For One Cent you may obtain 3 cups of H40S AsK for a trial pacKage today. Delicious ! Economical ! QREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) CHAPTER XVIII. (Cont'd.) "Where are we?" I asked Hussin. "I'm wilHnr, Dickr" he said. "But you musn't ask me to be friends with Stumm. He makes my stomach cold, that one." For the first time he had stopped calling me "Cornelia." The day of make-believe was over for all of us. "Not to be friends with him," I said, "but to bust him and all his kind." "Then I'm ready," said Peter cheer- fully. "What is it?" I spread out the maps on the divan. wise he would go on battering at the There was no light in the place but Deve Boyun ridge for weeks, ard long Bleu k iron's electric torch, for Hussin Woman's Sphere WHAT SHALL WE FLAY. I linen can b eradicated by applying a How many umes a mother must! hot iron and two pieces of blotting answer that question! Not only at paper which absorb the wax. Then the home for her own children, but at the color is removed by soaking material neighborhood parties, picnics or com- munity gatherings, is she asked to tuggest a game. Not long ago I attended a family party that is, a gathering where all In denatured alcohol for a few min- utes. Fruit, tea, coffee and chocolate dis- colorations are removed by holding the cloth taut over a bowl and pouring - , the members of th family came for a ( boiling water over the sta.n. A paste One game that caused of borax and cold water with much - - - nour. excitement was a clothespin Two lines of folks of all ages, rinsing, takes out chocolate easily and usually grease spots yield to soap and hot water treatment. Iron rust comes out by applying a paste of table salt and lemon juice several times, alter- nating with steam from the tea kettle spout. Black grease or tar stains can be removed by rubbing spots with lard, then wash In hot suds. Javelle water is a good commercial bleach, but it can't be used on colored materials as it destroys color. Use' only on cotton and linen. Make a solu- bleach, soak cloth in it R few minutes, rinse well and in the last rinsing add a few drops of clear ammonia water. A VERY ATTRACTIVE COSTUME FOR MASQUERADE, FANCY DRESS AFFAIRS, ETC. play much race. and a bag of clothespins for each line, a starter to see them off and the pins were passed down the line one at a time. The line that emptied its bag first won the race. If the game is played where sea's are plentiful, the lines may as well sit down for the game. An apple race for bojs amuses on- lookers as well as the boys. Apple* are placed on the floor or grass, one for each boy, and they must be rolled a certain distance and returned, the boys using their noses. A popular game among our younfj folks and one that any number may olay has been one where the leader takes the centre with the group cir- rled about her, cither sitting or utanding. She approaches one of the C.roup and, pointing to her own eye, ihe says, "This is my nose." While she counts ten, the one she addresses trust respond by pointing to her nope sncl saying, "This is my eye." If she car respond, she keeps her place; otherwise she takes the centre and hunts another victim of slow wits. Touch any portion of the body. For instance say, "This Is my chin," and be pointing to an elbow, and the re- sponse must be "This is my elbow," while the speaker points to his chin. I saw a mock auto race the other evening that was a complete success. Groups of six were chosen, and as many groups could take part as there was room for the race track. Each group chose a car to represent. Then a relay race began. One of the group, representing a car, would race across the yard, turn a chair around, sit upon it, arise and turn the chair back again before returning home for the second racer to start. Five groups were represented, and you may rest assured that excitement rose to a high jii'i h at times. For a small group of about a dozen or fifteen, Passing the Dollar is en- joyed by young folks. Seated in a circle, each person grasps the wrist of the one sitting at his left. The right hand of every one is free, except at the wrist. Then a dollar is taken by one and passed to his neighbor. The dollar must be continually passed, but carefully enough that the person in the centre will have difficulty in lo- cating it All hands keep up the pre- tense so that one is continually reach- ing to clasp a hand on one side or the other. When the hunter In the centre locates the dolar, the one found! combinations. The sleeve may be clasping it must be the hunter and short and finished with a deep ruffle In the house of the Master " he ''"' ne wo " ' l the Gallipdli divisions had put out the lantern. Peter got said. "You will be safe here but you WOU W arrive, he would be outnumber- his nose into the things at once, for must keep still till the Master comes." e< * by two to one, atid his chance would his intelligence work in the Boer War "Is the Prankish lady here?" 