'October 24, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE - Fifty Years of Banking We offer a complete service for FARMERS GRAIN and CATTLE DEALERS MERCHANTS MANUFACTURERS and MUNICIPALITIES THE STANDARD BANK OF CA N/l^yi 52* fLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Branch*! al*o at WilHjmiford and Holland Ccncrj. Wonderful Ford Exhibit Of Farm Machinery Returned Missionary To Speak At Kimberley An interesting: meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society will be held ii the Methodist church, Kim- jberley, on Thursday of this week, The Ford Caravan Touring This Country Visited By A when representatives from Flesher- Tl_ J R* n i n- 01 tvr> i w con > Roeklyn, E-pping and the Power Thousand or More PeoplePicture Show With It |HoU9e wi ii gather to welcome Miss Helen Kurd of Ueda, Japan, and to i listen to some of her experiences in ,The Land of the Rising Sun. Miss , Hurd, daughter of Mr. Henry Hurd, now ef B.C., formerly of Kimberley, went to Japan in 1911, and is on her second home furlough. CANADIAN P/XOIFIC C. P. R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: Gjng Sooth Going North 8.05 a.m. H-52 "> 4.30 p.m. 9-30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon mail south at 3.30. For morning train south at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Mr Harman Hales spent the first f the week in Toronto. Get your counter check books at he Advance office. The Mery Maid's cake sale on Sat- I cultivators, harrows, cutting boxes, i potato digger and Moody threshing- i machine. A plowing exhibition was also given ! with an Oliver plow and tractor, | which attracted a great deal of atten- I tion from the farmers. The pkyw was i run by an expert plowman and the ! work was pronounced perfect. The moving picture part of the pro- was probably the most fascinat- The Ford caravan which has been touring Eastern Ontario since the end of August reached Flesherton on Saturday evening and Monday morn- ing in tow sections. It came over from Meaford by the 9th line, and took possession of Mr. Wm. Stewart's farm in the suburbs, where, during the afternoon, hundreds of farmers visited the scene and went home feel- ing that the time was well spent. The Ford people have shown the way in advertising and liberally atilize the in S Part, and of this the actual Box Social The Women's Institute of Maxwell . journej, IUUIUMK iw a i< will hold a box social m the Orange dolkr get of fa , se teeth and His Car Was Dizzy A Teeswater citizen who has been frequenting this town a good deal since Race Day when he became chummy with some West Ward folks, had an unfortunate experience on his last visit. It is reported that he found his friend away from home so he went into the woodshed for a sleep. Rousing up a few hours later he started for home. While backirtg his car out of the yard he banged into a tree but escaped without disabling his car. Xear D. K. Smith's farm on the South Line west his car took to the ditch and turned turtle. Further on he agan took to the ditch and lost a piece of windshield. The rest of the distance was navigated without fur- ther mishap. On Sunday he return- ed to the scene of his adventurous journey, looking for a twenty-five a piece . . ,. urday realized for them about $13. I tne public press in that way. The sprouting and growth of a kernel of ! ' ' "of windshield which he had left be- See Hall Cain's great Hcture in the 1 {present demonstration was a side corn was one of the most interesting P ra . consisting of recitations, solos, ' hin(J Jn hjs un f ortunate spills Walk- , v,oii TVini-sflov nS-ht- rvf this issue a pnitlir nUn r.f A,-^^t; a i, thinsrs shown. Tct nrndtace this film [duets afcd instrumental music is- T^I^, town hall Thursday n ; -ht of week. Ms. Joe Gamey of Toronto spent a few days of the past week with rela- tives in this vicinity. See what our small ad>'s. can do Take advantage of Haw's big cash offer. Good from Oct. 27 to Nov. 30. Tire and tube gar-rains this week at Dever Bros , Proton. Mr. T. James, Fuller