Superior to tKe finest Japans, H434 GREEN TEA is the best at any price Try it. GREENMANTLE BY JOHN BUCHAN. (Copyrighted Thomaa Nelson and Sons, Ltd.) Woman's Sphere varieties of cookies, crackers and wafers to be bought at the grocery stores these days, and at first thought it would seem foolish for the busy farm woman to use her precious time to make the crisp home-made dainties, but there is a difference in the taste, and in this difference lies the charm of the "cookies like Mother used to same way - If we do not enjoy orders, mmum wjr. 11 wtj uu not enjoy oruera, ! - ? **.i:u unit, jasi we cannot reasonably expect the chil-, turned to consult some .J_.._ *.. 1 , Itlltflt* n TMiirlf intr .n t' Ship*' Gardeners. "What do you do when you go to sea, daddy?" "I look after the flowers, my son." At first Right this looks ridiculous, but It Is not really so. Many men spend the best part of their lives at lea looking after plants, snd their number Is steadily on the Increase. Everyone does not realize how large proportion of sailors have nothing CHAPTER XVIII. (Cont'd.) But as we watched we saw some- to do with seacraft. Nowaday* every It was a bad step for Blenkiron, and thing more. The wavering lanterns large liner carries gardeners as an es- we only got him past it by Peter and were now three or four hundred yards ! .sentlul part of Its crew. It would not I spread-eagling ourselves against tho away, but on the roofs just opposite be possible for the luxurious floating wall and passing him in front of us us across the street there appeared a hotels of to-day to carry on without with his face towards us. We had no man's figure. I thought it was one them * ' grip, and if he had stumbled we should of the hunters, and we all crouched , , all three have been in the courtyard, lower, and then I recognized the lean . , f n , * uch M the Mauretanla. But we got it over, and dropped ax agility of Hussin. He must have ' Aquitanla, and Majestic are very much softly as possible on to the roof of the aoubled back, keeping in the dusk to arden cities" In parts, and banka of next house. Hussin had his finger to the left of the pursuit, and taking big flowers, evergreen shrubs and trees In his lips, and I soon saw why. For risks in the open daces. But there tubs and boxes, hanging baskets of there was a lighted window in the he was now, exactly in front of us, growing things, small table plants, and wall we had descended. and separated only by the width 01 the a huge quantity of cut flowers In vases Some imp prompted me to wait be- narrow street ; are used for rifu-nrnHva nnrnra* , June I and explore. The others follow- He took a step backward, gathered lng "very voyage Sat Is taTe? It ed Hussin and were soon at the far himself for a spring, and leaped clean d * r ;,'* " '/">?; u end of the roof, wher a kind of wooden over the gap. Like a cat be lighted , ' r T ' much lma * lnatlon to pavilion broke the line, while I tried on the parapet above us, and stum- e tnat Ioo 'ng after and arrang- ,. to get a look inside. The window was bled forward with the impetus right: lng a11 Ule8e arden bits aboard Is a K" 11 curtained, and had two folding sashes on our heads. | whole-time Job for one man. Hence 'en; whirh I-IM^,,..,! , . ^ijji- TM. u "We are safe for the moment," he the gardener-sailor. The tea-garden and grand lounge on great liner take scores of plants to I w.tched--him;"fa;cTnaied, as he . The next half hour was a maze rf^'SSfiSSf^ fists find tlirna oltnnir> ,(.,,,. ;,, ww IUUIUH, A VARIETY OF COOKIES. , Truth to tell, there is no great gulf ^Sf^SK^WS^i SVSK " '"" ' "H - Now that the task of fixing school nxe " xtween us and the children; which d^ped in the midd i e . Through "We are safe for the moment," he th lunches is in full swing, the children | ln * y . are me " 8nd women in very small a gap in the curtain I saw a HtUe whispered, "but when they miss mel re insisting on home-made cookies edltl ns n l w at we enjoy or dislike lamp-lit room and a big man sitting at they will return. We must make good a There are a hundred and one is 8 P l to a f < f ct * children in the a table littered with papers. haste." I mi ., . Sama wav If WP in ne\t i.tiirtv nrAorm I WHtrh*-i him facninotA/1 aa K*. 