October 10, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THR Fleslierton Advance W. H. THURSTON, Editor he has amused and helped over the trough spots of life by his humor in pi-n and brush. I J. W. BBNGOUGH i "CANADA AS THE STATES SEE HER" i (The Referee, Chicago) While we recognize that the people A man died in Toronto last week whose life has been linked with , of Canildil wouldl not regard Ihc pollu-.il life of Canada for nearly ated liuUor >'' in tlu ' ll * ht of con " lli - half a century, yet who never held ment ' v/e belicvc we remai " v;ithin public office. He made n place for ' lhe confines of .simple truth when we himself in the affairs of this Dominion rcl:lark that no na '' ion in hi3tor y has and in the hearts of the people that met the <*ncial demands of war with will live on while the names of legis- * rcatcr * ood "I rit and carrkl<1 thc financial burdens With greater intell- igence than the vast Dominion that tops the Xorth American continent. Ten years ago Canada's debt was less than $300,00,000. On January 1, 1923, it was $2,516,029,000 over two billion dollars added by the war. \Verc it not for the fact that the bulk of this collosal debt is owed within lators aro lost in oblivion. J. W. BenprouKh was horn in a little villa; . near Toronto and was lame from his youth. \Vhilo attend- ing public school his infirmity pre- vented him from joining in sports with his companions and his leisure moments were devoted to drawing pictures of thos* around him. In this the Dominion Canadians themselves he developed a cleverness in drawing owning bonds to the extent of Jl.DG'.t,- cartoons of public men that has never 1 995,000 the interest payments would been exceeded by any cartoonist. He '.doubtless drain the country dry, re- founded Canada's first and only comic fduce the exchange value of the Canu- paper, "Grippe." Later this concern 'lian dollar to a ruinous figure and was formed into a joint etock com- | P lun *e Canadian finance and business pany with Ben K ou K h as editor am i into a chaotic condition. As it is, thc cartoonist. In those days many of i^mi-aanual interest payments go into our public men made excellent sub- j nun(1 '-e<is of thousands of Canadian jeets for the cartoonist's brush ! homes> aml P'"*" money *r ^ Caught The Jews License Inspector Robinson took a jaunt over to Tottenham on Satur- day morning, says the Ohangeville Banner. Accompanied by County Constables Watson of Decton and Bradley of Tottenham and armed with a search warrant the Inspector paid a visit to- house four miles south of Beeton, occupied by Jews, who have been under suspicion for some timo. A search of the premises was rewarded by thc discovery of four bottles of whisky. The occu- pants, Marry Caurl and Chas. Harris, were taken into custody. Happening to overhear one of the prisoners re- mark tu the other that Harry would be home shortly the officers decided to hang about and awuit develop- ments. Two hours later Harry Grecnglass drove in with an auto. When the officers searched the car they came on a cargo of one hun- dred bottle", of whiskey, which Greenglass was bringing home from Toronto. The three men are out on bail of 82000 each. The three come up for trial before Magistrate Jeffs in Tottenham on Saturday. Alexander McKenzie with his long ; payment of the Federal taxes from chin and sober Scotch countenance; i whlch the int erest payments are Sir John McDonald with the humorous ! drawn ' At the time - Cttd might cast, large mouth, Roman nose and ' have met the enormous demands of little forelock of curling hair. Sir the war by borrowin f? ttem New York. Chart. T.pper, the English bulldog, : but the wisd ' n . well as the patriot- and others. These faces I-,.- handled lsm> In reslstln K the temptation and in a masterly way, creating much j instead placing the burden immediat- amusement among his readers. Of , el y U P" the shouldetrs of her own later years, since "Grippe" ceased ' people is now apparent. Within a few publication, Mr. Bengough had devot- weeks $172,000,000 of Dominion Cov- ed himself to the lecture platform, | eminent bonds will fall due. With and was well known all over this ' the same spirit and intelligence, the continent and in Australia where he t Government is again co-operating took a lecture tour. He was also a w ' ln bankers and brokers to keep the valued contributor to the Globe for j <*e\tt in Canada. The prospect that years. I practically the entire amonut will be I replaced by money advanced by The Advance man has a very warm upot in his heart for the kindly and Canadian investors is pleasing to the friends of plucky Canada the world clever man who passed to his re- over. ward. It was J. \V. Bengough who ' paid us for our first literary work j The Oro Creamery at Hawkestone nearly forty years ago, and our asso.-- was broken into, the refrigerator iation with him at the time covered opened and MO pounds of creamery a period of about two years previous ' butter stolen by thieves, who carried to our removal from Toronto. There- ! thc buUer to a waiting ear or truck. fore we f--.-! justified in drawing more \ T}ie i oss to Mr . Newman, proprietor, than ordinary attention to one whom ; over $250. we respected and appreciated. His ! ittfrlinff worth as a citizen, his unfalt- 1 Cgg PfldP 7 For Fast ering smile and cheerv personality! ' ' ** B '* should not be forjfotten by those who GfCy PriZC LJSt, EtC. What Two Dollars Will Buy In each of its many departments, catering to all classes and all ages, ths Family Herald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, has continued to improve each year over the last until now it would seem perfection was reached. Yet for the coming season that re- markable farm arid family journal a^ain promises- and the promise will surely be fulfilled still further im- provements in all departments. It is a profound mystery to publishers the world over how the Family Herald & Weekly Star can continue to publish a 72-pJi f c weekly paper containing such a wealth and variety of reading matt- er for a subscription price of only 2.00 per year. If this were no enough, we hear that, added to the amazing value of the paper itself, each subsriber this ipiison who remits in time wll receive free a most beautiful picture in colors of a lovely and heroic woman, whose H-inarkable life story is published ir , I opk'.et form and can be obtainec i \Vihout charge from the Family Hcr- ! ild and Weekly Star, Montreal. Will Your Widow Dress as Well as Your Wife Does? A queer question? Well, perhaps but it's Intensely serious. Itmeana, in other words Have you made adequate provision for your family in the event of your sudden death? Not a pleasant thought, maybe, but a far more un- pleasant one is, that the wife and little ones you love and cherish may next we sic be left penniless and de- pendent upon the charity of friend*. But by investing a few dollars a year in an Imperial Home Protection policy you can ensure that they will be comfortably provided for even though you should die next week. And they deserve that much lacri- fice on your part don't they? Write today for our booklet, *"The Creation of an Estate." You never know when you may be unmurable. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO G. E. HENRY, Agent , FLESHERTON -= Copyright The "poetry of motion" is fully ex- mplified in :nany a business meeting. t comes in the motion to adjourn. ilaford Mirror. Rev. Wm. Andrew Cook, Methodist minister at Arkwright, died after a hort illness at the age of 29 years. le leaves a wife and three small hildren. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known as the high grade School. Keen demand for our graduaes all the time. Write for Catalogue. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. vp We are NOT selling out S iHMill! WE ARE HERE TO STAY and wUl up- hold our record of giving SERVICE and selling only GOODS THAT PASS THE MARK of high quality that we have set since this business was founded. OUR PRICES ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE QUALITY OF GOODS WE HANDLE FURTHER Comparison has shown that while on some articles they appear high, they are g found in the end, really lower when com-0 pared to goods bought elsewhere. There @ is something very much wrong when "|* goods appear to be sold cheaply. j5 \\ e are ever willing" and ready to compare our Q goods with those which you may perchance get j| a little lower somewhere else. 1 We have faith in our goods and in ^ our charges. -3 Therefore we say this WATCH YOUR BUYING and compare g ualttp 3tetoelerp W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON Karstedt Bros. PRICEViLLE Substantial F. G. Karstedt FLESHERTON FOR CAS OR PRODUCE ONLY Commencing OCTOBER 10, 1923, coatinuinrf lor ten days, and ending OCTOBER 20. Thc stores in Flesherton and Priceville will feature the following Specials, This sale em- braces many lines not advertised, and will he to your advantage to do your shopping in either of these stores. Every day new bargains will be placed on sale. MEN'S ODD PANTS \\r'l made, licit Limp-, some with < nil - all hizex worth up to $3.00 for $2.29. MEN'S BIB OVERALLS $1.39 In III. ul., Hint* or Stripe. All Hi7.es and well miule while they last per K'irmeiit $1.39. (iranul.-ited Sng;ir ( 1 l>a,<j to a customer) per bnj; $10.85. Sockevt' Salmon 1 11). tins regular 50c. value 36c. Red Salmon 1 Ib. tins regular 35c. value.. 24c. Shmldrd \Vhwit Hiscuits 2 pkg. 25c. Koley's Seeded Raisins 15 o/. pkg 2 pk^s. for 32c. California Seedless Raisins 15 ox. pkg 3 Ibs for 39c. Alutfir Making Powder 1 Ib. tins per can 32c. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS A few pairs of largest size Flannellette Blankets slightly soiled but hardly noticeable, worth $3.75 Pr pair $2.89. WOOLEN TWEED CLOTH Suitable for making Men's and Boys' Trousers or Knickers, winter weight, good value at per yd 75c. 10 cakes of P.&G., Gold, Comfort, Sunlight, and Charm, assorted, and 1 cakes Castile GREB SHOES $4.29 PER PR. Men's Work Shoes in black Mennunite (train, or Known Kip plain toe regular $5.00 per pair. Yellow Label $4.29. Fresh pure Clover Honey in 10 Ib. pails $1.25 WOMEN'S KIP SHOES $3J*r Just the shoe for Fall wear, not too heavy, but wet-resisting and a Rood strong sole. Try a pair, Sizes 3 to 8 $3.75. EVERYTHING IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. WE HANDLE THE "DOMINION" LINEOF* RUBBERS THROUGHOUT, IN RUBBER BOOTS, LEATHER TOPS, SNAG-PROOF IN 4 AND 6 EYELETS, AND OVER RUBBERS FOR ALL MAKES AND SHAPES OF SHOES. UNBLEACHED COTTON 5 yds. $1.00 Good value of yard-wide unbleached Cotton at 2S c. per yard for thia aale 5 yilx. forfl.OO. White Cups, only per doz. $M9. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers per doz. $2.29. Milk Pitchers pint and 1^ pint 40c. and SOc. $1.50. GOLDEN HALLOWII DATES Golden Hallowii Dates In Bulk .3 Ibs. for China IJerry Set, with six nappies.