brush sales- man in town, spent the week end at his home in Walkerton. Mr. H. U. Noble of the Standard Bank visited at his home in Durham over the week end. Mr. Gallagher, a young student of Knox College, preached in the Presby- terian church on Sunday. Miss Rachael Nixon of Barrie is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurston spent the week end with friends at Lions Head. Miss Bertha Smith of Owen Sound is the guest of Miss Mamie McTavish this week. Mrs. A. Thistlethwaite has left for Niagara to attend the marriage of her son, Harry. Notice Get your deer, moose and trapper's licenses from Geo. Mitchell, Flesherton. Mrs. E. Watson of Toronto is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R G. Holland. Absolutely new armv horse blank- et.- }:,;ing at n special reduction. This is an opportunity for those requiring these this winter, Dever Bros., Proton. Mr S. E. deCudmore was in To- ronto last week attending a conven- tion of the Fire Underwriters of Ontario. Hon. Thos. Crawford and Mrs. Crawford of Toronto aVe the guests of their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) H. H. Eaton. Mr. R. J. Woods. M.P., and family of Corbetton were visitors in town on Tuesday and attended the Young People's Pariament. Mr. and Mrs" F. Mathewson an.l daughter, Freda, accompanied by Miss Rachael Nixon, motored to New- market and spent Sunday there. Spend eleven dollars cash at one time in groceries, boots and shoes and get one dollar back at Haw's, Ceylon. Miss Alice Mclntyre, who has been suffering with neuralgia in her head and face, is spending a few days with her parents at Tryon. for you if you have anything to buy i or sll. Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and Mrs. Thos. Grainger left to-day to spend the win- ter in Toronto. We are in the market for Clover Seed and Potatoes. Dever Bros., Proton Station. Mrs. J. Runstadler moved to Tor- onto on Friday, where the family will remain for the winter. Mrs. and Mrs. W. Moore and daugh ter of Meaford and Mrs. Wm. Bristow of Rob Roy visited with Mr. and Mrs. 1 H. Wilson. Miss Hattie Wallace, who has been this 1 issue, a costly plan of advertising, things shown. To prodace this film i but an experiment that is likely to ten Pictures of the growth were tak- j bin S prepared. Ladies with boxes ' en on a foot of film every ten minutes ! free; ? ents P a >' a half a cent a P ound , for eighteen days, and then aH com- for ignt of lady they get. bind in one single long; film which took as many minutes to run it off, ; Mr. McAuliff. proprietor of the '' showing the actual growth. Many ; Cntral hottel at Durham, made some other pictures were shown, all of an i rhubarb and dandelion wine that test- erton Telescope. bear fruit. The caravan left Toronto the latter by the north shore of Lake Ontario to taking in *T OJI I blldl nOrtll tO A **trVU. .*lbtl*t>C. , ** w>* ... . '.u.-uvnw^ niv. viuv wv-JV- Campbellford, and by way of Peter- ! educative Valu - ar "l very interesting ! e d out 20 per cent, alcoholic content, borough to Lindsay, Port Perry Oril- as wel1 as instru ctive. This exhibit j Ho-w he did that is a mystery Any- j lia, Midland and Collingwood to Ma- ' ^ cluded a fine film f * Hamilton j way. it was found bv the sleuths con- i ford. Plowing Match and a comparative eealed in picture showing results from a poorly to pay a public place and he had $300 and costs for his The caravan consists of 36 pieces prepared seed bed and from the prop- j knowledge of how to do it on wheels, embracing different types ; erly prepared bed. The hundreds who ' Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known as the high grade School. Keen demand for our graduaes all the tim.. Write for Catalogue. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. of trucks for various purposes, viewed these things felt themselves j ' Standard Express, Standard Stake, we ll repaid for the time spent- fire engine, oil tank, speed canopy delivery, closed passer^er bus. black maria, etc. The tractors were all equipped with rubber tires for haul- of trail- line of There was The caravan, which is captained by j Mr. Wallace Murdock ( who, by the i way. is a son of Mr. D. Murdock of Egremont, who represented his town- ship in th visiting farm machinery tncludine disc plows,! f or ghelburne in the TO's) left on Tuesday morning WE SELL in the past couple of weeks around Feversham, has returned to | town and intends leaving for her | home in Toronto next week. Mr. Wm. Brooks of Shelburne will | preach at Inistioge this Sunday after- noon in the absence of Mr. Eaaton, who will be taking anniversary serv- Barn Burned With Entire Season's Crop A NEW "TWO" ices at Kimberley. The pastor will preach in the Meth- odist church Sunday morning. In the evening he will be taking anni- versary services at Kimberley, and , Rev. Mr. Vea.es of Kimberley will ' ^ -_~J*J preach in the church here. Reg. HuUon, the hfph school boy A new $2 Dominion of Canada Mr. D. Medonald of tht 8th lint i "te has just been placed in circula- a couple of miles from Eugenia, lost ' tion by the Depatrment of Finance, his barn by fire on Monday. Two On the face or front of the bill is a weeks ago Mr. McDonald threshed new steel enirraved nortrait of His his sweet cover. On Monday while Ro >" al Highness the Prince of FAUM IM?LMF^T5 CUT PRICES on Wales MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLO\VS, MOWER , ^ d;nner e heard g roaring ; and the date of issue is June 23rd. sound and on looking out the window ' 1923-the last birthday of the Prince, found the straw stack outside the The Department has taken advantage of JOHN ? HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. barn was totaly consumed, together , " the presence in Ottawa of Hi^ Highness to introduce this bill. with all the season's grain and j l ne n *w note is of striking design implements. There was. we under- ' <e of the most art- who was recently injured in a motor ' stan d, an insurance of Sl.OOO on the i | st "j l l has been ... f _ pur in: on i i or \ tuns, accident, was brought home from the O arn and S500 on contents less than ; ^ Owen Sound hospital on Sunday by | half tht value. The loss is a very i motor. It will be several weeks I serious one for Mr. McDonald and , yet until he is able to resume his much sympathy for him is exoressed j studies. i The cause is laid to spontaneous ; Wilton, student at McMaster | combusti ^ occupied the Mr. L'uivcrsity, Toronto, FOX WAS RECAPTIREI) engraving of the cnat-of-arras of the Dominion. The i color printing on front and back i^ '< in a pleasing shade of olive preen. j The new Prince of Wales issue will bt I gradually nlaced in circulution and j will in time supplant the old Conn- I aught $2 note, which has been in pulpit in the Baptist church on Sun- ' day and favored the congregation with a beautfully rendered solo. He j ^"^ ^e bUck'toM whklTescaped ' Individual instruction permits you to Moore hag r(>fovpred j cm-uation since 1 ments. , took the two outside appoi - , frQm .^ pgn some three weeks ago , I The animal was caught in a trap by ''. Mr McCannel, lot 201, range :!. i :l farmer near Dunclalk, but was un- 1 Proton, will hold an extensive sale of j injured. One fox was killed by a car ; farm stock, implements, grain and on the highway, and a third is still fowl, on Monday, Oct. 29. The usual : at terms of sale, and all feed and fowl i go on terms of sale. Sale at 1 p.m. j See bills. D. McPhail, auctioneer. enter any / - da} . at , he ^ DIST. CONVENTION OF W.M.S. The District* ConT*tioa of the Mrs. John Pedlar returned ! Sound, on Monday, Oct. 29th. Se.