'September 19, 1923 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE That Mortgage of Yours I~\0 you wish to raise money on your properties by way of a Mortgage ? Have you any mortgages you wish to place as in- vestments? Our local Manager is always prepared to assist you in such matters.^5tanciarcl Service affords you aid in everything financial. THE STANDARD BANK - OF" CANADA. FLESHERTON BRANCH, - C. T. BATTY, Manager. Blanches aba at Wiliianwford and Holland Centre. Funeral' Of The Late Mr*. Osborne Last Thurs. CANADIAN P/XCIFIC C. P. R- TIME TABLE (Prairie Bison Coming For Wilder's Lake Park When Dr. Jamieson returned from 'ie West last week, he brought with The funtral of thi late Mrs. Sam- uel Osborne of Maxwell, whose death at Hamilton was announced in last i issue, took place to Flesherton ceme- j tery, on Thursday afternoon of last i week . Rev. Mr Eaton was the i officiating clergyman. The pallbear- ' ers were Messrs. John and Edward < Kennedy of Gait and London, George I Stewart of Flesherton, Isaac Ottewell t of Osprey, ;ji<l two nephews, Howard 1 and Glenn McGee, of Vandeleur. Mrs. Osborne passed through two I operations for goitre, but the latter J was two much for her constitution j and she died ten hours after the last | operation had taken place. The deceased lady was born in Caledon township but moved with her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, to this district some 35 years ago. They resided at Vande- Traina leave Flesherton Station as ; m the pleasing intelligence that he j leur, Markdale, Maxwell and Eugenia. Ging S*ith Going North 3.05 a.m. H-52 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 9-30 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and 6 p.m.; and the afternoon maH south at 3.30. For morning train' soyth at mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. ^^^^ Local Chaff Flesherton Fair Sept. 27 and 28. Try an Advance "Small Adv." Mr. C. Scott spent the week end at his home in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Down and two crildren spent Sunday with her par- ents near Corbetton. Mr. Stewart McTavish of Owen Sound spent the wetk end at his home here. Heavy frost on Saturday and Sun- day nifhts utterly destroyed tender garden truck. Mr. A. B. Clarke of Kingston, formerly with the Bank of Montreal here, was a visito( in town last week. Rer. Mr. Jones of Priceville left lor his new charge on Wednesday morning. Mrs. Geo. McTavish and Iktle son, Freddie, are spending a fortnight with relatives at Oshawa. Miss Millie Carrol, accompasied by Miss Ethel Greenwood of Grand Valley, visited with the former's brother. Mr. W. I. Carroll A meeting of the Osprey U.F.O. will be held in the Orange Hall. Feversham, Friday, Sept. 21st at 8 p. m. All members are requested to attend. H. Spofford. Rev. and Mrs. G. Lowndes of New- market are spending a week with their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) E. C. Murray. The Flesherton high school intends holding a field day of sports early in October, when a (food list of sports will be given. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Schram of Port Arthur and Mrs. Walter Mur- dock of Caledon are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Burnett of the suburbs. J. A. McGillivray, manager of the Priceville Fox Farm, has published a little brochure entitled, "Easy steps in fox farming." :25 cents. Rev. Mr. Shannon of Maple Valley is in charge of the vacancy in It is for sale at the Presbyterian church here in the place of Rev. Mr. Jones of Priceville. who has removd. Mr. Edward VanDusen and wife ! arrived last week to spend the winter with the former's mother here. Next spring Mr. and Mrs. VanDusen purpose removing to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart, Mrs. C Stewart, Mrs. Alf. Down and James Stewart attended the funeral of the former's nephew. Mr. Edward Ross, at Toronto, the deceased having died suddenly. The date of Thanksgiving day this year will be Monday, November 12th. Tre date of this holiday is fixed by statue. It must be the Monday of the week in which Armi- . slice day occurs. Mr. Fred Dowling returned Sun- day from Owen Sound hospital, where he has been undergoing treat- ment for blood poisoning in the leg. Mr. Dowling has been laid up for five weeks with the poisoning, but it will be a few days yet before he will be able to return to work. Charlie Mosier, who lives a mile . east of the village. i*f orms us that a large deer comes every night asd eats fallen apples under the trees in his orchard. He has wot seen the ani- mal but his tracks give mut evidence that the animal was there. There is no dog on the premises. Methodist Young People's League of Owen Sound District are holding their annual convent-io* at Flesherton s Tuesday, October 23rd. It is to take the *rm of a Parliament, asd _ Hon. Thos. Crawford, ex-Speaker of the Ontario Legislature, has consent- ed to av- as Speaker for the Parlia- ment. Three sessions, morning:, afternoon and evening. nad been successful in persuading the government at Ottawa to ship him two buffalo calves for his Wild- er's Lake park, and that they would arrive just as soon as the weather gets cool enough for