October 10, 1923 THE FLESI1ERTQN ADVANCE IN MEMORIAM McMILLAN-In memory of Annie C. McMillan, who died OB October 10th, JH21. Swept as the tender fragrance that survives, When martyred flowers breathe out their little lives; Kwc-ot as a song that once consoled our pain, But never will be sung to us again, Is the remembrance. Now the house of rest Hath come to thce. Sleep darling, it is best. The Family. Robbers Sentenced Leo Craig and Max Beaver appeared Police Magistrate Hugh Falconer of Shelburnc in Police Court at Orange- ville on Saturday afternoon charged with unlawfully stealing from J. D. Torrie's clothing store at Orangeville las Monday night. Both men pleaded guilty and were not represented by counsel. Craig, who gave his age as 21, was sentenced to five years in Kingston Penitentiary while Beaver who gave his age as 15, was let off with a three year term no account of his youth. When asked by the Magistrate why he committed the robbery, Craig said he did it to get money. .ACCOUNTS r OLY HANDLED CONVINCED BY HELP IT GAVE HIS FRIENDS Testimonials From PeoMe He Knew Convinced Sergeant Elvm of I he Salvation Army That Dreco Was Well Worth Trying. Results Have Delighted Him. Mr. J. R. Elvin of 177 Mulock St., Toronto, who for twenty years has been a Sergeant in the Salvation Army, is outspoken in his praise of Dreco, the herbal remedy. Suffer- ing himself, he read of breco's won- derful work, heard it spoken of in tones of the deepest gratitude by people he knew well. What more than that he should decide to try it himself. 'Although I have only taken a bottle and a half of Dreco, it has done me a world of good already," states 'Mr. Elvin. "Last winter I had an attack of lumbago, which left my system in a very badly run-down condition. Pains shot across my back, over my kidneys. My stomach ! would not digest my food properly, \ causing gas to rise after each meal, OSPREY SCHOOL FAIR AWARDS is the aim of the Bank of Montreal to _erve willingly in little things as well as large to be generally helpful to its cus- tomers regardless of the size and extent of their dealings with the Bank. For years the Bank of Montreal has co-operated with its customers, assisting in various ways in matters of finance and business. // you require information or any other banking service, you have merely to tvrite or call. l-'U-shcrton Branch: C. E. Stevenson, Manager BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 and I often had billious attacks." i "After reading of the help people I i knew were receiving from Dreco, I ' thought it might also benefit me and I have not been disappointed in any , way. The pains in my back have I gre'atly improved, my stomach is much better and I have had no gas- 1 trie or bilious attacks since I started taking this medicine." i "My bowels arc regular; I get up ' feeling fine and refreshed in the , mornings and my day's work is done ! much easier. 1 have recommended .>', Dreco to many already and never hesitate to praise it." j Dreco's claims can be readily sub- I stantiated. Reliable people who have (tried it are loud in their praises of [this fine herbal remedy. They have 'found that it actually does tone and ! regulate the system and improve the i general health. Dreco is made from herbs, roots, bark and leaves and contains no mercury, potash or habit- forming drugs. Dreco IH being Hpecially introduced in Flesherton by C. N. Richardson land is sold by a good druggist every- where. John Spccrs of Mono Mills lost bis clover threshing machine when it caught fire from a spark, presumably struck by a sto:u: on one of the cyl- ! inders. The machine was a complete loss. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order lhat our customer* in the six com- munities in* v materially ben- efit individually. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE | A Store everyone instinct- ively associates with high quality merchandise at the : .,t faireit possible prices. v.J LIVE STOCK Heavy Colt JohnMcLean 7. Market Lamb Ross Long 7, Rus- sell Hawton 7. GRAIN AND CORN Quart of oats from grain plot Roy Thompson 14, Lawrence Fenwick 5. Sheaf Oats L. Fenwick 5. Sheaf Barley L. Fenwick 5. Quart of Barley Russell Hudson 7, Lawrence Fenwick 5. 