1 ne DABK nil f nnnr Vkraa n mavo nf . dren to do so. twists and imade a marking on the map before ro f s an d . .. ,....,,,,,., ., Mlc utu p ,,,,, ri - ---. - - ......mii B itici i-iunmt-.v- , fh "Let's se if you can do this " holds ^ ,T hen he suddenly rose, stretched stacks. The stir of the city had gone,; w " h t,, hlmself ' cast a glance at the window, and fnn the black streets below came' day - and went out of the "><". kinP * scarcely a sound. But always the 8nd thtanSr*. f ( P /' Vate u '">^ "~ - - <~j '- with plants during the voyage. Every a challenze and an i d Z8ns * vases for dinner tables have to be supplied a caenze an an i onnounv t,, , iUr off thlt fc .lm tTCSS and went out of the "><". kinP * scarcely a sound. But always the 8nd tables have to be supplied .nL T,h ^ n 1 rl ?IL * y ."i Kreat clatter in d **nding the wooden ^at tattoo of guns beat in the east j with freshly-cut blooms. Some of the cepted cheerfully by little folks. And staircase. He left the door ajar and Grandually we descended to a lower' latter are taken aboard ready cut and whatever ' . . e whatever their motive, the children the lamp burning. ' ' _.--. . - _ acquire a habit of cheerful obedience of - - --- =- I guessed he had gone to have are easy to make and convenient to ervc for light refreshments when the Women's Institute meets. ~"rf ' ""*.* *x. u w a w w ^i * w vanou a UUilitl iCttGY CU i ftQQ level, till we emerged on the top of a' kept In cold storage still required but r,H ma courtyard. Hussin gave an very many are obtained from flower- =&?: ttirai:!, s*s- " "* " rt - r mad impulses which utterly cloud . "'"'. As we descended from the rtte v . trv wlth horticultural proficiency, for he would 80 n lose his Job if the ' ; u , c uery cou . e rom e v . , I we rjght reason> a thing i, 1( j e p endent of shed into the frozen litter of the yard, for he would 80 n lose his Job if the ~ " V M) , nav . e tln \ e ror f 8torv any plan, a crazy leap in the dark a mnn came out of the shade and llner ' 8 garden bits looked ugly and , v f, j5-j *" r m But jt was so strong that I would have 8 P oke Iow to Hussin. Peter and I lift- "thrown together," howev-r well cared er adds Jy and anticipation pulled that window out b its frame ed Blenkiron into the cart, and for the a tual plants might be Re- r, jj D < "i was so strong that I would have P Ke "ow to nussin. feter ai I order adds joy and anticipation pulled that window out by its frame, ed Blenkiron into the ca._, _.._ , _... UD to a task that is made hateful by a if need be, to get to that table. scrambled in beside him, and I never markable skill Is shown In achieving "Put every one of those toys There was no need, for the flimsy felt anything more blessed than the good decorative results and on , " ' ' as P Jf a ve at tho first pull, and the warmth and softness of that place clal omul, . Mong and be uick j clasp gave at tho j sashes swung opon after listening for si. pull, and the warmth and softness I scrambled in. after ** frosty roofs ten all about L " I had forgot- place clal occasions, or In rooms which de- manages to the general : naturally tne cniiaren uo not i ----..., w ^^w m ! * c .-t^n.