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Flesherton Advance, 19 Dec 1923, p. 10

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December 19, 1923 EljlSHEETON ADVANCE The Day After Christmas A graceful finish is one of the ess- ential touches of any successful ven- ture. The pianist does not drop his hands abruptly from the keys as soon as he has played the last note, but , ... something: which is not a play, but a holds them there a moment longer ... . very real part of life! The days after Chrstmas should with fitting dignity or appropriate gayety. I has all been a play; but , even BO, the actors do not walk off {after the last word is said and' allow ] the stage hands to rush on, that i would offend the mood of the aud- ! ience. How much truer this is of until the music dies away. Diners out would be indignant if the table were whisked clean the moment the . be as mystica i in tneir way as were last mouthful was swallowed. They U days before christmas . The orn . find the lingering on a little while amentg that decked the tree Bhou , d fae over the coffee and nuts most de- put away with the same care and lightful. pleasure with which they were Chrismas is too beautiful and too 'brought out, the greens taken down Bolemn a festival to drop in this hasty I w jth the same merriment that ac- fashion the moment the clock strikes , companied their going up. The after- midnight, for any occasion which j K i w is sometimes the most beautiful needs an adequate closing and partic- , part of the sunset, and sometimes ularly is this true of those things jt is even more beautiful than the whose value lies in sentimei t. sunset itself. There are many things to be done after Chrstmas. There are the let- ters to be written, houses to be put in order, gifts to be arranged and every- one of the countless details may be The romance of crime is illustrated in the case of Dr. Cook of North Pore done either with grace or without it. notoriety. A millionaire criminal in In the theatre the final curtain falls for 15 years helping scrub his prison. TKe General Manager and Staff of BANRIORONTO Extend to all their Clients and Friends Hearty Good Wishes for A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year FIVE YEARS' REST CURE FOR FORGER Harold Churchill, who went around the County of Simcoe with many aliases and who represented himself as an apple buyer for the J. A. Mc- donald Co., Winnipeg, and who operat- ed on an extensive scale around Cree- more, Lisle and Alliston was arrested at the Sault at the orders of the Prov. I Police here. He was turned over to |the Toronto City Police who wjnted ihim on five charges of fraud. On Monday, December 10th he was tried before Police Magistrate Jones at To- ; ronto and found guilty on five charges land sentenced to thr^e years at King- Iston penitentiary, sentences to run concurrent. He was then re-arrested by Provincial Constable Gardner on a charge of forgery, theft and fraud for offences committed around Cree- more, during the first week of Nov- ember. He was taken to Barrie, be- fore Police Mag. Jeffs and pleaded i guilty to the three charges and sent- ! enced to two years, to run concurrent on the charge forgery and fraud, 2 I years in Kingston penitentiary for the theft of 31 barrels of apples from the Railway Staton, Creemore. This sentence to commence at the end of the three year sentence imposed in Toronto, making five years to serve at Kingson. Churchill is an American iand has 19 previous convictions on !the American side and 8 convictions | on this side. He was returned to the Toronto jail on Wednesday night, en- ! route for Kingston penitentiary. .Messenger. BORN NEILSON At -143 Wellesly Street Toronto, on Tuesday, December 18th I'.i23, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson a son. THISTLETHWAITE To Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite on Friday December 14th, 1923, a son. Wagons And Sleighs Built AND REPAIRED. BLACKSMITHIXG DONE I have had long experience in this line and can guarantee satisfaction Your orders solicited. CHESTER LONG, Maxwel Sports The Owen Sound junior hockey earn has brought honor and glory to heir native county in their recent lockey winnings in Toronto by de- eating two fast Toronto teams with mving had hardly any ice practice, 'hee first game, with having had only hree half hour parctics, Owen Sound won from the U.T.S. club by three goals to two, and on Friday night ast trimmed the Parkdale Canoe lub team four to three. These vic- ories of the Owen Sound juniors are notteworthy as it is practically a new .earn and for them to win from a ;eam that had ice training regularly 'or two weeks is a performance that, vith the showing they have just made shourd give hem a chance for the 0. H.A. junior championship. Come on Owen Sound bring the champion- ship to Grey! A Christmas Party In An Indian School Small Advertisements Truck For Rent 1% ton truck for rent. G. B Welton, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday ( On the Toronto Line Provincial and Saturday. Graham Bros., ; Highway. Three farms., two of 10O Eugenia. ' acres and one of 50 acres all cleared. For Sale-Bird^ Mackinaws, ' First class . buil <""K". "P to date in Pular. Will sell any one tweeds and yarns at the Feversham i ^ P^umr. WJU sell any one tailor shop.