'j'have vanished. had made him handy with maps. It asked. " | My discovery set me pacing up and didn't want much telling from me to Hussin nodded and from a wallet " OW 7 1 *bat cellar in a perfect fever of explain to him the importance of the brought out some food raisins and excitement I longed for wireless, a one I had looted, cold meat and a loaf of bread. We carrler P?eon, an aeroplane any- That news is worth many million fell on it like vultures and as we ate tn ing to bridge over the space of half pounds," said he, wrinkling his brows, Hussin disappeared. I noticed that he 2. dozen miles between me and the and scratching delicately the tip of his locked the door behind him Russian lines. It was maddening to left ear. It was a way he had when i As soon as the meal was'ended the lhave . stumbled on vital news ajid to he was startled, others returned to their interrupted be wholl y unable to use it. How^could _ How ca " we get it to our fnends?" sleep But I was wakeful now and tnree fugitives in a cellar, with the Peter cogitated. "There is but one my mind was sharp-set on many whole hornet's nest of Turkey and way., A man must take it. Once, I things. I got Blenkiron's electric Germany stirred up against them, remember, when we fought the Mata- torch and lay down on the divan to ^P 43 to send this message of life and beU> it was necessary to find out study Stutnm's map. death? , whether the chief Makapan was liv- The first glance showed me that I . I , we , nt back to th , e m . a P and exam ' I"*'. om 8<ud he had d ' ed ' others had lit on a treasure It was the lne " * ne nearest Russian positions, that ned gone over the Portu- stafF map of the Erzerum defences, i Th ?y were carefully marked. Prjev- guese border, but I believed he lived, showing the forte and field trenches alB * v ln the north, the mam force No native could tell us. and since his with little notes scribbled in Stumm's beyond Deve Boyun, and the southern kraaJ was well defended no runner neat small hand-writing I got out columns up to the passes of the Pal- could gt through. So it was neces- the big map which I had taken from antu . ken bu t not yet across them. I^ary to send a man." Blenkiron, and made out the general "> uld P.?, 1 T kn w whj ch was the nearest Peter lifted up his head and laugh- lie 01 the land. I saw the horseshoe > " s iM r l Discovered where we were.jed. The man found the chief Maka- of Deve Boyun to the east of which Andas * thought of this I began to; pan. He was very much alive and the Russian guns were battering. see * ne rudiments of a desperate plan, j mane good shooting with a shot-gun. Stumm's was just like the kind of ^ de P nd ed on Peter, now slumbering But the man brought the chief Maka- squared artillery map we used in '' ke a tired dog on a couch of straw, j pan out of his kraal and handed him France 1 in 10 000 with spidery red ' Hussin had locked the door, and I j over to the Mounted Police. You re- lines snowing the trenches, but with must wait for information till he came, member Captain Arcoll. Dick Jim the difference that it was the Turkish * But , suddenly I noticed a trap Areoll? Well, Jim laughed so much trenches that were shown in detail and m the roof, which had evidently been that he broke open a wound in his the Russian only roughly indicated. UB * d for "king and lowering the head, and had to have the doctor." The thing was really a confidential , cellar's stores. It looked ill-fitting plan of the whole Erzerum enceinte, and mi K ht be unbarred, so I pulled the mf AltCf Amtorsali that benefit* every- Aids digestion, cleanses the teeth, soothes the throat. WfflGLEirS a good thing to remember Sealed in its Purity Paekiio FLAVOR LASTS Such a Disappointment. Little Irene marched Into the room ! breathless. "O mother," she said, "don't scold me for being late to sap- per, because I've had a disappoint- ment. A horse fell down and they said they were going to send for a horse doctor, so I waited, and what do you think? It wasn't a horse doctor after all. It was only a man." and would be worth untold gold to the J^ b . le enemy. No wonder Stumm had been " ltle found that with a I could raise the flap. I I was taking immense risks, but I was so keen on my plan that I dia- "You were that man. Peter," I said. "Ja. I was the man. There are more ways of getting into kraals than there are ways of "keeping people out" "Will you take this chance? or -*? in ' Dk ' I in a wax at its loss | The Deve Boyun lines seemed to me . i u- t j, monstrously strong, and I remember- farded them. After some trouble I 'stiff with doing nothing and if I sit in ed the merits of the Turk as a fighter P* the thin r prised open, and catch-, houses much longer I shall grow old. tion of equal parts of water and the behind strong defences. It looked as in * the ed ?* s ot the hole with my fin- A man bet me five pounds on the ship HOMEWORK We require parties to knit men's wool socks (or us at home, either with machine or by hand. Send stamp and addressed envelope for Information. The Canadian Wholesale Dlstrlbut- Ing Co., Qrlllls. Ont if Russia were up against a second Plevna or a new Gallipoli. |. Then I took to studying the flanks. !"w South lay the Palantuken range of 6 my body and * tnees , and it was half as 4624. This could be developed "Mother Witch." "Mother Goose" or similar characters. able as a Colonial paper would be the. most inexpensive material; crepe in silk or cotton, cre- tonne or chintz and sateen, brocade and plain material, all are desirable It is also desir- Costume. Crepe Passing the Dollar is continued. A larger circle calls for two dollars and two hunters. L. M. S. THAT HORRID STAIN. Every housewife at times has trying experiences with stains, but there are some common agents by which stains and 1 discolorations can be removed, proved by home economics experts. Colored candle wnx dropped on table of lace or contrasting material; or they may be in peasant style, with gathers and heading at the wrist Th Hat may be in contrast to the cos- tume or of self material. This Pattern is cut in four Sizes: Small, 34-36; Medium, 38-40; Large, 42-44; Extra Large, 46-48 inches bust measure. A Medium size requires 11V4 yards 86 inches wide. For drap- ery and fichu of contrasting material yards 36 inches wide is required. 10 Marvellou. Book Bargain, Tracy's History of Canada, Champlaln Pattern mailed to any address on Laurler, by Peter Mi'Artbur, llfe.jnnec- dotes and complete political career ($1.00), 35c. Life of the Immortal Na- poleon, by Ills Secretary, lianm de Mencval, HIiiAtraiod, 3 volj. ($4. BO), $2.26. Morgan's Freemasonry Exposed, origin, history, kfiy, etc., paper cover, ' i.", Scottish Kirk and Its Worthies, 1 Why in Canada, record of 3,500 ('ana-' "'" """"" ruo " 1 ""K <<>., 73 West dlan Men and Women, hundreds of por- 1 Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow two traits, 1668 pages ($10), $2.26. History! weeks for receipt of pattern, of Canadian Rebellion, 1837-39 and Life I - j I PLANNING THE SCHOOL LUNCH. Mothers are daily faced with the problem of preparing school lunches. It Is hard to prevent the sameness from creeping into the menu and be- sides, many foods which children en- joy cannot be carried in a lunch bas- ket. The metal container with venti- ales is best for carrying to icauso it can he .scalded daily. Paraffin paper should be used for wrapping foods, as cake and sandwiches. These suggestions help to make ap- Sandwichen with sliced meat filling, baked apple, cookies, or a few piccos of candy. A crisp rolT hollowed out and filled with chopped meat or srl- mon, nn orange, rookies, and a few dates. Hard-boiled and deviled eggs, with brown breud and jam, apple sauce mill a piece of rnke. Nut or cheese sandwiches with a piece of en range o . , mountain, with forU defending the fi . I1 d Wlt h 1'tfht Not a soul was passes, where ran the roads to Mush $ f nd 1 hunted about till I found and Lake Van. That side, too, looked , wh 5. t * wanted. This was a ladder pretty strong. North in the valley of leadln K w> a sort of loft, which in turn the Euphrates I made out two big f ave access to the roof. Here I had forts, Tafta and Kara Gubek, defend- to gg vt> 7 careful, for I might be Ing the road from Olti. On this part overlooked from the high buildings. . . of the map Stumm's notes were plenti- J* ut bv S 00 * 1 . Iuck there was a trellis ful and I gave them all my attention. , Io * v "ies across the . I remembered Blenkiron's news about ] lch Kve a kind of shelter. the Russians advancing