-, - - ^ * w,j make- nls nowera mnf^h ti i _ j ... ,, . ,1 crumpled up the map and stuck it yarned for sleep. "Presently the j 'uaicu me general to acquire the habit of putting f rom wn j c h i'hnd seen him copying' into the dark streets. j u ls tne gardener-sailor, too, who ii u P. leasant w y and Vcr X carefully I removed all marks of Then Blenkiron began to laugh, a 1 look8 after special flowers which pas- ns all the difference between my entry, brushed away the snow dee P internal rumble which shook him sen ers are anxious to have arrive on il and reluctant obedience. from the boards, pulled back the cur- violently and brought down a heap of ' l) o other aide In good condition. tain, got out and refastt'ned the win- forage on his head. I thought it was Incidentally, gardeners aboard shin Hnw SfiM tVi.ivo in...- ....i -f i _ JlVKtnrir tVin rl,/f tmn* *U,. M H : t._. Even deep-seated rust on steel 01 iron can be removed by applying over this very fine powdered lime and letting it remain until rust disappear*. If you want a happy home, see to, it that your wife's husband helps to- ward the happiness. Find what you like to work with, and stick to it Success lies in the man and not in his material.-,. The modern cook should know that the cookies are much better if the dough is thoroughly chilled before! using; this leaves the butter hard and' BO does not require so much flour. The' j t .i less flour used, the better the cookies are. The oven must be watched care- fully, especially for molasses cookies. The following recipes are tried and true, easy to make, and not expensive. f| fruit cookies Cream one cup of f .-.... .., u >n^ ,,, f : ,^ i ., u , u.-mtu uway me snow ""r im^mai lumuie wnn-n SHOOK mm " v " > auiuu m nave arrive on tr _, butter, adn one and one-half cups ' cneerf ul and reluctant obedience. from the boards, pulled back the cur- v 'kntly and brought down a heap of tto other aide in good condition How Should Canada Export Beef Bugar, one-half cup of milk one ece < tain, got out and refasU>ned the win- ora *? c . on his head. I thought it was Incidentally, gardeners aboard ship Cattle? four level teaspoons of baking powder'! WHY NOT A DUMB WAITER' r^V TI, T t Wa f " < 2 ound of hi " 7 s . l . erlcs ' . th , e rellc f ** 'he tension learn a lot about plants which no : Winter Egg Production, a level teaspoon of grated nutmeg and A labor . 8avin)? built . in fixture ^ toother?" * "** " t0 ^ " P ^ S^l^^^. gS 1** ?*< ^ tt - i Wintering Bees in Canada. ene-Uurd_cup of r>um. or currants ghou , d be found ^ n manv SM:| I found them shivering in the roof there was never anything the matter SSf'SSS iMUir ^ &ate Feedin - B3> and Dairying .in New Zealand and r requests in means ARMERS' BOOKLETS Sent Free Any of the following may be had free on application to the Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa chopped fine. Mix with flour to make dumb- Plain cookira Mix one-half cup of butter and one-half cup of lard with two cups of su^ar, one cup of milk * iiuaoill, III}' IUU, II yOU I a certain extent it may be after us anv ... il, '""J L 'r us any moment, so I I:lc ". "> somenow i man i cotton to win take the place of an ice box. | pray Heaven we soon strike better Colonel Stumm. But now I almost Such a waiter can be put into a kit- King." !/ Mm v,. uu i.:. i__. . i i :_ chen already built Construct it in | Hussin understood. He led us at il > IfllUW cotton to llfe on board 8b| P- ferns are good travel- are chrysanthemums and but ro.sue do not like the love him. You hit his jaw very bad in , ^r 1 " QUf"~"iC! cnen " lreaay Dullt - Construct it in] "ussm understood. He led us at a Germany, and now you've annexed his oeaien eggs. MX gucn B manner that when the wajter smart pac from one roof to another, private file, and I guess it's important! aspoonsof baking powder wiU j s ] owe red into the cellar the four for here thp y wpr * a " of the same or he wouldn't have been so mighty 1 Hour, and use as much of corner ^sis, attached to the bottom hel P ht - nnd onl >' low parapets and set on steple-chasing over those roofs, our as is needed to make a dough ot the dumb-waiter will rest on screens divided them. We never saw ' haven't done such a thing since I will roll out; of some kinds of cc ii ar floor Th .,_ 1, on u e a sou i for a w j nter . s nipht ig not th<} broke into neighbor Brown's woodshed the whole four cups will bo need- dumb witp " 1 1 K *2?V2 time you choolie to saunter on your| to8tea l h 's tame 'possum, and that's fter the rookie hav. ,..n t,W,J .^. . . . De a _ > cw up housetop. I kept mv -ars onen' for forty years back. It's tho first niece . in the pan, press a raisin into the top ;n ' Jj waiter reacht.s the should bo lirii r 00 A-, M -Beat one cup of . kitchen floor in . M wnen one cup of thick sour cream; is itl tho ce] , ar th , fl ,, together, add one beaten egg. one level | floor opening tea.spo.rn of soda and flour enough to Two sides of the , fc " 1V iseiop. Kept my ears open for l m > years oacK. it's tho first piece The top of the troub' behind us, and in about five' ? Rcnooine amusement I've struck .... ...~ kitchen floor and minutes I heard it. A riot of voices 'since old Jim Hooker told the tale of Inished the same as the hr ke out, with one louder thin the 'Cousin Sally Dillard' when we were . Tins when the waiter r<>s t, nnd, looking back, I saw lanterns hunting ducks in Michigan and his ar the top fills the kitchen wovinp ' Stumm had realized his loss. wif( '' s brother had an apoplexy in the | and found the tracks of the thief. night and died of it. mix as soft as possible, and roll out. Sprinkle the top of each cookie with shredded cocoanut and press lightly. Bake in quick oven. These cookies should l>e rolled about half an inch thick. Suyar Hln are protected from one glance behind and I . good circulation. If the ce pit may be To tho accompaniment of Rlenk-, ..== . , irons chuckles I did what Peter had didn't see you __. and do , ne in the first minute, and fell what ls t t ?" The shouts behind us grew louder, as if some eye quicker! *...._ .u . C.l wn|fon seemed Appreciated Attention. Traffic Cop "Didn't you see me wave to you? Why didn't you stop?" Miss Pussay (pleasedly eiclted) "I at all, officer! Now l^icn iuuui-1, n.t 11 M :,, eye quicKen When I awoke it was still dark. The ellar is not cool enough a thnn the rest had caught our move- -wagon had stopped in a courtyard 1 dug four to six feet below ' ment in the starlit darkness. It was which seemed to be shaded by one egg, a little nutmeg and as litt'.j pastry flour as can be used and roll them out thin. Cut in shapes and bake in quick oven. MolasHt-a CookieHVse one-half cup of moluxsefl, one-half cup butter, one- half cup hot water in which one level teaspoon of soda has been dissolved. Mix with one rounding teaspoon of ginger nnd enough flour to make a douh that can be rolled out half an inch thick. (Jrandma'g ginf/er snaps Mix thor- oughly, one cup of molasses with two- thirds cup of lard, one egg, one cup 01 sugar, three level teaspoons of soda, three rounding teaspoons of ginger, one of cloves ar.d on" of cinnamon. Add flour enough to roll. Roll a piece as big us a marble till round; place In a pan two inches apart. Care must be taken not to get too much flour. CHEERFUL OBEDIENCE. "Dear rm-." sighed Mrs. Payne, mo- menta lily forgetting the truth con- cerning the ever-alert "ears of s nail I tellers," "Aunt Jane Certainly is tl.e Losiesl person I ev?r ki:ew. I do not enjoy a whole week o' be'ing constunr- *y '.] led about." ".Vt-ither do I," n,; . .