5 Ears Corn James Kerton 5, Donelda McDonald U. 5. ROOTS & VEGETABLES Potatos from Plot Bertha Pedlar 14, Scott Chestnut U. 5, Sam Chest- nut U. 5, Bernice Esland 10, Howard Fenwick 5, Thos Stephen 1O. Mangels Gar. McLeod 10, Victor Wright 7, Florence Adam 1O, Maxine Davidson 10. Turnips John McLean 7, Roy Mc- Donald U. 5. Beets Mae Freeman 10, Ruby Kerton 5, Dorothy Stevenson 2, Elliott Crevier U. 5, Earl Heitman 2, Jean Heitman 2. Carrots Rhoda Goldsmith U. 5, Doris Taylor U. 5, Mary Findlay 14, Kilburne Hawkins 5, Bertha Wilton 14, Clarence Ferguson U. 5. onions Mervin Kendall 14. Fruit Collection of Apples, Clay- bourne Thompson 14, Cornelius Sull- van 14, Aldred Hudson U. 5, Verna Hudson 7, Wm. Hoilingshead 7, Jas. Kerton 5. FLOWERS Bouquet of Asters, Mubel Guy 14, Ruby Kerton 5, M. D. Cameron 2, Zolla Long 7. POULTRY Cockerel T. J. Hawkiiu 10, Clar- ence Lockhart '2, Kilburne Hawkins 5, Bert Kerton 2. I'ullet Clarence Lockhart 2, Bert Kerton 7, Kilbou'rne Hawkins 5, T. J. Hawkins 10, Ruby Kerton 5. EGGS White ERRS Roy Thompson 14, Olive Wideaian 2, Margaret Brem- ner 7, Margery Hatficld 7, Verna Hudson 7, James Kerton 5. Brown EKK* Bernice Esland 10, Margaret Bremncr 7, Roydon Steph- enson 2, Blanche Henderson 7, Ray Henderson 7, Ruby Kerton 5. NATIRE STUDY Weeds Mounted Clarence Lock- hart 2, Olive Wideman 2, Burton Pedlar 4. Weed Seeds in Bottles Francis Kdwaru* U. 5, Clarence Lockhart 2, Bertha Welton 14. MANUAL TRAINING Mallet Nelson Pedlar 14, John McLean 7, Ross Long 7, Russell Hud- Small Advertisements Truck For Rent 1% ton truck for rent. G. B Welton, Fleaherton. Down, Flesherton. FARMS FOR SALE On the Toronto Line Provincial Wanted-A quantity of wheat and j Highway . Three farms, two of 100 oats. W J Stewart, Flesherton. i acres and one of B0 acres ali c i eared . ~To7~SaIe Marlin rifle, 38-557^n j First class b " iWin *"' "P * date in first class condition. Price 15.-H. i everv Particular. Will sell any one of these ' Good bnck house on one of the farms. The stabling for anni- mals is perfect. One farm has ten Chopping done Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Graham Eugenia. Bros., Horses For Sale One horse six yars old and another three years old. Joseph Ferris, Priceville. For Sale Brood sow with litter of pigs. A. Cameron, Eugenia. Phone Feversham. NOTICE Market price paid for grain and potatoes.-S. Batcheler, Proton Station. For Sale Bird's Mackinaws, tweeds and yarns at the Feversham tailor shop. H. Alexander. acres hardwood bush and another nundred has three acres of timber and has buildinngs for everything- needed, including poultry house and pig pens. No broken land and clear of weeds. Any person interetsed should investigate. JAS. STINSON, Imy Proton Station P.Os $25 Reward To any person catch- ing or trapping alive one silver black fox. Chas. Moore, Proton. Lost Thoroughbred Oxford Down ram some time in September. D. Roberts, Feversham. FARM FOR SALE Lot 166and 167, 1st range W.T. it S.R., 100 acres, 2 miles south of Fle- sherton on the Provincial Highway ; 85 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and swamp land. For par- ticulars apply to Mrs. M. Thistleth- waite, Flesherton. House and Lot For Sale Pigs For Sale Seven weeks, and three months old, about 20 of them. H. Genoe, Flesherton. For Sale Ford touring car for sale, a real buy at $110 A. C.Muir, Ceylon. Phone 2 r 31. Lambs for Sale Four ram lambs for breeding purposes. R. Purvis, Eugenia, phone 43 r 2. Large frame house, 10 rooms; IMr. acres of land. Residence of the lat* John Breen. Apply to JOHN WRIGHT, Boar For Service A PROGRESSIVESTORE SERVING A PROGRESSIVE COMMUNITY Exceptional Beauty and Absolute Correctness of Style Distinguish Hill's Presentation of Fall Millinery and L adies' Ready-to Wear Garments I Vjf S Frocks to suit your individuality Our showing of new Autumn frocks inclu<lt'.i dros- ses for very occasion in styles to meet individual preferences. Here are utreet dri-sses of sninrt wool- ens of the newest weaves, Alltymc Crepe and other Silk weaves. Some arc imported direct from