on a broad nat on mv , face 1 Bt ad over a great front, for it was clear that Stumm was "P 8 "?? / "TA r ?' . taking pains about the flank of the , I**"* north I saw the city in a fortress haze of morning smoke, and, beyond, lurLn-xs. ..... Kara Gubek was the point of inter- the nlain of tlw Funk foe an,J *' theE phra( * 8 nd est. It stood on a rib of land between opening of the glen where the nver two peaks, which fiom the contour left the hills. Up there, among the lines rose very steep. So long as it ! n 1 w 7 ht 'J hu : were Taftu and Knra was held it was clear that no invader , G . ub ^ k - the east was the ridge , . could move down the Euphrates glen. * ^ e . vc P /"". when the mist was Stumm had appended a note to the breaking before the winter's sun. On peaks "not fortified"; and about two tne . roa< U P to ll l saw transport miles to the north-east there was a Coving, I saw the circle of the inner red cross and the name "PrjctaUhj." fort8 - . but fo , r a , moment the guns I assumed that to be the farthest point were silent South rose a great wall yet reached by the right wing of the ; w j lto mountain, which I took to be Russian attack I the Palantuken. I could see the roads that I could not get through a trench- line, and if there had been a trench- line handy I would have taken him on. I will be very happy, Dick, but I do not say I will succeed. It is new country to me. and I will be hurried, and hurry makes bad stalking." (To be continued.) O Leave*. Peace to these little broken leaves, place, i That strew our common ground; Lying That chase their tails, like silly dog, As they go round and round. For though In winter boughs are bare, Let us not once Torget I Their summer (lory, when these leaves Caught the great Sun In their strong net; And made him, In the lower air. Tremble no bigger than a star! W. H. Davles. Then I turntd to the paper from running to the passes, and the smoke which Stumm had copied the jottings cam P H an(1 horse-lines right under on to his map. It was typewritten, |t" ? ' , . and consisted of notes on different l le , ar " ed points. One was headed "Kara Gubrk" and read: "No time to fortify adja- cent peaks. Difficult for enemy to (jet batteries there, but not, impoasible. what I needed. We were in the outbuildings of a big Mlnard's Liniment for Dandruff. The chief reason why so many clocks get out of order is that dust enters the works. If a small piece of sponge is lightly sprinkled with paraffin and placed inside the case it will collect all the dust and the clock will need very little attention. If the t "i i i t < -> in*, r i ( "Hi tin' niii'"- i i i < . . , _ it'll .. i %i This is the real point of danger, for if\ in the foothills of the Palantuken. Prjeralsky wins the peaks Kara] f . l aesceiide.i I heard, thin and country house two or three mileu' frame is a hollow one, rest the sponge 8*5*1* ftn y little convenient tin cover, and "a fresh piece of sponge should take silent - but eloQuent- EDDYS MATCHES render the maximum of helpful service. ALWAY*. ASK to* SDDY-3 MATClSJ of the Russian front was somewhere the place of the old now and again. and Tafta must fall, and enemy faint ., ? nd . beautiful, like the cry of will be on left rear of Deve Boyun a . wlld hln1 ' the muezzin from the main position." minarets of Ki/.erum. I was soldier enough to see the tre- t . Whe " ' dropped through the trap mendous importance of this note. On the . ot hers WITC awake. Hussin was Kara Gubek depended the defence of Erzerum, and it was a broken reed if one knew where tho weakness lay. Yet, searching the map again, I could _ - not believe that any mortal command- 1 wanted. Peter, old man, the biggest er would see any chance in the ad- J ob of vour hfe ia before you!" jaccnt peaks, even if he thought them unfortified. That was information confined to tho 'I'urki li and German staff. But if it could be conveyed to the Grand Duke he would have Erz- erum in his power in a day. Other- maple sugar, and fruit. Baked bean sandwiches, sweet pickle, handful of raisins, and cookies. All these com- binations are tasty and helpful, espe- cially if a small thermos bottle with milk is provided with each lunch. POINTS FOR THE NEEDLE. When making buttonholes in baby's dainty little clothes or any other thin material, rub a little library paste on the wrong side of the goods and let It dry. This will give a firmer surface to work on and will not stain the most delicate fabrics. If it is your task to si-w a wide lace on a