-,. snial! I. aura sympathetically. ') do not likj h-w- inir < '-(jers, one bit, and you order .loe and me lota and loti, mother. Truly you do!" Well, well! Evjry mother knows how it feels to be brought up like thil by the small son or daughter, and if we are wise we do not too soon forget wt LITTLE MAN" 9506 4500. One could have this in jersey -, ii r r r * Uermans Have tclipse Data. German astronomers who observed Iron was about as useful on a roof as cit > behind and climbed to higher potn ^ in Mc * co a hippo. ground. There were big buildings on graphs are . lhe ! Presently we came to n big drop one sidc . and on the other what looked tenin 6 to tne with a kind of ladder down it, and at likc th lift of a hill. No lights were to develop the i the foot a shallow ledge running to s nw- The place was in profound data. It will t 1 1 . ' 1 1 ' f f 1 r . t / i n i . i t , , r . 1 ....!.. ^ ( r * (Pln/\tn 111 f T fill* ilin nwnnAMA ..,.,-., I 11 L 1 1. 1 J i t i ., lh * best Uken ftlld are Kivunu. ft wro were nig uunaings on, one side, and on the other what looked tenin 6 - * ' the plates and work up the ^..jiljow ledge running to stl wn. The place was in profound data. it will be remembered that tho left into a pit of darkness. Hussin ?' oom > but I felt the presence near me, several expeditions, notably those sta gripped my arm and pointed down it. of others besides Hussin and the tloned at San Diego, Cal., were badly "Follow it," he whispered, "and you driver. handicapped by clouds at the moment will reach a roof which spans a street ' We were hurried, Blenkiron only O f total obscuration Sif ll ' ,5 nd on the . ther 8idc is half awake - into an outbuilding, andj p rof Hana Ludendorff, brother of metre's! wel'lVS/from thlT higher h>wed what "had" once b^eT a' UtoS i the G " la ,\ aS n rOC ,vf r8 ; ^ u" ^ roofs. For Allah's sake keep in the house for f' 1 - Old husks still strew- 1 bo asslsted b ^ Prof - Einstein, who has shelter of the screen. Somewhere ed the floor and the place smelt of i left Holland for Berlin, In determining there I will join you." i apples. Straw had been piled in cor- Just what the observations prove. It nr for hoHn nnH t i,,.i ,. um .. ,...i.. w ju take months, however, for the data to be worked up and full conclu- sions drawn. An American expedition and one from France also observed the ecllpae under good conditions In the Mexican mountains, and the com- pletion of the work really makes a three cornered sctentnlflc race. Australia. Dressing and Cutting Lamb Car- casses. Finishing Lambs for the Block. Simple Methods for the Storage of Ice. Is Cow Testing Worth While? The Maple Sugar Industry. Interim Report of the Dominion Animal Husbandman. Report of the Dominion Field Husbandman. Cleaning Seed. Cream Cheese. The Feeding of Dairy Cattle. The All- Year Hog Cabin. The Self-Feeder for Hogs. Feed Racks and Troughs for Sheep. The Sheep Barn. The Economical Production of Pork. List of Publications. Name Post Office t-ic i win join you. upyien. oiruw nail Deeil pneu in COT- He hurried us along the ledge for nrs f r beds and there was a rude a bit and then went back, and with table, and a divan of boards covered BTmur frf\m tlin nnHn,. _ n-lt li L !> . ,, . n.-U I ., ,. snow from the corners covered our trucks. After that he went straight on himself, taking strunge short steps like a bird. I saw his game. He want- . ed to load our pursuers after him, and Some days one touches lightly ultlpy th triu ' ks ' and A " *" touch the foam. sheepskins. (To be continued.) - Day*. But I had quite enough to think o. In getting Blenkiron along that ledge He was pretty nearly foundered, he was In a sweat of terror, and as a matter of fact he was taking one of the biggest risks of his life, for we had no rope and his neck depended on him- wcaves, in flannel or serire It is also 1 i ' coll ' d hoar him invoking some . . ' ,. prtre ' unknown deity ca ed Holv Mike But u L"''I model for linen. Hm>r<uiflcr nnH u., j ' n "'.v mint, out