shipment. While Dr. Jamieson pays the ex- press or. these animals from the big national park at VVainwright, Al- berta, it is a peculiar thing that he does not own the buffalo, but must return them again if the Government calls for them. This, however, is not likely to hapen. but it shows how strictly the Government guards its rights in prottecting the protected game under is guardianship. She was married to her sorrowing husband 37 years ago at Markdale by Rev. Mr. Wilton. Only one child blessed the union, Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell of Caledonia, who mourns with her father the loss of a kind and affect- ionate mother. Mr. John McGee of Vandeleur is a brother of deceased. A CAUSE TO COMPLAIN JUSTICE WRIGHT WAS SWORN IN ON MONDT CEREMONY TOOK PLACE IN TORONTO ON MONDAY AFTERNOON Hon. Mr. Justice Wright. Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario, took oath of office at Government House, Toronto, Monday afternoon. There were a number of Mr. Wright's friends present at the ceremony, which though brief was very im- pressive. Mr. Justice Wright was to have taken the Non-Jury Sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario at Guelph, on Monday afternoon, but it is under- stood that there were no cases for Some of the culverts recently put in south of this village have been a horror to motorists, owing to the fact that nothing was done by the con- tractor to aid in getting around them to any extent. As a result, dozens of cars have had to be hauled out the mud, springs have been broken and tires destroyed in an effort to pass them. It seems strange that the Depart- ment of Highways will allow their contractors to cause traps of this nature for tourists and ordinary traffic. It is even thought that damage can be collected from some- one for all the expense and trouble caused by neglect to make safe de- tours while small culverts are under construction. For a distance of two and a haK miles south of the village nine cul- vertshave been or are being built, and five of them within one and one quar- ter miles. A great deal of traffic passes over this road, and .many :*iuu uiai iiiei tr *citr uu itiaca lui . t i_ . trial before fhe Court, and therefore , f. re J themas poured upon instead of going to Guelph. he was i } he , "factors for their negligence ' at Toronto on Monday ln faihnf ? to P rovide safe detours. sworn in afternoon. Early Layers Mrs. Edgar Patterson of the Stone's Line has a bunch of pulleU that are giving something like a record for laying. Three of them arc already at work at the age of 21 Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY. There will be offered for sale by weeks. The birds are of the bred- Public Auction on Wed., the Twenty- to-lay Plymouth Rock breed, asd the '; sixt h day of September, 1823, at the eggs were procured last spring from the Agricultural Department. They were hatched in an incubator and fed by- themselves. CARRINGTON PORTER At the home of the bride's parents, Windsor, on Sept. 8, Etta Alberta, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | hour of One o'clock in the afternoon at the Munshaw-Welton House In the Village of Flesherton, by virtue of the Power f Sale in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the salt, the following property : Lots Numbers Five in the Tenth and Eleventh Concessions of the said Gordon Porter, 108 Vidal street, ' Township of Osprey, containing to- Windsor, to Mr. Harry G. Carrington of Detroit, formerly of Flesherton, by Rev. R. R. McKay. The young couple will reside in Detroit. A number of intimate friends of the get her two hundred acres more or less. " The following improvements are said to be on the property: About 140 bride and groom were in attendance acres cleared aml under cultivation, at the ceremony. The bride was recipient of a large number ef beaut- iful gifts. The Advance, along with a host of friends of the groom, wish the happy young couple a pleasant journey through life. AUCTION SALES An auction sale of farm stock, implements, feed and grain will he held at lots 127-28, 1 S.W. T. & S.R.. Artemesia, the property of W. J. Sutherland, on Thurs., Sept. 20. The terms are: Feed -rain and wood and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. See large bills for particulars. G. S. Shepardson and J. A. Clarke will be the auctioneers. If a wet day sale will be held under cover. . about 35 acres timber, balance past- ure land; frame dwelling about 18ft. x 22ft. with additions 12ft. x 24 ft. i and 12 ft. x 25 ft., farm is well fenced anq well watered. TERMS Ten per. cent, of the pur- chase price paid down at the time of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale. For fur- i ther particiUars apply to MESSRS. JONES & LEONAR* Solicitors. 18 Toronto Street, TORONTO. Or to \V. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. An auction sale of farm stock, implements, household furniture, etc., will be held at Eugenia on 'Monday next, Sept. 24, the property of the late Mrs. Jacob Parliament. For list see our advertising columns and bill. Some items were omitted from the bill that will be found in the adver- tisement. Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer. Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is well known as the high grade School. Keen demand for our graduaes all the time. Write for Catalogue. Commence now. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Individual instruction permits you to enter any day at the Quite a bit of work on the village streets was done the, past week. T. C. Blakely intends leaving town. and is trying to dispose of histailor shop. A pony will be offered for sale at the sale of the effects of the late Mrs. Parliament at Eugneia on Mon.. Sept. 24. John . Jamieson. OWEN SOUND and start your studies in Commercial Shorthand or Preparatory Courses- unexcelled in CanadaUnexcelled in America. Catalogue Frea. G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Principle since 18*1. W. A. Armstrong S. E. deCudmore The Flesherton Insurance Agency In order that we may conduct our elicits' insur- ance business in an up-to-date manner we have completely remodelled our offices and herewith exteiltt a hearty welcome to you t visit us and dis- cuss anything which you require in regards to insurance needs. "AH Classes of Insurance Transacted" Car Burned At Maxwell A car belonging to Mr. Wm. Irwin of Wareham, contractor on road con- struction near Maxwell, was some- what badly burned on Saturday even- ing by the gasoline igniting. The tank was being filled after dark at the gasoline pump in front of Mr. S. Osborne's store in Maxwell and in trying to see the height of the gas a lantern was held over to give light, and the natural result of such care- lessness was sure to be fire. The car was shoved out onto the road and sand and water wee applied which soon had the blaze under control. However, the top and cushions were burned, along with the coil and switch. Repairs were made on Sun- day and now Lizzie is running in her old time form. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. George L. White, jDunboyne, Ontario, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Edith ,' Letitia (Lettie), to Mr. John Earl Jenkins of Toronto, the marriage to take place quietly in October. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gilchrist of Flesherton announce the engagement ;of their daughter, Ethel, to John A. ; Nichol of Priceville, the marriage to < take place late in September. Dundalk band will supply the music at Flesherton Fair Sept. 28th. Flesh ur ton Races Sept. 28th 2.18" class, purse $150; 2.30 class, $125; 2.50 class, purse $9*. ~COURT"OF REVISION Get yo'ur exhibit ready now and make your entries early for Flesher- ton Fair, September 27 and 28. Better than ever Concert on Fair night Sept. 28th. Secure your tickets now and you won't be sorry. Plan at Richadrson's Drug Store. TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Notice is hereby given that a ] Court will b held, pursuant to the > Ontario Voters' Lists' Act, by His Honor the Judge of. the Countv Court of the County of Grey at the Orange Hall, Maxwell, on the 1st day of Oct., 1923, at ten o'clock a.m., to hear and determine complaints of errors and ! omissions in the Voters' List for 1 1923. i Dated the 17th day of Sept., 1923. J. A. Kernahan, Act. Clerk of the Municipality of the twpi of Osprey. * OF CANADA, Limited has authorized a Weekly Purchase Plan by which is all you need to pay down for a Car, Truck or Tractor ' When the weekly payments, together with interest, equals one-third the price of the model you desire we make delivery. The balance can be paid in forty-eight weekly or twelve monthly equal instalments. Ask us about the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. H. DOWN & SONS FORD DEALERS Flesherton, Ont. 702S FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONTARIO SILKS Owing to conditions in Japan, from whence most Ka\v Silk is obtained, there has been a rapid increase in Silk Prices, but. while our present stock lasts, our values will remain as at present. Taffetas, Duchesse, Paillettes, Shantusgs, Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chine- Habutais, All-tyme Crepes, Knit Crepes, Georgettes. ALL COLORS OLD PRICES FALL HATS FOR MEN New shapes in Soft Hats in new Fall colorings smooth or rough finish. Our special $3.75 FALL HATS Young men will be pleased with our new .Fall Caps. The shapes arc new and stylish and every cap is beautifully lined and finished. All unbreakable peaks, only all-wool cloths in plain colors and fancy weaves are used 1 Prices from $1.25 to $2.50 j| LADIES' HEATHER HOSIERY New shades in Wool. Cashmere and Silk mixtures plain ribbed or clocked. The best variety we have ever shown. Sizes 8^j to 10. Prices 75c. to $2.50 P MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Ladies will always find an attract- ive display of Trimmed Hats and Ready-to-wear Hats at reasonable prices. Somethin gnew all the time; Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear The colder weather makes a change of underwear imperative and you can't do better than wear Stanfield's. Gold Label and Bleack Label qualities- All sizes. Combinations and single garments in the finer wool qualities. Specials in Ladies' Fall and Winter Underwear ALL AT RIGHT PRICES. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARI