\ Addrea* aommunlcatloni to A 8 rono1hft. 73 Adelilde 81. West. Toronto I her farm without his advice grated on | Alma suffered even more ttian did him. j Virge-. His conceit was badly bumped, j The vi-it was not prolonged, and but she was cut to the heart Often; soon the widow climbed into her fliv- | at night her pillow was wet with tears. ': ver and went hiccoughing toward her One day soon, following a visit to tho , . ~ farm. Gorrett home, the widow told Deb: When Shall We Teach Betty to Pick Up Her Plaything* r "That is the way he does most of "Alma has broken down under the _ the time," she said, relating the epl- strain. She has a fever and is de- sode to Debby Quatts, her hired girl, Hrious part of tho time.' who was of some age, much weight " Just a8 l expected!" declared Home Education "The Child'* Pint School Is the Family" Froebel." BY ORA A. CLEMENT. Betty's mother had just gotten the little four-year-old settled down for CANADA'S RECORD AT LEADING AGRICULTURAL SHOWS IN 1922. The high place secured by Canada's agricultural and horticultural pro- ducUt at shown held In Great Britain and the United States, in 1922, is in- ... . . i n pionsh.p nine times in . vears ye not exhibiting one year 'and taking second the other. ALBERTA. Once more Alberta upheld its repu- tation at the International Hay and would Grain Show in Chicago, in 1922, when agreed Mrs. Tevis. and very plain speaking. ] Ue ,5py- , her afternoon nap. "If I had a husband like that," de- 1 The doctor gave to Alma', case a "" j"^, Mr..H MU Qnnfts "IM taWe him hv long-tailed Latin name, but the widow ^. A r dared MIHS VfOaTU, 10 taKo nun r>y f , u .-^, j than oret this room No They ;d;o"r.l7omeVhin^!>'--d Deb knewjt for old-fashioned f^," ^e wake s upa gain," she laugh- mO re Interesting to watch tte same ^ Qf ^ ^ or _ gomoth|nR! an e new it or o-asione darn man could bullyrag me!, brain fever. Thereafter one or the remarked 're nil alike, cat-fetch Vm! other of them was there almost con- JW P will not much more put to rights be- be successful as a poultry woman you must work with Nature you can't oppose her." She drew a thread thoughtfully and i, and it is still went on; h e r college friend. * P , - "A little of that kind of treatment tmuoualy. Virge did what he could P f ew days with ter. >uld do Virge a world of good." 'or he was not wholly callous. The P J days dragged on. - than three grand championships, Quatts 1 hey re all mean coots. Quatts were in asked - il ___ ...... j onH TUinlr 1,,.... ,,r..Mv Alma u/na TtlM Via MTS. 1 PV1S and 1HISS WUU T .tS Wri III 'dicated by the following summary! ONTARIO. At the Imperial Kruit Show, held in jjO 1 1 uo rj , r^ 1 1 ^jiiiii <i , upji.t B i r in v/ii DM other iti rvc in 'wncm* ^m/^* v* **~ ** -< ... i u*^, >. ,-,. . HU v . T w> -- tario secured eleven first prizes; nine * ", ,1 ;, d gth loth an d llth a flower. Now looky at her growing stovepipe thimble in aecond prizes and one third prize. Ini"j^ g K , n ^ exh ' ib its from Al- thinner and fadeder every day. There g^S^ "" addition to this, a upleiidld display of ^ ertg gecurct i i s 't and grand cham- ain't no shadder of excuse for playthings where they are and let Betty pick, falls he gets? thing in children. Did you ever think what a powerful urge there must be in the little child to keep him trying to walk in spite of the discouraging in oats, another in peas and Think how pretty Alma was when he In wheat, Alberta ex- married her slender and as sweet as , ,... pnr . m u p ] nw * su n om Del w - All through Betty's childhood and youth she will be led by instincts and WU3 "Sometimes I do, but she always j desires through which Nature strives wants tor ike play of it and it really; to produce and develop perfect wo- more time to keep her at it than manhood. And in handling children, ...s to do it myself." j as in poultiy raising, it saves us much Her visitor said nothing for a few; pa in and trouble if we work with apples ready at that time made a an<J ^nd championship, also 2nd, at home. Now he is merely an over , tnost imposing exhibit and attracted j g r< j an( j ^ ] n rye> Alberta was grown boy whom Alma continues to] great deal of attention. ^ ven lst ftn " d ,. ran a champion, and spoil by yielding to his every whim.jJ At the exhibit of Ontario dairy * n alfa if a won S e CO nd place. She thinks his word is law. and he ' cattle at the National Dairy Show; At the International Live Stock thinks so too." now Betty : s passing through students of child life call the imitative age.' She imitates cvcry- r he him'" s 1 Deb em- 1 morning?" she asked. | thing she sees you do." I look at her lay I " oh ' l divided them up among three 1 The mother smiled knowingly, fthe ' or four hens who were simply wild to' loved the baby's little make-believes, be mothering something. Now the lit- j "She plays set table, and sews. held at St Paul, Minn., Ontario cattle !g how Chicago 1922 Alberta stock "Yah!" sneered the old maid., won two championships, two 1st won [ he {Mo ^ nf( p i aceB : ("When he is hungry his wife has P12*2__ s tL2S* pmes, three 2nd prizes, and five 3rd Gal i OW8yg , lit and errand cham- to eat. waiicea into witn ms eves onen i . pn-es, besides securing several other Dion , h i D Shorthorns a 4th and a 7th 1 snore. Ketch me catering to any darn; waiKeu into witn ms eye. en, a " ' awards in "string" clashes. In the ^L Il'ereford, 2nd 9th and llth man that way. What was it riled his then trying to tell him she loves him < >-, .i . .. Pf*' " re . ds ' . .' ? ... ' mighty near makes me bust right out Dairy Herd Class, Ontario stood sec- ond in the exhibits. At Chicago, where the International places; Grades, 1st and 4th, and bile this time? Shorthorn special. The livestock exhibit was prepared Live Stock Show has become the by the University of Alberta. rrn.ii tn.-t amrlil'ti -Vw.n- ,-^f tta bin, I r t.-. 1 * J-H t- at Chicago was feel just exactly like I don't know tie ones are cuddled up snug and sweeps, kneads bread and it - warm under real feathers, and they; as you do. If you work with have no idea in the world that they now you will save yourself and Betty are, by rights and inheritance, poor, a great deal of grief in the years to machine-hatched little orphans." j come." mighty near makes me bust right out! " Wh V did y u P ut them with the! -YOU are thinking of the playthings bellerin'! Loves him-thc brindle cal's' ^ns so soon? Would it not have been on the floor 'exclaimed the hostess. Mrs. Tevis gave the desired In- formation. H,,H" .u^iii.f..^ M; -. Onatt.. "It tnat ra snatcn mm around oy me nair; - -- "- might j4tt C w:,?ha^be?n Ua the un " of the head til, he learnt some de- strong enough to run with the older foot! I swear, if I had a husband like safer to have cared for them yourself; "Yes. While Betty wants to do just that I'd snatch him around by the hair until they were a week or so old and , . you do tra.r , he, -in habite of order- gTt'HtCSl w oriu 3 SnOW Oi Its Kind, On- i Th crrum PXhlDlt 8 1 V^nicaiiru wan iiLiKiii> j ov ao wen n. v i min 1.1 f tario achieved great distinction In ! ^ u * b y exhibitors f rom a^ over handy hour selected for the eclipsej cenc y !> And a good deal more of th.s Clydesdale horses, carrying off the the province. and was | n charge of ' -' ' i* **- *u*SDH * Reserve Championship, two 1st prizes, the fleld crop , commissioner of the thrpft '-*nd nrizptt nH - vtT n 1 3t*f1 nnH ' * - , ,.i*.__ the the province, and was in charge of, of the moon or b'cu-/. Wednesday don't; or . izes, the ' fleld Crop8 commissioner of the come on Saturday. Rut, just the same,! three 2nd prizes and several 3rd and j Depar tment of Agriculture. Betty's mother laughed, "That liness and cleanliness. The imitative age will not last long. After that, about the time she goes to school, there NOVA SCOTIA. 4th prizes, all classes being very strongly contested. The outstanding achievement was XT The JT 11111 * the awarding of the champion carlU Nova Scotla at the Imperial Fruit at the show to Ontario, and the carry- Show 1922, 1 as . folloW8: ing off by an Ontario breeder of tho. Br ' tl8h Em P> Se ?. tlon ~ , , . grand championship wether under! P esscrt a PP lw ' best 20 boxe "' lst two years, and the grand champion- ; pr "' e ;. ship of the show by th same exhi- 1 c "'' n r y aPP 1 * 8 ' best 20 boxe8 ' lst bitor. This was the first time in the history of the show that the topj prizes were all won by one man. | The province was represented in| the following classes: Southdowns, I betcha he ett the peaches!" I thc back stairs, and passing "He was devouring the biggest one . when I left, and remarking that that wlr v-, Ju T u of the province of ..nrnrt.lnlv in f r a I'ttle while to thc weak, hopel " ouietlv descended shows that you do not know chickens, will come a period when your littlo nasslmr rmrt wav 1 tried that plan the first year I used girl will be lawless, careless and solf- tonned at the open an incubator and I learned something, i ish, inclined to put her will and her room and listened It is only for a few days that a foster | judgment against yours in everything. in be introduced to incubator ! If she has become orderly and neat The prize and f. r >O cash in each class. In the Overseas Section, Nova Sco- begging and pleading for for- chicks. If they are put with her dur- the first few days of their lives from habit before that time comes it will be a great comfort to you and of |- ^f adopt h ^' and foflow her h-estimabfe value to her while sr-e is he had .worn S ' obediently till half-grown, like chick- j going through the trying 'Big Injun' e ns hatched under a h,n. but after a! age. If she has not, you will have to U9ed t , make up your mind to p| fk vlp after Ontario and British Columbia. Shropshire*, and the exhibits won in! The combined winnings in the two "I betcha! Nice, clever sort of a| husband treats his wife with less consideration than he would a work mule, b'cuz a mule will stand just so' much and then lash out, while a wife; "VjLS'w!; stumbled blindly to the' 1 bring oVphanTandlhey will" noTfof-! her for many years to come, for there u i will endure anything, asserted Miss *v V , ., ul. ..,,.,.,- Vi, mnpK slio ; will never be another time during her consisted of a gold medal barn, scrambled up into the loft and low a hen no matter how much sne , win never c t j T i tumbled face downward in the hay coaxes and clucks and scolds. Isn't! childhood and youth when it ill TStTi a So^tv ^umbUnJtl! U>K thuT^ S hw,th sobs of re"- ; it odd?" j easy to teach Betty the lessons of IJK 2&t&S3S! S ^^ iii!^.'..!.-,.*! & she had the Dlaythin(rs an in rdcr! Her - 1 times during the return journey. , all classes eight championships, thirty- 1 ectlo " s re ^ firsts '- two first prizes, twenty-five second nve thirds, and 183 cash. prizes, and several third prizes. In the Shorthorn and Angus classes Afterwards therc appearcd at tho 1 ' seconds, Gorrctt , nco fl , cagan 1 ,'; kpn stran .| rame a day not long afterwards ; ' iger who introduced himself as P. J.; wh '' n Mrs. Tevis took her jp> NEW BRI-NSWICK. | Skerry. He had a mind to quit the ^ nd , w tc ' 1 New Brunswick fruit (frowers did roaring city and settle down in the Paul J ' Skerr y. B . on of one of her until the' dii'st thereof "stuck to the 1 and settled herself with her mending i "Thanks for your little tears that wet his face. : in her lap. Grace," said Betty s mother as A. . "Instinct," said the teacher. "Nature | rolled two little stockings ir puts an urge into the little chick that, "I had never thought of it that >vay o makes it seek a mother at the time . before I shall begin at once to tram r it needs her most And if you are to| Betty to 'follow'." ' i M ; . v, j' ;. null, |/ I i .% i j ', i ; i ' j f UUI II I K ' ' ! ttHU - f 1 ( M' UUW II III III' i . , of general cattle, Ontario again stood not exhibit at the Imperial Fruit country. Followed considerable speak-! nlecos high, and the fact that Ontario; Show, 1922. It might be mentioned, j ing. and presently Virge sold thc farm t ~_ .^L:? "J ," Ti _?' breeders were chosen adjudges at this; however, that at the show held in [to Skerry after this fashion: ___ show attest* to tho character of the' 1921, New Brunswick apples achieved The price, a good one, for Virge taB as much you a ll dl<1 A ma y u , . feel that your time was well spent. stock that is being raised in this a notable success. In that year her prided himself on being a shrewd bar- j Vlr K>l Komg his best to make province. I exhibits of Mclntosh and Fameuse ' gainer, was agreed upon. The larger! ^ ro , c " d8 ,' and not . only sny " !. hat the . un ' At the Ix>ndon show, one thing was 1 two of Canada's most famous varieties part of Skerry's funds, so hc stated. fi " lsbcd Conveniences will , complet- broughtout very clearly, and that was 'of apples- obtained first prize with were at the moment in the form of, ed - but actually seems trying to find - - ..... ,.u.,,. ^ install for Almas comfort. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR the need for establishing grades and gold medals and two special prizes of bank time deposit certificates which; otn '' rs to install for Alma's comfort. uniformity in order to compete ir. the' 5, Third prize medals were secured would not mature for some little while. ! . ha y c informed the creditors that Know British market. For example, in but-' for Golden Russets. BRITISH COLUMBIA. At the Imperial Fruit Show, 1922, British Columbia suffered from the and Kootenay, they were very ter, Australia scored 100 points against 97 for Ontario, and won first, second and third prizes in the salted, as v.vll n the unsaltcd classes. f af i th a t t nc Tbc same thing wa., true in cheese; gtOWrt wert fiouth Africa winning first prize, and t . d| although Ontario coming second, with another ntry being highly commended. This competilion with producers' ^ o from olher countries open* up to our bi ^^ t in the Britisn E|n iro 8ec . farmers a vision of what world trade tion The variet ^ , Orange ":"" ^- --,'"'""""' *' u means, and what must be done hii In theOver.seas action, Creslon and rertaln A f , th 1 <le , talls f thc tranR c - order lo compete. Kp , owm pach w<): , , flrg ' t w| CoxV tion to A ma before it was consum- BASKATCHEWAN. Orango and SpitM-nbcr* respectively. 1 " latcd ** sh o(Tercd tlmld oh J ( ' ct ' on! ' *"'"-' " third with Fameuse . ... , , , If he should demand the cash on them! wi be rwponHible for any debts he . have before the expiration of that period; m y. be unnhle to pay, but .it is my in- thin* he would forfeit the interest. - tcntlon to Il>t hlm do u11 the P a y' n K hc thc world '" " for milled through a flocf of fowls is by , means of the common drinking ve=-s.-l. . No drinking fountain has yet been devised that will not be contaminated . by litter, manure, etc., being scratched into it, unless such vessels are set , upon a table low enough that the fowls can fly upon it Therefore, a harmless. ptic should be used in the drink- " lg PermangariaU' of potash is the beat for n harmless antiseptic we have tried. We Is like that of a young girl, j as it spins Alma has learned to love her threads into ! father. Come down here next summer] goods. The wasp knows how to make ---!- | w Uon the certificates came duo Menu ! ' llut '"'" " s ifuino ; d, although, in 1021, they were very, .., h . , , . | . ' 'i f at h e r. Come down here next summer | goods. U T eSSfU , re home nd oav for the nrivi We 'or your vacation and get acquainted The wasp knows how to make paper A special prize of 2O wns awarded fc JS to fil\!rSl fiSSE *Wkttl real Virgil. As Deb says. He picks off the finest bits of wood Creston for the best British Colum- oertaln lm P ro ^- .., )ariicil if ho ain ' t go t the makin's of with his mouth, and then gathers them m exhibit in tho British Empire sec- ^1 ' v"l ._,_, , a man In him!" into a little bunch. He makes this When Virge triumphantly related was al once convinced that he was At the International Grain nnd Hay Oeston won ,. ,..,,, u ,, r unit-use , Show. Chicago, 111., 1022, Saskat- apples, and a first and third in any dnvl " K n ** bargain and replied cliewan growers won eleven prizes for other variety, besides a flrat for pears. 1 l ?"*!*Sf 1 tnHt wom(> . n knew nothing wheat out of 26, thus maintaining the Two special prizes in this section were InR " province's reputation for tho produc-, awarded lo Creston for Ihc I tion of the finest hard spring wheat, ish Columbia apple exhibit. secured In I At the Portland, Oregon, Aunev has e n man In him!' Your affectionate grand-aunt, LYIIIA TEVIS. Six million children ore born in China every year. It costs $1.82 to keep a rat for a year. That looks off the dollar the was that they were free from colds, . which are so common among young, growing stock, especially during rainy and chilly weather. We noticed that the chicks were more vigorous and active, and from babyhood to matur- v .,_ a little bunch. He makes this, - ^ rf ^^ into a soft pulp, and from the. pulp, ' ho makes the paper with which be! U A crate f . cockcre s ' fl ? m m ' uildTht, nest. It is very much like who was raising poultry for us, ar- . rived on the farm in a pretty bad con- dition. Fully two-lhirds of the birds the developed colds, and some cases were Indeed, paper-maker in the world; - fir^t wasp made just as goou paper as ' . ; X- "X wasp can. n.ke now. Hornets.; in separate enclosures and were no other treatment than per- other sections. The complet list Is ' tional Live Stock