Of Joy that Is to come Or luring ghosts of laughter Down dim forgotten ways Where light winds stir the ashes Of burled yesterdays. gingham. ithe f I have On currents strong and free roof whic"nTan"cro S 7 the & A " th S " that ""^ th " COIiU This day has carried me. RAW FURS WANTED Hlghwt Prlcu Paid for Skunk, Coon, Mink, Fox, Deer- Sklnm Hides, Calfskins, &c. hip to Can'adten Hide & leather Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont The Pattern is cut in 2 Sizes: 2, 4 That was easier, though" ticklish and 6 years. A 4-year size requires enough, but it was no joke skirting 2' yards of 36-inch material. ; the cupola of that Infernal inos,,.,,- : Where Yesterday U only Pattern mailed to any address on At lnBt we found the parapet and ] A falnt receding shore, breBt hed more freely, for we were And somewhere lurks to-morrow under shelter front the direction I An Island to explore, a moment to look | the am i am kin " * ' >' nj 'inn l f.*i.1 Oil receipt of 15c in silver or stamps, by the Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. Mlnard't Liniment for Dandruff, "'The huTwas^rir^g^Tong the ! - F r ?" d M n " USht Mlsl roofs parallel to the one we were SftVe wldp gray " M ot wnler Ordinary Sunsets. Mr. Hwankley had been a great tra- freedom and a mill. No (1a ' r na D en thU one lodged on. I saw the flicker of the lanterns, waved up nnd down ns tho wr. MwanKiey naa neen a great tra- oearera slipped in the snow, and I veller and couldn't keep quiet about hea '' d their Crifl 8 like, hounds on n No day shall ever be, It. Everything reminded him of some- J' St " mm was not among them:! All else I will touch lightly thing elso that took place In Tlmbuc- business" Thtv nJ^iw?*" that 8 - rt ' ' T keep th ' 5 meint>r y- hid too or ,he rannlba. Isles. ,. f r ,,nd rt - a beftutlfttl " . Helen Pratee Dower Thcro "Ah." said Swankley, "you should were on were perhaps six feet higher Just see the sunsets In the east." than ours, so even from our shelter "I should like to," said Martin. "The sun always suts In the west In this or- dinary old country." ns , tn tre^erhaV 2"f rt higher ij^'" 1 . . ,i^ b n ours, so even from our shelter I [ I """inaltty as s could '"A their course. If Hussin ' he . rittd to an V ^reat extent. * 8'"fr to be hunt*d across Erzer- i m * '" as a rule - 8 'mply " WM bad - abundance of consr "A mind content both crown and kin-dom it," Greene. j such is in- . Childish wer * 8'"fr to be hunt*d across Erzer- i m * '" as a rule - 8 'mply an over um " WM bad look-out for us, for abundance of constructive energy, I hadn't the foggiest notion where we blocked or misdirected. were or where we were going to - - Make it easy to do right, hard to do wrong, for yourself and tverybody IMUI No. 47 '83. Mlnard't Liniment Heals Cut*. Impossible. The wife was greatly pleased with her success at the women's meeting. On her return home she said to her husband: "Yes, I was absolutely out- spoken at the meeting this afternoon." Her husbaud looked incredulous. "I can hardly believe It, my dear," be said. "Who outspoke you?" R.K. No Prov (No stamp required). WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shab- by Garment or Drapery. ondDyes, Jiam ^**-^ Each 15-cent package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can dye or tint any old. worn, faded thing new, even If she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. ARMY GOODS SALE W wl.n 10 nn-un r tbat thU slorv will U iu I'ntLB-.Ktl ihrtlj. Ktit; r:i-it la U\U itor* rnnit kt MU. f; i bar* bwn rue d3wo in *, :i *il> to cv WrUn n.l f.'ii-m tti^rwU. Ot nur rRICS LIST Mill onUri iiMii.-ilj Army Supply Store 347 Queen Street E., Toronto. CVKKYWKIKB m CANADA si lent -but efoouent- EDDYS MATCHES render th? maximum of helpful service. ALWAYS. ASK K DDY1 MATCMBt