-H. Alexander. i th , ese ' Go d brick house on ne "2 NOTICE No hunting, trapping or trspassing on lot 24, con. 10, Artc- -Rob. A. Gorley, Eugenia. the farms. The stabling for anni- WANTED A quantity of wheat m als is perfect. One farm has ten and oats, W. J. Stewart and Sons, acres hardwood bush and another Flesherton. .nundred has three acres of timber " and has buildinngg for everything needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed dould investigate. JAS. STINSON, m y Proton Station P.O. FOR SALE Dry Hardwood for sale. Robt. J. Vause, Proton Station, Phone Flesherton 32 r 13. f SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that O our customer* in the lix corn- el munities may materially ben- f fit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone instinct- ^ ively associates with high ^ quality merchandise at the ^ faireit potiibl" prices. ^jj A PROGRESSIVE STORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY > Save Money on your Purchases of Toys, Dolls and all Christmas Gifts by Doing Your Buying at Hill's, Which is Certainly Santa Glaus Headquarters for 1923 YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT OUR DISPLAY OF TOYS, DOLLS, ETC. WHICH ARE LOCATED IN OUR MILLINERY PARLORS. WE CAN POSITIVEY SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR PURCHASES OF TOYS, ETC. ALL WE ASK IS THE PRIVILEGE OF PROVING THIS TO YOU. ONCE YOU HAVE SEEN OUR DISPLAY AND NOTED THE PRICES YOU WILL BE SATISFIED THAT WHAT WE SAY IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. WE MERELY ASK YOU TO JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. COME EARLY WHILE THE DISPLAY IS MOST COMPLETE Grocery Specials good up to and includ- ing December the 24th Seedless Raisins 2 Ibs for 25c. Bright Bulk Dates 2 1-2 IBs lor 25c. Walnuts 2 Ibs for 45c. 4-String Brooms 39c. Good size Tin Pork and Beans 9c. Large Tins Salmon 2 for 25c. 4 Bars Comfort Soap for 25c. Spanish Onions 4 Ibs for 30o. Shelled Walnuts per Ib. 50c. Five Crown Flour $3.25 per 98-lb Bag We are still selling Five Crowns Flour at a net trade or cash Price of $3.25 for 98-lb. Bags. t S As Christmas time drew nigh at one of the Cree winter camps near Island Lake, which is about two hun- dred and fifty miles by canoe from Norway House at the mouth of the Nelson river, the teacher, who was the only white woman in the camp, wondered what gift she could give her pupils in rmmbrance of God's great gift. On account of her econ- omical way of living she had a few extra supplies, so decided o celebrate the holiday by giving the children a party. She carifully planned her menu. She had quite a lot of jam loft; so she made jam sandwiches. Having used her supply of tea, she had to resort to coffee, which the children had never before tasted. As brown su^ur was another scarce art- icle she made taffy out of white sugar and flavored it with vinegar. The night before the party she told each child to bring a cup the next morning. When the cups arri- ved it was quite ex'ident that they were coated with many months' prime. To remedy this Miss Sturdy Kave them hot water, cloths and Old Dutch Cleanser and the children dili- gently set to work scouring their cups. This operation lasted nearly all morning, but at noon came they were able o .show shining I'M cups. For the party they placed their benches in the form of a triangle and all faced the centre, where Miss Sturdy made % table from a packing box. When she passed the plate of .sandwiches to the first child, he nc- ec-ptctl the whole plate as his share. However, she showed them just to take one, and all the rest followed the leader. When all had been served she told them to eat; but no one tatsted them, ulhough they had already felt and smelt them. Finally it dawned upon the hostess that they would not eat until thy had said grace, so she began the Cree grace and they all joined in. Then with one or two gulps at the most, the sandwiches were devoured. They were passed and re-passed, until each child stored away about, a dozen sandwiches. For some time their curiosity hat! bt-t'ii aroused by the odours from the coffee pot. When it was served, after much smelling, they drank it. The candy, being of a sticky nature, was rather difficult to serve, but was none the less enjoyed by these Cree children. After the feast the gifus, consisting of handkerchiefs, ribbons, etc., from the Mission House, were distribued. Then they were told that they might go home, but not a child moved. After a rather lengthy pause one child stepped out into the centre of the room. The rest stood up. Then altogether said, "Kiche Mamoo, Miss Sturdy," which, in our language means, "We thank you very much, Mias Sturdy." NOTICE No hunting or trapping on the Beaver Fishing Club property. P. Riley, manager. FOR SALE Good dining room ex- tenion table and number of chairs to be sold cheap.