Exposition of 1922, British Columbia live stock winnings follows: Threshed wheat. Sweepstakes, lt nd 5th (Hard Red Sprinj?) ; Gth, 12th, 13th, 18th, 19th, 21st. Uath (Re- nerve ), 7th (Hard Red Winter). Throshcd oats, !lth, 18th, 2(!th, 29th, wero an follows: In tho classes for Clydesdale horses tho winnings were, Senior and drand Champion; Junior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion. Also seven 1 Gorrett farm and endeavored to pensive luxury. The eighty-two cents! *h ich , are ^'"^J ^"^ Tf^ap^ ' K an te of . P otash in their drink windows and iri water With the exception of one Virgil, and hud her ob- would pay big interest on money in ^ n ' jection snorted down. "Aw, let him go ahead and get stung!" advised Deb. A little later Mrs. Tevis reported to the hired girl: "Mr. Skerry is making a lot of 84th; thmhod l,i.rly (two-rowed)! firsts and a number of second and 8h: thre.-hed rye. 12th; threshed ij third prize*. clover, 9th; threshed poas, 1st. In connection v.-ith the above, It may be ntated that Saskatchewan grower* have won tho wheat Chain- In the classes for Dorset sheep tho winning* comprised two champion- ships, and 14 first and five second prizes. PRESCRIBING FOR VIRGIL DY TOM P. MORGAN. has a stock- tank f V '!'f for the "And lets Alma pack water from thc well!" concluded Miss Quatts. "Yes, and Skerry is installing n portable plant and having tho entire house wired for electricity." "Gee-whiz!" commented Debhy. "He is going to put in a heater with bin wife. Therefore he opposed both the idea nnd its punvyor, and without analyzing his feelings WHS disgruntled [ registers all through the house. A big because Alinn had accepted anything, ; porcelain sink hns come for tho kit- even nclvlco, that hc had not pfrnciously ehen. Hc plans to add n screened deignt'd to hand down to her from his verandah at tho back, repaint the superior altitude. house, nnd so on." So hc growled th'nt tho poultry was "Whew!" cjiu-ulnted Miss Quatts. nothing hut nbill of expense, anyhow.: Thus things proceeded for a space. Virgil Gorrett WHS indulging in ono | Furthermore, ho didn't thank Miss Aunt Tevis went to the Con-ett place cf his periodical pouts, and the more \vifo strove to plncate him tho Dritt for dipping into his affairs, every little while and generally took , Those officious Homo Demonstrators. Virge aside nnd sjiokc her doubls con- Itrunger grew his determination noti an( j Agricultural Representatives ' ceniinff the whole matter. Who knew to bo appeased. When Virgil fell that were nuisances, coming around with lnlt lnat lhe stranger wns playing Way, whatever Alma did wns in his their confounded theories and telling some sharp game? It seoined to her estimation done wrongly, and that] rpa i dj r |, farmers how to farm. And tnat ^ improvements ought to wait] which she did not she ou^ht lo have- no on> to considerable length. I Ullt i' <ne entire purchase money wasj dono nnd according to specifications i T n e tirnde wns of sufficient loud- ' puitl. Thereupon Virge would distend | furnished by himself. ! nel)H to enable th<- Widow Toviss, who n > s chest. He was capable of looking Upon this occasion she had ventured hml come over in her tiiccnuRhlng f)j v _ out for himself. Nobody could pull the suK(rention lhat tho poultry might , V er from her farm to fetch n basket anything over on him. bo made to return n better profit if the ' O f her \K, blushing peaches, to hear, Then one iiiu'bt, for no apparent! boarder biddies were culled out and lin H he stepped up onto thp porch and reason, Skeri v di .-'appeared, leaving no| lold, and the layt-rn provided with utood for an instant or so. listening trail behind him. more suitable rations, bettor quarters, shiiini'lesKly. There wore flivvers "Virge is acting like a crazy wnn," and so on, all as a result of words ' enough passing nlonff th<> road to reported Aunt Tcvis. ipokon by the Agricultural Roproscn- | make tho sound of one unworthy of "1 bctchn ho blnmeff Almn for it nil." tativeg Home DemotiHtralor a few' notice. Vir^e did not own one. Nor commented Miss Qintts, nnd stated day* bforc. In thud saying Alma did he raise any peaches. , the ease accurately. had no selfllh motive, for the egg In n little while tho visitor backed if Almn hud not displayed so mu.'h| money wa not diverted to her use and oft" from the porch, nnd then stepped Interest Skerry would not have gone; benefit, but loat Its identity in the ge.n- up on it nnd npproiiehed thc open door to such lengths, Viiv' raged. lit- was; eral farm fund. j w j{h tread unnecessarily heavy for sn ruined. The coat of the material was rat-proof cribs nnd bins. in whicn are uoors nnu wiuuuna uuu: - , . ! that was too far gone, all birds re- many cozy rooms. ( . The elephant can draw up water : with his trunk; and so we might say I One hen on the farm had canker in .- that he carries a pump with him. It 'the mouth, and another had a "ratrX is with a pump something like the'tling in the thront." These were at -. elephant's trunk that many insects' once removed to separate quarters and . gather honey from the flowers. The ' given the permanganate treatment, ^ nu.='iuito has such a trunk also. By \ and in about two weeks' time their ail- . the side of his trunk he carries n pair mer.ts were gone. f. of lannts with which he cuts n hole' A neighbor had two cases ->'. into tho skin cf his victim. When chicken-pox, and we prescribed, these have done their work, he pumps with a physic of Epsom salts, an thp blood up into his mouth. carbolnted vaseline rubbed on the. A Pretty Fall Fashion A navy nnrt whltn costume for cool The cat uses her rough tongue both' sores, that nothing but permanganutBs as a brush and a comb. When she water be given for drink. One bird, makes her morning toilet, she gets off was worse than the olher, and its head > the dirt and smooths her coat with It, was dipped into the water. Both cases just as the stable boy cleans and rapidly recovered. smooths the horse's coat with a curry- ; Another hen with a cough nnd a . comb. When she wishes to smooth the yell that could be heard a hundred hair of her head, she must use her yards away, was successfully treated ! forepnw* for a covib. because she can- in the same way she was tjivrn no- 1 not reach her he'id with her tongue-. thing but the permanganate Wi.ler to .. There is a kind of fish which u?s drink. Us mouth as n gun for shooting flies A friend assured us that he r'.ired and other inserts. It can shoot them two cases of roup by first pressing* not oi.ly when thev are still, but when the nostrils of the bird so as to looson . they are on the wintr. It watches them the discharge-, and then pl'.irgring the as thej are (King over the water and head ot" the fowl into the perman<;an- I hits one of them, win-never it can do ate \VHUT fov about half a minute.' so, with n fine stream of \vntcr from This, he said, distributed the solution " .111. The i'lsect, stunned by through tho nostrils nnd the canals. " 3 into the water, where Permanganate of potash (potassium" caught and eaten by the permanganate) is a dark reddish v purple iTjslu'Iii-.e substance which can many other animals lie nurchaoed at any drug store. < for doing certain For convenience sake WP put an me use their tools in ounce of permangnnnte of potash into hi usr.s; others in u quart bottle of water, and let it set .; nnd still others over night, so that the crystals would ves agninst their dissolve. This made a stock saturated fe hns given to each sohitun.. very heavy in color. When animal thc tools which it needs most, the bottle was about two thirds empty it was again filled with water, and this POULTRY. WHS k^P* up unt '' ^ le s l u ti on became ' very light in color, when a fresh lot Our forefathers reasoned that much waR mlu te. TWO teaspoonfuls of thU Us littl' the hlo 1 U is ! tish. There which kinds o buildin gather! In defer, enemies. Virgil'* objection came chiefly from ; nlifjht nn old Irtdy. Virgp censed hU unpaid. Certain of the jobs were not full ilcys Is comuosoj of a strlnod o' thp ^''k'H'ss among fowl wxs due to s ,,l u tlon is enough to color the water the fact that h had not thought of disgruntled deplniminpc. Ho was not yet finished nd must he cnrvi^l r-k ! rt. and .1 cont trimmed with white Impure water, and they reasoned i n an e | K ht or ten quart pall. ThU thn innovation himself, nnd, approv- especially fond of lii wife's aunt. Thp through to completion or they woulJ -:r ! , os an.! snodp lipK.. The sloevea right. Tho most sure nnd rapid way wtlg t he only drink the fowla got dur- ,jnf of it, f a**<\ the discovery on U> efficiency with which ihu carried on be total loasea. have tlcy turn l>nck cuffs. j by which infectious diseases are trans- i ng t hj entire year. I r