round luncheon cloth or centre- piece, roll the lace in a tight roll and on the table, and with anxious disapproval "It's all right," I said; "I won't do for I've found out all I CHAPTER XIX. GREEN MANTLE. Peter scarcely looked up from his breakfast. "Help IV Vtknia" To hlp oUe th problems of tju> Vtrn' Anociationi, a Dominion- wide campaign lor fundi U BOW bring conducted in the form of PosUr Judging Competition. Send Donation of $1.20 Every donor of $1 20 will b* presented with one ticket- folder on which iixtecn of the rant celebrated BOVR1L poiten ars reproduced in full colon. Which are the 12 be*t, in order of merit, ii what you mutt decide. The foldet ahowr jutl what you muit do. It is n faicinaling trial of taite and jud|* man! lo cliui thete pollen in the order which popular fancy will endorte. It real game which can be played over SALESMEN We ir vMkly ud offer stttdy rmplormeB* our complete and ex?lti*1v* llnei of wbole-rooc. frrth- du|-to-ocdr tree* tad i'Unn Beit stock uitl wrvtcsi We t*ch ud equip rou f r . 4 moav - m4kt4 opportuaJtj. LUKC BROTHCR8. MONTRCAL MAKE MONEY! GRADE EGGS NW Dominion Law *7 til nflf must tw nM br trad* only Thit mMiu opvnlnt* for Qorerammt i u Iiiipctort--incr tmd- rr . Binl!. M ml HMD fralQfvl In thfl <-gf buftlneM. Tni'-k favrnwri fen now making *itra money buylni Ma nj fridlnf ihrm tlv*i. Country nrrrtw&U ire oarlnx 25^ to 60c A rmw for ffrwUnf. Urn u ir4Ui| and *|| bualnfu in ipr tlmt by mall thruuili BhaVt K( Otlin Court*. AD iTiiTeJ by authurltlea. I'mmr* DOW for tb many opmlnt tho April rush will out*. Get full Informatlots. Writ* Prtf. 0. K. Or.h.m. Otpt. U. 8haW Utihwli. Ll.lttd, 46 Bloor St. W., Toronto. TdAOC-MARK RADIO PHONES Direct from the Manufacturers RADIO BLUE, 2200 Ohm. $5.00 Postpaid. Prlw will itfvatiM In Dwuiker. Pronuunc.d Kit but Cinadlin Trlption. k> lid!n| UnlMrilty rrufMinn. Stltettd ty Ik* emrniMal fir wrvnrttt In tin fir Nonh NMUM It kit inn* ', 10 DAYS' TRIAL II MONTHS' GUARAMIEI. MONIY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFIED. * WRITE FOR OUR MAIL ORDER LIST. . HALIBURTON & WHITE Limited . 314 Notre Oame West Montrssl ' piece, roll tfifj luce in a llgnt roll ana re | game which era be played over tie with a clean cord in three or four am! over again, and in which all the family places. Wet thoroughly one inch at the bottom and when it is dry your lace, will fall in graceful circles ready to he sewed. Poet, Urumstlsi and Man. by Mnble, i 400 pane.*. 100 pictures ($3.00), |1.26. j Complete Family Doctor and look of j lOalth, Uy the famous Or. McCormlck, ! r,,loreci ..nd other plates (tBOhdlM 1.86. mid atuiles, 370 pages (}3.00) \ixivi are all popular books and well li..r:"1 We Rlvii regular prices In ii-.iltwis, and our Hnrgaln Prices; and VONGE ST. TORONTO. ONT. I88UE No. 4 '23. HAVT YOU EVER Tried using one teaspoonful . of cornstarch with one cup of sugar in-i stead of one and one-half cups whnj making chocolate fudge frosting. The frosting has to be cooked more slowly' and stirred often hut will be creamy and smooth. Tried making graham bun* this way: Three pints graham, one-half cup shortening, one-half cup sugar, two cups yeast, two eggs, one cup water. Use enough wheat flour " to handle easily, and let raise. When light, turn out on well floured board, mold into biscuit and wnen light bake in moderato oven. When nearly ready to take from oven, brush tops with a coating of milk and sugar. M. B. I. Mlnard's Liniment Heals Cuts. can join. To add inleteit, 2.003 prizet have been arranged for, amounting in all to 30,000 (about $138,888.00), lhe having been donated bv BOVR1L LIMITED. lite tint three are approximately a* followil | lt Prize, $55,555.00 2nd Prize, 13,888.00 3rd Prize, 4,555.00 Only the vail icale on which this Poster- lirrn org-miied made it pouible lo oiler thrse wonder- ful priiei. Join in the game which n a moil enter- taining one, and which callt for intelligence and ikill. So tend your donation now and let every one tiy Ihe game. AddreM donatioai lo any of the following organitarioni or their branchet which are actively intereiled and aik your help i Vaterane' AuocUtlon of Qrtat Britain, 2721 Park Av., Montreal. Great War Veterana* Attociatlon, Citlm BulkUi.i, Ottawa. Arm? and Navy Veteran! In Canada, Ul nithop SUMt, Montrtal. lamawrlal Vete-ana la Canada, 7M Main ( ttreet, Winnipeg. JIG-SAW PUZZLE FOR THE CHILDREN. Just-- Send lour wrappers from rodol.lmlKd.2M Lamoln* St., Monir..l. 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