-^-John Heard, Flesh- erton. Phone. DROPSY PROVED FATAL Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fieher of the Colling- wood Gravel, who lost their little 8- year-old son last week by dropsy. Some time ago the little fellow had scarlet fever, which left in its train the seeds of dropsy, which eventually proved fatal. Interment took place at Maxwell cemetery on Friday last. F.T.H ILL & Co.. Limited. Markdale wEb like* m duall, grome and pi tf 4 fcuppljr of meat krijr ot thei by raU . fowli. Guinea* hum nine months in the ood aa a watch do When iomethlng hardy hawk that en when there are include the common gre pie barberry In your lilt of thla Bonnou's planting,, nopt plant tor the wheat ust not be planted near The Thunberg'B or Jp-> y li much more satl*- r ornamental DUUOIM. -' FOR SALE Portland cutter al- most as good as new; also sett of single harness, collar and hames. A. Cameron, Eugenia. FOR SALE Good driving mare ten years old, is a good worker on the farm, also good cutter and harness. Jas. E. Wilson, Flesherton. FOR SALE Two good cows, one Jersey, the other grade Durham, both freshen this month. Peter Muir, Ceylon. HOUSE FOR RENT House for rent in Eugenia; Grooms, pantry and wash room, and pood woodshed, pump at door, good stable. Moderate rent for winter months. A. Hoy, Eugenia. FOR SALE A few good torn and hen turkeys, bred from first class torn at London, Ont., fair, 1922. Jas. Turner, Priceville. Phone 21rll. SOW STRAYED From lot 19, 20, 2nd N.D.R., Osprey, one large white sow Finder please communicate with Dawson Gordon, Maxwell P.O. STRAYED From lot 29, con. 17, Proton, red cow (dry) 4 years old, and red heifer with white markings, 2 yrs. old, has hole in ear, not dehorned. Kindly notify A. Quinn, Proton Sta- ton; phone l'_'r II, Dundalk. FOR RENT Large room on main street, would do nicelv for tailor shop equipped with counter and tables; also apartment for rent in my house Mrs. M. McDonald, Flesherton. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. CAME ASTRAY Sheep came astray to the premise: of the undersigned within the pas two weeks, lots 51- 52, 2nd range, N E.T.&S.R., Artemesia. Owner prove property and pay expenses. HARMON RADLEY, Flesherton, Ont SHEEP CAME ASTRAY Came to the premises of the under- signed, in Flesherton, on or -about December 4th, 1923, a sheep. Ownei prove property and pay expenses. W, J. STEWART, Flesherton HEIFER STRAYED From my premises on lot 9, con. 8 Artemesia, sometime during the past couple months red and white yearling heifer, with pig ring in right ear. Anybody knowing 'the whereabouts of this animal please communicate with H. M. PEDLAR, Ceylon P. O. FARM FOR SALE 50 acres, good farming, dwelling, barn, near village of Flesherton. Sec or write^ S. E. deC U DM ORE, Flesherton. Farm For Sale Lot 40 con. 12 and lot 40, con.ll, in the Township of Artemesia; 200 acres, good house, good barn, well watered, about 100 acres under cul- tivation. Apply to W. A. AMSTRONG, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Lot 166and 167, 1st range W.T. & S.R., 100 acres, 2 miles south of Fle- iherton on the Provincial Highway ; 85 acres under cultivation, balance asture and swamp land. For par- iculars apply to Mrs. M. Thistleth- waite, Flesherton. Caretaker Wanted Caretaker for Flesherton public school, duties to commence 1st Jan- uary, 1924. Apply- stating salary to the secretary. W. J.BELLAMY, Secretary. Bush Lot For Sale Lot 36, concession 14 in the Town- ship of Aremesia, 100 acres, about 35 acres hardwood, 35 acres soft wood balance pasture .well watered. Apply to W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton House and Lot For Sale Large frame house, 10 rooms; Ifc acres of land. Residence of the late John Breen. Apply to JOHN WRIGHT, Boar For Service A young Tamworth Boar 5 mos. old for service on lot 167, S.W.T.&S.R. Artemesia. Terms 31.00. Sows not returned will be charged same as Feb. 15 Feb.15 -T. J. STIXSON, Prop. those in pig. P'g. Boar For Servi ce Purebred Registered Yorkshire Boar for service-Vineyard Famous 77530 on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R Art- emesia. Terms $1.00. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those m pig. Feb.15 _ T j. STINSON, T. Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of e i ^ 2 ! 058 "- for service at i^ SI, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms-Por -H. C. RADLEY & SON. 1Jne Fleshe.-tonl BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. WxG. Davi*. L.D.S., graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Office nt the cor. of Queen St., B. and Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 138S ~r. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Office Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 35. Prince Arthur Lodge. 333, A.F. it A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton, every Fri- day on or before the full moon. A. Sinclair, W.M., A. E. Bellamy, Sec. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Luca Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnic, Barristers, soli- citors, etc., Offices Grey and Bruce- Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W P. Telford Jr., J. F. p. Birnie. Win. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar- anteed. Arrangements for dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Fevershanv or by addressing me at Feversham. J.AJClarke Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey WILLOUGHBY FARM & REAL ESTATE Representative, Markdale Terms reasonable Try me for your next auctiott sale. I know farm conditions, thoroughly, and can guaran- tee satisfaction Orders left at The Advance office will receive prompt attention.

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