful atln>- ti . Horn* Stud; Courm r strand? fMtund. Writ* for U and full Mrtl.-uliri tbout tar COUTM IB which you ar* tmtmted. i '!-.< A. t 8AI11NE. KKUISTIUR. 14 Bioor Wi. - Tomau Dietetics, Homo Economics. Bacteri- ology, Chemistry. Physiology and Gen- eral Nursing subjects Opportunities for selected graduates to fill paid executive positions or pur- cue special study courses. THE EXPBRIENCE WE OFFER EQUALS A 3 YEAR COLLEGE COURSE. Entrance requirements: 1 year Nw York State High School or its equiva- lent. Salary. |15.00 a month. Food, lodging, uniforms, laundry and books furnished free. Straight eight hour dcty. No split watches. One whole day off every seren dayi. A WELL-CONDUCTED NTJRSINQ COURSE IS A FINE PREPARATION FOR WIFEHOOD AND A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO CULTIVATE THE HABIT OF RIGHT LIVING New Clatt Now Forming. vegetable*, salads, HUM, buttermilk, sweet milk, cream, eggs, bread, butter, broths, and meats which are roasted, broiled or stewed, not fried. These came through, he was going to fit him foods are listed with the moirt im- comfortable. In drill, Indian head, flannel, khaki, linen and silk, thlij style will be very pleasing. The blouse may be finished with straight lower edge, or with the now so popular "hip ' fllll- i III 'rn^. u, tlV II - h ' ''K ' l1 ' Mflll I ' | .1 'I'L 111 1 ' I A \ into tho softest birth that money could ' portant ones first Such a diet will I band. ^ The plaited skirt Is^ to be buy. I don't think he was understood,! make the elimination of the body nor-' * un- for old Peter's eyes had now the far- rfwny absorption of the hunter who has found game. He was thinking ""R u To~8'' Knead tho abdomen, If the mill, and perhaps make Rulo 3 necessary. only, of his job bowels air sluggish, in order to stim- ulate their action. Rule 4. Take plenty of outdoor ex- | ercise. Gardening is a wonderful help, finished with a band or joined to an underwaist The Pattern is cut in r. Sizes: $30,000,000 'Estimated production for 1924 of the Gold Mines of Ontario. Investment eV Speculative Opportunities describ- ed In our booklet "Gold Mine* of Ontario" EDITION nd Circular P de- scribing T O U H - OAKES-BURNSIUaV 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 10-year size requires :!'> yards for the blouse, and| 1% yard for the skirt, of 86-Inch material. Pattern mailed to any address on villa, and they've* no love for the wo- 1 *f wo legs and a pair of very shabby man. . . . They'd follow me through boots vanished through the trap, and i hell If I bade them, but they would ' suddenly 1 felt utterly lonely and des- ! rather it wa my own show." perately sad. Tho guns wore begin-' - "That's all right," I cried. "It Is ning to roar again in the east, and in 1 "<> V 01 ' can begin your home treatment receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by the ono thing I've beer, doubtful about. 'the interval camo the whintle of the when yon get ready to start your nexti the Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Now observe this map. Krzorum Isn't rising storm, invested by a long chalk. Tho RU.H- ians are round It in a broad half- moon. That means that all the west, outh-wcfit, and .north-west is open arjl undefended by trench-lines. There' are flanks far uwuy to the north and CHAPTER XX. south in the hills which can bo turned, " and once wo get round a flank thero'n \ ] _ _\_ nothing between us and our friends. . . . Pve figured out our roiid," and I traced it on the map. "If we can make that big circuit to the west and W "" H - r " outl > ull(l 'nK wo were lodged PKTKR IMENAAR C.OKH TO TIIK WAIW. This chapter is th tale 1'ute.r told long afii-r, sitting beside a stove itel at Itergen, where we for our boat. He climbed on (hi 1 roof and down the broknn brick* of the outer summer's garden. Take walks in the open, climb hills. Rule f>. Sleep eight hour* at night, and if quite run down, two extra hours in ilin afternoon. Always sleep with the windows wido open. Uulr '. is about bathing. In winter, Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. SURPRISE PUMPKINS. The women of a club coined quite a __ little sum of money from their iur- A Thousand Cooking Uses. For oups, sauces, gravies, Mvoury <iihc, meat jdliet, beef tej, and rcsto ring the flavor to le f t over diihe , get over the pass