*s- Flesherton L.O.L. No. 2855 will hold their regular monthly meeting in Clayton's hall on Friday evening, Oct. 26th. Extra special meeting, and visitors are welcome. Give us an idea early of the quant- ity of geese, ducks and turkeys you wish to market for Thanksgiving. Dever Bros., Proton. Reeve McTarish, W. J. Bellamy, Fred Mathewson and Chas. Stewart motored to Gravenhurst Tuesday on business in connection with town affairs. Beginning Saturday Oct. 27 and good until the end of November we offer $1 refund on clever dollars' worth of goods bought at one time for cash flour, feed and sugar ex- icepted. A. E. Haw, Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Madill of the Sault are visiting relatives and friends here. U is 21 ysars since Mr. Madill moved from this towns-hip. Old friends were glad to meet them oiH-o more. An extensive auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 24, con 5, Artemesia, on Friday of this week, Oct. 26, the property of Mr. Jams Smith. See large bills. S. R. Hawkins, auctioneer. Mr was a week. with him after a week's attendance with her granddaughter. Miss Aileen '. Beecroft. who was threatened with appendicitis, but is recovering nicely. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Carswell. Mr. and Mrs. Harris and son, Howard, of Palmerston visited with Mr. and Mrs J. J. Brown mid Mr. . nd Mrs. W. Moore over the week er. '. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mr Ernie Brown of Stayner were also visitors at the same homes. Mr. Ferris of the Park House got two settings of eggs from the pheasantry at Eugenia last spring. One setting he put out on the farm and the other under a hen at home. Eight chicks were hatched from the latter but only one came to maturity, the others dying or being killed in OWEX SOUND and start your studies in Com mercial Shorthand or Preparatory Courses unexcelled in Canada Unexcelled in America. Ciitalojr.se Frc John Beecroft of Owen Sound Woman's Missionary Society will be j Q. D. FLEMING, Secretary. visitor in town the first of tho held in First Methodist church. Owen Principle since Why not Buy in Quantities for Cash Look These Prices Over 10 Ibs. tea regular 65 c. alb lOlbs. for $6.00 13 bars laundry soap your choice $1.00 10 Ibs. Thompson's Seedless Raisins $1.50 6 cans Cohoe Red Salmon for $ 1.50 5 Ibs. icing sugar 65 Buy eleven dollars worth and get it for$ 1 0.00 A. E. HAW General Store Cash Cream Station CEYLON f Store closes every Tues. and Fri. eve. since 1SS1. ions commncing at 2 p.m. and 7 15 p. I m. Miss Sparling of Chungking,! China, will address *he meeting and' it is expected that Miss Helen Hard of Ueda, Japan, will be present. The officers ask that a large delegation attend. f MARRIED Jenkins White At Toronto on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, 1923, Edith ! Letitia (Lettie) White, daughter of j Mr. and Mrs. George L. White of I Dunboyne, to Mr John Earl Jenkins | of Toronto. The yong couple will j reside in Toronto. Cargo*? Dixon At Port Credit Methodist church on Monday, Oct. ' 22nd, 1923, by Rev. James Dudgeon, Margretta Rth, daughter of ' some manner. This bird is a male | Mr and Mrs Harry Dixon of Listow- and a very handsome specimn. farm hatched brood contains birds, all doing well. The [ el. to Mr. Walter E. Cargoe. formerly ten of Flesherton. Dominion Government REFUNDING LOAN BONDS Those who were unfortunate in being unable to get any of these Bonds are advised that we are in position to supply a limited number yet. But we must know at once. Bonds now maturing accepted for payment. Ontario Government 5 p.c. Bonds We hold a limited number for sale immediately. PRICE $98.00. W. A. ARMSTRONG ~1pTRST CLASF^aJR^TTlKS^iNlURANCE S. E. deCudmore Representative Flejherton What Every Man Wants la Underwear can be supplied with perfect satis- faction from our present stock. We offer a com- plete line of Men's Combinations and 2- piece suits. STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR These garments will be found to fit perfectly and may be chosen of the correct weight to meet the needs of indoor and outdoor workers. Stanfield's secret process takes the "shrink" out of the wool and the Elastic Inset Shoulders prevent pulling or binding. Prices will be found as satisfactory as the garments. Prices from $1.65 to 3.75 for single garments Combinations from $3.25 to 5.50 each Stanfield's Underwear for Ladies also in Stock Our Millinery Department is always at your service. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO