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Flesherton Advance, 26 Sep 1923, p. 1

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Vol. 44 No. 18 Flesherton, Ontario, September 26, 1923 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA v.r; v V ' (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Huether, engineer for the H.E j P.C., has completed the work of sur vey for the new pipe line and has returned to his home at Chippawa but will return in a month's time on other work. The Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church packed a fine bale for the North-west missions at the home of Mrs. A. Smith recently. Mr. Eph. Htooebottom and family of Owen Sound visited at John Williams' recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lehman and son returned to their home in Toronto, after an extended visit with Mr. Jacob Williams. Mrs. Foester has returned home after visiting friends in the city. Mrs. McMullen visited friends in the city for the past two weeks. What might have proved a very serious accident occurred the other day when Card Graham, Stanley Campbell and little son, Ted, were re- turning from the city. Teddy's hat blew off and as .the little fellow was occupying the back seat of the car, he caHed to his father that his hat was gone, but before they could get the car stopped Teddy had opened the door of the car and jumped. Being a little lad of five years, the jump was too much for him. He was rendered unconscious for some little time from the faM, and received a nasty gash in his fore head, which necessitated a stitch or two, but under the care of Dr. Bibby and Nurse Graham, the little lad is now able to run around again. (This week's items) The sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. Samuel Osborne of Maxwell and daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Rozell of Caledonia, in their recent sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne resided for a time at Eugenia and were very highly respected citi- zens. Mrs. Osborne was of a very kindly disposition and was respected by all who knew her. The news of her passing came as a shock to her many friends here. Mrs. Leonard Latimer, Mr. and Mrs Ern Proctor, accompanied by Miss M. Halbert, spent the week end with friends at Alliston. Miss Dell Wilson of Dundalk visited her mother and sister over the week end. Miss Irene Walker spent a few days at the home of Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell, accomp- anied by Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee, spent a day at W. T. Genoe's at Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis denoe and family motored to Georgetown the past week and spent a few days with fviends. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wm. Humborstone seriously ill, having taken a parlytic stroke on Saturds%- last. We hope soon to hear of hoi- complete recovery. Mrs. Wm. Orr and son, .lack, of Orangeville visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Humberstone. over the week end. Mrs. Hyslop is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. W. Magee. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams have .returned home after a month's visit with friends at Toronto and Brant- ford. We are pleased to see the smiling face of Fred Wilkinson around the village again, after an absence of five .years. Fred spent four years in France during- the war and remained in England a year after Armistice. We welcome him home again. J. K. Large, wife and three child- ren spent a day with the. former's mother in Owen Sound the past wee!;. Mr. S. Ellis of Alliston was a visitor at L. Latimor's the past week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, acompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and family, took in the Owen Sound fair the past week and report a splendid time. Quilt* a number from here attend- ed camp meeting at Clarksburg on Sunday afternoon. Wesley Cooey visited his brother, Joe, in Owen Sound on Tuesday of last week. The sale of household furniture, etc. of the late Mrs. Jacob Parliament on Monday of this week was largely at- tended and a good sale was carried out. Mrs, A. Tuohy of Meaford motored up from Meafopl and attended the sale on Monday. RusseM Park, Wess Cooey, Miss Marjorie Park and Kate Jamieson visited in Meaford and Collingwood the past week. Quite a large number of men are employed in excavating work on the new pipe line. Mr. and Mrs. Lawren.s Lyons left on Tuesday for their home in Esk- bank, Sask. Mrs. Jacob Williams is visiting from Toronto. Mr. Roy McMillan of Markdale visited at the home of Mrs. Wilson on Sunday last. Both Mrs. Munshaw and Mrs. L. Latimr had the misfortune to fall recently. Mrs. Munshaw feceived in- juries about the face and knee, and Mrs. Latimer severed the ligaments of the ankle. Both ladies have been suffering considerably from their fall. Chas. Park visited friends in Flesh- erton the past week. Wesley Cooey arrived home the past week to start work on the pipe line. The High Falls Hunt Club met at the Eugenia House the other evening to discuss the business on hand for the coming year. At first scent of frost the fever runs high, and things jegin to whip in shape for the coming iunt. And no wonder! This holi- day is looked forward to with so much interest by those who are fort- unate