unobserved we're. In abutted on road, and was nuUuio bound to strike a Russian column tho lno I"'l )er "''' of the bonne. At next day. It'll be n rough road but fir 'i"" ir y l "" cs ' have no doul.t. there I fancy we've all ridden as bad in Wt ' ro sontrios . lmt Sandy and Hussin our time. ;ut ono thing wii rmmt "'"' l'">tmbly managed to clear them have, and that's horses. Can wo and off tll ' M L ' ml for " littl1 '- Anyhow ho your six ruffians slip off in the dark- HIIW " <>l)<>(| y he eroMtd tho roiul and ness on the best beast* in Ibis town- tlivcd int<) th( ' Iillow - v liollls - ^__ Ho knew very well that hr must do 1 " tho job in the twelve hours of dark- 1 ness ahead of him. Tho immediate i front of u liattlu i a bit too public j for any one to lio hidden in by day, especially whun two or three feet of snow make everything kensppcklo. Now hurry in a job of tbis kind was abhorrent to Peter's Koul, for, like all HoerH, his iiiMlc . wore for slowness and suronosB, thouuh In- roulil hustle I'M ! enough when 1ms I e u.i nei'ded. An ho piiHhetl through tho winter fleUU he reckoned up tho things in hi* favor, and found tho only one tho dirty won- thore. There wan u high, gusty wind, blowing scuds of snow Imt never com- ing to any grmit fall. The frost bad gone, and the lying snow was as soft nt< butter. Thut was all to tho good, ' I ho thought, for n clear, hard nightl j would huve been the devil. ; RAW FURS WANTED Hlghitt Prlcn Paid for Skunk, Toon, Mink, Fox, Deer- Sk us. Hides, Calfskins, &r. flhtp to Cunadinn Hide & Leather Co., Ltd., Toronto, OnL take not less than two warm baths 1 P rUe pumpkiiw. They cut the top. off :i week; in summer, ono every day,!* number of rather large pumpkins leforo retiring. If you are not sleep- aml "cooped out the inside until no- ing well, fill the tub with water at 102 thin S hut B thin rind remained. These j leg. F., get in for two minutes, then were neatly lined with waxed paper let it cool to 93 deg. and stay in half, an(1 dainty luncheons packed carefully an hour. This rarely falls to Induce 1 ' them, using ham and chicken sand- sleep, wiches, small cakes of different kinds, Every niifht, strip off your clothes 1 pickles, salads, nuts, fruit and home- in a warm room, of cnirso and rub" d candies. No two pumpkins con- tho body vigorously all over with a tined exactly similar luncheons, ano rough Turkish towel, it stimulates \ In each was put a little trinket or a the blotd, frees the pores of collected '<>>' Tho tops were attached to th matter and helps to make tho com- j fhells by means of green ribbons run plexlon fresh and clour. through holes. These pumpkins were Theao are the rules for health, fol-l auctioned off t booths -natlo out of EDDYS MATCHES Remember to ask fcr Eddyb when you order matches Private wir connect our oflic with Buffalo, Montr..! and Now York low them, am! wo how much prettiiv you'll look! 1 8S UP No. OP '23. NURSES Tli Toronto Hoptil for Incur- tNi**. In niilM,iili<ii with llcllcvue ftnd Allied H ..,,li,.,l. New York City ; rr.-i a lhr* yean' Couri* of Train- Inv in inn UK women, hnvlnc th* ro- uulrtil education, am) doclroun of bt- coining riurini. Thli HoiplUI hut ilopteil iiui dtht-hcur iyilin. Th pupil* receive uniform* of lh School, t monthly allowance and travllln| rxp. n.- to MM. I frnm New York For further Information apply to in* Muportntdnitent. cornstalks, and lit up with jack-o'- lanterns. I<ong tables were provided on which to eat thrir lunches, and iwcet milk, buttermilk and lemonade were served. Lots of people in the towns near by patronized this auction. MITTENS FOR HOUSKWORK. A number of household tasks am more pleasantly and quickly done if I the hand in slipped into a suitable ! mitten before commencing tho work. I Of course the mitten should be kept in a convenient place. ' From old flannel stitch up two mit- People want Practical Gifts so lets make thism Electrical Christmas LJOTPOIXT Servants, the -* standard by which all other electrical appliance* arc jttdsed. enable you to select a suitable gift (or everyone on your li- 1 Irony, percolator -t. curling iron*, chafing dishes, immersion heaters, glow loot ami air heaters, av can be obtained from your nearest vnx u.v v .iti f ned from your deiUrr 3 in.v A ^ %^P^**^F>^F

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