New York. Others are manufactured by Homo of our highest class (Canadian Manufacturers. In every instance whether it be a New York production or n high class Canadian garment, you are assured that the Btyle IB absolutely correct and the workmanship the very best and all are moderately priced at $12.50 to $25.00. Piquant hats that belong to Autumn With their nir of smart assurance these ha'.s seem designed for these pleasant Autumn days. So var- ied are the styles that every preference Is succesa- fully met and this possibility of pleasing choice makes the purchase ot a new hat a pleasure. An important feature is tho price which we helievo corner" its a wise policy to purchase your winter coat now. Here are quality coats of new soft smooth woolens which tailor so well, and luxurious- ly braided wraps of various new fabrics, smartly fur-collared. Long lines are emphasised in many types of coals, and the side closing and large button peems important in most models. Prices from $1 4.75 to $37.50. Union Homespun Dresses $3,95 This is a remarkable dress for such a low price. They arc more than house dresses. While distinctly practical and serviceable for wear in the kitchen they are so trimmed with braid nd button!), that they serve admirably for afternoon frocks in which 1o receive the neighbourly caller. Quantity limited. Very spccinl at $3.95. Spats for women and School Girls Never before have Markdale shoppers been offer- - ,.., . i , lower than similar high class millinery is sold I at w , guch n , ur> , o aBBortment of tg from which elsewhere in any store in Canada. A big selection to makc n aclectjon _ Our showing includes many heights and qualities in frits and beautiful qualities of high grade broadcloths in all tho wanted shades. Our big buying power enables us to sell these nt prfces lhat mean a big saving to our customers. With Jack Frost lying in wait "just around tho Specially priced at per pair 96e. to $2.50. Seat Ross Lonjf 7, \Vm. 7, M. D. Cameron 2, ICddie Hall 2, Ivan Alexander 7, John McLean 7. DOMKST1C SCIENCE Luaf White Hiead Bertha Wilton 11, Khzabeth Cameron U. Apple Fie Isabel McLean 10, Eli- /.abeth Cameron U, Rubv Henderson 7, Minerva Conn 7, Bertha Wilton 14, VVrna Hudson 7. Half Pound I"iidp<- (Teachers only) Nettie McKinlay 2, Freda OKlfield 14. SEWINC Girl's Work Ban Mary Brcmner 7, Jean Heitman 2 Elizabeth Cameron 2, Clothes Pin Apron-Mae Freeman 10 Doll's Quilt Olive Wideman 2, Verna Hudson 7, Margaret Bremner 7, Dorothy Hawkins 10. Hand Memmed Dish Towel Jean Hcitnuin 13, Ruby Keron 5, M. David- son 10, Olive Wideman 2, Madge Davidson 10, Verna Hudson 7. WRITING :h and if id Book Pupils Rhoda (iolclsmilh U. 5, Doris Taylor U. 6, Aldred Taylor U. 6, Bertha Wilton 14, Donelda McDonald U. 6, Olive Wideman 2. 2nd and 1st Book Pupils Kilbourn Hawkins 5, Dorothy Stophenson 2, Thos. K. Hall 2, Lorina Arnold 2, Minnie Mclnyre 2. DRAWING Lead Pencil Drawing: Mervin Ken- doll 14, Bertha Wilton 14, Sam Chest- unt II. 5, Aldred Taylor U. 5, Maxine Davidson 10, Mndfre Davidson 10. Map (Jrey County V Sullivan 14. CONTESTS Girls' Speaking Doris Taylor U. 5. Parade S.S. 2, S.S. 7, U.S.S. 1 & 5. Hoys' Driving Hector McDonald 2, Clarence Lockhart 2, Mac McDonald I1.S.S. 1 & 5. Girls Driving M Davidson 10. For Sale One 3-year-old sow and one younp sow. Luther Duckett, Eugenia. For Salt-Four head 2 year old and five head yearling cattle and one brood sow for sale. Edward Hillock, Maxwell, Ont. For Sale 15 colonies of Italian bees in Langstrath hives, also well ripened honey. Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia, Ont. S. R. HAWKINS, Licensed auct- ioneer for the county of Grey. Terms moderate. All arrangements can be made at this office or by addres- sing me at Eugenia. Your patronage solicited. For Sale 7 h.p. Empire gasoline engine, drag saw, jack, buzz saw 30 in. and jack, belts, tracks and car, all in pood repair. Price $225 for quick sale. For full particulars apply at this office. Purebred Registered Yorkshire- Boar for service Vineyard Famous 77530 on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Art- emesia. Termsfl.SO. Sows not re- turned will be charged same as those - in pig. Feb.15 T. J. STINSON.. Boar For Service Purebred Tamworth Boar for serv- ice on lot 167, S.W.T. & S.R., Arteme- sia. Terms $ 1.50. Sows not retur- ned will be charged same asthose in pig. Feb.15- T. J. STINSON, Prop. Bull For Sewice Pedigreed Jersey Bull, "Premier of Lone Oak, 21058", for service at lot 151, 1 N.E., Artemesia. Terms For grades $2, thoroughbreds $5. H. C. RADLEY & SON, _ Une Flesherton, BUSINESS CARDS Stoek For Sale Four younjr heavy horses, six head of 3-year-old cattle, one thoroughbred ram and three well bred lambs. Feed scarce. \\'m Hodgson, Feversham, lot 17, con. 12, Osprey. Notice to Gun Owners Have your old gun lhat needs n new stock fitted up as good as new. Repairs made on r.ll makes of jjuns. My charges uro mo'.lt'i'uti 1 and the work is guaran- teed, i also have a number of double barrel shotgune for sale from $8 up. Gco. A. Watson, Priceville. For Snle English army horse blankets, ail new, very heavy jute cover, long wearing woven woollen lining, weipht nearly 11 pounds. Complete with girth straps, leg ties and breast fasteners. Exceptional value at $4.50 each. A. E. Haw, Ceylun, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Dr. E. C. Murray. L.D.S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto- and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence- Toronto Stret, Flesherton. Dr. W. G. Davis. L.D.S., graduate of the University of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario- Office at the cor. of Queen St., B. and Woodbine Ave., Toronto. Glad. 1388 Lot 1 2, Con. 13, Osprey, 100 acres, bank barn 40 x 60, frame house with stone cellar, well in woodshed, small orchard; 40 acres under cultivation, rest pasture and bush. Apply for particulars to JAS. T. McKENZIE, 1 5 Oct. Feversham. House and Lots For Sale at the popular price of $4.95. Now the New Winter Coats F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale SCHOOL REPORTS S. S. No. 10, ArUmeaia (Cyl<m) Name i in ordr of merit. Sr 4-O McLachlan, E McLachlan, D White, M Mi-Mullen, J C McMuIlen absent. Jr. 4 V Stewart, B McDonald, E White, M Sinclair. Sr. 31 Snell, D Stewart, John McMillan. Jr. 3 B Genoe, R McDonald, K Stewart, J Stewart, M Snell. House and Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good celar, stable, etc. ; about an asre of land, would make a good home for a retired gentleman. For terms and particulars apply to W. J, Bellamy, Flesherton. Imytf ""AUCTION SALES An auction sal* of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 5, con. 8. Osprey, on Wed., Oct. 17, the prop- erty of W. I'oolc. S. Hawking, Auctioneer. Dr. A. Turnbnll, B.A., M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Office Rich- ardson Block, Flesherton. Phone 35~ Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. & A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Fleaherton, every Fri- day on or before the full moon. A. Sinclair, W.M.. A. E. Bellamy, Sec. Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K.C. ; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc., Offices Grey and Brace- Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birni*. Wm. Knitting. Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar- anteed. Arrangements for dates may be made at the Advance office, or Central telephone office, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feversham. Grain and Potatoes Wanted Highest market price paid for grain and potatoes. -W. C. WHITE, Ceylon. Jr. 2 D McDonald, L Piper, Geo Jaynes, J McLeod, M Daley, Jimmy Sinclair, D Snell, E Brown. Jr. 1 C Brown, B Cairns, M Piper, E Genoe, U Stewart. Sr. Pr.-J McDonald, J P Stewart, K Stewart. Jr, Pr.-B Cairns, L Archibald, E Mathewson, absent. No. on roll 37, av. attendance 34.88. Mrs. F. J. Seeley Teacher. Potato*. Wanted We are loading every day at both Ceylon and Priceville. Highest market prices paid. Phone 2r31. A. C. MUIR. CyU. Farm Fo^Sal~~ About .39 Kcres, bank barn, frame house, small orchard, 25 acres of cul- tivated land, balance wood and pas- ture; well fenced and watered. Farm juat outside Flesherton corporation. LAW80N WRITEHEAD. Fl*h*rw, Oat. V