enough in being able to take advantage of it. Two splendid wee,ks out in the wilds away from all busin- ess care, with plenty of sport and cod things to eat, makes altogether an ideal holiday. Miss Marguerite Pedlar is visiting with friends at Meaford. Those who attended the Exhibition his year would be greeted in the lovernment Building by the Eugenia 'heasants. Not that they (the iheasants) would really rcognize any one from Eugenia, but the Eugenia people surmised the pheasants might >e there, and so they were. J. E. Large and son, Ken, accomp- anied by Byron Tindall of Weston, pent the week end at the parental home. Mr. Large has taken a posi- tion with the H.E.P.C. on the new pipe line and will remain for a time here. Gerald Large and friend of Alliston also visited at the parental home over the week end. KIMBERLEY The fine weather of late is making things move around this vicinity. Mr. A. Ellis, with several men and teams, are putting the roads in good shape. Messrs. F. and D. L. Weber are working with a number of men at the new bridge on the 3rd tind 4th side-read (County road) and will soon havp it completed 1 . The threshing machine is also doing its bit. The sidewalks are finished and a new cement platform in front of the church adds greately to the comfort and appearance of the village. \Ve would like some sort of light- ing to help on t'- dark nights: also some kindly disposed person or per- sons, 10 give us some donations of books, magazines or money to buy some, for our library. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard visited with Mrs. Jas. Stuart and friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Fawcett left Saturday for their home in Fowassan, making the 'trip by motor. Misses D. Stuart and Bessie Staff- ord spent the week end at their par- ental home. Mr. Harold Proctor visited in Tor- onto for a few days last week. Mr. Vernon Bishop made a short visit with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bishop. Misses Jean Stephenson and Irene Hutchinson spent Sunday with their friend. MiSs Cora Myers. We* will have a Sunday School rally day service next Sunday morni'ng, conducted by Rev. Mr. Veales. Individual instruction permits you to enter any day at the CEYLON VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. A. Muir and little son, Grant, i Mrs. Tucker of Dromore has been have returned from visiting Toronto visiting Mr. Jas. Best's and also other friends. friends. Mrs. Carahan of Toronto is visiting ' Mrs - Morrow of Beeton is visiting her father, Mr. A. Whittaker. ' her sister, Mrs. Jas. Best. Mrs. L. Torrey and son, Jack, of Mr. and Mrs. Herb McMillan and Lauriston were visitors last week at * on ' He . rb ' visited recent| y at Mr A - Mr. H. Piper's. Stlnsoli s ' Mr. D. and Miss Kate McKenzie of Mr ' and Mrs ' Gallagher and Bon Feversham were visitors at Mr. S. nd ,?? u ^ hter of CamiUa visite<1 at Hemphill's the past week. Mr W ; Gallaghers. Mr. McNaugh- _ __ ton, also of Camilla, visited at Mr. The C.P.R. had a gang of men, Jas Uidlaw . s under the supervision of Mr Murdock, i cutting weeds on this section Monday. I Miss Dot Stevens left on Saturday i i MI.-* * rv e A ^ i ' for North Bay Normal, and Miss Mr. Jack White of Owen Sound Col- Stena Aclwson to _ da ,, {Mon > for legate spent the week end with his Toronto N - ormal . parents- A FOX CHASE Miss Kathleen McDonald, who has ' been visiting at her home here, left ! Qn Thursday morning Chas. Moore Monday to attend Normal at Toronto. , f oun d that one of his black foxes had Miss Millie Whittaker also left on taken French leave during the night. Monday to attend Normal at Toronto, j About 9 o'clock she was discovered Mr. and Mrs. D. D. McLachlan were j playing among a flock of hens, but at Lauriston Saturday attending the i not noticing them. Neighbors hast- raising of Mr. Vassey's mill. , liy summone-' by phone surrounded On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. i her arul sne was soon lwck in her pen. Jaa. Sargeant entertained a few i But on Saturday morning she was friends in honor of their eighth wed- j ne a > rain and no trace "as been ding anniversary. A very pleasant 8een of her since . though hounds have evening was enjoyed. been employed on her track and traps Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper visited at I S<Jt for her ' Her mate was still play- Mr. Hill's near Markdale the first of ' mK ar Und utside the P en when dis - covered. The first exit was made Eighth Lbe, Arternesia Threshing is the order on our line. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leppard and Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett visited with the former's brother, Jos. Leppard and family at Riverdalu. Mr. Fred Youni? has purchased a fine driving outfit. See the girls smile now! Messrs . Courtland Smith, Percy Magee and John McDonald are work- ing on the new pipe line north of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and child- ren, Harvey and Everett, of Flesher- ton, also Mr. Harold Lever, visited at C. Martin's. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS 178 a L Funeral Directors *" and LntikaLmtr** Phone Hillcrest 26 124 Avenue Road TORONTO, OUT. 3 MOTOR EQUIPMENT | J. W. Bates, R. Mwidocta, 1 President. , . Warts Joseph Symington, for 45 years C. P. R. agent at Dundulk, and sup- j eranr.uatcd three years ago, died re- ' cently at Toronto. The AdvaAC* " "\ Now is the time to renew your subscript ion t , the week. Next Sunday is to be observed as apparently through an opening where the wires were laced. The second rally day m the Sunday school, when ^ y however . the wire was br ,, ken a prow-am will be gven by the , f , rther Jown R< , , eft ^ children. An mvitation 1. i given to | went up and caught and hiUed a all the parents and friends of the .!,,_ i__ , ,. . School to be present. !* h ! te le f h , orn rooster - then left !t ,,.,, i and tackled a young duck and tried Mrs. Anna McMillan returned on to drag it to the pens. When it got Monday from a week's visit with j away from him, as it was not dead, Toronto friends. j he discovered he was being surround- Mrs. (Dr.) Holmes, who has been ;ed and made a bolt for freedom. A father, returned Saturday | chase ensued in which he took to the I road, followed it as far as Mr. Jas. Stinson's, where he was stopped. (Ernie Stinson, Lawson Lockhart and (Herb Stygall followed him back, but he disappeared and could not be found for a jouple hours, when he was again surrounded and took to the road. He met a car at Mr. Thos. Bannon's turn. to her home in Owen Sound. PROTON STATION Mr John McN'ally is building a neat addition to his house and otherwse improving his property in the village. TU ^ o n i Here he was found dead in the middle The C.P.R. is having some improve- e ., .L. r. <j t . ' of tne road, am; -vas thought to have merits in the Proton Station vards. , - . . , | died from frign:. as there were no Rev. and Mrs. Armstrong nf Guelph ; marks on him. are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Cade. Mr. Freeman Wylie of Cleveland is the guest of his brother, Thos. Wyville. here. VANDELEUR (Intended f. r Last Week) Miss Cottonden of Toronto i* Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston and I Y isit .'. n * w ''h Mrs. Davis Sr. and ... ~ . family. Miss Davison ot bhelburne spent an ' afternoon at the home of R. G Aehe- ,. Mr - J :. , l raha;n attended the ,,- ,, . , , i Orangeville Fair las', week and acted son. Miss Mavjone A^heson return- ) as j u d KO ed home with them for the week end. I Mr. Ed. \\arliiiji' and family of Mr. J. T. Park and dauHiters visit- Toronto visited With the former's ed recently with Miss Lena Park and ! parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Warling. her mother. i a snort time ajio. Mr. J. Warling returned home with them for a visit. Mrs. Consley has been ill lately, ... , Miss Phronzie I ur-:on of Niagara but is now convalescent. ; ljsitw , with fricm> , hcrc recent fj. Our public school ehildien and Mr anj Mrs s Oi , bert . ;Iso M ,. teacher are to be congratulated on and Mrs. P. Gr;:ha:n uiul family their success at the school fair at spi-n* a day with r >:ic!s at Prieeville. b'1-sherton. They carried home 2nd .V;-. and Mis. .' . I. Graham and prize for marching and a fair share family visite.i with friends a; Clark- of the prizes for exhibits, sports, con- i sbur ' ' ri ' !lll - v - tests, etc. Mrs. Win. Davis of Toronto spent i iiay with Mr. a: ! Mrs. F. DVU. Mr. Leonard \Uvix spent a day with Mr. Howard McGoo recently. ~. , . Minnie ii-:ihani is home after Chatsworth v.x-re visitois lately at Mr gpe nding a cou.-'-.- i^o.uhs at Paris Miss Maud Acheson has gone to attend the Normal School at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and familv of A. Hergott's. ami Toronto. HOUSE OF QLUALITV We extend an invitation to all to visit us while at the Fair, we will have a good supply of peaches and grapes on hand, this being the last of the reason leave your order witri us now and be sure of your supply. A full line of fresh groceries al- ways on hand. Neilson's ice cream, chocolate bars and packages always on hand. I W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Fed, Seds, Croceriei and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario F FINDER FLESHERTON BAKERY Our quality of Bread is the best to be found anywhere. BREAD DELIVERED Bread and Buns delivered anywhere in the town. D hone us your order. PHONE 8~ Patronize your home industry. Thrift m^ OWEN SOUND and start your studies in Commercial Shorthand or Preparatory Courses unexcelled in Canada Unexcelled in America. Catalogue Frc?. G. D.FLEMING, Secretary. Principle since 1881. does not mean privation and doing without the pleasures of life. In its true sense, thrift is simply common sense applied to spending. How much of your money have you spent during the past year on things that added little or nothing to your comfort or pleasure? Don't make the same mistakes in the future. Just put a little more by in a Bank of Toronto Savings Account for the rainy day. A ndrew Carnegie said : "The best way to accumulate money is to resolutely bank a fixed portion of your income, no matter how small, in a good, sound Bank." The Bank of Toronto is a good, sound Bank. ** . i i . * School Boots II :HE We have them for Girls in both Laee Boots and Strap Shoes; for Boys, good serviceable Boots, both Black and Tan. MEN'S BOOTS FOR FALL In Men's Heavy Boots fos. Fall wear very good ones at $4 and better ones at J6-D9. THE' BANHORONIO BRANCHES: FEVKRSHAM M. -\RKIULK ISA THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTAR IO

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